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/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
#ident "Copyright (c) 2007-8 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved."
#ident "The technology is licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, and the Research Foundation of State University of New York at Stony Brook under United States of America Serial No. 11/760379 and to the patents and/or patent applications resulting from it."
#if !defined(TOKU_LOCKTREE_H)
\file locktree.h
\brief Lock trees: header and comments
Lock trees are toku-struct's for granting long-lived locks to transactions.
See more details on the design document.
TODO: If the various range trees are inconsistent with
each other, due to some system error like failed malloc,
we defer to the db panic handler. Pass in another parameter to do this.
#include <assert.h>
#include <db.h>
#include <brttypes.h>
#include <rangetree.h>
#include <lth.h>
#include <rth.h>
/** Errors returned by lock trees */
typedef enum {
TOKU_LT_INCONSISTENT=-1, /**< The member data are in an inconsistent
state */
/** Convert error codes into a human-readable error message */
char* toku_lt_strerror(TOKU_LT_ERROR r /**< Error code */)
typedef struct __toku_lock_tree toku_lock_tree;
#if !defined(TOKU_LTH_DEFINE)
typedef struct __toku_lth toku_lth;
typedef struct __toku_ltm toku_ltm;
/** \brief The lock tree structure */
struct __toku_lock_tree {
/** The database for which this locktree will be handling locks */
DB* db;
/** Whether the db supports duplicate */
BOOL duplicates;
/** Whether the duplicates flag can no longer be changed. */
BOOL settings_final;
toku_range_tree* mainread; /**< See design document */
toku_range_tree* borderwrite; /**< See design document */
toku_rth* rth;
/** A temporary area where we store the results of various find on
the range trees that this lock tree owns
Memory ownership:
- tree->buf is an array of toku_range's, which the lt owns
The contents of tree->buf are volatile (this is a buffer space
that we pass around to various functions, and every time we
invoke a new function, its previous contents may become
- tree->buf[i].left, .right are toku_points (ultimately a struct),
also owned by lt. We gave a pointer only to this memory to the
range tree earlier when we inserted a range, but the range tree
does not own it!
- tree->buf[i].{left,right}.{key_payload,data_payload} is owned by
the lt, we made copies from the DB at some point
toku_range* buf;
u_int32_t buflen; /**< The length of buf */
/** Whether lock escalation is allowed. */
BOOL lock_escalation_allowed;
/** Lock tree manager */
toku_ltm* mgr;
/** The callback function to let a transaction add a new lock tree. */
int (*lock_add_callback)(DB_TXN*, toku_lock_tree*);
/** The callback function to let a transaction forget a lock tree. */
void (*lock_remove_callback)(DB_TXN*, toku_lock_tree*);
/** The key compare function */
int (*compare_fun)(DB*,const DBT*,const DBT*);
/** The data compare function */
int (*dup_compare)(DB*,const DBT*,const DBT*);
/** The panic function */
int (*panic)(DB*, int);
/** The user malloc function */
void* (*malloc) (size_t);
/** The user free function */
void (*free) (void*);
/** The user realloc function */
void* (*realloc)(void*, size_t);
struct __toku_ltm {
/** The maximum number of locks allowed for the environment. */
u_int32_t max_locks;
/** The current number of locks for the environment. */
u_int32_t curr_locks;
/** The list of lock trees it manages. */
toku_lth* lth;
/** The user malloc function */
void* (*malloc) (size_t);
/** The user free function */
void (*free) (void*);
/** The user realloc function */
void* (*realloc)(void*, size_t);
extern const DBT* const toku_lt_infinity; /**< Special value denoting
+infty */
extern const DBT* const toku_lt_neg_infinity; /**< Special value denoting
-infty */
\brief A 2D BDB-inspired point.
Observe the toku_point, and marvel!
It makes the pair (key, data) into a 1-dimensional point,
on which a total order is defined by toku_lt_point_cmp.
Additionally, we have points at +infty and -infty as
key_payload = (void*) toku_lt_infinity or
key_payload = (void*) toku_lt_neg infinity
struct __toku_point {
toku_lock_tree* lt; /**< The lock tree, where toku_lt_point_cmp
is defined */
void* key_payload; /**< The key ... */
u_int32_t key_len; /**< and its length */
void* data_payload; /**< The data ... */
u_int32_t data_len; /**< and its length */
#if !defined(__TOKU_POINT)
#define __TOKU_POINT
typedef struct __toku_point toku_point;
Create a lock tree. Should be called only inside DB->open.
\param ptree We set *ptree to the newly allocated tree.
\param db This is the db that the lock tree will be performing
locking for.
\param duplicates Whether the db supports duplicates.
\param compare_fun The key compare function.
\param dup_compare The data compare function.
\param panic The function to cause the db to panic.
i.e., godzilla_rampage()
\param payload_capacity The maximum amount of memory to use for dbt payloads.
\param user_malloc A user provided malloc(3) function.
\param user_free A user provided free(3) function.
\param user_realloc A user provided realloc(3) function.
- 0 Success
- EINVAL If any pointer or function argument is NULL.
- EINVAL If payload_capacity is 0.
- May return other errors due to system calls.
A pre-condition is that no pointer parameter can be NULL;
this pre-condition is assert(3)'ed.
A future check is that it should return EINVAL for already opened db
or already closed db.
If this library is ever exported to users, we will use error datas
int toku_lt_create(toku_lock_tree** ptree, DB* db, BOOL duplicates,
int (*panic)(DB*, int),
toku_ltm* mgr,
int (*compare_fun)(DB*,const DBT*,const DBT*),
int (*dup_compare)(DB*,const DBT*,const DBT*),
void* (*user_malloc) (size_t),
void (*user_free) (void*),
void* (*user_realloc)(void*, size_t));
Set whether duplicates are allowed.
This can be called after create, but NOT after any locks or unlocks have
- 0 on success.
- EINVAL if tree is NULL
- EDOM if it is too late to change.
int toku_lt_set_dups(toku_lock_tree* tree, BOOL duplicates);
Closes and frees a lock tree.
It will free memory used by the tree, and all keys/datas
from all internal structures.
It handles the case of transactions that are still active
when lt_close is invoked: it can throw away other tables, but
it keeps lists of selfread and selfwrite, and frees the memory
pointed to by the DBTs contained in the selfread and selfwrite.
\param tree The tree to free.
- 0 Success.
It asserts that the tree != NULL.
If this library is ever exported to users, we will use error datas instead.
int toku_lt_close(toku_lock_tree* tree);
Acquires a read lock on a single key (or key/data).
\param tree The lock tree for the db.
\param txn The TOKU Transaction this lock is for.
\param key The key this lock is for.
\param data The data this lock is for.
- 0 Success.
- DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED If there is a conflict in getting the lock.
This can only happen if some other transaction has
a write lock that overlaps this point.
- ENOMEM If adding the lock would exceed the maximum
memory allowed for payloads.
The following is asserted:
(tree == NULL || txn == NULL || key == NULL) or
(tree->db is dupsort && data == NULL) or
(tree->db is dupsort && key != data &&
(key == toku_lt_infinity ||
(toku_lock_tree* tree, DB_TXN* txn, const DBT* key, const DBT* data);
If this library is ever exported to users, we will use EINVAL instead.
In BDB, txn can actually be NULL (mixed operations with transactions and
no transactions). This can cause conflicts, nobody was able (so far)
to verify that MySQL does or does not use this.
int toku_lt_acquire_read_lock(toku_lock_tree* tree, DB_TXN* txn,
const DBT* key, const DBT* data);
Acquires a read lock on a key range (or key/data range). (Closed range).
\param tree The lock tree for the db.
\param txn The TOKU Transaction this lock is for.
Note that txn == NULL is not supported at this time.
\param key_left The left end key of the range.
\param data_left The left end data of the range.
\param key_right The right end key of the range.
\param data_right The right end data of the range.
- 0 Success.
- DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED If there is a conflict in getting the lock.
This can only happen if some other transaction has
a write lock that overlaps this range.
If (key_left, data_left) > (key_right, data_right) or
In a nodup db: if (key_left) > (key_right)
(According to the db's comparison functions.)
- ENOMEM If adding the lock would exceed the maximum
memory allowed for payloads.
The following is asserted, but if this library is ever exported to users,
EINVAL should be used instead:
If (tree == NULL || txn == NULL ||
key_left == NULL || key_right == NULL) or
(tree->db is dupsort &&
(data_left == NULL || data_right == NULL)) or
(tree->db is dupsort && key_left != data_left &&
(key_left == toku_lt_infinity ||
key_left == toku_lt_neg_infinity)) or
(tree->db is dupsort && key_right != data_right &&
(key_right == toku_lt_infinity ||
key_right == toku_lt_neg_infinity))
Memory: It is safe to free keys and datas after this call.
If the lock tree needs to hold onto the key or data, it will make copies
to its local memory.
In BDB, txn can actually be NULL (mixed operations with transactions and
no transactions). This can cause conflicts, nobody was able (so far)
to verify that MySQL does or does not use this.
int toku_lt_acquire_range_read_lock(toku_lock_tree* tree, DB_TXN* txn,
const DBT* key_left, const DBT* data_left,
const DBT* key_right, const DBT* data_right);
Acquires a write lock on a single key (or key/data).
\param tree The lock tree for the db.
\param txn The TOKU Transaction this lock is for.
Note that txn == NULL is not supported at this time.
\param key The key this lock is for.
\param data The data this lock is for.
- 0 Success.
- DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED If there is a conflict in getting the lock.
This can only happen if some other transaction has
a write (or read) lock that overlaps this point.
- ENOMEM If adding the lock would exceed the maximum
memory allowed for payloads.
The following is asserted, but if this library is ever exported to users,
EINVAL should be used instead:
If (tree == NULL || txn == NULL || key == NULL) or
(tree->db is dupsort && data == NULL) or
(tree->db is dupsort && key != data &&
(key == toku_lt_infinity || key == toku_lt_neg_infinity))
It is safe to free keys and datas after this call.
If the lock tree needs to hold onto the key or data, it will make copies
to its local memory.
int toku_lt_acquire_write_lock(toku_lock_tree* tree, DB_TXN* txn,
const DBT* key, const DBT* data);
//In BDB, txn can actually be NULL (mixed operations with transactions and no transactions).
//This can cause conflicts, I was unable (so far) to verify that MySQL does or does not use
* ***************NOTE: This will not be implemented before Feb 1st because
* *************** MySQL does not use DB->del on DB_DUPSORT dbs.
* *************** The only operation that requires a write range lock is
* *************** DB->del on DB_DUPSORT dbs.
* Acquires a write lock on a key range (or key/data range). (Closed range).
* Params:
* tree The lock tree for the db.
* txn The TOKU Transaction this lock is for.
* key_left The left end key of the range.
* key_right The right end key of the range.
* data_left The left end data of the range.
* data_right The right end data of the range.
* Returns:
* 0 Success.
* DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED If there is a conflict in getting the lock.
* This can only happen if some other transaction has
* a write (or read) lock that overlaps this range.
* EINVAL If (tree == NULL || txn == NULL ||
* key_left == NULL || key_right == NULL) or
* (tree->db is dupsort &&
* (data_left == NULL || data_right == NULL)) or
* (tree->db is dupsort && key_left != data_left &&
* (key_left == toku_lt_infinity ||
* key_left == toku_lt_neg_infinity)) or
* (tree->db is dupsort && key_right != data_right &&
* (key_right == toku_lt_infinity ||
* key_right == toku_lt_neg_infinity))
* If (key_left, data_left) > (key_right, data_right) or
* In a nodup db: if (key_left) > (key_right)
* (According to the db's comparison functions.
* ENOSYS THis is not yet implemented. Till it is, it will return ENOSYS,
* if other errors do not occur first.
* ENOMEM If adding the lock would exceed the maximum
* memory allowed for payloads.
* Asserts:
* The EINVAL and ERANGE cases described will use assert to abort instead of returning errors.
* If this library is ever exported to users, we will use error datas instead.
* Memory:
* It is safe to free keys and datas after this call.
* If the lock tree needs to hold onto the key or data, it will make copies
* to its local memory.
* *** Note that txn == NULL is not supported at this time.
int toku_lt_acquire_range_write_lock(toku_lock_tree* tree, DB_TXN* txn,
const DBT* key_left, const DBT* data_left,
const DBT* key_right, const DBT* data_right);
//In BDB, txn can actually be NULL (mixed operations with transactions and no transactions).
//This can cause conflicts, I was unable (so far) to verify that MySQL does or does not use
Releases all the locks owned by a transaction.
This is used when a transaction aborts/rolls back/commits.
\param tree The lock tree for the db.
\param txn The transaction to release all locks for.
Note that txn == NULL is not supported at this time.
- 0 Success.
- EINVAL If (tree == NULL || txn == NULL).
- EINVAL If panicking.
int toku_lt_unlock(toku_lock_tree* tree, DB_TXN* txn);
Set a add_callback function to run after parameter checking but before
any locks.
This can be called after create, but NOT after any locks or unlocks have
\param tree The tree on whick to set the add_callback function
\param add_callback The add_callback function
- 0 on success.
- EINVAL if tree is NULL
- EDOM if it is too late to change.
int toku_lt_set_txn_add_lt_callback(toku_lock_tree* tree,
int (*add_callback)(DB_TXN*, toku_lock_tree*));
Set a remove_callback function to run after parameter checking but before
any locks.
This can be called after create, but NOT after any locks or unlocks have
\param tree The tree on whick to set the remove_callback function
\param remove_callback The remove_callback function
- 0 on success.
- EINVAL if tree is NULL
- EDOM if it is too late to change.
int toku_lt_set_txn_remove_lt_callback(toku_lock_tree* tree,
void (*remove_callback)(DB_TXN*, toku_lock_tree*));
/* Lock tree manager functions begin here */
Creates a lock tree manager..
\param pmgr A buffer for the new lock tree manager.
\param max_locks The maximum number of locks.
\param user_malloc A user provided malloc(3) function.
\param user_free A user provided free(3) function.
\param user_realloc A user provided realloc(3) function.
- 0 on success.
- EINVAL if any pointer parameter is NULL.
- May return other errors due to system calls.
int toku_ltm_create(toku_ltm** pmgr,
u_int32_t max_locks,
void* (*user_malloc) (size_t),
void (*user_free) (void*),
void* (*user_realloc)(void*, size_t));
Closes and frees a lock tree manager..
\param mgr The lock tree manager.
- 0 on success.
- EINVAL if any pointer parameter is NULL.
- May return other errors due to system calls.
int toku_ltm_close(toku_ltm* mgr);
Sets the maximum number of locks on the lock tree manager.
\param mgr The lock tree manager to which to set max_locks.
\param max_locks The new maximum number of locks.
- 0 on success.
- EINVAL if tree is NULL or max_locks is 0
- EDOM if max_locks is less than the number of locks held by any lock tree
held by the manager
int toku_ltm_set_max_locks(toku_ltm* mgr, u_int32_t max_locks);
Sets the maximum number of locks on the lock tree manager.
\param mgr The lock tree manager to which to set max_locks.
\param max_locks A buffer to return the number of max locks.
- 0 on success.
- EINVAL if any parameter is NULL.
int toku_ltm_get_max_locks(toku_ltm* mgr, u_int32_t* max_locks);