u_int64_t bt_nkeys; /* how many unique keys (guaranteed only to be an estimate, even when flattened) */
u_int64_t bt_ndata; /* how many key-value pairs (an estimate, but exact when flattened) */
u_int64_t bt_dsize; /* how big are the keys+values (not counting the lengths) (an estimate, unless flattened) */
u_int64_t bt_fsize; /* how big is the underlying file */
typedef struct __toku_loader DB_LOADER;
struct __toku_loader_internal;
struct __toku_loader {
struct __toku_loader_internal *i;
int (*set_error_callback)(DB_LOADER *loader, void (*error_cb)(DB *db, int i, int err, DBT *key, DBT *val, void *error_extra), void *error_extra); /* set the error callback */
int (*set_poll_function)(DB_LOADER *loader, int (*poll_func)(void *extra, float progress), void *poll_extra); /* set the polling function */
int (*put)(DB_LOADER *loader, DBT *key, DBT* val); /* give a row to the loader */
int (*close)(DB_LOADER *loader); /* finish loading, free memory */
int (*abort)(DB_LOADER *loader); /* abort loading, free memory */
typedef struct __toku_engine_status {
char startuptime[26]; /* time of engine startup */
char now[26]; /* time of engine status query (i.e. now) */
u_int64_t ydb_lock_ctr; /* how many times has ydb lock been taken/released */
u_int64_t max_possible_sleep; /* max possible sleep time for ydb lock scheduling (constant) */
u_int64_t processor_freq_mhz; /* clock frequency in MHz */
u_int64_t max_requested_sleep; /* max sleep time requested, can be larger than max possible */
u_int64_t times_max_sleep_used; /* number of times the max_possible_sleep was used to sleep */
u_int64_t total_sleepers; /* total number of times a client slept for ydb lock scheduling */
u_int64_t total_sleep_time; /* total time spent sleeping for ydb lock scheduling */
u_int64_t max_waiters; /* max number of simultaneous client threads kept waiting for ydb lock */
u_int64_t total_waiters; /* total number of times a client thread waited for ydb lock */
u_int64_t total_clients; /* total number of separate client threads that use ydb lock */
u_int64_t time_ydb_lock_held_unavailable; /* number of times a thread migrated and theld is unavailable */
u_int64_t max_time_ydb_lock_held; /* max time a client thread held the ydb lock */
u_int64_t total_time_ydb_lock_held;/* total time client threads held the ydb lock */
u_int32_t checkpoint_period; /* delay between automatic checkpoints */
u_int32_t checkpoint_footprint; /* state of checkpoint procedure */
char checkpoint_time_begin[26]; /* time of last checkpoint begin */
char checkpoint_time_begin_complete[26]; /* time of last complete checkpoint begin */
char checkpoint_time_end[26]; /* time of last checkpoint end */
u_int64_t checkpoint_last_lsn; /* LSN of last complete checkpoint */
u_int32_t checkpoint_count; /* number of checkpoints taken */
u_int32_t checkpoint_count_fail; /* number of checkpoints failed */
u_int64_t txn_begin; /* number of transactions ever begun */
u_int64_t fsync_count; /* number of times fsync performed */
u_int64_t fsync_time; /* total time required to fsync */
u_int64_t logger_ilock_ctr; /* how many times has logger input lock been taken or released */
u_int64_t logger_olock_ctr; /* how many times has logger output condition lock been taken or released */
u_int64_t logger_swap_ctr; /* how many times have logger buffers been swapped */
char enospc_most_recent[26]; /* time of most recent ENOSPC error return from disk write */
u_int64_t enospc_threads_blocked; /* how many threads are currently blocked by ENOSPC */
u_int64_t enospc_ctr; /* how many times has ENOSPC been returned by disk write */
u_int64_t enospc_redzone_ctr; /* how many times has ENOSPC been returned to user (red zone) */
u_int64_t enospc_state; /* state of ydb-level ENOSPC prevention (0 = green, 1 = yellow, 2 = red) */
u_int64_t loader_create; /* number of loaders created */
u_int64_t loader_create_fail; /* number of failed loader creations */
u_int64_t loader_put; /* number of loader puts */
u_int64_t loader_close; /* number of loaders closed (succeed or fail) */
u_int64_t loader_close_fail; /* number of loaders closed with error return */
u_int64_t loader_abort; /* number of loaders aborted */
u_int32_t loader_current; /* number of loaders currently existing */
u_int32_t loader_max; /* max number of loaders extant simultaneously */
u_int64_t logsuppress; /* number of times logging is suppressed */
u_int64_t logsuppressfail; /* number of times logging cannot be suppressed */
typedef enum {
#ifndef _TOKUDB_WRAP_H
#define DB_ARCH_ABS 1
#define DB_ARCH_LOG 4
#define DB_CREATE 1
#define DB_EXCL 8192
#define DB_PRIVATE 1048576
#define DB_RDONLY 16
#define DB_RECOVER 32
#define DB_RUNRECOVERY -30974
#define DB_THREAD 64
#define DB_TXN_NOSYNC 256
#define DB_LOCK_OLDEST 7
#define DB_LOCK_RANDOM 8
#define DB_DUP 16384
#define DB_DUPSORT 32768
#define DB_KEYFIRST 15
#define DB_KEYLAST 16
#define DB_NODUPDATA 21
#define DB_OPFLAGS_MASK 255
#define DB_AUTO_COMMIT 16777216
#define DB_INIT_LOCK 16384
#define DB_INIT_LOG 32768
#define DB_INIT_MPOOL 65536
#define DB_CLOSE_DONT_TRIM_LOG 1048576
#define DB_INIT_TXN 262144
#define DB_KEYEXIST -30996
#define DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK -30995
#define DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED -30994
#define DB_NOTFOUND -30989
#define DB_SECONDARY_BAD -30973
#define DB_DONOTINDEX -30998
#define DB_BUFFER_SMALL -30999
#define DB_BADFORMAT -30500
#define DB_DELETE_ANY 65536
#define DB_FIRST 9
#define DB_GET_BOTH 10
#define DB_GET_BOTH_RANGE 12
#define DB_LAST 17
#define DB_CURRENT 7
#define DB_NEXT 18
#define DB_NEXT_DUP 19
#define DB_NEXT_NODUP 20
#define DB_PREV 25
#define DB_PREV_NODUP 26
#define DB_SET 28
#define DB_SET_RANGE 30
#define DB_RMW 536870912
#define DB_PRELOCKED 0x00800000
#define DB_PRELOCKED_WRITE 0x00400000
#define DB_DBT_DUPOK 64
#define DB_DBT_MALLOC 4
#define DB_DBT_REALLOC 16
#define DB_DBT_USERMEM 32
#define DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE 262144
#define DB_TXN_WRITE_NOSYNC 1024
#define DB_TXN_NOWAIT 8192
#define DB_TXN_SYNC 16384
#define DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED 67108864
#define DB_READ_COMMITTED 33554432
/* TOKUDB specific error codes */
#define TOKUDB_OUT_OF_LOCKS -100000
#define TOKUDB_CANCELED -100007
/* LOADER flags */
/* in wrap mode, top-level function txn_begin is renamed, but the field isn't renamed, so we have to hack it here.*/
#undef txn_begin
struct __toku_db_env {
struct __toku_db_env_internal *i;
#define db_env_struct_i(x) ((x)->i)
int (*checkpointing_set_period) (DB_ENV*, u_int32_t) /* Change the delay between automatic checkpoints. 0 means disabled. */;
int (*checkpointing_get_period) (DB_ENV*, u_int32_t*) /* Retrieve the delay between automatic checkpoints. 0 means disabled. */;
int (*checkpointing_postpone) (DB_ENV*) /* Use for 'rename table' or any other operation that must be disjoint from a checkpoint */;
int (*checkpointing_resume) (DB_ENV*) /* Alert tokudb 'postpone' is no longer necessary */;
int (*checkpointing_begin_atomic_operation) (DB_ENV*) /* Begin a set of operations (that must be atomic as far as checkpoints are concerned). i.e. inserting into every index in one table */;
int (*checkpointing_end_atomic_operation) (DB_ENV*) /* End a set of operations (that must be atomic as far as checkpoints are concerned). */;
int (*set_default_bt_compare) (DB_ENV*,int (*bt_compare) (DB *, const DBT *, const DBT *)) /* Set default (key) comparison function for all DBs in this environment. Required for RECOVERY since you cannot open the DBs manually. */;
int (*set_default_dup_compare) (DB_ENV*,int (*bt_compare) (DB *, const DBT *, const DBT *)) /* Set default (val) comparison function for all DBs in this environment. Required for RECOVERY since you cannot open the DBs manually. */;
int (*get_engine_status) (DB_ENV*, ENGINE_STATUS*) /* Fill in status struct */;
int (*get_engine_status_text) (DB_ENV*, char*, int) /* Fill in status text */;
int (*get_iname) (DB_ENV* env, DBT* dname_dbt, DBT* iname_dbt) /* FOR TEST ONLY: lookup existing iname */;
int (*create_loader) (DB_ENV *env, DB_TXN *txn, DB_LOADER **blp, DB *src_db, int N, DB *dbs[/*N*/], uint32_t db_flags[/*N*/], uint32_t dbt_flags[/*N*/], uint32_t loader_flags);
int (*put_multiple) (DB_ENV *env, DB *src_db, DB_TXN *txn,
const DBT *key, const DBT *val,
uint32_t num_dbs, DB **db_array, DBT *keys, DBT *vals, uint32_t *flags_array,
void *extra) /* Insert into multiple dbs */;
int (*set_generate_row_callback_for_put) (DB_ENV *env,
int (*generate_row_for_put)(DB *dest_db, DB *src_db,
DBT *dest_key, DBT *dest_val,
const DBT *src_key, const DBT *src_val,
void *extra));
int (*del_multiple) (DB_ENV *env, DB *src_db, DB_TXN *txn,
const DBT *key, const DBT *val,
uint32_t num_dbs, DB **db_array, DBT *keys, uint32_t *flags_array,
void *extra) /* Insert into multiple dbs */;
int (*set_generate_row_callback_for_del) (DB_ENV *env,
int (*generate_row_for_del)(DB *dest_db, DB *src_db,
DBT *dest_key,
const DBT *src_key, const DBT *src_val,
void *extra));
int (*get_redzone) (DB_ENV *env, int *redzone) /* get the redzone limit */;
int (*set_redzone) (DB_ENV *env, int redzone) /* set the redzone limit in percent of total space */;
const DBT* (*dbt_pos_infty)(void) /* Return the special DBT that refers to positive infinity in the lock table.*/;
const DBT* (*dbt_neg_infty)(void)/* Return the special DBT that refers to negative infinity in the lock table.*/;
int (*delboth) (DB*, DB_TXN*, DBT*, DBT*, u_int32_t) /* Delete the key/value pair. */;
int (*row_size_supported) (DB*, u_int32_t) /* Test whether a row size is supported. */;
const DBT *descriptor /* saved row/dictionary descriptor for aiding in comparisons */;
int (*set_descriptor) (DB*, u_int32_t version, const DBT* descriptor, toku_dbt_upgradef dbt_userformat_upgrade) /* set row/dictionary descriptor for a db. Available only while db is open */;
int (*getf_set)(DB*, DB_TXN*, u_int32_t, DBT*, YDB_CALLBACK_FUNCTION, void*) /* same as DBC->c_getf_set without a persistent cursor) */;
int (*getf_get_both)(DB*, DB_TXN*, u_int32_t, DBT*, DBT*, YDB_CALLBACK_FUNCTION, void*) /* same as DBC->c_getf_get_both without a persistent cursor) */;
int (*flatten)(DB*, DB_TXN*) /* Flatten a dictionary, similar to (but faster than) a table scan */;
int (*get_fragmentation)(DB*,TOKU_DB_FRAGMENTATION);