2013-04-17 00:00:59 -04:00
/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
// vim: ft=cpp:expandtab:ts=8:sw=4:softtabstop=4:
2013-04-16 23:57:48 -04:00
# ident "$Id$"
2013-04-17 00:01:35 -04:00
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation , and provided that the
following conditions are met :
* Redistributions of source code must retain this COPYING
DISCLAIMER ( below ) , the UNIVERSITY PATENT NOTICE ( below ) , the
GRANT ( below ) .
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce this COPYING
DISCLAIMER ( below ) , the UNIVERSITY PATENT NOTICE ( below ) , the
GRANT ( below ) in the documentation and / or other materials
provided with the distribution .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston , MA
02110 - 1301 , USA .
TokuDB , Tokutek Fractal Tree Indexing Library .
Copyright ( C ) 2007 - 2013 Tokutek , Inc .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details .
The technology is licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology , Rutgers State University of New Jersey , and the Research
Foundation of State University of New York at Stony Brook under
United States of America Serial No . 11 / 760379 and to the patents
and / or patent applications resulting from it .
This software is covered by US Patent No . 8 , 185 , 551.
THIS IMPLEMENTATION " means the copyrightable works distributed by
Tokutek as part of the Fractal Tree project .
" PATENT CLAIMS " means the claims of patents that are owned or
licensable by Tokutek , both currently or in the future ; and that in
the absence of this license would be infringed by THIS
" PATENT CHALLENGE " shall mean a challenge to the validity ,
patentability , enforceability and / or non - infringement of any of the
PATENT CLAIMS or otherwise opposing any of the PATENT CLAIMS .
Tokutek hereby grants to you , for the term and geographical scope of
the PATENT CLAIMS , a non - exclusive , no - charge , royalty - free ,
irrevocable ( except as stated in this section ) patent license to
make , have made , use , offer to sell , sell , import , transfer , and
otherwise run , modify , and propagate the contents of THIS
IMPLEMENTATION , where such license applies only to the PATENT
CLAIMS . This grant does not include claims that would be infringed
only as a consequence of further modifications of THIS
IMPLEMENTATION . If you or your agent or licensee institute or order
or agree to the institution of patent litigation against any entity
( including a cross - claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit ) alleging that
THIS IMPLEMENTATION constitutes direct or contributory patent
infringement , or inducement of patent infringement , then any rights
granted to you under this License shall terminate as of the date
such litigation is filed . If you or your agent or exclusive
licensee institute or order or agree to the institution of a PATENT
CHALLENGE , then Tokutek may terminate any rights granted to you
under this License .
2013-04-17 00:01:35 -04:00
# ident "Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved."
2013-04-16 23:57:48 -04:00
# ident "The technology is licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, and the Research Foundation of State University of New York at Stony Brook under United States of America Serial No. 11 / 760379 and to the patents and / or patent applications resulting from it."
refs #5592 move circular_buffer, omt, threadpool, growable_array, rwlock, frwlock, kibbutz, mempool, partitioned_counter, nb_mutex, sort to util/, and some other cleanup stuff
git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@48763 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
2013-04-17 00:01:13 -04:00
# include "ft-cachetable-wrappers.h"
# include "ft-flusher.h"
# include "ft-internal.h"
# include "ft.h"
# include "fttypes.h"
Addresses #1125 Merged nested transactions from temporary merge branch into main.
Current tests fail (not regressions, they fail as of 13461)
* {{{x1.tdbrun}}}
* {{{test_log(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10).recover}}}
* {{{test-recover(1,2,3).tdbrun}}}
* {{{test1324.tdbrun}}}
ULE_DEBUG disabled (defined to 0) Can be re-enabled for test purposes (set to 1).
refs [t:1125]
Merging into the temp branch (tokudb.main_13461+1125)
{{{svn merge --accept=postpone -r 12527:13461 ../tokudb.1125 ./}}}
Merging into main
{{{svn merge --accept=postpone -r13462:13463 ../tokudb.main_13461+1125/ ./}}}
git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@13464 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
2013-04-16 23:57:56 -04:00
# include "ule.h"
2013-04-16 23:59:40 -04:00
2013-04-17 00:00:35 -04:00
// dummymsn needed to simulate msn because messages are injected at a lower level than toku_ft_root_put_cmd()
2013-04-17 00:00:17 -04:00
# define MIN_DUMMYMSN ((MSN) {(uint64_t)1 << 62})
2013-04-16 23:59:40 -04:00
static MSN dummymsn ;
static int testsetup_initialized = 0 ;
// Must be called before any other test_setup_xxx() functions are called.
toku_testsetup_initialize ( void ) {
if ( testsetup_initialized = = 0 ) {
testsetup_initialized = 1 ;
dummymsn = MIN_DUMMYMSN ;
static MSN
next_dummymsn ( void ) {
+ + ( dummymsn . msn ) ;
return dummymsn ;
2013-04-17 00:01:01 -04:00
bool ignore_if_was_already_open ;
2013-04-17 00:00:35 -04:00
int toku_testsetup_leaf ( FT_HANDLE brt , BLOCKNUM * blocknum , int n_children , char * * keys , int * keylens ) {
FTNODE node ;
2013-04-16 23:59:40 -04:00
assert ( testsetup_initialized ) ;
2013-04-17 00:00:35 -04:00
toku_create_new_ftnode ( brt , & node , 0 , n_children ) ;
2013-04-17 00:00:03 -04:00
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < n_children ; i + + ) {
BP_STATE ( node , i ) = PT_AVAIL ;
for ( i = 0 ; i + 1 < n_children ; i + + ) {
2013-04-17 00:01:17 -04:00
toku_memdup_dbt ( & node - > childkeys [ i ] , keys [ i ] , keylens [ i ] ) ;
2013-04-17 00:00:03 -04:00
node - > totalchildkeylens + = keylens [ i ] ;
2008-04-03 20:24:47 +00:00
2013-04-16 23:57:18 -04:00
* blocknum = node - > thisnodename ;
2013-04-17 00:00:36 -04:00
toku_unpin_ftnode ( brt - > ft , node ) ;
2008-03-05 18:34:32 +00:00
return 0 ;
// Don't bother to clean up carefully if something goes wrong. (E.g., it's OK to have malloced stuff that hasn't been freed.)
2013-04-17 00:00:35 -04:00
int toku_testsetup_nonleaf ( FT_HANDLE brt , int height , BLOCKNUM * blocknum , int n_children , BLOCKNUM * children , char * * keys , int * keylens ) {
FTNODE node ;
2013-04-16 23:59:40 -04:00
assert ( testsetup_initialized ) ;
2013-04-17 00:00:35 -04:00
assert ( n_children < = FT_FANOUT ) ;
toku_create_new_ftnode ( brt , & node , height , n_children ) ;
2008-03-05 18:34:32 +00:00
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < n_children ; i + + ) {
2013-04-16 23:59:41 -04:00
BP_BLOCKNUM ( node , i ) = children [ i ] ;
BP_STATE ( node , i ) = PT_AVAIL ;
2008-03-05 18:34:32 +00:00
for ( i = 0 ; i + 1 < n_children ; i + + ) {
2013-04-17 00:01:17 -04:00
toku_memdup_dbt ( & node - > childkeys [ i ] , keys [ i ] , keylens [ i ] ) ;
2013-04-16 23:59:54 -04:00
node - > totalchildkeylens + = keylens [ i ] ;
2008-03-05 18:34:32 +00:00
2013-04-16 23:57:18 -04:00
* blocknum = node - > thisnodename ;
2013-04-17 00:00:36 -04:00
toku_unpin_ftnode ( brt - > ft , node ) ;
2013-04-16 23:59:40 -04:00
return 0 ;
2008-03-05 18:34:32 +00:00
2013-04-17 00:00:35 -04:00
int toku_testsetup_root ( FT_HANDLE brt , BLOCKNUM blocknum ) {
2013-04-16 23:59:40 -04:00
assert ( testsetup_initialized ) ;
2013-04-17 00:00:37 -04:00
brt - > ft - > h - > root_blocknum = blocknum ;
2013-04-16 23:57:18 -04:00
return 0 ;
2008-03-05 18:34:32 +00:00
2013-04-17 00:00:35 -04:00
int toku_testsetup_get_sersize ( FT_HANDLE brt , BLOCKNUM diskoff ) // Return the size on disk
2008-03-05 18:34:32 +00:00
2013-04-16 23:59:40 -04:00
assert ( testsetup_initialized ) ;
2008-03-05 18:34:32 +00:00
void * node_v ;
2013-04-17 00:00:35 -04:00
struct ftnode_fetch_extra bfe ;
2013-04-17 00:00:36 -04:00
fill_bfe_for_full_read ( & bfe , brt - > ft ) ;
2013-04-16 23:59:41 -04:00
int r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin (
2013-04-17 00:00:36 -04:00
brt - > ft - > cf , diskoff ,
toku_cachetable_hash ( brt - > ft - > cf , diskoff ) ,
2013-04-16 23:59:47 -04:00
& node_v ,
2013-04-16 23:59:41 -04:00
2013-04-17 00:00:36 -04:00
get_write_callbacks_for_node ( brt - > ft ) ,
2013-04-17 00:00:35 -04:00
toku_ftnode_fetch_callback ,
toku_ftnode_pf_req_callback ,
toku_ftnode_pf_callback ,
2013-04-17 00:01:01 -04:00
true ,
2013-04-17 00:00:09 -04:00
& bfe
2013-04-16 23:59:41 -04:00
) ;
2008-03-05 18:34:32 +00:00
assert ( r = = 0 ) ;
2013-04-17 00:00:59 -04:00
FTNODE CAST_FROM_VOIDP ( node , node_v ) ;
2013-04-17 00:00:58 -04:00
int size = toku_serialize_ftnode_size ( node ) ;
toku_unpin_ftnode ( brt - > ft , node ) ;
2008-03-05 18:34:32 +00:00
return size ;
2013-04-17 00:00:58 -04:00
int toku_testsetup_insert_to_leaf ( FT_HANDLE brt , BLOCKNUM blocknum , const char * key , int keylen , const char * val , int vallen ) {
2008-03-05 18:34:32 +00:00
void * node_v ;
int r ;
2013-04-16 23:59:40 -04:00
assert ( testsetup_initialized ) ;
2013-04-16 23:59:47 -04:00
2013-04-17 00:00:35 -04:00
struct ftnode_fetch_extra bfe ;
2013-04-17 00:00:36 -04:00
fill_bfe_for_full_read ( & bfe , brt - > ft ) ;
2013-04-16 23:59:41 -04:00
r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin (
2013-04-17 00:00:36 -04:00
brt - > ft - > cf ,
2013-04-16 23:59:47 -04:00
blocknum ,
2013-04-17 00:00:36 -04:00
toku_cachetable_hash ( brt - > ft - > cf , blocknum ) ,
2013-04-16 23:59:47 -04:00
& node_v ,
2013-04-16 23:59:41 -04:00
2013-04-17 00:00:36 -04:00
get_write_callbacks_for_node ( brt - > ft ) ,
2013-04-17 00:00:35 -04:00
toku_ftnode_fetch_callback ,
toku_ftnode_pf_req_callback ,
toku_ftnode_pf_callback ,
2013-04-17 00:01:01 -04:00
true ,
2013-04-17 00:00:09 -04:00
& bfe
2013-04-16 23:59:41 -04:00
) ;
2008-03-05 18:34:32 +00:00
if ( r ! = 0 ) return r ;
2013-04-17 00:00:59 -04:00
FTNODE CAST_FROM_VOIDP ( node , node_v ) ;
2013-04-16 23:59:37 -04:00
toku_verify_or_set_counts ( node ) ;
2008-03-05 18:34:32 +00:00
assert ( node - > height = = 0 ) ;
2008-04-02 23:40:36 +00:00
2008-04-07 01:30:25 +00:00
DBT keydbt , valdbt ;
2013-04-16 23:59:40 -04:00
MSN msn = next_dummymsn ( ) ;
2013-04-17 00:00:58 -04:00
FT_MSG_S cmd = { FT_INSERT , msn , xids_get_root_xids ( ) ,
. u = { . id = { toku_fill_dbt ( & keydbt , key , keylen ) ,
toku_fill_dbt ( & valdbt , val , vallen ) } } } ;
Addresses #1125 Merged nested transactions from temporary merge branch into main.
Current tests fail (not regressions, they fail as of 13461)
* {{{x1.tdbrun}}}
* {{{test_log(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10).recover}}}
* {{{test-recover(1,2,3).tdbrun}}}
* {{{test1324.tdbrun}}}
ULE_DEBUG disabled (defined to 0) Can be re-enabled for test purposes (set to 1).
refs [t:1125]
Merging into the temp branch (tokudb.main_13461+1125)
{{{svn merge --accept=postpone -r 12527:13461 ../tokudb.1125 ./}}}
Merging into main
{{{svn merge --accept=postpone -r13462:13463 ../tokudb.main_13461+1125/ ./}}}
git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@13464 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
2013-04-16 23:57:56 -04:00
2013-04-17 00:01:14 -04:00
static size_t zero_flow_deltas [ ] = { 0 , 0 } ;
2013-04-17 00:00:35 -04:00
toku_ft_node_put_cmd (
2013-04-17 00:00:36 -04:00
brt - > ft - > compare_fun ,
brt - > ft - > update_fun ,
& brt - > ft - > cmp_descriptor ,
2013-04-17 00:00:03 -04:00
node ,
2013-04-17 00:01:14 -04:00
- 1 ,
2013-04-17 00:00:03 -04:00
& cmd ,
2013-04-17 00:00:30 -04:00
true ,
2013-04-17 00:01:23 -04:00
make_gc_info ( true ) ,
2013-04-17 00:01:14 -04:00
zero_flow_deltas ,
2013-04-17 00:00:30 -04:00
2013-04-17 00:01:14 -04:00
) ;
2008-04-04 13:13:51 +00:00
2013-04-16 23:59:37 -04:00
toku_verify_or_set_counts ( node ) ;
2008-04-04 13:13:51 +00:00
2013-04-17 00:00:58 -04:00
toku_unpin_ftnode ( brt - > ft , node ) ;
2013-04-16 23:59:40 -04:00
return 0 ;
2008-03-05 18:34:32 +00:00
2013-04-16 23:59:48 -04:00
static int
testhelper_string_key_cmp ( DB * UU ( e ) , const DBT * a , const DBT * b )
2013-04-17 00:00:59 -04:00
char * CAST_FROM_VOIDP ( s , a - > data ) , * CAST_FROM_VOIDP ( t , b - > data ) ;
2013-04-16 23:59:48 -04:00
return strcmp ( s , t ) ;
2013-04-17 00:00:03 -04:00
2013-04-17 00:00:35 -04:00
toku_pin_node_with_min_bfe ( FTNODE * node , BLOCKNUM b , FT_HANDLE t )
2013-04-17 00:00:03 -04:00
2013-04-17 00:00:35 -04:00
struct ftnode_fetch_extra bfe ;
2013-04-17 00:00:36 -04:00
fill_bfe_for_min_read ( & bfe , t - > ft ) ;
2013-04-17 00:00:35 -04:00
toku_pin_ftnode_off_client_thread (
2013-04-17 00:00:36 -04:00
t - > ft ,
2013-04-17 00:00:03 -04:00
b ,
2013-04-17 00:00:36 -04:00
toku_cachetable_hash ( t - > ft - > cf , b ) ,
2013-04-17 00:00:03 -04:00
& bfe ,
2013-04-17 00:01:03 -04:00
2013-04-17 00:00:03 -04:00
0 ,
) ;
2013-04-17 00:00:58 -04:00
int toku_testsetup_insert_to_nonleaf ( FT_HANDLE brt , BLOCKNUM blocknum , enum ft_msg_type cmdtype , const char * key , int keylen , const char * val , int vallen ) {
2008-03-05 18:34:32 +00:00
void * node_v ;
int r ;
2013-04-16 23:59:40 -04:00
assert ( testsetup_initialized ) ;
2013-04-17 00:00:35 -04:00
struct ftnode_fetch_extra bfe ;
2013-04-17 00:00:36 -04:00
fill_bfe_for_full_read ( & bfe , brt - > ft ) ;
2013-04-16 23:59:41 -04:00
r = toku_cachetable_get_and_pin (
2013-04-17 00:00:36 -04:00
brt - > ft - > cf ,
2013-04-16 23:59:47 -04:00
blocknum ,
2013-04-17 00:00:36 -04:00
toku_cachetable_hash ( brt - > ft - > cf , blocknum ) ,
2013-04-16 23:59:47 -04:00
& node_v ,
2013-04-16 23:59:41 -04:00
2013-04-17 00:00:36 -04:00
get_write_callbacks_for_node ( brt - > ft ) ,
2013-04-17 00:00:35 -04:00
toku_ftnode_fetch_callback ,
toku_ftnode_pf_req_callback ,
toku_ftnode_pf_callback ,
2013-04-17 00:01:01 -04:00
true ,
2013-04-17 00:00:09 -04:00
& bfe
2013-04-16 23:59:50 -04:00
) ;
2008-03-05 18:34:32 +00:00
if ( r ! = 0 ) return r ;
2013-04-17 00:00:59 -04:00
FTNODE CAST_FROM_VOIDP ( node , node_v ) ;
2008-03-05 18:34:32 +00:00
assert ( node - > height > 0 ) ;
2013-04-16 23:59:21 -04:00
DBT k ;
2013-04-17 00:00:35 -04:00
int childnum = toku_ftnode_which_child ( node ,
2013-04-16 23:59:47 -04:00
toku_fill_dbt ( & k , key , keylen ) ,
2013-04-17 00:00:36 -04:00
& brt - > ft - > cmp_descriptor , brt - > ft - > compare_fun ) ;
2013-04-16 23:57:41 -04:00
Addresses #1125 Merged nested transactions from temporary merge branch into main.
Current tests fail (not regressions, they fail as of 13461)
* {{{x1.tdbrun}}}
* {{{test_log(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10).recover}}}
* {{{test-recover(1,2,3).tdbrun}}}
* {{{test1324.tdbrun}}}
ULE_DEBUG disabled (defined to 0) Can be re-enabled for test purposes (set to 1).
refs [t:1125]
Merging into the temp branch (tokudb.main_13461+1125)
{{{svn merge --accept=postpone -r 12527:13461 ../tokudb.1125 ./}}}
Merging into main
{{{svn merge --accept=postpone -r13462:13463 ../tokudb.main_13461+1125/ ./}}}
git-svn-id: file:///svn/toku/tokudb@13464 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
2013-04-16 23:57:56 -04:00
XIDS xids_0 = xids_get_root_xids ( ) ;
2013-04-16 23:59:40 -04:00
MSN msn = next_dummymsn ( ) ;
2013-04-17 00:01:08 -04:00
toku_bnc_insert_msg ( BNC ( node , childnum ) , key , keylen , val , vallen , cmdtype , msn , xids_0 , true , NULL , testhelper_string_key_cmp ) ;
2013-04-16 23:59:43 -04:00
// Hack to get the test working. The problem is that this test
// is directly queueing something in a FIFO instead of
// using brt APIs.
node - > max_msn_applied_to_node_on_disk = msn ;
2008-03-05 18:34:32 +00:00
node - > dirty = 1 ;
2013-04-17 00:01:14 -04:00
// Also hack max_msn_in_ft
brt - > ft - > h - > max_msn_in_ft = msn ;
2008-03-05 18:34:32 +00:00
2013-04-17 00:00:58 -04:00
toku_unpin_ftnode ( brt - > ft , node ) ;
2013-04-16 23:59:40 -04:00
return 0 ;
2008-03-05 18:34:32 +00:00