package de.tzur.conversations; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.util.Log; /** * This class is used to provide access to settings which have to be accessed frequently. * Every setting in this class has to be updated using @see SettingsActivity#onSharedPreferenceChanged. */ public final class Settings { /** * Initializes the settings provided via this static class. * @param preferences the shared preferences of the app. */ public static void initSettingsClassWithPreferences(SharedPreferences preferences) { Log.d("SETTING", "Initializing settings"); String[] preferenceNames = { "parse_emoticons", "send_button_status" }; for (String name : preferenceNames) { Settings.synchronizeSettingsClassWithPreferences(preferences, name); } } /** * Synchronizes the setting value in this class on settings update in SettingsActivity. * @param preferences the shared preferences of the app. * @param name the name of the setting to synchronize. */ public static void synchronizeSettingsClassWithPreferences(SharedPreferences preferences, String name) { Log.d("SETTING", "Synchronizing settings"); switch (name) { case "parse_emoticons": Settings.PARSE_EMOTICONS = preferences.getBoolean(name, Settings.PARSE_EMOTICONS); break; case "send_button_status": Settings.SHOW_ONLINE_STATUS = preferences.getBoolean(name, Settings.SHOW_ONLINE_STATUS); break; } } /** * Boolean if emoticons should be parsed to emoticons or not. */ public static boolean PARSE_EMOTICONS = false; /** * Boolean if online status should be shown or not. */ public static boolean SHOW_ONLINE_STATUS = false; /** * This is a utility class - private constructor avoids any instantiation. */ private Settings() { // Private constructor to avoid instantiation } }