package org.whispersystems.libaxolotl.state; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import static org.whispersystems.libaxolotl.state.StorageProtos.RecordStructure; import static org.whispersystems.libaxolotl.state.StorageProtos.SessionStructure; /** * A SessionRecord encapsulates the state of an ongoing session. * * @author Moxie Marlinspike */ public class SessionRecord { private static final int ARCHIVED_STATES_MAX_LENGTH = 40; private SessionState sessionState = new SessionState(); private LinkedList previousStates = new LinkedList<>(); private boolean fresh = false; public SessionRecord() { this.fresh = true; } public SessionRecord(SessionState sessionState) { this.sessionState = sessionState; this.fresh = false; } public SessionRecord(byte[] serialized) throws IOException { RecordStructure record = RecordStructure.parseFrom(serialized); this.sessionState = new SessionState(record.getCurrentSession()); this.fresh = false; for (SessionStructure previousStructure : record.getPreviousSessionsList()) { previousStates.add(new SessionState(previousStructure)); } } public boolean hasSessionState(int version, byte[] aliceBaseKey) { if (sessionState.getSessionVersion() == version && Arrays.equals(aliceBaseKey, sessionState.getAliceBaseKey())) { return true; } for (SessionState state : previousStates) { if (state.getSessionVersion() == version && Arrays.equals(aliceBaseKey, state.getAliceBaseKey())) { return true; } } return false; } public SessionState getSessionState() { return sessionState; } /** * @return the list of all currently maintained "previous" session states. */ public List getPreviousSessionStates() { return previousStates; } public boolean isFresh() { return fresh; } /** * Move the current {@link SessionState} into the list of "previous" session states, * and replace the current {@link org.whispersystems.libaxolotl.state.SessionState} * with a fresh reset instance. */ public void archiveCurrentState() { promoteState(new SessionState()); } public void promoteState(SessionState promotedState) { this.previousStates.addFirst(sessionState); this.sessionState = promotedState; if (previousStates.size() > ARCHIVED_STATES_MAX_LENGTH) { previousStates.removeLast(); } } public void setState(SessionState sessionState) { this.sessionState = sessionState; } /** * @return a serialized version of the current SessionRecord. */ public byte[] serialize() { List previousStructures = new LinkedList<>(); for (SessionState previousState : previousStates) { previousStructures.add(previousState.getStructure()); } RecordStructure record = RecordStructure.newBuilder() .setCurrentSession(sessionState.getStructure()) .addAllPreviousSessions(previousStructures) .build(); return record.toByteArray(); } }