package eu.siacs.conversations.crypto.axolotl; import android.util.Log; import org.whispersystems.libaxolotl.AxolotlAddress; import org.whispersystems.libaxolotl.IdentityKey; import org.whispersystems.libaxolotl.IdentityKeyPair; import org.whispersystems.libaxolotl.InvalidKeyException; import org.whispersystems.libaxolotl.InvalidKeyIdException; import org.whispersystems.libaxolotl.ecc.Curve; import org.whispersystems.libaxolotl.ecc.ECKeyPair; import org.whispersystems.libaxolotl.state.AxolotlStore; import org.whispersystems.libaxolotl.state.PreKeyRecord; import org.whispersystems.libaxolotl.state.SessionRecord; import org.whispersystems.libaxolotl.state.SignedPreKeyRecord; import org.whispersystems.libaxolotl.util.KeyHelper; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import eu.siacs.conversations.Config; import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.Account; import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.Conversation; import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.Message; import; import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.jid.InvalidJidException; import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.jid.Jid; public class AxolotlService { private Account account; private XmppConnectionService mXmppConnectionService; private SQLiteAxolotlStore axolotlStore; private Map sessions; public static class SQLiteAxolotlStore implements AxolotlStore { public static final String PREKEY_TABLENAME = "prekeys"; public static final String SIGNED_PREKEY_TABLENAME = "signed_prekeys"; public static final String SESSION_TABLENAME = "signed_prekeys"; public static final String NAME = "name"; public static final String DEVICE_ID = "device_id"; public static final String ID = "id"; public static final String KEY = "key"; public static final String ACCOUNT = "account"; public static final String JSONKEY_IDENTITY_KEY_PAIR = "axolotl_key"; public static final String JSONKEY_REGISTRATION_ID = "axolotl_reg_id"; private final Account account; private final XmppConnectionService mXmppConnectionService; private final IdentityKeyPair identityKeyPair; private final int localRegistrationId; private static IdentityKeyPair generateIdentityKeyPair() { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "Generating axolotl IdentityKeyPair..."); ECKeyPair identityKeyPairKeys = Curve.generateKeyPair(); IdentityKeyPair ownKey = new IdentityKeyPair(new IdentityKey(identityKeyPairKeys.getPublicKey()), identityKeyPairKeys.getPrivateKey()); return ownKey; } private static int generateRegistrationId() { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "Generating axolotl registration ID..."); int reg_id = KeyHelper.generateRegistrationId(false); return reg_id; } public SQLiteAxolotlStore(Account account, XmppConnectionService service) { this.account = account; this.mXmppConnectionService = service; this.identityKeyPair = loadIdentityKeyPair(); this.localRegistrationId = loadRegistrationId(); } // -------------------------------------- // IdentityKeyStore // -------------------------------------- private IdentityKeyPair loadIdentityKeyPair() { String serializedKey = this.account.getKey(JSONKEY_IDENTITY_KEY_PAIR); IdentityKeyPair ownKey; if( serializedKey != null ) { try { ownKey = new IdentityKeyPair(serializedKey.getBytes()); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "Invalid key stored for account " + account.getJid() + ": " + e.getMessage()); return null; } } else { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "Could not retrieve axolotl key for account " + account.getJid()); ownKey = generateIdentityKeyPair(); boolean success = this.account.setKey(JSONKEY_IDENTITY_KEY_PAIR, new String(ownKey.serialize())); if(success) { mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.updateAccount(account); } else { Log.e(Config.LOGTAG, "Failed to write new key to the database!"); } } return ownKey; } private int loadRegistrationId() { String regIdString = this.account.getKey(JSONKEY_REGISTRATION_ID); int reg_id; if (regIdString != null) { reg_id = Integer.valueOf(regIdString); } else { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "Could not retrieve axolotl registration id for account " + account.getJid()); reg_id = generateRegistrationId(); boolean success = this.account.setKey(JSONKEY_REGISTRATION_ID,""+reg_id); if(success) { mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.updateAccount(account); } else { Log.e(Config.LOGTAG, "Failed to write new key to the database!"); } } return reg_id; } /** * Get the local client's identity key pair. * * @return The local client's persistent identity key pair. */ @Override public IdentityKeyPair getIdentityKeyPair() { return identityKeyPair; } /** * Return the local client's registration ID. *

* Clients should maintain a registration ID, a random number * between 1 and 16380 that's generated once at install time. * * @return the local client's registration ID. */ @Override public int getLocalRegistrationId() { return localRegistrationId; } /** * Save a remote client's identity key *

* Store a remote client's identity key as trusted. * * @param name The name of the remote client. * @param identityKey The remote client's identity key. */ @Override public void saveIdentity(String name, IdentityKey identityKey) { try { Jid contactJid = Jid.fromString(name); Conversation conversation = this.mXmppConnectionService.find(this.account, contactJid); if (conversation != null) { conversation.getContact().addAxolotlIdentityKey(identityKey, false); mXmppConnectionService.updateConversationUi(); mXmppConnectionService.syncRosterToDisk(conversation.getAccount()); } } catch (final InvalidJidException e) { Log.e(Config.LOGTAG, "Failed to save identityKey for contact name " + name + ": " + e.toString()); } } /** * Verify a remote client's identity key. *

* Determine whether a remote client's identity is trusted. Convention is * that the TextSecure protocol is 'trust on first use.' This means that * an identity key is considered 'trusted' if there is no entry for the recipient * in the local store, or if it matches the saved key for a recipient in the local * store. Only if it mismatches an entry in the local store is it considered * 'untrusted.' * * @param name The name of the remote client. * @param identityKey The identity key to verify. * @return true if trusted, false if untrusted. */ @Override public boolean isTrustedIdentity(String name, IdentityKey identityKey) { try { Jid contactJid = Jid.fromString(name); Conversation conversation = this.mXmppConnectionService.find(this.account, contactJid); if (conversation != null) { List trustedKeys = conversation.getContact().getTrustedAxolotlIdentityKeys(); return trustedKeys.contains(identityKey); } else { return false; } } catch (final InvalidJidException e) { Log.e(Config.LOGTAG, "Failed to save identityKey for contact name" + name + ": " + e.toString()); return false; } } // -------------------------------------- // SessionStore // -------------------------------------- /** * Returns a copy of the {@link SessionRecord} corresponding to the recipientId + deviceId tuple, * or a new SessionRecord if one does not currently exist. *

* It is important that implementations return a copy of the current durable information. The * returned SessionRecord may be modified, but those changes should not have an effect on the * durable session state (what is returned by subsequent calls to this method) without the * store method being called here first. * * @param address The name and device ID of the remote client. * @return a copy of the SessionRecord corresponding to the recipientId + deviceId tuple, or * a new SessionRecord if one does not currently exist. */ @Override public SessionRecord loadSession(AxolotlAddress address) { SessionRecord session = mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.loadSession(this.account, address); return (session!=null)?session:new SessionRecord(); } /** * Returns all known devices with active sessions for a recipient * * @param name the name of the client. * @return all known sub-devices with active sessions. */ @Override public List getSubDeviceSessions(String name) { return mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.getSubDeviceSessions(account, new AxolotlAddress(name,0)); } /** * Commit to storage the {@link SessionRecord} for a given recipientId + deviceId tuple. * * @param address the address of the remote client. * @param record the current SessionRecord for the remote client. */ @Override public void storeSession(AxolotlAddress address, SessionRecord record) { mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.storeSession(account, address, record); } /** * Determine whether there is a committed {@link SessionRecord} for a recipientId + deviceId tuple. * * @param address the address of the remote client. * @return true if a {@link SessionRecord} exists, false otherwise. */ @Override public boolean containsSession(AxolotlAddress address) { return mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.containsSession(account, address); } /** * Remove a {@link SessionRecord} for a recipientId + deviceId tuple. * * @param address the address of the remote client. */ @Override public void deleteSession(AxolotlAddress address) { mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.deleteSession(account, address); } /** * Remove the {@link SessionRecord}s corresponding to all devices of a recipientId. * * @param name the name of the remote client. */ @Override public void deleteAllSessions(String name) { mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.deleteAllSessions(account, new AxolotlAddress(name,0)); } // -------------------------------------- // PreKeyStore // -------------------------------------- /** * Load a local PreKeyRecord. * * @param preKeyId the ID of the local PreKeyRecord. * @return the corresponding PreKeyRecord. * @throws InvalidKeyIdException when there is no corresponding PreKeyRecord. */ @Override public PreKeyRecord loadPreKey(int preKeyId) throws InvalidKeyIdException { PreKeyRecord record = mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.loadPreKey(account, preKeyId); if(record == null) { throw new InvalidKeyIdException("No such PreKeyRecord!"); } return record; } /** * Store a local PreKeyRecord. * * @param preKeyId the ID of the PreKeyRecord to store. * @param record the PreKeyRecord. */ @Override public void storePreKey(int preKeyId, PreKeyRecord record) { mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.storePreKey(account, record); } /** * @param preKeyId A PreKeyRecord ID. * @return true if the store has a record for the preKeyId, otherwise false. */ @Override public boolean containsPreKey(int preKeyId) { return mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.containsPreKey(account, preKeyId); } /** * Delete a PreKeyRecord from local storage. * * @param preKeyId The ID of the PreKeyRecord to remove. */ @Override public void removePreKey(int preKeyId) { mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.deletePreKey(account, preKeyId); } // -------------------------------------- // SignedPreKeyStore // -------------------------------------- /** * Load a local SignedPreKeyRecord. * * @param signedPreKeyId the ID of the local SignedPreKeyRecord. * @return the corresponding SignedPreKeyRecord. * @throws InvalidKeyIdException when there is no corresponding SignedPreKeyRecord. */ @Override public SignedPreKeyRecord loadSignedPreKey(int signedPreKeyId) throws InvalidKeyIdException { SignedPreKeyRecord record = mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.loadSignedPreKey(account, signedPreKeyId); if(record == null) { throw new InvalidKeyIdException("No such PreKeyRecord!"); } return record; } /** * Load all local SignedPreKeyRecords. * * @return All stored SignedPreKeyRecords. */ @Override public List loadSignedPreKeys() { return mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.loadSignedPreKeys(account); } /** * Store a local SignedPreKeyRecord. * * @param signedPreKeyId the ID of the SignedPreKeyRecord to store. * @param record the SignedPreKeyRecord. */ @Override public void storeSignedPreKey(int signedPreKeyId, SignedPreKeyRecord record) { mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.storeSignedPreKey(account, record); } /** * @param signedPreKeyId A SignedPreKeyRecord ID. * @return true if the store has a record for the signedPreKeyId, otherwise false. */ @Override public boolean containsSignedPreKey(int signedPreKeyId) { return mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.containsSignedPreKey(account, signedPreKeyId); } /** * Delete a SignedPreKeyRecord from local storage. * * @param signedPreKeyId The ID of the SignedPreKeyRecord to remove. */ @Override public void removeSignedPreKey(int signedPreKeyId) { mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.deleteSignedPreKey(account, signedPreKeyId); } } private static class XmppAxolotlSession { private List untrustedMessages; private AxolotlStore axolotlStore; public XmppAxolotlSession(SQLiteAxolotlStore axolotlStore) { this.untrustedMessages = new ArrayList<>(); this.axolotlStore = axolotlStore; } public void trust() { for (Message message : this.untrustedMessages) {; } this.untrustedMessages = null; } public boolean isTrusted() { return (this.untrustedMessages == null); } public String processReceiving(XmppAxolotlMessage incomingMessage) { return null; } public XmppAxolotlMessage processSending(String outgoingMessage) { return null; } } public AxolotlService(Account account, XmppConnectionService connectionService) { this.mXmppConnectionService = connectionService; this.account = account; this.axolotlStore = new SQLiteAxolotlStore(this.account, this.mXmppConnectionService); this.sessions = new HashMap<>(); } public void trustSession(Jid counterpart) { XmppAxolotlSession session = sessions.get(counterpart); if(session != null) {; } } public boolean isTrustedSession(Jid counterpart) { XmppAxolotlSession session = sessions.get(counterpart); return session != null && session.isTrusted(); } }