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Copyright (c) 1996, 2009, Innobase Oy. All Rights Reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
The transaction lock system
Created 5/7/1996 Heikki Tuuri
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
#include "lock0lock.h"
#include "lock0priv.h"
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
#include "lock0lock.ic"
#include "lock0priv.ic"
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
#include "ha_prototypes.h"
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
#include "usr0sess.h"
#include "trx0purge.h"
#include "dict0mem.h"
#include "trx0sys.h"
/* Restricts the length of search we will do in the waits-for
graph of transactions */
/* Restricts the recursion depth of the search we will do in the waits-for
graph of transactions */
/* When releasing transaction locks, this specifies how often we release
the kernel mutex for a moment to give also others access to it */
/* Safety margin when creating a new record lock: this many extra records
can be inserted to the page without need to create a lock with a bigger
bitmap */
/* An explicit record lock affects both the record and the gap before it.
An implicit x-lock does not affect the gap, it only locks the index
record from read or update.
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
If a transaction has modified or inserted an index record, then
it owns an implicit x-lock on the record. On a secondary index record,
a transaction has an implicit x-lock also if it has modified the
clustered index record, the max trx id of the page where the secondary
index record resides is >= trx id of the transaction (or database recovery
is running), and there are no explicit non-gap lock requests on the
secondary index record.
This complicated definition for a secondary index comes from the
implementation: we want to be able to determine if a secondary index
record has an implicit x-lock, just by looking at the present clustered
index record, not at the historical versions of the record. The
complicated definition can be explained to the user so that there is
nondeterminism in the access path when a query is answered: we may,
or may not, access the clustered index record and thus may, or may not,
bump into an x-lock set there.
Different transaction can have conflicting locks set on the gap at the
same time. The locks on the gap are purely inhibitive: an insert cannot
be made, or a select cursor may have to wait if a different transaction
has a conflicting lock on the gap. An x-lock on the gap does not give
the right to insert into the gap.
An explicit lock can be placed on a user record or the supremum record of
a page. The locks on the supremum record are always thought to be of the gap
type, though the gap bit is not set. When we perform an update of a record
where the size of the record changes, we may temporarily store its explicit
locks on the infimum record of the page, though the infimum otherwise never
carries locks.
A waiting record lock can also be of the gap type. A waiting lock request
can be granted when there is no conflicting mode lock request by another
transaction ahead of it in the explicit lock queue.
In version 4.0.5 we added yet another explicit lock type: LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP.
It only locks the record it is placed on, not the gap before the record.
This lock type is necessary to emulate an Oracle-like READ COMMITTED isolation
RULE 1: If there is an implicit x-lock on a record, and there are non-gap
lock requests waiting in the queue, then the transaction holding the implicit
x-lock also has an explicit non-gap record x-lock. Therefore, as locks are
released, we can grant locks to waiting lock requests purely by looking at
the explicit lock requests in the queue.
RULE 3: Different transactions cannot have conflicting granted non-gap locks
on a record at the same time. However, they can have conflicting granted gap
RULE 4: If a there is a waiting lock request in a queue, no lock request,
gap or not, can be inserted ahead of it in the queue. In record deletes
and page splits new gap type locks can be created by the database manager
for a transaction, and without rule 4, the waits-for graph of transactions
might become cyclic without the database noticing it, as the deadlock check
is only performed when a transaction itself requests a lock!
An insert is allowed to a gap if there are no explicit lock requests by
other transactions on the next record. It does not matter if these lock
requests are granted or waiting, gap bit set or not, with the exception
that a gap type request set by another transaction to wait for
its turn to do an insert is ignored. On the other hand, an
implicit x-lock by another transaction does not prevent an insert, which
allows for more concurrency when using an Oracle-style sequence number
generator for the primary key with many transactions doing inserts
A modify of a record is allowed if the transaction has an x-lock on the
record, or if other transactions do not have any non-gap lock requests on the
A read of a single user record with a cursor is allowed if the transaction
has a non-gap explicit, or an implicit lock on the record, or if the other
transactions have no x-lock requests on the record. At a page supremum a
read is always allowed.
In summary, an implicit lock is seen as a granted x-lock only on the
record, not on the gap. An explicit lock with no gap bit set is a lock
both on the record and the gap. If the gap bit is set, the lock is only
on the gap. Different transaction cannot own conflicting locks on the
record at the same time, but they may own conflicting locks on the gap.
Granted locks on a record give an access right to the record, but gap type
locks just inhibit operations.
NOTE: Finding out if some transaction has an implicit x-lock on a secondary
index record can be cumbersome. We may have to look at previous versions of
the corresponding clustered index record to find out if a delete marked
secondary index record was delete marked by an active transaction, not by
a committed one.
FACT A: If a transaction has inserted a row, it can delete it any time
without need to wait for locks.
PROOF: The transaction has an implicit x-lock on every index record inserted
for the row, and can thus modify each record without the need to wait. Q.E.D.
FACT B: If a transaction has read some result set with a cursor, it can read
it again, and retrieves the same result set, if it has not modified the
result set in the meantime. Hence, there is no phantom problem. If the
biggest record, in the alphabetical order, touched by the cursor is removed,
a lock wait may occur, otherwise not.
PROOF: When a read cursor proceeds, it sets an s-lock on each user record
it passes, and a gap type s-lock on each page supremum. The cursor must
wait until it has these locks granted. Then no other transaction can
have a granted x-lock on any of the user records, and therefore cannot
modify the user records. Neither can any other transaction insert into
the gaps which were passed over by the cursor. Page splits and merges,
and removal of obsolete versions of records do not affect this, because
when a user record or a page supremum is removed, the next record inherits
its locks as gap type locks, and therefore blocks inserts to the same gap.
Also, if a page supremum is inserted, it inherits its locks from the successor
record. When the cursor is positioned again at the start of the result set,
the records it will touch on its course are either records it touched
during the last pass or new inserted page supremums. It can immediately
access all these records, and when it arrives at the biggest record, it
notices that the result set is complete. If the biggest record was removed,
lock wait can occur because the next record only inherits a gap type lock,
and a wait may be needed. Q.E.D. */
/* If an index record should be changed or a new inserted, we must check
the lock on the record or the next. When a read cursor starts reading,
we will set a record level s-lock on each record it passes, except on the
initial record on which the cursor is positioned before we start to fetch
records. Our index tree search has the convention that the B-tree
cursor is positioned BEFORE the first possibly matching record in
the search. Optimizations are possible here: if the record is searched
on an equality condition to a unique key, we could actually set a special
lock on the record, a lock which would not prevent any insert before
this record. In the next key locking an x-lock set on a record also
prevents inserts just before that record.
There are special infimum and supremum records on each page.
A supremum record can be locked by a read cursor. This records cannot be
updated but the lock prevents insert of a user record to the end of
the page.
Next key locks will prevent the phantom problem where new rows
could appear to SELECT result sets after the select operation has been
performed. Prevention of phantoms ensures the serilizability of
What should we check if an insert of a new record is wanted?
Only the lock on the next record on the same page, because also the
supremum record can carry a lock. An s-lock prevents insertion, but
what about an x-lock? If it was set by a searched update, then there
is implicitly an s-lock, too, and the insert should be prevented.
What if our transaction owns an x-lock to the next record, but there is
a waiting s-lock request on the next record? If this s-lock was placed
by a read cursor moving in the ascending order in the index, we cannot
do the insert immediately, because when we finally commit our transaction,
the read cursor should see also the new inserted record. So we should
move the read cursor backward from the the next record for it to pass over
the new inserted record. This move backward may be too cumbersome to
implement. If we in this situation just enqueue a second x-lock request
for our transaction on the next record, then the deadlock mechanism
notices a deadlock between our transaction and the s-lock request
transaction. This seems to be an ok solution.
We could have the convention that granted explicit record locks,
lock the corresponding records from changing, and also lock the gaps
before them from inserting. A waiting explicit lock request locks the gap
before from inserting. Implicit record x-locks, which we derive from the
transaction id in the clustered index record, only lock the record itself
from modification, not the gap before it from inserting.
How should we store update locks? If the search is done by a unique
key, we could just modify the record trx id. Otherwise, we could put a record
x-lock on the record. If the update changes ordering fields of the
clustered index record, the inserted new record needs no record lock in
lock table, the trx id is enough. The same holds for a secondary index
record. Searched delete is similar to update.
What about waiting lock requests? If a transaction is waiting to make an
update to a record which another modified, how does the other transaction
know to send the end-lock-wait signal to the waiting transaction? If we have
the convention that a transaction may wait for just one lock at a time, how
do we preserve it if lock wait ends?
Checking the trx id label of a secondary index record. In the case of a
modification, not an insert, is this necessary? A secondary index record
is modified only by setting or resetting its deleted flag. A secondary index
record contains fields to uniquely determine the corresponding clustered
index record. A secondary index record is therefore only modified if we
also modify the clustered index record, and the trx id checking is done
on the clustered index record, before we come to modify the secondary index
record. So, in the case of delete marking or unmarking a secondary index
record, we do not have to care about trx ids, only the locks in the lock
table must be checked. In the case of a select from a secondary index, the
trx id is relevant, and in this case we may have to search the clustered
index record.
PROBLEM: How to update record locks when page is split or merged, or
a record is deleted or updated?
If the size of fields in a record changes, we perform the update by
a delete followed by an insert. How can we retain the locks set or
waiting on the record? Because a record lock is indexed in the bitmap
by the heap number of the record, when we remove the record from the
record list, it is possible still to keep the lock bits. If the page
is reorganized, we could make a table of old and new heap numbers,
and permute the bitmaps in the locks accordingly. We can add to the
table a row telling where the updated record ended. If the update does
not require a reorganization of the page, we can simply move the lock
bits for the updated record to the position determined by its new heap
number (we may have to allocate a new lock, if we run out of the bitmap
in the old one).
A more complicated case is the one where the reinsertion of the
updated record is done pessimistically, because the structure of the
tree may change.
PROBLEM: If a supremum record is removed in a page merge, or a record
removed in a purge, what to do to the waiting lock requests? In a split to
the right, we just move the lock requests to the new supremum. If a record
is removed, we could move the waiting lock request to its inheritor, the
next record in the index. But, the next record may already have lock
requests on its own queue. A new deadlock check should be made then. Maybe
it is easier just to release the waiting transactions. They can then enqueue
new lock requests on appropriate records.
PROBLEM: When a record is inserted, what locks should it inherit from the
upper neighbor? An insert of a new supremum record in a page split is
always possible, but an insert of a new user record requires that the upper
neighbor does not have any lock requests by other transactions, granted or
waiting, in its lock queue. Solution: We can copy the locks as gap type
locks, so that also the waiting locks are transformed to granted gap type
locks on the inserted record. */
* IS + + + - +
* IX + + - - +
* S + - + - -
* X - - - - -
* AI + + - - -
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
* Note that for rows, InnoDB only acquires S or X locks.
* For tables, InnoDB normally acquires IS or IX locks.
* S or X table locks are only acquired for LOCK TABLES.
* Auto-increment (AI) locks are needed because of
* statement-level MySQL binlog.
* See also lock_mode_compatible().
#define LK(a,b) (1 << ((a) * LOCK_NUM + (b)))
#define LKS(a,b) LK(a,b) | LK(b,a)
/* Define the lock compatibility matrix in a ulint. The first line below
defines the diagonal entries. The following lines define the compatibility
for LOCK_IX, LOCK_S, and LOCK_AUTO_INC using LKS(), since the matrix
is symmetric. */
/* STRONGER-OR-EQUAL RELATION (mode1=row, mode2=column)
* IS + - - - -
* IX + + - - -
* S + - + - -
* X + + + + +
* AI - - - - +
* See lock_mode_stronger_or_eq().
/* Define the stronger-or-equal lock relation in a ulint. This relation
contains all pairs LK(mode1, mode2) where mode1 is stronger than or
equal to mode2. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
UNIV_INTERN ibool lock_print_waits = FALSE;
Validates the lock system. */
/* out: TRUE if ok */
Validates the record lock queues on a page. */
/* out: TRUE if ok */
ulint space, /* in: space id */
ulint page_no);/* in: page number */
/* Define the following in order to enable lock_rec_validate_page() checks. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
/* The lock system */
UNIV_INTERN lock_sys_t* lock_sys = NULL;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* We store info on the latest deadlock error to this buffer. InnoDB
Monitor will then fetch it and print */
UNIV_INTERN ibool lock_deadlock_found = FALSE;
UNIV_INTERN FILE* lock_latest_err_file;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Flags for recursive deadlock search */
Checks if a lock request results in a deadlock. */
/* out: TRUE if a deadlock was detected and we
chose trx as a victim; FALSE if no deadlock, or
there was a deadlock, but we chose other
transaction(s) as victim(s) */
lock_t* lock, /* in: lock the transaction is requesting */
trx_t* trx); /* in: transaction */
Looks recursively for a deadlock. */
/* out: 0 if no deadlock found,
LOCK_VICTIM_IS_START if there was a deadlock
and we chose 'start' as the victim,
LOCK_VICTIM_IS_OTHER if a deadlock
was found and we chose some other trx as a
victim: we must do the search again in this
last case because there may be another
deadlock! */
trx_t* start, /* in: recursion starting point */
trx_t* trx, /* in: a transaction waiting for a lock */
lock_t* wait_lock, /* in: the lock trx is waiting to be granted */
ulint* cost, /* in/out: number of calculation steps thus
far: if this exceeds LOCK_MAX_N_STEPS_...
ulint depth); /* in: recursion depth: if this exceeds
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Gets the nth bit of a record lock. */
/* out: TRUE if bit set */
const lock_t* lock, /* in: record lock */
ulint i) /* in: index of the bit */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ulint byte_index;
ulint bit_index;
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (i >= lock->un_member.rec_lock.n_bits) {
byte_index = i / 8;
bit_index = i % 8;
return(1 & ((const byte*) &lock[1])[byte_index] >> bit_index);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
#define lock_mutex_enter_kernel() mutex_enter(&kernel_mutex)
#define lock_mutex_exit_kernel() mutex_exit(&kernel_mutex)
Checks that a transaction id is sensible, i.e., not in the future. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: TRUE if ok */
dulint trx_id, /* in: trx id */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: user record */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */
const ulint* offsets, /* in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */
ibool has_kernel_mutex)/* in: TRUE if the caller owns the
kernel mutex */
ibool is_ok = TRUE;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(rec_offs_validate(rec, index, offsets));
if (!has_kernel_mutex) {
/* A sanity check: the trx_id in rec must be smaller than the global
trx id counter */
if (ut_dulint_cmp(trx_id, trx_sys->max_trx_id) >= 0) {
fputs(" InnoDB: Error: transaction id associated"
" with record\n",
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
rec_print_new(stderr, rec, offsets);
fputs("InnoDB: in ", stderr);
dict_index_name_print(stderr, NULL, index);
fprintf(stderr, "\n"
"InnoDB: is " TRX_ID_FMT " which is higher than the"
" global trx id counter " TRX_ID_FMT "!\n"
"InnoDB: The table is corrupt. You have to do"
" dump + drop + reimport.\n",
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
is_ok = FALSE;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (!has_kernel_mutex) {
Checks that a record is seen in a consistent read. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: TRUE if sees, or FALSE if an earlier
version of the record should be retrieved */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: user record which should be read or
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
passed over by a read cursor */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: clustered index */
const ulint* offsets,/* in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */
read_view_t* view) /* in: consistent read view */
dulint trx_id;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(rec_offs_validate(rec, index, offsets));
/* NOTE that we call this function while holding the search
system latch. To obey the latching order we must NOT reserve the
kernel mutex here! */
trx_id = row_get_rec_trx_id(rec, index, offsets);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
return(read_view_sees_trx_id(view, trx_id));
Checks that a non-clustered index record is seen in a consistent read. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: TRUE if certainly
sees, or FALSE if an earlier
version of the clustered index
record might be needed: NOTE
that a non-clustered index
page contains so little
information on its
modifications that also in the
case FALSE, the present
version of rec may be the
right, but we must check this
from the clustered index
record */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: user record which
should be read or passed over
by a read cursor */
const read_view_t* view) /* in: consistent read view */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
dulint max_trx_id;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* NOTE that we might call this function while holding the search
system latch. To obey the latching order we must NOT reserve the
kernel mutex here! */
if (recv_recovery_is_on()) {
max_trx_id = page_get_max_trx_id(page_align(rec));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
return(ut_dulint_cmp(max_trx_id, view->up_limit_id) < 0);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Creates the lock system at database start. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ulint n_cells) /* in: number of slots in lock hash table */
lock_sys = mem_alloc(sizeof(lock_sys_t));
lock_sys->rec_hash = hash_create(n_cells);
/* hash_create_mutexes(lock_sys->rec_hash, 2, SYNC_REC_LOCK); */
lock_latest_err_file = os_file_create_tmpfile();
Gets the size of a lock struct. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: size in bytes */
Gets the mode of a lock. */
enum lock_mode
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: mode */
const lock_t* lock) /* in: lock */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
return(lock->type_mode & LOCK_MODE_MASK);
Gets the wait flag of a lock. */
/* out: TRUE if waiting */
const lock_t* lock) /* in: lock */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(lock->type_mode & LOCK_WAIT)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Gets the source table of an ALTER TABLE transaction. The table must be
covered by an IX or IS table lock. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: the source table of transaction,
if it is covered by an IX or IS table lock;
dest if there is no source table, and
NULL if the transaction is locking more than
two tables or an inconsistency is found */
trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction */
dict_table_t* dest, /* in: destination of ALTER TABLE */
enum lock_mode* mode) /* out: lock mode of the source table */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
dict_table_t* src;
lock_t* lock;
src = NULL;
*mode = LOCK_NONE;
for (lock = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(trx->trx_locks);
lock = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(trx_locks, lock)) {
lock_table_t* tab_lock;
enum lock_mode lock_mode;
if (!(lock_get_type_low(lock) & LOCK_TABLE)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* We are only interested in table locks. */
tab_lock = &lock->un_member.tab_lock;
if (dest == tab_lock->table) {
/* We are not interested in the destination table. */
} else if (!src) {
/* This presumably is the source table. */
src = tab_lock->table;
if (UT_LIST_GET_LEN(src->locks) != 1
|| UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(src->locks) != lock) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* We only support the case when
there is only one lock on this table. */
} else if (src != tab_lock->table) {
/* The transaction is locking more than
two tables (src and dest): abort */
/* Check that the source table is locked by
lock_mode = lock_get_mode(lock);
if (lock_mode == LOCK_IX || lock_mode == LOCK_IS) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (*mode != LOCK_NONE && *mode != lock_mode) {
/* There are multiple locks on src. */
*mode = lock_mode;
if (!src) {
/* No source table lock found: flag the situation to caller */
src = dest;
Determine if the given table is exclusively "owned" by the given
transaction, i.e., transaction holds LOCK_IX and possibly LOCK_AUTO_INC
on the table. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: TRUE if table is only locked by trx,
with LOCK_IX, and possibly LOCK_AUTO_INC */
dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */
trx_t* trx) /* in: transaction */
const lock_t* lock;
ibool ok = FALSE;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
for (lock = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(table->locks);
lock = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(locks, &lock->un_member.tab_lock)) {
if (lock->trx != trx) {
/* A lock on the table is held
by some other transaction. */
goto not_ok;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (!(lock_get_type_low(lock) & LOCK_TABLE)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* We are interested in table locks only. */
switch (lock_get_mode(lock)) {
case LOCK_IX:
ok = TRUE;
/* It is allowed for trx to hold an
auto_increment lock. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Other table locks than LOCK_IX are not allowed. */
ok = FALSE;
goto func_exit;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Sets the wait flag of a lock and the back pointer in trx to lock. */
lock_t* lock, /* in: lock */
trx_t* trx) /* in: trx */
ut_ad(trx->wait_lock == NULL);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
trx->wait_lock = lock;
lock->type_mode |= LOCK_WAIT;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
The back pointer to a waiting lock request in the transaction is set to NULL
and the wait bit in lock type_mode is reset. */
lock_t* lock) /* in: record lock */
ut_ad((lock->trx)->wait_lock == lock);
/* Reset the back pointer in trx to this waiting lock request */
(lock->trx)->wait_lock = NULL;
lock->type_mode &= ~LOCK_WAIT;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Gets the gap flag of a record lock. */
/* out: TRUE if gap flag set */
const lock_t* lock) /* in: record lock */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock->type_mode & LOCK_GAP) {
Gets the LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP flag of a record lock. */
/* out: TRUE if LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP flag set */
const lock_t* lock) /* in: record lock */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock->type_mode & LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP) {
Gets the waiting insert flag of a record lock. */
/* out: TRUE if gap flag set */
const lock_t* lock) /* in: record lock */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock->type_mode & LOCK_INSERT_INTENTION) {
Calculates if lock mode 1 is stronger or equal to lock mode 2. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: nonzero
if mode1 stronger or equal to mode2 */
enum lock_mode mode1, /* in: lock mode */
enum lock_mode mode2) /* in: lock mode */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(mode1 == LOCK_X || mode1 == LOCK_S || mode1 == LOCK_IX
|| mode1 == LOCK_IS || mode1 == LOCK_AUTO_INC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(mode2 == LOCK_X || mode2 == LOCK_S || mode2 == LOCK_IX
|| mode2 == LOCK_IS || mode2 == LOCK_AUTO_INC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
return((LOCK_MODE_STRONGER_OR_EQ) & LK(mode1, mode2));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Calculates if lock mode 1 is compatible with lock mode 2. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: nonzero if mode1 compatible with mode2 */
enum lock_mode mode1, /* in: lock mode */
enum lock_mode mode2) /* in: lock mode */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(mode1 == LOCK_X || mode1 == LOCK_S || mode1 == LOCK_IX
|| mode1 == LOCK_IS || mode1 == LOCK_AUTO_INC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(mode2 == LOCK_X || mode2 == LOCK_S || mode2 == LOCK_IX
|| mode2 == LOCK_IS || mode2 == LOCK_AUTO_INC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
return((LOCK_MODE_COMPATIBILITY) & LK(mode1, mode2));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Checks if a lock request for a new lock has to wait for request lock2. */
/* out: TRUE if new lock has to wait
for lock2 to be removed */
const trx_t* trx, /* in: trx of new lock */
ulint type_mode,/* in: precise mode of the new lock
to set: LOCK_S or LOCK_X, possibly
const lock_t* lock2, /* in: another record lock; NOTE that
it is assumed that this has a lock bit
set on the same record as in the new
lock we are setting */
ibool lock_is_on_supremum) /* in: TRUE if we are setting the
lock on the 'supremum' record of an
index page: we know then that the lock
request is really for a 'gap' type lock */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(trx && lock2);
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(lock2) == LOCK_REC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (trx != lock2->trx
&& !lock_mode_compatible(LOCK_MODE_MASK & type_mode,
lock_get_mode(lock2))) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* We have somewhat complex rules when gap type record locks
cause waits */
if ((lock_is_on_supremum || (type_mode & LOCK_GAP))
&& !(type_mode & LOCK_INSERT_INTENTION)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Gap type locks without LOCK_INSERT_INTENTION flag
do not need to wait for anything. This is because
different users can have conflicting lock types
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
on gaps. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (!(type_mode & LOCK_INSERT_INTENTION)
&& lock_rec_get_gap(lock2)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
does not need to wait for a gap type lock */
if ((type_mode & LOCK_GAP)
&& lock_rec_get_rec_not_gap(lock2)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Lock on gap does not need to wait for
a LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP type lock */
if (lock_rec_get_insert_intention(lock2)) {
/* No lock request needs to wait for an insert
intention lock to be removed. This is ok since our
rules allow conflicting locks on gaps. This eliminates
a spurious deadlock caused by a next-key lock waiting
for an insert intention lock; when the insert
intention lock was granted, the insert deadlocked on
the waiting next-key lock.
Also, insert intention locks do not disturb each
other. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Checks if a lock request lock1 has to wait for request lock2. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: TRUE if lock1 has to wait for
lock2 to be removed */
const lock_t* lock1, /* in: waiting lock */
const lock_t* lock2) /* in: another lock; NOTE that it is
assumed that this has a lock bit set
on the same record as in lock1 if the
locks are record locks */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(lock1 && lock2);
if (lock1->trx != lock2->trx
&& !lock_mode_compatible(lock_get_mode(lock1),
lock_get_mode(lock2))) {
if (lock_get_type_low(lock1) == LOCK_REC) {
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(lock2) == LOCK_REC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* If this lock request is for a supremum record
then the second bit on the lock bitmap is set */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock1->type_mode, lock2,
lock1, 1)));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/*============== RECORD LOCK BASIC FUNCTIONS ============================*/
Gets the number of bits in a record lock bitmap. */
/* out: number of bits */
const lock_t* lock) /* in: record lock */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Sets the nth bit of a record lock to TRUE. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock, /* in: record lock */
ulint i) /* in: index of the bit */
ulint byte_index;
ulint bit_index;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(i < lock->un_member.rec_lock.n_bits);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
byte_index = i / 8;
bit_index = i % 8;
((byte*) &lock[1])[byte_index] |= 1 << bit_index;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Looks for a set bit in a record lock bitmap. Returns ULINT_UNDEFINED,
if none found. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: bit index == heap number of
the record, or ULINT_UNDEFINED if none found */
const lock_t* lock) /* in: record lock with at least one bit set */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ulint i;
for (i = 0; i < lock_rec_get_n_bits(lock); i++) {
if (lock_rec_get_nth_bit(lock, i)) {
Resets the nth bit of a record lock. */
lock_t* lock, /* in: record lock */
ulint i) /* in: index of the bit which must be set to TRUE
when this function is called */
ulint byte_index;
ulint bit_index;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(i < lock->un_member.rec_lock.n_bits);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
byte_index = i / 8;
bit_index = i % 8;
((byte*) &lock[1])[byte_index] &= ~(1 << bit_index);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Gets the first or next record lock on a page. */
/* out: next lock, NULL if none exists */
lock_t* lock) /* in: a record lock */
ulint space;
ulint page_no;
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
space = lock->;
page_no = lock->un_member.rec_lock.page_no;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
for (;;) {
lock = HASH_GET_NEXT(hash, lock);
if (!lock) {
if ((lock-> == space)
&& (lock->un_member.rec_lock.page_no == page_no)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Gets the first record lock on a page, where the page is identified by its
file address. */
/* out: first lock, NULL if none exists */
ulint space, /* in: space */
ulint page_no)/* in: page number */
lock_t* lock;
lock = HASH_GET_FIRST(lock_sys->rec_hash,
lock_rec_hash(space, page_no));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
while (lock) {
if ((lock-> == space)
&& (lock->un_member.rec_lock.page_no == page_no)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = HASH_GET_NEXT(hash, lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Returns TRUE if there are explicit record locks on a page. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: TRUE if there are explicit record locks on
the page */
ulint space, /* in: space id */
ulint page_no)/* in: page number */
ibool ret;
if (lock_rec_get_first_on_page_addr(space, page_no)) {
ret = TRUE;
} else {
ret = FALSE;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Gets the first record lock on a page, where the page is identified by a
pointer to it. */
/* out: first lock, NULL if
none exists */
const buf_block_t* block) /* in: buffer block */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ulint hash;
lock_t* lock;
ulint space = buf_block_get_space(block);
ulint page_no = buf_block_get_page_no(block);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
hash = buf_block_get_lock_hash_val(block);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = HASH_GET_FIRST(lock_sys->rec_hash, hash);
while (lock) {
if ((lock-> == space)
&& (lock->un_member.rec_lock.page_no == page_no)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = HASH_GET_NEXT(hash, lock);
Gets the next explicit lock request on a record. */
/* out: next lock, NULL if none exists */
ulint heap_no,/* in: heap number of the record */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock) /* in: lock */
do {
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC);
lock = lock_rec_get_next_on_page(lock);
} while (lock && !lock_rec_get_nth_bit(lock, heap_no));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Gets the first explicit lock request on a record. */
/* out: first lock, NULL if
none exists */
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: block containing the record */
ulint heap_no)/* in: heap number of the record */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
for (lock = lock_rec_get_first_on_page(block); lock;
lock = lock_rec_get_next_on_page(lock)) {
if (lock_rec_get_nth_bit(lock, heap_no)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Resets the record lock bitmap to zero. NOTE: does not touch the wait_lock
pointer in the transaction! This function is used in lock object creation
and resetting. */
lock_t* lock) /* in: record lock */
ulint n_bytes;
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Reset to zero the bitmap which resides immediately after the lock
struct */
n_bytes = lock_rec_get_n_bits(lock) / 8;
ut_ad((lock_rec_get_n_bits(lock) % 8) == 0);
memset(&lock[1], 0, n_bytes);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Copies a record lock to heap. */
/* out: copy of lock */
const lock_t* lock, /* in: record lock */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
mem_heap_t* heap) /* in: memory heap */
ulint size;
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
size = sizeof(lock_t) + lock_rec_get_n_bits(lock) / 8;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
return(mem_heap_dup(heap, lock, size));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Gets the previous record lock set on a record. */
const lock_t*
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: previous lock on the same
record, NULL if none exists */
const lock_t* in_lock,/* in: record lock */
ulint heap_no)/* in: heap number of the record */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
ulint space;
ulint page_no;
lock_t* found_lock = NULL;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(in_lock) == LOCK_REC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
space = in_lock->;
page_no = in_lock->un_member.rec_lock.page_no;
lock = lock_rec_get_first_on_page_addr(space, page_no);
for (;;) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock == in_lock) {
if (lock_rec_get_nth_bit(lock, heap_no)) {
found_lock = lock;
lock = lock_rec_get_next_on_page(lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/*============= FUNCTIONS FOR ANALYZING TABLE LOCK QUEUE ================*/
Checks if a transaction has the specified table lock, or stronger. */
/* out: lock or NULL */
trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction */
dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */
enum lock_mode mode) /* in: lock mode */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
/* Look for stronger locks the same trx already has on the table */
lock = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(table->locks);
while (lock != NULL) {
if (lock->trx == trx
&& lock_mode_stronger_or_eq(lock_get_mode(lock), mode)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* The same trx already has locked the table in
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
a mode stronger or equal to the mode given */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = UT_LIST_GET_PREV(un_member.tab_lock.locks, lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/*============= FUNCTIONS FOR ANALYZING RECORD LOCK QUEUE ================*/
Checks if a transaction has a GRANTED explicit lock on rec stronger or equal
to precise_mode. */
/* out: lock or NULL */
ulint precise_mode,/* in: LOCK_S or LOCK_X
possibly ORed to LOCK_GAP or
supremum record we regard this
always a gap type request */
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block containing
the record */
ulint heap_no,/* in: heap number of the record */
trx_t* trx) /* in: transaction */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
ut_ad((precise_mode & LOCK_MODE_MASK) == LOCK_S
|| (precise_mode & LOCK_MODE_MASK) == LOCK_X);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(!(precise_mode & LOCK_INSERT_INTENTION));
lock = lock_rec_get_first(block, heap_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
while (lock) {
if (lock->trx == trx
&& lock_mode_stronger_or_eq(lock_get_mode(lock),
precise_mode & LOCK_MODE_MASK)
&& !lock_get_wait(lock)
&& (!lock_rec_get_rec_not_gap(lock)
|| (precise_mode & LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP)
|| heap_no == PAGE_HEAP_NO_SUPREMUM)
&& (!lock_rec_get_gap(lock)
|| (precise_mode & LOCK_GAP)
|| heap_no == PAGE_HEAP_NO_SUPREMUM)
&& (!lock_rec_get_insert_intention(lock))) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = lock_rec_get_next(heap_no, lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Checks if some other transaction has a lock request in the queue. */
/* out: lock or NULL */
enum lock_mode mode, /* in: LOCK_S or LOCK_X */
ulint gap, /* in: LOCK_GAP if also gap
locks are taken into account,
or 0 if not */
ulint wait, /* in: LOCK_WAIT if also
waiting locks are taken into
account, or 0 if not */
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block containing
the record */
ulint heap_no,/* in: heap number of the record */
const trx_t* trx) /* in: transaction, or NULL if
requests by all transactions
are taken into account */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(mode == LOCK_X || mode == LOCK_S);
ut_ad(gap == 0 || gap == LOCK_GAP);
ut_ad(wait == 0 || wait == LOCK_WAIT);
lock = lock_rec_get_first(block, heap_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
while (lock) {
if (lock->trx != trx
&& (gap
|| !(lock_rec_get_gap(lock)
|| heap_no == PAGE_HEAP_NO_SUPREMUM))
&& (wait || !lock_get_wait(lock))
&& lock_mode_stronger_or_eq(lock_get_mode(lock), mode)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = lock_rec_get_next(heap_no, lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Checks if some other transaction has a conflicting explicit lock request
in the queue, so that we have to wait. */
/* out: lock or NULL */
enum lock_mode mode, /* in: LOCK_S or LOCK_X,
possibly ORed to LOCK_GAP or
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block containing
the record */
ulint heap_no,/* in: heap number of the record */
trx_t* trx) /* in: our transaction */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = lock_rec_get_first(block, heap_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(lock)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
do {
if (lock_rec_has_to_wait(trx, mode, lock,
TRUE)) {
lock = lock_rec_get_next(heap_no, lock);
} while (lock);
} else {
do {
if (lock_rec_has_to_wait(trx, mode, lock,
lock = lock_rec_get_next(heap_no, lock);
} while (lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Looks for a suitable type record lock struct by the same trx on the same page.
This can be used to save space when a new record lock should be set on a page:
no new struct is needed, if a suitable old is found. */
/* out: lock or NULL */
ulint type_mode, /* in: lock type_mode field */
ulint heap_no, /* in: heap number of the record */
lock_t* lock, /* in: lock_rec_get_first_on_page() */
const trx_t* trx) /* in: transaction */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
while (lock != NULL) {
if (lock->trx == trx
&& lock->type_mode == type_mode
&& lock_rec_get_n_bits(lock) > heap_no) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = lock_rec_get_next_on_page(lock);
Checks if some transaction has an implicit x-lock on a record in a secondary
index. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: transaction which has the x-lock, or
const rec_t* rec, /* in: user record */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
dict_index_t* index, /* in: secondary index */
const ulint* offsets)/* in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */
const page_t* page = page_align(rec);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(rec_offs_validate(rec, index, offsets));
/* Some transaction may have an implicit x-lock on the record only
if the max trx id for the page >= min trx id for the trx list, or
database recovery is running. We do not write the changes of a page
max trx id to the log, and therefore during recovery, this value
for a page may be incorrect. */
if (!(ut_dulint_cmp(page_get_max_trx_id(page),
trx_list_get_min_trx_id()) >= 0)
&& !recv_recovery_is_on()) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Ok, in this case it is possible that some transaction has an
implicit x-lock. We have to look in the clustered index. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (!lock_check_trx_id_sanity(page_get_max_trx_id(page),
rec, index, offsets, TRUE)) {
buf_page_print(page, 0);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* The page is corrupt: try to avoid a crash by returning
return(row_vers_impl_x_locked_off_kernel(rec, index, offsets));
Return approximate number or record locks (bits set in the bitmap) for
this transaction. Since delete-marked records may be removed, the
record count will not be precise. */
trx_t* trx) /* in: transaction */
lock_t* lock;
ulint n_records = 0;
ulint n_bits;
ulint n_bit;
lock = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(trx->trx_locks);
while (lock) {
if (lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC) {
n_bits = lock_rec_get_n_bits(lock);
for (n_bit = 0; n_bit < n_bits; n_bit++) {
if (lock_rec_get_nth_bit(lock, n_bit)) {
lock = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(trx_locks, lock);
return (n_records);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/*============== RECORD LOCK CREATION AND QUEUE MANAGEMENT =============*/
Creates a new record lock and inserts it to the lock queue. Does NOT check
for deadlocks or lock compatibility! */
/* out: created lock */
ulint type_mode,/* in: lock mode and wait
flag, type is ignored and
replaced by LOCK_REC */
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block containing
the record */
ulint heap_no,/* in: heap number of the record */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: index of record */
trx_t* trx) /* in: transaction */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
ulint page_no;
ulint space;
ulint n_bits;
ulint n_bytes;
const page_t* page;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
space = buf_block_get_space(block);
page_no = buf_block_get_page_no(block);
page = block->frame;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(!!page_is_comp(page) == dict_table_is_comp(index->table));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* If rec is the supremum record, then we reset the gap and
LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP bits, as all locks on the supremum are
automatically of the gap type */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(!(type_mode & LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP));
type_mode = type_mode & ~(LOCK_GAP | LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP);
/* Make lock bitmap bigger by a safety margin */
n_bits = page_dir_get_n_heap(page) + LOCK_PAGE_BITMAP_MARGIN;
n_bytes = 1 + n_bits / 8;
lock = mem_heap_alloc(trx->lock_heap, sizeof(lock_t) + n_bytes);
UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(trx_locks, trx->trx_locks, lock);
lock->trx = trx;
lock->type_mode = (type_mode & ~LOCK_TYPE_MASK) | LOCK_REC;
lock->index = index;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock-> = space;
lock->un_member.rec_lock.page_no = page_no;
lock->un_member.rec_lock.n_bits = n_bytes * 8;
/* Reset to zero the bitmap which resides immediately after the
lock struct */
/* Set the bit corresponding to rec */
lock_rec_set_nth_bit(lock, heap_no);
HASH_INSERT(lock_t, hash, lock_sys->rec_hash,
lock_rec_fold(space, page_no), lock);
if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(type_mode & LOCK_WAIT)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_set_lock_and_trx_wait(lock, trx);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Enqueues a waiting request for a lock which cannot be granted immediately.
Checks for deadlocks. */
/* out: DB_LOCK_WAIT,
that there was a deadlock, but
another transaction was chosen
as a victim, and we got the
lock immediately: no need to
wait then */
ulint type_mode,/* in: lock mode this
transaction is requesting:
LOCK_S or LOCK_X, possibly
ORed with LOCK_GAP or
waiting lock request is set
when performing an insert of
an index record */
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block containing
the record */
ulint heap_no,/* in: heap number of the record */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: index of record */
que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
trx_t* trx;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Test if there already is some other reason to suspend thread:
we do not enqueue a lock request if the query thread should be
stopped anyway */
if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(que_thr_stop(thr))) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
trx = thr_get_trx(thr);
switch (trx_get_dict_operation(trx)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
fputs(" InnoDB: Error: a record lock wait happens"
" in a dictionary operation!\n"
"InnoDB: ", stderr);
dict_index_name_print(stderr, trx, index);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
"InnoDB: Submit a detailed bug report"
" to\n",
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Enqueue the lock request that will wait to be granted */
lock = lock_rec_create(type_mode | LOCK_WAIT,
block, heap_no, index, trx);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Check if a deadlock occurs: if yes, remove the lock request and
return an error code */
if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(lock_deadlock_occurs(lock, trx))) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_rec_reset_nth_bit(lock, heap_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* If there was a deadlock but we chose another transaction as a
victim, it is possible that we already have the lock now granted! */
if (trx->wait_lock == NULL) {
trx->que_state = TRX_QUE_LOCK_WAIT;
trx->was_chosen_as_deadlock_victim = FALSE;
trx->wait_started = time(NULL);
if (lock_print_waits) {
fprintf(stderr, "Lock wait for trx %lu in index ",
(ulong) ut_dulint_get_low(trx->id));
ut_print_name(stderr, trx, FALSE, index->name);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Adds a record lock request in the record queue. The request is normally
added as the last in the queue, but if there are no waiting lock requests
on the record, and the request to be added is not a waiting request, we
can reuse a suitable record lock object already existing on the same page,
just setting the appropriate bit in its bitmap. This is a low-level function
which does NOT check for deadlocks or lock compatibility! */
/* out: lock where the bit was set */
ulint type_mode,/* in: lock mode, wait, gap
etc. flags; type is ignored
and replaced by LOCK_REC */
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block containing
the record */
ulint heap_no,/* in: heap number of the record */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: index of record */
trx_t* trx) /* in: transaction */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
switch (type_mode & LOCK_MODE_MASK) {
case LOCK_X:
case LOCK_S:
if (!(type_mode & (LOCK_WAIT | LOCK_GAP))) {
enum lock_mode mode = (type_mode & LOCK_MODE_MASK) == LOCK_S
lock_t* other_lock
= lock_rec_other_has_expl_req(mode, 0, LOCK_WAIT,
block, heap_no, trx);
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
type_mode |= LOCK_REC;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* If rec is the supremum record, then we can reset the gap bit, as
all locks on the supremum are automatically of the gap type, and we
try to avoid unnecessary memory consumption of a new record lock
struct for a gap type lock */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(!(type_mode & LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP));
/* There should never be LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP on a supremum
record, but let us play safe */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
type_mode = type_mode & ~(LOCK_GAP | LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP);
/* Look for a waiting lock request on the same record or on a gap */
lock = lock_rec_get_first_on_page(block);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
while (lock != NULL) {
if (lock_get_wait(lock)
&& (lock_rec_get_nth_bit(lock, heap_no))) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
goto somebody_waits;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = lock_rec_get_next_on_page(lock);
if (UNIV_LIKELY(!(type_mode & LOCK_WAIT))) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Look for a similar record lock on the same page:
if one is found and there are no waiting lock requests,
we can just set the bit */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = lock_rec_find_similar_on_page(
type_mode, heap_no,
lock_rec_get_first_on_page(block), trx);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_rec_set_nth_bit(lock, heap_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
return(lock_rec_create(type_mode, block, heap_no, index, trx));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
This is a fast routine for locking a record in the most common cases:
there are no explicit locks on the page, or there is just one lock, owned
by this transaction, and of the right type_mode. This is a low-level function
which does NOT look at implicit locks! Checks lock compatibility within
explicit locks. This function sets a normal next-key lock, or in the case of
a page supremum record, a gap type lock. */
/* out: TRUE if locking succeeded */
ibool impl, /* in: if TRUE, no lock is set
if no wait is necessary: we
assume that the caller will
set an implicit lock */
ulint mode, /* in: lock mode: LOCK_X or
LOCK_S possibly ORed to either
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block containing
the record */
ulint heap_no,/* in: heap number of record */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: index of record */
que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
trx_t* trx;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad((LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) != LOCK_S
|| lock_table_has(thr_get_trx(thr), index->table, LOCK_IS));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad((LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) != LOCK_X
|| lock_table_has(thr_get_trx(thr), index->table, LOCK_IX));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad((LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) == LOCK_S
|| (LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) == LOCK_X);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(mode - (LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) == LOCK_GAP
|| mode - (LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) == 0
|| mode - (LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) == LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP);
lock = lock_rec_get_first_on_page(block);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
trx = thr_get_trx(thr);
if (lock == NULL) {
if (!impl) {
lock_rec_create(mode, block, heap_no, index, trx);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock_rec_get_next_on_page(lock)) {
if (lock->trx != trx
|| lock->type_mode != (mode | LOCK_REC)
|| lock_rec_get_n_bits(lock) <= heap_no) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (!impl) {
/* If the nth bit of the record lock is already set then we
do not set a new lock bit, otherwise we do set */
if (!lock_rec_get_nth_bit(lock, heap_no)) {
lock_rec_set_nth_bit(lock, heap_no);
This is the general, and slower, routine for locking a record. This is a
low-level function which does NOT look at implicit locks! Checks lock
compatibility within explicit locks. This function sets a normal next-key
lock, or in the case of a page supremum record, a gap type lock. */
/* out: DB_SUCCESS,
DB_LOCK_WAIT, or error code */
ibool impl, /* in: if TRUE, no lock is set
if no wait is necessary: we
assume that the caller will
set an implicit lock */
ulint mode, /* in: lock mode: LOCK_X or
LOCK_S possibly ORed to either
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block containing
the record */
ulint heap_no,/* in: heap number of record */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: index of record */
que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
trx_t* trx;
ulint err;
ut_ad((LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) != LOCK_S
|| lock_table_has(thr_get_trx(thr), index->table, LOCK_IS));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad((LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) != LOCK_X
|| lock_table_has(thr_get_trx(thr), index->table, LOCK_IX));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad((LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) == LOCK_S
|| (LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) == LOCK_X);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(mode - (LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) == LOCK_GAP
|| mode - (LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) == 0
|| mode - (LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) == LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
trx = thr_get_trx(thr);
if (lock_rec_has_expl(mode, block, heap_no, trx)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* The trx already has a strong enough lock on rec: do
nothing */
} else if (lock_rec_other_has_conflicting(mode, block, heap_no, trx)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* If another transaction has a non-gap conflicting request in
the queue, as this transaction does not have a lock strong
enough already granted on the record, we have to wait. */
err = lock_rec_enqueue_waiting(mode, block, heap_no,
index, thr);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
} else {
if (!impl) {
/* Set the requested lock on the record */
lock_rec_add_to_queue(LOCK_REC | mode, block,
heap_no, index, trx);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Tries to lock the specified record in the mode requested. If not immediately
possible, enqueues a waiting lock request. This is a low-level function
which does NOT look at implicit locks! Checks lock compatibility within
explicit locks. This function sets a normal next-key lock, or in the case
of a page supremum record, a gap type lock. */
/* out: DB_SUCCESS,
DB_LOCK_WAIT, or error code */
ibool impl, /* in: if TRUE, no lock is set
if no wait is necessary: we
assume that the caller will
set an implicit lock */
ulint mode, /* in: lock mode: LOCK_X or
LOCK_S possibly ORed to either
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block containing
the record */
ulint heap_no,/* in: heap number of record */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: index of record */
que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ulint err;
ut_ad((LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) != LOCK_S
|| lock_table_has(thr_get_trx(thr), index->table, LOCK_IS));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad((LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) != LOCK_X
|| lock_table_has(thr_get_trx(thr), index->table, LOCK_IX));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad((LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) == LOCK_S
|| (LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) == LOCK_X);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(mode - (LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) == LOCK_GAP
|| mode - (LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) == LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP
|| mode - (LOCK_MODE_MASK & mode) == 0);
if (lock_rec_lock_fast(impl, mode, block, heap_no, index, thr)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* We try a simplified and faster subroutine for the most
common cases */
} else {
err = lock_rec_lock_slow(impl, mode, block,
heap_no, index, thr);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Checks if a waiting record lock request still has to wait in a queue. */
/* out: TRUE if still has to wait */
lock_t* wait_lock) /* in: waiting record lock */
lock_t* lock;
ulint space;
ulint page_no;
ulint heap_no;
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(wait_lock) == LOCK_REC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
space = wait_lock->;
page_no = wait_lock->un_member.rec_lock.page_no;
heap_no = lock_rec_find_set_bit(wait_lock);
lock = lock_rec_get_first_on_page_addr(space, page_no);
while (lock != wait_lock) {
if (lock_rec_get_nth_bit(lock, heap_no)
&& lock_has_to_wait(wait_lock, lock)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = lock_rec_get_next_on_page(lock);
Grants a lock to a waiting lock request and releases the waiting
transaction. */
lock_t* lock) /* in/out: waiting lock request */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock_get_mode(lock) == LOCK_AUTO_INC) {
trx_t* trx = lock->trx;
dict_table_t* table = lock->un_member.tab_lock.table;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (table->autoinc_trx == trx) {
"InnoDB: Error: trx already had"
" an AUTO-INC lock!\n");
} else {
table->autoinc_trx = trx;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ib_vector_push(trx->autoinc_locks, lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock_print_waits) {
fprintf(stderr, "Lock wait for trx %lu ends\n",
(ulong) ut_dulint_get_low(lock->trx->id));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
/* If we are resolving a deadlock by choosing another transaction
as a victim, then our original transaction may not be in the
TRX_QUE_LOCK_WAIT state, and there is no need to end the lock wait
for it */
if (lock->trx->que_state == TRX_QUE_LOCK_WAIT) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Cancels a waiting record lock request and releases the waiting transaction
that requested it. NOTE: does NOT check if waiting lock requests behind this
one can now be granted! */
lock_t* lock) /* in: waiting record lock request */
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Reset the bit (there can be only one set bit) in the lock bitmap */
lock_rec_reset_nth_bit(lock, lock_rec_find_set_bit(lock));
/* Reset the wait flag and the back pointer to lock in trx */
/* The following function releases the trx from lock wait */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Removes a record lock request, waiting or granted, from the queue and
grants locks to other transactions in the queue if they now are entitled
to a lock. NOTE: all record locks contained in in_lock are removed. */
lock_t* in_lock)/* in: record lock object: all record locks which
are contained in this lock object are removed;
transactions waiting behind will get their lock
requests granted, if they are now qualified to it */
ulint space;
ulint page_no;
lock_t* lock;
trx_t* trx;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(in_lock) == LOCK_REC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
trx = in_lock->trx;
space = in_lock->;
page_no = in_lock->un_member.rec_lock.page_no;
HASH_DELETE(lock_t, hash, lock_sys->rec_hash,
lock_rec_fold(space, page_no), in_lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
UT_LIST_REMOVE(trx_locks, trx->trx_locks, in_lock);
/* Check if waiting locks in the queue can now be granted: grant
locks if there are no conflicting locks ahead. */
lock = lock_rec_get_first_on_page_addr(space, page_no);
while (lock != NULL) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock_get_wait(lock)
&& !lock_rec_has_to_wait_in_queue(lock)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Grant the lock */
lock = lock_rec_get_next_on_page(lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Removes a record lock request, waiting or granted, from the queue. */
lock_t* in_lock)/* in: record lock object: all record locks which
are contained in this lock object are removed */
ulint space;
ulint page_no;
trx_t* trx;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(in_lock) == LOCK_REC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
trx = in_lock->trx;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
space = in_lock->;
page_no = in_lock->un_member.rec_lock.page_no;
HASH_DELETE(lock_t, hash, lock_sys->rec_hash,
lock_rec_fold(space, page_no), in_lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
UT_LIST_REMOVE(trx_locks, trx->trx_locks, in_lock);
Removes record lock objects set on an index page which is discarded. This
function does not move locks, or check for waiting locks, therefore the
lock bitmaps must already be reset when this function is called. */
const buf_block_t* block) /* in: page to be discarded */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ulint space;
ulint page_no;
lock_t* lock;
lock_t* next_lock;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
space = buf_block_get_space(block);
page_no = buf_block_get_page_no(block);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = lock_rec_get_first_on_page_addr(space, page_no);
while (lock != NULL) {
ut_ad(lock_rec_find_set_bit(lock) == ULINT_UNDEFINED);
next_lock = lock_rec_get_next_on_page(lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = next_lock;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/*============= RECORD LOCK MOVING AND INHERITING ===================*/
Resets the lock bits for a single record. Releases transactions waiting for
lock requests here. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block containing
the record */
ulint heap_no)/* in: heap number of record */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
lock = lock_rec_get_first(block, heap_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
while (lock != NULL) {
if (lock_get_wait(lock)) {
} else {
lock_rec_reset_nth_bit(lock, heap_no);
lock = lock_rec_get_next(heap_no, lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Makes a record to inherit the locks (except LOCK_INSERT_INTENTION type)
of another record as gap type locks, but does not reset the lock bits of
the other record. Also waiting lock requests on rec are inherited as
GRANTED gap locks. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const buf_block_t* heir_block, /* in: block containing the
record which inherits */
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: block containing the
record from which inherited;
does NOT reset the locks on
this record */
ulint heir_heap_no, /* in: heap_no of the
inheriting record */
ulint heap_no) /* in: heap_no of the
donating record */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = lock_rec_get_first(block, heap_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* If srv_locks_unsafe_for_binlog is TRUE or session is using
READ COMMITTED isolation level, we do not want locks set
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
by an UPDATE or a DELETE to be inherited as gap type locks. But we
DO want S-locks set by a consistency constraint to be inherited also
then. */
while (lock != NULL) {
if (!lock_rec_get_insert_intention(lock)
&& !((srv_locks_unsafe_for_binlog
|| lock->trx->isolation_level
&& lock_get_mode(lock) == LOCK_X)) {
lock_rec_add_to_queue(LOCK_REC | LOCK_GAP
| lock_get_mode(lock),
heir_block, heir_heap_no,
lock->index, lock->trx);
lock = lock_rec_get_next(heap_no, lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Makes a record to inherit the gap locks (except LOCK_INSERT_INTENTION type)
of another record as gap type locks, but does not reset the lock bits of the
other record. Also waiting lock requests are inherited as GRANTED gap locks. */
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block */
ulint heir_heap_no, /* in: heap_no of
record which inherits */
ulint heap_no) /* in: heap_no of record
from which inherited;
does NOT reset the locks
on this record */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = lock_rec_get_first(block, heap_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
while (lock != NULL) {
if (!lock_rec_get_insert_intention(lock)
&& (heap_no == PAGE_HEAP_NO_SUPREMUM
|| !lock_rec_get_rec_not_gap(lock))) {
lock_rec_add_to_queue(LOCK_REC | LOCK_GAP
| lock_get_mode(lock),
block, heir_heap_no,
lock->index, lock->trx);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = lock_rec_get_next(heap_no, lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Moves the locks of a record to another record and resets the lock bits of
the donating record. */
const buf_block_t* receiver, /* in: buffer block containing
the receiving record */
const buf_block_t* donator, /* in: buffer block containing
the donating record */
ulint receiver_heap_no,/* in: heap_no of the record
which gets the locks; there
must be no lock requests
on it! */
ulint donator_heap_no)/* in: heap_no of the record
which gives the locks */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = lock_rec_get_first(donator, donator_heap_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(lock_rec_get_first(receiver, receiver_heap_no) == NULL);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
while (lock != NULL) {
const ulint type_mode = lock->type_mode;
lock_rec_reset_nth_bit(lock, donator_heap_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(type_mode & LOCK_WAIT)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Note that we FIRST reset the bit, and then set the lock:
the function works also if donator == receiver */
lock_rec_add_to_queue(type_mode, receiver, receiver_heap_no,
lock->index, lock->trx);
lock = lock_rec_get_next(donator_heap_no, lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(lock_rec_get_first(donator, donator_heap_no) == NULL);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Updates the lock table when we have reorganized a page. NOTE: we copy
also the locks set on the infimum of the page; the infimum may carry
locks if an update of a record is occurring on the page, and its locks
were temporarily stored on the infimum. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: old index page, now
reorganized */
const buf_block_t* oblock) /* in: copy of the old, not
reorganized page */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(lock_t) old_locks;
mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
ulint comp;
lock = lock_rec_get_first_on_page(block);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock == NULL) {
heap = mem_heap_create(256);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Copy first all the locks on the page to heap and reset the
bitmaps in the original locks; chain the copies of the locks
using the trx_locks field in them. */
do {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Make a copy of the lock */
lock_t* old_lock = lock_rec_copy(lock, heap);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(trx_locks, old_locks, old_lock);
/* Reset bitmap of lock */
if (lock_get_wait(lock)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = lock_rec_get_next_on_page(lock);
} while (lock != NULL);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
comp = page_is_comp(block->frame);
ut_ad(comp == page_is_comp(oblock->frame));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
for (lock = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(old_locks); lock;
lock = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(trx_locks, lock)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* NOTE: we copy also the locks set on the infimum and
supremum of the page; the infimum may carry locks if an
update of a record is occurring on the page, and its locks
were temporarily stored on the infimum */
page_cur_t cur1;
page_cur_t cur2;
page_cur_set_before_first(block, &cur1);
page_cur_set_before_first(oblock, &cur2);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Set locks according to old locks */
for (;;) {
ulint old_heap_no;
ulint new_heap_no;
ut_ad(comp || !memcmp(page_cur_get_rec(&cur1),
if (UNIV_LIKELY(comp)) {
old_heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_new(
new_heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_new(
} else {
old_heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_old(
new_heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_old(
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock_rec_get_nth_bit(lock, old_heap_no)) {
/* Clear the bit in old_lock. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* NOTE that the old lock bitmap could be too
small for the new heap number! */
lock_rec_add_to_queue(lock->type_mode, block,
lock->index, lock->trx);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* if (new_heap_no == PAGE_HEAP_NO_SUPREMUM
&& lock_get_wait(lock)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
"---\n--\n!!!Lock reorg: supr type %lu\n",
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
} */
(new_heap_no == PAGE_HEAP_NO_SUPREMUM)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(old_heap_no == PAGE_HEAP_NO_SUPREMUM);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ulint i = lock_rec_find_set_bit(lock);
/* Check that all locks were moved. */
" %lu not moved in %p\n",
(ulong) i, (void*) lock);
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Moves the explicit locks on user records to another page if a record
list end is moved to another page. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const buf_block_t* new_block, /* in: index page to move to */
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: index page */
const rec_t* rec) /* in: record on page: this
is the first record moved */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
const ulint comp = page_rec_is_comp(rec);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Note: when we move locks from record to record, waiting locks
and possible granted gap type locks behind them are enqueued in
the original order, because new elements are inserted to a hash
table to the end of the hash chain, and lock_rec_add_to_queue
does not reuse locks if there are waiters in the queue. */
for (lock = lock_rec_get_first_on_page(block); lock;
lock = lock_rec_get_next_on_page(lock)) {
page_cur_t cur1;
page_cur_t cur2;
const ulint type_mode = lock->type_mode;
page_cur_position(rec, block, &cur1);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (page_cur_is_before_first(&cur1)) {
page_cur_set_before_first(new_block, &cur2);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Copy lock requests on user records to new page and
reset the lock bits on the old */
while (!page_cur_is_after_last(&cur1)) {
ulint heap_no;
if (comp) {
heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_new(
} else {
heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_old(
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock_rec_get_nth_bit(lock, heap_no)) {
lock_rec_reset_nth_bit(lock, heap_no);
if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(type_mode & LOCK_WAIT)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (comp) {
heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_new(
} else {
heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_old(
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
new_block, heap_no,
lock->index, lock->trx);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Moves the explicit locks on user records to another page if a record
list start is moved to another page. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const buf_block_t* new_block, /* in: index page to move to */
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: index page */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: record on page:
this is the first
record NOT copied */
const rec_t* old_end) /* in: old
record on new_page
before the records
were copied */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
const ulint comp = page_rec_is_comp(rec);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(block->frame == page_align(rec));
ut_ad(new_block->frame == page_align(old_end));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
for (lock = lock_rec_get_first_on_page(block); lock;
lock = lock_rec_get_next_on_page(lock)) {
page_cur_t cur1;
page_cur_t cur2;
const ulint type_mode = lock->type_mode;
page_cur_set_before_first(block, &cur1);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
page_cur_position(old_end, new_block, &cur2);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Copy lock requests on user records to new page and
reset the lock bits on the old */
while (page_cur_get_rec(&cur1) != rec) {
ulint heap_no;
if (comp) {
heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_new(
} else {
heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_old(
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock_rec_get_nth_bit(lock, heap_no)) {
lock_rec_reset_nth_bit(lock, heap_no);
if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(type_mode & LOCK_WAIT)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (comp) {
heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_new(
} else {
heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_old(
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
new_block, heap_no,
lock->index, lock->trx);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (page_rec_is_supremum(rec)) {
ulint i;
i < lock_rec_get_n_bits(lock); i++) {
(lock_rec_get_nth_bit(lock, i))) {
" %lu not moved in %p\n",
(ulong) i, (void*) lock);
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Updates the lock table when a page is split to the right. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const buf_block_t* right_block, /* in: right page */
const buf_block_t* left_block) /* in: left page */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ulint heap_no = lock_get_min_heap_no(right_block);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Move the locks on the supremum of the left page to the supremum
of the right page */
lock_rec_move(right_block, left_block,
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Inherit the locks to the supremum of left page from the successor
of the infimum on right page */
lock_rec_inherit_to_gap(left_block, right_block,
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Updates the lock table when a page is merged to the right. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const buf_block_t* right_block, /* in: right page to
which merged */
const rec_t* orig_succ, /* in: original
successor of infimum
on the right page
before merge */
const buf_block_t* left_block) /* in: merged index
page which will be
discarded */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Inherit the locks from the supremum of the left page to the
original successor of infimum on the right page, to which the left
page was merged */
lock_rec_inherit_to_gap(right_block, left_block,
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Reset the locks on the supremum of the left page, releasing
waiting transactions */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Updates the lock table when the root page is copied to another in
btr_root_raise_and_insert. Note that we leave lock structs on the
root page, even though they do not make sense on other than leaf
pages: the reason is that in a pessimistic update the infimum record
of the root page will act as a dummy carrier of the locks of the record
to be updated. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: index page to which copied */
const buf_block_t* root) /* in: root page */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Move the locks on the supremum of the root to the supremum
of block */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_rec_move(block, root,
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Updates the lock table when a page is copied to another and the original page
is removed from the chain of leaf pages, except if page is the root! */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const buf_block_t* new_block, /* in: index page to
which copied */
const buf_block_t* block) /* in: index page;
NOT the root! */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Move the locks on the supremum of the old page to the supremum
of new_page */
lock_rec_move(new_block, block,
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Updates the lock table when a page is split to the left. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const buf_block_t* right_block, /* in: right page */
const buf_block_t* left_block) /* in: left page */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ulint heap_no = lock_get_min_heap_no(right_block);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Inherit the locks to the supremum of the left page from the
successor of the infimum on the right page */
lock_rec_inherit_to_gap(left_block, right_block,
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Updates the lock table when a page is merged to the left. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const buf_block_t* left_block, /* in: left page to
which merged */
const rec_t* orig_pred, /* in: original predecessor
of supremum on the left page
before merge */
const buf_block_t* right_block) /* in: merged index page
which will be discarded */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const rec_t* left_next_rec;
ut_ad(left_block->frame == page_align(orig_pred));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
left_next_rec = page_rec_get_next_const(orig_pred);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (!page_rec_is_supremum(left_next_rec)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Inherit the locks on the supremum of the left page to the
first record which was moved from the right page */
lock_rec_inherit_to_gap(left_block, left_block,
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Reset the locks on the supremum of the left page,
releasing waiting transactions */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Move the locks from the supremum of right page to the supremum
of the left page */
lock_rec_move(left_block, right_block,
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Resets the original locks on heir and replaces them with gap type locks
inherited from rec. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const buf_block_t* heir_block, /* in: block containing the
record which inherits */
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: block containing the
record from which inherited;
does NOT reset the locks on
this record */
ulint heir_heap_no, /* in: heap_no of the
inheriting record */
ulint heap_no) /* in: heap_no of the
donating record */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_rec_reset_and_release_wait(heir_block, heir_heap_no);
lock_rec_inherit_to_gap(heir_block, block, heir_heap_no, heap_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Updates the lock table when a page is discarded. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const buf_block_t* heir_block, /* in: index page
which will inherit the locks */
ulint heir_heap_no, /* in: heap_no of the record
which will inherit the locks */
const buf_block_t* block) /* in: index page
which will be discarded */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const page_t* page = block->frame;
const rec_t* rec;
ulint heap_no;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (!lock_rec_get_first_on_page(block)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* No locks exist on page, nothing to do */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Inherit all the locks on the page to the record and reset all
the locks on the page */
if (page_is_comp(page)) {
rec = page + PAGE_NEW_INFIMUM;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
do {
heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_new(rec);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_rec_inherit_to_gap(heir_block, block,
heir_heap_no, heap_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_rec_reset_and_release_wait(block, heap_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
rec = page + rec_get_next_offs(rec, TRUE);
} while (heap_no != PAGE_HEAP_NO_SUPREMUM);
} else {
rec = page + PAGE_OLD_INFIMUM;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
do {
heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_old(rec);
lock_rec_inherit_to_gap(heir_block, block,
heir_heap_no, heap_no);
lock_rec_reset_and_release_wait(block, heap_no);
rec = page + rec_get_next_offs(rec, FALSE);
} while (heap_no != PAGE_HEAP_NO_SUPREMUM);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Updates the lock table when a new user record is inserted. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block containing rec */
const rec_t* rec) /* in: the inserted record */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ulint receiver_heap_no;
ulint donator_heap_no;
ut_ad(block->frame == page_align(rec));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Inherit the gap-locking locks for rec, in gap mode, from the next
record */
if (page_rec_is_comp(rec)) {
receiver_heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_new(rec);
donator_heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_new(
page_rec_get_next_low(rec, TRUE));
} else {
receiver_heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_old(rec);
donator_heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_old(
page_rec_get_next_low(rec, FALSE));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
receiver_heap_no, donator_heap_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Updates the lock table when a record is removed. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block containing rec */
const rec_t* rec) /* in: the record to be removed */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const page_t* page = block->frame;
ulint heap_no;
ulint next_heap_no;
ut_ad(page == page_align(rec));
if (page_is_comp(page)) {
heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_new(rec);
next_heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_new(page
+ rec_get_next_offs(rec,
} else {
heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_old(rec);
next_heap_no = rec_get_heap_no_old(page
+ rec_get_next_offs(rec,
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Let the next record inherit the locks from rec, in gap mode */
lock_rec_inherit_to_gap(block, block, next_heap_no, heap_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Reset the lock bits on rec and release waiting transactions */
lock_rec_reset_and_release_wait(block, heap_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Stores on the page infimum record the explicit locks of another record.
This function is used to store the lock state of a record when it is
updated and the size of the record changes in the update. The record
is moved in such an update, perhaps to another page. The infimum record
acts as a dummy carrier record, taking care of lock releases while the
actual record is being moved. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block containing rec */
const rec_t* rec) /* in: record whose lock state
is stored on the infimum
record of the same page; lock
bits are reset on the
record */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ulint heap_no = page_rec_get_heap_no(rec);
ut_ad(block->frame == page_align(rec));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_rec_move(block, block, PAGE_HEAP_NO_INFIMUM, heap_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Restores the state of explicit lock requests on a single record, where the
state was stored on the infimum of the page. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block containing rec */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: record whose lock state
is restored */
const buf_block_t* donator)/* in: page (rec is not
necessarily on this page)
whose infimum stored the lock
state; lock bits are reset on
the infimum */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ulint heap_no = page_rec_get_heap_no(rec);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_rec_move(block, donator, heap_no, PAGE_HEAP_NO_INFIMUM);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/*=========== DEADLOCK CHECKING ======================================*/
Checks if a lock request results in a deadlock. */
/* out: TRUE if a deadlock was detected and we
chose trx as a victim; FALSE if no deadlock, or
there was a deadlock, but we chose other
transaction(s) as victim(s) */
lock_t* lock, /* in: lock the transaction is requesting */
trx_t* trx) /* in: transaction */
dict_table_t* table;
dict_index_t* index;
trx_t* mark_trx;
ulint ret;
ulint cost = 0;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* We check that adding this trx to the waits-for graph
does not produce a cycle. First mark all active transactions
with 0: */
mark_trx = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(trx_sys->trx_list);
while (mark_trx) {
mark_trx->deadlock_mark = 0;
mark_trx = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(trx_list, mark_trx);
ret = lock_deadlock_recursive(trx, trx, lock, &cost, 0);
if (ret == LOCK_VICTIM_IS_OTHER) {
/* We chose some other trx as a victim: retry if there still
is a deadlock */
goto retry;
if (lock_get_type_low(lock) & LOCK_TABLE) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
table = lock->un_member.tab_lock.table;
index = NULL;
} else {
index = lock->index;
table = index->table;
lock_deadlock_found = TRUE;
fputs("*** WE ROLL BACK TRANSACTION (2)\n",
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Looks recursively for a deadlock. */
/* out: 0 if no deadlock found,
LOCK_VICTIM_IS_START if there was a deadlock
and we chose 'start' as the victim,
LOCK_VICTIM_IS_OTHER if a deadlock
was found and we chose some other trx as a
victim: we must do the search again in this
last case because there may be another
deadlock! */
trx_t* start, /* in: recursion starting point */
trx_t* trx, /* in: a transaction waiting for a lock */
lock_t* wait_lock, /* in: the lock trx is waiting to be granted */
ulint* cost, /* in/out: number of calculation steps thus
far: if this exceeds LOCK_MAX_N_STEPS_...
ulint depth) /* in: recursion depth: if this exceeds
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
ulint bit_no = ULINT_UNDEFINED;
trx_t* lock_trx;
ulint ret;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (trx->deadlock_mark == 1) {
/* We have already exhaustively searched the subtree starting
from this trx */
*cost = *cost + 1;
lock = wait_lock;
if (lock_get_type_low(wait_lock) == LOCK_REC) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
bit_no = lock_rec_find_set_bit(wait_lock);
ut_a(bit_no != ULINT_UNDEFINED);
/* Look at the locks ahead of wait_lock in the lock queue */
for (;;) {
if (lock_get_type_low(lock) & LOCK_TABLE) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = UT_LIST_GET_PREV(un_member.tab_lock.locks,
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
} else {
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_a(bit_no != ULINT_UNDEFINED);
lock = (lock_t*) lock_rec_get_prev(lock, bit_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock == NULL) {
/* We can mark this subtree as searched */
trx->deadlock_mark = 1;
if (lock_has_to_wait(wait_lock, lock)) {
ibool too_far
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_trx = lock->trx;
if (lock_trx == start || too_far) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* We came back to the recursion starting
point: a deadlock detected; or we have
searched the waits-for graph too long */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
FILE* ef = lock_latest_err_file;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
fputs("\n*** (1) TRANSACTION:\n", ef);
trx_print(ef, wait_lock->trx, 3000);
fputs("*** (1) WAITING FOR THIS LOCK"
" TO BE GRANTED:\n", ef);
if (lock_get_type_low(wait_lock) == LOCK_REC) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_rec_print(ef, wait_lock);
} else {
lock_table_print(ef, wait_lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
fputs("*** (2) TRANSACTION:\n", ef);
trx_print(ef, lock->trx, 3000);
fputs("*** (2) HOLDS THE LOCK(S):\n", ef);
if (lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_rec_print(ef, lock);
} else {
lock_table_print(ef, lock);
fputs("*** (2) WAITING FOR THIS LOCK"
" TO BE GRANTED:\n", ef);
if (lock_get_type_low(start->wait_lock)
== LOCK_REC) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_rec_print(ef, start->wait_lock);
} else {
lock_table_print(ef, start->wait_lock);
if (lock_print_waits) {
fputs("Deadlock detected"
" or too long search\n",
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
if (too_far) {
" WAITS-FOR GRAPH\n", ef);
if (trx_weight_cmp(wait_lock->trx,
start) >= 0) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Our recursion starting point
transaction is 'smaller', let us
choose 'start' as the victim and roll
back it */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_deadlock_found = TRUE;
/* Let us choose the transaction of wait_lock
as a victim to try to avoid deadlocking our
recursion starting point transaction */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
fputs("*** WE ROLL BACK TRANSACTION (1)\n",
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Since trx and wait_lock are no longer
in the waits-for graph, we can return FALSE;
note that our selective algorithm can choose
several transactions as victims, but still
we may end up rolling back also the recursion
starting point transaction! */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock_trx->que_state == TRX_QUE_LOCK_WAIT) {
/* Another trx ahead has requested lock in an
incompatible mode, and is itself waiting for
a lock */
ret = lock_deadlock_recursive(
start, lock_trx,
lock_trx->wait_lock, cost, depth + 1);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (ret != 0) {
}/* end of the 'for (;;)'-loop */
/*========================= TABLE LOCKS ==============================*/
Creates a table lock object and adds it as the last in the lock queue
of the table. Does NOT check for deadlocks or lock compatibility. */
/* out, own: new lock object */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
dict_table_t* table, /* in: database table in dictionary cache */
ulint type_mode,/* in: lock mode possibly ORed with
trx_t* trx) /* in: trx */
lock_t* lock;
ut_ad(table && trx);
if ((type_mode & LOCK_MODE_MASK) == LOCK_AUTO_INC) {
/* For AUTOINC locking we reuse the lock instance only if
there is no wait involved else we allocate the waiting lock
from the transaction lock heap. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (type_mode == LOCK_AUTO_INC) {
lock = table->autoinc_lock;
table->autoinc_trx = trx;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ib_vector_push(trx->autoinc_locks, lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
} else {
lock = mem_heap_alloc(trx->lock_heap, sizeof(lock_t));
UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(trx_locks, trx->trx_locks, lock);
lock->type_mode = type_mode | LOCK_TABLE;
lock->trx = trx;
lock->un_member.tab_lock.table = table;
UT_LIST_ADD_LAST(un_member.tab_lock.locks, table->locks, lock);
if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(type_mode & LOCK_WAIT)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_set_lock_and_trx_wait(lock, trx);
Removes a table lock request from the queue and the trx list of locks;
this is a low-level function which does NOT check if waiting requests
can now be granted. */
lock_t* lock) /* in: table lock */
trx_t* trx;
dict_table_t* table;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
trx = lock->trx;
table = lock->un_member.tab_lock.table;
/* Remove the table from the transaction's AUTOINC vector, if
the lock that is being release is an AUTOINC lock. */
if (lock_get_mode(lock) == LOCK_AUTO_INC) {
/* The table's AUTOINC lock can get transferred to
another transaction before we get here. */
if (table->autoinc_trx == trx) {
table->autoinc_trx = NULL;
/* The locks must be freed in the reverse order from
the one in which they were acquired. This is to avoid
traversing the AUTOINC lock vector unnecessarily.
We only store locks that were granted in the
trx->autoinc_locks vector (see lock_table_create()
and lock_grant()). Therefore it can be empty and we
need to check for that. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (!ib_vector_is_empty(trx->autoinc_locks)) {
lock_t* autoinc_lock;
autoinc_lock = ib_vector_pop(trx->autoinc_locks);
ut_a(autoinc_lock == lock);
ut_a(table->n_waiting_or_granted_auto_inc_locks > 0);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
UT_LIST_REMOVE(trx_locks, trx->trx_locks, lock);
UT_LIST_REMOVE(un_member.tab_lock.locks, table->locks, lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Enqueues a waiting request for a table lock which cannot be granted
immediately. Checks for deadlocks. */
DB_SUCCESS means that there was a deadlock,
but another transaction was chosen as a
victim, and we got the lock immediately:
no need to wait then */
ulint mode, /* in: lock mode this transaction is
requesting */
dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */
que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread */
lock_t* lock;
trx_t* trx;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Test if there already is some other reason to suspend thread:
we do not enqueue a lock request if the query thread should be
stopped anyway */
if (que_thr_stop(thr)) {
trx = thr_get_trx(thr);
switch (trx_get_dict_operation(trx)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
fputs(" InnoDB: Error: a table lock wait happens"
" in a dictionary operation!\n"
"InnoDB: Table name ", stderr);
ut_print_name(stderr, trx, TRUE, table->name);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
"InnoDB: Submit a detailed bug report"
" to\n",
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Enqueue the lock request that will wait to be granted */
lock = lock_table_create(table, mode | LOCK_WAIT, trx);
/* Check if a deadlock occurs: if yes, remove the lock request and
return an error code */
if (lock_deadlock_occurs(lock, trx)) {
if (trx->wait_lock == NULL) {
/* Deadlock resolution chose another transaction as a victim,
and we accidentally got our lock granted! */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
trx->que_state = TRX_QUE_LOCK_WAIT;
trx->was_chosen_as_deadlock_victim = FALSE;
trx->wait_started = time(NULL);
Checks if other transactions have an incompatible mode lock request in
the lock queue. */
trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction, or NULL if all
transactions should be included */
ulint wait, /* in: LOCK_WAIT if also waiting locks are
taken into account, or 0 if not */
dict_table_t* table, /* in: table */
enum lock_mode mode) /* in: lock mode */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
lock = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(table->locks);
while (lock != NULL) {
if ((lock->trx != trx)
&& (!lock_mode_compatible(lock_get_mode(lock), mode))
&& (wait || !(lock_get_wait(lock)))) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = UT_LIST_GET_PREV(un_member.tab_lock.locks, lock);
Locks the specified database table in the mode given. If the lock cannot
be granted immediately, the query thread is put to wait. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ulint flags, /* in: if BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG bit is set,
does nothing */
dict_table_t* table, /* in: database table in dictionary cache */
enum lock_mode mode, /* in: lock mode */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread */
trx_t* trx;
ulint err;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(table && thr);
if (flags & BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG) {
ut_a(flags == 0);
trx = thr_get_trx(thr);
/* Look for stronger locks the same trx already has on the table */
if (lock_table_has(trx, table, mode)) {
/* We have to check if the new lock is compatible with any locks
other transactions have in the table lock queue. */
if (lock_table_other_has_incompatible(trx, LOCK_WAIT, table, mode)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Another trx has a request on the table in an incompatible
mode: this trx may have to wait */
err = lock_table_enqueue_waiting(mode | flags, table, thr);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_table_create(table, mode | flags, trx);
ut_a(!flags || mode == LOCK_S || mode == LOCK_X);
Checks if there are any locks set on the table. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: TRUE if there are lock(s) */
dict_table_t* table) /* in: database table in dictionary cache */
ibool ret;
if (UT_LIST_GET_LAST(table->locks)) {
ret = TRUE;
} else {
ret = FALSE;
Checks if a waiting table lock request still has to wait in a queue. */
/* out: TRUE if still has to wait */
lock_t* wait_lock) /* in: waiting table lock */
dict_table_t* table;
lock_t* lock;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
table = wait_lock->un_member.tab_lock.table;
lock = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(table->locks);
while (lock != wait_lock) {
if (lock_has_to_wait(wait_lock, lock)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(un_member.tab_lock.locks, lock);
Removes a table lock request, waiting or granted, from the queue and grants
locks to other transactions in the queue, if they now are entitled to a
lock. */
lock_t* in_lock)/* in: table lock object; transactions waiting
behind will get their lock requests granted, if
they are now qualified to it */
lock_t* lock;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_a(lock_get_type_low(in_lock) == LOCK_TABLE);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(un_member.tab_lock.locks, in_lock);
/* Check if waiting locks in the queue can now be granted: grant
locks if there are no conflicting locks ahead. */
while (lock != NULL) {
if (lock_get_wait(lock)
&& !lock_table_has_to_wait_in_queue(lock)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Grant the lock */
lock = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(un_member.tab_lock.locks, lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/*=========================== LOCK RELEASE ==============================*/
Removes a granted record lock of a transaction from the queue and grants
locks to other transactions waiting in the queue if they now are entitled
to a lock. */
trx_t* trx, /* in: transaction that has
set a record lock */
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block containing rec */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: record */
enum lock_mode lock_mode)/* in: LOCK_S or LOCK_X */
lock_t* lock;
lock_t* release_lock = NULL;
ulint heap_no;
ut_ad(trx && rec);
ut_ad(block->frame == page_align(rec));
heap_no = page_rec_get_heap_no(rec);
lock = lock_rec_get_first(block, heap_no);
/* Find the last lock with the same lock_mode and transaction
from the record. */
while (lock != NULL) {
if (lock->trx == trx && lock_get_mode(lock) == lock_mode) {
release_lock = lock;
lock = lock_rec_get_next(heap_no, lock);
/* If a record lock is found, release the record lock */
if (UNIV_LIKELY(release_lock != NULL)) {
lock_rec_reset_nth_bit(release_lock, heap_no);
} else {
" InnoDB: Error: unlock row could not"
" find a %lu mode lock on the record\n",
(ulong) lock_mode);
/* Check if we can now grant waiting lock requests */
lock = lock_rec_get_first(block, heap_no);
while (lock != NULL) {
if (lock_get_wait(lock)
&& !lock_rec_has_to_wait_in_queue(lock)) {
/* Grant the lock */
lock = lock_rec_get_next(heap_no, lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Releases a table lock.
Releases possible other transactions waiting for this lock. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock) /* in: lock */
Releases transaction locks, and releases possible other transactions waiting
because of these locks. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
trx_t* trx) /* in: transaction */
dict_table_t* table;
ulint count;
lock_t* lock;
lock = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(trx->trx_locks);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
count = 0;
while (lock != NULL) {
if (lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
} else {
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(lock) & LOCK_TABLE);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock_get_mode(lock) != LOCK_IS
&& !ut_dulint_is_zero(trx->undo_no)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* The trx may have modified the table. We
block the use of the MySQL query cache for
all currently active transactions. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
table = lock->un_member.tab_lock.table;
= trx_sys->max_trx_id;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Release the kernel mutex for a while, so that we
do not monopolize it */
count = 0;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(trx->trx_locks);
ut_a(ib_vector_size(trx->autoinc_locks) == 0);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Cancels a waiting lock request and releases possible other transactions
waiting behind it. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock) /* in: waiting lock request */
if (lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
} else {
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(lock) & LOCK_TABLE);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock->trx->autoinc_locks != NULL) {
/* Release the transaction's AUTOINC locks/ */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Reset the wait flag and the back pointer to lock in trx */
/* The following function releases the trx from lock wait */
branches/zip: Merge revisions 2702:2722 from branches/5.1: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2702 | sunny | 2008-09-30 11:41:56 +0300 (Tue, 30 Sep 2008) | 13 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: Since handler::get_auto_increment() doesn't allow us to return the cause of failure we have to inform MySQL using the sql_print_warning() function to return the cause for autoinc failure. Previously we simply printed the error code, this patch prints the text string representing the following two error codes: DB_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT DB_DEADLOCK. Bug#35498 Cannot get table test/table1 auto-inccounter value in ::info Approved by Marko. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2709 | vasil | 2008-10-01 10:13:13 +0300 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008) | 10 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/include/lock0lock.h M /branches/5.1/lock/lock0lock.c A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug38231.result A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug38231.test M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c branches/5.1: Fix Bug#38231 Innodb crash in lock_reset_all_on_table() on TRUNCATE + LOCK / UNLOCK In TRUNCATE TABLE and discard tablespace: do not remove table-level S and X locks and do not assert on such locks not being wait locks. Leave such locks alone. Approved by: Heikki (rb://14) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2710 | vasil | 2008-10-01 14:13:58 +0300 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/include/sync0sync.ic branches/5.1: Silence a compilation warning in UNIV_DEBUG. Approved by: Marko (via IM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2719 | vasil | 2008-10-03 18:17:28 +0300 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 49 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438-master.opt A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438.result A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438.test branches/5.1: Fix Bug#39438 Testcase for Bug#39436 crashes on 5.1 in fil_space_get_latch In ha_innobase::info() - do not try to get the free space for a tablespace which has been discarded with ALTER TABLE ... DISCARD TABLESPACE or if the .ibd file is missing for some other reason. ibd_file_missing and tablespace_discarded are manipulated only in row_discard_tablespace_for_mysql() and in row_import_tablespace_for_mysql() and the manipulation is protected/surrounded by row_mysql_lock_data_dictionary()/row_mysql_unlock_data_dictionary() thus we do the same in ha_innobase::info() when checking the values of those members to avoid race conditions. I have tested the code-path with UNIV_DEBUG and UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG. Looks like it is not possible to avoid mysqld printing warnings in the mysql-test case and thus this test innodb_bug39438 must be added to the list of exceptional test cases that are allowed to print warnings. For this, the following patch must be applied to the mysql source tree: --- cut --- === modified file 'mysql-test/lib/' --- mysql-test/lib/ 2008-08-12 10:26:23 +0000 +++ mysql-test/lib/ 2008-10-01 11:57:41 +0000 @@ -412,7 +412,10 @@ # When trying to set lower_case_table_names = 2 # on a case sensitive file system. Bug#37402. - /lower_case_table_names was set to 2, even though your the file system '.*' is case sensitive. Now setting lower_case_table_names to 0 to avoid future problems./ + /lower_case_table_names was set to 2, even though your the file system '.*' is case sensitive. Now setting lower_case_table_names to 0 to avoid future problems./ or + + # this test is expected to print warnings + ($testname eq 'main.innodb_bug39438') ) { next; # Skip these lines --- cut --- The mysql-test is currently somewhat disabled (see inside innodb_bug39438.test), after the above patch has been applied to the mysql source tree, the test can be enabled. rb://20 Reviewed by: Inaam, Calvin Approved by: Heikki ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2720 | vasil | 2008-10-03 19:52:39 +0300 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 8 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: Print a warning if an attempt is made to get the free space for a table whose .ibd file is missing or the tablespace has been discarded. This is a followup to r2719. Suggested by: Inaam ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2721 | sunny | 2008-10-04 02:08:23 +0300 (Sat, 04 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: We need to send the messages to the client because handler::get_auto_increment() doesn't allow a way to return the specific error for why it failed. rb://18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2722 | sunny | 2008-10-04 02:48:04 +0300 (Sat, 04 Oct 2008) | 18 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/dict/dict0mem.c M /branches/5.1/handler/ M /branches/5.1/include/dict0mem.h M /branches/5.1/include/row0mysql.h M /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb-autoinc.result M /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb-autoinc.test M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c branches/5.1: This bug has always existed but was masked by other errors. The fix for bug# 38839 triggered this bug. When the offset and increment are > 1 we need to calculate the next value taking into consideration the two variables. Previously we simply assumed they were 1 particularly offset was never used. MySQL does its own calculation and that's probably why it seemed to work in the past. We would return what we thought was the correct next value and then MySQL would recalculate the actual value from that and return it to the caller (e.g., handler::write_row()). Several new tests have been added that try and catch some edge cases. The tests exposed a wrap around error in MySQL next value calculation which was filed as bug#39828. The tests will need to be updated once MySQL fix that bug. One good side effect of this fix is that dict_table_t size has been reduced by 8 bytes because we have moved the autoinc_increment field to the row_prebuilt_t structure. See review-board for a detailed discussion. rb://3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2008-10-04 03:22:36 +00:00
/* True if a lock mode is S or X */
#define IS_LOCK_S_OR_X(lock) \
(lock_get_mode(lock) == LOCK_S \
|| lock_get_mode(lock) == LOCK_X)
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
branches/zip: Merge revisions 2702:2722 from branches/5.1: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2702 | sunny | 2008-09-30 11:41:56 +0300 (Tue, 30 Sep 2008) | 13 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: Since handler::get_auto_increment() doesn't allow us to return the cause of failure we have to inform MySQL using the sql_print_warning() function to return the cause for autoinc failure. Previously we simply printed the error code, this patch prints the text string representing the following two error codes: DB_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT DB_DEADLOCK. Bug#35498 Cannot get table test/table1 auto-inccounter value in ::info Approved by Marko. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2709 | vasil | 2008-10-01 10:13:13 +0300 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008) | 10 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/include/lock0lock.h M /branches/5.1/lock/lock0lock.c A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug38231.result A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug38231.test M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c branches/5.1: Fix Bug#38231 Innodb crash in lock_reset_all_on_table() on TRUNCATE + LOCK / UNLOCK In TRUNCATE TABLE and discard tablespace: do not remove table-level S and X locks and do not assert on such locks not being wait locks. Leave such locks alone. Approved by: Heikki (rb://14) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2710 | vasil | 2008-10-01 14:13:58 +0300 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/include/sync0sync.ic branches/5.1: Silence a compilation warning in UNIV_DEBUG. Approved by: Marko (via IM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2719 | vasil | 2008-10-03 18:17:28 +0300 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 49 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438-master.opt A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438.result A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438.test branches/5.1: Fix Bug#39438 Testcase for Bug#39436 crashes on 5.1 in fil_space_get_latch In ha_innobase::info() - do not try to get the free space for a tablespace which has been discarded with ALTER TABLE ... DISCARD TABLESPACE or if the .ibd file is missing for some other reason. ibd_file_missing and tablespace_discarded are manipulated only in row_discard_tablespace_for_mysql() and in row_import_tablespace_for_mysql() and the manipulation is protected/surrounded by row_mysql_lock_data_dictionary()/row_mysql_unlock_data_dictionary() thus we do the same in ha_innobase::info() when checking the values of those members to avoid race conditions. I have tested the code-path with UNIV_DEBUG and UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG. Looks like it is not possible to avoid mysqld printing warnings in the mysql-test case and thus this test innodb_bug39438 must be added to the list of exceptional test cases that are allowed to print warnings. For this, the following patch must be applied to the mysql source tree: --- cut --- === modified file 'mysql-test/lib/' --- mysql-test/lib/ 2008-08-12 10:26:23 +0000 +++ mysql-test/lib/ 2008-10-01 11:57:41 +0000 @@ -412,7 +412,10 @@ # When trying to set lower_case_table_names = 2 # on a case sensitive file system. Bug#37402. - /lower_case_table_names was set to 2, even though your the file system '.*' is case sensitive. Now setting lower_case_table_names to 0 to avoid future problems./ + /lower_case_table_names was set to 2, even though your the file system '.*' is case sensitive. Now setting lower_case_table_names to 0 to avoid future problems./ or + + # this test is expected to print warnings + ($testname eq 'main.innodb_bug39438') ) { next; # Skip these lines --- cut --- The mysql-test is currently somewhat disabled (see inside innodb_bug39438.test), after the above patch has been applied to the mysql source tree, the test can be enabled. rb://20 Reviewed by: Inaam, Calvin Approved by: Heikki ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2720 | vasil | 2008-10-03 19:52:39 +0300 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 8 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: Print a warning if an attempt is made to get the free space for a table whose .ibd file is missing or the tablespace has been discarded. This is a followup to r2719. Suggested by: Inaam ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2721 | sunny | 2008-10-04 02:08:23 +0300 (Sat, 04 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: We need to send the messages to the client because handler::get_auto_increment() doesn't allow a way to return the specific error for why it failed. rb://18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2722 | sunny | 2008-10-04 02:48:04 +0300 (Sat, 04 Oct 2008) | 18 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/dict/dict0mem.c M /branches/5.1/handler/ M /branches/5.1/include/dict0mem.h M /branches/5.1/include/row0mysql.h M /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb-autoinc.result M /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb-autoinc.test M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c branches/5.1: This bug has always existed but was masked by other errors. The fix for bug# 38839 triggered this bug. When the offset and increment are > 1 we need to calculate the next value taking into consideration the two variables. Previously we simply assumed they were 1 particularly offset was never used. MySQL does its own calculation and that's probably why it seemed to work in the past. We would return what we thought was the correct next value and then MySQL would recalculate the actual value from that and return it to the caller (e.g., handler::write_row()). Several new tests have been added that try and catch some edge cases. The tests exposed a wrap around error in MySQL next value calculation which was filed as bug#39828. The tests will need to be updated once MySQL fix that bug. One good side effect of this fix is that dict_table_t size has been reduced by 8 bytes because we have moved the autoinc_increment field to the row_prebuilt_t structure. See review-board for a detailed discussion. rb://3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2008-10-04 03:22:36 +00:00
Removes locks of a transaction on a table to be dropped.
If remove_also_table_sx_locks is TRUE then table-level S and X locks are
also removed in addition to other table-level and record-level locks.
No lock, that is going to be removed, is allowed to be a wait lock. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
branches/zip: Merge revisions 2702:2722 from branches/5.1: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2702 | sunny | 2008-09-30 11:41:56 +0300 (Tue, 30 Sep 2008) | 13 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: Since handler::get_auto_increment() doesn't allow us to return the cause of failure we have to inform MySQL using the sql_print_warning() function to return the cause for autoinc failure. Previously we simply printed the error code, this patch prints the text string representing the following two error codes: DB_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT DB_DEADLOCK. Bug#35498 Cannot get table test/table1 auto-inccounter value in ::info Approved by Marko. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2709 | vasil | 2008-10-01 10:13:13 +0300 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008) | 10 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/include/lock0lock.h M /branches/5.1/lock/lock0lock.c A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug38231.result A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug38231.test M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c branches/5.1: Fix Bug#38231 Innodb crash in lock_reset_all_on_table() on TRUNCATE + LOCK / UNLOCK In TRUNCATE TABLE and discard tablespace: do not remove table-level S and X locks and do not assert on such locks not being wait locks. Leave such locks alone. Approved by: Heikki (rb://14) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2710 | vasil | 2008-10-01 14:13:58 +0300 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/include/sync0sync.ic branches/5.1: Silence a compilation warning in UNIV_DEBUG. Approved by: Marko (via IM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2719 | vasil | 2008-10-03 18:17:28 +0300 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 49 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438-master.opt A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438.result A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438.test branches/5.1: Fix Bug#39438 Testcase for Bug#39436 crashes on 5.1 in fil_space_get_latch In ha_innobase::info() - do not try to get the free space for a tablespace which has been discarded with ALTER TABLE ... DISCARD TABLESPACE or if the .ibd file is missing for some other reason. ibd_file_missing and tablespace_discarded are manipulated only in row_discard_tablespace_for_mysql() and in row_import_tablespace_for_mysql() and the manipulation is protected/surrounded by row_mysql_lock_data_dictionary()/row_mysql_unlock_data_dictionary() thus we do the same in ha_innobase::info() when checking the values of those members to avoid race conditions. I have tested the code-path with UNIV_DEBUG and UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG. Looks like it is not possible to avoid mysqld printing warnings in the mysql-test case and thus this test innodb_bug39438 must be added to the list of exceptional test cases that are allowed to print warnings. For this, the following patch must be applied to the mysql source tree: --- cut --- === modified file 'mysql-test/lib/' --- mysql-test/lib/ 2008-08-12 10:26:23 +0000 +++ mysql-test/lib/ 2008-10-01 11:57:41 +0000 @@ -412,7 +412,10 @@ # When trying to set lower_case_table_names = 2 # on a case sensitive file system. Bug#37402. - /lower_case_table_names was set to 2, even though your the file system '.*' is case sensitive. Now setting lower_case_table_names to 0 to avoid future problems./ + /lower_case_table_names was set to 2, even though your the file system '.*' is case sensitive. Now setting lower_case_table_names to 0 to avoid future problems./ or + + # this test is expected to print warnings + ($testname eq 'main.innodb_bug39438') ) { next; # Skip these lines --- cut --- The mysql-test is currently somewhat disabled (see inside innodb_bug39438.test), after the above patch has been applied to the mysql source tree, the test can be enabled. rb://20 Reviewed by: Inaam, Calvin Approved by: Heikki ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2720 | vasil | 2008-10-03 19:52:39 +0300 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 8 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: Print a warning if an attempt is made to get the free space for a table whose .ibd file is missing or the tablespace has been discarded. This is a followup to r2719. Suggested by: Inaam ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2721 | sunny | 2008-10-04 02:08:23 +0300 (Sat, 04 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: We need to send the messages to the client because handler::get_auto_increment() doesn't allow a way to return the specific error for why it failed. rb://18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2722 | sunny | 2008-10-04 02:48:04 +0300 (Sat, 04 Oct 2008) | 18 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/dict/dict0mem.c M /branches/5.1/handler/ M /branches/5.1/include/dict0mem.h M /branches/5.1/include/row0mysql.h M /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb-autoinc.result M /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb-autoinc.test M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c branches/5.1: This bug has always existed but was masked by other errors. The fix for bug# 38839 triggered this bug. When the offset and increment are > 1 we need to calculate the next value taking into consideration the two variables. Previously we simply assumed they were 1 particularly offset was never used. MySQL does its own calculation and that's probably why it seemed to work in the past. We would return what we thought was the correct next value and then MySQL would recalculate the actual value from that and return it to the caller (e.g., handler::write_row()). Several new tests have been added that try and catch some edge cases. The tests exposed a wrap around error in MySQL next value calculation which was filed as bug#39828. The tests will need to be updated once MySQL fix that bug. One good side effect of this fix is that dict_table_t size has been reduced by 8 bytes because we have moved the autoinc_increment field to the row_prebuilt_t structure. See review-board for a detailed discussion. rb://3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2008-10-04 03:22:36 +00:00
dict_table_t* table, /* in: table to be dropped */
trx_t* trx, /* in: a transaction */
ibool remove_also_table_sx_locks)/* in: also removes
table S and X locks */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
lock_t* prev_lock;
lock = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(trx->trx_locks);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
while (lock != NULL) {
prev_lock = UT_LIST_GET_PREV(trx_locks, lock);
if (lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC
&& lock->index->table == table) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
} else if (lock_get_type_low(lock) & LOCK_TABLE
branches/zip: Merge revisions 2702:2722 from branches/5.1: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2702 | sunny | 2008-09-30 11:41:56 +0300 (Tue, 30 Sep 2008) | 13 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: Since handler::get_auto_increment() doesn't allow us to return the cause of failure we have to inform MySQL using the sql_print_warning() function to return the cause for autoinc failure. Previously we simply printed the error code, this patch prints the text string representing the following two error codes: DB_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT DB_DEADLOCK. Bug#35498 Cannot get table test/table1 auto-inccounter value in ::info Approved by Marko. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2709 | vasil | 2008-10-01 10:13:13 +0300 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008) | 10 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/include/lock0lock.h M /branches/5.1/lock/lock0lock.c A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug38231.result A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug38231.test M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c branches/5.1: Fix Bug#38231 Innodb crash in lock_reset_all_on_table() on TRUNCATE + LOCK / UNLOCK In TRUNCATE TABLE and discard tablespace: do not remove table-level S and X locks and do not assert on such locks not being wait locks. Leave such locks alone. Approved by: Heikki (rb://14) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2710 | vasil | 2008-10-01 14:13:58 +0300 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/include/sync0sync.ic branches/5.1: Silence a compilation warning in UNIV_DEBUG. Approved by: Marko (via IM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2719 | vasil | 2008-10-03 18:17:28 +0300 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 49 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438-master.opt A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438.result A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438.test branches/5.1: Fix Bug#39438 Testcase for Bug#39436 crashes on 5.1 in fil_space_get_latch In ha_innobase::info() - do not try to get the free space for a tablespace which has been discarded with ALTER TABLE ... DISCARD TABLESPACE or if the .ibd file is missing for some other reason. ibd_file_missing and tablespace_discarded are manipulated only in row_discard_tablespace_for_mysql() and in row_import_tablespace_for_mysql() and the manipulation is protected/surrounded by row_mysql_lock_data_dictionary()/row_mysql_unlock_data_dictionary() thus we do the same in ha_innobase::info() when checking the values of those members to avoid race conditions. I have tested the code-path with UNIV_DEBUG and UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG. Looks like it is not possible to avoid mysqld printing warnings in the mysql-test case and thus this test innodb_bug39438 must be added to the list of exceptional test cases that are allowed to print warnings. For this, the following patch must be applied to the mysql source tree: --- cut --- === modified file 'mysql-test/lib/' --- mysql-test/lib/ 2008-08-12 10:26:23 +0000 +++ mysql-test/lib/ 2008-10-01 11:57:41 +0000 @@ -412,7 +412,10 @@ # When trying to set lower_case_table_names = 2 # on a case sensitive file system. Bug#37402. - /lower_case_table_names was set to 2, even though your the file system '.*' is case sensitive. Now setting lower_case_table_names to 0 to avoid future problems./ + /lower_case_table_names was set to 2, even though your the file system '.*' is case sensitive. Now setting lower_case_table_names to 0 to avoid future problems./ or + + # this test is expected to print warnings + ($testname eq 'main.innodb_bug39438') ) { next; # Skip these lines --- cut --- The mysql-test is currently somewhat disabled (see inside innodb_bug39438.test), after the above patch has been applied to the mysql source tree, the test can be enabled. rb://20 Reviewed by: Inaam, Calvin Approved by: Heikki ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2720 | vasil | 2008-10-03 19:52:39 +0300 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 8 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: Print a warning if an attempt is made to get the free space for a table whose .ibd file is missing or the tablespace has been discarded. This is a followup to r2719. Suggested by: Inaam ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2721 | sunny | 2008-10-04 02:08:23 +0300 (Sat, 04 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: We need to send the messages to the client because handler::get_auto_increment() doesn't allow a way to return the specific error for why it failed. rb://18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2722 | sunny | 2008-10-04 02:48:04 +0300 (Sat, 04 Oct 2008) | 18 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/dict/dict0mem.c M /branches/5.1/handler/ M /branches/5.1/include/dict0mem.h M /branches/5.1/include/row0mysql.h M /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb-autoinc.result M /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb-autoinc.test M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c branches/5.1: This bug has always existed but was masked by other errors. The fix for bug# 38839 triggered this bug. When the offset and increment are > 1 we need to calculate the next value taking into consideration the two variables. Previously we simply assumed they were 1 particularly offset was never used. MySQL does its own calculation and that's probably why it seemed to work in the past. We would return what we thought was the correct next value and then MySQL would recalculate the actual value from that and return it to the caller (e.g., handler::write_row()). Several new tests have been added that try and catch some edge cases. The tests exposed a wrap around error in MySQL next value calculation which was filed as bug#39828. The tests will need to be updated once MySQL fix that bug. One good side effect of this fix is that dict_table_t size has been reduced by 8 bytes because we have moved the autoinc_increment field to the row_prebuilt_t structure. See review-board for a detailed discussion. rb://3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2008-10-04 03:22:36 +00:00
&& lock->un_member.tab_lock.table == table
&& (remove_also_table_sx_locks
|| !IS_LOCK_S_OR_X(lock))) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = prev_lock;
branches/zip: Merge revisions 2702:2722 from branches/5.1: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2702 | sunny | 2008-09-30 11:41:56 +0300 (Tue, 30 Sep 2008) | 13 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: Since handler::get_auto_increment() doesn't allow us to return the cause of failure we have to inform MySQL using the sql_print_warning() function to return the cause for autoinc failure. Previously we simply printed the error code, this patch prints the text string representing the following two error codes: DB_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT DB_DEADLOCK. Bug#35498 Cannot get table test/table1 auto-inccounter value in ::info Approved by Marko. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2709 | vasil | 2008-10-01 10:13:13 +0300 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008) | 10 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/include/lock0lock.h M /branches/5.1/lock/lock0lock.c A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug38231.result A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug38231.test M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c branches/5.1: Fix Bug#38231 Innodb crash in lock_reset_all_on_table() on TRUNCATE + LOCK / UNLOCK In TRUNCATE TABLE and discard tablespace: do not remove table-level S and X locks and do not assert on such locks not being wait locks. Leave such locks alone. Approved by: Heikki (rb://14) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2710 | vasil | 2008-10-01 14:13:58 +0300 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/include/sync0sync.ic branches/5.1: Silence a compilation warning in UNIV_DEBUG. Approved by: Marko (via IM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2719 | vasil | 2008-10-03 18:17:28 +0300 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 49 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438-master.opt A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438.result A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438.test branches/5.1: Fix Bug#39438 Testcase for Bug#39436 crashes on 5.1 in fil_space_get_latch In ha_innobase::info() - do not try to get the free space for a tablespace which has been discarded with ALTER TABLE ... DISCARD TABLESPACE or if the .ibd file is missing for some other reason. ibd_file_missing and tablespace_discarded are manipulated only in row_discard_tablespace_for_mysql() and in row_import_tablespace_for_mysql() and the manipulation is protected/surrounded by row_mysql_lock_data_dictionary()/row_mysql_unlock_data_dictionary() thus we do the same in ha_innobase::info() when checking the values of those members to avoid race conditions. I have tested the code-path with UNIV_DEBUG and UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG. Looks like it is not possible to avoid mysqld printing warnings in the mysql-test case and thus this test innodb_bug39438 must be added to the list of exceptional test cases that are allowed to print warnings. For this, the following patch must be applied to the mysql source tree: --- cut --- === modified file 'mysql-test/lib/' --- mysql-test/lib/ 2008-08-12 10:26:23 +0000 +++ mysql-test/lib/ 2008-10-01 11:57:41 +0000 @@ -412,7 +412,10 @@ # When trying to set lower_case_table_names = 2 # on a case sensitive file system. Bug#37402. - /lower_case_table_names was set to 2, even though your the file system '.*' is case sensitive. Now setting lower_case_table_names to 0 to avoid future problems./ + /lower_case_table_names was set to 2, even though your the file system '.*' is case sensitive. Now setting lower_case_table_names to 0 to avoid future problems./ or + + # this test is expected to print warnings + ($testname eq 'main.innodb_bug39438') ) { next; # Skip these lines --- cut --- The mysql-test is currently somewhat disabled (see inside innodb_bug39438.test), after the above patch has been applied to the mysql source tree, the test can be enabled. rb://20 Reviewed by: Inaam, Calvin Approved by: Heikki ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2720 | vasil | 2008-10-03 19:52:39 +0300 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 8 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: Print a warning if an attempt is made to get the free space for a table whose .ibd file is missing or the tablespace has been discarded. This is a followup to r2719. Suggested by: Inaam ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2721 | sunny | 2008-10-04 02:08:23 +0300 (Sat, 04 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: We need to send the messages to the client because handler::get_auto_increment() doesn't allow a way to return the specific error for why it failed. rb://18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2722 | sunny | 2008-10-04 02:48:04 +0300 (Sat, 04 Oct 2008) | 18 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/dict/dict0mem.c M /branches/5.1/handler/ M /branches/5.1/include/dict0mem.h M /branches/5.1/include/row0mysql.h M /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb-autoinc.result M /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb-autoinc.test M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c branches/5.1: This bug has always existed but was masked by other errors. The fix for bug# 38839 triggered this bug. When the offset and increment are > 1 we need to calculate the next value taking into consideration the two variables. Previously we simply assumed they were 1 particularly offset was never used. MySQL does its own calculation and that's probably why it seemed to work in the past. We would return what we thought was the correct next value and then MySQL would recalculate the actual value from that and return it to the caller (e.g., handler::write_row()). Several new tests have been added that try and catch some edge cases. The tests exposed a wrap around error in MySQL next value calculation which was filed as bug#39828. The tests will need to be updated once MySQL fix that bug. One good side effect of this fix is that dict_table_t size has been reduced by 8 bytes because we have moved the autoinc_increment field to the row_prebuilt_t structure. See review-board for a detailed discussion. rb://3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2008-10-04 03:22:36 +00:00
Removes locks on a table to be dropped or truncated.
If remove_also_table_sx_locks is TRUE then table-level S and X locks are
also removed in addition to other table-level and record-level locks.
No lock, that is going to be removed, is allowed to be a wait lock. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
branches/zip: Merge revisions 2702:2722 from branches/5.1: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2702 | sunny | 2008-09-30 11:41:56 +0300 (Tue, 30 Sep 2008) | 13 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: Since handler::get_auto_increment() doesn't allow us to return the cause of failure we have to inform MySQL using the sql_print_warning() function to return the cause for autoinc failure. Previously we simply printed the error code, this patch prints the text string representing the following two error codes: DB_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT DB_DEADLOCK. Bug#35498 Cannot get table test/table1 auto-inccounter value in ::info Approved by Marko. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2709 | vasil | 2008-10-01 10:13:13 +0300 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008) | 10 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/include/lock0lock.h M /branches/5.1/lock/lock0lock.c A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug38231.result A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug38231.test M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c branches/5.1: Fix Bug#38231 Innodb crash in lock_reset_all_on_table() on TRUNCATE + LOCK / UNLOCK In TRUNCATE TABLE and discard tablespace: do not remove table-level S and X locks and do not assert on such locks not being wait locks. Leave such locks alone. Approved by: Heikki (rb://14) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2710 | vasil | 2008-10-01 14:13:58 +0300 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/include/sync0sync.ic branches/5.1: Silence a compilation warning in UNIV_DEBUG. Approved by: Marko (via IM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2719 | vasil | 2008-10-03 18:17:28 +0300 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 49 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438-master.opt A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438.result A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438.test branches/5.1: Fix Bug#39438 Testcase for Bug#39436 crashes on 5.1 in fil_space_get_latch In ha_innobase::info() - do not try to get the free space for a tablespace which has been discarded with ALTER TABLE ... DISCARD TABLESPACE or if the .ibd file is missing for some other reason. ibd_file_missing and tablespace_discarded are manipulated only in row_discard_tablespace_for_mysql() and in row_import_tablespace_for_mysql() and the manipulation is protected/surrounded by row_mysql_lock_data_dictionary()/row_mysql_unlock_data_dictionary() thus we do the same in ha_innobase::info() when checking the values of those members to avoid race conditions. I have tested the code-path with UNIV_DEBUG and UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG. Looks like it is not possible to avoid mysqld printing warnings in the mysql-test case and thus this test innodb_bug39438 must be added to the list of exceptional test cases that are allowed to print warnings. For this, the following patch must be applied to the mysql source tree: --- cut --- === modified file 'mysql-test/lib/' --- mysql-test/lib/ 2008-08-12 10:26:23 +0000 +++ mysql-test/lib/ 2008-10-01 11:57:41 +0000 @@ -412,7 +412,10 @@ # When trying to set lower_case_table_names = 2 # on a case sensitive file system. Bug#37402. - /lower_case_table_names was set to 2, even though your the file system '.*' is case sensitive. Now setting lower_case_table_names to 0 to avoid future problems./ + /lower_case_table_names was set to 2, even though your the file system '.*' is case sensitive. Now setting lower_case_table_names to 0 to avoid future problems./ or + + # this test is expected to print warnings + ($testname eq 'main.innodb_bug39438') ) { next; # Skip these lines --- cut --- The mysql-test is currently somewhat disabled (see inside innodb_bug39438.test), after the above patch has been applied to the mysql source tree, the test can be enabled. rb://20 Reviewed by: Inaam, Calvin Approved by: Heikki ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2720 | vasil | 2008-10-03 19:52:39 +0300 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 8 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: Print a warning if an attempt is made to get the free space for a table whose .ibd file is missing or the tablespace has been discarded. This is a followup to r2719. Suggested by: Inaam ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2721 | sunny | 2008-10-04 02:08:23 +0300 (Sat, 04 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: We need to send the messages to the client because handler::get_auto_increment() doesn't allow a way to return the specific error for why it failed. rb://18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2722 | sunny | 2008-10-04 02:48:04 +0300 (Sat, 04 Oct 2008) | 18 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/dict/dict0mem.c M /branches/5.1/handler/ M /branches/5.1/include/dict0mem.h M /branches/5.1/include/row0mysql.h M /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb-autoinc.result M /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb-autoinc.test M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c branches/5.1: This bug has always existed but was masked by other errors. The fix for bug# 38839 triggered this bug. When the offset and increment are > 1 we need to calculate the next value taking into consideration the two variables. Previously we simply assumed they were 1 particularly offset was never used. MySQL does its own calculation and that's probably why it seemed to work in the past. We would return what we thought was the correct next value and then MySQL would recalculate the actual value from that and return it to the caller (e.g., handler::write_row()). Several new tests have been added that try and catch some edge cases. The tests exposed a wrap around error in MySQL next value calculation which was filed as bug#39828. The tests will need to be updated once MySQL fix that bug. One good side effect of this fix is that dict_table_t size has been reduced by 8 bytes because we have moved the autoinc_increment field to the row_prebuilt_t structure. See review-board for a detailed discussion. rb://3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2008-10-04 03:22:36 +00:00
dict_table_t* table, /* in: table to be dropped
or truncated */
ibool remove_also_table_sx_locks)/* in: also removes
table S and X locks */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
branches/zip: Merge revisions 2702:2722 from branches/5.1: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2702 | sunny | 2008-09-30 11:41:56 +0300 (Tue, 30 Sep 2008) | 13 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: Since handler::get_auto_increment() doesn't allow us to return the cause of failure we have to inform MySQL using the sql_print_warning() function to return the cause for autoinc failure. Previously we simply printed the error code, this patch prints the text string representing the following two error codes: DB_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT DB_DEADLOCK. Bug#35498 Cannot get table test/table1 auto-inccounter value in ::info Approved by Marko. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2709 | vasil | 2008-10-01 10:13:13 +0300 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008) | 10 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/include/lock0lock.h M /branches/5.1/lock/lock0lock.c A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug38231.result A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug38231.test M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c branches/5.1: Fix Bug#38231 Innodb crash in lock_reset_all_on_table() on TRUNCATE + LOCK / UNLOCK In TRUNCATE TABLE and discard tablespace: do not remove table-level S and X locks and do not assert on such locks not being wait locks. Leave such locks alone. Approved by: Heikki (rb://14) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2710 | vasil | 2008-10-01 14:13:58 +0300 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/include/sync0sync.ic branches/5.1: Silence a compilation warning in UNIV_DEBUG. Approved by: Marko (via IM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2719 | vasil | 2008-10-03 18:17:28 +0300 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 49 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438-master.opt A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438.result A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438.test branches/5.1: Fix Bug#39438 Testcase for Bug#39436 crashes on 5.1 in fil_space_get_latch In ha_innobase::info() - do not try to get the free space for a tablespace which has been discarded with ALTER TABLE ... DISCARD TABLESPACE or if the .ibd file is missing for some other reason. ibd_file_missing and tablespace_discarded are manipulated only in row_discard_tablespace_for_mysql() and in row_import_tablespace_for_mysql() and the manipulation is protected/surrounded by row_mysql_lock_data_dictionary()/row_mysql_unlock_data_dictionary() thus we do the same in ha_innobase::info() when checking the values of those members to avoid race conditions. I have tested the code-path with UNIV_DEBUG and UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG. Looks like it is not possible to avoid mysqld printing warnings in the mysql-test case and thus this test innodb_bug39438 must be added to the list of exceptional test cases that are allowed to print warnings. For this, the following patch must be applied to the mysql source tree: --- cut --- === modified file 'mysql-test/lib/' --- mysql-test/lib/ 2008-08-12 10:26:23 +0000 +++ mysql-test/lib/ 2008-10-01 11:57:41 +0000 @@ -412,7 +412,10 @@ # When trying to set lower_case_table_names = 2 # on a case sensitive file system. Bug#37402. - /lower_case_table_names was set to 2, even though your the file system '.*' is case sensitive. Now setting lower_case_table_names to 0 to avoid future problems./ + /lower_case_table_names was set to 2, even though your the file system '.*' is case sensitive. Now setting lower_case_table_names to 0 to avoid future problems./ or + + # this test is expected to print warnings + ($testname eq 'main.innodb_bug39438') ) { next; # Skip these lines --- cut --- The mysql-test is currently somewhat disabled (see inside innodb_bug39438.test), after the above patch has been applied to the mysql source tree, the test can be enabled. rb://20 Reviewed by: Inaam, Calvin Approved by: Heikki ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2720 | vasil | 2008-10-03 19:52:39 +0300 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 8 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: Print a warning if an attempt is made to get the free space for a table whose .ibd file is missing or the tablespace has been discarded. This is a followup to r2719. Suggested by: Inaam ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2721 | sunny | 2008-10-04 02:08:23 +0300 (Sat, 04 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: We need to send the messages to the client because handler::get_auto_increment() doesn't allow a way to return the specific error for why it failed. rb://18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2722 | sunny | 2008-10-04 02:48:04 +0300 (Sat, 04 Oct 2008) | 18 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/dict/dict0mem.c M /branches/5.1/handler/ M /branches/5.1/include/dict0mem.h M /branches/5.1/include/row0mysql.h M /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb-autoinc.result M /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb-autoinc.test M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c branches/5.1: This bug has always existed but was masked by other errors. The fix for bug# 38839 triggered this bug. When the offset and increment are > 1 we need to calculate the next value taking into consideration the two variables. Previously we simply assumed they were 1 particularly offset was never used. MySQL does its own calculation and that's probably why it seemed to work in the past. We would return what we thought was the correct next value and then MySQL would recalculate the actual value from that and return it to the caller (e.g., handler::write_row()). Several new tests have been added that try and catch some edge cases. The tests exposed a wrap around error in MySQL next value calculation which was filed as bug#39828. The tests will need to be updated once MySQL fix that bug. One good side effect of this fix is that dict_table_t size has been reduced by 8 bytes because we have moved the autoinc_increment field to the row_prebuilt_t structure. See review-board for a detailed discussion. rb://3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2008-10-04 03:22:36 +00:00
lock_t* prev_lock;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(table->locks);
branches/zip: Merge revisions 2702:2722 from branches/5.1: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2702 | sunny | 2008-09-30 11:41:56 +0300 (Tue, 30 Sep 2008) | 13 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: Since handler::get_auto_increment() doesn't allow us to return the cause of failure we have to inform MySQL using the sql_print_warning() function to return the cause for autoinc failure. Previously we simply printed the error code, this patch prints the text string representing the following two error codes: DB_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT DB_DEADLOCK. Bug#35498 Cannot get table test/table1 auto-inccounter value in ::info Approved by Marko. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2709 | vasil | 2008-10-01 10:13:13 +0300 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008) | 10 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/include/lock0lock.h M /branches/5.1/lock/lock0lock.c A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug38231.result A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug38231.test M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c branches/5.1: Fix Bug#38231 Innodb crash in lock_reset_all_on_table() on TRUNCATE + LOCK / UNLOCK In TRUNCATE TABLE and discard tablespace: do not remove table-level S and X locks and do not assert on such locks not being wait locks. Leave such locks alone. Approved by: Heikki (rb://14) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2710 | vasil | 2008-10-01 14:13:58 +0300 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/include/sync0sync.ic branches/5.1: Silence a compilation warning in UNIV_DEBUG. Approved by: Marko (via IM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2719 | vasil | 2008-10-03 18:17:28 +0300 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 49 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438-master.opt A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438.result A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438.test branches/5.1: Fix Bug#39438 Testcase for Bug#39436 crashes on 5.1 in fil_space_get_latch In ha_innobase::info() - do not try to get the free space for a tablespace which has been discarded with ALTER TABLE ... DISCARD TABLESPACE or if the .ibd file is missing for some other reason. ibd_file_missing and tablespace_discarded are manipulated only in row_discard_tablespace_for_mysql() and in row_import_tablespace_for_mysql() and the manipulation is protected/surrounded by row_mysql_lock_data_dictionary()/row_mysql_unlock_data_dictionary() thus we do the same in ha_innobase::info() when checking the values of those members to avoid race conditions. I have tested the code-path with UNIV_DEBUG and UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG. Looks like it is not possible to avoid mysqld printing warnings in the mysql-test case and thus this test innodb_bug39438 must be added to the list of exceptional test cases that are allowed to print warnings. For this, the following patch must be applied to the mysql source tree: --- cut --- === modified file 'mysql-test/lib/' --- mysql-test/lib/ 2008-08-12 10:26:23 +0000 +++ mysql-test/lib/ 2008-10-01 11:57:41 +0000 @@ -412,7 +412,10 @@ # When trying to set lower_case_table_names = 2 # on a case sensitive file system. Bug#37402. - /lower_case_table_names was set to 2, even though your the file system '.*' is case sensitive. Now setting lower_case_table_names to 0 to avoid future problems./ + /lower_case_table_names was set to 2, even though your the file system '.*' is case sensitive. Now setting lower_case_table_names to 0 to avoid future problems./ or + + # this test is expected to print warnings + ($testname eq 'main.innodb_bug39438') ) { next; # Skip these lines --- cut --- The mysql-test is currently somewhat disabled (see inside innodb_bug39438.test), after the above patch has been applied to the mysql source tree, the test can be enabled. rb://20 Reviewed by: Inaam, Calvin Approved by: Heikki ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2720 | vasil | 2008-10-03 19:52:39 +0300 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 8 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: Print a warning if an attempt is made to get the free space for a table whose .ibd file is missing or the tablespace has been discarded. This is a followup to r2719. Suggested by: Inaam ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2721 | sunny | 2008-10-04 02:08:23 +0300 (Sat, 04 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: We need to send the messages to the client because handler::get_auto_increment() doesn't allow a way to return the specific error for why it failed. rb://18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2722 | sunny | 2008-10-04 02:48:04 +0300 (Sat, 04 Oct 2008) | 18 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/dict/dict0mem.c M /branches/5.1/handler/ M /branches/5.1/include/dict0mem.h M /branches/5.1/include/row0mysql.h M /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb-autoinc.result M /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb-autoinc.test M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c branches/5.1: This bug has always existed but was masked by other errors. The fix for bug# 38839 triggered this bug. When the offset and increment are > 1 we need to calculate the next value taking into consideration the two variables. Previously we simply assumed they were 1 particularly offset was never used. MySQL does its own calculation and that's probably why it seemed to work in the past. We would return what we thought was the correct next value and then MySQL would recalculate the actual value from that and return it to the caller (e.g., handler::write_row()). Several new tests have been added that try and catch some edge cases. The tests exposed a wrap around error in MySQL next value calculation which was filed as bug#39828. The tests will need to be updated once MySQL fix that bug. One good side effect of this fix is that dict_table_t size has been reduced by 8 bytes because we have moved the autoinc_increment field to the row_prebuilt_t structure. See review-board for a detailed discussion. rb://3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2008-10-04 03:22:36 +00:00
while (lock != NULL) {
prev_lock = UT_LIST_GET_PREV(un_member.tab_lock.locks,
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
branches/zip: Merge revisions 2702:2722 from branches/5.1: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2702 | sunny | 2008-09-30 11:41:56 +0300 (Tue, 30 Sep 2008) | 13 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: Since handler::get_auto_increment() doesn't allow us to return the cause of failure we have to inform MySQL using the sql_print_warning() function to return the cause for autoinc failure. Previously we simply printed the error code, this patch prints the text string representing the following two error codes: DB_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT DB_DEADLOCK. Bug#35498 Cannot get table test/table1 auto-inccounter value in ::info Approved by Marko. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2709 | vasil | 2008-10-01 10:13:13 +0300 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008) | 10 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/include/lock0lock.h M /branches/5.1/lock/lock0lock.c A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug38231.result A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug38231.test M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c branches/5.1: Fix Bug#38231 Innodb crash in lock_reset_all_on_table() on TRUNCATE + LOCK / UNLOCK In TRUNCATE TABLE and discard tablespace: do not remove table-level S and X locks and do not assert on such locks not being wait locks. Leave such locks alone. Approved by: Heikki (rb://14) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2710 | vasil | 2008-10-01 14:13:58 +0300 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/include/sync0sync.ic branches/5.1: Silence a compilation warning in UNIV_DEBUG. Approved by: Marko (via IM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2719 | vasil | 2008-10-03 18:17:28 +0300 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 49 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438-master.opt A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438.result A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438.test branches/5.1: Fix Bug#39438 Testcase for Bug#39436 crashes on 5.1 in fil_space_get_latch In ha_innobase::info() - do not try to get the free space for a tablespace which has been discarded with ALTER TABLE ... DISCARD TABLESPACE or if the .ibd file is missing for some other reason. ibd_file_missing and tablespace_discarded are manipulated only in row_discard_tablespace_for_mysql() and in row_import_tablespace_for_mysql() and the manipulation is protected/surrounded by row_mysql_lock_data_dictionary()/row_mysql_unlock_data_dictionary() thus we do the same in ha_innobase::info() when checking the values of those members to avoid race conditions. I have tested the code-path with UNIV_DEBUG and UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG. Looks like it is not possible to avoid mysqld printing warnings in the mysql-test case and thus this test innodb_bug39438 must be added to the list of exceptional test cases that are allowed to print warnings. For this, the following patch must be applied to the mysql source tree: --- cut --- === modified file 'mysql-test/lib/' --- mysql-test/lib/ 2008-08-12 10:26:23 +0000 +++ mysql-test/lib/ 2008-10-01 11:57:41 +0000 @@ -412,7 +412,10 @@ # When trying to set lower_case_table_names = 2 # on a case sensitive file system. Bug#37402. - /lower_case_table_names was set to 2, even though your the file system '.*' is case sensitive. Now setting lower_case_table_names to 0 to avoid future problems./ + /lower_case_table_names was set to 2, even though your the file system '.*' is case sensitive. Now setting lower_case_table_names to 0 to avoid future problems./ or + + # this test is expected to print warnings + ($testname eq 'main.innodb_bug39438') ) { next; # Skip these lines --- cut --- The mysql-test is currently somewhat disabled (see inside innodb_bug39438.test), after the above patch has been applied to the mysql source tree, the test can be enabled. rb://20 Reviewed by: Inaam, Calvin Approved by: Heikki ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2720 | vasil | 2008-10-03 19:52:39 +0300 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 8 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: Print a warning if an attempt is made to get the free space for a table whose .ibd file is missing or the tablespace has been discarded. This is a followup to r2719. Suggested by: Inaam ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2721 | sunny | 2008-10-04 02:08:23 +0300 (Sat, 04 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: We need to send the messages to the client because handler::get_auto_increment() doesn't allow a way to return the specific error for why it failed. rb://18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2722 | sunny | 2008-10-04 02:48:04 +0300 (Sat, 04 Oct 2008) | 18 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/dict/dict0mem.c M /branches/5.1/handler/ M /branches/5.1/include/dict0mem.h M /branches/5.1/include/row0mysql.h M /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb-autoinc.result M /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb-autoinc.test M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c branches/5.1: This bug has always existed but was masked by other errors. The fix for bug# 38839 triggered this bug. When the offset and increment are > 1 we need to calculate the next value taking into consideration the two variables. Previously we simply assumed they were 1 particularly offset was never used. MySQL does its own calculation and that's probably why it seemed to work in the past. We would return what we thought was the correct next value and then MySQL would recalculate the actual value from that and return it to the caller (e.g., handler::write_row()). Several new tests have been added that try and catch some edge cases. The tests exposed a wrap around error in MySQL next value calculation which was filed as bug#39828. The tests will need to be updated once MySQL fix that bug. One good side effect of this fix is that dict_table_t size has been reduced by 8 bytes because we have moved the autoinc_increment field to the row_prebuilt_t structure. See review-board for a detailed discussion. rb://3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2008-10-04 03:22:36 +00:00
/* If we should remove all locks (remove_also_table_sx_locks
is TRUE), or if the lock is not table-level S or X lock,
then check we are not going to remove a wait lock. */
if (remove_also_table_sx_locks
|| !(lock_get_type(lock) == LOCK_TABLE
&& IS_LOCK_S_OR_X(lock))) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
branches/zip: Merge revisions 2702:2722 from branches/5.1: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2702 | sunny | 2008-09-30 11:41:56 +0300 (Tue, 30 Sep 2008) | 13 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: Since handler::get_auto_increment() doesn't allow us to return the cause of failure we have to inform MySQL using the sql_print_warning() function to return the cause for autoinc failure. Previously we simply printed the error code, this patch prints the text string representing the following two error codes: DB_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT DB_DEADLOCK. Bug#35498 Cannot get table test/table1 auto-inccounter value in ::info Approved by Marko. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2709 | vasil | 2008-10-01 10:13:13 +0300 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008) | 10 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/include/lock0lock.h M /branches/5.1/lock/lock0lock.c A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug38231.result A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug38231.test M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c branches/5.1: Fix Bug#38231 Innodb crash in lock_reset_all_on_table() on TRUNCATE + LOCK / UNLOCK In TRUNCATE TABLE and discard tablespace: do not remove table-level S and X locks and do not assert on such locks not being wait locks. Leave such locks alone. Approved by: Heikki (rb://14) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2710 | vasil | 2008-10-01 14:13:58 +0300 (Wed, 01 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/include/sync0sync.ic branches/5.1: Silence a compilation warning in UNIV_DEBUG. Approved by: Marko (via IM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2719 | vasil | 2008-10-03 18:17:28 +0300 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 49 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438-master.opt A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438.result A /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb_bug39438.test branches/5.1: Fix Bug#39438 Testcase for Bug#39436 crashes on 5.1 in fil_space_get_latch In ha_innobase::info() - do not try to get the free space for a tablespace which has been discarded with ALTER TABLE ... DISCARD TABLESPACE or if the .ibd file is missing for some other reason. ibd_file_missing and tablespace_discarded are manipulated only in row_discard_tablespace_for_mysql() and in row_import_tablespace_for_mysql() and the manipulation is protected/surrounded by row_mysql_lock_data_dictionary()/row_mysql_unlock_data_dictionary() thus we do the same in ha_innobase::info() when checking the values of those members to avoid race conditions. I have tested the code-path with UNIV_DEBUG and UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG. Looks like it is not possible to avoid mysqld printing warnings in the mysql-test case and thus this test innodb_bug39438 must be added to the list of exceptional test cases that are allowed to print warnings. For this, the following patch must be applied to the mysql source tree: --- cut --- === modified file 'mysql-test/lib/' --- mysql-test/lib/ 2008-08-12 10:26:23 +0000 +++ mysql-test/lib/ 2008-10-01 11:57:41 +0000 @@ -412,7 +412,10 @@ # When trying to set lower_case_table_names = 2 # on a case sensitive file system. Bug#37402. - /lower_case_table_names was set to 2, even though your the file system '.*' is case sensitive. Now setting lower_case_table_names to 0 to avoid future problems./ + /lower_case_table_names was set to 2, even though your the file system '.*' is case sensitive. Now setting lower_case_table_names to 0 to avoid future problems./ or + + # this test is expected to print warnings + ($testname eq 'main.innodb_bug39438') ) { next; # Skip these lines --- cut --- The mysql-test is currently somewhat disabled (see inside innodb_bug39438.test), after the above patch has been applied to the mysql source tree, the test can be enabled. rb://20 Reviewed by: Inaam, Calvin Approved by: Heikki ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2720 | vasil | 2008-10-03 19:52:39 +0300 (Fri, 03 Oct 2008) | 8 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: Print a warning if an attempt is made to get the free space for a table whose .ibd file is missing or the tablespace has been discarded. This is a followup to r2719. Suggested by: Inaam ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2721 | sunny | 2008-10-04 02:08:23 +0300 (Sat, 04 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/handler/ branches/5.1: We need to send the messages to the client because handler::get_auto_increment() doesn't allow a way to return the specific error for why it failed. rb://18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2722 | sunny | 2008-10-04 02:48:04 +0300 (Sat, 04 Oct 2008) | 18 lines Changed paths: M /branches/5.1/dict/dict0mem.c M /branches/5.1/handler/ M /branches/5.1/include/dict0mem.h M /branches/5.1/include/row0mysql.h M /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb-autoinc.result M /branches/5.1/mysql-test/innodb-autoinc.test M /branches/5.1/row/row0mysql.c branches/5.1: This bug has always existed but was masked by other errors. The fix for bug# 38839 triggered this bug. When the offset and increment are > 1 we need to calculate the next value taking into consideration the two variables. Previously we simply assumed they were 1 particularly offset was never used. MySQL does its own calculation and that's probably why it seemed to work in the past. We would return what we thought was the correct next value and then MySQL would recalculate the actual value from that and return it to the caller (e.g., handler::write_row()). Several new tests have been added that try and catch some edge cases. The tests exposed a wrap around error in MySQL next value calculation which was filed as bug#39828. The tests will need to be updated once MySQL fix that bug. One good side effect of this fix is that dict_table_t size has been reduced by 8 bytes because we have moved the autoinc_increment field to the row_prebuilt_t structure. See review-board for a detailed discussion. rb://3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2008-10-04 03:22:36 +00:00
lock_remove_all_on_table_for_trx(table, lock->trx,
if (prev_lock == NULL) {
if (lock == UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(table->locks)) {
/* lock was not removed, pick its successor */
un_member.tab_lock.locks, lock);
} else {
/* lock was removed, pick the first one */
lock = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(table->locks);
} else if (UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(un_member.tab_lock.locks,
prev_lock) != lock) {
/* If lock was removed by
lock_remove_all_on_table_for_trx() then pick the
successor of prev_lock ... */
un_member.tab_lock.locks, prev_lock);
} else {
/* ... otherwise pick the successor of lock. */
un_member.tab_lock.locks, lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/*===================== VALIDATION AND DEBUGGING ====================*/
Prints info of a table lock. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
FILE* file, /* in: file where to print */
const lock_t* lock) /* in: table type lock */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_a(lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_TABLE);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
fputs("TABLE LOCK table ", file);
ut_print_name(file, lock->trx, TRUE,
fprintf(file, " trx id " TRX_ID_FMT,
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock_get_mode(lock) == LOCK_S) {
fputs(" lock mode S", file);
} else if (lock_get_mode(lock) == LOCK_X) {
fputs(" lock mode X", file);
} else if (lock_get_mode(lock) == LOCK_IS) {
fputs(" lock mode IS", file);
} else if (lock_get_mode(lock) == LOCK_IX) {
fputs(" lock mode IX", file);
} else if (lock_get_mode(lock) == LOCK_AUTO_INC) {
fputs(" lock mode AUTO-INC", file);
} else {
fprintf(file, " unknown lock mode %lu",
(ulong) lock_get_mode(lock));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock_get_wait(lock)) {
fputs(" waiting", file);
putc('\n', file);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Prints info of a record lock. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
FILE* file, /* in: file where to print */
const lock_t* lock) /* in: record type lock */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const buf_block_t* block;
ulint space;
ulint page_no;
ulint i;
mtr_t mtr;
mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
ulint* offsets = offsets_;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_a(lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
space = lock->;
page_no = lock->un_member.rec_lock.page_no;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
fprintf(file, "RECORD LOCKS space id %lu page no %lu n bits %lu ",
(ulong) space, (ulong) page_no,
(ulong) lock_rec_get_n_bits(lock));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
dict_index_name_print(file, lock->trx, lock->index);
fprintf(file, " trx id " TRX_ID_FMT,
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock_get_mode(lock) == LOCK_S) {
fputs(" lock mode S", file);
} else if (lock_get_mode(lock) == LOCK_X) {
fputs(" lock_mode X", file);
} else {
if (lock_rec_get_gap(lock)) {
fputs(" locks gap before rec", file);
if (lock_rec_get_rec_not_gap(lock)) {
fputs(" locks rec but not gap", file);
if (lock_rec_get_insert_intention(lock)) {
fputs(" insert intention", file);
if (lock_get_wait(lock)) {
fputs(" waiting", file);
putc('\n', file);
block = buf_page_try_get(space, page_no, &mtr);
if (block) {
for (i = 0; i < lock_rec_get_n_bits(lock); i++) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock_rec_get_nth_bit(lock, i)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const rec_t* rec
= page_find_rec_with_heap_no(
buf_block_get_frame(block), i);
offsets = rec_get_offsets(
rec, lock->index, offsets,
fprintf(file, "Record lock, heap no %lu ",
(ulong) i);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
rec_print_new(file, rec, offsets);
putc('\n', file);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
} else {
for (i = 0; i < lock_rec_get_n_bits(lock); i++) {
fprintf(file, "Record lock, heap no %lu\n", (ulong) i);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
branches/zip: Merge 2489:2524 from branches/5.1: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2519 | sunny | 2008-06-26 16:55:43 +0300 (Thu, 26 Jun 2008) | 5 lines branches/5.1: Add test cases and fix a bug where the last AUTOINC cached value was not reset to 0 when the table was truncated. Bug #37531 : After truncate, auto_increment behaves incorrectly for InnoDB ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2520 | vasil | 2008-06-26 17:38:02 +0300 (Thu, 26 Jun 2008) | 7 lines branches/5.1: Fix Bug#36941 Performance problem in ha_print_info (SHOW INNODB STATUS) by disabling some of the code in ha_print_info() in production builds. Approved by: Heikki (via IM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2521 | vasil | 2008-06-26 17:39:01 +0300 (Thu, 26 Jun 2008) | 8 lines branches/5.1: Fix Bug#36942 Performance problem in lock_get_n_rec_locks (SHOW INNODB STATUS) by not calling lock_get_n_rec_locks() from lock_print_info_summary() on production builds. Approved by: Heikki (via IM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2524 | vasil | 2008-07-01 10:37:34 +0300 (Tue, 01 Jul 2008) | 29 lines branches/5.1: Merge a change from MySQL (this fixes the failing innodb-replace test): revno: 2659 committer: Mattias Jonsson <> branch nick: b31210-51-bugteam timestamp: Tue 2008-06-03 13:25:41 +0200 message: Bug#31210: INSERT DELAYED crashes server when used on partitioned tables Problem was an unclear error message since it could suggest that MyISAM did not support INSERT DELAYED. Changed the error message to say that DELAYED is not supported by the table, instead of the table's storage engine. The confusion is that a partitioned table is in somewhat sense using the partitioning storage engine, which in turn uses the ordinary storage engine. By saying that the table does not support DELAYED we do not give any extra informantion about the storage engine or if it is partitioned. modified: mysql-test/r/innodb-replace.result mysql-test/t/innodb-replace.test mysql-test/t/merge.test mysql-test/t/partition_hash.test sql/share/errmsg.txt sql/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2008-07-01 06:53:40 +00:00
/* Print the number of lock structs from lock_print_info_summary() only
in non-production builds for performance reasons, see */
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Calculates the number of record lock structs in the record lock hash table. */
lock_t* lock;
ulint n_locks = 0;
ulint i;
for (i = 0; i < hash_get_n_cells(lock_sys->rec_hash); i++) {
lock = HASH_GET_FIRST(lock_sys->rec_hash, i);
while (lock) {
lock = HASH_GET_NEXT(hash, lock);
branches/zip: Merge 2489:2524 from branches/5.1: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2519 | sunny | 2008-06-26 16:55:43 +0300 (Thu, 26 Jun 2008) | 5 lines branches/5.1: Add test cases and fix a bug where the last AUTOINC cached value was not reset to 0 when the table was truncated. Bug #37531 : After truncate, auto_increment behaves incorrectly for InnoDB ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2520 | vasil | 2008-06-26 17:38:02 +0300 (Thu, 26 Jun 2008) | 7 lines branches/5.1: Fix Bug#36941 Performance problem in ha_print_info (SHOW INNODB STATUS) by disabling some of the code in ha_print_info() in production builds. Approved by: Heikki (via IM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2521 | vasil | 2008-06-26 17:39:01 +0300 (Thu, 26 Jun 2008) | 8 lines branches/5.1: Fix Bug#36942 Performance problem in lock_get_n_rec_locks (SHOW INNODB STATUS) by not calling lock_get_n_rec_locks() from lock_print_info_summary() on production builds. Approved by: Heikki (via IM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2524 | vasil | 2008-07-01 10:37:34 +0300 (Tue, 01 Jul 2008) | 29 lines branches/5.1: Merge a change from MySQL (this fixes the failing innodb-replace test): revno: 2659 committer: Mattias Jonsson <> branch nick: b31210-51-bugteam timestamp: Tue 2008-06-03 13:25:41 +0200 message: Bug#31210: INSERT DELAYED crashes server when used on partitioned tables Problem was an unclear error message since it could suggest that MyISAM did not support INSERT DELAYED. Changed the error message to say that DELAYED is not supported by the table, instead of the table's storage engine. The confusion is that a partitioned table is in somewhat sense using the partitioning storage engine, which in turn uses the ordinary storage engine. By saying that the table does not support DELAYED we do not give any extra informantion about the storage engine or if it is partitioned. modified: mysql-test/r/innodb-replace.result mysql-test/t/innodb-replace.test mysql-test/t/merge.test mysql-test/t/partition_hash.test sql/share/errmsg.txt sql/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2008-07-01 06:53:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Prints info of locks for all transactions. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
FILE* file) /* in: file where to print */
/* We must protect the MySQL thd->query field with a MySQL mutex, and
because the MySQL mutex must be reserved before the kernel_mutex of
InnoDB, we call innobase_mysql_prepare_print_arbitrary_thd() here. */
if (lock_deadlock_found) {
"------------------------\n", file);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_copy_file(file, lock_latest_err_file);
"------------\n", file);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
fprintf(file, "Trx id counter " TRX_ID_FMT "\n",
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
"Purge done for trx's n:o < " TRX_ID_FMT
" undo n:o < " TRX_ID_FMT "\n",
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
"History list length %lu\n",
(ulong) trx_sys->rseg_history_len);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
branches/zip: Merge 2489:2524 from branches/5.1: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2519 | sunny | 2008-06-26 16:55:43 +0300 (Thu, 26 Jun 2008) | 5 lines branches/5.1: Add test cases and fix a bug where the last AUTOINC cached value was not reset to 0 when the table was truncated. Bug #37531 : After truncate, auto_increment behaves incorrectly for InnoDB ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2520 | vasil | 2008-06-26 17:38:02 +0300 (Thu, 26 Jun 2008) | 7 lines branches/5.1: Fix Bug#36941 Performance problem in ha_print_info (SHOW INNODB STATUS) by disabling some of the code in ha_print_info() in production builds. Approved by: Heikki (via IM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2521 | vasil | 2008-06-26 17:39:01 +0300 (Thu, 26 Jun 2008) | 8 lines branches/5.1: Fix Bug#36942 Performance problem in lock_get_n_rec_locks (SHOW INNODB STATUS) by not calling lock_get_n_rec_locks() from lock_print_info_summary() on production builds. Approved by: Heikki (via IM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2524 | vasil | 2008-07-01 10:37:34 +0300 (Tue, 01 Jul 2008) | 29 lines branches/5.1: Merge a change from MySQL (this fixes the failing innodb-replace test): revno: 2659 committer: Mattias Jonsson <> branch nick: b31210-51-bugteam timestamp: Tue 2008-06-03 13:25:41 +0200 message: Bug#31210: INSERT DELAYED crashes server when used on partitioned tables Problem was an unclear error message since it could suggest that MyISAM did not support INSERT DELAYED. Changed the error message to say that DELAYED is not supported by the table, instead of the table's storage engine. The confusion is that a partitioned table is in somewhat sense using the partitioning storage engine, which in turn uses the ordinary storage engine. By saying that the table does not support DELAYED we do not give any extra informantion about the storage engine or if it is partitioned. modified: mysql-test/r/innodb-replace.result mysql-test/t/innodb-replace.test mysql-test/t/merge.test mysql-test/t/partition_hash.test sql/share/errmsg.txt sql/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2008-07-01 06:53:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
"Total number of lock structs in row lock hash table %lu\n",
(ulong) lock_get_n_rec_locks());
branches/zip: Merge 2489:2524 from branches/5.1: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2519 | sunny | 2008-06-26 16:55:43 +0300 (Thu, 26 Jun 2008) | 5 lines branches/5.1: Add test cases and fix a bug where the last AUTOINC cached value was not reset to 0 when the table was truncated. Bug #37531 : After truncate, auto_increment behaves incorrectly for InnoDB ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2520 | vasil | 2008-06-26 17:38:02 +0300 (Thu, 26 Jun 2008) | 7 lines branches/5.1: Fix Bug#36941 Performance problem in ha_print_info (SHOW INNODB STATUS) by disabling some of the code in ha_print_info() in production builds. Approved by: Heikki (via IM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2521 | vasil | 2008-06-26 17:39:01 +0300 (Thu, 26 Jun 2008) | 8 lines branches/5.1: Fix Bug#36942 Performance problem in lock_get_n_rec_locks (SHOW INNODB STATUS) by not calling lock_get_n_rec_locks() from lock_print_info_summary() on production builds. Approved by: Heikki (via IM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r2524 | vasil | 2008-07-01 10:37:34 +0300 (Tue, 01 Jul 2008) | 29 lines branches/5.1: Merge a change from MySQL (this fixes the failing innodb-replace test): revno: 2659 committer: Mattias Jonsson <> branch nick: b31210-51-bugteam timestamp: Tue 2008-06-03 13:25:41 +0200 message: Bug#31210: INSERT DELAYED crashes server when used on partitioned tables Problem was an unclear error message since it could suggest that MyISAM did not support INSERT DELAYED. Changed the error message to say that DELAYED is not supported by the table, instead of the table's storage engine. The confusion is that a partitioned table is in somewhat sense using the partitioning storage engine, which in turn uses the ordinary storage engine. By saying that the table does not support DELAYED we do not give any extra informantion about the storage engine or if it is partitioned. modified: mysql-test/r/innodb-replace.result mysql-test/t/innodb-replace.test mysql-test/t/merge.test mysql-test/t/partition_hash.test sql/share/errmsg.txt sql/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2008-07-01 06:53:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Prints info of locks for each transaction. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
FILE* file) /* in: file where to print */
lock_t* lock;
ibool load_page_first = TRUE;
ulint nth_trx = 0;
ulint nth_lock = 0;
ulint i;
mtr_t mtr;
trx_t* trx;
/* First print info on non-active transactions */
trx = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(trx_sys->mysql_trx_list);
while (trx) {
if (trx->conc_state == TRX_NOT_STARTED) {
fputs("---", file);
trx_print(file, trx, 600);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
trx = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(mysql_trx_list, trx);
trx = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(trx_sys->trx_list);
i = 0;
/* Since we temporarily release the kernel mutex when
reading a database page in below, variable trx may be
obsolete now and we must loop through the trx list to
get probably the same trx, or some other trx. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
while (trx && (i < nth_trx)) {
trx = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(trx_list, trx);
if (trx == NULL) {
if (nth_lock == 0) {
fputs("---", file);
trx_print(file, trx, 600);
if (trx->read_view) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
"Trx read view will not see trx with"
" id >= " TRX_ID_FMT
", sees < " TRX_ID_FMT "\n",
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (trx->que_state == TRX_QUE_LOCK_WAIT) {
(ulong) difftime(time(NULL),
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock_get_type_low(trx->wait_lock) == LOCK_REC) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_rec_print(file, trx->wait_lock);
} else {
lock_table_print(file, trx->wait_lock);
fputs("------------------\n", file);
if (!srv_print_innodb_lock_monitor) {
goto loop;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
i = 0;
/* Look at the note about the trx loop above why we loop here:
lock may be an obsolete pointer now. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(trx->trx_locks);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
while (lock && (i < nth_lock)) {
lock = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(trx_locks, lock);
if (lock == NULL) {
nth_lock = 0;
goto loop;
if (lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC) {
if (load_page_first) {
ulint space = lock->;
ulint zip_size= fil_space_get_zip_size(space);
ulint page_no = lock->un_member.rec_lock.page_no;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
buf_page_get_with_no_latch(space, zip_size,
page_no, &mtr);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
load_page_first = FALSE;
goto loop;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_rec_print(file, lock);
} else {
ut_ad(lock_get_type_low(lock) & LOCK_TABLE);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_table_print(file, lock);
load_page_first = TRUE;
if (nth_lock >= 10) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
nth_lock = 0;
goto loop;
goto loop;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Validates the lock queue on a table. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: TRUE if ok */
dict_table_t* table) /* in: table */
lock_t* lock;
lock = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(table->locks);
while (lock) {
ut_a(((lock->trx)->conc_state == TRX_ACTIVE)
|| ((lock->trx)->conc_state == TRX_PREPARED)
|| ((lock->trx)->conc_state == TRX_COMMITTED_IN_MEMORY));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (!lock_get_wait(lock)) {
lock->trx, 0, table,
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
} else {
lock = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(un_member.tab_lock.locks, lock);
Validates the lock queue on a single record. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: TRUE if ok */
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block containing rec */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: record to look at */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: index, or NULL if not known */
const ulint* offsets)/* in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
trx_t* impl_trx;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_t* lock;
ulint heap_no;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_a(block->frame == page_align(rec));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(rec_offs_validate(rec, index, offsets));
ut_ad(!page_rec_is_comp(rec) == !rec_offs_comp(offsets));
heap_no = page_rec_get_heap_no(rec);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (!page_rec_is_user_rec(rec)) {
lock = lock_rec_get_first(block, heap_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
while (lock) {
switch(lock->trx->conc_state) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock_get_wait(lock)) {
if (index) {
ut_a(lock->index == index);
lock = lock_rec_get_next(heap_no, lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (!index);
else if (dict_index_is_clust(index)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
impl_trx = lock_clust_rec_some_has_impl(rec, index, offsets);
if (impl_trx
&& lock_rec_other_has_expl_req(LOCK_S, 0, LOCK_WAIT,
block, heap_no, impl_trx)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_a(lock_rec_has_expl(LOCK_X | LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP,
block, heap_no, impl_trx));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
} else {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* The kernel mutex may get released temporarily in the
next function call: we have to release lock table mutex
to obey the latching order */
impl_trx = lock_sec_rec_some_has_impl_off_kernel(
rec, index, offsets);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (impl_trx
&& lock_rec_other_has_expl_req(LOCK_S, 0, LOCK_WAIT,
block, heap_no, impl_trx)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_a(lock_rec_has_expl(LOCK_X | LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP,
block, heap_no, impl_trx));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = lock_rec_get_first(block, heap_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
while (lock) {
ut_a(lock->trx->conc_state == TRX_ACTIVE
|| lock->trx->conc_state == TRX_PREPARED
|| lock->trx->conc_state == TRX_COMMITTED_IN_MEMORY);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (index) {
ut_a(lock->index == index);
if (!lock_rec_get_gap(lock) && !lock_get_wait(lock)) {
enum lock_mode mode;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (lock_get_mode(lock) == LOCK_S) {
mode = LOCK_X;
} else {
mode = LOCK_S;
mode, 0, 0, block, heap_no, lock->trx));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
} else if (lock_get_wait(lock) && !lock_rec_get_gap(lock)) {
lock = lock_rec_get_next(heap_no, lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Validates the record lock queues on a page. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: TRUE if ok */
ulint space, /* in: space id */
ulint page_no)/* in: page number */
dict_index_t* index;
buf_block_t* block;
const page_t* page;
lock_t* lock;
const rec_t* rec;
ulint nth_lock = 0;
ulint nth_bit = 0;
ulint i;
mtr_t mtr;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
ulint* offsets = offsets_;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
block = buf_page_get(space, fil_space_get_zip_size(space),
page_no, RW_X_LATCH, &mtr);
buf_block_dbg_add_level(block, SYNC_NO_ORDER_CHECK);
page = block->frame;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = lock_rec_get_first_on_page_addr(space, page_no);
if (!lock) {
goto function_exit;
for (i = 0; i < nth_lock; i++) {
lock = lock_rec_get_next_on_page(lock);
if (!lock) {
goto function_exit;
ut_a(lock->trx->conc_state == TRX_ACTIVE
|| lock->trx->conc_state == TRX_PREPARED
|| lock->trx->conc_state == TRX_COMMITTED_IN_MEMORY);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
for (i = nth_bit; i < lock_rec_get_n_bits(lock); i++) {
if (i == 1 || lock_rec_get_nth_bit(lock, i)) {
index = lock->index;
rec = page_find_rec_with_heap_no(page, i);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets,
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
"Validating %lu %lu\n",
(ulong) space, (ulong) page_no);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_rec_queue_validate(block, rec, index, offsets);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
nth_bit = i + 1;
goto loop;
nth_bit = 0;
goto loop;
if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Validates the lock system. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: TRUE if ok */
lock_t* lock;
trx_t* trx;
dulint limit;
ulint space;
ulint page_no;
ulint i;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
trx = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(trx_sys->trx_list);
while (trx) {
lock = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(trx->trx_locks);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
while (lock) {
if (lock_get_type_low(lock) & LOCK_TABLE) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(trx_locks, lock);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
trx = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(trx_list, trx);
for (i = 0; i < hash_get_n_cells(lock_sys->rec_hash); i++) {
limit = ut_dulint_zero;
for (;;) {
lock = HASH_GET_FIRST(lock_sys->rec_hash, i);
while (lock) {
space = lock->;
page_no = lock->un_member.rec_lock.page_no;
if (ut_dulint_cmp(
ut_dulint_create(space, page_no),
limit) >= 0) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = HASH_GET_NEXT(hash, lock);
if (!lock) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_rec_validate_page(space, page_no);
limit = ut_dulint_create(space, page_no + 1);
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/*============ RECORD LOCK CHECKS FOR ROW OPERATIONS ====================*/
Checks if locks of other transactions prevent an immediate insert of
a record. If they do, first tests if the query thread should anyway
be suspended for some reason; if not, then puts the transaction and
the query thread to the lock wait state and inserts a waiting request
for a gap x-lock to the lock queue. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ulint flags, /* in: if BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG bit is
set, does nothing */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
rec_t* rec, /* in: record after which to insert */
buf_block_t* block, /* in/out: buffer block of rec */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
dict_index_t* index, /* in: index */
que_thr_t* thr, /* in: query thread */
ibool* inherit)/* out: set to TRUE if the new
inserted record maybe should inherit
LOCK_GAP type locks from the successor
record */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
const rec_t* next_rec;
trx_t* trx;
lock_t* lock;
ulint err;
ulint next_rec_heap_no;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(block->frame == page_align(rec));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (flags & BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG) {
trx = thr_get_trx(thr);
next_rec = page_rec_get_next(rec);
next_rec_heap_no = page_rec_get_heap_no(next_rec);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
branches/zip: Fast index creation: Remove the ROW_PREBUILT_OBSOLETE nonsense. Active transactions must not switch table or index definitions on the fly, for several reasons, including the following: * copied indexes do not carry any history or locking information; that is, rollbacks, read views, and record locking would be broken * huge potential for race conditions, inconsistent reads and writes, loss of data, and corruption Instead of trying to track down if the table was changed during a transaction, acquire appropriate locks that protect the creation and dropping of indexes. innodb-index.test: Test the locking of CREATE INDEX and DROP INDEX. Test that consistent reads work across dropped indexes. lock_rec_insert_check_and_lock(): Relax the lock_table_has() assertion. When inserting a record into an index, the table must be at least IX-locked. However, when an index is being created, an IS-lock on the table is sufficient. row_merge_lock_table(): Add the parameter enum lock_mode mode, which must be LOCK_X or LOCK_S. row_merge_drop_table(): Assert that n_mysql_handles_opened == 0. Unconditionally drop the table. ha_innobase::add_index(): Acquire an X or S lock on the table, as appropriate. After acquiring an X lock, assert that n_mysql_handles_opened == 1. Remove the comments about dropping tables in the background. ha_innobase::final_drop_index(): Acquire an X lock on the table. dict_table_t: Remove version_number, to_be_dropped, and prebuilts. ins_node_t: Remove table_version_number. enum lock_mode: Move the definition from lock0lock.h to lock0types.h. ROW_PREBUILT_OBSOLETE, row_update_prebuilt(), row_prebuilt_table_obsolete(): Remove. row_prebuilt_t: Remove the declaration from row0types.h. row_drop_table_for_mysql_no_commit(): Always print a warning if a table was added to the background drop queue.
2007-12-17 15:49:59 +00:00
/* When inserting a record into an index, the table must be at
least IX-locked or we must be building an index, in which case
the table must be at least S-locked. */
branches/zip: Fast index creation: Remove the ROW_PREBUILT_OBSOLETE nonsense. Active transactions must not switch table or index definitions on the fly, for several reasons, including the following: * copied indexes do not carry any history or locking information; that is, rollbacks, read views, and record locking would be broken * huge potential for race conditions, inconsistent reads and writes, loss of data, and corruption Instead of trying to track down if the table was changed during a transaction, acquire appropriate locks that protect the creation and dropping of indexes. innodb-index.test: Test the locking of CREATE INDEX and DROP INDEX. Test that consistent reads work across dropped indexes. lock_rec_insert_check_and_lock(): Relax the lock_table_has() assertion. When inserting a record into an index, the table must be at least IX-locked. However, when an index is being created, an IS-lock on the table is sufficient. row_merge_lock_table(): Add the parameter enum lock_mode mode, which must be LOCK_X or LOCK_S. row_merge_drop_table(): Assert that n_mysql_handles_opened == 0. Unconditionally drop the table. ha_innobase::add_index(): Acquire an X or S lock on the table, as appropriate. After acquiring an X lock, assert that n_mysql_handles_opened == 1. Remove the comments about dropping tables in the background. ha_innobase::final_drop_index(): Acquire an X lock on the table. dict_table_t: Remove version_number, to_be_dropped, and prebuilts. ins_node_t: Remove table_version_number. enum lock_mode: Move the definition from lock0lock.h to lock0types.h. ROW_PREBUILT_OBSOLETE, row_update_prebuilt(), row_prebuilt_table_obsolete(): Remove. row_prebuilt_t: Remove the declaration from row0types.h. row_drop_table_for_mysql_no_commit(): Always print a warning if a table was added to the background drop queue.
2007-12-17 15:49:59 +00:00
ut_ad(lock_table_has(trx, index->table, LOCK_IX)
|| (*index->name == TEMP_INDEX_PREFIX
&& lock_table_has(trx, index->table, LOCK_S)));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock = lock_rec_get_first(block, next_rec_heap_no);
if (UNIV_LIKELY(lock == NULL)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* We optimize CPU time usage in the simplest case */
if (!dict_index_is_clust(index)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Update the page max trx id field */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
branches/zip: Try to synchronize the updates of uncompressed and compressed pages. btr_root_raise_and_insert(): Distinguish root_page_zip and new_page_zip. btr_cur_set_ownership_of_extern_field(): Do not log the write on the uncompressed page if it will be logged for page_zip. lock_rec_insert_check_and_lock(), lock_sec_rec_modify_check_and_lock(): Update the max_trx_id field also on the compressed page. mlog_write_ulint(): Add UNIV_UNLIKELY hints. Remove trailing white space. mlog_log_string(): Remove trailing white space. rec_set_field_extern_bits(): Remove parameter mtr, as the write will either occur in the heap, or it will be logged at a higher level. recv_parse_or_apply_log_rec_body(), page_zip_write_header(): Add log record type MLOG_ZIP_WRITE_HEADER. page_header_set_field(): Pass mtr=NULL to page_zip_write_header(). page_header_reset_last_insert(): Pass mtr to page_zip_write_header(). btr_page_set_index_id(), btr_page_set_level(), btr_page_set_next(), btr_page_set_prev(): Pass mtr to page_zip_write_header(). row_upd_rec_sys_fields(): Pass mtr=NULL to page_zip_write_trx_id() and page_zip_write_roll_ptr(), since the write will be logged at a higher level. page_zip_write_header(): Add parameter mtr. page_zip_write_header_log(): New function. Remove rec_set_nth_field_extern_bit(). Make rec_set_nth_field_extern_bit_old() static. Rename rec_set_nth_field_extern_bit_new() to rec_set_field_extern_bits_new() and make it static. row_ins_index_entry_low(): Remove bogus TODO comment.
2006-02-22 13:02:40 +00:00
*inherit = FALSE;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
*inherit = TRUE;
/* If another transaction has an explicit lock request which locks
the gap, waiting or granted, on the successor, the insert has to wait.
An exception is the case where the lock by the another transaction
is a gap type lock which it placed to wait for its turn to insert. We
do not consider that kind of a lock conflicting with our insert. This
eliminates an unnecessary deadlock which resulted when 2 transactions
had to wait for their insert. Both had waiting gap type lock requests
on the successor, which produced an unnecessary deadlock. */
if (lock_rec_other_has_conflicting(
block, next_rec_heap_no, trx)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Note that we may get DB_SUCCESS also here! */
err = lock_rec_enqueue_waiting(LOCK_X | LOCK_GAP
block, next_rec_heap_no,
index, thr);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
} else {
if ((err == DB_SUCCESS) && !dict_index_is_clust(index)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Update the page max trx id field */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
const ulint* offsets;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
offsets = rec_get_offsets(next_rec, index, offsets_,
next_rec, index, offsets));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
If a transaction has an implicit x-lock on a record, but no explicit x-lock
set on the record, sets one for it. NOTE that in the case of a secondary
index, the kernel mutex may get temporarily released. */
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block of rec */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: user record on page */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: index of record */
const ulint* offsets)/* in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
trx_t* impl_trx;
ut_ad(rec_offs_validate(rec, index, offsets));
ut_ad(!page_rec_is_comp(rec) == !rec_offs_comp(offsets));
if (dict_index_is_clust(index)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
impl_trx = lock_clust_rec_some_has_impl(rec, index, offsets);
} else {
impl_trx = lock_sec_rec_some_has_impl_off_kernel(
rec, index, offsets);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (impl_trx) {
ulint heap_no = page_rec_get_heap_no(rec);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* If the transaction has no explicit x-lock set on the
record, set one for it */
if (!lock_rec_has_expl(LOCK_X | LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP, block,
heap_no, impl_trx)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
block, heap_no, index, impl_trx);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Checks if locks of other transactions prevent an immediate modify (update,
delete mark, or delete unmark) of a clustered index record. If they do,
first tests if the query thread should anyway be suspended for some
reason; if not, then puts the transaction and the query thread to the
lock wait state and inserts a waiting request for a record x-lock to the
lock queue. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: DB_SUCCESS,
ulint flags, /* in: if BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG
bit is set, does nothing */
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block of rec */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: record which should be
modified */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: clustered index */
const ulint* offsets,/* in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */
que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ulint err;
ulint heap_no;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(rec_offs_validate(rec, index, offsets));
ut_ad(block->frame == page_align(rec));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (flags & BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG) {
heap_no = rec_offs_comp(offsets)
? rec_get_heap_no_new(rec)
: rec_get_heap_no_old(rec);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(lock_table_has(thr_get_trx(thr), index->table, LOCK_IX));
/* If a transaction has no explicit x-lock set on the record, set one
for it */
lock_rec_convert_impl_to_expl(block, rec, index, offsets);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
err = lock_rec_lock(TRUE, LOCK_X | LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP,
block, heap_no, index, thr);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(lock_rec_queue_validate(block, rec, index, offsets));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Checks if locks of other transactions prevent an immediate modify (delete
mark or delete unmark) of a secondary index record. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ulint flags, /* in: if BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG
bit is set, does nothing */
buf_block_t* block, /* in/out: buffer block of rec */
rec_t* rec, /* in: record which should be
modified; NOTE: as this is a secondary
index, we always have to modify the
clustered index record first: see the
comment below */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
dict_index_t* index, /* in: secondary index */
que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread */
ulint err;
ulint heap_no;
ut_ad(block->frame == page_align(rec));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (flags & BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG) {
heap_no = page_rec_get_heap_no(rec);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Another transaction cannot have an implicit lock on the record,
because when we come here, we already have modified the clustered
index record, and this would not have been possible if another active
transaction had modified this secondary index record. */
ut_ad(lock_table_has(thr_get_trx(thr), index->table, LOCK_IX));
err = lock_rec_lock(TRUE, LOCK_X | LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP,
block, heap_no, index, thr);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
mem_heap_t* heap = NULL;
ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
const ulint* offsets;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets_,
ut_ad(lock_rec_queue_validate(block, rec, index, offsets));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) {
#endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */
if (err == DB_SUCCESS) {
branches/zip: Try to synchronize the updates of uncompressed and compressed pages. btr_root_raise_and_insert(): Distinguish root_page_zip and new_page_zip. btr_cur_set_ownership_of_extern_field(): Do not log the write on the uncompressed page if it will be logged for page_zip. lock_rec_insert_check_and_lock(), lock_sec_rec_modify_check_and_lock(): Update the max_trx_id field also on the compressed page. mlog_write_ulint(): Add UNIV_UNLIKELY hints. Remove trailing white space. mlog_log_string(): Remove trailing white space. rec_set_field_extern_bits(): Remove parameter mtr, as the write will either occur in the heap, or it will be logged at a higher level. recv_parse_or_apply_log_rec_body(), page_zip_write_header(): Add log record type MLOG_ZIP_WRITE_HEADER. page_header_set_field(): Pass mtr=NULL to page_zip_write_header(). page_header_reset_last_insert(): Pass mtr to page_zip_write_header(). btr_page_set_index_id(), btr_page_set_level(), btr_page_set_next(), btr_page_set_prev(): Pass mtr to page_zip_write_header(). row_upd_rec_sys_fields(): Pass mtr=NULL to page_zip_write_trx_id() and page_zip_write_roll_ptr(), since the write will be logged at a higher level. page_zip_write_header(): Add parameter mtr. page_zip_write_header_log(): New function. Remove rec_set_nth_field_extern_bit(). Make rec_set_nth_field_extern_bit_old() static. Rename rec_set_nth_field_extern_bit_new() to rec_set_field_extern_bits_new() and make it static. row_ins_index_entry_low(): Remove bogus TODO comment.
2006-02-22 13:02:40 +00:00
/* Update the page max trx id field */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Like the counterpart for a clustered index below, but now we read a
secondary index record. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: DB_SUCCESS,
ulint flags, /* in: if BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG
bit is set, does nothing */
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block of rec */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: user record or page
supremum record which should
be read or passed over by a
read cursor */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: secondary index */
const ulint* offsets,/* in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */
enum lock_mode mode, /* in: mode of the lock which
the read cursor should set on
records: LOCK_S or LOCK_X; the
latter is possible in
ulint gap_mode,/* in: LOCK_ORDINARY, LOCK_GAP, or
que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ulint err;
ulint heap_no;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(block->frame == page_align(rec));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(page_rec_is_user_rec(rec) || page_rec_is_supremum(rec));
ut_ad(rec_offs_validate(rec, index, offsets));
ut_ad(mode == LOCK_X || mode == LOCK_S);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (flags & BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG) {
heap_no = page_rec_get_heap_no(rec);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(mode != LOCK_X
|| lock_table_has(thr_get_trx(thr), index->table, LOCK_IX));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(mode != LOCK_S
|| lock_table_has(thr_get_trx(thr), index->table, LOCK_IS));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* Some transaction may have an implicit x-lock on the record only
if the max trx id for the page >= min trx id for the trx list or a
database recovery is running. */
if (((ut_dulint_cmp(page_get_max_trx_id(block->frame),
trx_list_get_min_trx_id()) >= 0)
|| recv_recovery_is_on())
&& !page_rec_is_supremum(rec)) {
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
lock_rec_convert_impl_to_expl(block, rec, index, offsets);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
err = lock_rec_lock(FALSE, mode | gap_mode,
block, heap_no, index, thr);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(lock_rec_queue_validate(block, rec, index, offsets));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Checks if locks of other transactions prevent an immediate read, or passing
over by a read cursor, of a clustered index record. If they do, first tests
if the query thread should anyway be suspended for some reason; if not, then
puts the transaction and the query thread to the lock wait state and inserts a
waiting request for a record lock to the lock queue. Sets the requested mode
lock on the record. */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: DB_SUCCESS,
ulint flags, /* in: if BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG
bit is set, does nothing */
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block of rec */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: user record or page
supremum record which should
be read or passed over by a
read cursor */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: clustered index */
const ulint* offsets,/* in: rec_get_offsets(rec, index) */
enum lock_mode mode, /* in: mode of the lock which
the read cursor should set on
records: LOCK_S or LOCK_X; the
latter is possible in
ulint gap_mode,/* in: LOCK_ORDINARY, LOCK_GAP, or
que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ulint err;
ulint heap_no;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(block->frame == page_align(rec));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(page_rec_is_user_rec(rec) || page_rec_is_supremum(rec));
ut_ad(gap_mode == LOCK_ORDINARY || gap_mode == LOCK_GAP
|| gap_mode == LOCK_REC_NOT_GAP);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(rec_offs_validate(rec, index, offsets));
if (flags & BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG) {
heap_no = page_rec_get_heap_no(rec);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(mode != LOCK_X
|| lock_table_has(thr_get_trx(thr), index->table, LOCK_IX));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(mode != LOCK_S
|| lock_table_has(thr_get_trx(thr), index->table, LOCK_IS));
lock_rec_convert_impl_to_expl(block, rec, index, offsets);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
err = lock_rec_lock(FALSE, mode | gap_mode,
block, heap_no, index, thr);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
ut_ad(lock_rec_queue_validate(block, rec, index, offsets));
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
Checks if locks of other transactions prevent an immediate read, or passing
over by a read cursor, of a clustered index record. If they do, first tests
if the query thread should anyway be suspended for some reason; if not, then
puts the transaction and the query thread to the lock wait state and inserts a
waiting request for a record lock to the lock queue. Sets the requested mode
lock on the record. This is an alternative version of
lock_clust_rec_read_check_and_lock() that does not require the parameter
"offsets". */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
/* out: DB_SUCCESS,
ulint flags, /* in: if BTR_NO_LOCKING_FLAG
bit is set, does nothing */
const buf_block_t* block, /* in: buffer block of rec */
const rec_t* rec, /* in: user record or page
supremum record which should
be read or passed over by a
read cursor */
dict_index_t* index, /* in: clustered index */
enum lock_mode mode, /* in: mode of the lock which
the read cursor should set on
records: LOCK_S or LOCK_X; the
latter is possible in
ulint gap_mode,/* in: LOCK_ORDINARY, LOCK_GAP, or
que_thr_t* thr) /* in: query thread */
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
mem_heap_t* tmp_heap = NULL;
ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE];
ulint* offsets = offsets_;
ulint ret;
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets,
ULINT_UNDEFINED, &tmp_heap);
ret = lock_clust_rec_read_check_and_lock(flags, block, rec, index,
offsets, mode, gap_mode, thr);
2005-10-27 07:29:40 +00:00
if (tmp_heap) {
Release the last lock from the transaction's autoinc locks. */
ib_vector_t* autoinc_locks) /* in/out: vector of AUTOINC locks */
ulint last;
lock_t* lock;
/* The lock to be release must be the last lock acquired. */
last = ib_vector_size(autoinc_locks) - 1;
lock = ib_vector_get(autoinc_locks, last);
/* Should have only AUTOINC locks in the vector. */
ut_a(lock_get_mode(lock) == LOCK_AUTO_INC);
ut_a(lock_get_type(lock) == LOCK_TABLE);
ut_a(lock->un_member.tab_lock.table != NULL);
/* This will remove the lock from the trx autoinc_locks too. */
Release all the transaction's autoinc locks. */
trx_t* trx) /* in/out: transaction */
ut_a(trx->autoinc_locks != NULL);
/* We release the locks in the reverse order. This is to
avoid searching the vector for the element to delete at
the lower level. See (lock_table_remove_low()) for details. */
while (!ib_vector_is_empty(trx->autoinc_locks)) {
/* lock_table_remove_low() will also remove the lock from
the transaction's autoinc_locks vector. */
/* Should release all locks. */
Gets the type of a lock. Non-inline version for using outside of the
lock module. */
/* out: LOCK_TABLE or LOCK_REC */
const lock_t* lock) /* in: lock */
Gets the id of the transaction owning a lock. */
/* out: transaction id */
const lock_t* lock) /* in: lock */
Gets the mode of a lock in a human readable string.
The string should not be free()'d or modified. */
const char*
/* out: lock mode */
const lock_t* lock) /* in: lock */
ibool is_gap_lock;
is_gap_lock = lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC
&& lock_rec_get_gap(lock);
switch (lock_get_mode(lock)) {
case LOCK_S:
if (is_gap_lock) {
} else {
case LOCK_X:
if (is_gap_lock) {
} else {
case LOCK_IS:
if (is_gap_lock) {
} else {
case LOCK_IX:
if (is_gap_lock) {
} else {
Gets the type of a lock in a human readable string.
The string should not be free()'d or modified. */
const char*
/* out: lock type */
const lock_t* lock) /* in: lock */
switch (lock_get_type_low(lock)) {
case LOCK_REC:
Gets the table on which the lock is. */
/* out: table */
const lock_t* lock) /* in: lock */
switch (lock_get_type_low(lock)) {
case LOCK_REC:
branches/zip: Fix most MSVC (Windows) compilation warnings. lock_get_table(), locks_row_eq_lock(), buf_page_get_mutex(): Add return after ut_error. On Windows, ut_error is not declared as "noreturn". Add explicit type casts when assigning ulint to byte to get rid of "possible loss of precision" warnings. struct i_s_table_cache_struct: Declare rows_used, rows_allocd as ulint instead of ullint. 32 bits should be enough. fill_innodb_trx_from_cache(), i_s_zip_fill_low(): Cast 64-bit unsigned integers to longlong when calling Field::store(longlong, bool is_unsigned). Otherwise, the compiler would implicitly convert them to double and invoke Field::store(double) instead. recv_truncate_group(), recv_copy_group(), recv_calc_lsn_on_data_add(): Cast ib_uint64_t expressions to ulint to get rid of "possible loss of precision" warnings. (There should not be any loss of precision in these cases.) log_close(), log_checkpoint_margin(): Declare some variables as ib_uint64_t instead of ulint, so that there won't be any potential loss of precision. mach_write_ull(): Cast the second argument of mach_write_to_4() to ulint. OS_FILE_FROM_FD(): Cast the return value of _get_osfhandle() to HANDLE. row_merge_dict_table_get_index(): Cast the parameter of mem_free() to (void*) in order to get rid of the bogus MSVC warning C4090, which has been reported as MSVC bug 101661: <> row_mysql_read_blob_ref(): To get rid of a bogus MSVC warning C4090, drop a const qualifier.
2008-03-04 08:57:07 +00:00
Gets the id of the table on which the lock is. */
/* out: id of the table */
const lock_t* lock) /* in: lock */
dict_table_t* table;
table = lock_get_table(lock);
Gets the name of the table on which the lock is.
The string should not be free()'d or modified. */
const char*
/* out: name of the table */
const lock_t* lock) /* in: lock */
dict_table_t* table;
table = lock_get_table(lock);
For a record lock, gets the index on which the lock is. */
const dict_index_t*
/* out: index */
const lock_t* lock) /* in: lock */
ut_a(lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC);
For a record lock, gets the name of the index on which the lock is.
The string should not be free()'d or modified. */
const char*
/* out: name of the index */
const lock_t* lock) /* in: lock */
ut_a(lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC);
For a record lock, gets the tablespace number on which the lock is. */
/* out: tablespace number */
const lock_t* lock) /* in: lock */
ut_a(lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC);
For a record lock, gets the page number on which the lock is. */
/* out: page number */
const lock_t* lock) /* in: lock */
ut_a(lock_get_type_low(lock) == LOCK_REC);