
497 lines
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2001-03-04 19:42:05 -05:00
#!./perl -w
use strict ;
unless(grep /blib/, @INC) {
chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib' if -d '../lib';
use BerkeleyDB;
use File::Path qw(rmtree);
print "1..7\n";
my $FA = 0 ;
sub try::TIEARRAY { bless [], "try" }
sub try::FETCHSIZE { $FA = 1 }
$FA = 0 ;
my @a ;
tie @a, 'try' ;
my $a = @a ;
package LexFile ;
sub new
my $self = shift ;
unlink @_ ;
bless [ @_ ], $self ;
my $self = shift ;
unlink @{ $self } ;
sub ok
my $no = shift ;
my $result = shift ;
print "not " unless $result ;
print "ok $no\n" ;
package Redirect ;
use Symbol ;
sub new
my $class = shift ;
my $filename = shift ;
my $fh = gensym ;
open ($fh, ">$filename") || die "Cannot open $filename: $!" ;
my $real_stdout = select($fh) ;
return bless [$fh, $real_stdout ] ;
my $self = shift ;
close $self->[0] ;
select($self->[1]) ;
sub docat
my $file = shift;
local $/ = undef;
open(CAT,$file) || die "Cannot open $file:$!";
my $result = <CAT> || "" ;
return $result;
sub docat_del
my $file = shift;
local $/ = undef;
open(CAT,$file) || die "Cannot open $file: $!";
my $result = <CAT> || "" ;
unlink $file ;
return $result;
my $Dfile = "dbhash.tmp";
my $Dfile2 = "dbhash2.tmp";
my $Dfile3 = "dbhash3.tmp";
unlink $Dfile;
umask(0) ;
my $redirect = "xyzt" ;
my $x = $BerkeleyDB::Error;
my $redirect = "xyzt" ;
my $redirectObj = new Redirect $redirect ;
## BEGIN simpleHash
use strict ;
use BerkeleyDB ;
use vars qw( %h $k $v ) ;
my $filename = "fruit" ;
unlink $filename ;
tie %h, "BerkeleyDB::Hash",
-Filename => $filename,
-Flags => DB_CREATE
or die "Cannot open file $filename: $! $BerkeleyDB::Error\n" ;
# Add a few key/value pairs to the file
$h{"apple"} = "red" ;
$h{"orange"} = "orange" ;
$h{"banana"} = "yellow" ;
$h{"tomato"} = "red" ;
# Check for existence of a key
print "Banana Exists\n\n" if $h{"banana"} ;
# Delete a key/value pair.
delete $h{"apple"} ;
# print the contents of the file
while (($k, $v) = each %h)
{ print "$k -> $v\n" }
untie %h ;
## END simpleHash
unlink $filename ;
#print "[" . docat($redirect) . "]" ;
ok(1, docat_del($redirect) eq <<'EOM') ;
Banana Exists
orange -> orange
tomato -> red
banana -> yellow
my $redirect = "xyzt" ;
my $redirectObj = new Redirect $redirect ;
## BEGIN simpleHash2
use strict ;
use BerkeleyDB ;
my $filename = "fruit" ;
unlink $filename ;
my $db = new BerkeleyDB::Hash
-Filename => $filename,
-Flags => DB_CREATE
or die "Cannot open file $filename: $! $BerkeleyDB::Error\n" ;
# Add a few key/value pairs to the file
$db->db_put("apple", "red") ;
$db->db_put("orange", "orange") ;
$db->db_put("banana", "yellow") ;
$db->db_put("tomato", "red") ;
# Check for existence of a key
print "Banana Exists\n\n" if $db->db_get("banana", $v) == 0;
# Delete a key/value pair.
$db->db_del("apple") ;
# print the contents of the file
my ($k, $v) = ("", "") ;
my $cursor = $db->db_cursor() ;
while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0)
{ print "$k -> $v\n" }
undef $cursor ;
undef $db ;
## END simpleHash2
unlink $filename ;
#print "[" . docat($redirect) . "]" ;
ok(2, docat_del($redirect) eq <<'EOM') ;
Banana Exists
orange -> orange
tomato -> red
banana -> yellow
my $redirect = "xyzt" ;
my $redirectObj = new Redirect $redirect ;
## BEGIN btreeSimple
use strict ;
use BerkeleyDB ;
my $filename = "tree" ;
unlink $filename ;
my %h ;
tie %h, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree',
-Filename => $filename,
-Flags => DB_CREATE
or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n" ;
# Add a key/value pair to the file
$h{'Wall'} = 'Larry' ;
$h{'Smith'} = 'John' ;
$h{'mouse'} = 'mickey' ;
$h{'duck'} = 'donald' ;
# Delete
delete $h{"duck"} ;
# Cycle through the keys printing them in order.
# Note it is not necessary to sort the keys as
# the btree will have kept them in order automatically.
foreach (keys %h)
{ print "$_\n" }
untie %h ;
## END btreeSimple
unlink $filename ;
#print "[" . docat($redirect) . "]\n" ;
ok(3, docat_del($redirect) eq <<'EOM') ;
my $redirect = "xyzt" ;
my $redirectObj = new Redirect $redirect ;
## BEGIN btreeSortOrder
use strict ;
use BerkeleyDB ;
my $filename = "tree" ;
unlink $filename ;
my %h ;
tie %h, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree',
-Filename => $filename,
-Flags => DB_CREATE,
-Compare => sub { lc $_[0] cmp lc $_[1] }
or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n" ;
# Add a key/value pair to the file
$h{'Wall'} = 'Larry' ;
$h{'Smith'} = 'John' ;
$h{'mouse'} = 'mickey' ;
$h{'duck'} = 'donald' ;
# Delete
delete $h{"duck"} ;
# Cycle through the keys printing them in order.
# Note it is not necessary to sort the keys as
# the btree will have kept them in order automatically.
foreach (keys %h)
{ print "$_\n" }
untie %h ;
## END btreeSortOrder
unlink $filename ;
#print "[" . docat($redirect) . "]\n" ;
ok(4, docat_del($redirect) eq <<'EOM') ;
my $redirect = "xyzt" ;
my $redirectObj = new Redirect $redirect ;
## BEGIN nullFilter
use strict ;
use BerkeleyDB ;
my %hash ;
my $filename = "filt.db" ;
unlink $filename ;
my $db = tie %hash, 'BerkeleyDB::Hash',
-Filename => $filename,
-Flags => DB_CREATE
or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n" ;
# Install DBM Filters
$db->filter_fetch_key ( sub { s/\0$// } ) ;
$db->filter_store_key ( sub { $_ .= "\0" } ) ;
$db->filter_fetch_value( sub { s/\0$// } ) ;
$db->filter_store_value( sub { $_ .= "\0" } ) ;
$hash{"abc"} = "def" ;
my $a = $hash{"ABC"} ;
# ...
undef $db ;
untie %hash ;
## END nullFilter
$db = tie %hash, 'BerkeleyDB::Hash',
-Filename => $filename,
-Flags => DB_CREATE
or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n" ;
while (($k, $v) = each %hash)
{ print "$k -> $v\n" }
undef $db ;
untie %hash ;
unlink $filename ;
#print "[" . docat($redirect) . "]\n" ;
ok(5, docat_del($redirect) eq <<"EOM") ;
abc\x00 -> def\x00
my $redirect = "xyzt" ;
my $redirectObj = new Redirect $redirect ;
## BEGIN intFilter
use strict ;
use BerkeleyDB ;
my %hash ;
my $filename = "filt.db" ;
unlink $filename ;
my $db = tie %hash, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree',
-Filename => $filename,
-Flags => DB_CREATE
or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n" ;
$db->filter_fetch_key ( sub { $_ = unpack("i", $_) } ) ;
$db->filter_store_key ( sub { $_ = pack ("i", $_) } ) ;
$hash{123} = "def" ;
# ...
undef $db ;
untie %hash ;
## END intFilter
$db = tie %hash, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree',
-Filename => $filename,
-Flags => DB_CREATE
or die "Cannot Open $filename: $!\n" ;
while (($k, $v) = each %hash)
{ print "$k -> $v\n" }
undef $db ;
untie %hash ;
unlink $filename ;
my $val = pack("i", 123) ;
#print "[" . docat($redirect) . "]\n" ;
ok(6, docat_del($redirect) eq <<"EOM") ;
$val -> def
my $redirect = "xyzt" ;
my $redirectObj = new Redirect $redirect ;
if ($FA) {
## BEGIN simpleRecno
use strict ;
use BerkeleyDB ;
my $filename = "text" ;
unlink $filename ;
my @h ;
tie @h, 'BerkeleyDB::Recno',
-Filename => $filename,
-Flags => DB_CREATE,
-Property => DB_RENUMBER
or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n" ;
# Add a few key/value pairs to the file
$h[0] = "orange" ;
$h[1] = "blue" ;
$h[2] = "yellow" ;
push @h, "green", "black" ;
my $elements = scalar @h ;
print "The array contains $elements entries\n" ;
my $last = pop @h ;
print "popped $last\n" ;
unshift @h, "white" ;
my $first = shift @h ;
print "shifted $first\n" ;
# Check for existence of a key
print "Element 1 Exists with value $h[1]\n" if $h[1] ;
untie @h ;
## END simpleRecno
unlink $filename ;
} else {
use strict ;
use BerkeleyDB ;
my $filename = "text" ;
unlink $filename ;
my @h ;
my $db = tie @h, 'BerkeleyDB::Recno',
-Filename => $filename,
-Flags => DB_CREATE,
-Property => DB_RENUMBER
or die "Cannot open $filename: $!\n" ;
# Add a few key/value pairs to the file
$h[0] = "orange" ;
$h[1] = "blue" ;
$h[2] = "yellow" ;
$db->push("green", "black") ;
my $elements = $db->length() ;
print "The array contains $elements entries\n" ;
my $last = $db->pop ;
print "popped $last\n" ;
$db->unshift("white") ;
my $first = $db->shift ;
print "shifted $first\n" ;
# Check for existence of a key
print "Element 1 Exists with value $h[1]\n" if $h[1] ;
undef $db ;
untie @h ;
unlink $filename ;
#print "[" . docat($redirect) . "]\n" ;
ok(7, docat_del($redirect) eq <<"EOM") ;
The array contains 5 entries
popped black
shifted white
Element 1 Exists with value blue