path: root/src/interface
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
25 files changed, 3946 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/form/web_vhost_subdomain.tform.php b/src/interface/web/sites/form/web_vhost_subdomain.tform.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9f20d0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/form/web_vhost_subdomain.tform.php
@@ -0,0 +1,752 @@
+ Form Definition
+ Tabledefinition
+ Datatypes:
+ - INTEGER (Forces the input to Int)
+ - CURRENCY (Formats the values to currency notation)
+ - VARCHAR (no format check, maxlength: 255)
+ - TEXT (no format check)
+ - DATE (Dateformat, automatic conversion to timestamps)
+ Formtype:
+ - TEXT (Textfield)
+ - TEXTAREA (Textarea)
+ - PASSWORD (Password textfield, input is not shown when edited)
+ - SELECT (Select option field)
+ - FILE
+ - Wert oder Array
+ Hint:
+ The ID field of the database table is not part of the datafield definition.
+ The ID field must be always auto incement (int or bigint).
+ Search:
+ - searchable = 1 or searchable = 2 include the field in the search
+ - searchable = 1: this field will be the title of the search result
+ - searchable = 2: this field will be included in the description of the search result
+$form["title"] = "Subdomain";
+$form["description"] = "";
+$form["name"] = "web_vhost_subdomain";
+$form["action"] = "web_vhost_subdomain_edit.php";
+$form["db_table"] = "web_domain";
+$form["db_table_idx"] = "domain_id";
+$form["db_history"] = "yes";
+$form["tab_default"] = "domain";
+$form["list_default"] = "web_vhost_subdomain_list.php";
+$form["auth"] = 'yes'; // yes / no
+$form["auth_preset"]["userid"] = 0; // 0 = id of the user, > 0 id must match with id of current user
+$form["auth_preset"]["groupid"] = 0; // 0 = default groupid of the user, > 0 id must match with groupid of current user
+$form["auth_preset"]["perm_user"] = 'riud'; //r = read, i = insert, u = update, d = delete
+$form["auth_preset"]["perm_group"] = 'riud'; //r = read, i = insert, u = update, d = delete
+$form["auth_preset"]["perm_other"] = ''; //r = read, i = insert, u = update, d = delete
+$wildcard_available = false;
+$ssl_available = true;
+if(!$app->auth->is_admin()) {
+ $client_group_id = $_SESSION["s"]["user"]["default_group"];
+ $client = $app->db->queryOneRecord("SELECT limit_wildcard, limit_ssl FROM sys_group, client WHERE sys_group.client_id = client.client_id and sys_group.groupid = $client_group_id");
+ if($client['limit_ssl'] != 'y') $ssl_available = false;
+$form["tabs"]['domain'] = array (
+ 'title' => "Domain",
+ 'width' => 100,
+ 'template' => "templates/web_vhost_subdomain_edit.htm",
+ 'readonly' => false,
+ 'fields' => array (
+ //#################################
+ // Begin Datatable fields
+ //#################################
+ 'server_id' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'INTEGER',
+ 'formtype' => 'SELECT',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'datasource' => array ( 'type' => 'SQL',
+ 'querystring' => 'SELECT server_id,server_name FROM server WHERE mirror_server_id = 0 AND web_server = 1 AND {AUTHSQL} ORDER BY server_name',
+ 'keyfield'=> 'server_id',
+ 'valuefield'=> 'server_name'
+ ),
+ 'value' => ''
+ ),
+ 'ip_address' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'SELECT',
+ 'default' => '',
+ /*'datasource' => array ( 'type' => 'SQL',
+ 'querystring' => "SELECT ip_address,ip_address FROM server_ip WHERE ip_type = 'IPv4' AND {AUTHSQL} ORDER BY ip_address",
+ 'keyfield'=> 'ip_address',
+ 'valuefield'=> 'ip_address'
+ ),*/
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'searchable' => 2
+ ),
+ 'ipv6_address' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'SELECT',
+ 'default' => '',
+ /*'datasource' => array ( 'type' => 'SQL',
+ 'querystring' => "SELECT ip_address,ip_address FROM server_ip WHERE ip_type = 'IPv6' AND {AUTHSQL} ORDER BY ip_address",
+ 'keyfield'=> 'ip_address',
+ 'valuefield'=> 'ip_address'
+ ),*/
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'searchable' => 2
+ ),
+ 'domain' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'filters' => array( 0 => array( 'event' => 'SAVE',
+ 'type' => 'IDNTOASCII'),
+ 1 => array( 'event' => 'SHOW',
+ 'type' => 'IDNTOUTF8'),
+ 2 => array( 'event' => 'SAVE',
+ 'type' => 'TOLOWER')
+ ),
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'CUSTOM',
+ 'class' => 'validate_domain',
+ 'function' => 'sub_domain',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'domain_error_regex'),
+ ),
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '30',
+ 'maxlength' => '255',
+ 'searchable' => 1
+ ),
+ 'type' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'SELECT',
+ 'default' => 'y',
+ 'value' => array('vhost' => 'Site', 'alias' => 'Alias', 'subdomain' => 'Subdomain', 'vhostsubdomain' => 'Subdomain')
+ ),
+ 'parent_domain_id' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'INTEGER',
+ 'formtype' => 'SELECT',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'datasource' => array ( 'type' => 'SQL',
+ 'querystring' => "SELECT web_domain.domain_id, CONCAT(web_domain.domain, ' :: ', server.server_name) AS parent_domain FROM web_domain, server WHERE web_domain.type = 'vhost' AND web_domain.server_id = server.server_id AND {AUTHSQL::web_domain} ORDER BY web_domain.domain",
+ 'keyfield'=> 'domain_id',
+ 'valuefield'=> 'parent_domain'
+ ),
+ 'value' => ''
+ ),
+ 'web_folder' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'REGEX',
+ 'regex' => '@^((?!.*\.\.)[\w/_\.\-]{1,100})$@',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'web_folder_error_regex'),
+ ),
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '30',
+ 'maxlength' => '255'
+ ),
+ 'vhost_type' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'SELECT',
+ 'default' => 'y',
+ 'value' => array('name' => 'Namebased', 'ip' => 'IP-Based')
+ ),
+ 'hd_quota' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'INTEGER',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'default' => '0',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '7',
+ 'maxlength' => '7'
+ ),
+ 'traffic_quota' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'INTEGER',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'NOTEMPTY',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'traffic_quota_error_empty'),
+ 1 => array ( 'type' => 'REGEX',
+ 'regex' => '/^(\-1|[0-9]{1,10})$/',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'traffic_quota_error_regex'),
+ ),
+ 'default' => '-1',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '7',
+ 'maxlength' => '7'
+ ),
+ 'cgi' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'CHECKBOX',
+ 'default' => 'n',
+ 'value' => array(0 => 'n', 1 => 'y')
+ ),
+ 'ssi' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'CHECKBOX',
+ 'default' => 'n',
+ 'value' => array(0 => 'n', 1 => 'y')
+ ),
+ 'suexec' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'CHECKBOX',
+ 'default' => 'y',
+ 'value' => array(0 => 'n', 1 => 'y')
+ ),
+ 'errordocs' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'INTEGER',
+ 'formtype' => 'CHECKBOX',
+ 'default' => '1',
+ 'value' => array(0 => '0', 1 => '1')
+ ),
+ 'subdomain' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'SELECT',
+ 'default' => 'www',
+ 'value' => ($wildcard_available ? array('none' => 'none_txt', 'www' => 'www.', '*' => '*.') : array('none' => 'none_txt', 'www' => 'www.'))
+ ),
+ 'ssl' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'CHECKBOX',
+ 'default' => 'n',
+ 'value' => array(0 => 'n', 1 => 'y')
+ ),
+ 'ssl_letsencrypt' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'CHECKBOX',
+ 'default' => 'n',
+ 'value' => array(0 => 'n', 1 => 'y')
+ ),
+ 'php' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'SELECT',
+ 'default' => 'fast-cgi',
+ 'valuelimit' => 'client:web_php_options',
+ 'value' => array('no' => 'disabled_txt', 'fast-cgi' => 'Fast-CGI', 'cgi' => 'CGI', 'mod' => 'Mod-PHP', 'suphp' => 'SuPHP', 'php-fpm' => 'PHP-FPM'),
+ 'searchable' => 2
+ ),
+ 'fastcgi_php_version' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'SELECT',
+ 'default' => '',
+ /*'datasource' => array ( 'type' => 'SQL',
+ 'querystring' => "SELECT ip_address,ip_address FROM server_ip WHERE ip_type = 'IPv4' AND {AUTHSQL} ORDER BY ip_address",
+ 'keyfield'=> 'ip_address',
+ 'valuefield'=> 'ip_address'
+ ),*/
+ 'value' => ''
+ ),
+ 'perl' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'CHECKBOX',
+ 'default' => 'n',
+ 'value' => array(0 => 'n', 1 => 'y')
+ ),
+ 'ruby' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'CHECKBOX',
+ 'default' => 'n',
+ 'value' => array(0 => 'n', 1 => 'y')
+ ),
+ 'python' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'CHECKBOX',
+ 'default' => 'n',
+ 'value' => array(0 => 'n', 1 => 'y')
+ ),
+ 'active' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'CHECKBOX',
+ 'default' => 'y',
+ 'value' => array(0 => 'n', 1 => 'y')
+ ),
+ //#################################
+ // ENDE Datatable fields
+ //#################################
+ )
+$form["tabs"]['redirect'] = array (
+ 'title' => "Redirect",
+ 'width' => 100,
+ 'template' => "templates/web_vhost_subdomain_redirect.htm",
+ 'readonly' => false,
+ 'fields' => array (
+ //#################################
+ // Begin Datatable fields
+ //#################################
+ 'redirect_type' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'SELECT',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => array('' => 'no_redirect_txt', 'no' => 'no_flag_txt', 'R' => 'R', 'L' => 'L', 'R,L' => 'R,L', 'R=301,L' => 'R=301,L', 'last' => 'last', 'break' => 'break', 'redirect' => 'redirect', 'permanent' => 'permanent', 'proxy' => 'proxy')
+ ),
+ 'redirect_path' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'REGEX',
+ 'regex' => '@^(([\.]{0})|((ftp|https?)://([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.\,\-\+\?\~!:%]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)|(\[scheme\]://([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.\-\,\+\?\~!:%]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)|(/(?!.*\.\.)[\w/_\.\-]{1,255}/))$@',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'redirect_error_regex'),
+ ),
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '30',
+ 'maxlength' => '255'
+ ),
+ 'seo_redirect' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'SELECT',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => array('' => 'no_redirect_txt', 'non_www_to_www' => 'domain.tld => www.domain.tld', 'www_to_non_www' => 'www.domain.tld => domain.tld', '*_domain_tld_to_domain_tld' => '*.doman.tld => domain.tld', '*_domain_tld_to_www_domain_tld' => '*.domain.tld => www.domain.tld', '*_to_domain_tld' => '* => domain.tld', '*_to_www_domain_tld' => '* => www.domain.tld')
+ ),
+ 'rewrite_rules' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '30',
+ 'maxlength' => '255'
+ ),
+ //#################################
+ // ENDE Datatable fields
+ //#################################
+ )
+if($ssl_available) {
+ $form["tabs"]['ssl'] = array (
+ 'title' => "SSL",
+ 'width' => 100,
+ 'template' => "templates/web_vhost_subdomain_ssl.htm",
+ 'readonly' => false,
+ 'fields' => array (
+ //#################################
+ // Begin Datatable fields
+ //#################################
+ 'ssl_state' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'REGEX',
+ 'regex' => '/^(([\.]{0})|([a-zA-Z0-9\ \.\-\_\,]{1,255}))$/',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'ssl_state_error_regex'),
+ ),
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '30',
+ 'maxlength' => '255'
+ ),
+ 'ssl_locality' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'REGEX',
+ 'regex' => '/^(([\.]{0})|([a-zA-Z0-9\ \.\-\_\,]{1,255}))$/',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'ssl_locality_error_regex'),
+ ),
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '30',
+ 'maxlength' => '255'
+ ),
+ 'ssl_organisation' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'REGEX',
+ 'regex' => '/^(([\.]{0})|([a-zA-Z0-9\ \.\-\_\,]{1,255}))$/',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'ssl_organisation_error_regex'),
+ ),
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '30',
+ 'maxlength' => '255'
+ ),
+ 'ssl_organisation_unit' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'REGEX',
+ 'regex' => '/^(([\.]{0})|([a-zA-Z0-9\ \.\-\_\,]{1,255}))$/',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'),
+ ),
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '30',
+ 'maxlength' => '255'
+ ),
+ /*
+ 'ssl_country' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'REGEX',
+ 'regex' => '/^(([\.]{0})|([A-Z]{2,2}))$/',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'ssl_country_error_regex'),
+ ),
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '2',
+ 'maxlength' => '2'
+ ),
+ */
+ 'ssl_country' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'SELECT',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'datasource' => array ( 'type' => 'SQL',
+ 'querystring' => 'SELECT iso,printable_name FROM country ORDER BY printable_name',
+ 'keyfield'=> 'iso',
+ 'valuefield'=> 'printable_name'
+ ),
+ 'value' => ''
+ ),
+ 'ssl_domain' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '30',
+ 'maxlength' => '255'
+ ),
+ 'ssl_key' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXTAREA',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'cols' => '30',
+ 'rows' => '10'
+ ),
+ 'ssl_request' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXTAREA',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'cols' => '30',
+ 'rows' => '10'
+ ),
+ 'ssl_cert' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXTAREA',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'cols' => '30',
+ 'rows' => '10'
+ ),
+ 'ssl_bundle' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXTAREA',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'cols' => '30',
+ 'rows' => '10'
+ ),
+ 'ssl_action' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'SELECT',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => array('' => 'none_txt', 'save' => 'save_certificate_txt', 'create' => 'create_certificate_txt', 'del' => 'delete_certificate_txt')
+ ),
+ //#################################
+ // ENDE Datatable fields
+ //#################################
+ )
+ );
+//* Statistics
+$form["tabs"]['stats'] = array (
+ 'title' => "Stats",
+ 'width' => 100,
+ 'template' => "templates/web_vhost_subdomain_stats.htm",
+ 'readonly' => false,
+ 'fields' => array (
+ //#################################
+ // Begin Datatable fields
+ //#################################
+ 'stats_password' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'PASSWORD',
+ 'validators' => array(
+ 0 => array(
+ 'type' => 'CUSTOM',
+ 'class' => 'validate_password',
+ 'function' => 'password_check',
+ 'errmsg' => 'weak_password_txt'
+ )
+ ),
+ 'encryption' => 'CRYPT',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '30',
+ 'maxlength' => '255'
+ ),
+ 'stats_type' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'SELECT',
+ 'default' => 'webalizer',
+ 'value' => array('webalizer' => 'Webalizer', 'awstats' => 'AWStats', '' => 'None')
+ ),
+ //#################################
+ // ENDE Datatable fields
+ //#################################
+ )
+ if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] == 'admin') {
+//* Backup
+$form["tabs"]['backup'] = array (
+ 'title' => "Backup",
+ 'width' => 100,
+ 'template' => "templates/web_vhost_subdomain_backup.htm",
+ 'readonly' => false,
+ 'fields' => array (
+ //#################################
+ // Begin Datatable fields
+ //#################################
+ 'backup_interval' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'SELECT',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => array('none' => 'No backup', 'daily' => 'Daily', 'weekly' => 'Weekly', 'monthly' => 'Monthly')
+ ),
+ 'backup_copies' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'INTEGER',
+ 'formtype' => 'SELECT',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => array('1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4', '5' => '5', '6' => '6', '7' => '7', '8' => '8', '9' => '9', '10' => '10')
+ ),
+ 'backup_excludes' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'REGEX',
+ 'regex' => '@^(?!.*\.\.)[-a-zA-Z0-9_/.~,*]*$@',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'backup_excludes_error_regex'),
+ ),
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '30',
+ 'maxlength' => '255'
+ ),
+ //#################################
+ // ENDE Datatable fields
+ //#################################
+ ),
+ 'plugins' => array (
+ 'backup_records' => array (
+ 'class' => 'plugin_backuplist',
+ 'options' => array(
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ }
+if($_SESSION["s"]["user"]["typ"] == 'admin') {
+ $form["tabs"]['advanced'] = array (
+ 'title' => "Options",
+ 'width' => 100,
+ 'template' => "templates/web_vhost_subdomain_advanced.htm",
+ 'readonly' => false,
+ 'fields' => array (
+ //#################################
+ // Begin Datatable fields
+ //#################################
+ 'document_root' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'NOTEMPTY',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'documentroot_error_empty'),
+ ),
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '30',
+ 'maxlength' => '255'
+ ),
+ 'system_user' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'NOTEMPTY',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'sysuser_error_empty'),
+ ),
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '30',
+ 'maxlength' => '255'
+ ),
+ 'system_group' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'NOTEMPTY',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'sysgroup_error_empty'),
+ ),
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '30',
+ 'maxlength' => '255'
+ ),
+ 'allow_override' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'NOTEMPTY',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'allow_override_error_empty'),
+ ),
+ 'default' => 'All',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '30',
+ 'maxlength' => '255'
+ ),
+ 'php_fpm_use_socket' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'CHECKBOX',
+ 'default' => 'n',
+ 'value' => array(0 => 'n', 1 => 'y')
+ ),
+ 'pm' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'SELECT',
+ 'default' => 'dynamic',
+ 'value' => array('static' => 'static', 'dynamic' => 'dynamic', 'ondemand' => 'ondemand (PHP Version >= 5.3.9)')
+ ),
+ 'pm_max_children' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'INTEGER',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'REGEX',
+ 'regex' => '/^([1-9][0-9]{0,10})$/',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'pm_max_children_error_regex'),
+ ),
+ 'default' => '10',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '3',
+ 'maxlength' => '3'
+ ),
+ 'pm_start_servers' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'INTEGER',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'REGEX',
+ 'regex' => '/^([1-9][0-9]{0,10})$/',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'pm_start_servers_error_regex'),
+ ),
+ 'default' => '2',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '3',
+ 'maxlength' => '3'
+ ),
+ 'pm_min_spare_servers' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'INTEGER',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'REGEX',
+ 'regex' => '/^([1-9][0-9]{0,10})$/',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'),
+ ),
+ 'default' => '1',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '3',
+ 'maxlength' => '3'
+ ),
+ 'pm_max_spare_servers' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'INTEGER',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'REGEX',
+ 'regex' => '/^([1-9][0-9]{0,10})$/',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'),
+ ),
+ 'default' => '5',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '3',
+ 'maxlength' => '3'
+ ),
+ 'pm_process_idle_timeout' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'INTEGER',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'REGEX',
+ 'regex' => '/^([1-9][0-9]{0,10})$/',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'),
+ ),
+ 'default' => '10',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '3',
+ 'maxlength' => '6'
+ ),
+ 'pm_max_requests' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'INTEGER',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'REGEX',
+ 'regex' => '/^([0-9]{1,11})$/',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'pm_max_requests_error_regex'),
+ ),
+ 'default' => '0',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '3',
+ 'maxlength' => '6'
+ ),
+ 'php_open_basedir' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ /*'validators' => array ( 0 => array ( 'type' => 'NOTEMPTY',
+ 'errmsg'=> 'php_open_basedir_error_empty'),
+ ), */
+ 'default' => 'All',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '30',
+ 'maxlength' => '255'
+ ),
+ 'custom_php_ini' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '30',
+ 'maxlength' => '255'
+ ),
+ 'apache_directives' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'validators' => array ( 0 => array(
+ 'type' => 'CUSTOM',
+ 'class' => 'validate_domain',
+ 'function' => 'web_apache_directives',
+ 'errmsg' => 'apache_directive_blockd_error'
+ ),
+ ),
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '30',
+ 'maxlength' => '255'
+ ),
+ 'nginx_directives' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '30',
+ 'maxlength' => '255'
+ ),
+ 'proxy_directives' => array (
+ 'datatype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'formtype' => 'TEXT',
+ 'default' => '',
+ 'value' => '',
+ 'width' => '30',
+ 'maxlength' => '255'
+ ),
+ //#################################
+ // ENDE Datatable fields
+ //#################################
+ )
+ );
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/ar_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/ar_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9774b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/ar_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Parent Website';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Web folder';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup interval';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Number of backup copies';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'State';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Locality';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organisation';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organisation Unit';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Country';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL Key';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL Request';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL Certificate';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL Bundle';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL Action';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL Domain';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domain';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Invalid folder entered. Please do not enter a slash.';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Type';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Redirect Type';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirect Path';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux User';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux Group';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IPv4-Address';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Address';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'VHost Type';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Own Error-Documents';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web domains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache Directives';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domain is empty.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'There is already a website or sub / aliasdomain with this domain name.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Domain name invalid.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL State is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistics password';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Traffic quota exceeded';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistics username';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistics program';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Custom php.ini settings';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'None';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Save certificate';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Create certificate';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Delete certificate';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx Directives';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO Redirect';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Harddisk quota is invalid.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffic quota is invalid.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP Version';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/bg_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/bg_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9774b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/bg_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Parent Website';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Web folder';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup interval';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Number of backup copies';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'State';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Locality';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organisation';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organisation Unit';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Country';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL Key';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL Request';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL Certificate';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL Bundle';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL Action';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL Domain';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domain';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Invalid folder entered. Please do not enter a slash.';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Type';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Redirect Type';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirect Path';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux User';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux Group';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IPv4-Address';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Address';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'VHost Type';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Own Error-Documents';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web domains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache Directives';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domain is empty.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'There is already a website or sub / aliasdomain with this domain name.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Domain name invalid.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL State is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistics password';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Traffic quota exceeded';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistics username';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistics program';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Custom php.ini settings';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'None';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Save certificate';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Create certificate';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Delete certificate';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx Directives';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO Redirect';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Harddisk quota is invalid.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffic quota is invalid.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP Version';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/br_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/br_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9774b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/br_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Parent Website';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Web folder';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup interval';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Number of backup copies';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'State';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Locality';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organisation';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organisation Unit';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Country';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL Key';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL Request';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL Certificate';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL Bundle';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL Action';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL Domain';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domain';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Invalid folder entered. Please do not enter a slash.';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Type';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Redirect Type';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirect Path';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux User';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux Group';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IPv4-Address';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Address';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'VHost Type';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Own Error-Documents';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web domains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache Directives';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domain is empty.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'There is already a website or sub / aliasdomain with this domain name.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Domain name invalid.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL State is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistics password';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Traffic quota exceeded';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistics username';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistics program';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Custom php.ini settings';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'None';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Save certificate';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Create certificate';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Delete certificate';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx Directives';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO Redirect';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Harddisk quota is invalid.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffic quota is invalid.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP Version';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/cz_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/cz_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4904341
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/cz_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Rodičovské webové stránky';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Webová složka';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Interval zálohování';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Počet záložních kopií';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'Stát';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Lokalita';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organizace';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organizační jednotka';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Země';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL klíč';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL požadavek';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL certifikát';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL Bundle';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL akce';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL Doména';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Doména';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Invalid folder entered. Please do not enter a slash.';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Verze';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Typ přesměrování';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Cesta přesměrování';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Aktivní';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux User';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux Group';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IPv4-Address';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Address';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'VHost Type';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Own Error-Documents';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Automatická subdoména';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Klient';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'The max. Počet webových stránek for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache Directives';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Doména je prázdná.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'Webové stránky nebo sub-doména / alias-domény již existuje s tímto doménovým jménem.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Neplatné doménové jméno.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL State is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Klient';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistics password';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Traffik kvóta překročena';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistics username';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistics program';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Vlastní nastavení php.ini';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'Žádný';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Vypnuto';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Uložit certifikát';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Vytvořit certifikát';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Smazat certifikát';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx Directives';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO přesměrování';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Kvóta pevného disku je neplatná.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffik kvóta je neplatná.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP verze';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generovat heslo';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Opakujte heslo';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'Hesla se neshodují.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'Hesla se shodují.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Proměnné';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Vyloučené adresáře';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Oddělte více adresářů čárkami. Vzor: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'Vyloučené adresáře obsahují neplatné znaky.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/de_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/de_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c7b76f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/de_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Zugehörige Webseite';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Basisordner';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'Dieser Ordner darf nicht als Basisordner verwendet werden.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'Dieser Ordner wird bereits verwendet, bitte geben Sie einen anderen Basisordner an.';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'Bundesland';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Ort';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Firma';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Abteilung';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Land';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL-Key';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL-Request';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL-Zertifikat';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL-Bundle';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL-Aktion';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domain';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Host';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Typ';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Ungültige Ordnerangabe, bitte keinen / eingeben.';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Redirect-Typ';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirect-Pfad';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Aktiv';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux-Benutzer';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux-Gruppe';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IP Adresse';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'vHost-Typ';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Festplatten-Quota';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic-Quota';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Kunde';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'Die max. Anzahl an Webdomains für Ihr Konto wurde erreicht.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'Die max. Anzahl an Aliasdomains für Ihr Konto wurde erreicht.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'Die max. Anzahl an Subdomains für Ihr Konto wurde erreicht.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache-Direktiven';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domain ist leer.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'Domain muss eindeutig sein';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Domain-Name ungültig.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard-Subdomains sind nicht erlaubt.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk-Quota ist leer.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic-Quota ist leer.';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Eigene Fehlerseiten';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'Bundesland (SSL) ist leer.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'Ort (SSL) ist leer.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'Organisation (SSL) ist leer.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'Abteilung (SSL) ist leer.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'Land (SSL) ist leer.';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Kunde';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistik-Passwort';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL-Domain';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Allow Override';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. mögliches Festplatten-Quota';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Ungültiges SSL-Bundesland. Gültige Zeichen sind: a-z, 0-9 und .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Ungültiger SSL-Ort. Gülige Zeichen sind: a-z, 0-9 und .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Ungültige SSL-Firma. Gültige Zeichen sind: a-z, 0-9 und .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Ungültige SSL-Abteilung. Gültige Zeichen sind: a-z, 0-9 und .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Ungültiges SSL-Land. Gültige Zeichen sind: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. mögliches Traffic-Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Ungültiger Redirect-Pfad. Gültige Angaben sind beispielsweise: /test/ oder http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup-Intervall';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Anzahl an Backups';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Max. Datentransfer verbraucht.';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistik-Benutzername';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistik-Programm';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Individuelle php.ini-Einstellungen';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL-Zertifikat-Feld ist leer.';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'Keine';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Deaktiviert';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'Kein Redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'Kein Flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Zertifikat speichern';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Zertifikat erstellen';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Zertifikat löschen';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx-Direktiven';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO-Redirect';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Nicht-www -> www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -> Nicht-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Benutze Socket für PHP-FPM';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Adresse';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI für SSL ist auf diesem Server nicht aktiviert. Sie können daher nur ein SSL-Zertifikat pro IP-Adresse eintragen.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Die Werte der PHP-FPM pm Einstellungen müssen wie folgt sein: pm.max_children >= pm.max_spare_servers >= pm.start_servers >= pm.min_spare_servers > 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children muß eine positive ganze Zahl sein.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers muß eine positive ganze Zahl sein.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers muß eine positive ganze Zahl sein.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers muß eine positive ganze Zahl sein.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Harddisk-Quota ist ungültig.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffic-Quota ist ungültig.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP-Version';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Prozess Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout muß eine positive ganze Zahl sein.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests muß eine ganze Zahl >= 0 sein.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Bitte beachten Sie, daß Ihre PHP Version >= 5.3.9 sein muß, wenn Sie den ondemand Prozess Manager nutzen möchten. Wenn Sie ondemand für eine ältere PHP-Version auswählen, wird PHP nicht mehr starten!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Passwort erzeugen';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Passwort wiederholen';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'Die Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'Die Passwörter stimmen überein.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Verfügbare PHP-Direktiven-Schnipsel:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Verfügbare Apache-Direktiven-Schnipsel:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Verfügbare nginx-Direktiven-Schnipsel:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy-Direktiven';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Verfügbare Proxy-Direktiven-Schnipsel:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Unzulässige Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Erlaubte Direktiven:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'KONFIGURATIONSFEHLER';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variablen';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Auszuschließende Verzeichnisse';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Mehrere Verzeichnisse mit Kommas trennen. Beispiel: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'Die auszuschließenden Verzeichnisse enthalten ungültige Zeichen.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/el_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/el_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9774b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/el_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Parent Website';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Web folder';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup interval';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Number of backup copies';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'State';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Locality';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organisation';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organisation Unit';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Country';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL Key';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL Request';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL Certificate';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL Bundle';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL Action';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL Domain';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domain';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Invalid folder entered. Please do not enter a slash.';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Type';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Redirect Type';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirect Path';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux User';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux Group';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IPv4-Address';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Address';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'VHost Type';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Own Error-Documents';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web domains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache Directives';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domain is empty.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'There is already a website or sub / aliasdomain with this domain name.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Domain name invalid.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL State is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistics password';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Traffic quota exceeded';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistics username';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistics program';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Custom php.ini settings';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'None';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Save certificate';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Create certificate';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Delete certificate';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx Directives';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO Redirect';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Harddisk quota is invalid.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffic quota is invalid.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP Version';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/en_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/en_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fe56ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/en_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+$wb["parent_domain_id_txt"] = 'Parent Website';
+$wb["web_folder_txt"] = 'Web folder';
+$wb["web_folder_invalid_txt"] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.';
+$wb["web_folder_unique_txt"] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.';
+$wb["backup_interval_txt"] = 'Backup interval';
+$wb["backup_copies_txt"] = 'Number of backup copies';
+$wb["ssl_state_txt"] = 'State';
+$wb["ssl_locality_txt"] = 'Locality';
+$wb["ssl_organisation_txt"] = 'Organisation';
+$wb["ssl_organisation_unit_txt"] = 'Organisation Unit';
+$wb["ssl_country_txt"] = 'Country';
+$wb["ssl_key_txt"] = 'SSL Key';
+$wb["ssl_request_txt"] = 'SSL Request';
+$wb["ssl_cert_txt"] = 'SSL Certificate';
+$wb["ssl_bundle_txt"] = 'SSL Bundle';
+$wb["ssl_action_txt"] = 'SSL Action';
+$wb["ssl_domain_txt"] = 'SSL Domain';
+$wb["server_id_txt"] = 'Server';
+$wb["domain_txt"] = 'Domain';
+$wb["host_txt"] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Invalid folder entered. Please do not enter a slash.';
+$wb["type_txt"] = 'Type';
+$wb["parent_domain_id_txt"] = 'Parent Website';
+$wb["redirect_type_txt"] = 'Redirect Type';
+$wb["redirect_path_txt"] = 'Redirect Path';
+$wb["active_txt"] = 'Active';
+$wb["document_root_txt"] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb["system_user_txt"] = 'Linux User';
+$wb["system_group_txt"] = 'Linux Group';
+$wb["ip_address_txt"] = 'IPv4-Address';
+$wb["ipv6_address_txt"] = 'IPv6-Address';
+$wb["vhost_type_txt"] = 'VHost Type';
+$wb["hd_quota_txt"] = 'Harddisk Quota';
+$wb["traffic_quota_txt"] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb["cgi_txt"] = 'CGI';
+$wb["ssi_txt"] = 'SSI';
+$wb["errordocs_txt"] = 'Own Error-Documents';
+$wb["subdomain_txt"] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb["ssl_txt"] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb["suexec_txt"] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb["php_txt"] = 'PHP';
+$wb["client_txt"] = 'Client';
+$wb["limit_web_domain_txt"] = 'The max. number of web domains for your account is reached.';
+$wb["limit_web_aliasdomain_txt"] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb["limit_web_subdomain_txt"] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb["apache_directives_txt"] = 'Apache Directives';
+$wb["domain_error_empty"] = 'Domain is empty.';
+$wb["domain_error_unique"] = 'There is already a website or sub / aliasdomain with this domain name.';
+$wb["domain_error_regex"] = 'Domain name invalid.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.';
+$wb["hd_quota_error_empty"] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
+$wb["traffic_quota_error_empty"] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
+$wb["error_ssl_state_empty"] = 'SSL State is empty.';
+$wb["error_ssl_locality_empty"] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
+$wb["error_ssl_organisation_empty"] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
+$wb["error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty"] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
+$wb["error_ssl_country_empty"] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
+$wb["error_ssl_cert_empty"] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
+$wb["client_group_id_txt"] = 'Client';
+$wb["stats_password_txt"] = 'Set Webstatistics password';
+$wb["allow_override_txt"] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb["limit_web_quota_free_txt"] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
+$wb["ssl_state_error_regex"] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb["ssl_locality_error_regex"] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb["ssl_organisation_error_regex"] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb["ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex"] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb["ssl_country_error_regex"] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
+$wb["limit_traffic_quota_free_txt"] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb["redirect_error_regex"] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb["php_open_basedir_txt"] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb["traffic_quota_exceeded_txt"] = 'Traffic quota exceeded';
+$wb["ruby_txt"] = 'Ruby';
+$wb["stats_user_txt"] = 'Webstatistics username';
+$wb["stats_type_txt"] = 'Webstatistics program';
+$wb["custom_php_ini_txt"] = 'Custom php.ini settings';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'None';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Save certificate';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Create certificate';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Delete certificate';
+$wb["nginx_directives_txt"] = 'nginx Directives';
+$wb["seo_redirect_txt"] = 'SEO Redirect';
+$wb["non_www_to_www_txt"] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
+$wb["www_to_non_www_txt"] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
+$wb["php_fpm_use_socket_txt"] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
+$wb["error_no_sni_txt"] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb["python_txt"] = 'Python';
+$wb["perl_txt"] = 'Perl';
+$wb["pm_max_children_txt"] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb["pm_start_servers_txt"] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb["pm_min_spare_servers_txt"] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb["pm_max_spare_servers_txt"] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb["error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt"] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb["pm_max_children_error_regex"] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb["pm_start_servers_error_regex"] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb["pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex"] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb["pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex"] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb["hd_quota_error_regex"] = 'Harddisk quota is invalid.';
+$wb["traffic_quota_error_regex"] = 'Traffic quota is invalid.';
+$wb["fastcgi_php_version_txt"] = 'PHP Version';
+$wb["pm_txt"] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb["pm_process_idle_timeout_txt"] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb["pm_max_requests_txt"] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb["pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex"] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb["pm_max_requests_error_regex"] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb["pm_ondemand_hint_txt"] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = "CONFIGURATION ERROR";
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
+?> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/es_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/es_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9774b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/es_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Parent Website';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Web folder';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup interval';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Number of backup copies';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'State';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Locality';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organisation';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organisation Unit';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Country';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL Key';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL Request';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL Certificate';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL Bundle';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL Action';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL Domain';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domain';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Invalid folder entered. Please do not enter a slash.';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Type';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Redirect Type';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirect Path';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux User';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux Group';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IPv4-Address';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Address';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'VHost Type';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Own Error-Documents';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web domains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache Directives';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domain is empty.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'There is already a website or sub / aliasdomain with this domain name.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Domain name invalid.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL State is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistics password';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Traffic quota exceeded';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistics username';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistics program';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Custom php.ini settings';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'None';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Save certificate';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Create certificate';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Delete certificate';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx Directives';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO Redirect';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Harddisk quota is invalid.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffic quota is invalid.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP Version';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/fi_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/fi_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9774b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/fi_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Parent Website';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Web folder';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup interval';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Number of backup copies';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'State';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Locality';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organisation';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organisation Unit';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Country';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL Key';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL Request';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL Certificate';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL Bundle';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL Action';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL Domain';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domain';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Invalid folder entered. Please do not enter a slash.';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Type';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Redirect Type';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirect Path';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux User';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux Group';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IPv4-Address';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Address';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'VHost Type';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Own Error-Documents';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web domains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache Directives';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domain is empty.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'There is already a website or sub / aliasdomain with this domain name.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Domain name invalid.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL State is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistics password';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Traffic quota exceeded';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistics username';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistics program';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Custom php.ini settings';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'None';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Save certificate';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Create certificate';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Delete certificate';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx Directives';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO Redirect';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Harddisk quota is invalid.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffic quota is invalid.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP Version';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/fr_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/fr_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9774b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/fr_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Parent Website';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Web folder';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup interval';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Number of backup copies';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'State';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Locality';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organisation';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organisation Unit';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Country';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL Key';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL Request';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL Certificate';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL Bundle';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL Action';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL Domain';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domain';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Invalid folder entered. Please do not enter a slash.';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Type';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Redirect Type';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirect Path';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux User';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux Group';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IPv4-Address';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Address';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'VHost Type';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Own Error-Documents';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web domains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache Directives';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domain is empty.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'There is already a website or sub / aliasdomain with this domain name.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Domain name invalid.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL State is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistics password';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Traffic quota exceeded';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistics username';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistics program';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Custom php.ini settings';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'None';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Save certificate';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Create certificate';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Delete certificate';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx Directives';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO Redirect';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Harddisk quota is invalid.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffic quota is invalid.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP Version';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/hr_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/hr_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7619c95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/hr_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Glavna web stranica';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Web direktorij';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'Web direktorij je neispravan, izaberite neki drugi.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'Web direktorij se već koristi, izaberite neki drugi.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Interval pohranjivanja';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Broj kopija za pohranu';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'Županija';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Lokacija';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organizacija';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organizacijska jedinica';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Država';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL ključ';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL zahtjev';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL certifikat';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL paket';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL akcija';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL domena';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domena';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Neispravan direktorij. Nemojte koristiti slash.';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Vrsta';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Vrsta redirekcije';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirekcijska putanja';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Aktivno';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Početna putanja (documentroot)';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux korisnik';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux groupa';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IPv4 adresa';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6 adresa';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'Vrsta VHost-a';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Kvota tvrdog diska';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Kvota prometa';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Vlastite stranice za greške';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Automatska poddomena';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Klijent';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'Iskorišten je maksimalan broj web domena za vaš račun.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'Iskorišten je maksimalan broj alias domena za vaš račun.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'Iskorišten je maksimalan broj poddomena za vaš račun.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache direktive';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domena je prazna.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'Već postoji stranica ili poddodmena tj. alias domena sa ovim nazivom.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Naziv domene je neispravan.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard poddomene nisu dozvoljene.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Kvota tvrdog diska je 0 ili prazna.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Kvota prometa je prazna.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL županija je prazna.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL lokacija je prazna.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL organizacija je prazna.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL organizacijska jedinica je prazna.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL država je prazna.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL certifikat je prazan.';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Klijent';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Šifra web statistike';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Maksimalno moguća kvota diska';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Neispravno polje SSL županija. Dozvoljeni znakovi su: a-z, 0-9 i .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Neispravno polje SSL lokacija. Dozvoljeni znakovi su: a-z, 0-9 i .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Neispravno polje SSL organizacija. Dozvoljeni znakovi su: a-z, 0-9 i .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Neispravno polje SSL organizacijska jedinica. Dozvoljeni znakovi su: a-z, 0-9 i .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Neispravno polje SSL država. Dozvoljeni znakovi su: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Neispravna redirekcijska putanja. Primjeri dozvoljene redirekcije: /test/ ili http://www.domena.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Kvota prometa je premašena';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Korisničko ime za web statistiku';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Program za web statistiku';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Vlastite php.ini postavke';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'Ništa';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Onemogućeno';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'Bez redirekcije';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'Bez flag-a';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Spremi certifikat';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Kreiraj certifikat';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Obriši certifikat';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx direktive';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO redirekcija';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'bez www -&gt; www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; bez www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Koristi socket za PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI za SSL nije aktiviran na ovom serveru. Možete uključiti samo jedan SSL certifikat na svakoj IP adresi.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Vrijednosti za PHP-FPM pm postavke moraju biti slijedeće: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Harddisk quota is invalid.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffic quota is invalid.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP verzija';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generiraj šifru';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Ponovi šifru';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'Šifre nisu identične.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'Šifre su identične.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'PHP direktive:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Apache direktive:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'nginx direktive:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy direktive';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Proxy direktive:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite pravila';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Neispravna Rewrite pravila';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Dozvoljene direktive:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'KONFIGURACIJSKA GREŠKA';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Varijable';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Isključeni direktoriji';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Odvojite više direktorija sa zarezom. Primjer: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'Isključeni direktoriji sadrže nedozvoljene znakove.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/hu_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/hu_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9774b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/hu_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Parent Website';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Web folder';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup interval';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Number of backup copies';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'State';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Locality';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organisation';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organisation Unit';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Country';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL Key';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL Request';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL Certificate';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL Bundle';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL Action';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL Domain';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domain';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Invalid folder entered. Please do not enter a slash.';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Type';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Redirect Type';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirect Path';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux User';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux Group';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IPv4-Address';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Address';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'VHost Type';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Own Error-Documents';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web domains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache Directives';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domain is empty.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'There is already a website or sub / aliasdomain with this domain name.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Domain name invalid.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL State is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistics password';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Traffic quota exceeded';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistics username';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistics program';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Custom php.ini settings';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'None';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Save certificate';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Create certificate';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Delete certificate';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx Directives';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO Redirect';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Harddisk quota is invalid.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffic quota is invalid.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP Version';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/id_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/id_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9774b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/id_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Parent Website';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Web folder';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup interval';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Number of backup copies';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'State';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Locality';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organisation';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organisation Unit';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Country';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL Key';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL Request';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL Certificate';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL Bundle';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL Action';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL Domain';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domain';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Invalid folder entered. Please do not enter a slash.';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Type';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Redirect Type';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirect Path';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux User';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux Group';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IPv4-Address';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Address';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'VHost Type';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Own Error-Documents';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web domains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache Directives';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domain is empty.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'There is already a website or sub / aliasdomain with this domain name.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Domain name invalid.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL State is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistics password';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Traffic quota exceeded';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistics username';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistics program';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Custom php.ini settings';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'None';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Save certificate';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Create certificate';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Delete certificate';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx Directives';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO Redirect';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Harddisk quota is invalid.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffic quota is invalid.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP Version';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/it_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/it_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9774b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/it_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Parent Website';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Web folder';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup interval';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Number of backup copies';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'State';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Locality';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organisation';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organisation Unit';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Country';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL Key';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL Request';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL Certificate';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL Bundle';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL Action';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL Domain';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domain';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Invalid folder entered. Please do not enter a slash.';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Type';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Redirect Type';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirect Path';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux User';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux Group';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IPv4-Address';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Address';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'VHost Type';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Own Error-Documents';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web domains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache Directives';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domain is empty.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'There is already a website or sub / aliasdomain with this domain name.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Domain name invalid.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL State is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistics password';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Traffic quota exceeded';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistics username';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistics program';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Custom php.ini settings';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'None';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Save certificate';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Create certificate';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Delete certificate';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx Directives';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO Redirect';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Harddisk quota is invalid.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffic quota is invalid.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP Version';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/ja_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/ja_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9774b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/ja_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Parent Website';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Web folder';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup interval';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Number of backup copies';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'State';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Locality';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organisation';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organisation Unit';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Country';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL Key';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL Request';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL Certificate';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL Bundle';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL Action';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL Domain';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domain';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Invalid folder entered. Please do not enter a slash.';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Type';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Redirect Type';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirect Path';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux User';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux Group';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IPv4-Address';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Address';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'VHost Type';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Own Error-Documents';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web domains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache Directives';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domain is empty.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'There is already a website or sub / aliasdomain with this domain name.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Domain name invalid.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL State is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistics password';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Traffic quota exceeded';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistics username';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistics program';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Custom php.ini settings';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'None';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Save certificate';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Create certificate';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Delete certificate';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx Directives';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO Redirect';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Harddisk quota is invalid.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffic quota is invalid.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP Version';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/nl_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/nl_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9774b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/nl_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Parent Website';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Web folder';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup interval';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Number of backup copies';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'State';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Locality';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organisation';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organisation Unit';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Country';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL Key';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL Request';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL Certificate';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL Bundle';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL Action';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL Domain';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domain';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Invalid folder entered. Please do not enter a slash.';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Type';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Redirect Type';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirect Path';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux User';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux Group';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IPv4-Address';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Address';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'VHost Type';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Own Error-Documents';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web domains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache Directives';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domain is empty.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'There is already a website or sub / aliasdomain with this domain name.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Domain name invalid.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL State is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistics password';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Traffic quota exceeded';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistics username';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistics program';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Custom php.ini settings';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'None';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Save certificate';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Create certificate';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Delete certificate';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx Directives';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO Redirect';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Harddisk quota is invalid.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffic quota is invalid.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP Version';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/pl_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/pl_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..68d6871
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/pl_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Strona macierzysta';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Folder strony';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'Folder strony jest nieprawidłowy, proszę wybrać inny.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'Folder strony jest już w użyciu, proszę wybrać inny.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Częstotliwość kopii';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Liczba kopii zapasowych';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'Województwo';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Lokalizacja';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Ogranizacja';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Jednostka organizacji';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Kraj';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'Klucz SSL';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'Żądanie SSL';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'Certyfikat SSL';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'Pakiet SSL (Bundle)';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'Czynność SSL';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'Domena SSL';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Serwer';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domena';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Nazwa hosta';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Wpisano nieprawidłowy folder. Proszę nie dopisywać znaku slash: / ';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Rodzaj';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Rodzaj przekierowania';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Ścieżka przekierowania';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Aktywny';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Document root';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Użytkownik systemowy';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Grupa systemowa';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'Adres IPv4';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'Adres IPv6';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'Typ VHosta';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Limit dysku';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Limit transferu';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Własne strony błędów';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Automatyczna subdomena';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Klient';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'Maks. liczba domen dla Twojego konta została osiągnięta.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'Maks. liczba aliasów domen dla Twojego konta została osiągnięta.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'Maks. liczba poddomen dla Twojego konta została osiągnięta.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Dyrektywy Apache';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Pole domeny jest puste';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'Istnieje już strona z taką domeną lub subdomeną.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Nazwa domeny jest nieprawidłowa.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Subdomeny typu wildcard nie są dozwolone.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Pole limitu dysku jest puste lub wynosi 0.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Pole limitu transferu jest puste.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'Pole województwa dla SSL jest puste.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'Pole lokalizacji dla SSL jest puste.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'Pole organizacji dla SSL jest puste.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'Pole jednostki dla SSL jest puste.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'Pole kraju dla SSL jest puste.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'Pole certyfikatu SSL jest puste.';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Klient';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Hasło do statystyk';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Maks. dostępny limit dysku';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Nieprawidłowe województwo SSL. Dozwolone znaki: a-z, 0-9 i .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Nieprawidłowa lokalizacja SSL. Dozwolone znaki: a-z, 0-9 i .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Nieprawidłowa organizacja SSL. Dozwolone znaki: a-z, 0-9 i .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Nieprawidłowa jednostka SSL. Dozwolone znaki: a-z, 0-9 i .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Nieprawidłowy kraj SSL. Dozwolone znaki: a-z, 0-9 i .,-_';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Maks. dostępny limit transferu';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Nieprawidłowa ścieżka przekierowania. Przykładowe prawidłowe przekierowania: /test/ lub http://www.domena.pl/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Limit transferu został przekroczony';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Login do statystyk';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Rodzaj statystyk';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Własne ustawienia php.ini';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'Brak';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Wyłączone';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'Bez przekierowania';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'Bez flagi';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Zapisz certyfikat';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Utwórz certyfikat';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Usuń certyfikat';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'Dyrektywy nginx';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'Przekierowanie SEO';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'bez-www -> www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -> bez-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Użyj gniazda dla PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI dla SSL nie jest aktywowane dla tego serwera. Możesz włączyć tylko jeden certyfikat SSL dla jednego adresu IP.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Wartości ustawień PHP-FPM pm muszą być następujące: pm.max_children >= pm.max_spare_servers >= pm.start_servers >= pm.min_spare_servers > 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children musi być dodatnią wartością całkowitą.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers musi być dodatnią wartością całkowitą.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers musi być dodatnią wartością całkowitą.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers musi być dodatnią wartością całkowitą.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Limit dyski jest nieprawidłowy';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Limit transferu jest nieprawidłowy';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'Wersja PHP';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout musi być dodatnią wartością całkowitą.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests musi być wartością całkowitą >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Pamiętaj że musisz mieć wersję PHP >= 5.3.9 aby używać ondemand process manager. W przypadku starszej wersji PHP nie będzie działać w ogóle!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generuj hasło';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Powtórz hasło';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'Hasła nie pasują do siebie';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'Hasła pasują do siebie';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Dostępne zestawy dyrektyw PHP:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Dostępne zestawy dyrektyw Apache:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Dostępne zestawy dyrektyw nginx:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Dyrektywy Proxy';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Dostępne zestawy dyrektyw Proxy:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/pt_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/pt_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9774b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/pt_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Parent Website';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Web folder';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup interval';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Number of backup copies';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'State';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Locality';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organisation';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organisation Unit';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Country';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL Key';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL Request';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL Certificate';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL Bundle';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL Action';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL Domain';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domain';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Invalid folder entered. Please do not enter a slash.';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Type';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Redirect Type';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirect Path';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux User';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux Group';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IPv4-Address';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Address';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'VHost Type';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Own Error-Documents';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web domains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache Directives';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domain is empty.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'There is already a website or sub / aliasdomain with this domain name.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Domain name invalid.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL State is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistics password';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Traffic quota exceeded';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistics username';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistics program';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Custom php.ini settings';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'None';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Save certificate';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Create certificate';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Delete certificate';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx Directives';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO Redirect';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Harddisk quota is invalid.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffic quota is invalid.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP Version';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/ro_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/ro_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9774b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/ro_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Parent Website';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Web folder';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup interval';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Number of backup copies';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'State';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Locality';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organisation';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organisation Unit';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Country';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL Key';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL Request';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL Certificate';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL Bundle';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL Action';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL Domain';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domain';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Invalid folder entered. Please do not enter a slash.';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Type';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Redirect Type';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirect Path';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux User';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux Group';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IPv4-Address';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Address';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'VHost Type';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Own Error-Documents';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web domains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache Directives';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domain is empty.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'There is already a website or sub / aliasdomain with this domain name.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Domain name invalid.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL State is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistics password';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Traffic quota exceeded';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistics username';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistics program';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Custom php.ini settings';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'None';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Save certificate';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Create certificate';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Delete certificate';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx Directives';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO Redirect';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Harddisk quota is invalid.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffic quota is invalid.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP Version';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/ru_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/ru_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9774b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/ru_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Parent Website';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Web folder';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup interval';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Number of backup copies';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'State';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Locality';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organisation';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organisation Unit';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Country';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL Key';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL Request';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL Certificate';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL Bundle';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL Action';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL Domain';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domain';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Invalid folder entered. Please do not enter a slash.';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Type';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Redirect Type';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirect Path';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux User';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux Group';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IPv4-Address';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Address';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'VHost Type';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Own Error-Documents';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web domains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache Directives';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domain is empty.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'There is already a website or sub / aliasdomain with this domain name.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Domain name invalid.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL State is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistics password';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Traffic quota exceeded';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistics username';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistics program';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Custom php.ini settings';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'None';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Save certificate';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Create certificate';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Delete certificate';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx Directives';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO Redirect';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Harddisk quota is invalid.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffic quota is invalid.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP Version';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/se_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/se_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9774b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/se_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Parent Website';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Web folder';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup interval';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Number of backup copies';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'State';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Locality';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organisation';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organisation Unit';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Country';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL Key';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL Request';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL Certificate';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL Bundle';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL Action';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL Domain';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domain';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Invalid folder entered. Please do not enter a slash.';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Type';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Redirect Type';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirect Path';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux User';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux Group';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IPv4-Address';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Address';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'VHost Type';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Own Error-Documents';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web domains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache Directives';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domain is empty.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'There is already a website or sub / aliasdomain with this domain name.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Domain name invalid.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL State is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistics password';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Traffic quota exceeded';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistics username';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistics program';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Custom php.ini settings';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'None';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Save certificate';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Create certificate';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Delete certificate';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx Directives';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO Redirect';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Harddisk quota is invalid.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffic quota is invalid.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP Version';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/sk_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/sk_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9774b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/sk_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Parent Website';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Web folder';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup interval';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Number of backup copies';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'State';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Locality';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organisation';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organisation Unit';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Country';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL Key';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL Request';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL Certificate';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL Bundle';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL Action';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL Domain';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domain';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Invalid folder entered. Please do not enter a slash.';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Type';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Redirect Type';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirect Path';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux User';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux Group';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IPv4-Address';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Address';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'VHost Type';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Own Error-Documents';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web domains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache Directives';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domain is empty.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'There is already a website or sub / aliasdomain with this domain name.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Domain name invalid.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL State is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistics password';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Traffic quota exceeded';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistics username';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistics program';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Custom php.ini settings';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'None';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Save certificate';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Create certificate';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Delete certificate';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx Directives';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO Redirect';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Harddisk quota is invalid.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffic quota is invalid.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP Version';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/tr_web_vhost_subdomain.lng b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/tr_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9774b13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/lib/lang/tr_web_vhost_subdomain.lng
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+$wb['parent_domain_id_txt'] = 'Parent Website';
+$wb['web_folder_txt'] = 'Web folder';
+$wb['web_folder_invalid_txt'] = 'The web folder is invalid, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['web_folder_unique_txt'] = 'The web folder is already used, please choose a different one.';
+$wb['backup_interval_txt'] = 'Backup interval';
+$wb['backup_copies_txt'] = 'Number of backup copies';
+$wb['ssl_state_txt'] = 'State';
+$wb['ssl_locality_txt'] = 'Locality';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_txt'] = 'Organisation';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_unit_txt'] = 'Organisation Unit';
+$wb['ssl_country_txt'] = 'Country';
+$wb['ssl_key_txt'] = 'SSL Key';
+$wb['ssl_request_txt'] = 'SSL Request';
+$wb['ssl_cert_txt'] = 'SSL Certificate';
+$wb['ssl_bundle_txt'] = 'SSL Bundle';
+$wb['ssl_action_txt'] = 'SSL Action';
+$wb['ssl_domain_txt'] = 'SSL Domain';
+$wb['server_id_txt'] = 'Server';
+$wb['domain_txt'] = 'Domain';
+$wb['host_txt'] = 'Hostname';
+$wb['web_folder_error_regex'] = 'Invalid folder entered. Please do not enter a slash.';
+$wb['type_txt'] = 'Type';
+$wb['redirect_type_txt'] = 'Redirect Type';
+$wb['redirect_path_txt'] = 'Redirect Path';
+$wb['active_txt'] = 'Active';
+$wb['document_root_txt'] = 'Documentroot';
+$wb['system_user_txt'] = 'Linux User';
+$wb['system_group_txt'] = 'Linux Group';
+$wb['ip_address_txt'] = 'IPv4-Address';
+$wb['ipv6_address_txt'] = 'IPv6-Address';
+$wb['vhost_type_txt'] = 'VHost Type';
+$wb['hd_quota_txt'] = 'Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['traffic_quota_txt'] = 'Traffic Quota';
+$wb['cgi_txt'] = 'CGI';
+$wb['ssi_txt'] = 'SSI';
+$wb['errordocs_txt'] = 'Own Error-Documents';
+$wb['subdomain_txt'] = 'Auto-Subdomain';
+$wb['ssl_txt'] = 'SSL';
+$wb['ssl_letsencrypt_txt'] = 'Let\'s Encrypt';
+$wb['suexec_txt'] = 'SuEXEC';
+$wb['php_txt'] = 'PHP';
+$wb['client_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['limit_web_domain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web domains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_aliasdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of aliasdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['limit_web_subdomain_txt'] = 'The max. number of web subdomains for your account is reached.';
+$wb['apache_directives_txt'] = 'Apache Directives';
+$wb['domain_error_empty'] = 'Domain is empty.';
+$wb['domain_error_unique'] = 'There is already a website or sub / aliasdomain with this domain name.';
+$wb['domain_error_regex'] = 'Domain name invalid.';
+$wb['domain_error_wildcard'] = 'Wildcard subdomains are not allowed.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_empty'] = 'Harddisk quota is 0 or empty.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_empty'] = 'Traffic quota is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_state_empty'] = 'SSL State is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_locality_empty'] = 'SSL Locality is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_organisation_unit_empty'] = 'SSL Organisation Unit is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_country_empty'] = 'SSL Country is empty.';
+$wb['error_ssl_cert_empty'] = 'SSL Certificate field is empty';
+$wb['client_group_id_txt'] = 'Client';
+$wb['stats_password_txt'] = 'Webstatistics password';
+$wb['allow_override_txt'] = 'Apache AllowOverride';
+$wb['limit_web_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Harddisk Quota';
+$wb['ssl_state_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL State. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_locality_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Locality. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organisation_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_organistaion_unit_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Organisation Unit. Valid characters are: a-z, 0-9 and .,-_';
+$wb['ssl_country_error_regex'] = 'Invalid SSL Country. Valid characters are: A-Z';
+$wb['limit_traffic_quota_free_txt'] = 'Max. available Traffic Quota';
+$wb['redirect_error_regex'] = 'Invalid redirect path. Valid redirects are for example: /test/ or http://www.domain.tld/test/';
+$wb['php_open_basedir_txt'] = 'PHP open_basedir';
+$wb['traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'] = 'Traffic quota exceeded';
+$wb['ruby_txt'] = 'Ruby';
+$wb['stats_user_txt'] = 'Webstatistics username';
+$wb['stats_type_txt'] = 'Webstatistics program';
+$wb['custom_php_ini_txt'] = 'Custom php.ini settings';
+$wb['none_txt'] = 'None';
+$wb['disabled_txt'] = 'Disabled';
+$wb['no_redirect_txt'] = 'No redirect';
+$wb['no_flag_txt'] = 'No flag';
+$wb['save_certificate_txt'] = 'Save certificate';
+$wb['create_certificate_txt'] = 'Create certificate';
+$wb['delete_certificate_txt'] = 'Delete certificate';
+$wb['nginx_directives_txt'] = 'nginx Directives';
+$wb['seo_redirect_txt'] = 'SEO Redirect';
+$wb['non_www_to_www_txt'] = 'Non-www -&gt; www';
+$wb['www_to_non_www_txt'] = 'www -&gt; non-www';
+$wb['php_fpm_use_socket_txt'] = 'Use Socket For PHP-FPM';
+$wb['error_no_sni_txt'] = 'SNI for SSL is not activated on this server. You can enable only one SSL certificate on each IP address.';
+$wb['python_txt'] = 'Python';
+$wb['perl_txt'] = 'Perl';
+$wb['pm_max_children_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers';
+$wb['error_php_fpm_pm_settings_txt'] = 'Values of PHP-FPM pm settings must be as follows: pm.max_children &gt;= pm.max_spare_servers &gt;= pm.start_servers &gt;= pm.min_spare_servers &gt; 0';
+$wb['pm_max_children_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_children must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_start_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.start_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_min_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_spare_servers_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['hd_quota_error_regex'] = 'Harddisk quota is invalid.';
+$wb['traffic_quota_error_regex'] = 'Traffic quota is invalid.';
+$wb['fastcgi_php_version_txt'] = 'PHP Version';
+$wb['pm_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM Process Manager';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_txt'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests';
+$wb['pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout must be a positive integer value.';
+$wb['pm_max_requests_error_regex'] = 'PHP-FPM pm.max_requests must be an integer value >= 0.';
+$wb['pm_ondemand_hint_txt'] = 'Please note that you must have PHP version >= 5.3.9 in order to use the ondemand process manager. If you select ondemand for an older PHP version, PHP will not start anymore!';
+$wb['generate_password_txt'] = 'Generate Password';
+$wb['repeat_password_txt'] = 'Repeat Password';
+$wb['password_mismatch_txt'] = 'The passwords do not match.';
+$wb['password_match_txt'] = 'The passwords do match.';
+$wb['available_php_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available PHP Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_apache_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Apache Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['available_nginx_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available nginx Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['proxy_directives_txt'] = 'Proxy Directives';
+$wb['available_proxy_directive_snippets_txt'] = 'Available Proxy Directive Snippets:';
+$wb['rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['invalid_rewrite_rules_txt'] = 'Invalid Rewrite Rules';
+$wb['allowed_rewrite_rule_directives_txt'] = 'Allowed Directives:';
+$wb['configuration_error_txt'] = 'CONFIGURATION ERROR';
+$wb['variables_txt'] = 'Variables';
+$wb['backup_excludes_txt'] = 'Excluded Directories';
+$wb['backup_excludes_note_txt'] = '(Separate multiple directories with commas. Example: web/cache/*,web/backup)';
+$wb['backup_excludes_error_regex'] = 'The excluded directories contain invalid characters.';
+$wb['subdomain_error_empty'] = 'The subdommain field is empty or contains invalid characters.';
diff --git a/src/interface/web/sites/templates/web_vhost_subdomain_edit.htm b/src/interface/web/sites/templates/web_vhost_subdomain_edit.htm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aa4cb6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interface/web/sites/templates/web_vhost_subdomain_edit.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+<h2><tmpl_var name="list_head_txt"></h2>
+<p><tmpl_var name="list_desc_txt"></p>
+<div class="panel panel_web_domain">
+ <div class="pnl_formsarea">
+ <fieldset class="inlineLabels">
+ <input type="hidden" name="server_id" id="server_id" value="{tmpl_var name='server_id_value'}" />
+ <tmpl_if name="domain_option">
+ <div class="ctrlHolder">
+ <label for="parent_domain_id">{tmpl_var name='parent_domain_id_txt'}</label>
+ <select id="parent_domain_id" name="parent_domain_id" class="selectInput formLengthHalf">{tmpl_var name='parent_domain_id'}</select>
+ </div>
+ </tmpl_if>
+ <div class="ctrlHolder">
+ <label for="domain">{tmpl_var name='host_txt'}</label>
+ <input name="domain" id="domain" value="{tmpl_var name='domain'}" size="30" maxlength="255" type="text" class="textInput formLengthHalf" />
+ </div>
+ <tmpl_if name="domain_option">
+ <div class="ctrlHolder">
+ <label for="sel_domain">{tmpl_var name='domain_txt'}</label>
+ <select name="sel_domain" id="sel_domain" class="selectInput">
+ {tmpl_var name='domain_option'}
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <tmpl_else>
+ <div class="ctrlHolder">
+ <label for="parent_domain_id">{tmpl_var name='domain_txt'}</label>
+ <select id="parent_domain_id" name="parent_domain_id" class="selectInput formLengthHalf">{tmpl_var name='parent_domain_id'}</select>
+ </div>
+ </tmpl_if>
+ <div class="ctrlHolder">
+ <label for="web_folder">{tmpl_var name='web_folder_txt'}</label>
+ <input name="web_folder" id="web_folder" value="{tmpl_var name='web_folder'}" size="30" maxlength="100" type="text" class="textInput formLengthHalf"<tmpl_if name='fixed_folder' op='==' value='y'> readonly="readonly"</tmpl_if> />
+ </div>
+ <div class="ctrlHolder">
+ <label for="traffic_quota">{tmpl_var name='traffic_quota_txt'}</label>
+ <input name="traffic_quota" id="traffic_quota" value="{tmpl_var name='traffic_quota'}" size="7" maxlength="7" type="text" class="textInput formLengthLimit" />&nbsp;MB <tmpl_var name='traffic_quota_exceeded_txt'>
+ </div>
+ <tmpl_if name="limit_cgi" op="==" value="y"><div class="ctrlHolder">
+ <p class="label">{tmpl_var name='cgi_txt'}</p>
+ <div class="multiField">
+ {tmpl_var name='cgi'}
+ </div>
+ </div></tmpl_if>
+ <tmpl_if name="limit_ssi" op="==" value="y"><div class="ctrlHolder">
+ <p class="label">{tmpl_var name='ssi_txt'}</p>
+ <div class="multiField">
+ {tmpl_var name='ssi'}
+ </div>
+ </div></tmpl_if>
+ <tmpl_if name="limit_perl" op="==" value="y"><div class="ctrlHolder apache">
+ <p class="label">{tmpl_var name='perl_txt'}</p>
+ <div class="multiField">
+ {tmpl_var name='perl'}
+ </div>
+ </div></tmpl_if>
+ <tmpl_if name="limit_ruby" op="==" value="y"><div class="ctrlHolder apache">
+ <p class="label">{tmpl_var name='ruby_txt'}</p>
+ <div class="multiField">
+ {tmpl_var name='ruby'}
+ </div>
+ </div></tmpl_if>
+ <tmpl_if name="limit_python" op="==" value="y"><div class="ctrlHolder apache">
+ <p class="label">{tmpl_var name='python_txt'}</p>
+ <div class="multiField">
+ {tmpl_var name='python'}
+ </div>
+ </div></tmpl_if>
+ <tmpl_if name="force_suexec" op="==" value="n"><div class="ctrlHolder apache">
+ <p class="label">{tmpl_var name='suexec_txt'}</p>
+ <div class="multiField">
+ {tmpl_var name='suexec'}
+ </div>
+ </div></tmpl_if>
+ <tmpl_if name="limit_hterror" op="==" value="y"><div class="ctrlHolder">
+ <p class="label">{tmpl_var name='errordocs_txt'}</p>
+ <div class="multiField">
+ {tmpl_var name='errordocs'}
+ </div>
+ </div></tmpl_if>
+ <div class="ctrlHolder">
+ <label for="subdomain">{tmpl_var name='subdomain_txt'}</label>
+ <select name="subdomain" id="subdomain" class="selectInput formLengthHalf">
+ {tmpl_var name='subdomain'}
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <tmpl_if name="limit_ssl" op="==" value="y"><div class="ctrlHolder">
+ <p class="label">{tmpl_var name='ssl_txt'}</p>
+ <div class="multiField">
+ {tmpl_var name='ssl'}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="ctrlHolder">
+ <p class="label">{tmpl_var name='ssl_letsencrypt_txt'}</p>
+ <div class="multiField">
+ {tmpl_var name='ssl_letsencrypt'}
+ </div>
+ </div></tmpl_if>
+ <div class="ctrlHolder">
+ <label for="php">{tmpl_var name='php_txt'}</label>
+ <select name="php" id="php" class="selectInput formLengthHalf">
+ {tmpl_var name='php'}
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <div class="ctrlHolder fastcgi_php_version">
+ <label for="fastcgi_php_version">{tmpl_var name='fastcgi_php_version_txt'}</label>
+ <select name="fastcgi_php_version" id="fastcgi_php_version" class="selectInput formLengthHalf">
+ {tmpl_var name='fastcgi_php_version'}
+ </select>
+ </div>
+ <div class="ctrlHolder">
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