[ { "id": 814403822, "name": "CVE-2024-31210", "full_name": "Abo5\/CVE-2024-31210", "owner": { "login": "Abo5", "id": 40110835, "avatar_url": "https:\/\/avatars.githubusercontent.com\/u\/40110835?v=4", "html_url": "https:\/\/github.com\/Abo5" }, "html_url": "https:\/\/github.com\/Abo5\/CVE-2024-31210", "description": "This Ruby script checks if a given WordPress site is vulnerable to CVE-2024-31210, which allows administrator-level users on single-site installations and Super Admin-level users on Multisite installations to execute arbitrary PHP code via the plugin upload mechanism.", "fork": false, "created_at": "2024-06-13T00:24:56Z", "updated_at": "2024-06-13T00:27:46Z", "pushed_at": "2024-06-13T00:27:43Z", "stargazers_count": 0, "watchers_count": 0, "has_discussions": false, "forks_count": 0, "allow_forking": true, "is_template": false, "web_commit_signoff_required": false, "topics": [], "visibility": "public", "forks": 0, "watchers": 0, "score": 0, "subscribers_count": 1 } ]