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# ==== Purpose ====
# Check if the two given tables (possibly residing on different
# master/slave servers) are equal.
# ==== Usage ====
# The tables to check are given by the test language variables
# $diff_table_1 and $diff_table_2. They must be of the
# following form:
# [master:|slave:]database.table
# I.e., both database and table must be speicified. Optionally, you
# can prefix the name with 'master:' (to read the table on master) or
# with 'slave:' (to read the table on slave). If no prefix is given,
# reads the table from the current connection. If one of these
# variables has a prefix, both should have a prefix.
# ==== Side effects ====
# - Prints "Comparing tables $diff_table_1 and $diff_tables_2".
# - If the tables are different, prints the difference in a
# system-specific format (unified diff if supported) and generates
# an error.
# - If $diff_table_1 or $diff_table_2 begins with 'master:' or
# 'slave:', it will stay connected to one of those hosts after
# execution. The host is only guaranteed to remain unchanged if
# none of $diff_table_1 or $diff_table_2 begins with 'master:' or
# 'slave:'.
# ==== Bugs ====
# - It is currently not possible to use this for tables that are
# supposed to be different, because if the files are different:
# - 'diff' produces system-dependent output,
# - the output includes the absolute path of the compared files,
# - the output includes a timestamp.
# To fix that, we'd probably have to use SQL to compute the
# symmetric difference between the tables. I'm not sure how to do
# that efficiently. If we implement this, it would be nice to
# compare the table definitions too.
# - It actually compares the result of "SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY
# col1, col2, ..., colN INTO OUTFILE 'file'". Hence, it is assumed
# that the comparison orders for both tables are equal and that two
# rows that are equal in the comparison order cannot differ, e.g.,
# by character case.
# ==== Save both tables to file ====
--echo Comparing tables $diff_table_1 and $diff_table_2
--error 0,1
--remove_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/diff_table_1
--error 0,1
--remove_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/diff_table_2
WL#4738 streamline/simplify @@variable creation process Bug#16565 mysqld --help --verbose does not order variablesBug#20413 sql_slave_skip_counter is not shown in show variables Bug#20415 Output of mysqld --help --verbose is incomplete Bug#25430 variable not found in SELECT @@global.ft_max_word_len; Bug#32902 plugin variables don't know their names Bug#34599 MySQLD Option and Variable Reference need to be consistent in formatting! Bug#34829 No default value for variable and setting default does not raise error Bug#34834 ? Is accepted as a valid sql mode Bug#34878 Few variables have default value according to documentation but error occurs Bug#34883 ft_boolean_syntax cant be assigned from user variable to global var. Bug#37187 `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`GLOBAL_VARIABLES`: inconsistent status Bug#40988 log_output_basic.test succeeded though syntactically false. Bug#41010 enum-style command-line options are not honoured (maria.maria-recover fails) Bug#42103 Setting key_buffer_size to a negative value may lead to very large allocations Bug#44691 Some plugins configured as MYSQL_PLUGIN_MANDATORY in can be disabled Bug#44797 plugins w/o command-line options have no disabling option in --help Bug#46314 string system variables don't support expressions Bug#46470 sys_vars.max_binlog_cache_size_basic_32 is broken Bug#46586 When using the plugin interface the type "set" for options caused a crash. Bug#47212 Crash in DBUG_PRINT in when trying to print octal number Bug#48758 mysqltest crashes on sys_vars.collation_server_basic in gcov builds Bug#49417 some complaints about mysqld --help --verbose output Bug#49540 DEFAULT value of binlog_format isn't the default value Bug#49640 ambiguous option '--skip-skip-myisam' (double skip prefix) Bug#49644 init_connect and \0 Bug#49645 init_slave and multi-byte characters Bug#49646 mysql --show-warnings crashes when server dies
2009-12-22 10:35:56 +01:00
let $_diff_table=$diff_table_2;
let $_diff_i=2;
while ($_diff_i) {
# Parse out any leading "master:" or "slave:" from the table
# specification and connect the appropriate server.
let $_diff_conn_master=`SELECT SUBSTR('$_diff_table', 1, 7) = 'master:'`;
if ($_diff_conn_master) {
let $_diff_table=`SELECT SUBSTR('$_diff_table', 8)`;
connection master;
let $_diff_conn_slave=`SELECT SUBSTR('$_diff_table', 1, 6) = 'slave:'`;
if ($_diff_conn_slave) {
let $_diff_table=`SELECT SUBSTR('$_diff_table', 7)`;
connection slave;
# Sanity-check the input.
let $_diff_error= `SELECT '$_diff_table' NOT LIKE '_%._%'`;
if ($_diff_error) {
--echo !!!ERROR IN TEST: \$diff_table_$_diff_i='$_diff_table' is not in the form database.table
# We need the output files to be sorted (so that diff_files does not
# think the files are different just because they are differently
# ordered). To this end, we first generate a query that sorts the
# table by all columns. Since ORDER BY accept column indices, we
# just generate a comma-separated list of all numbers from 1 to the
# number of columns in the table.
let $_diff_column_index=`SELECT MAX(ordinal_position)
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE CONCAT(table_schema, '.', table_name) =
let $_diff_column_list=$_diff_column_index;
dec $_diff_column_index;
while ($_diff_column_index) {
let $_diff_column_list=$_diff_column_index, $_diff_column_list;
dec $_diff_column_index;
# Now that we have the comma-separated list of columns, we can write
# the table to a file.
eval SELECT * FROM $_diff_table ORDER BY $_diff_column_list
INTO OUTFILE '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/diff_table_$_diff_i';
# Do the same for $diff_table_1.
dec $_diff_i;
let $_diff_table=$diff_table_1;
# ==== Compare the generated files ====
diff_files $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/diff_table_1 $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/diff_table_2;
--remove_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/diff_table_1
--remove_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/diff_table_2