path: root/art
diff options
authorRaphael Pohl <eiszfuchs@eiszblu.me>2015-07-19 14:26:03 +0200
committerDaniel Gultsch <daniel@gultsch.de>2015-07-20 16:02:17 +0200
commite6cb12dfe414497b4317820497985c110cb81864 (patch)
tree65605439fef6305bcb48dcf0b62ecf7eaebde707 /art
parent504ef0b72ebd951e3f3f493435fb96713a2b4efe (diff)
changed message bubble appearance
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 432 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/art/message_bubble_received.svg b/art/message_bubble_received.svg
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/art/message_bubble_received.svg
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diff --git a/art/message_bubble_sent.svg b/art/message_bubble_sent.svg
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diff --git a/art/render.rb b/art/render.rb
index 312dd06b..926c7544 100755
--- a/art/render.rb
+++ b/art/render.rb
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
#!/bin/env ruby
- 'mdpi'=> 1,
+require 'xml'
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'hdpi' => 1.5,
'xhdpi' => 2,
'xxhdpi' => 3,
'xxxhdpi' => 4,
images = {
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'conversations_mono.svg' => ['ic_notification', 24],
@@ -14,38 +18,110 @@ images = {
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'ic_send_text_away.svg' => ['ic_send_text_away', 36],
'ic_send_text_dnd.svg' => ['ic_send_text_dnd', 36],
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'ic_send_location_online.svg' => ['ic_send_location_online', 36],
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- 'ic_send_location_away.svg' => ['ic_send_location_away', 36],
- 'ic_send_location_dnd.svg' => ['ic_send_location_dnd', 36],
+ 'ic_send_location_offline.svg' => ['ic_send_location_offline', 36],
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'ic_send_voice_online.svg' => ['ic_send_voice_online', 36],
- 'ic_send_voice_offline.svg' => ['ic_send_voice_offline', 36],
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- 'ic_send_voice_dnd.svg' => ['ic_send_voice_dnd', 36],
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'ic_send_cancel_online.svg' => ['ic_send_cancel_online', 36],
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- 'ic_send_cancel_away.svg' => ['ic_send_cancel_away', 36],
- 'ic_send_cancel_dnd.svg' => ['ic_send_cancel_dnd', 36],
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- 'ic_send_picture_away.svg' => ['ic_send_picture_away', 36],
- 'ic_send_picture_dnd.svg' => ['ic_send_picture_dnd', 36],
+ 'ic_send_cancel_offline.svg' => ['ic_send_cancel_offline', 36],
+ 'ic_send_cancel_away.svg' => ['ic_send_cancel_away', 36],
+ 'ic_send_cancel_dnd.svg' => ['ic_send_cancel_dnd', 36],
+ 'ic_send_picture_online.svg' => ['ic_send_picture_online', 36],
+ 'ic_send_picture_offline.svg' => ['ic_send_picture_offline', 36],
+ 'ic_send_picture_away.svg' => ['ic_send_picture_away', 36],
+ 'ic_send_picture_dnd.svg' => ['ic_send_picture_dnd', 36],
'md_switch_thumb_disable.svg' => ['switch_thumb_disable', 48],
'md_switch_thumb_off_normal.svg' => ['switch_thumb_off_normal', 48],
'md_switch_thumb_off_pressed.svg' => ['switch_thumb_off_pressed', 48],
'md_switch_thumb_on_normal.svg' => ['switch_thumb_on_normal', 48],
'md_switch_thumb_on_pressed.svg' => ['switch_thumb_on_pressed', 48],
+ 'message_bubble_received.svg' => ['message_bubble_received.9', 0],
+ 'message_bubble_sent.svg' => ['message_bubble_sent.9', 0],
-images.each do |source, result|
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- puts cmd
- system cmd
+# Executable paths for Mac OSX
+# "/Applications/Inkscape.app/Contents/Resources/bin/inkscape"
+inkscape = "inkscape"
+imagemagick = "convert"
+def execute_cmd(cmd)
+ puts cmd
+ system cmd
+images.each do |source_filename, settings|
+ svg_content = File.read(source_filename)
+ svg = XML::Document.string(svg_content)
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+ end
+ path = "../src/main/res/drawable-#{resolution}/#{output_filename}.png"
+ execute_cmd "#{inkscape} -f #{source_filename} -z -C -w #{width} -h #{height} -e #{path}"
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+ end
+ if orientation == "0,1" and x == base_width
+ right.push((base_height - y) * factor)
+ end
+ if orientation == "1,0" and y == 0
+ bottom.push(x * factor)
+ end
+ if orientation == "0,1" and x == 0
+ left.push((base_height - y) * factor)
+ end
+ end
+ next if top.length != 2
+ next if right.length != 2
+ next if bottom.length != 2
+ next if left.length != 2
+ execute_cmd "#{imagemagick} -background none PNG32:#{path} -gravity center -extent #{width+2}x#{height+2} PNG32:#{path}"
+ draw_format = "-draw \"rectangle %d,%d %d,%d\""
+ top_line = draw_format % [top.min + 1, 0, top.max, 0]
+ right_line = draw_format % [width + 1, right.min + 1, width + 1, right.max]
+ bottom_line = draw_format % [bottom.min + 1, height + 1, bottom.max, height + 1]
+ left_line = draw_format % [0, left.min + 1, 0, left.max]
+ draws = "#{top_line} #{right_line} #{bottom_line} #{left_line}"
+ execute_cmd "#{imagemagick} -background none PNG32:#{path} -fill black -stroke none #{draws} PNG32:#{path}"