        "id": 18543095,
        "name": "cve-2013-6375",
        "full_name": "bl4ck5un\/cve-2013-6375",
        "owner": {
            "login": "bl4ck5un",
            "id": 2434648,
            "avatar_url": "https:\/\/avatars.githubusercontent.com\/u\/2434648?v=4",
            "html_url": "https:\/\/github.com\/bl4ck5un"
        "html_url": "https:\/\/github.com\/bl4ck5un\/cve-2013-6375",
        "description": "Xen 4.2.x and 4.3.x, when using Intel VT-d for PCI passthrough, does not properly flush the TLB after clearing a present translation table entry, which allows local guest administrators to cause a denial of service or gain privileges via unspecified vectors related to an \"inverted boolean parameter.\"",
        "fork": false,
        "created_at": "2014-04-08T02:59:22Z",
        "updated_at": "2014-07-13T00:53:10Z",
        "pushed_at": "2014-04-08T02:59:22Z",
        "stargazers_count": 0,
        "watchers_count": 0,
        "forks_count": 0,
        "forks": 0,
        "watchers": 0,
        "score": 0