
208 lines
3.5 KiB
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drop table if exists t1;
create table t1 (a int, b char(10), key a(a), key b(a,b));
insert into t1 values
handler t1 open as t2;
2003-01-10 17:36:59 +02:00
handler t2 read a=(SELECT 1);
ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'SELECT 1)' at line 1
handler t2 read a first;
a b
14 aaa
handler t2 read a next;
a b
15 bbb
handler t2 read a next;
a b
16 ccc
handler t2 read a prev;
a b
15 bbb
handler t2 read a last;
a b
22 iii
handler t2 read a prev;
a b
21 hhh
handler t2 read a prev;
a b
20 ggg
handler t2 read a first;
a b
14 aaa
handler t2 read a prev;
a b
handler t2 read a last;
a b
22 iii
handler t2 read a prev;
a b
21 hhh
handler t2 read a next;
a b
22 iii
handler t2 read a next;
a b
handler t2 read a=(15);
a b
15 bbb
handler t2 read a=(16);
a b
16 ccc
handler t2 read a=(19,"fff");
ERROR 42000: Too many key parts specified. Max 1 parts allowed
handler t2 read b=(19,"fff");
a b
19 fff
handler t2 read b=(19,"yyy");
a b
19 yyy
handler t2 read b=(19);
a b
19 fff
handler t1 read a last;
ERROR 42S02: Unknown table 't1' in HANDLER
handler t2 read a=(11);
a b
handler t2 read a>=(11);
a b
14 aaa
handler t2 read a=(18);
a b
18 eee
handler t2 read a>=(18);
a b
18 eee
handler t2 read a>(18);
a b
19 fff
handler t2 read a<=(18);
a b
18 eee
handler t2 read a<(18);
a b
17 ddd
handler t2 read a first limit 5;
a b
14 aaa
15 bbb
16 ccc
16 xxx
17 ddd
handler t2 read a next limit 3;
a b
18 eee
19 fff
19 yyy
handler t2 read a prev limit 10;
a b
19 fff
18 eee
17 ddd
16 xxx
16 ccc
15 bbb
14 aaa
handler t2 read a>=(16) limit 4;
a b
16 ccc
16 xxx
17 ddd
18 eee
handler t2 read a>=(16) limit 2,2;
a b
17 ddd
18 eee
handler t2 read a last limit 3;
a b
22 iii
21 hhh
20 ggg
handler t2 read a=(19);
a b
19 fff
handler t2 read a=(19) where b="yyy";
a b
19 yyy
handler t2 read first;
a b
17 ddd
handler t2 read next;
a b
18 eee
handler t2 read next;
a b
19 fff
handler t2 read last;
ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
handler t2 close;
handler t1 open as t2;
drop table t1;
create table t1 (a int);
insert into t1 values (17);
handler t2 read first;
ERROR 42S02: Unknown table 't2' in HANDLER
2003-02-22 18:22:39 +01:00
handler t1 open as t2;
alter table t1 engine=MyISAM;
2003-02-22 18:22:39 +01:00
handler t2 read first;
ERROR 42S02: Unknown table 't2' in HANDLER
drop table t1;
create table t1 (a int);
insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6);
delete from t1 limit 2;
handler t1 open;
handler t1 read first;
handler t1 read first limit 1,1;
handler t1 read first limit 2,2;
delete from t1 limit 3;
handler t1 read first;
drop table t1;
create table t1(a int, index(a));
insert into t1 values (1), (2), (3);
handler t1 open;
handler t1 read a=(W);
ERROR 42S22: Unknown column 'W' in 'field list'
handler t1 read a=(a);
ERROR HY000: Wrong arguments to HANDLER ... READ
drop table t1;
create table t1 (a char(5));
insert into t1 values ("Ok");
handler t1 open as t;
handler t read first;
use mysql;
handler t read first;
handler t close;
handler test.t1 open as t;
handler t read first;
handler t close;
use test;
drop table t1;
2004-05-18 22:59:43 +04:00
create table t1 ( a int, b int, INDEX a (a) );
insert into t1 values (1,2), (2,1);
handler t1 open;
handler t1 read a=(1) where b=2;
a b
1 2
handler t1 read a=(1) where b=3;
a b
handler t1 read a=(1) where b=1;
a b
handler t1 close;
drop table t1;