2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
# Find string "NOTE NOTE NOTE" in order to find some 'unsure' tests
# Simple select test
2003-01-06 01:48:59 +02:00
2005-10-14 00:04:52 +03:00
drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t11;
2004-10-07 10:50:13 +03:00
# The following may be left from older tests
2005-05-26 12:55:31 +02:00
drop table if exists t1_1,t1_2,t9_1,t9_2,t1aa,t2aa;
drop view if exists v1;
2003-01-06 01:48:59 +02:00
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412);
select period from t1;
select * from t1;
select t1.* from t1;
# Create test table
auto int not null auto_increment,
fld1 int(6) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '000000' NOT NULL,
companynr tinyint(2) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '00' NOT NULL,
fld3 char(30) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
fld4 char(35) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
fld5 char(35) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
fld6 char(4) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
UNIQUE fld1 (fld1),
KEY fld3 (fld3),
# Populate table
2003-09-16 20:28:29 +04:00
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,000001,00,'Omaha','teethe','neat','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (2,011401,37,'breaking','dreaded','Steinberg','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (3,011402,37,'Romans','scholastics','jarring','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (4,011403,37,'intercepted','audiology','tinily','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (5,011501,37,'bewilderingly','wallet','balled','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (6,011701,37,'astound','parters','persist','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (7,011702,37,'admonishing','eschew','attainments','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (8,011703,37,'sumac','quitter','fanatic','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (9,012001,37,'flanking','neat','measures','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (10,012003,37,'combed','Steinberg','rightfulness','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (11,012004,37,'subjective','jarring','capably','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (12,012005,37,'scatterbrain','tinily','impulsive','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (13,012301,37,'Eulerian','balled','starlet','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (14,012302,36,'dubbed','persist','terminators','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (15,012303,37,'Kane','attainments','untying','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (16,012304,37,'overlay','fanatic','announces','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (17,012305,37,'perturb','measures','featherweight','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (18,012306,37,'goblins','rightfulness','pessimist','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (19,012501,37,'annihilates','capably','daughter','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (20,012602,37,'Wotan','impulsive','decliner','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (21,012603,37,'snatching','starlet','lawgiver','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (22,012604,37,'concludes','terminators','stated','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (23,012605,37,'laterally','untying','readable','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (24,012606,37,'yelped','announces','attrition','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (25,012701,37,'grazing','featherweight','cascade','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (26,012702,37,'Baird','pessimist','motors','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (27,012703,37,'celery','daughter','interrogate','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (28,012704,37,'misunderstander','decliner','pests','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (29,013601,37,'handgun','lawgiver','stairway','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (30,013602,37,'foldout','stated','dopers','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (31,013603,37,'mystic','readable','testicle','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (32,013604,37,'succumbed','attrition','Parsifal','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (33,013605,37,'Nabisco','cascade','leavings','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (34,013606,37,'fingerings','motors','postulation','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (35,013607,37,'aging','interrogate','squeaking','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (36,013608,37,'afield','pests','contrasted','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (37,013609,37,'ammonium','stairway','leftover','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (38,013610,37,'boat','dopers','whiteners','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (39,013801,37,'intelligibility','testicle','erases','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (40,013802,37,'Augustine','Parsifal','Punjab','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (41,013803,37,'teethe','leavings','Merritt','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (42,013804,37,'dreaded','postulation','Quixotism','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (43,013901,37,'scholastics','squeaking','sweetish','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (44,016001,37,'audiology','contrasted','dogging','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (45,016201,37,'wallet','leftover','scornfully','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (46,016202,37,'parters','whiteners','bellow','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (47,016301,37,'eschew','erases','bills','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (48,016302,37,'quitter','Punjab','cupboard','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (49,016303,37,'neat','Merritt','sureties','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (50,016304,37,'Steinberg','Quixotism','puddings','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (51,018001,37,'jarring','sweetish','tapestry','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (52,018002,37,'tinily','dogging','fetters','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (53,018003,37,'balled','scornfully','bivalves','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (54,018004,37,'persist','bellow','incurring','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (55,018005,37,'attainments','bills','Adolph','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (56,018007,37,'fanatic','cupboard','pithed','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (57,018008,37,'measures','sureties','emergency','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (58,018009,37,'rightfulness','puddings','Miles','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (59,018010,37,'capably','tapestry','trimmings','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (60,018012,37,'impulsive','fetters','tragedies','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (61,018013,37,'starlet','bivalves','skulking','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (62,018014,37,'terminators','incurring','flint','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (63,018015,37,'untying','Adolph','flopping','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (64,018016,37,'announces','pithed','relaxing','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (65,018017,37,'featherweight','emergency','offload','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (66,018018,37,'pessimist','Miles','suites','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (67,018019,37,'daughter','trimmings','lists','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (68,018020,37,'decliner','tragedies','animized','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (69,018021,37,'lawgiver','skulking','multilayer','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (70,018022,37,'stated','flint','standardizes','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (71,018023,37,'readable','flopping','Judas','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (72,018024,37,'attrition','relaxing','vacuuming','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (73,018025,37,'cascade','offload','dentally','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (74,018026,37,'motors','suites','humanness','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (75,018027,37,'interrogate','lists','inch','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (76,018028,37,'pests','animized','Weissmuller','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (77,018029,37,'stairway','multilayer','irresponsibly','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (78,018030,37,'dopers','standardizes','luckily','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (79,018032,37,'testicle','Judas','culled','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (80,018033,37,'Parsifal','vacuuming','medical','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (81,018034,37,'leavings','dentally','bloodbath','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (82,018035,37,'postulation','humanness','subschema','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (83,018036,37,'squeaking','inch','animals','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (84,018037,37,'contrasted','Weissmuller','Micronesia','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (85,018038,37,'leftover','irresponsibly','repetitions','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (86,018039,37,'whiteners','luckily','Antares','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (87,018040,37,'erases','culled','ventilate','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (88,018041,37,'Punjab','medical','pityingly','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (89,018042,37,'Merritt','bloodbath','interdependent','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (90,018043,37,'Quixotism','subschema','Graves','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (91,018044,37,'sweetish','animals','neonatal','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (92,018045,37,'dogging','Micronesia','scribbled','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (93,018046,37,'scornfully','repetitions','chafe','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (94,018048,37,'bellow','Antares','honoring','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (95,018049,37,'bills','ventilate','realtor','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (96,018050,37,'cupboard','pityingly','elite','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (97,018051,37,'sureties','interdependent','funereal','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (98,018052,37,'puddings','Graves','abrogating','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (99,018053,50,'tapestry','neonatal','sorters','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (100,018054,37,'fetters','scribbled','Conley','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (101,018055,37,'bivalves','chafe','lectured','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (102,018056,37,'incurring','honoring','Abraham','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (103,018057,37,'Adolph','realtor','Hawaii','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (104,018058,37,'pithed','elite','cage','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (105,018059,36,'emergency','funereal','hushes','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (106,018060,37,'Miles','abrogating','Simla','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (107,018061,37,'trimmings','sorters','reporters','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (108,018101,37,'tragedies','Conley','Dutchman','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (109,018102,37,'skulking','lectured','descendants','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (110,018103,37,'flint','Abraham','groupings','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (111,018104,37,'flopping','Hawaii','dissociate','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (112,018201,37,'relaxing','cage','coexist','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (113,018202,37,'offload','hushes','Beebe','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (114,018402,37,'suites','Simla','Taoism','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (115,018403,37,'lists','reporters','Connally','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (116,018404,37,'animized','Dutchman','fetched','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (117,018405,37,'multilayer','descendants','checkpoints','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (118,018406,37,'standardizes','groupings','rusting','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (119,018409,37,'Judas','dissociate','galling','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (120,018601,37,'vacuuming','coexist','obliterates','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (121,018602,37,'dentally','Beebe','traitor','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (122,018603,37,'humanness','Taoism','resumes','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (123,018801,37,'inch','Connally','analyzable','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (124,018802,37,'Weissmuller','fetched','terminator','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (125,018803,37,'irresponsibly','checkpoints','gritty','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (126,018804,37,'luckily','rusting','firearm','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (127,018805,37,'culled','galling','minima','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (128,018806,37,'medical','obliterates','Selfridge','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (129,018807,37,'bloodbath','traitor','disable','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (130,018808,37,'subschema','resumes','witchcraft','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (131,018809,37,'animals','analyzable','betroth','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (132,018810,37,'Micronesia','terminator','Manhattanize','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (133,018811,37,'repetitions','gritty','imprint','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (134,018812,37,'Antares','firearm','peeked','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (135,019101,37,'ventilate','minima','swelling','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (136,019102,37,'pityingly','Selfridge','interrelationships','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (137,019103,37,'interdependent','disable','riser','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (138,019201,37,'Graves','witchcraft','Gandhian','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (139,030501,37,'neonatal','betroth','peacock','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (140,030502,50,'scribbled','Manhattanize','bee','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (141,030503,37,'chafe','imprint','kanji','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (142,030504,37,'honoring','peeked','dental','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (143,031901,37,'realtor','swelling','scarf','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (144,036001,37,'elite','interrelationships','chasm','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (145,036002,37,'funereal','riser','insolence','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (146,036004,37,'abrogating','Gandhian','syndicate','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (147,036005,37,'sorters','peacock','alike','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (148,038001,37,'Conley','bee','imperial','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (149,038002,37,'lectured','kanji','convulsion','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (150,038003,37,'Abraham','dental','railway','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (151,038004,37,'Hawaii','scarf','validate','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (152,038005,37,'cage','chasm','normalizes','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (153,038006,37,'hushes','insolence','comprehensive','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (154,038007,37,'Simla','syndicate','chewing','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (155,038008,37,'reporters','alike','denizen','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (156,038009,37,'Dutchman','imperial','schemer','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (157,038010,37,'descendants','convulsion','chronicle','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (158,038011,37,'groupings','railway','Kline','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (159,038012,37,'dissociate','validate','Anatole','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (160,038013,37,'coexist','normalizes','partridges','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (161,038014,37,'Beebe','comprehensive','brunch','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (162,038015,37,'Taoism','chewing','recruited','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (163,038016,37,'Connally','denizen','dimensions','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (164,038017,37,'fetched','schemer','Chicana','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (165,038018,37,'checkpoints','chronicle','announced','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (166,038101,37,'rusting','Kline','praised','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (167,038102,37,'galling','Anatole','employing','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (168,038103,37,'obliterates','partridges','linear','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (169,038104,37,'traitor','brunch','quagmire','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (170,038201,37,'resumes','recruited','western','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (171,038202,37,'analyzable','dimensions','relishing','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (172,038203,37,'terminator','Chicana','serving','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (173,038204,37,'gritty','announced','scheduling','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (174,038205,37,'firearm','praised','lore','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (175,038206,37,'minima','employing','eventful','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (176,038208,37,'Selfridge','linear','arteriole','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (177,042801,37,'disable','quagmire','disentangle','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (178,042802,37,'witchcraft','western','cured','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (179,046101,37,'betroth','relishing','Fenton','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (180,048001,37,'Manhattanize','serving','avoidable','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (181,048002,37,'imprint','scheduling','drains','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (182,048003,37,'peeked','lore','detectably','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (183,048004,37,'swelling','eventful','husky','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (184,048005,37,'interrelationships','arteriole','impelling','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (185,048006,37,'riser','disentangle','undoes','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (186,048007,37,'Gandhian','cured','evened','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (187,048008,37,'peacock','Fenton','squeezes','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (188,048101,37,'bee','avoidable','destroyer','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (189,048102,37,'kanji','drains','rudeness','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (190,048201,37,'dental','detectably','beaner','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (191,048202,37,'scarf','husky','boorish','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (192,048203,37,'chasm','impelling','Everhart','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (193,048204,37,'insolence','undoes','encompass','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (194,048205,37,'syndicate','evened','mushrooms','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (195,048301,37,'alike','squeezes','Alison','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (196,048302,37,'imperial','destroyer','externally','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (197,048303,37,'convulsion','rudeness','pellagra','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (198,048304,37,'railway','beaner','cult','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (199,048305,37,'validate','boorish','creek','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (200,048401,37,'normalizes','Everhart','Huffman','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (201,048402,37,'comprehensive','encompass','Majorca','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (202,048403,37,'chewing','mushrooms','governing','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (203,048404,37,'denizen','Alison','gadfly','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (204,048405,37,'schemer','externally','reassigned','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (205,048406,37,'chronicle','pellagra','intentness','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (206,048407,37,'Kline','cult','craziness','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (207,048408,37,'Anatole','creek','psychic','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (208,048409,37,'partridges','Huffman','squabbled','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (209,048410,37,'brunch','Majorca','burlesque','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (210,048411,37,'recruited','governing','capped','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (211,048412,37,'dimensions','gadfly','extracted','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (212,048413,37,'Chicana','reassigned','DiMaggio','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (213,048601,37,'announced','intentness','exclamation','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (214,048602,37,'praised','craziness','subdirectory','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (215,048603,37,'employing','psychic','fangs','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (216,048604,37,'linear','squabbled','buyer','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (217,048801,37,'quagmire','burlesque','pithing','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (218,050901,37,'western','capped','transistorizing','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (219,051201,37,'relishing','extracted','nonbiodegradable','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (220,056002,37,'serving','DiMaggio','dislocate','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (221,056003,37,'scheduling','exclamation','monochromatic','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (222,056004,37,'lore','subdirectory','batting','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (223,056102,37,'eventful','fangs','postcondition','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (224,056203,37,'arteriole','buyer','catalog','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (225,056204,37,'disentangle','pithing','Remus','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (226,058003,37,'cured','transistorizing','devices','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (227,058004,37,'Fenton','nonbiodegradable','bike','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (228,058005,37,'avoidable','dislocate','qualify','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (229,058006,37,'drains','monochromatic','detained','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (230,058007,37,'detectably','batting','commended','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (231,058101,37,'husky','postcondition','civilize','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (232,058102,37,'impelling','catalog','Elmhurst','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (233,058103,37,'undoes','Remus','anesthetizing','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (234,058105,37,'evened','devices','deaf','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (235,058111,37,'squeezes','bike','Brigham','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (236,058112,37,'destroyer','qualify','title','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (237,058113,37,'rudeness','detained','coarse','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (238,058114,37,'beaner','commended','combinations','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (239,058115,37,'boorish','civilize','grayness','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (240,058116,37,'Everhart','Elmhurst','innumerable','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (241,058117,37,'encompass','anesthetizing','Caroline','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (242,058118,37,'mushrooms','deaf','fatty','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (243,058119,37,'Alison','Brigham','eastbound','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (244,058120,37,'externally','title','inexperienced','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (245,058121,37,'pellagra','coarse','hoarder','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (246,058122,37,'cult','combinations','scotch','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (247,058123,37,'creek','grayness','passport','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (248,058124,37,'Huffman','innumerable','strategic','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (249,058125,37,'Majorca','Caroline','gated','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (250,058126,37,'governing','fatty','flog','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (251,058127,37,'gadfly','eastbound','Pipestone','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (252,058128,37,'reassigned','inexperienced','Dar','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (253,058201,37,'intentness','hoarder','Corcoran','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (254,058202,37,'craziness','scotch','flyers','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (255,058303,37,'psychic','passport','competitions','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (256,058304,37,'squabbled','strategic','suppliers','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (257,058602,37,'burlesque','gated','skips','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (258,058603,37,'capped','flog','institutes','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (259,058604,37,'extracted','Pipestone','troop','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (260,058605,37,'DiMaggio','Dar','connective','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (261,058606,37,'exclamation','Corcoran','denies','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (262,058607,37,'subdirectory','flyers','polka','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (263,060401,36,'fangs','competitions','observations','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (264,061701,36,'buyer','suppliers','askers','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (265,066201,36,'pithing','skips','homeless','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (266,066501,36,'transistorizing','institutes','Anna','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (267,068001,36,'nonbiodegradable','troop','subdirectories','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (268,068002,36,'dislocate','connective','decaying','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (269,068005,36,'monochromatic','denies','outwitting','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (270,068006,36,'batting','polka','Harpy','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (271,068007,36,'postcondition','observations','crazed','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (272,068008,36,'catalog','askers','suffocate','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (273,068009,36,'Remus','homeless','provers','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (274,068010,36,'devices','Anna','technically','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (275,068011,36,'bike','subdirectories','Franklinizations','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (276,068202,36,'qualify','decaying','considered','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (277,068302,36,'detained','outwitting','tinnily','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (278,068303,36,'commended','Harpy','uninterruptedly','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (279,068401,36,'civilize','crazed','whistled','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (280,068501,36,'Elmhurst','suffocate','automate','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (281,068502,36,'anesthetizing','provers','gutting','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (282,068503,36,'deaf','technically','surreptitious','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (283,068602,36,'Brigham','Franklinizations','Choctaw','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (284,068603,36,'title','considered','cooks','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (285,068701,36,'coarse','tinnily','millivolt','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (286,068702,36,'combinations','uninterruptedly','counterpoise','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (287,068703,36,'grayness','whistled','Gothicism','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (288,076001,36,'innumerable','automate','feminine','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (289,076002,36,'Caroline','gutting','metaphysically','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (290,076101,36,'fatty','surreptitious','sanding','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (291,076102,36,'eastbound','Choctaw','contributorily','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (292,076103,36,'inexperienced','cooks','receivers','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (293,076302,36,'hoarder','millivolt','adjourn','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (294,076303,36,'scotch','counterpoise','straggled','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (295,076304,36,'passport','Gothicism','druggists','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (296,076305,36,'strategic','feminine','thanking','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (297,076306,36,'gated','metaphysically','ostrich','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (298,076307,36,'flog','sanding','hopelessness','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (299,076402,36,'Pipestone','contributorily','Eurydice','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (300,076501,36,'Dar','receivers','excitation','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (301,076502,36,'Corcoran','adjourn','presumes','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (302,076701,36,'flyers','straggled','imaginable','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (303,078001,36,'competitions','druggists','concoct','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (304,078002,36,'suppliers','thanking','peering','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (305,078003,36,'skips','ostrich','Phelps','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (306,078004,36,'institutes','hopelessness','ferociousness','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (307,078005,36,'troop','Eurydice','sentences','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (308,078006,36,'connective','excitation','unlocks','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (309,078007,36,'denies','presumes','engrossing','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (310,078008,36,'polka','imaginable','Ruth','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (311,078101,36,'observations','concoct','tying','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (312,078103,36,'askers','peering','exclaimers','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (313,078104,36,'homeless','Phelps','synergy','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (314,078105,36,'Anna','ferociousness','Huey','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (315,082101,36,'subdirectories','sentences','merging','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (316,083401,36,'decaying','unlocks','judges','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (317,084001,36,'outwitting','engrossing','Shylock','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (318,084002,36,'Harpy','Ruth','Miltonism','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (319,086001,36,'crazed','tying','hen','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (320,086102,36,'suffocate','exclaimers','honeybee','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (321,086201,36,'provers','synergy','towers','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (322,088001,36,'technically','Huey','dilutes','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (323,088002,36,'Franklinizations','merging','numerals','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (324,088003,36,'considered','judges','democracy','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (325,088004,36,'tinnily','Shylock','Ibero-','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (326,088101,36,'uninterruptedly','Miltonism','invalids','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (327,088102,36,'whistled','hen','behavior','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (328,088103,36,'automate','honeybee','accruing','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (329,088104,36,'gutting','towers','relics','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (330,088105,36,'surreptitious','dilutes','rackets','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (331,088106,36,'Choctaw','numerals','Fischbein','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (332,088201,36,'cooks','democracy','phony','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (333,088203,36,'millivolt','Ibero-','cross','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (334,088204,36,'counterpoise','invalids','cleanup','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (335,088302,37,'Gothicism','behavior','conspirator','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (336,088303,37,'feminine','accruing','label','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (337,088305,37,'metaphysically','relics','university','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (338,088402,37,'sanding','rackets','cleansed','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (339,088501,36,'contributorily','Fischbein','ballgown','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (340,088502,36,'receivers','phony','starlet','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (341,088503,36,'adjourn','cross','aqueous','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (342,098001,58,'straggled','cleanup','portrayal','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (343,098002,58,'druggists','conspirator','despising','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (344,098003,58,'thanking','label','distort','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (345,098004,58,'ostrich','university','palmed','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (346,098005,58,'hopelessness','cleansed','faced','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (347,098006,58,'Eurydice','ballgown','silverware','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (348,141903,29,'excitation','starlet','assessor','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (349,098008,58,'presumes','aqueous','spiders','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (350,098009,58,'imaginable','portrayal','artificially','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (351,098010,58,'concoct','despising','reminiscence','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (352,098011,58,'peering','distort','Mexican','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (353,098012,58,'Phelps','palmed','obnoxious','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (354,098013,58,'ferociousness','faced','fragile','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (355,098014,58,'sentences','silverware','apprehensible','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (356,098015,58,'unlocks','assessor','births','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (357,098016,58,'engrossing','spiders','garages','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (358,098017,58,'Ruth','artificially','panty','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (359,098018,58,'tying','reminiscence','anteater','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (360,098019,58,'exclaimers','Mexican','displacement','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (361,098020,58,'synergy','obnoxious','drovers','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (362,098021,58,'Huey','fragile','patenting','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (363,098022,58,'merging','apprehensible','far','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (364,098023,58,'judges','births','shrieks','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (365,098024,58,'Shylock','garages','aligning','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (366,098025,37,'Miltonism','panty','pragmatism','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (367,106001,36,'hen','anteater','fevers','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (368,108001,36,'honeybee','displacement','reexamines','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (369,108002,36,'towers','drovers','occupancies','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (370,108003,36,'dilutes','patenting','sweats','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (371,108004,36,'numerals','far','modulators','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (372,108005,36,'democracy','shrieks','demand','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (373,108007,36,'Ibero-','aligning','Madeira','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (374,108008,36,'invalids','pragmatism','Viennese','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (375,108009,36,'behavior','fevers','chillier','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (376,108010,36,'accruing','reexamines','wildcats','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (377,108011,36,'relics','occupancies','gentle','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (378,108012,36,'rackets','sweats','Angles','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (379,108101,36,'Fischbein','modulators','accuracies','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (380,108102,36,'phony','demand','toggle','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (381,108103,36,'cross','Madeira','Mendelssohn','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (382,108111,50,'cleanup','Viennese','behaviorally','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (383,108105,36,'conspirator','chillier','Rochford','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (384,108106,36,'label','wildcats','mirror','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (385,108107,36,'university','gentle','Modula','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (386,108108,50,'cleansed','Angles','clobbering','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (387,108109,36,'ballgown','accuracies','chronography','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (388,108110,36,'starlet','toggle','Eskimoizeds','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (389,108201,36,'aqueous','Mendelssohn','British','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (390,108202,36,'portrayal','behaviorally','pitfalls','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (391,108203,36,'despising','Rochford','verify','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (392,108204,36,'distort','mirror','scatter','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (393,108205,36,'palmed','Modula','Aztecan','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (394,108301,36,'faced','clobbering','acuity','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (395,108302,36,'silverware','chronography','sinking','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (396,112101,36,'assessor','Eskimoizeds','beasts','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (397,112102,36,'spiders','British','Witt','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (398,113701,36,'artificially','pitfalls','physicists','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (399,116001,36,'reminiscence','verify','folksong','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (400,116201,36,'Mexican','scatter','strokes','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (401,116301,36,'obnoxious','Aztecan','crowder','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (402,116302,36,'fragile','acuity','merry','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (403,116601,36,'apprehensible','sinking','cadenced','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (404,116602,36,'births','beasts','alimony','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (405,116603,36,'garages','Witt','principled','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (406,116701,36,'panty','physicists','golfing','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (407,116702,36,'anteater','folksong','undiscovered','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (408,118001,36,'displacement','strokes','irritates','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (409,118002,36,'drovers','crowder','patriots','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (410,118003,36,'patenting','merry','rooms','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (411,118004,36,'far','cadenced','towering','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (412,118005,36,'shrieks','alimony','displease','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (413,118006,36,'aligning','principled','photosensitive','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (414,118007,36,'pragmatism','golfing','inking','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (415,118008,36,'fevers','undiscovered','gainers','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (416,118101,36,'reexamines','irritates','leaning','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (417,118102,36,'occupancies','patriots','hydrant','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (418,118103,36,'sweats','rooms','preserve','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (419,118202,36,'modulators','towering','blinded','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (420,118203,36,'demand','displease','interactions','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (421,118204,36,'Madeira','photosensitive','Barry','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (422,118302,36,'Viennese','inking','whiteness','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (423,118304,36,'chillier','gainers','pastimes','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (424,118305,36,'wildcats','leaning','Edenization','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (425,118306,36,'gentle','hydrant','Muscat','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (426,118307,36,'Angles','preserve','assassinated','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (427,123101,36,'accuracies','blinded','labeled','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (428,123102,36,'toggle','interactions','glacial','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (429,123301,36,'Mendelssohn','Barry','implied','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (430,126001,36,'behaviorally','whiteness','bibliographies','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (431,126002,36,'Rochford','pastimes','Buchanan','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (432,126003,36,'mirror','Edenization','forgivably','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (433,126101,36,'Modula','Muscat','innuendo','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (434,126301,36,'clobbering','assassinated','den','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (435,126302,36,'chronography','labeled','submarines','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (436,126402,36,'Eskimoizeds','glacial','mouthful','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (437,126601,36,'British','implied','expiring','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (438,126602,36,'pitfalls','bibliographies','unfulfilled','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (439,126702,36,'verify','Buchanan','precession','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (440,128001,36,'scatter','forgivably','nullified','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (441,128002,36,'Aztecan','innuendo','affects','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (442,128003,36,'acuity','den','Cynthia','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (443,128004,36,'sinking','submarines','Chablis','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (444,128005,36,'beasts','mouthful','betterments','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (445,128007,36,'Witt','expiring','advertising','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (446,128008,36,'physicists','unfulfilled','rubies','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (447,128009,36,'folksong','precession','southwest','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (448,128010,36,'strokes','nullified','superstitious','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (449,128011,36,'crowder','affects','tabernacle','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (450,128012,36,'merry','Cynthia','silk','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (451,128013,36,'cadenced','Chablis','handsomest','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (452,128014,36,'alimony','betterments','Persian','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (453,128015,36,'principled','advertising','analog','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (454,128016,36,'golfing','rubies','complex','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (455,128017,36,'undiscovered','southwest','Taoist','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (456,128018,36,'irritates','superstitious','suspend','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (457,128019,36,'patriots','tabernacle','relegated','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (458,128020,36,'rooms','silk','awesome','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (459,128021,36,'towering','handsomest','Bruxelles','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (460,128022,36,'displease','Persian','imprecisely','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (461,128023,36,'photosensitive','analog','televise','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (462,128101,36,'inking','complex','braking','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (463,128102,36,'gainers','Taoist','true','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (464,128103,36,'leaning','suspend','disappointing','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (465,128104,36,'hydrant','relegated','navally','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (466,128106,36,'preserve','awesome','circus','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (467,128107,36,'blinded','Bruxelles','beetles','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (468,128108,36,'interactions','imprecisely','trumps','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (469,128202,36,'Barry','televise','fourscore','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (470,128203,36,'whiteness','braking','Blackfoots','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (471,128301,36,'pastimes','true','Grady','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (472,128302,36,'Edenization','disappointing','quiets','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (473,128303,36,'Muscat','navally','floundered','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (474,128304,36,'assassinated','circus','profundity','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (475,128305,36,'labeled','beetles','Garrisonian','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (476,128307,36,'glacial','trumps','Strauss','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (477,128401,36,'implied','fourscore','cemented','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (478,128502,36,'bibliographies','Blackfoots','contrition','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (479,128503,36,'Buchanan','Grady','mutations','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (480,128504,36,'forgivably','quiets','exhibits','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (481,128505,36,'innuendo','floundered','tits','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (482,128601,36,'den','profundity','mate','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (483,128603,36,'submarines','Garrisonian','arches','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (484,128604,36,'mouthful','Strauss','Moll','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (485,128702,36,'expiring','cemented','ropers','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (486,128703,36,'unfulfilled','contrition','bombast','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (487,128704,36,'precession','mutations','difficultly','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (488,138001,36,'nullified','exhibits','adsorption','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (489,138002,36,'affects','tits','definiteness','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (490,138003,36,'Cynthia','mate','cultivation','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (491,138004,36,'Chablis','arches','heals','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (492,138005,36,'betterments','Moll','Heusen','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (493,138006,36,'advertising','ropers','target','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (494,138007,36,'rubies','bombast','cited','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (495,138008,36,'southwest','difficultly','congresswoman','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (496,138009,36,'superstitious','adsorption','Katherine','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (497,138102,36,'tabernacle','definiteness','titter','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (498,138103,36,'silk','cultivation','aspire','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (499,138104,36,'handsomest','heals','Mardis','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (500,138105,36,'Persian','Heusen','Nadia','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (501,138201,36,'analog','target','estimating','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (502,138302,36,'complex','cited','stuck','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (503,138303,36,'Taoist','congresswoman','fifteenth','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (504,138304,36,'suspend','Katherine','Colombo','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (505,138401,29,'relegated','titter','survey','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (506,140102,29,'awesome','aspire','staffing','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (507,140103,29,'Bruxelles','Mardis','obtain','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (508,140104,29,'imprecisely','Nadia','loaded','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (509,140105,29,'televise','estimating','slaughtered','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (510,140201,29,'braking','stuck','lights','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (511,140701,29,'true','fifteenth','circumference','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (512,141501,29,'disappointing','Colombo','dull','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (513,141502,29,'navally','survey','weekly','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (514,141901,29,'circus','staffing','wetness','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (515,141902,29,'beetles','obtain','visualized','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (516,142101,29,'trumps','loaded','Tannenbaum','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (517,142102,29,'fourscore','slaughtered','moribund','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (518,142103,29,'Blackfoots','lights','demultiplex','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (519,142701,29,'Grady','circumference','lockings','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (520,143001,29,'quiets','dull','thugs','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (521,143501,29,'floundered','weekly','unnerves','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (522,143502,29,'profundity','wetness','abut','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (523,148001,29,'Garrisonian','visualized','Chippewa','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (524,148002,29,'Strauss','Tannenbaum','stratifications','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (525,148003,29,'cemented','moribund','signaled','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (526,148004,29,'contrition','demultiplex','Italianizes','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (527,148005,29,'mutations','lockings','algorithmic','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (528,148006,29,'exhibits','thugs','paranoid','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (529,148007,29,'tits','unnerves','camping','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (530,148009,29,'mate','abut','signifying','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (531,148010,29,'arches','Chippewa','Patrice','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (532,148011,29,'Moll','stratifications','search','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (533,148012,29,'ropers','signaled','Angeles','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (534,148013,29,'bombast','Italianizes','semblance','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (535,148023,36,'difficultly','algorithmic','taxed','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (536,148015,29,'adsorption','paranoid','Beatrice','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (537,148016,29,'definiteness','camping','retrace','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (538,148017,29,'cultivation','signifying','lockout','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (539,148018,29,'heals','Patrice','grammatic','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (540,148019,29,'Heusen','search','helmsman','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (541,148020,29,'target','Angeles','uniform','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (542,148021,29,'cited','semblance','hamming','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (543,148022,29,'congresswoman','taxed','disobedience','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (544,148101,29,'Katherine','Beatrice','captivated','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (545,148102,29,'titter','retrace','transferals','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (546,148201,29,'aspire','lockout','cartographer','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (547,148401,29,'Mardis','grammatic','aims','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (548,148402,29,'Nadia','helmsman','Pakistani','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (549,148501,29,'estimating','uniform','burglarized','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (550,148502,29,'stuck','hamming','saucepans','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (551,148503,29,'fifteenth','disobedience','lacerating','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (552,148504,29,'Colombo','captivated','corny','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (553,148601,29,'survey','transferals','megabytes','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (554,148602,29,'staffing','cartographer','chancellor','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (555,150701,29,'obtain','aims','bulk','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (556,152101,29,'loaded','Pakistani','commits','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (557,152102,29,'slaughtered','burglarized','meson','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (558,155202,36,'lights','saucepans','deputies','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (559,155203,29,'circumference','lacerating','northeaster','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (560,155204,29,'dull','corny','dipole','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (561,155205,29,'weekly','megabytes','machining','0');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (562,156001,29,'wetness','chancellor','therefore','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (563,156002,29,'visualized','bulk','Telefunken','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (564,156102,29,'Tannenbaum','commits','salvaging','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (565,156301,29,'moribund','meson','Corinthianizes','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (566,156302,29,'demultiplex','deputies','restlessly','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (567,156303,29,'lockings','northeaster','bromides','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (568,156304,29,'thugs','dipole','generalized','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (569,156305,29,'unnerves','machining','mishaps','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (570,156306,29,'abut','therefore','quelling','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (571,156501,29,'Chippewa','Telefunken','spiritual','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (572,158001,29,'stratifications','salvaging','beguiles','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (573,158002,29,'signaled','Corinthianizes','Trobriand','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (574,158101,29,'Italianizes','restlessly','fleeing','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (575,158102,29,'algorithmic','bromides','Armour','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (576,158103,29,'paranoid','generalized','chin','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (577,158201,29,'camping','mishaps','provers','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (578,158202,29,'signifying','quelling','aeronautic','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (579,158203,29,'Patrice','spiritual','voltage','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (580,158204,29,'search','beguiles','sash','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (581,158301,29,'Angeles','Trobriand','anaerobic','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (582,158302,29,'semblance','fleeing','simultaneous','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (583,158303,29,'taxed','Armour','accumulating','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (584,158304,29,'Beatrice','chin','Medusan','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (585,158305,29,'retrace','provers','shouted','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (586,158306,29,'lockout','aeronautic','freakish','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (587,158501,29,'grammatic','voltage','index','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (588,160301,29,'helmsman','sash','commercially','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (589,166101,50,'uniform','anaerobic','mistiness','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (590,166102,50,'hamming','simultaneous','endpoint','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (591,168001,29,'disobedience','accumulating','straight','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (592,168002,29,'captivated','Medusan','flurried','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (593,168003,29,'transferals','shouted','denotative','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (594,168101,29,'cartographer','freakish','coming','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (595,168102,29,'aims','index','commencements','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (596,168103,29,'Pakistani','commercially','gentleman','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (597,168104,29,'burglarized','mistiness','gifted','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (598,168202,29,'saucepans','endpoint','Shanghais','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (599,168301,29,'lacerating','straight','sportswriting','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (600,168502,29,'corny','flurried','sloping','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (601,168503,29,'megabytes','denotative','navies','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (602,168601,29,'chancellor','coming','leaflet','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (603,173001,40,'bulk','commencements','shooter','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (604,173701,40,'commits','gentleman','Joplin','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (605,173702,40,'meson','gifted','babies','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (606,176001,40,'deputies','Shanghais','subdivision','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (607,176101,40,'northeaster','sportswriting','burstiness','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (608,176201,40,'dipole','sloping','belted','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (609,176401,40,'machining','navies','assails','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (610,176501,40,'therefore','leaflet','admiring','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (611,176601,40,'Telefunken','shooter','swaying','0');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (612,176602,40,'salvaging','Joplin','Goldstine','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (613,176603,40,'Corinthianizes','babies','fitting','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (614,178001,40,'restlessly','subdivision','Norwalk','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (615,178002,40,'bromides','burstiness','weakening','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (616,178003,40,'generalized','belted','analogy','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (617,178004,40,'mishaps','assails','deludes','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (618,178005,40,'quelling','admiring','cokes','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (619,178006,40,'spiritual','swaying','Clayton','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (620,178007,40,'beguiles','Goldstine','exhausts','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (621,178008,40,'Trobriand','fitting','causality','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (622,178101,40,'fleeing','Norwalk','sating','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (623,178102,40,'Armour','weakening','icon','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (624,178103,40,'chin','analogy','throttles','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (625,178201,40,'provers','deludes','communicants','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (626,178202,40,'aeronautic','cokes','dehydrate','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (627,178301,40,'voltage','Clayton','priceless','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (628,178302,40,'sash','exhausts','publicly','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (629,178401,40,'anaerobic','causality','incidentals','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (630,178402,40,'simultaneous','sating','commonplace','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (631,178403,40,'accumulating','icon','mumbles','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (632,178404,40,'Medusan','throttles','furthermore','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (633,178501,40,'shouted','communicants','cautioned','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (634,186002,37,'freakish','dehydrate','parametrized','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (635,186102,37,'index','priceless','registration','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (636,186201,40,'commercially','publicly','sadly','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (637,186202,40,'mistiness','incidentals','positioning','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (638,186203,40,'endpoint','commonplace','babysitting','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (639,186302,37,'straight','mumbles','eternal','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (640,188007,37,'flurried','furthermore','hoarder','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (641,188008,37,'denotative','cautioned','congregates','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (642,188009,37,'coming','parametrized','rains','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (643,188010,37,'commencements','registration','workers','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (644,188011,37,'gentleman','sadly','sags','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (645,188012,37,'gifted','positioning','unplug','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (646,188013,37,'Shanghais','babysitting','garage','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (647,188014,37,'sportswriting','eternal','boulder','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (648,188015,37,'sloping','hoarder','hollowly','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (649,188016,37,'navies','congregates','specifics','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (650,188017,37,'leaflet','rains','Teresa','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (651,188102,37,'shooter','workers','Winsett','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (652,188103,37,'Joplin','sags','convenient','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (653,188202,37,'babies','unplug','buckboards','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (654,188301,40,'subdivision','garage','amenities','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (655,188302,40,'burstiness','boulder','resplendent','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (656,188303,40,'belted','hollowly','priding','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (657,188401,37,'assails','specifics','configurations','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (658,188402,37,'admiring','Teresa','untidiness','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (659,188503,37,'swaying','Winsett','Brice','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (660,188504,37,'Goldstine','convenient','sews','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (661,188505,37,'fitting','buckboards','participated','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (662,190701,37,'Norwalk','amenities','Simon','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (663,190703,50,'weakening','resplendent','certificates','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (664,191701,37,'analogy','priding','Fitzpatrick','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (665,191702,37,'deludes','configurations','Evanston','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (666,191703,37,'cokes','untidiness','misted','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (667,196001,37,'Clayton','Brice','textures','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (668,196002,37,'exhausts','sews','save','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (669,196003,37,'causality','participated','count','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (670,196101,37,'sating','Simon','rightful','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (671,196103,37,'icon','certificates','chaperone','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (672,196104,37,'throttles','Fitzpatrick','Lizzy','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (673,196201,37,'communicants','Evanston','clenched','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (674,196202,37,'dehydrate','misted','effortlessly','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (675,196203,37,'priceless','textures','accessed','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (676,198001,37,'publicly','save','beaters','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (677,198003,37,'incidentals','count','Hornblower','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (678,198004,37,'commonplace','rightful','vests','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (679,198005,37,'mumbles','chaperone','indulgences','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (680,198006,37,'furthermore','Lizzy','infallibly','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (681,198007,37,'cautioned','clenched','unwilling','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (682,198008,37,'parametrized','effortlessly','excrete','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (683,198009,37,'registration','accessed','spools','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (684,198010,37,'sadly','beaters','crunches','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (685,198011,37,'positioning','Hornblower','overestimating','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (686,198012,37,'babysitting','vests','ineffective','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (687,198013,37,'eternal','indulgences','humiliation','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (688,198014,37,'hoarder','infallibly','sophomore','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (689,198015,37,'congregates','unwilling','star','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (690,198017,37,'rains','excrete','rifles','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (691,198018,37,'workers','spools','dialysis','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (692,198019,37,'sags','crunches','arriving','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (693,198020,37,'unplug','overestimating','indulge','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (694,198021,37,'garage','ineffective','clockers','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (695,198022,37,'boulder','humiliation','languages','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (696,198023,50,'hollowly','sophomore','Antarctica','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (697,198024,37,'specifics','star','percentage','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (698,198101,37,'Teresa','rifles','ceiling','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (699,198103,37,'Winsett','dialysis','specification','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (700,198105,37,'convenient','arriving','regimented','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (701,198106,37,'buckboards','indulge','ciphers','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (702,198201,37,'amenities','clockers','pictures','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (703,198204,37,'resplendent','languages','serpents','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (704,198301,53,'priding','Antarctica','allot','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (705,198302,53,'configurations','percentage','realized','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (706,198303,53,'untidiness','ceiling','mayoral','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (707,198304,53,'Brice','specification','opaquely','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (708,198401,37,'sews','regimented','hostess','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (709,198402,37,'participated','ciphers','fiftieth','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (710,198403,37,'Simon','pictures','incorrectly','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (711,202101,37,'certificates','serpents','decomposition','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (712,202301,37,'Fitzpatrick','allot','stranglings','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (713,202302,37,'Evanston','realized','mixture','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (714,202303,37,'misted','mayoral','electroencephalography','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (715,202304,37,'textures','opaquely','similarities','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (716,202305,37,'save','hostess','charges','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (717,202601,37,'count','fiftieth','freest','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (718,202602,37,'rightful','incorrectly','Greenberg','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (719,202605,37,'chaperone','decomposition','tinting','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (720,202606,37,'Lizzy','stranglings','expelled','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (721,202607,37,'clenched','mixture','warm','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (722,202901,37,'effortlessly','electroencephalography','smoothed','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (723,202902,37,'accessed','similarities','deductions','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (724,202903,37,'beaters','charges','Romano','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (725,202904,37,'Hornblower','freest','bitterroot','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (726,202907,37,'vests','Greenberg','corset','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (727,202908,37,'indulgences','tinting','securing','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (728,203101,37,'infallibly','expelled','environing','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (729,203103,37,'unwilling','warm','cute','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (730,203104,37,'excrete','smoothed','Crays','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (731,203105,37,'spools','deductions','heiress','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (732,203401,37,'crunches','Romano','inform','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (733,203402,37,'overestimating','bitterroot','avenge','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (734,203404,37,'ineffective','corset','universals','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (735,203901,37,'humiliation','securing','Kinsey','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (736,203902,37,'sophomore','environing','ravines','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (737,203903,37,'star','cute','bestseller','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (738,203906,37,'rifles','Crays','equilibrium','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (739,203907,37,'dialysis','heiress','extents','0');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (740,203908,37,'arriving','inform','relatively','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (741,203909,37,'indulge','avenge','pressure','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (742,206101,37,'clockers','universals','critiques','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (743,206201,37,'languages','Kinsey','befouled','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (744,206202,37,'Antarctica','ravines','rightfully','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (745,206203,37,'percentage','bestseller','mechanizing','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (746,206206,37,'ceiling','equilibrium','Latinizes','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (747,206207,37,'specification','extents','timesharing','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (748,206208,37,'regimented','relatively','Aden','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (749,208001,37,'ciphers','pressure','embassies','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (750,208002,37,'pictures','critiques','males','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (751,208003,37,'serpents','befouled','shapelessly','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (752,208004,37,'allot','rightfully','genres','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (753,208008,37,'realized','mechanizing','mastering','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (754,208009,37,'mayoral','Latinizes','Newtonian','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (755,208010,37,'opaquely','timesharing','finishers','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (756,208011,37,'hostess','Aden','abates','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (757,208101,37,'fiftieth','embassies','teem','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (758,208102,37,'incorrectly','males','kiting','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (759,208103,37,'decomposition','shapelessly','stodgy','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (760,208104,37,'stranglings','genres','scalps','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (761,208105,37,'mixture','mastering','feed','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (762,208110,37,'electroencephalography','Newtonian','guitars','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (763,208111,37,'similarities','finishers','airships','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (764,208112,37,'charges','abates','store','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (765,208113,37,'freest','teem','denounces','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (766,208201,37,'Greenberg','kiting','Pyle','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (767,208203,37,'tinting','stodgy','Saxony','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (768,208301,37,'expelled','scalps','serializations','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (769,208302,37,'warm','feed','Peruvian','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (770,208305,37,'smoothed','guitars','taxonomically','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (771,208401,37,'deductions','airships','kingdom','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (772,208402,37,'Romano','store','stint','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (773,208403,37,'bitterroot','denounces','Sault','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (774,208404,37,'corset','Pyle','faithful','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (775,208501,37,'securing','Saxony','Ganymede','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (776,208502,37,'environing','serializations','tidiness','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (777,208503,37,'cute','Peruvian','gainful','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (778,208504,37,'Crays','taxonomically','contrary','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (779,208505,37,'heiress','kingdom','Tipperary','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (780,210101,37,'inform','stint','tropics','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (781,210102,37,'avenge','Sault','theorizers','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (782,210103,37,'universals','faithful','renew','0');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (783,210104,37,'Kinsey','Ganymede','already','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (784,210105,37,'ravines','tidiness','terminal','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (785,210106,37,'bestseller','gainful','Hegelian','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (786,210107,37,'equilibrium','contrary','hypothesizer','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (787,210401,37,'extents','Tipperary','warningly','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (788,213201,37,'relatively','tropics','journalizing','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (789,213203,37,'pressure','theorizers','nested','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (790,213204,37,'critiques','renew','Lars','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (791,213205,37,'befouled','already','saplings','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (792,213206,37,'rightfully','terminal','foothill','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (793,213207,37,'mechanizing','Hegelian','labeled','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (794,216101,37,'Latinizes','hypothesizer','imperiously','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (795,216103,37,'timesharing','warningly','reporters','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (796,218001,37,'Aden','journalizing','furnishings','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (797,218002,37,'embassies','nested','precipitable','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (798,218003,37,'males','Lars','discounts','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (799,218004,37,'shapelessly','saplings','excises','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (800,143503,50,'genres','foothill','Stalin','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (801,218006,37,'mastering','labeled','despot','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (802,218007,37,'Newtonian','imperiously','ripeness','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (803,218008,37,'finishers','reporters','Arabia','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (804,218009,37,'abates','furnishings','unruly','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (805,218010,37,'teem','precipitable','mournfulness','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (806,218011,37,'kiting','discounts','boom','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (807,218020,37,'stodgy','excises','slaughter','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (808,218021,50,'scalps','Stalin','Sabine','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (809,218022,37,'feed','despot','handy','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (810,218023,37,'guitars','ripeness','rural','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (811,218024,37,'airships','Arabia','organizer','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (812,218101,37,'store','unruly','shipyard','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (813,218102,37,'denounces','mournfulness','civics','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (814,218103,37,'Pyle','boom','inaccuracy','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (815,218201,37,'Saxony','slaughter','rules','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (816,218202,37,'serializations','Sabine','juveniles','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (817,218203,37,'Peruvian','handy','comprised','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (818,218204,37,'taxonomically','rural','investigations','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (819,218205,37,'kingdom','organizer','stabilizes','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (820,218301,37,'stint','shipyard','seminaries','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (821,218302,37,'Sault','civics','Hunter','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (822,218401,37,'faithful','inaccuracy','sporty','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (823,218402,37,'Ganymede','rules','test','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (824,218403,37,'tidiness','juveniles','weasels','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (825,218404,37,'gainful','comprised','CERN','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (826,218407,37,'contrary','investigations','tempering','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (827,218408,37,'Tipperary','stabilizes','afore','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (828,218409,37,'tropics','seminaries','Galatean','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (829,218410,37,'theorizers','Hunter','techniques','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (830,226001,37,'renew','sporty','error','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (831,226002,37,'already','test','veranda','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (832,226003,37,'terminal','weasels','severely','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (833,226004,37,'Hegelian','CERN','Cassites','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (834,226005,37,'hypothesizer','tempering','forthcoming','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (835,226006,37,'warningly','afore','guides','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (836,226007,37,'journalizing','Galatean','vanish','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (837,226008,37,'nested','techniques','lied','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (838,226203,37,'Lars','error','sawtooth','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (839,226204,37,'saplings','veranda','fated','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (840,226205,37,'foothill','severely','gradually','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (841,226206,37,'labeled','Cassites','widens','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (842,226207,37,'imperiously','forthcoming','preclude','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (843,226208,37,'reporters','guides','Jobrel','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (844,226209,37,'furnishings','vanish','hooker','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (845,226210,37,'precipitable','lied','rainstorm','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (846,226211,37,'discounts','sawtooth','disconnects','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (847,228001,37,'excises','fated','cruelty','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (848,228004,37,'Stalin','gradually','exponentials','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (849,228005,37,'despot','widens','affective','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (850,228006,37,'ripeness','preclude','arteries','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (851,228007,37,'Arabia','Jobrel','Crosby','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (852,228008,37,'unruly','hooker','acquaint','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (853,228009,37,'mournfulness','rainstorm','evenhandedly','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (854,228101,37,'boom','disconnects','percentage','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (855,228108,37,'slaughter','cruelty','disobedience','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (856,228109,37,'Sabine','exponentials','humility','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (857,228110,37,'handy','affective','gleaning','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (858,228111,37,'rural','arteries','petted','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (859,228112,37,'organizer','Crosby','bloater','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (860,228113,37,'shipyard','acquaint','minion','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (861,228114,37,'civics','evenhandedly','marginal','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (862,228115,37,'inaccuracy','percentage','apiary','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (863,228116,37,'rules','disobedience','measures','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (864,228117,37,'juveniles','humility','precaution','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (865,228118,37,'comprised','gleaning','repelled','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (866,228119,37,'investigations','petted','primary','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (867,228120,37,'stabilizes','bloater','coverings','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (868,228121,37,'seminaries','minion','Artemia','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (869,228122,37,'Hunter','marginal','navigate','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (870,228201,37,'sporty','apiary','spatial','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (871,228206,37,'test','measures','Gurkha','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (872,228207,37,'weasels','precaution','meanwhile','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (873,228208,37,'CERN','repelled','Melinda','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (874,228209,37,'tempering','primary','Butterfield','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (875,228210,37,'afore','coverings','Aldrich','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (876,228211,37,'Galatean','Artemia','previewing','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (877,228212,37,'techniques','navigate','glut','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (878,228213,37,'error','spatial','unaffected','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (879,228214,37,'veranda','Gurkha','inmate','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (880,228301,37,'severely','meanwhile','mineral','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (881,228305,37,'Cassites','Melinda','impending','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (882,228306,37,'forthcoming','Butterfield','meditation','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (883,228307,37,'guides','Aldrich','ideas','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (884,228308,37,'vanish','previewing','miniaturizes','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (885,228309,37,'lied','glut','lewdly','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (886,228310,37,'sawtooth','unaffected','title','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (887,228311,37,'fated','inmate','youthfulness','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (888,228312,37,'gradually','mineral','creak','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (889,228313,37,'widens','impending','Chippewa','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (890,228314,37,'preclude','meditation','clamored','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (891,228401,65,'Jobrel','ideas','freezes','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (892,228402,65,'hooker','miniaturizes','forgivably','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (893,228403,65,'rainstorm','lewdly','reduce','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (894,228404,65,'disconnects','title','McGovern','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (895,228405,65,'cruelty','youthfulness','Nazis','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (896,228406,65,'exponentials','creak','epistle','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (897,228407,65,'affective','Chippewa','socializes','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (898,228408,65,'arteries','clamored','conceptions','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (899,228409,65,'Crosby','freezes','Kevin','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (900,228410,65,'acquaint','forgivably','uncovering','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (901,230301,37,'evenhandedly','reduce','chews','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (902,230302,37,'percentage','McGovern','appendixes','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (903,230303,37,'disobedience','Nazis','raining','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (904,018062,37,'humility','epistle','infest','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (905,230501,37,'gleaning','socializes','compartment','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (906,230502,37,'petted','conceptions','minting','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (907,230503,37,'bloater','Kevin','ducks','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (908,230504,37,'minion','uncovering','roped','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (909,230505,37,'marginal','chews','waltz','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (910,230506,37,'apiary','appendixes','Lillian','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (911,230507,37,'measures','raining','repressions','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (912,230508,37,'precaution','infest','chillingly','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (913,230509,37,'repelled','compartment','noncritical','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (914,230901,37,'primary','minting','lithograph','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (915,230902,37,'coverings','ducks','spongers','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (916,230903,37,'Artemia','roped','parenthood','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (917,230904,37,'navigate','waltz','posed','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (918,230905,37,'spatial','Lillian','instruments','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (919,230906,37,'Gurkha','repressions','filial','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (920,230907,37,'meanwhile','chillingly','fixedly','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (921,230908,37,'Melinda','noncritical','relives','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (922,230909,37,'Butterfield','lithograph','Pandora','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (923,230910,37,'Aldrich','spongers','watering','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (924,230911,37,'previewing','parenthood','ungrateful','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (925,230912,37,'glut','posed','secures','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (926,230913,37,'unaffected','instruments','chastisers','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (927,230914,37,'inmate','filial','icon','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (928,231304,37,'mineral','fixedly','reuniting','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (929,231305,37,'impending','relives','imagining','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (930,231306,37,'meditation','Pandora','abiding','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (931,231307,37,'ideas','watering','omnisciently','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (932,231308,37,'miniaturizes','ungrateful','Britannic','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (933,231309,37,'lewdly','secures','scholastics','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (934,231310,37,'title','chastisers','mechanics','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (935,231311,37,'youthfulness','icon','humidly','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (936,231312,37,'creak','reuniting','masterpiece','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (937,231313,37,'Chippewa','imagining','however','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (938,231314,37,'clamored','abiding','Mendelian','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (939,231315,37,'freezes','omnisciently','jarred','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (940,232102,37,'forgivably','Britannic','scolds','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (941,232103,37,'reduce','scholastics','infatuate','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (942,232104,37,'McGovern','mechanics','willed','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (943,232105,37,'Nazis','humidly','joyfully','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (944,232106,37,'epistle','masterpiece','Microsoft','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (945,232107,37,'socializes','however','fibrosities','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (946,232108,37,'conceptions','Mendelian','Baltimorean','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (947,232601,37,'Kevin','jarred','equestrian','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (948,232602,37,'uncovering','scolds','Goodrich','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (949,232603,37,'chews','infatuate','apish','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (950,232605,37,'appendixes','willed','Adlerian','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (5950,1232605,37,'appendixes','willed','Adlerian','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (5951,1232606,37,'appendixes','willed','Adlerian','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (5952,1232607,37,'appendixes','willed','Adlerian','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (5953,1232608,37,'appendixes','willed','Adlerian','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (5954,1232609,37,'appendixes','willed','Adlerian','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (951,232606,37,'raining','joyfully','Tropez','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (952,232607,37,'infest','Microsoft','nouns','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (953,232608,37,'compartment','fibrosities','distracting','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (954,232609,37,'minting','Baltimorean','mutton','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (955,236104,37,'ducks','equestrian','bridgeable','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (956,236105,37,'roped','Goodrich','stickers','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (957,236106,37,'waltz','apish','transcontinental','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (958,236107,37,'Lillian','Adlerian','amateurish','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (959,236108,37,'repressions','Tropez','Gandhian','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (960,236109,37,'chillingly','nouns','stratified','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (961,236110,37,'noncritical','distracting','chamberlains','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (962,236111,37,'lithograph','mutton','creditably','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (963,236112,37,'spongers','bridgeable','philosophic','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (964,236113,37,'parenthood','stickers','ores','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (965,238005,37,'posed','transcontinental','Carleton','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (966,238006,37,'instruments','amateurish','tape','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (967,238007,37,'filial','Gandhian','afloat','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (968,238008,37,'fixedly','stratified','goodness','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (969,238009,37,'relives','chamberlains','welcoming','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (970,238010,37,'Pandora','creditably','Pinsky','FAS');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (971,238011,37,'watering','philosophic','halting','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (972,238012,37,'ungrateful','ores','bibliography','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (973,238013,37,'secures','Carleton','decoding','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (974,240401,41,'chastisers','tape','variance','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (975,240402,41,'icon','afloat','allowed','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (976,240901,41,'reuniting','goodness','dire','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (977,240902,41,'imagining','welcoming','dub','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (978,241801,41,'abiding','Pinsky','poisoning','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (979,242101,41,'omnisciently','halting','Iraqis','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (980,242102,41,'Britannic','bibliography','heaving','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (981,242201,41,'scholastics','decoding','population','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (982,242202,41,'mechanics','variance','bomb','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (983,242501,41,'humidly','allowed','Majorca','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (984,242502,41,'masterpiece','dire','Gershwins','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (985,246201,41,'however','dub','explorers','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (986,246202,41,'Mendelian','poisoning','libretto','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (987,246203,41,'jarred','Iraqis','occurred','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (988,246204,41,'scolds','heaving','Lagos','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (989,246205,41,'infatuate','population','rats','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (990,246301,41,'willed','bomb','bankruptcies','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (991,246302,41,'joyfully','Majorca','crying','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (992,248001,41,'Microsoft','Gershwins','unexpected','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (993,248002,41,'fibrosities','explorers','accessed','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (994,248003,41,'Baltimorean','libretto','colorful','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (995,248004,41,'equestrian','occurred','versatility','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (996,248005,41,'Goodrich','Lagos','cosy','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (997,248006,41,'apish','rats','Darius','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (998,248007,41,'Adlerian','bankruptcies','mastering','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (999,248008,41,'Tropez','crying','Asiaticizations','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1000,248009,41,'nouns','unexpected','offerers','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1001,248010,41,'distracting','accessed','uncles','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1002,248011,41,'mutton','colorful','sleepwalk','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1003,248012,41,'bridgeable','versatility','Ernestine','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1004,248013,41,'stickers','cosy','checksumming','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1005,248014,41,'transcontinental','Darius','stopped','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1006,248015,41,'amateurish','mastering','sicker','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1007,248016,41,'Gandhian','Asiaticizations','Italianization','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1008,248017,41,'stratified','offerers','alphabetic','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1009,248018,41,'chamberlains','uncles','pharmaceutic','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1010,248019,41,'creditably','sleepwalk','creator','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1011,248020,41,'philosophic','Ernestine','chess','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1012,248021,41,'ores','checksumming','charcoal','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1013,248101,41,'Carleton','stopped','Epiphany','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1014,248102,41,'tape','sicker','bulldozes','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1015,248201,41,'afloat','Italianization','Pygmalion','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1016,248202,41,'goodness','alphabetic','caressing','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1017,248203,41,'welcoming','pharmaceutic','Palestine','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1018,248204,41,'Pinsky','creator','regimented','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1019,248205,41,'halting','chess','scars','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1020,248206,41,'bibliography','charcoal','realest','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1021,248207,41,'decoding','Epiphany','diffusing','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1022,248208,41,'variance','bulldozes','clubroom','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1023,248209,41,'allowed','Pygmalion','Blythe','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1024,248210,41,'dire','caressing','ahead','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1025,248211,50,'dub','Palestine','reviver','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1026,250501,34,'poisoning','regimented','retransmitting','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1027,250502,34,'Iraqis','scars','landslide','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1028,250503,34,'heaving','realest','Eiffel','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1029,250504,34,'population','diffusing','absentee','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1030,250505,34,'bomb','clubroom','aye','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1031,250601,34,'Majorca','Blythe','forked','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1032,250602,34,'Gershwins','ahead','Peruvianizes','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1033,250603,34,'explorers','reviver','clerked','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1034,250604,34,'libretto','retransmitting','tutor','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1035,250605,34,'occurred','landslide','boulevard','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1036,251001,34,'Lagos','Eiffel','shuttered','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1037,251002,34,'rats','absentee','quotes','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1038,251003,34,'bankruptcies','aye','Caltech','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1039,251004,34,'crying','forked','Mossberg','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1040,251005,34,'unexpected','Peruvianizes','kept','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1041,251301,34,'accessed','clerked','roundly','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1042,251302,34,'colorful','tutor','features','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1043,251303,34,'versatility','boulevard','imaginable','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1044,251304,34,'cosy','shuttered','controller','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1045,251305,34,'Darius','quotes','racial','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1046,251401,34,'mastering','Caltech','uprisings','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1047,251402,34,'Asiaticizations','Mossberg','narrowed','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1048,251403,34,'offerers','kept','cannot','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1049,251404,34,'uncles','roundly','vest','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1050,251405,34,'sleepwalk','features','famine','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1051,251406,34,'Ernestine','imaginable','sugars','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1052,251801,34,'checksumming','controller','exterminated','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1053,251802,34,'stopped','racial','belays','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1054,252101,34,'sicker','uprisings','Hodges','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1055,252102,34,'Italianization','narrowed','translatable','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1056,252301,34,'alphabetic','cannot','duality','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1057,252302,34,'pharmaceutic','vest','recording','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1058,252303,34,'creator','famine','rouses','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1059,252304,34,'chess','sugars','poison','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1060,252305,34,'charcoal','exterminated','attitude','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1061,252306,34,'Epiphany','belays','dusted','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1062,252307,34,'bulldozes','Hodges','encompasses','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1063,252308,34,'Pygmalion','translatable','presentation','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1064,252309,34,'caressing','duality','Kantian','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1065,256001,34,'Palestine','recording','imprecision','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1066,256002,34,'regimented','rouses','saving','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1067,256003,34,'scars','poison','maternal','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1068,256004,34,'realest','attitude','hewed','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1069,256005,34,'diffusing','dusted','kerosene','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1070,258001,34,'clubroom','encompasses','Cubans','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1071,258002,34,'Blythe','presentation','photographers','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1072,258003,34,'ahead','Kantian','nymph','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1073,258004,34,'reviver','imprecision','bedlam','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1074,258005,34,'retransmitting','saving','north','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1075,258006,34,'landslide','maternal','Schoenberg','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1076,258007,34,'Eiffel','hewed','botany','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1077,258008,34,'absentee','kerosene','curs','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1078,258009,34,'aye','Cubans','solidification','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1079,258010,34,'forked','photographers','inheritresses','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1080,258011,34,'Peruvianizes','nymph','stiller','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1081,258101,68,'clerked','bedlam','t1','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1082,258102,68,'tutor','north','suite','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1083,258103,34,'boulevard','Schoenberg','ransomer','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1084,258104,68,'shuttered','botany','Willy','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1085,258105,68,'quotes','curs','Rena','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1086,258106,68,'Caltech','solidification','Seattle','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1087,258107,68,'Mossberg','inheritresses','relaxes','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1088,258108,68,'kept','stiller','exclaim','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1089,258109,68,'roundly','t1','implicated','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1090,258110,68,'features','suite','distinguish','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1091,258111,68,'imaginable','ransomer','assayed','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1092,258112,68,'controller','Willy','homeowner','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1093,258113,68,'racial','Rena','and','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1094,258201,34,'uprisings','Seattle','stealth','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1095,258202,34,'narrowed','relaxes','coinciding','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1096,258203,34,'cannot','exclaim','founder','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1097,258204,34,'vest','implicated','environing','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1098,258205,34,'famine','distinguish','jewelry','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1099,258301,34,'sugars','assayed','lemons','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1100,258401,34,'exterminated','homeowner','brokenness','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1101,258402,34,'belays','and','bedpost','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1102,258403,34,'Hodges','stealth','assurers','A');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1103,258404,34,'translatable','coinciding','annoyers','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1104,258405,34,'duality','founder','affixed','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1105,258406,34,'recording','environing','warbling','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1106,258407,34,'rouses','jewelry','seriously','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1107,228123,37,'poison','lemons','boasted','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1108,250606,34,'attitude','brokenness','Chantilly','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1109,208405,37,'dusted','bedpost','Iranizes','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1110,212101,37,'encompasses','assurers','violinist','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1111,218206,37,'presentation','annoyers','extramarital','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1112,150401,37,'Kantian','affixed','spates','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1113,248212,41,'imprecision','warbling','cloakroom','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1114,128026,00,'saving','seriously','gazer','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1115,128024,00,'maternal','boasted','hand','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1116,128027,00,'hewed','Chantilly','tucked','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1117,128025,00,'kerosene','Iranizes','gems','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1118,128109,00,'Cubans','violinist','clinker','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1119,128705,00,'photographers','extramarital','refiner','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1120,126303,00,'nymph','spates','callus','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1121,128308,00,'bedlam','cloakroom','leopards','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1122,128204,00,'north','gazer','comfortingly','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1123,128205,00,'Schoenberg','hand','generically','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1124,128206,00,'botany','tucked','getters','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1125,128207,00,'curs','gems','sexually','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1126,118205,00,'solidification','clinker','spear','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1127,116801,00,'inheritresses','refiner','serums','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1128,116803,00,'stiller','callus','Italianization','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1129,116804,00,'t1','leopards','attendants','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1130,116802,00,'suite','comfortingly','spies','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1131,128605,00,'ransomer','generically','Anthony','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1132,118308,00,'Willy','getters','planar','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1133,113702,00,'Rena','sexually','cupped','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1134,113703,00,'Seattle','spear','cleanser','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1135,112103,00,'relaxes','serums','commuters','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1136,118009,00,'exclaim','Italianization','honeysuckle','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (5136,1118009,00,'exclaim','Italianization','honeysuckle','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1137,138011,00,'implicated','attendants','orphanage','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1138,138010,00,'distinguish','spies','skies','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1139,138012,00,'assayed','Anthony','crushers','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1140,068304,00,'homeowner','planar','Puritan','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1141,078009,00,'and','cupped','squeezer','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1142,108013,00,'stealth','cleanser','bruises','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1143,084004,00,'coinciding','commuters','bonfire','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1144,083402,00,'founder','honeysuckle','Colombo','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1145,084003,00,'environing','orphanage','nondecreasing','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1146,088504,00,'jewelry','skies','innocents','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1147,088005,00,'lemons','crushers','masked','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1148,088007,00,'brokenness','Puritan','file','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1149,088006,00,'bedpost','squeezer','brush','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1150,148025,00,'assurers','bruises','mutilate','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1151,148024,00,'annoyers','bonfire','mommy','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1152,138305,00,'affixed','Colombo','bulkheads','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1153,138306,00,'warbling','nondecreasing','undeclared','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1154,152701,00,'seriously','innocents','displacements','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1155,148505,00,'boasted','masked','nieces','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1156,158003,00,'Chantilly','file','coeducation','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1157,156201,00,'Iranizes','brush','brassy','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1158,156202,00,'violinist','mutilate','authenticator','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1159,158307,00,'extramarital','mommy','Washoe','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1160,158402,00,'spates','bulkheads','penny','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1161,158401,00,'cloakroom','undeclared','Flagler','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1162,068013,00,'gazer','displacements','stoned','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1163,068012,00,'hand','nieces','cranes','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1164,068203,00,'tucked','coeducation','masterful','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1165,088205,00,'gems','brassy','biracial','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1166,068704,00,'clinker','authenticator','steamships','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1167,068604,00,'refiner','Washoe','windmills','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1168,158502,00,'callus','penny','exploit','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1169,123103,00,'leopards','Flagler','riverfront','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1170,148026,00,'comfortingly','stoned','sisterly','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1171,123302,00,'generically','cranes','sharpshoot','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1172,076503,00,'getters','masterful','mittens','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1173,126304,00,'sexually','biracial','interdependency','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1174,068306,00,'spear','steamships','policy','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1175,143504,00,'serums','windmills','unleashing','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1176,160201,00,'Italianization','exploit','pretenders','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1177,148028,00,'attendants','riverfront','overstatements','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1178,148027,00,'spies','sisterly','birthed','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1179,143505,00,'Anthony','sharpshoot','opportunism','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1180,108014,00,'planar','mittens','showroom','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1181,076104,00,'cupped','interdependency','compromisingly','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1182,078106,00,'cleanser','policy','Medicare','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1183,126102,00,'commuters','unleashing','corresponds','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1184,128029,00,'honeysuckle','pretenders','hardware','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1185,128028,00,'orphanage','overstatements','implant','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1186,018410,00,'skies','birthed','Alicia','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1187,128110,00,'crushers','opportunism','requesting','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1188,148506,00,'Puritan','showroom','produced','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1189,123303,00,'squeezer','compromisingly','criticizes','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1190,123304,00,'bruises','Medicare','backer','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1191,068504,00,'bonfire','corresponds','positively','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1192,068305,00,'Colombo','hardware','colicky','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1193,000000,00,'nondecreasing','implant','thrillingly','');
2003-09-16 20:28:29 +04:00
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
# Search with a key
select t2.fld3 from t2 where companynr = 58 and fld3 like "%imaginable%";
select fld3 from t2 where fld3 like "%cultivation" ;
# Search with a key using sorting and limit the same time
select t2.fld3,companynr from t2 where companynr = 57+1 order by fld3;
select fld3,companynr from t2 where companynr = 58 order by fld3;
select fld3 from t2 order by fld3 desc limit 10;
select fld3 from t2 order by fld3 desc limit 5;
select fld3 from t2 order by fld3 desc limit 5,5;
# Search with a key having a constant with each unique key.
# The table is read directly with read-next on fld3
select t2.fld3 from t2 where fld3 = 'honeysuckle';
select t2.fld3 from t2 where fld3 LIKE 'honeysuckl_';
select t2.fld3 from t2 where fld3 LIKE 'hon_ysuckl_';
select t2.fld3 from t2 where fld3 LIKE 'honeysuckle%';
select t2.fld3 from t2 where fld3 LIKE 'h%le';
select t2.fld3 from t2 where fld3 LIKE 'honeysuckle_';
select t2.fld3 from t2 where fld3 LIKE 'don_t_find_me_please%';
# Test using INDEX and IGNORE INDEX
explain select t2.fld3 from t2 where fld3 = 'honeysuckle';
explain select fld3 from t2 ignore index (fld3) where fld3 = 'honeysuckle';
explain select fld3 from t2 use index (fld1) where fld3 = 'honeysuckle';
explain select fld3 from t2 use index (fld3) where fld3 = 'honeysuckle';
explain select fld3 from t2 use index (fld1,fld3) where fld3 = 'honeysuckle';
# The next should give an error
2001-02-07 17:42:20 +02:00
-- error 1072
explain select fld3 from t2 ignore index (fld3,not_used);
-- error 1072
explain select fld3 from t2 use index (not_used);
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
# Test sorting with a used key (there is no need for sorting)
select t2.fld3 from t2 where fld3 >= 'honeysuckle' and fld3 <= 'honoring' order by fld3;
explain select t2.fld3 from t2 where fld3 >= 'honeysuckle' and fld3 <= 'honoring' order by fld3;
select fld1,fld3 from t2 where fld3="Colombo" or fld3 = "nondecreasing" order by fld3;
# Search with a key having a constant with many occurrences
# The table is read directly with read-next having fld3 to get the
# occurrences
select fld1,fld3 from t2 where companynr = 37 and fld3 = 'appendixes';
# Search with bunched 'or's.
# If one can limit the key to a certain interval only the possible
# alternatives will be gone through
select fld1 from t2 where fld1=250501 or fld1="250502";
explain select fld1 from t2 where fld1=250501 or fld1="250502";
select fld1 from t2 where fld1=250501 or fld1=250502 or fld1 >= 250505 and fld1 <= 250601 or fld1 between 250501 and 250502;
explain select fld1 from t2 where fld1=250501 or fld1=250502 or fld1 >= 250505 and fld1 <= 250601 or fld1 between 250501 and 250502;
# Search with a key with LIKE constant
# If the like starts with a certain letter key will be used.
select fld1,fld3 from t2 where companynr = 37 and fld3 like 'f%';
select fld3 from t2 where fld3 like "L%" and fld3 = "ok";
select fld3 from t2 where (fld3 like "C%" and fld3 = "Chantilly");
select fld1,fld3 from t2 where fld1 like "25050%";
select fld1,fld3 from t2 where fld1 like "25050_";
# Search using distinct. An automatic grouping will be done over all the fields,
# if only distinct is used. In any other case a temporary table will always
# be created. If only the field used for sorting is from the main register,
# it will be sorted first before the distinct table is created.
select distinct companynr from t2;
select distinct companynr from t2 order by companynr;
select distinct companynr from t2 order by companynr desc;
select distinct t2.fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr=37 and fld3 like "O%";
select distinct fld3 from t2 where companynr = 34 order by fld3;
select distinct fld3 from t2 limit 10;
select distinct fld3 from t2 having fld3 like "A%" limit 10;
select distinct substring(fld3,1,3) from t2 where fld3 like "A%";
select distinct substring(fld3,1,3) as a from t2 having a like "A%" order by a limit 10;
select distinct substring(fld3,1,3) from t2 where fld3 like "A%" limit 10;
select distinct substring(fld3,1,3) as a from t2 having a like "A%" limit 10;
# make a big table.
create table t3 (
period int not null,
name char(32) not null,
companynr int not null,
price double(11,0),
price2 double(11,0),
key (period),
key (name)
2003-09-16 20:28:29 +04:00
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1001,"Iranizes",37,5987435,234724);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1002,"violinist",37,28357832,8723648);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1003,"extramarital",37,39654943,235872);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1004,"spates",78,726498,72987523);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1005,"cloakroom",78,98439034,823742);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1006,"gazer",101,834598,27348324);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1007,"hand",154,983543950,29837423);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1008,"tucked",311,234298,3275892);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1009,"gems",447,2374834,9872392);
INSERT INTO t3 (period,name,companynr,price,price2) VALUES (1010,"clinker",512,786542,76234234);
2003-09-16 20:28:29 +04:00
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
2003-12-10 04:31:42 +00:00
create temporary table tmp engine = myisam select * from t3;
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
insert into t3 select * from tmp;
insert into tmp select * from t3;
insert into t3 select * from tmp;
insert into tmp select * from t3;
insert into t3 select * from tmp;
insert into tmp select * from t3;
insert into t3 select * from tmp;
insert into tmp select * from t3;
insert into t3 select * from tmp;
insert into tmp select * from t3;
insert into t3 select * from tmp;
insert into tmp select * from t3;
insert into t3 select * from tmp;
insert into tmp select * from t3;
insert into t3 select * from tmp;
insert into tmp select * from t3;
insert into t3 select * from tmp;
#insert into tmp select * from t3;
#insert into t3 select * from tmp;
alter table t3 add t2nr int not null auto_increment primary key first;
drop table tmp;
# big table done
2002-09-03 15:44:25 +03:00
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
select distinct concat(fld3," ",fld3) as namn from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr order by namn limit 10;
2002-09-03 15:44:25 +03:00
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
select distinct concat(fld3," ",fld3) from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr order by fld3 limit 10;
select distinct fld5 from t2 limit 10;
# Force use of remove_dupp
select distinct fld3,count(*) from t2 group by companynr,fld3 limit 10;
2002-09-03 15:44:25 +03:00
SET SQL_BIG_TABLES=1; # Force use of MyISAM
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
select distinct fld3,count(*) from t2 group by companynr,fld3 limit 10;
2002-09-03 15:44:25 +03:00
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
select distinct fld3,repeat("a",length(fld3)),count(*) from t2 group by companynr,fld3 limit 100,10;
# A big order by that should trigger a merge in filesort
select distinct companynr,rtrim(space(512+companynr)) from t3 order by 1,2;
# Search with distinct and order by with many table.
select distinct fld3 from t2,t3 where t2.companynr = 34 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr order by fld3;
# Here the last fld3 is optimized away from the order by
explain select t3.t2nr,fld3 from t2,t3 where t2.companynr = 34 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr order by t3.t2nr,fld3;
2002-09-03 15:44:25 +03:00
# Some test with ORDER BY and limit
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period;
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t3.period limit 10;
explain select * from t3 as t1,t3 where t1.period=t3.period order by t1.period limit 10;
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
# Search with a constant table.
select period from t1;
select period from t1 where period=1900;
select fld3,period from t1,t2 where fld1 = 011401 order by period;
# Search with a constant table and several keyparts. (Rows are read only once
# in the beginning of the search)
select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and t3.period=1001;
explain select fld3,period from t2,t3 where t2.fld1 = 011401 and t3.t2nr=t2.fld1 and 1001 = t3.period;
# Search with a constant table and several rows from another table
select fld3,period from t2,t1 where companynr*10 = 37*10;
# Search with a table reference and without a key.
# t3 will be the main table.
select fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period >= 1001 and period <= 1002 and t2.companynr = 37 order by fld3,period, price;
# Search with an interval on a table with full key on reference table.
# Here t2 will be the main table and only records matching the
# t2nr will be checked.
select t2.fld1,fld3,period,price,price2 from t2,t3 where t2.fld1>= 18201 and t2.fld1 <= 18811 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1001 and t2.companynr = 37;
# We need another table for join stuff..
create table t4 (
companynr tinyint(2) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL default '00',
companyname char(30) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (companynr),
UNIQUE KEY companyname(companyname)
2003-12-10 04:31:42 +00:00
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
2003-09-16 20:28:29 +04:00
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
INSERT INTO t4 (companynr, companyname) VALUES (29,'company 1');
INSERT INTO t4 (companynr, companyname) VALUES (34,'company 2');
INSERT INTO t4 (companynr, companyname) VALUES (36,'company 3');
INSERT INTO t4 (companynr, companyname) VALUES (37,'company 4');
INSERT INTO t4 (companynr, companyname) VALUES (40,'company 5');
INSERT INTO t4 (companynr, companyname) VALUES (41,'company 6');
INSERT INTO t4 (companynr, companyname) VALUES (53,'company 7');
INSERT INTO t4 (companynr, companyname) VALUES (58,'company 8');
INSERT INTO t4 (companynr, companyname) VALUES (65,'company 9');
INSERT INTO t4 (companynr, companyname) VALUES (68,'company 10');
INSERT INTO t4 (companynr, companyname) VALUES (50,'company 11');
INSERT INTO t4 (companynr, companyname) VALUES (00,'Unknown');
2003-09-16 20:28:29 +04:00
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
# Test of stright join to force a full join.
select STRAIGHT_JOIN t2.companynr,companyname from t4,t2 where t2.companynr=t4.companynr group by t2.companynr;
select SQL_SMALL_RESULT t2.companynr,companyname from t4,t2 where t2.companynr=t4.companynr group by t2.companynr;
# Full join (same alias)
select * from t1,t1 t12;
select t2.fld1,t22.fld1 from t2,t2 t22 where t2.fld1 >= 250501 and t2.fld1 <= 250505 and t22.fld1 >= 250501 and t22.fld1 <= 250505;
# Test of left join.
2003-06-26 05:38:19 +03:00
insert into t2 (fld1, companynr) values (999999,99);
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
2005-08-23 18:08:04 +03:00
select t2.companynr,companyname from t2 left join t4 using (companynr) where t4.companynr is null;
select count(*) from t2 left join t4 using (companynr) where t4.companynr is not null;
explain select t2.companynr,companyname from t2 left join t4 using (companynr) where t4.companynr is null;
explain select t2.companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where t2.companynr is null;
Implementation of WL#2486 -
"Process NATURAL and USING joins according to SQL:2003".
* Some of the main problems fixed by the patch:
- in "select *" queries the * expanded correctly according to
ANSI for arbitrary natural/using joins
- natural/using joins are correctly transformed into JOIN ... ON
for any number/nesting of the joins.
- column references are correctly resolved against natural joins
of any nesting and combined with arbitrary other joins.
* This patch also contains a fix for name resolution of items
inside the ON condition of JOIN ... ON - in this case items must
be resolved only against the JOIN operands. To support such
'local' name resolution, the patch introduces a stack of
name resolution contexts used at parse time.
- This patch is not complete in the sense that
- there are 2 test cases that still do not pass -
one in join.test, one in select.test. Both are marked
with a comment "TODO: WL#2486".
- it does not include a new test specific for the task
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.,
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
The column as a whole cannot be resolved, so different error message.
Adjusted according to standard JOIN ... ON semantics =>
the ON condition can refer only to the join operands.
More detailed error message.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
This test doesn't pass completetly yet!
More detailed error message.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
NOTICE: there is one test case that still fails, and it is
commeted out and marked with WL#2486 in the test file.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
NOTICE: there is one failing test case which is commented with
WL#2486 in the test file.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
More detailed error message.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard JOIN ... ON semantics =>
the ON condition can refer only to the join operands.
More detailed error message.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
This test doesn't pass completetly yet!
More detailed error message.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
NOTICE: there is one test case that still fails, and it is
commeted out and marked with WL#2486 in the test file.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
NOTICE: there is one test case that still fails, and it is
commeted out and marked with WL#2486 in the test file.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
More detailed error message.
- extra parameter to find_field_in_tables
- find_field_in_real_table renamed to find_field_in_table
- fixed comments/typos
- added [first | last]_name_resolution_table to class
- commented old code
- standardized formatting
- refactored the find_field_in_XXX procedures,
- added a new procedure for natural join table references,
- renamed the find_field_in_XXX procedures to clearer names
- pass the top-most list of the FROM clause to setup_tables
- extra parameter to find_field_in_tables
- renamed find_field_in_table => find_field_in_table_ref
- extra parameter to find_field_in_table_ref
- commented old code
This file contains the core of the implementation of the processing
of NATURAL/USING joins (WL#2486).
- added many comments to old code
- refactored the group of find_field_in_XXX procedures, and added a
new procedure for natural joins. There is one find_field_in_XXX procedure
per each type of table reference (stored table, merge view, or natural
join); one meta-procedure that selects the correct one depeneding on the
table reference; and one procedure that goes over a list of table
- NATURAL/USING joins are processed through the procedures:
mark_common_columns, store_natural_using_join_columns,
store_top_level_join_columns, setup_natural_join_row_types.
The entry point to processing NATURAL/USING joins is the
procedure 'setup_natural_join_row_types'.
- Replaced the specialized Field_iterator_XXX iterators with one
generic iterator over the fields of a table reference.
- Simplified 'insert_fields' and 'setup_conds' due to encapsulation of
the processing of natural joins in a separate set of procedures.
- Commented old code.
- Pass the FROM clause to setup_tables.
- pass the end name resolution table to find_field_in_tables
- adjust the list of tables for name resolution
- Changed the code that saves and restores the current context to
support the list of tables for name resolution -
context->first_name_resolution_table, and
Needed to support an ugly trick to resolve inserted columns only in
the first table.
- Added Name_resolution_context::[first | last]_name_resolution_table.
- Commented old code
- set select_lex.parent_lex correctly
- set correct state of the current name resolution context
- Added a stack of name resolution contexts to support local
contexts for JOIN ... ON conditions.
- Commented old code.
- Pass the FROM clause to setup_tables.
- Pass the FROM clause to setup_tables.
- correctly set SELECT_LEX::parent_lex
- set the first table of the current name resoltion context
- added support for NATURAL/USING joins
- commented old code
- Pass the FROM clause to setup_tables.
- Pass the end table to find_field_in_tables
- Improved comments
- Set SELECT_LEX::parent_lex.
- Pass the FROM clause to setup_tables.
- Added support for a stack of name resolution contexts needed to
implement name resolution for JOIN ... ON. A context is pushed
for each new JOIN ... ON, and popped afterwards.
- Added support for NATURAL/USING joins.
- Added new class Natural_join_column to hide the heterogeneous
representation of column references for stored tables and for
- Added a new list TABLE_LIST::next_name_resolution_table to
support name resolution with NATURAL/USING joins. Also added
other members to TABLE_LIST to support NATURAL/USING joins.
- Added a generic iterator over the fields of table references
of various types - class Field_iterator_table_ref
- Added new class Natural_join_column to hide the heterogeneous
representation of column references for stored tables and for
- Added a new list TABLE_LIST::next_name_resolution_table to
support name resolution with NATURAL/USING joins. Also added
other members to TABLE_LIST to support NATURAL/USING joins.
- Added a generic iterator over the fields of table references
of various types - class Field_iterator_table_ref
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL JOIN syntax.
2005-08-12 17:57:19 +03:00
select companynr,companyname from t2 left join t4 using (companynr) where companynr is null;
select count(*) from t2 left join t4 using (companynr) where companynr is not null;
explain select companynr,companyname from t2 left join t4 using (companynr) where companynr is null;
explain select companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where companynr is null;
2003-06-26 05:38:19 +03:00
delete from t2 where fld1=999999;
# Test left join optimization
2005-08-23 18:08:04 +03:00
explain select t2.companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where t2.companynr > 0;
explain select t2.companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where t2.companynr > 0 or t2.companynr < 0;
explain select t2.companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where t2.companynr > 0 and t4.companynr > 0;
Implementation of WL#2486 -
"Process NATURAL and USING joins according to SQL:2003".
* Some of the main problems fixed by the patch:
- in "select *" queries the * expanded correctly according to
ANSI for arbitrary natural/using joins
- natural/using joins are correctly transformed into JOIN ... ON
for any number/nesting of the joins.
- column references are correctly resolved against natural joins
of any nesting and combined with arbitrary other joins.
* This patch also contains a fix for name resolution of items
inside the ON condition of JOIN ... ON - in this case items must
be resolved only against the JOIN operands. To support such
'local' name resolution, the patch introduces a stack of
name resolution contexts used at parse time.
- This patch is not complete in the sense that
- there are 2 test cases that still do not pass -
one in join.test, one in select.test. Both are marked
with a comment "TODO: WL#2486".
- it does not include a new test specific for the task
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.,
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
The column as a whole cannot be resolved, so different error message.
Adjusted according to standard JOIN ... ON semantics =>
the ON condition can refer only to the join operands.
More detailed error message.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
This test doesn't pass completetly yet!
More detailed error message.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
NOTICE: there is one test case that still fails, and it is
commeted out and marked with WL#2486 in the test file.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
NOTICE: there is one failing test case which is commented with
WL#2486 in the test file.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
More detailed error message.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard JOIN ... ON semantics =>
the ON condition can refer only to the join operands.
More detailed error message.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
This test doesn't pass completetly yet!
More detailed error message.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
NOTICE: there is one test case that still fails, and it is
commeted out and marked with WL#2486 in the test file.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
NOTICE: there is one test case that still fails, and it is
commeted out and marked with WL#2486 in the test file.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
More detailed error message.
- extra parameter to find_field_in_tables
- find_field_in_real_table renamed to find_field_in_table
- fixed comments/typos
- added [first | last]_name_resolution_table to class
- commented old code
- standardized formatting
- refactored the find_field_in_XXX procedures,
- added a new procedure for natural join table references,
- renamed the find_field_in_XXX procedures to clearer names
- pass the top-most list of the FROM clause to setup_tables
- extra parameter to find_field_in_tables
- renamed find_field_in_table => find_field_in_table_ref
- extra parameter to find_field_in_table_ref
- commented old code
This file contains the core of the implementation of the processing
of NATURAL/USING joins (WL#2486).
- added many comments to old code
- refactored the group of find_field_in_XXX procedures, and added a
new procedure for natural joins. There is one find_field_in_XXX procedure
per each type of table reference (stored table, merge view, or natural
join); one meta-procedure that selects the correct one depeneding on the
table reference; and one procedure that goes over a list of table
- NATURAL/USING joins are processed through the procedures:
mark_common_columns, store_natural_using_join_columns,
store_top_level_join_columns, setup_natural_join_row_types.
The entry point to processing NATURAL/USING joins is the
procedure 'setup_natural_join_row_types'.
- Replaced the specialized Field_iterator_XXX iterators with one
generic iterator over the fields of a table reference.
- Simplified 'insert_fields' and 'setup_conds' due to encapsulation of
the processing of natural joins in a separate set of procedures.
- Commented old code.
- Pass the FROM clause to setup_tables.
- pass the end name resolution table to find_field_in_tables
- adjust the list of tables for name resolution
- Changed the code that saves and restores the current context to
support the list of tables for name resolution -
context->first_name_resolution_table, and
Needed to support an ugly trick to resolve inserted columns only in
the first table.
- Added Name_resolution_context::[first | last]_name_resolution_table.
- Commented old code
- set select_lex.parent_lex correctly
- set correct state of the current name resolution context
- Added a stack of name resolution contexts to support local
contexts for JOIN ... ON conditions.
- Commented old code.
- Pass the FROM clause to setup_tables.
- Pass the FROM clause to setup_tables.
- correctly set SELECT_LEX::parent_lex
- set the first table of the current name resoltion context
- added support for NATURAL/USING joins
- commented old code
- Pass the FROM clause to setup_tables.
- Pass the end table to find_field_in_tables
- Improved comments
- Set SELECT_LEX::parent_lex.
- Pass the FROM clause to setup_tables.
- Added support for a stack of name resolution contexts needed to
implement name resolution for JOIN ... ON. A context is pushed
for each new JOIN ... ON, and popped afterwards.
- Added support for NATURAL/USING joins.
- Added new class Natural_join_column to hide the heterogeneous
representation of column references for stored tables and for
- Added a new list TABLE_LIST::next_name_resolution_table to
support name resolution with NATURAL/USING joins. Also added
other members to TABLE_LIST to support NATURAL/USING joins.
- Added a generic iterator over the fields of table references
of various types - class Field_iterator_table_ref
- Added new class Natural_join_column to hide the heterogeneous
representation of column references for stored tables and for
- Added a new list TABLE_LIST::next_name_resolution_table to
support name resolution with NATURAL/USING joins. Also added
other members to TABLE_LIST to support NATURAL/USING joins.
- Added a generic iterator over the fields of table references
of various types - class Field_iterator_table_ref
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL JOIN syntax.
2005-08-12 17:57:19 +03:00
explain select companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where companynr > 0;
explain select companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where companynr > 0 or companynr < 0;
explain select companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where companynr > 0 and companynr > 0;
2003-06-26 05:38:19 +03:00
# Following can't be optimized
2005-08-23 18:08:04 +03:00
explain select t2.companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where t2.companynr > 0 or t2.companynr is null;
explain select t2.companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where t2.companynr > 0 or t2.companynr < 0 or t4.companynr > 0;
explain select t2.companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where ifnull(t2.companynr,1)>0;
Implementation of WL#2486 -
"Process NATURAL and USING joins according to SQL:2003".
* Some of the main problems fixed by the patch:
- in "select *" queries the * expanded correctly according to
ANSI for arbitrary natural/using joins
- natural/using joins are correctly transformed into JOIN ... ON
for any number/nesting of the joins.
- column references are correctly resolved against natural joins
of any nesting and combined with arbitrary other joins.
* This patch also contains a fix for name resolution of items
inside the ON condition of JOIN ... ON - in this case items must
be resolved only against the JOIN operands. To support such
'local' name resolution, the patch introduces a stack of
name resolution contexts used at parse time.
- This patch is not complete in the sense that
- there are 2 test cases that still do not pass -
one in join.test, one in select.test. Both are marked
with a comment "TODO: WL#2486".
- it does not include a new test specific for the task
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.,
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
The column as a whole cannot be resolved, so different error message.
Adjusted according to standard JOIN ... ON semantics =>
the ON condition can refer only to the join operands.
More detailed error message.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
This test doesn't pass completetly yet!
More detailed error message.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
NOTICE: there is one test case that still fails, and it is
commeted out and marked with WL#2486 in the test file.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
NOTICE: there is one failing test case which is commented with
WL#2486 in the test file.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
More detailed error message.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard JOIN ... ON semantics =>
the ON condition can refer only to the join operands.
More detailed error message.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
This test doesn't pass completetly yet!
More detailed error message.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
NOTICE: there is one test case that still fails, and it is
commeted out and marked with WL#2486 in the test file.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
NOTICE: there is one test case that still fails, and it is
commeted out and marked with WL#2486 in the test file.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL/USING join semantics.
More detailed error message.
- extra parameter to find_field_in_tables
- find_field_in_real_table renamed to find_field_in_table
- fixed comments/typos
- added [first | last]_name_resolution_table to class
- commented old code
- standardized formatting
- refactored the find_field_in_XXX procedures,
- added a new procedure for natural join table references,
- renamed the find_field_in_XXX procedures to clearer names
- pass the top-most list of the FROM clause to setup_tables
- extra parameter to find_field_in_tables
- renamed find_field_in_table => find_field_in_table_ref
- extra parameter to find_field_in_table_ref
- commented old code
This file contains the core of the implementation of the processing
of NATURAL/USING joins (WL#2486).
- added many comments to old code
- refactored the group of find_field_in_XXX procedures, and added a
new procedure for natural joins. There is one find_field_in_XXX procedure
per each type of table reference (stored table, merge view, or natural
join); one meta-procedure that selects the correct one depeneding on the
table reference; and one procedure that goes over a list of table
- NATURAL/USING joins are processed through the procedures:
mark_common_columns, store_natural_using_join_columns,
store_top_level_join_columns, setup_natural_join_row_types.
The entry point to processing NATURAL/USING joins is the
procedure 'setup_natural_join_row_types'.
- Replaced the specialized Field_iterator_XXX iterators with one
generic iterator over the fields of a table reference.
- Simplified 'insert_fields' and 'setup_conds' due to encapsulation of
the processing of natural joins in a separate set of procedures.
- Commented old code.
- Pass the FROM clause to setup_tables.
- pass the end name resolution table to find_field_in_tables
- adjust the list of tables for name resolution
- Changed the code that saves and restores the current context to
support the list of tables for name resolution -
context->first_name_resolution_table, and
Needed to support an ugly trick to resolve inserted columns only in
the first table.
- Added Name_resolution_context::[first | last]_name_resolution_table.
- Commented old code
- set select_lex.parent_lex correctly
- set correct state of the current name resolution context
- Added a stack of name resolution contexts to support local
contexts for JOIN ... ON conditions.
- Commented old code.
- Pass the FROM clause to setup_tables.
- Pass the FROM clause to setup_tables.
- correctly set SELECT_LEX::parent_lex
- set the first table of the current name resoltion context
- added support for NATURAL/USING joins
- commented old code
- Pass the FROM clause to setup_tables.
- Pass the end table to find_field_in_tables
- Improved comments
- Set SELECT_LEX::parent_lex.
- Pass the FROM clause to setup_tables.
- Added support for a stack of name resolution contexts needed to
implement name resolution for JOIN ... ON. A context is pushed
for each new JOIN ... ON, and popped afterwards.
- Added support for NATURAL/USING joins.
- Added new class Natural_join_column to hide the heterogeneous
representation of column references for stored tables and for
- Added a new list TABLE_LIST::next_name_resolution_table to
support name resolution with NATURAL/USING joins. Also added
other members to TABLE_LIST to support NATURAL/USING joins.
- Added a generic iterator over the fields of table references
of various types - class Field_iterator_table_ref
- Added new class Natural_join_column to hide the heterogeneous
representation of column references for stored tables and for
- Added a new list TABLE_LIST::next_name_resolution_table to
support name resolution with NATURAL/USING joins. Also added
other members to TABLE_LIST to support NATURAL/USING joins.
- Added a generic iterator over the fields of table references
of various types - class Field_iterator_table_ref
Adjusted according to standard NATURAL JOIN syntax.
2005-08-12 17:57:19 +03:00
explain select companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where companynr > 0 or companynr is null;
explain select companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where companynr > 0 or companynr < 0 or companynr > 0;
explain select companynr,companyname from t4 left join t2 using (companynr) where ifnull(companynr,1)>0;
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
# Joins with forms.
select distinct t2.companynr,t4.companynr from t2,t4 where t2.companynr=t4.companynr+1;
explain select distinct t2.companynr,t4.companynr from t2,t4 where t2.companynr=t4.companynr+1;
# Search using 'or' with the same referens group.
# An interval search will be done first with the first table and after that
# the other table is referenced with a key with a 'test if key in use' for
# each record
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = 38208 and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period = 1008 or t2.fld1 = 38008 and t2.fld1 =t3.t2nr and period = 1008;
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t2.fld1 = 38208 or t2.fld1 = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
select t2.fld1,t2.companynr,fld3,period from t3,t2 where (t3.t2nr = 38208 or t3.t2nr = 38008) and t2.fld1=t3.t2nr and period>=1008 and period<=1009;
# Test of many parenthesis levels
select period from t1 where (((period > 0) or period < 10000 or (period = 1900)) and (period=1900 and period <= 1901) or (period=1903 and (period=1903)) and period>=1902) or ((period=1904 or period=1905) or (period=1906 or period>1907)) or (period=1908 and period = 1909);
select period from t1 where ((period > 0 and period < 1) or (((period > 0 and period < 100) and (period > 10)) or (period > 10)) or (period > 0 and (period > 5 or period > 6)));
select a.fld1 from t2 as a,t2 b where ((a.fld1 = 250501 and a.fld1=b.fld1) or a.fld1=250502 or a.fld1=250503 or (a.fld1=250505 and a.fld1<=b.fld1 and b.fld1>=a.fld1)) and a.fld1=b.fld1;
select fld1 from t2 where fld1 in (250502,98005,98006,250503,250605,250606) and fld1 >=250502 and fld1 not in (250605,250606);
select fld1 from t2 where fld1 between 250502 and 250504;
select fld3 from t2 where (((fld3 like "_%L%" ) or (fld3 like "%ok%")) and ( fld3 like "L%" or fld3 like "G%")) and fld3 like "L%" ;
# Group on one table.
# optimizer: sort table by group and send rows.
select count(*) from t1;
select companynr,count(*),sum(fld1) from t2 group by companynr;
select companynr,count(*) from t2 group by companynr order by companynr desc limit 5;
2002-12-14 03:36:59 +04:00
select count(*),min(fld4),max(fld4),sum(fld1),avg(fld1),std(fld1),variance(fld1) from t2 where companynr = 34 and fld4<>"";
2003-10-30 12:57:26 +02:00
explain extended select count(*),min(fld4),max(fld4),sum(fld1),avg(fld1),std(fld1),variance(fld1) from t2 where companynr = 34 and fld4<>"";
2002-12-14 03:36:59 +04:00
select companynr,count(*),min(fld4),max(fld4),sum(fld1),avg(fld1),std(fld1),variance(fld1) from t2 group by companynr limit 3;
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
select companynr,t2nr,count(price),sum(price),min(price),max(price),avg(price) from t3 where companynr = 37 group by companynr,t2nr limit 10;
select /*! SQL_SMALL_RESULT */ companynr,t2nr,count(price),sum(price),min(price),max(price),avg(price) from t3 where companynr = 37 group by companynr,t2nr limit 10;
select companynr,count(price),sum(price),min(price),max(price),avg(price) from t3 group by companynr ;
select distinct mod(companynr,10) from t4 group by companynr;
select distinct 1 from t4 group by companynr;
select count(distinct fld1) from t2;
select companynr,count(distinct fld1) from t2 group by companynr;
select companynr,count(*) from t2 group by companynr;
select companynr,count(distinct concat(fld1,repeat(65,1000))) from t2 group by companynr;
select companynr,count(distinct concat(fld1,repeat(65,200))) from t2 group by companynr;
select companynr,count(distinct floor(fld1/100)) from t2 group by companynr;
select companynr,count(distinct concat(repeat(65,1000),floor(fld1/100))) from t2 group by companynr;
# group with where on a key field
select sum(fld1),fld3 from t2 where fld3="Romans" group by fld1 limit 10;
select name,count(*) from t3 where name='cloakroom' group by name;
select name,count(*) from t3 where name='cloakroom' and price>10 group by name;
select count(*) from t3 where name='cloakroom' and price2=823742;
select name,count(*) from t3 where name='cloakroom' and price2=823742 group by name;
select name,count(*) from t3 where name >= "extramarital" and price <= 39654943 group by name;
select t2.fld3,count(*) from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=158402 and t3.name=t2.fld3 group by t3.name;
# Group with extra not group fields.
select companynr|0,companyname from t4 group by 1;
select t2.companynr,companyname,count(*) from t2,t4 where t2.companynr=t4.companynr group by t2.companynr order by companyname;
select t2.fld1,count(*) from t2,t3 where t2.fld1=158402 and t3.name=t2.fld3 group by t3.name;
# Calculation with group functions
select sum(Period)/count(*) from t1;
2001-06-03 12:26:24 +03:00
select companynr,count(price) as "count",sum(price) as "sum" ,abs(sum(price)/count(price)-avg(price)) as "diff",(0+count(price))*companynr as func from t3 group by companynr;
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
select companynr,sum(price)/count(price) as avg from t3 group by companynr having avg > 70000000 order by avg;
# Group with order on not first table
# optimizer: sort table by group and write group records to tmp table.
# sort tmp_table and send rows.
select companynr,count(*) from t2 group by companynr order by 2 desc;
select companynr,count(*) from t2 where companynr > 40 group by companynr order by 2 desc;
select t2.fld4,t2.fld1,count(price),sum(price),min(price),max(price),avg(price) from t3,t2 where t3.companynr = 37 and t2.fld1 = t3.t2nr group by fld1,t2.fld4;
# group by with many tables
# optimizer: create tmp table with group-by uniq index.
# write with update to tmp table.
# sort tmp table according to order (or group if no order)
# send rows
select t3.companynr,fld3,sum(price) from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = t3.t2nr and t3.companynr = 512 group by companynr,fld3;
select t2.companynr,count(*),min(fld3),max(fld3),sum(price),avg(price) from t2,t3 where t3.companynr >= 30 and t3.companynr <= 58 and t3.t2nr = t2.fld1 and 1+1=2 group by t2.companynr;
# group with many tables and long group on many tables. group on formula
# optimizer: create tmp table with neaded fields
# sort tmp table by group and calculate sums to new table
# if different order by than group, sort tmp table
# send rows
select t3.companynr+0,t3.t2nr,fld3,sum(price) from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = t3.t2nr and t3.companynr = 37 group by 1,t3.t2nr,fld3,fld3,fld3,fld3,fld3 order by fld1;
# WHERE const folding
# optimize: If there is a "field = const" part in the where, change all
# instances of field in the and level to const.
# All instances of const = const are checked once and removed.
# Where -> t3.t2nr = 98005 and t2.fld1 = 98005
select sum(price) from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = t3.t2nr and t3.companynr = 512 and t3.t2nr = 38008 and t2.fld1 = 38008 or t2.fld1= t3.t2nr and t3.t2nr = 38008 and t2.fld1 = 38008;
select t2.fld1,sum(price) from t3,t2 where t2.fld1 = t3.t2nr and t3.companynr = 512 and t3.t2nr = 38008 and t2.fld1 = 38008 or t2.fld1 = t3.t2nr and t3.t2nr = 38008 and t2.fld1 = 38008 or t3.t2nr = t2.fld1 and t2.fld1 = 38008 group by t2.fld1;
explain select fld3 from t2 where 1>2 or 2>3;
explain select fld3 from t2 where fld1=fld1;
select companynr,fld1 from t2 HAVING fld1=250501 or fld1=250502;
select companynr,fld1 from t2 WHERE fld1>=250501 HAVING fld1<=250502;
select companynr,count(*) as count,sum(fld1) as sum from t2 group by companynr having count > 40 and sum/count >= 120000;
select companynr from t2 group by companynr having count(*) > 40 and sum(fld1)/count(*) >= 120000 ;
select t2.companynr,companyname,count(*) from t2,t4 where t2.companynr=t4.companynr group by companyname having t2.companynr >= 40;
# MIN(), MAX() and COUNT() optimizing
select count(*) from t2;
select count(*) from t2 where fld1 < 098024;
2004-10-26 19:30:01 +03:00
# PS does correct pre-zero here. MySQL can't do it as it returns a number.
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
select min(fld1) from t2 where fld1>= 098024;
2004-10-26 19:30:01 +03:00
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
select max(fld1) from t2 where fld1>= 098024;
select count(*) from t3 where price2=76234234;
select count(*) from t3 where companynr=512 and price2=76234234;
explain select min(fld1),max(fld1),count(*) from t2;
2004-10-26 19:30:01 +03:00
# PS does correct pre-zero here. MySQL can't do it as it returns a number.
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
select min(fld1),max(fld1),count(*) from t2;
2004-10-26 19:30:01 +03:00
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
select min(t2nr),max(t2nr) from t3 where t2nr=2115 and price2=823742;
select count(*),min(t2nr),max(t2nr) from t3 where name='spates' and companynr=78;
select t2nr,count(*) from t3 where name='gems' group by t2nr limit 20;
select max(t2nr) from t3 where price=983543950;
# Test of alias
select t1.period from t3 = t1 limit 1;
select t1.period from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select t1.period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 as t1 limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 limit 1;
select period as ok_period from t1 group by ok_period limit 1;
select 1+1 as summa from t1 group by summa limit 1;
select period as "Nuvarande period" from t1 group by "Nuvarande period" limit 1;
# Some simple show commands
show tables;
show tables from test like "s%";
show tables from test like "t?";
2005-03-30 17:32:44 -08:00
# We mask out the Privileges column because it differs with embedded server
--replace_column 8 #
2001-01-22 05:32:58 +02:00
show full columns from t2;
2005-03-30 17:32:44 -08:00
--replace_column 8 #
2001-01-22 05:32:58 +02:00
show full columns from t2 from test like 'f%';
2005-03-30 17:32:44 -08:00
--replace_column 8 #
2001-01-22 05:32:58 +02:00
show full columns from t2 from test like 's%';
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
show keys from t2;
2002-08-17 05:18:06 +03:00
drop table t4, t3, t2, t1;
2001-12-17 23:24:51 +02:00
# Test of DO
2003-03-13 13:44:03 +01:00
2001-12-17 23:24:51 +02:00
DO 1;
DO benchmark(100,1+1),1,1;
2004-11-16 14:36:25 +04:00
# Bug #6449: do default;
2005-05-26 12:55:31 +02:00
2004-11-16 14:36:25 +04:00
do default;
2005-05-26 12:55:31 +02:00
2004-11-16 14:36:25 +04:00
do foobar;
2003-03-11 18:34:00 +02:00
# random in WHERE clause
id mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
pseudo varchar(35) NOT NULL default '',
UNIQUE KEY pseudo (pseudo)
INSERT INTO t1 (pseudo) VALUES ('test');
INSERT INTO t1 (pseudo) VALUES ('test1');
2003-03-13 14:40:13 +01:00
SELECT 1 as rnd1 from t1 where rand() > 2;
2003-03-13 13:44:03 +01:00
2003-03-11 18:34:00 +02:00
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
2002-08-17 05:18:06 +03:00
# Test of bug with SUM(CASE...)
2001-01-03 02:15:48 +02:00
bug#10466: Datatype "timestamp" displays "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS" irrespective of display sizes.
- Print warning that says display width is not supported for datatype TIMESTAMP, if user tries to create a TIMESTAMP column with display width.
- Use display width for TIMESTAMP only in type_timestamp test to make sure warning is displayed correctly.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
When display width is used for a TIMESTAMP column a warning is printed that the display width will be ignored.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Reove all uses of display width in for TIMESTAMP columns, except in the type_timestamp test.
Correct swedish error message
Print warning if datatype is TIMESTAMP and display width is used.
2005-06-20 12:09:00 +02:00
CREATE TABLE t1 (gvid int(10) unsigned default NULL, hmid int(10) unsigned default NULL, volid int(10) unsigned default NULL, mmid int(10) unsigned default NULL, hdid int(10) unsigned default NULL, fsid int(10) unsigned default NULL, ctid int(10) unsigned default NULL, dtid int(10) unsigned default NULL, cost int(10) unsigned default NULL, performance int(10) unsigned default NULL, serialnumber bigint(20) unsigned default NULL, monitored tinyint(3) unsigned default '1', removed tinyint(3) unsigned default '0', target tinyint(3) unsigned default '0', dt_modified timestamp NOT NULL, name varchar(255) binary default NULL, description varchar(255) default NULL, UNIQUE KEY hmid (hmid,volid)) ENGINE=MyISAM;
2002-06-15 14:56:35 +03:00
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (200001,2,1,1,100,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,20020425060057,'\\\\ARKIVIO-TESTPDC\\E$',''),(200002,2,2,1,101,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,20020425060057,'\\\\ARKIVIO-TESTPDC\\C$',''),(200003,1,3,2,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,1,0,1,20020425060427,'c:',NULL);
2003-12-10 04:31:42 +00:00
CREATE TABLE t2 ( hmid int(10) unsigned default NULL, volid int(10) unsigned default NULL, sampletid smallint(5) unsigned default NULL, sampletime datetime default NULL, samplevalue bigint(20) unsigned default NULL, KEY idx1 (hmid,volid,sampletid,sampletime)) ENGINE=MyISAM;
2002-06-15 14:56:35 +03:00
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,3,10,'2002-06-01 08:00:00',35),(1,3,1010,'2002-06-01 12:00:01',35);
2005-05-26 12:55:31 +02:00
# Disable PS becasue we get more warnings from PS than from normal execution
WL#1264 "Per-thread time zone support infrastructure".
Added basic per-thread time zone functionality (based on public
domain elsie-code). Now user can select current time zone
(from the list of time zones described in system tables).
All NOW-like functions honor this time zone, values of TIMESTAMP
type are interpreted as values in this time zone, so now
our TIMESTAMP type behaves similar to Oracle's TIMESTAMP WITH
LOCAL TIME ZONE (or proper PostgresSQL type).
WL#1266 "CONVERT_TZ() - basic time with time zone conversion
Fixed problems described in Bug #2336 (Different number of warnings
when inserting bad datetime as string or as number). This required
reworking of datetime realted warning hadling (they now generated
at Field object level not in conversion functions).
Optimization: Now Field class descendants use table->in_use member
instead of current_thd macro.
Added macro for reading of 32-bit ints stored in network order from
unaligned memory location.
Added error-code for invalid timestamp warning and error-code
for wrong or unknown time zone specification.
Added main per-thread time zone support file to libmysqld
Added initialization of time zones infrastructure to embedded server.
Updated test result since now mysql database contains more
system tables.
Now when truncation occurs during conversion to datetime value we are producing Warnings
instead of Notes. Also we are giving more clear warnings about this in some cases.
New warnings about truncation occured during conversion to datetime value added due
their better handling.
New warnings about truncation occured during conversion to datetime value added due
their better handling.
New warnings about truncation occured during conversion to datetime value added due
their better handling. Also tweaked test a bit to made it less ambigious for reader.
Updated test result because new system tables holding time zone descriptions were
Updated timezone.test to use new system variable which shows system time zone.
Added test of warning which is produced if someone tries to store non-existing (due
falling into spring time-gap) datetime value into TIMESTAMP field.
Separated and extended test of values and warnings produced for bad values stored in
Now we are producing more consistent warning when we are truncating datetime value while
storing it in TIME field.
Separated and extended test of values and warnings produced for bad
values stored in TIMESTAMP fields.
Updated test to make it less ambigous for reader.
Updated timezone.test to use new system variable which shows system time zone.
Added test of warning which is produced if someone tries to store non-existing (due
falling into spring time-gap) datetime value into TIMESTAMP field.
Separated and extended test of values and warnings produced for bad
values stored in DATETTIME fields.
Separated and extended test of values and warnings produced for bad
values stored in TIMESTAMP fields.
Added creation of tables with time zone descriptions.
Also added descriptions of time zones used in tests.
Added mysql.time_zone* tables family.
Added files implementing time zone support to server, also added
rules for building of mysql_tzinfo_to_sql converter and test_time
Now we are using per-thread time zone for TIMESTAMP <-> whatever conversion.
Fixed generation of warnings for datetime types (DATETIME/TIMESTAMP/DATE/...) and
any other Field to datetime conversion (now we are generating warnings no in lower
level functions like in str_to_TIME() but in Field methods. This allows generate
better and more consistent warnings and to reuse code of str_to_TIME() outside of
Added 3rd parameter to set_warning() method to be able to not increment cut fields
but still produce a warning. Also added set_datetime_warning() family of auxiliary
methods which allow easier generate datetime related warnings.
Also replaced occurences of current_thd with table->in_use member, added
asserts for catching all places there we need to set table->in_use
accordingly. Renamed fix_datetime() function to number_to_TIME() and
moved it to sql/time.cc there it fits better.
Added comment about places where we can use table->in_use member
instead of current_thd.
Added 3rd parameter to Field::set_warning() method and set_datetime_warning()
family of methods.
Field::set_warning() method with 2 arguments was replaced with more
generic set_warning() method with 3 arguments.
Now we set table->in_use for temporary tables so we have to use
table->tmp_table for checking if table is temporary.
Replaced calls to str_to_time() and str_to_TIME() funcs with their warning
generating analogs.
Added creation of CONVERT_TZ function as FUNC_ARG3.
Added creation of CONVERT_TZ function as FUNC_ARG3.
Added support of per-thread time zone to NOW-like and FROM_UNIXTIME,
Added support for CONVERT_TZ function.
Removed call to str_to_timestamp function which caused non-optimal
behavior in certain cases. Replaced calls to str_to_time() function
with its warning generating analog.
Added support of per-thread time zone to NOW-like and
Added support of CONVERT_TZ function.
Added support of CONVERT_TZ function.
Added support for replication of statements depending on time zone.
Now including headers with per-thread time zone support functions
and classes. Added portable replacement of time_t - my_time_t type.
Added time zone as one of query distinguishing parameters for
query cache.
Fixed declarations of str_to_TIME, str_to_time and
my_system_gmt_sec (former my_gmt_sec) since now they have one more
out parameter which informs about wrong datetime value or data
truncation during conversion.
Added warning generating version of str_to_TIME() and str_to_time()
Thrown away str_to_datetime/timestamp functions since they are not
needed any longer. Added number_to_TIME function.
Added per-thread time zone support initialization.
Added new startup parameter --default-time-zone.
Added support for per-thread time_zone variable.
Renamed old timezone variable to system_time_zone.
Added support for per-thread time_zone variable.
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
In order to support replication of statements using time zones in 4.1 we should
ensure that both master and slave have same default time zone.
Now we are setting TABLE::in_use member for all tables (which assume
calls to Field::store or val_ methods).
Added time zone as one more query distinguishing parameter
for query cache.
Added THD::time_zone_used variable indicating that this query
uses per thread time zone.
Added per-thread time zone variable. Added THD::time_zone_used
variable indicating that this query uses per thread time zone
so if this is updating query the time zone should be logged to
We should set TABLE::in_use member pointing to thread which is called
INSERT DELAYED and not to worker thread.
Field::set_warning() now has one more argument now.
Resetting THD::time_zone_used variable in the end of query
Now we are setting TABLE::in_use member for all tables (which assume
calls to Field::store or val_ methods).
Now using per thread time zone for extended show tables.
Added support for per-thread time zones for TIMESTAMP type and
reworked generation of warnings for TIMESTAMP and DATETIME types.
(Introduced new TIME_to_timestamp() function. Removed hours
normalisation from former my_gmt_sec() since it was not working
and not used anywhere now, but breaks parameter constness, added
to this function generation of warning if we are falling in spring
time-gap. Removed str_to_timestamp and str_to_datetime functions
which are no longer used. Moved fix_datetime function from
sql/field.cc to this file as number_to_TIME() function. Added
out parameter for str_to_TIME and str_to_time functions which
indicates if value was truncated during conversion, removed direct
generation of warnings from this functions.)
Now we are setting TABLE::in_use member for all tables (which assume
calls to Field::store or val_ methods).
Added sql/test_time sql/mysql_tzinfo_to_sql libmysqld/tztime.cc to the ignore list
2004-06-18 10:11:31 +04:00
SELECT a.gvid, (SUM(CASE b.sampletid WHEN 140 THEN b.samplevalue ELSE 0 END)) as the_success,(SUM(CASE b.sampletid WHEN 141 THEN b.samplevalue ELSE 0 END)) as the_fail,(SUM(CASE b.sampletid WHEN 142 THEN b.samplevalue ELSE 0 END)) as the_size,(SUM(CASE b.sampletid WHEN 143 THEN b.samplevalue ELSE 0 END)) as the_time FROM t1 a, t2 b WHERE a.hmid = b.hmid AND a.volid = b.volid AND b.sampletime >= 'wrong-date-value' AND b.sampletime < 'wrong-date-value' AND b.sampletid IN (140, 141, 142, 143) GROUP BY a.gvid;
2005-05-26 12:55:31 +02:00
WL#1264 "Per-thread time zone support infrastructure".
Added basic per-thread time zone functionality (based on public
domain elsie-code). Now user can select current time zone
(from the list of time zones described in system tables).
All NOW-like functions honor this time zone, values of TIMESTAMP
type are interpreted as values in this time zone, so now
our TIMESTAMP type behaves similar to Oracle's TIMESTAMP WITH
LOCAL TIME ZONE (or proper PostgresSQL type).
WL#1266 "CONVERT_TZ() - basic time with time zone conversion
Fixed problems described in Bug #2336 (Different number of warnings
when inserting bad datetime as string or as number). This required
reworking of datetime realted warning hadling (they now generated
at Field object level not in conversion functions).
Optimization: Now Field class descendants use table->in_use member
instead of current_thd macro.
Added macro for reading of 32-bit ints stored in network order from
unaligned memory location.
Added error-code for invalid timestamp warning and error-code
for wrong or unknown time zone specification.
Added main per-thread time zone support file to libmysqld
Added initialization of time zones infrastructure to embedded server.
Updated test result since now mysql database contains more
system tables.
Now when truncation occurs during conversion to datetime value we are producing Warnings
instead of Notes. Also we are giving more clear warnings about this in some cases.
New warnings about truncation occured during conversion to datetime value added due
their better handling.
New warnings about truncation occured during conversion to datetime value added due
their better handling.
New warnings about truncation occured during conversion to datetime value added due
their better handling. Also tweaked test a bit to made it less ambigious for reader.
Updated test result because new system tables holding time zone descriptions were
Updated timezone.test to use new system variable which shows system time zone.
Added test of warning which is produced if someone tries to store non-existing (due
falling into spring time-gap) datetime value into TIMESTAMP field.
Separated and extended test of values and warnings produced for bad values stored in
Now we are producing more consistent warning when we are truncating datetime value while
storing it in TIME field.
Separated and extended test of values and warnings produced for bad
values stored in TIMESTAMP fields.
Updated test to make it less ambigous for reader.
Updated timezone.test to use new system variable which shows system time zone.
Added test of warning which is produced if someone tries to store non-existing (due
falling into spring time-gap) datetime value into TIMESTAMP field.
Separated and extended test of values and warnings produced for bad
values stored in DATETTIME fields.
Separated and extended test of values and warnings produced for bad
values stored in TIMESTAMP fields.
Added creation of tables with time zone descriptions.
Also added descriptions of time zones used in tests.
Added mysql.time_zone* tables family.
Added files implementing time zone support to server, also added
rules for building of mysql_tzinfo_to_sql converter and test_time
Now we are using per-thread time zone for TIMESTAMP <-> whatever conversion.
Fixed generation of warnings for datetime types (DATETIME/TIMESTAMP/DATE/...) and
any other Field to datetime conversion (now we are generating warnings no in lower
level functions like in str_to_TIME() but in Field methods. This allows generate
better and more consistent warnings and to reuse code of str_to_TIME() outside of
Added 3rd parameter to set_warning() method to be able to not increment cut fields
but still produce a warning. Also added set_datetime_warning() family of auxiliary
methods which allow easier generate datetime related warnings.
Also replaced occurences of current_thd with table->in_use member, added
asserts for catching all places there we need to set table->in_use
accordingly. Renamed fix_datetime() function to number_to_TIME() and
moved it to sql/time.cc there it fits better.
Added comment about places where we can use table->in_use member
instead of current_thd.
Added 3rd parameter to Field::set_warning() method and set_datetime_warning()
family of methods.
Field::set_warning() method with 2 arguments was replaced with more
generic set_warning() method with 3 arguments.
Now we set table->in_use for temporary tables so we have to use
table->tmp_table for checking if table is temporary.
Replaced calls to str_to_time() and str_to_TIME() funcs with their warning
generating analogs.
Added creation of CONVERT_TZ function as FUNC_ARG3.
Added creation of CONVERT_TZ function as FUNC_ARG3.
Added support of per-thread time zone to NOW-like and FROM_UNIXTIME,
Added support for CONVERT_TZ function.
Removed call to str_to_timestamp function which caused non-optimal
behavior in certain cases. Replaced calls to str_to_time() function
with its warning generating analog.
Added support of per-thread time zone to NOW-like and
Added support of CONVERT_TZ function.
Added support of CONVERT_TZ function.
Added support for replication of statements depending on time zone.
Now including headers with per-thread time zone support functions
and classes. Added portable replacement of time_t - my_time_t type.
Added time zone as one of query distinguishing parameters for
query cache.
Fixed declarations of str_to_TIME, str_to_time and
my_system_gmt_sec (former my_gmt_sec) since now they have one more
out parameter which informs about wrong datetime value or data
truncation during conversion.
Added warning generating version of str_to_TIME() and str_to_time()
Thrown away str_to_datetime/timestamp functions since they are not
needed any longer. Added number_to_TIME function.
Added per-thread time zone support initialization.
Added new startup parameter --default-time-zone.
Added support for per-thread time_zone variable.
Renamed old timezone variable to system_time_zone.
Added support for per-thread time_zone variable.
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
Added error message for barking when incorrect time zone name or
specifiaction is provided and for warning about invalid TIMESTAMP
values (e.g. falling into the spring time-gap).
In order to support replication of statements using time zones in 4.1 we should
ensure that both master and slave have same default time zone.
Now we are setting TABLE::in_use member for all tables (which assume
calls to Field::store or val_ methods).
Added time zone as one more query distinguishing parameter
for query cache.
Added THD::time_zone_used variable indicating that this query
uses per thread time zone.
Added per-thread time zone variable. Added THD::time_zone_used
variable indicating that this query uses per thread time zone
so if this is updating query the time zone should be logged to
We should set TABLE::in_use member pointing to thread which is called
INSERT DELAYED and not to worker thread.
Field::set_warning() now has one more argument now.
Resetting THD::time_zone_used variable in the end of query
Now we are setting TABLE::in_use member for all tables (which assume
calls to Field::store or val_ methods).
Now using per thread time zone for extended show tables.
Added support for per-thread time zones for TIMESTAMP type and
reworked generation of warnings for TIMESTAMP and DATETIME types.
(Introduced new TIME_to_timestamp() function. Removed hours
normalisation from former my_gmt_sec() since it was not working
and not used anywhere now, but breaks parameter constness, added
to this function generation of warning if we are falling in spring
time-gap. Removed str_to_timestamp and str_to_datetime functions
which are no longer used. Moved fix_datetime function from
sql/field.cc to this file as number_to_TIME() function. Added
out parameter for str_to_TIME and str_to_time functions which
indicates if value was truncated during conversion, removed direct
generation of warnings from this functions.)
Now we are setting TABLE::in_use member for all tables (which assume
calls to Field::store or val_ methods).
Added sql/test_time sql/mysql_tzinfo_to_sql libmysqld/tztime.cc to the ignore list
2004-06-18 10:11:31 +04:00
# Testing the same select with NULL's instead of invalid datetime values
SELECT a.gvid, (SUM(CASE b.sampletid WHEN 140 THEN b.samplevalue ELSE 0 END)) as the_success,(SUM(CASE b.sampletid WHEN 141 THEN b.samplevalue ELSE 0 END)) as the_fail,(SUM(CASE b.sampletid WHEN 142 THEN b.samplevalue ELSE 0 END)) as the_size,(SUM(CASE b.sampletid WHEN 143 THEN b.samplevalue ELSE 0 END)) as the_time FROM t1 a, t2 b WHERE a.hmid = b.hmid AND a.volid = b.volid AND b.sampletime >= NULL AND b.sampletime < NULL AND b.sampletid IN (140, 141, 142, 143) GROUP BY a.gvid;
2002-06-15 14:56:35 +03:00
2002-08-17 05:18:06 +03:00
# Test of bigint comparision
2002-08-16 20:31:48 +03:00
create table t1 ( A_Id bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0', A_UpdateBy char(10) NOT NULL default '', A_UpdateDate bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0', A_UpdateSerial int(11) NOT NULL default '0', other_types bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0', wss_type bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0');
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (102935998719055004,'brade',1029359987,2,102935229116544068,102935229216544093);
select wss_type from t1 where wss_type ='102935229216544106';
select wss_type from t1 where wss_type ='102935229216544105';
select wss_type from t1 where wss_type ='102935229216544104';
select wss_type from t1 where wss_type ='102935229216544093';
select wss_type from t1 where wss_type =102935229216544093;
drop table t1;
2002-10-11 21:49:10 +03:00
select 1+2,"aaaa",3.13*2.0 into @a,@b,@c;
select @a;
select @b;
select @c;
2002-10-12 11:07:54 +02:00
# Test of removing redundant braces in the FROM part
2002-10-15 16:33:06 +02:00
# (We test each construct with the braced join to the left and right;
# the latter case used to cause a syntax errors.)
2002-10-12 11:07:54 +02:00
create table t1 (a int not null auto_increment primary key);
insert into t1 values ();
insert into t1 values ();
insert into t1 values ();
2002-10-15 16:33:06 +02:00
# ,
2002-10-12 11:07:54 +02:00
select * from (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a)), t1;
select * from t1, (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a));
2002-10-15 16:33:06 +02:00
# stright_join
select * from (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a)) straight_join t1;
select * from t1 straight_join (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a));
# inner join on
select * from (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a)) inner join t1 on t1.a>1;
select * from t1 inner join (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a)) on t1.a>1;
# inner join using
select * from (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a)) inner join t1 using ( a );
select * from t1 inner join (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a)) using ( a );
# left [outer] join on
select * from (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a)) left outer join t1 on t1.a>1;
select * from t1 left outer join (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a)) on t1.a>1;
# left join using
select * from (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a)) left join t1 using ( a );
select * from t1 left join (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a)) using ( a );
# natural left join
select * from (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a)) natural left join t1;
select * from t1 natural left join (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a));
# right join on
2005-08-17 17:19:31 +03:00
select * from (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a)) right join t1 on t1.a>1;
select * from t1 right join (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a)) on t1.a>1;
2002-10-15 16:33:06 +02:00
# right [outer] joing using
select * from (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a)) right outer join t1 using ( a );
select * from t1 right outer join (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a)) using ( a );
# natural right join
select * from (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a)) natural right join t1;
select * from t1 natural right join (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a));
# natural join
select * from t1 natural join (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a));
select * from (t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 using (a)) natural join t1;
2002-10-12 11:07:54 +02:00
drop table t1;
2003-01-06 01:48:59 +02:00
2003-12-10 04:31:42 +00:00
CREATE TABLE t1 ( aa char(2), id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, t2_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY replace_id (t2_id)) ENGINE=MyISAM;
2002-12-04 15:27:08 +02:00
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ("1",8264,2506),("2",8299,2517),("3",8301,2518),("4",8302,2519),("5",8303,2520),("6",8304,2521),("7",8305,2522);
2003-12-10 04:31:42 +00:00
CREATE TABLE t2 ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, PRIMARY KEY (id)) ENGINE=MyISAM;
2002-12-04 15:27:08 +02:00
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (2517), (2518), (2519), (2520), (2521), (2522);
select * from t1, t2 WHERE t1.t2_id = t2.id and t1.t2_id > 0 order by t1.id LIMIT 0, 5;
2003-01-06 01:48:59 +02:00
drop table t1,t2;
2003-03-13 13:44:03 +01:00
2003-07-25 14:32:03 +02:00
# outer join, impossible on condition, where, and usable key for range
create table t1 (id1 int NOT NULL);
create table t2 (id2 int NOT NULL);
create table t3 (id3 int NOT NULL);
create table t4 (id4 int NOT NULL, id44 int NOT NULL, KEY (id4));
insert into t1 values (1);
insert into t1 values (2);
insert into t2 values (1);
insert into t4 values (1,1);
explain select * from t1 left join t2 on id1 = id2 left join t3 on id1 = id3
left join t4 on id3 = id4 where id2 = 1 or id4 = 1;
select * from t1 left join t2 on id1 = id2 left join t3 on id1 = id3
left join t4 on id3 = id4 where id2 = 1 or id4 = 1;
drop table t1,t2,t3,t4;
2004-01-22 18:05:47 +04:00
# Bug #2298
create table t1(s varchar(10) not null);
create table t2(s varchar(10) not null primary key);
create table t3(s varchar(10) not null primary key);
insert into t1 values ('one\t'), ('two\t');
insert into t2 values ('one\r'), ('two\t');
insert into t3 values ('one '), ('two\t');
select * from t1 where s = 'one';
select * from t2 where s = 'one';
select * from t3 where s = 'one';
select * from t1,t2 where t1.s = t2.s;
select * from t2,t3 where t2.s = t3.s;
drop table t1, t2, t3;
2004-09-02 22:06:30 -07:00
2004-08-30 18:14:29 +03:00
# Bug #3759
# Both queries should produce identical plans and results.
create table t1 (a integer, b integer, index(a), index(b));
create table t2 (c integer, d integer, index(c), index(d));
insert into t1 values (1,2), (2,2), (3,2), (4,2);
insert into t2 values (1,3), (2,3), (3,4), (4,4);
explain select * from t1 left join t2 on a=c where d in (4);
select * from t1 left join t2 on a=c where d in (4);
explain select * from t1 left join t2 on a=c where d = 4;
select * from t1 left join t2 on a=c where d = 4;
2004-11-26 02:31:22 +02:00
drop table t1, t2;
2004-11-25 11:37:28 +02:00
2004-09-02 22:06:30 -07:00
# Covering index is mentioned in EXPLAIN output for const tables (bug #5333)
i int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
c char(10) NOT NULL default '',
2004-09-07 22:10:15 +02:00
2004-09-02 22:06:30 -07:00
2004-09-07 10:03:46 -07:00
2005-02-10 22:15:38 -08:00
2005-05-26 12:55:31 +02:00
# Test case for bug 7520: a wrong cost of the index for a BLOB field
CREATE TABLE t1 ( a BLOB, INDEX (a(20)) );
CREATE TABLE t2 ( a BLOB, INDEX (a(20)) );
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('one'),('two'),('three'),('four'),('five');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('one'),('two'),('three'),('four'),('five');
DROP TABLE t1, t2;
# Test case for bug 7098: substitution of a constant for a string field
CREATE TABLE t1 ( city char(30) );
SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE city='London';
SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE city='london';
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE city='London' AND city='london';
SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE city='London' AND city='london';
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE city LIKE '%london%' AND city='London';
SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE city LIKE '%london%' AND city='London';
# Bug#7425 inconsistent sort order on unsigned columns result of substraction
create table t1 (a int(11) unsigned, b int(11) unsigned);
insert into t1 values (1,0), (1,1), (1,2);
select a-b from t1 order by 1;
select a-b , (a-b < 0) from t1 order by 1;
select a-b as d, (a-b >= 0), b from t1 group by b having d >= 0;
select cast((a - b) as unsigned) from t1 order by 1;
drop table t1;
# Bug#8733 server accepts malformed query (multiply mentioned distinct)
create table t1 (a int(11));
select all all * from t1;
select distinct distinct * from t1;
--error 1221
select all distinct * from t1;
--error 1221
select distinct all * from t1;
drop table t1;
2005-07-04 03:24:25 +03:00
# Test for BUG#10095
kunde_intern_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
kunde_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
FK_firma_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
aktuell enum('Ja','Nein') NOT NULL default 'Ja',
vorname varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
nachname varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
geloescht enum('Ja','Nein') NOT NULL default 'Nein',
firma varchar(128) NOT NULL default ''
(3964,3051,1,'Ja','Vorname1','1Nachname','Nein','Print Schau XXXX'),
(3965,3051111,1,'Ja','Vorname1111','1111Nachname','Nein','Print Schau XXXX');
SELECT kunde_id ,FK_firma_id ,aktuell, vorname, nachname, geloescht FROM t1
( '' != '' AND firma LIKE CONCAT('%', '', '%'))
(vorname LIKE CONCAT('%', 'Vorname1', '%') AND
nachname LIKE CONCAT('%', '1Nachname', '%') AND
'Vorname1' != '' AND 'xxxx' != '')
aktuell = 'Ja' AND geloescht = 'Nein' AND FK_firma_id = 2
SELECT kunde_id ,FK_firma_id ,aktuell, vorname, nachname,
geloescht FROM t1
aktuell = 'Ja' AND geloescht = 'Nein' AND FK_firma_id = 2
( '' != '' AND firma LIKE CONCAT('%', '', '%') )
( vorname LIKE CONCAT('%', 'Vorname1', '%') AND
nachname LIKE CONCAT('%', '1Nachname', '%') AND 'Vorname1' != '' AND
'xxxx' != '')
( 0 OR (vorname LIKE '%Vorname1%' AND nachname LIKE '%1Nachname%' AND 1))
AND FK_firma_id = 2;
drop table t1;
2005-05-26 12:55:31 +02:00
2005-10-09 23:05:44 +04:00
2005-05-26 12:55:31 +02:00
# Test for Bug#8009, SELECT failed on bigint unsigned when using HEX
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x8000000000000000);
SELECT b FROM t1 WHERE b=0x8000000000000000;
2005-07-03 14:17:52 +03:00
# IN with outer join condition (BUG#9393)
CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `gid` int(11) default NULL, `uid` int(11) default NULL);
CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `ident` int(11) default NULL, `level` char(16) default NULL);
CREATE TABLE `t3` ( `id` int(11) default NULL, `name` char(16) default NULL);
INSERT INTO `t3` VALUES (1,'fs');
select * from t3 left join t1 on t3.id = t1.uid, t2 where t2.ident in (0, t1.gid, t3.id, 0);
drop table t1,t2,t3;
2005-07-04 03:24:25 +03:00
2005-07-28 16:10:14 +03:00
# Test for BUG#11700
acct_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
profile_id smallint(6) default NULL,
UNIQUE KEY t1$acct_id (acct_id),
KEY t1$profile_id (profile_id)
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (132,17),(133,18);
profile_id smallint(6) default NULL,
queue_id int(11) default NULL,
seq int(11) default NULL,
KEY t2$queue_id (queue_id)
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (17,31,4),(17,30,3),(17,36,2),(17,37,1);
id int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
qtype int(11) default NULL,
seq int(11) default NULL,
warn_lvl int(11) default NULL,
crit_lvl int(11) default NULL,
rr1 tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
rr2 int(11) default NULL,
default_queue tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',
KEY t3$qtype (qtype),
KEY t3$id (id)
INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (30,1,29,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0),(31,1,28,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0),
(pq.profile_id = a.profile_id) AND (a.acct_id = 132) AND
(pq.queue_id = q.id) AND (q.rr1 <> 1);
drop table t1,t2,t3;
# Bug #11482 Wrongly applied optimization was erroneously rejecting valid
# rows
create table t1 (f1 int);
insert into t1 values (1),(NULL);
create table t2 (f2 int, f3 int, f4 int);
create index idx1 on t2 (f4);
insert into t2 values (1,2,3),(2,4,6);
select A.f2 from t1 left join t2 A on A.f2 = f1 where A.f3=(select min(f3)
from t2 C where A.f4 = C.f4) or A.f3 IS NULL;
drop table t1,t2;
# Bug #11521 Negative integer keys incorrectly substituted for 0 during
# range analysis.
create table t2 (a tinyint unsigned);
create index t2i on t2(a);
insert into t2 values (0), (254), (255);
explain select * from t2 where a > -1;
select * from t2 where a > -1;
drop table t2;
# Bug #11745: SELECT ... FROM DUAL with WHERE condition
CREATE TABLE t1 (a int, b int, c int);
(SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a = 50 AND b = 3);
(SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a = 50 AND b = 3);
select found_rows();
select count(*) from t1;
select found_rows();
select count(*) from t1 limit 2,3;
select found_rows();
select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS count(*) from t1 limit 2,3;
select found_rows();
2005-10-13 00:58:59 +04:00
2005-10-09 23:05:44 +04:00
# Bug 7672 Unknown column error in order clause
(SELECT a, b AS c FROM t1) ORDER BY c+1;
(SELECT a, b AS c FROM t1) ORDER BY b+1;
SELECT a, b AS c FROM t1 ORDER BY c+1;
SELECT a, b AS c FROM t1 ORDER BY b+1;
drop table t1;
2005-10-13 01:14:58 +04:00
2005-09-28 00:58:12 +04:00
# Bug #13356 assertion failed in resolve_const_item()
create table t1(f1 int, f2 int);
create table t2(f3 int);
select f1 from t1,t2 where f1=f2 and (f1,f2) = ((1,1));
select f1 from t1,t2 where f1=f2 and (f1,NULL) = ((1,1));
select f1 from t1,t2 where f1=f2 and (f1,f2) = ((1,NULL));
2005-10-07 03:12:15 +03:00
insert into t1 values(1,1),(2,null);
insert into t2 values(2);
select * from t1,t2 where f1=f3 and (f1,f2) = (2,null);
select * from t1,t2 where f1=f3 and (f1,f2) <=> (2,null);
2005-09-28 00:58:12 +04:00
drop table t1,t2;
2005-10-03 23:22:46 +04:00
# Bug #13535
create table t1 (f1 int not null auto_increment primary key, f2 varchar(10));
create table t11 like t1;
insert into t1 values(1,""),(2,"");
--replace_column 7 X 8 X 9 X 10 X 11 X 12 X 13 X 14 X
show table status like 't1%';
select 123 as a from t1 where f1 is null;
drop table t1,t11;
2005-10-13 19:31:09 +05:00
2005-10-09 23:05:44 +04:00
# Bug 7672 Unknown column error in order clause
(SELECT a, b AS c FROM t1) ORDER BY c+1;
(SELECT a, b AS c FROM t1) ORDER BY b+1;
SELECT a, b AS c FROM t1 ORDER BY c+1;
SELECT a, b AS c FROM t1 ORDER BY b+1;
drop table t1;
2005-10-13 19:23:52 +05:00
# Bug #3874 (function in GROUP and LEFT JOIN)
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,1),(1,2),(1,3),(1,4);
2005-10-14 00:04:52 +03:00
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ( 1,10,1), (1,10,2), (1,11,1), (1,11,2), (1,2,1), (1,2,2),(1,2,3);
SELECT t2.a, t2.b, IF(t1.b IS NULL,'',e) AS c, COUNT(*) AS d FROM t2 LEFT JOIN
2005-10-13 19:23:52 +05:00
t1 ON t2.a = t1.a AND t2.b = t1.b GROUP BY a, b, c;
2005-10-14 00:04:52 +03:00
SELECT t2.a, t2.b, IF(t1.b IS NULL,'',e) AS c, COUNT(*) AS d FROM t2 LEFT JOIN
2005-10-13 19:23:52 +05:00
t1 ON t2.a = t1.a AND t2.b = t1.b GROUP BY t1.a, t1.b, c;
2005-10-14 00:04:52 +03:00
SELECT t2.a, t2.b, IF(t1.b IS NULL,'',e) AS c, COUNT(*) AS d FROM t2 LEFT JOIN
2005-10-13 19:23:52 +05:00
t1 ON t2.a = t1.a AND t2.b = t1.b GROUP BY t2.a, t2.b, c;
2005-10-14 00:04:52 +03:00
SELECT t2.a, t2.b, IF(t1.b IS NULL,'',e) AS c, COUNT(*) AS d FROM t2,t1
2005-10-13 19:23:52 +05:00
WHERE t2.a = t1.a AND t2.b = t1.b GROUP BY a, b, c;
2005-10-14 01:22:24 +04:00
# Bug #13855 select distinct with group by caused server crash
create table t1 (f1 int primary key, f2 int);
create table t2 (f3 int, f4 int, primary key(f3,f4));
insert into t1 values (1,1);
insert into t2 values (1,1),(1,2);
select distinct count(f2) >0 from t1 left join t2 on f1=f3 group by f1;
drop table t1,t2;
2005-11-24 19:16:51 +03:00
# Bug #14482 Server crash when subselecting from the same table
create table t1 (f1 int,f2 int);
insert into t1 values(1,1);
create table t2 (f3 int, f4 int, primary key(f3,f4));
insert into t2 values(1,1);
select * from t1 where f1 in (select f3 from t2 where (f3,f4)= (select f3,f4 from t2));
drop table t1,t2;
2005-07-28 03:22:47 +03:00
# End of 4.1 tests
2005-07-28 17:09:54 +03:00
2005-07-04 03:24:25 +03:00
# Test case for bug 7098: substitution of a constant for a string field
CREATE TABLE t1 ( city char(30) );
SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE city='London';
SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE city='london';
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE city='London' AND city='london';
SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE city='London' AND city='london';
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE city LIKE '%london%' AND city='London';
SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE city LIKE '%london%' AND city='London';
# Bug#7425 inconsistent sort order on unsigned columns result of substraction
create table t1 (a int(11) unsigned, b int(11) unsigned);
insert into t1 values (1,0), (1,1), (1,2);
select a-b from t1 order by 1;
select a-b , (a-b < 0) from t1 order by 1;
select a-b as d, (a-b >= 0), b from t1 group by b having d >= 0;
select cast((a - b) as unsigned) from t1 order by 1;
drop table t1;
# Bug#8733 server accepts malformed query (multiply mentioned distinct)
create table t1 (a int(11));
select all all * from t1;
select distinct distinct * from t1;
--error 1221
select all distinct * from t1;
--error 1221
select distinct all * from t1;
drop table t1;
2005-05-26 12:55:31 +02:00
# Test for bug #6474
K2C4 varchar(4) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL default '',
K4N4 varchar(4) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL default '0000',
F2I4 int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
('W%RT', '0100', 1),
('W-RT', '0100', 1),
('WART', '0100', 1),
('WART', '0200', 1),
('WERT', '0100', 2),
('WORT','0200', 2),
('WT', '0100', 2),
('W_RT', '0100', 2),
('WaRT', '0100', 3),
('WART', '0300', 3),
('WRT' , '0400', 3),
('WURM', '0500', 3),
('W%T', '0600', 4),
('WA%T', '0700', 4),
('WA_T', '0800', 4);
(F2I4 = 2 AND K2C4 = 'WART' OR (F2I4 = 2 OR K4N4 = '0200'));
2005-07-19 16:32:38 -07:00
WHERE K2C4 = 'WART' AND (K2C4 = 'WART' OR K4N4 = '0200');
2005-05-26 12:55:31 +02:00
# Test case for bug 7520: a wrong cost of the index for a BLOB field
CREATE TABLE t1 ( a BLOB, INDEX (a(20)) );
CREATE TABLE t2 ( a BLOB, INDEX (a(20)) );
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('one'),('two'),('three'),('four'),('five');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('one'),('two'),('three'),('four'),('five');
DROP TABLE t1, t2;
# Bug#8670
create table t1 (a int, b int);
create table t2 like t1;
select t1.a from (t1 inner join t2 on t1.a=t2.a) where t2.a=1;
select t1.a from ((t1 inner join t2 on t1.a=t2.a)) where t2.a=1;
select x.a, y.a, z.a from ( (t1 x inner join t2 y on x.a=y.a) inner join t2 z on y.a=z.a) WHERE x.a=1;
drop table t1,t2;
# Bug#9820
create table t1 (s1 varchar(5));
insert into t1 values ('Wall');
select min(s1) from t1 group by s1 with rollup;
drop table t1;
# Bug#9799
create table t1 (s1 int) engine=myisam;
insert into t1 values (0);
select avg(distinct s1) from t1 group by s1 with rollup;
drop table t1;
# Bug#9800
create table t1 (s1 int);
insert into t1 values (null),(1);
select distinct avg(s1) as x from t1 group by s1 with rollup;
drop table t1;
# Bug#8733 server accepts malformed query (multiply mentioned distinct)
create table t1 (a int(11));
select all all * from t1;
select distinct distinct * from t1;
--error 1221
select all distinct * from t1;
--error 1221
select distinct all * from t1;
drop table t1;
2005-02-10 22:15:38 -08:00
# Test case for bug 7520: a wrong cost of the index for a BLOB field
CREATE TABLE t1 ( a BLOB, INDEX (a(20)) );
CREATE TABLE t2 ( a BLOB, INDEX (a(20)) );
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('one'),('two'),('three'),('four'),('five');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('one'),('two'),('three'),('four'),('five');
DROP TABLE t1, t2;
2005-02-16 21:17:20 -08:00
2005-06-09 09:16:16 -07:00
# Test for bug #10084: STRAIGHT_JOIN with ON expression
CREATE TABLE t1 (a int);
CREATE TABLE t2 (a int);
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5);
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (2), (4), (6);
SELECT t1.a FROM t1 STRAIGHT_JOIN t2 ON t1.a=t2.a;
2005-06-16 12:17:15 +05:00
# Bug #10650
select x'10' + 0, X'10' + 0, b'10' + 0, B'10' + 0;
2005-08-16 22:13:43 +04:00
# Bug #11398 Bug in field_conv() results in wrong result of join with index
create table t1 (f1 varchar(6) default NULL, f2 int(6) primary key not null);
create table t2 (f3 varchar(5) not null, f4 varchar(5) not null, UNIQUE KEY UKEY (f3,f4));
insert into t1 values (" 2", 2);
insert into t2 values (" 2", " one "),(" 2", " two ");
select * from t1 left join t2 on f1 = f3;
drop table t1,t2;
2005-08-22 17:04:55 +03:00
# Bug #6558 Views: CREATE VIEW fails with JOIN ... USING
create table t1 (empnum smallint, grp int);
create table t2 (empnum int, name char(5));
insert into t1 values(1,1);
insert into t2 values(1,'bob');
create view v1 as select * from t2 inner join t1 using (empnum);
select * from v1;
drop table t1,t2;
drop view v1;
2005-08-22 17:34:08 +03:00
# Bug #10646 Columns included in the join between two tables are ambigious
# in the select
create table t1 (pk int primary key, b int);
create table t2 (pk int primary key, c int);
select pk from t1 inner join t2 using (pk);
drop table t1,t2;
2005-08-23 19:00:28 +03:00
# Bug #10972 Natural join of view and underlying table gives wrong result
create table t1 (s1 int, s2 char(5), s3 decimal(10));
create view v1 as select s1, s2, 'x' as s3 from t1;
select * from t1 natural join v1;
insert into t1 values (1,'x',5);
select * from t1 natural join v1;
drop table t1;
drop view v1;
2005-08-23 20:03:32 +03:00
# Bug #6276 A SELECT that does a NATURAL OUTER JOIN without common
# columns crashes server because of empty ON condition
create table t1(a1 int);
create table t2(a2 int);
insert into t1 values(1),(2);
insert into t2 values(1),(2);
create view v2 (c) as select a1 from t1;
select * from t1 natural left join t2;
select * from t1 natural right join t2;
select * from v2 natural left join t2;
select * from v2 natural right join t2;
drop table t1, t2;
drop view v2;
2005-08-23 20:24:29 +03:00
# Bug #4789 Incosistent results of more than 2-way natural joins due to
# incorrect transformation to join ... on.
create table t1 (a int(10), t1_val int(10));
create table t2 (b int(10), t2_val int(10));
create table t3 (a int(10), b int(10));
insert into t1 values (1,1),(2,2);
insert into t2 values (1,1),(2,2),(3,3);
insert into t3 values (1,1),(2,1),(3,1),(4,1);
# the following two queries must return the same result
select * from t1 natural join t2 natural join t3;
select * from t1 natural join t3 natural join t2;
drop table t1, t2, t3;
2005-08-23 22:29:05 +03:00
2005-08-29 15:45:03 +02:00
# Bug #12841: Server crash on DO IFNULL(NULL,NULL)
# (testing returning of int, decimal, real, string)
2005-10-21 04:01:52 +03:00
# BUG #12595 (ESCAPE must be exactly one)
CREATE TABLE BUG_12595(a varchar(100));
INSERT INTO BUG_12595 VALUES ('hakan%'), ('hakank'), ("ha%an");
SELECT * FROM BUG_12595 WHERE a LIKE 'hakan\%';
SELECT * FROM BUG_12595 WHERE a LIKE 'hakan*%' ESCAPE '*';
-- error 1210
SELECT * FROM BUG_12595 WHERE a LIKE 'hakan**%' ESCAPE '**';
# this should work when sql_mode is not NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES
SELECT * FROM BUG_12595 WHERE a LIKE 'hakan%' ESCAPE '';
SELECT * FROM BUG_12595 WHERE a LIKE 'hakan\%' ESCAPE '';
SELECT * FROM BUG_12595 WHERE a LIKE 'ha\%an' ESCAPE 0x5c;
SELECT * FROM BUG_12595 WHERE a LIKE 'ha%%an' ESCAPE '%';
SELECT * FROM BUG_12595 WHERE a LIKE 'ha\%an' ESCAPE '\\';
SELECT * FROM BUG_12595 WHERE a LIKE 'ha|%an' ESCAPE '|';
SELECT * FROM BUG_12595 WHERE a LIKE 'hakan\%';
SELECT * FROM BUG_12595 WHERE a LIKE 'hakan*%' ESCAPE '*';
-- error 1210
SELECT * FROM BUG_12595 WHERE a LIKE 'hakan**%' ESCAPE '**';
-- error 1210
SELECT * FROM BUG_12595 WHERE a LIKE 'hakan\%' ESCAPE '\\';
#this gives an error when NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES is set
-- error 1210
SELECT * FROM BUG_12595 WHERE a LIKE 'hakan%' ESCAPE '';
SELECT * FROM BUG_12595 WHERE a LIKE 'ha\%an' ESCAPE 0x5c;
SELECT * FROM BUG_12595 WHERE a LIKE 'ha|%an' ESCAPE '|';
-- error 1210
SELECT * FROM BUG_12595 WHERE a LIKE 'hakan\n%' ESCAPE '\n';
2005-08-23 22:29:05 +03:00
# Bug #6495 Illogical requirement for column qualification in NATURAL join
create table t1 (a char(1));
create table t2 (a char(1));
insert into t1 values ('a'),('b'),('c');
insert into t2 values ('b'),('c'),('d');
select a from t1 natural join t2;
select * from t1 natural join t2 where a = 'b';
drop table t1, t2;
2005-09-08 11:29:52 +03:00
# Bug #12977 Compare table names with qualifying field tables only
# for base tables, search all nested join operands of natural joins.
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2),(3);
-- error 1052
SELECT t1.id,t3.id FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON (t2.id=t1.id) LEFT JOIN t3 USING (id);
-- error 1052
SELECT t1.id,t3.id FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON (t2.notacolumn=t1.id) LEFT JOIN t3 USING (id);
-- error 1052
SELECT id,t3.id FROM t1 JOIN t2 ON (t2.id=t1.id) LEFT JOIN t3 USING (id);
-- error 1052
SELECT id,t3.id FROM (t1 JOIN t2 ON (t2.id=t1.id)) LEFT JOIN t3 USING (id);
drop table t1, t2, t3;
2005-09-12 08:28:53 +03:00
# Bug #13067 JOIN xxx USING is case sensitive
create table t1 (a int(10),b int(10));
create table t2 (a int(10),b int(10));
insert into t1 values (1,10),(2,20),(3,30);
insert into t2 values (1,10);
# both queries should produce the same result
select * from t1 inner join t2 using (A);
select * from t1 inner join t2 using (a);
2005-09-12 19:18:17 +03:00
drop table t1, t2;
2005-09-10 15:01:54 +03:00
# Bug #12943 Incorrect nesting of [INNER| CROSS] JOIN due to unspecified
# associativity in the parser.
create table t1 (a int, c int);
create table t2 (b int);
create table t3 (b int, a int);
create table t4 (c int);
insert into t1 values (1,1);
insert into t2 values (1);
insert into t3 values (1,1);
insert into t4 values (1);
select * from t1 join t2 join t3 on (t2.b = t3.b and t1.a = t3.a);
# Notice that ',' has lower priority than 'join', thus we have that:
# t1, t2 join t3 <==> t1, (t2 join t3).
-- error 1054
select * from t1, t2 join t3 on (t2.b = t3.b and t1.a = t3.a);
select * from t1 join t2 join t3 join t4 on (t1.a = t4.c and t2.b = t4.c);
select * from t1 join t2 join t4 using (c);
drop table t1, t2, t3, t4;
2005-09-16 01:19:43 +04:00
# Bug #12291 Table wasn't reinited for index scan after sequential scan
create table t1(x int, y int);
create table t2(x int, y int);
create table t3(x int, primary key(x));
insert into t1 values (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 3), (5, 6), (6, 6);
insert into t2 values (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 3), (4, 6), (5, 6);
insert into t3 values (1), (2), (3), (4), (5);
select t1.x, t3.x from t1, t2, t3 where t1.x = t2.x and t3.x >= t1.y and t3.x <= t2.y;
drop table t1,t2,t3;
2005-09-20 14:00:39 +03:00
# Bug #13127 LEFT JOIN against a VIEW returns NULL instead of correct value
create table t1 (id char(16) not null default '', primary key (id));
insert into t1 values ('100'),('101'),('102');
create table t2 (id char(16) default null);
insert into t2 values (1);
create view v1 as select t1.id from t1;
create view v2 as select t2.id from t2;
create view v3 as select (t1.id+2) as id from t1 natural left join t2;
# all queries must return the same result
select t1.id from t1 left join v2 using (id);
select t1.id from v2 right join t1 using (id);
select t1.id from t1 left join v3 using (id);
select * from t1 left join v2 using (id);
select * from v2 right join t1 using (id);
select * from t1 left join v3 using (id);
select v1.id from v1 left join v2 using (id);
select v1.id from v2 right join v1 using (id);
select v1.id from v1 left join v3 using (id);
select * from v1 left join v2 using (id);
select * from v2 right join v1 using (id);
select * from v1 left join v3 using (id);
drop table t1, t2;
drop view v1, v2, v3;
2005-09-30 10:39:17 +03:00
# Bug #13597 Column in ON condition not resolved if references a table in
# nested right join.
2005-10-14 00:04:52 +03:00
create table t1 (id int(11) not null default '0');
insert into t1 values (123),(191),(192);
create table t2 (id char(16) character set utf8 not null);
insert into t2 values ('58013'),('58014'),('58015'),('58016');
create table t3 (a_id int(11) not null, b_id char(16) character set utf8);
insert into t3 values (123,null),(123,null),(123,null),(123,null),(123,null),(123,'58013');
2005-09-30 10:39:17 +03:00
-- both queries are equivalent
select count(*)
2005-10-14 00:04:52 +03:00
from t1 inner join (t3 left join t2 on t2.id = t3.b_id) on t1.id = t3.a_id;
2005-09-30 10:39:17 +03:00
select count(*)
2005-10-14 00:04:52 +03:00
from t1 inner join (t2 right join t3 on t2.id = t3.b_id) on t1.id = t3.a_id;
2005-09-30 10:39:17 +03:00
2005-10-14 00:04:52 +03:00
drop table t1,t2,t3;
2005-10-25 09:00:57 +03:00
# Bug #13832 Incorrect parse order of join productions due to unspecified
# operator priorities results in incorrect join tree.
create table t1 (a int);
create table t2 (b int);
create table t3 (c int);
select * from t1 join t2 join t3 on (t1.a=t3.c);
select * from t1 join t2 left join t3 on (t1.a=t3.c);
select * from t1 join t2 right join t3 on (t1.a=t3.c);
select * from t1 join t2 straight_join t3 on (t1.a=t3.c);
drop table t1, t2 ,t3;
2005-11-03 13:53:49 +03:00
# Bug #14093 Query takes a lot of time when date format is not valid
# fix optimizes execution. so here we just check that returned set is
# correct.
create table t1(f1 int, f2 date);
insert into t1 values(1,'2005-01-01'),(2,'2005-09-01'),(3,'2005-09-30'),
# should return all records
select * from t1 where f2 >= 0;
select * from t1 where f2 >= '0000-00-00';
# should return 4,5
select * from t1 where f2 >= '2005-09-31';
select * from t1 where f2 >= '2005-09-3a';
# should return 1,2,3
select * from t1 where f2 <= '2005-09-31';
select * from t1 where f2 <= '2005-09-3a';
drop table t1;
2005-11-11 11:40:35 +02:00
# Bug ##14662 ORDER BY on column of a view, with an alias of the same
# column causes ambiguous
create table t1 (f1 int, f2 int);
insert into t1 values (1, 30), (2, 20), (3, 10);
create algorithm=merge view v1 as select f1, f2 from t1;
create algorithm=merge view v2 (f2, f1) as select f1, f2 from t1;
create algorithm=merge view v3 as select t1.f1 as f2, t1.f2 as f1 from t1;
select t1.f1 as x1, f1 from t1 order by t1.f1;
select v1.f1 as x1, f1 from v1 order by v1.f1;
select v2.f1 as x1, f1 from v2 order by v2.f1;
select v3.f1 as x1, f1 from v3 order by v3.f1;
select f1, f2, v1.f1 as x1 from v1 order by v1.f1;
select f1, f2, v2.f1 as x1 from v2 order by v2.f1;
select f1, f2, v3.f1 as x1 from v3 order by v3.f1;
drop table t1;
drop view v1, v2, v3;
2005-11-25 18:51:44 -08:00
# Bug #15106: lost equality predicate of the form field=const in a join query
CREATE TABLE t1(key_a int4 NOT NULL, optimus varchar(32), PRIMARY KEY(key_a));
CREATE TABLE t2(key_a int4 NOT NULL, prime varchar(32), PRIMARY KEY(key_a));
CREATE table t3(key_a int4 NOT NULL, key_b int4 NOT NULL, foo varchar(32),
PRIMARY KEY(key_a,key_b));
INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (1,5,'x');
INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (1,6,'y');
INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (2,5,'xx');
INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (2,6,'yy');
INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (2,7,'zz');
INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (3,5,'xxx');
SELECT t2.key_a,foo
FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON t1.key_a = t2.key_a
INNER JOIN t3 ON t1.key_a = t3.key_a
WHERE t2.key_a=2 and key_b=5;
EXPLAIN SELECT t2.key_a,foo
FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON t1.key_a = t2.key_a
INNER JOIN t3 ON t1.key_a = t3.key_a
WHERE t2.key_a=2 and key_b=5;
SELECT t2.key_a,foo
FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON t2.key_a = t1.key_a
INNER JOIN t3 ON t1.key_a = t3.key_a
WHERE t2.key_a=2 and key_b=5;
EXPLAIN SELECT t2.key_a,foo
FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON t2.key_a = t1.key_a
INNER JOIN t3 ON t1.key_a = t3.key_a
WHERE t2.key_a=2 and key_b=5;
DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3;