package eu.siacs.conversations.utils; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import eu.siacs.conversations.R; import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.Account; import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.Contact; import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.Conversation; import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.Message; import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.MucOptions.User; import eu.siacs.conversations.ui.ConversationActivity; import eu.siacs.conversations.ui.ManageAccountActivity; import; import; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts; import; import; import android.text.format.DateFormat; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import android.text.Html; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.widget.QuickContactBadge; import android.widget.TextView; public class UIHelper { private static final int BG_COLOR = 0xFF181818; private static final int FG_COLOR = 0xFFFAFAFA; private static final int TRANSPARENT = 0x00000000; private static final int SHORT_DATE_FLAGS = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE | DateUtils.FORMAT_NO_YEAR | DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL; private static final int FULL_DATE_FLAGS = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME | DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE; public static String readableTimeDifference(Context context, long time) { return readableTimeDifference(context, time, false); } public static String readableTimeDifferenceFull(Context context, long time) { return readableTimeDifference(context, time, true); } private static String readableTimeDifference(Context context, long time, boolean fullDate) { if (time == 0) { return context.getString(R.string.just_now); } Date date = new Date(time); long difference = (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) / 1000; if (difference < 60) { return context.getString(R.string.just_now); } else if (difference < 60 * 2) { return context.getString(R.string.minute_ago); } else if (difference < 60 * 15) { return context.getString(R.string.minutes_ago, Math.round(difference / 60.0)); } else if (today(date) || difference < 6 * 60 * 60) { java.text.DateFormat df = DateFormat.getTimeFormat(context); return df.format(date); } else { if (fullDate) { return DateUtils.formatDateTime(context, date.getTime(), FULL_DATE_FLAGS); } else { return DateUtils.formatDateTime(context, date.getTime(), SHORT_DATE_FLAGS); } } } private static boolean today(Date date) { Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance(); cal1.setTime(date); cal2.setTimeInMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()); return cal1.get(Calendar.YEAR) == cal2.get(Calendar.YEAR) && cal1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) == cal2 .get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); } public static String lastseen(Context context, long time) { if (time == 0) { return context.getString(R.string.never_seen); } long difference = (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) / 1000; if (difference < 60) { return context.getString(R.string.last_seen_now); } else if (difference < 60 * 2) { return context.getString(R.string.last_seen_min); } else if (difference < 60 * 60) { return context.getString(R.string.last_seen_mins, Math.round(difference / 60.0)); } else if (difference < 60 * 60 * 2) { return context.getString(R.string.last_seen_hour); } else if (difference < 60 * 60 * 24) { return context.getString(R.string.last_seen_hours, Math.round(difference / (60.0 * 60.0))); } else if (difference < 60 * 60 * 48) { return context.getString(R.string.last_seen_day); } else { return context.getString(R.string.last_seen_days, Math.round(difference / (60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0))); } } public static int getRealPx(int dp, Context context) { final DisplayMetrics metrics = context.getResources() .getDisplayMetrics(); return ((int) (dp * metrics.density)); } private static int getNameColor(String name) { /* * int holoColors[] = { 0xFF1da9da, 0xFFb368d9, 0xFF83b600, 0xFFffa713, * 0xFFe92727 }; */ int holoColors[] = { 0xFFe91e63, 0xFF9c27b0, 0xFF673ab7, 0xFF3f51b5, 0xFF5677fc, 0xFF03a9f4, 0xFF00bcd4, 0xFF009688, 0xFFff5722, 0xFF795548, 0xFF607d8b }; return holoColors[(int) ((name.hashCode() & 0xffffffffl) % holoColors.length)]; } private static void drawTile(Canvas canvas, String letter, int tileColor, int textColor, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { Paint tilePaint = new Paint(), textPaint = new Paint(); tilePaint.setColor(tileColor); textPaint.setFlags(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG); textPaint.setColor(textColor); textPaint.setTypeface(Typeface.create("sans-serif-light", Typeface.NORMAL)); textPaint.setTextSize((float) ((right - left) * 0.8)); Rect rect = new Rect(); canvas.drawRect(new Rect(left, top, right, bottom), tilePaint); textPaint.getTextBounds(letter, 0, 1, rect); float width = textPaint.measureText(letter); canvas.drawText(letter, (right + left) / 2 - width / 2, (top + bottom) / 2 + rect.height() / 2, textPaint); } private static Bitmap getUnknownContactPicture(String[] names, int size, int bgColor, int fgColor) { int tiles = (names.length > 4) ? 4 : (names.length < 1) ? 1 : names.length; Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap .createBitmap(size, size, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitmap); String[] letters = new String[tiles]; int[] colors = new int[tiles]; if (names.length < 1) { letters[0] = "?"; colors[0] = 0xFFe92727; } else { for (int i = 0; i < tiles; ++i) { letters[i] = (names[i].length() > 0) ? names[i].substring(0, 1) .toUpperCase(Locale.US) : " "; colors[i] = getNameColor(names[i]); } if (names.length > 4) { letters[3] = "\u2026"; // Unicode ellipsis colors[3] = 0xFF202020; } } bitmap.eraseColor(bgColor); switch (tiles) { case 1: drawTile(canvas, letters[0], colors[0], fgColor, 0, 0, size, size); break; case 2: drawTile(canvas, letters[0], colors[0], fgColor, 0, 0, size / 2 - 1, size); drawTile(canvas, letters[1], colors[1], fgColor, size / 2 + 1, 0, size, size); break; case 3: drawTile(canvas, letters[0], colors[0], fgColor, 0, 0, size / 2 - 1, size); drawTile(canvas, letters[1], colors[1], fgColor, size / 2 + 1, 0, size, size / 2 - 1); drawTile(canvas, letters[2], colors[2], fgColor, size / 2 + 1, size / 2 + 1, size, size); break; case 4: drawTile(canvas, letters[0], colors[0], fgColor, 0, 0, size / 2 - 1, size / 2 - 1); drawTile(canvas, letters[1], colors[1], fgColor, 0, size / 2 + 1, size / 2 - 1, size); drawTile(canvas, letters[2], colors[2], fgColor, size / 2 + 1, 0, size, size / 2 - 1); drawTile(canvas, letters[3], colors[3], fgColor, size / 2 + 1, size / 2 + 1, size, size); break; } return bitmap; } private static Bitmap getMucContactPicture(Conversation conversation, int size, int bgColor, int fgColor) { List members = conversation.getMucOptions().getUsers(); if (members.size() == 0) { return getUnknownContactPicture( new String[] { conversation.getName() }, size, bgColor, fgColor); } ArrayList names = new ArrayList(); names.add(conversation.getMucOptions().getActualNick()); for (User user : members) { names.add(user.getName()); if (names.size() > 4) { break; } } String[] mArrayNames = new String[names.size()]; names.toArray(mArrayNames); return getUnknownContactPicture(mArrayNames, size, bgColor, fgColor); } public static Bitmap getContactPicture(Conversation conversation, int dpSize, Context context, boolean notification) { if (conversation.getMode() == Conversation.MODE_SINGLE) { return getContactPicture(conversation.getContact(), dpSize, context, notification); } else { int fgColor = UIHelper.FG_COLOR, bgColor = (notification) ? UIHelper.BG_COLOR : UIHelper.TRANSPARENT; return getMucContactPicture(conversation, getRealPx(dpSize, context), bgColor, fgColor); } } public static Bitmap getContactPicture(Contact contact, int dpSize, Context context, boolean notification) { String uri = contact.getProfilePhoto(); if (uri == null) { return getContactPicture(contact.getDisplayName(), dpSize, context, notification); } try { Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(context.getContentResolver() .openInputStream(Uri.parse(uri))); return Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bm, getRealPx(dpSize, context), getRealPx(dpSize, context), false); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return getContactPicture(contact.getDisplayName(), dpSize, context, notification); } } public static Bitmap getContactPicture(String name, int dpSize, Context context, boolean notification) { int fgColor = UIHelper.FG_COLOR, bgColor = (notification) ? UIHelper.BG_COLOR : UIHelper.TRANSPARENT; return getUnknownContactPicture(new String[] { name }, getRealPx(dpSize, context), bgColor, fgColor); } public static void showErrorNotification(Context context, List accounts) { NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) context .getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); List accountsWproblems = new ArrayList(); for (Account account : accounts) { if (account.hasErrorStatus()) { accountsWproblems.add(account); } } NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder( context); if (accountsWproblems.size() == 0) { mNotificationManager.cancel(1111); return; } else if (accountsWproblems.size() == 1) { mBuilder.setContentTitle(context .getString(R.string.problem_connecting_to_account)); mBuilder.setContentText(accountsWproblems.get(0).getJid()); } else { mBuilder.setContentTitle(context .getString(R.string.problem_connecting_to_accounts)); mBuilder.setContentText(context.getString(R.string.touch_to_fix)); } mBuilder.setOngoing(true); mBuilder.setLights(0xffffffff, 2000, 4000); mBuilder.setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_notification); TaskStackBuilder stackBuilder = TaskStackBuilder.create(context); stackBuilder.addParentStack(ConversationActivity.class); Intent manageAccountsIntent = new Intent(context, ManageAccountActivity.class); stackBuilder.addNextIntent(manageAccountsIntent); PendingIntent resultPendingIntent = stackBuilder.getPendingIntent(0, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); mBuilder.setContentIntent(resultPendingIntent); Notification notification =; mNotificationManager.notify(1111, notification); } private static Pattern generateNickHighlightPattern(String nick) { // We expect a word boundary, i.e. space or start of string, followed by // the // nick (matched in case-insensitive manner), followed by optional // punctuation (for example "bob: i disagree" or "how are you alice?"), // followed by another word boundary. return Pattern.compile("\\b" + nick + "\\p{Punct}?\\b", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE); } public static void updateNotification(Context context, List conversations, Conversation currentCon, boolean notify) { NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) context .getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager .getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); boolean showNofifications = preferences.getBoolean("show_notification", true); boolean vibrate = preferences.getBoolean("vibrate_on_notification", true); boolean alwaysNotify = preferences.getBoolean( "notify_in_conversation_when_highlighted", false); if (!showNofifications) { mNotificationManager.cancel(2342); return; } String targetUuid = ""; if ((currentCon != null) && (currentCon.getMode() == Conversation.MODE_MULTI) && (!alwaysNotify) && notify) { String nick = currentCon.getMucOptions().getActualNick(); Pattern highlight = generateNickHighlightPattern(nick); Matcher m = highlight.matcher(currentCon.getLatestMessage() .getBody()); notify = m.find() || (currentCon.getLatestMessage().getType() == Message.TYPE_PRIVATE); } List unread = new ArrayList(); for (Conversation conversation : conversations) { if (conversation.getMode() == Conversation.MODE_MULTI) { if ((!conversation.isRead()) && ((wasHighlightedOrPrivate(conversation) || (alwaysNotify)))) { unread.add(conversation); } } else { if (!conversation.isRead()) { unread.add(conversation); } } } String ringtone = preferences.getString("notification_ringtone", null); NotificationCompat.Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder( context); if (unread.size() == 0) { mNotificationManager.cancel(2342); return; } else if (unread.size() == 1) { Conversation conversation = unread.get(0); targetUuid = conversation.getUuid(); mBuilder.setLargeIcon(conversation.getImage(context, 64)); mBuilder.setContentTitle(conversation.getName()); if (notify) { mBuilder.setTicker(conversation.getLatestMessage() .getReadableBody(context)); } StringBuilder bigText = new StringBuilder(); List messages = conversation.getMessages(); String firstLine = ""; for (int i = messages.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (!messages.get(i).isRead()) { if (i == messages.size() - 1) { firstLine = messages.get(i).getReadableBody(context); bigText.append(firstLine); } else { firstLine = messages.get(i).getReadableBody(context); bigText.insert(0, firstLine + "\n"); } } else { break; } } mBuilder.setContentText(firstLine); mBuilder.setStyle(new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle() .bigText(bigText.toString())); } else { NotificationCompat.InboxStyle style = new NotificationCompat.InboxStyle(); style.setBigContentTitle(unread.size() + " " + context.getString(R.string.unread_conversations)); StringBuilder names = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < unread.size(); ++i) { targetUuid = unread.get(i).getUuid(); if (i < unread.size() - 1) { names.append(unread.get(i).getName() + ", "); } else { names.append(unread.get(i).getName()); } style.addLine(Html.fromHtml("" + unread.get(i).getName() + " " + unread.get(i).getLatestMessage() .getReadableBody(context))); } mBuilder.setContentTitle(unread.size() + " " + context.getString(R.string.unread_conversations)); mBuilder.setContentText(names.toString()); mBuilder.setStyle(style); } if ((currentCon != null) && (notify)) { targetUuid = currentCon.getUuid(); } if (unread.size() != 0) { mBuilder.setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_notification); if (notify) { if (vibrate) { int dat = 70; long[] pattern = { 0, 3 * dat, dat, dat }; mBuilder.setVibrate(pattern); } mBuilder.setLights(0xffffffff, 2000, 4000); if (ringtone != null) { mBuilder.setSound(Uri.parse(ringtone)); } } TaskStackBuilder stackBuilder = TaskStackBuilder.create(context); stackBuilder.addParentStack(ConversationActivity.class); Intent viewConversationIntent = new Intent(context, ConversationActivity.class); viewConversationIntent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); viewConversationIntent.putExtra(ConversationActivity.CONVERSATION, targetUuid); viewConversationIntent .setType(ConversationActivity.VIEW_CONVERSATION); stackBuilder.addNextIntent(viewConversationIntent); PendingIntent resultPendingIntent = stackBuilder.getPendingIntent( 0, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); mBuilder.setContentIntent(resultPendingIntent); Notification notification =; mNotificationManager.notify(2342, notification); } } private static boolean wasHighlightedOrPrivate(Conversation conversation) { List messages = conversation.getMessages(); String nick = conversation.getMucOptions().getActualNick(); Pattern highlight = generateNickHighlightPattern(nick); for (int i = messages.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (messages.get(i).isRead()) { break; } else { Matcher m = highlight.matcher(messages.get(i).getBody()); if (m.find() || messages.get(i).getType() == Message.TYPE_PRIVATE) { return true; } } } return false; } public static void prepareContactBadge(final Activity activity, QuickContactBadge badge, final Contact contact, Context context) { if (contact.getSystemAccount() != null) { String[] systemAccount = contact.getSystemAccount().split("#"); long id = Long.parseLong(systemAccount[0]); badge.assignContactUri(Contacts.getLookupUri(id, systemAccount[1])); } badge.setImageBitmap(contact.getImage(72, context)); } public static AlertDialog getVerifyFingerprintDialog( final ConversationActivity activity, final Conversation conversation, final View msg) { final Contact contact = conversation.getContact(); final Account account = conversation.getAccount(); AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity); builder.setTitle("Verify fingerprint"); LayoutInflater inflater = activity.getLayoutInflater(); View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.dialog_verify_otr, null); TextView jid = (TextView) view.findViewById(; TextView fingerprint = (TextView) view .findViewById(; TextView yourprint = (TextView) view .findViewById(; jid.setText(contact.getJid()); fingerprint.setText(conversation.getOtrFingerprint()); yourprint.setText(account.getOtrFingerprint()); builder.setNegativeButton("Cancel", null); builder.setPositiveButton("Verify", new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { contact.addOtrFingerprint(conversation.getOtrFingerprint()); msg.setVisibility(View.GONE); activity.xmppConnectionService.syncRosterToDisk(account); } }); builder.setView(view); return builder.create(); } public static Bitmap getSelfContactPicture(Account account, int size, boolean showPhoneSelfContactPicture, Context context) { if (showPhoneSelfContactPicture) { Uri selfiUri = PhoneHelper.getSefliUri(context); if (selfiUri != null) { try { return BitmapFactory.decodeStream(context .getContentResolver().openInputStream(selfiUri)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { return getContactPicture(account.getJid(), size, context, false); } } return getContactPicture(account.getJid(), size, context, false); } else { return getContactPicture(account.getJid(), size, context, false); } } private final static class EmoticonPattern { Pattern pattern; String replacement; EmoticonPattern(String ascii, int unicode) { this.pattern = Pattern.compile("(?<=(^|\\s))" + ascii + "(?=(\\s|$))"); this.replacement = new String(new int[] { unicode, }, 0, 1); } String replaceAll(String body) { return pattern.matcher(body).replaceAll(replacement); } } private static final EmoticonPattern[] patterns = new EmoticonPattern[] { new EmoticonPattern(":-?D", 0x1f600), new EmoticonPattern("\\^\\^", 0x1f601), new EmoticonPattern(":'D", 0x1f602), new EmoticonPattern("\\]-?D", 0x1f608), new EmoticonPattern(";-?\\)", 0x1f609), new EmoticonPattern(":-?\\)", 0x1f60a), new EmoticonPattern("[B8]-?\\)", 0x1f60e), new EmoticonPattern(":-?\\|", 0x1f610), new EmoticonPattern(":-?[/\\\\]", 0x1f615), new EmoticonPattern(":-?\\*", 0x1f617), new EmoticonPattern(":-?[Ppb]", 0x1f61b), new EmoticonPattern(":-?\\(", 0x1f61e), new EmoticonPattern(":-?[0Oo]", 0x1f62e), new EmoticonPattern("\\\\o/", 0x1F631), }; public static String transformAsciiEmoticons(String body) { if (body != null) { for (EmoticonPattern p : patterns) { body = p.replaceAll(body); } body = body.trim(); } return body; } }