
140 lines
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Raw Normal View History

namespace tokudb {
// Set the key_info cardinality counters for the table.
void set_card_in_key_info(TABLE *table, uint rec_per_keys, uint64_t rec_per_key[]) {
uint next_key_part = 0;
for (uint i = 0; i < table->s->keys; i++) {
bool is_unique_key = (i == table->s->primary_key) || (table->key_info[i].flags & HA_NOSAME);
uint num_key_parts = get_key_parts(&table->key_info[i]);
for (uint j = 0; j < num_key_parts; j++) {
assert(next_key_part < rec_per_keys);
ulong val = rec_per_key[next_key_part++];
if (is_unique_key && j == num_key_parts-1)
val = 1;
table->key_info[i].rec_per_key[j] = val;
// Put the cardinality counters into the status dictionary.
void set_card_in_status(DB *status_db, DB_TXN *txn, uint rec_per_keys, uint64_t rec_per_key[]) {
// encode cardinality into the buffer
tokudb::buffer b;
size_t s;
s = b.append_ui<uint32_t>(rec_per_keys);
assert(s > 0);
for (uint i = 0; i < rec_per_keys; i++) {
s = b.append_ui<uint64_t>(rec_per_key[i]);
assert(s > 0);
// write cardinality to status
int error = write_to_status(status_db, hatoku_cardinality,, b.size(), txn);
assert(error == 0);
// Get the cardinality counters from the status dictionary.
int get_card_from_status(DB *status_db, DB_TXN *txn, uint rec_per_keys, uint64_t rec_per_key[]) {
// read cardinality from status
void *buf = 0; size_t buf_size = 0;
int error = get_status_realloc(status_db, txn, hatoku_cardinality, &buf, &buf_size);
if (error == 0) {
// decode cardinality from the buffer
tokudb::buffer b(buf, 0, buf_size);
size_t s;
uint32_t num_parts;
s = b.consume_ui<uint32_t>(&num_parts);
if (s == 0 || num_parts != rec_per_keys)
error = EINVAL;
if (error == 0) {
for (uint i = 0; i < rec_per_keys; i++) {
s = b.consume_ui<uint64_t>(&rec_per_key[i]);
if (s == 0) {
error = EINVAL;
// cleanup
return error;
// Delete the cardinality counters from the status dictionary.
void delete_card_from_status(DB *status_db, DB_TXN *txn) {
int error = remove_from_status(status_db, hatoku_cardinality, txn);
assert(error == 0);
// Compute records per key for all key parts of the ith key of the table.
// For each key part, put records per key part in *rec_per_key_part[key_part_index].
// Returns 0 if success, otherwise an error number.
// TODO statistical dives into the FT
int analyze_card(DB *db, DB_TXN *txn, bool is_unique, uint64_t num_key_parts, uint64_t *rec_per_key_part,
int (*key_compare)(DB *, const DBT *, const DBT *, uint),
int (*analyze_progress)(void *extra, uint64_t rows), void *progress_extra) {
int error = 0;
DBC *cursor = NULL;
error = db->cursor(db, txn, &cursor, 0);
if (error == 0) {
uint64_t rows = 0;
uint64_t unique_rows[num_key_parts];
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_key_parts; i++)
unique_rows[i] = 1;
// stop looking when the entire dictionary was analyzed, or a cap on execution time was reached, or the analyze was killed.
DBT key = {}; key.flags = DB_DBT_REALLOC;
DBT prev_key = {}; prev_key.flags = DB_DBT_REALLOC;
while (1) {
error = cursor->c_get(cursor, &key, 0, DB_NEXT);
if (error != 0) {
if (error == DB_NOTFOUND)
error = 0; // eof is not an error
// first row is a unique row, otherwise compare with the previous key
bool copy_key = false;
if (rows == 1) {
copy_key = true;
} else {
// compare this key with the previous key. ignore appended PK for SK's.
// TODO if a prefix is different, then all larger keys that include the prefix are also different.
// TODO if we are comparing the entire primary key or the entire unique secondary key, then the cardinality must be 1,
// so we can avoid computing it.
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_key_parts; i++) {
int cmp = key_compare(db, &prev_key, &key, i+1);
if (cmp != 0) {
copy_key = true;
// prev_key = key
if (copy_key) { = realloc(, key.size);
prev_key.size = key.size;
memcpy(,, prev_key.size);
// check for limit
if (analyze_progress && (rows % 1000) == 0) {
error = analyze_progress(progress_extra, rows);
if (error)
// cleanup
int close_error = cursor->c_close(cursor);
assert(close_error == 0);
// return cardinality
if (error == 0) {
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < num_key_parts; i++)
rec_per_key_part[i] = rows / unique_rows[i];
return error;