path: root/src/main/java/eu/siacs/conversations/parser/MessageParser.java
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/java/eu/siacs/conversations/parser/MessageParser.java')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 653 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/eu/siacs/conversations/parser/MessageParser.java b/src/main/java/eu/siacs/conversations/parser/MessageParser.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f36f1e9..00000000
--- a/src/main/java/eu/siacs/conversations/parser/MessageParser.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,653 +0,0 @@
-package eu.siacs.conversations.parser;
-import net.java.otr4j.session.Session;
-import net.java.otr4j.session.SessionStatus;
-import de.tzur.conversations.Settings;
-import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.Account;
-import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.Contact;
-import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.Conversation;
-import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.Message;
-import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.MucOptions;
-import eu.siacs.conversations.http.HttpConnectionManager;
-import eu.siacs.conversations.services.MessageArchiveService;
-import eu.siacs.conversations.services.XmppConnectionService;
-import eu.siacs.conversations.utils.CryptoHelper;
-import eu.siacs.conversations.xml.Element;
-import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.OnMessagePacketReceived;
-import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.chatstate.ChatState;
-import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.jid.Jid;
-import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.pep.Avatar;
-import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.stanzas.MessagePacket;
-public class MessageParser extends AbstractParser implements
- OnMessagePacketReceived {
- public MessageParser(XmppConnectionService service) {
- super(service);
- }
- private boolean extractChatState(Conversation conversation, final Element element) {
- ChatState state = ChatState.parse(element);
- if (state != null && conversation != null) {
- final Account account = conversation.getAccount();
- Jid from = element.getAttributeAsJid("from");
- if (from != null && from.toBareJid().equals(account.getJid().toBareJid())) {
- conversation.setOutgoingChatState(state);
- return false;
- } else {
- return conversation.setIncomingChatState(state);
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- private Message parseChat(MessagePacket packet, Account account) {
- final Jid jid = packet.getFrom();
- if (jid == null) {
- return null;
- }
- Conversation conversation = mXmppConnectionService.findOrCreateConversation(account, jid.toBareJid(), false);
- String pgpBody = getPgpBody(packet);
- Message finishedMessage;
- if (pgpBody != null) {
- finishedMessage = new Message(conversation,
- pgpBody, Message.ENCRYPTION_PGP, Message.STATUS_RECEIVED);
- } else {
- finishedMessage = new Message(conversation,
- packet.getBody(), Message.ENCRYPTION_NONE,
- }
- finishedMessage.setRemoteMsgId(packet.getId());
- finishedMessage.markable = isMarkable(packet);
- if (conversation.getMode() == Conversation.MODE_MULTI
- && !jid.isBareJid()) {
- final Jid trueCounterpart = conversation.getMucOptions()
- .getTrueCounterpart(jid.getResourcepart());
- if (trueCounterpart != null) {
- updateLastseen(packet, account, trueCounterpart, false);
- }
- finishedMessage.setType(Message.TYPE_PRIVATE);
- finishedMessage.setTrueCounterpart(trueCounterpart);
- if (conversation.hasDuplicateMessage(finishedMessage)) {
- return null;
- }
- } else {
- updateLastseen(packet, account, true);
- }
- finishedMessage.setCounterpart(jid);
- finishedMessage.setTime(getTimestamp(packet));
- extractChatState(conversation,packet);
- return finishedMessage;
- }
- private Message parseOtrChat(MessagePacket packet, Account account) {
- final Jid to = packet.getTo();
- final Jid from = packet.getFrom();
- if (to == null || from == null) {
- return null;
- }
- boolean properlyAddressed = !to.isBareJid() || account.countPresences() == 1;
- Conversation conversation = mXmppConnectionService
- .findOrCreateConversation(account, from.toBareJid(), false);
- String presence;
- if (from.isBareJid()) {
- presence = "";
- } else {
- presence = from.getResourcepart();
- }
- extractChatState(conversation, packet);
- updateLastseen(packet, account, true);
- String body = packet.getBody();
- if (body.matches("^\\?OTRv\\d{1,2}\\?.*")) {
- conversation.endOtrIfNeeded();
- }
- if (!conversation.hasValidOtrSession()) {
- if (properlyAddressed) {
- conversation.startOtrSession(presence,false);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- } else {
- String foreignPresence = conversation.getOtrSession()
- .getSessionID().getUserID();
- if (!foreignPresence.equals(presence)) {
- conversation.endOtrIfNeeded();
- if (properlyAddressed) {
- conversation.startOtrSession(presence, false);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- try {
- conversation.setLastReceivedOtrMessageId(packet.getId());
- Session otrSession = conversation.getOtrSession();
- SessionStatus before = otrSession.getSessionStatus();
- body = otrSession.transformReceiving(body);
- SessionStatus after = otrSession.getSessionStatus();
- if ((before != after) && (after == SessionStatus.ENCRYPTED)) {
- conversation.setNextEncryption(Message.ENCRYPTION_OTR);
- mXmppConnectionService.onOtrSessionEstablished(conversation);
- } else if ((before != after) && (after == SessionStatus.FINISHED)) {
- conversation.setNextEncryption(Message.ENCRYPTION_NONE);
- conversation.resetOtrSession();
- mXmppConnectionService.updateConversationUi();
- }
- if ((body == null) || (body.isEmpty())) {
- return null;
- }
- if (body.startsWith(CryptoHelper.FILETRANSFER)) {
- String key = body.substring(CryptoHelper.FILETRANSFER.length());
- conversation.setSymmetricKey(CryptoHelper.hexToBytes(key));
- return null;
- }
- Message finishedMessage = new Message(conversation, body, Message.ENCRYPTION_OTR,
- finishedMessage.setTime(getTimestamp(packet));
- finishedMessage.setRemoteMsgId(packet.getId());
- finishedMessage.markable = isMarkable(packet);
- finishedMessage.setCounterpart(from);
- conversation.setLastReceivedOtrMessageId(null);
- return finishedMessage;
- } catch (Exception e) {
- conversation.resetOtrSession();
- return null;
- }
- }
- private Message parseGroupchat(MessagePacket packet, Account account) {
- int status;
- final Jid from = packet.getFrom();
- if (from == null) {
- return null;
- }
- if (mXmppConnectionService.find(account.pendingConferenceLeaves,
- account, from.toBareJid()) != null) {
- return null;
- }
- Conversation conversation = mXmppConnectionService
- .findOrCreateConversation(account, from.toBareJid(), true);
- final Jid trueCounterpart = conversation.getMucOptions().getTrueCounterpart(from.getResourcepart());
- if (trueCounterpart != null) {
- updateLastseen(packet, account, trueCounterpart, false);
- }
- if (packet.hasChild("subject")) {
- conversation.setHasMessagesLeftOnServer(true);
- conversation.getMucOptions().setSubject(packet.findChild("subject").getContent());
- mXmppConnectionService.updateConversationUi();
- return null;
- }
- final Element x = packet.findChild("x", "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user");
- if (from.isBareJid() && (x == null || !x.hasChild("status"))) {
- return null;
- } else if (from.isBareJid() && x.hasChild("status")) {
- for(Element child : x.getChildren()) {
- if (child.getName().equals("status")) {
- String code = child.getAttribute("code");
- if (code.contains(MucOptions.STATUS_CODE_ROOM_CONFIG_CHANGED)) {
- mXmppConnectionService.fetchConferenceConfiguration(conversation);
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- if (from.getResourcepart().equals(conversation.getMucOptions().getActualNick())) {
- if (mXmppConnectionService.markMessage(conversation,
- packet.getId(), Message.STATUS_SEND_RECEIVED)) {
- return null;
- } else if (packet.getId() == null) {
- Message message = conversation.findSentMessageWithBody(packet.getBody());
- if (message != null) {
- mXmppConnectionService.markMessage(message,Message.STATUS_SEND_RECEIVED);
- return null;
- } else {
- status = Message.STATUS_SEND;
- }
- } else {
- status = Message.STATUS_SEND;
- }
- } else {
- status = Message.STATUS_RECEIVED;
- }
- String pgpBody = getPgpBody(packet);
- Message finishedMessage;
- if (pgpBody == null) {
- finishedMessage = new Message(conversation,
- packet.getBody(), Message.ENCRYPTION_NONE, status);
- } else {
- finishedMessage = new Message(conversation, pgpBody,
- Message.ENCRYPTION_PGP, status);
- }
- finishedMessage.setRemoteMsgId(packet.getId());
- finishedMessage.markable = isMarkable(packet);
- finishedMessage.setCounterpart(from);
- if (status == Message.STATUS_RECEIVED) {
- finishedMessage.setTrueCounterpart(conversation.getMucOptions()
- .getTrueCounterpart(from.getResourcepart()));
- }
- if (packet.hasChild("delay")
- && conversation.hasDuplicateMessage(finishedMessage)) {
- return null;
- }
- finishedMessage.setTime(getTimestamp(packet));
- return finishedMessage;
- }
- private Message parseCarbonMessage(final MessagePacket packet, final Account account) {
- int status;
- final Jid fullJid;
- Element forwarded;
- if (packet.hasChild("received", "urn:xmpp:carbons:2")) {
- forwarded = packet.findChild("received", "urn:xmpp:carbons:2")
- .findChild("forwarded", "urn:xmpp:forward:0");
- status = Message.STATUS_RECEIVED;
- } else if (packet.hasChild("sent", "urn:xmpp:carbons:2")) {
- forwarded = packet.findChild("sent", "urn:xmpp:carbons:2")
- .findChild("forwarded", "urn:xmpp:forward:0");
- status = Message.STATUS_SEND;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- if (forwarded == null) {
- return null;
- }
- Element message = forwarded.findChild("message");
- if (message == null) {
- return null;
- }
- if (!message.hasChild("body")) {
- if (status == Message.STATUS_RECEIVED
- && message.getAttribute("from") != null) {
- parseNonMessage(message, account);
- } else if (status == Message.STATUS_SEND
- && message.hasChild("displayed", "urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0")) {
- final Jid to = message.getAttributeAsJid("to");
- if (to != null) {
- final Conversation conversation = mXmppConnectionService.find(
- mXmppConnectionService.getConversations(), account,
- to.toBareJid());
- if (conversation != null) {
- mXmppConnectionService.markRead(conversation);
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- if (status == Message.STATUS_RECEIVED) {
- fullJid = message.getAttributeAsJid("from");
- if (fullJid == null) {
- return null;
- } else {
- updateLastseen(message, account, true);
- }
- } else {
- fullJid = message.getAttributeAsJid("to");
- if (fullJid == null) {
- return null;
- }
- }
- if (message.hasChild("x","http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user")
- && "chat".equals(message.getAttribute("type"))) {
- return null;
- }
- Conversation conversation = mXmppConnectionService
- .findOrCreateConversation(account, fullJid.toBareJid(), false);
- String pgpBody = getPgpBody(message);
- Message finishedMessage;
- if (pgpBody != null) {
- finishedMessage = new Message(conversation, pgpBody,
- Message.ENCRYPTION_PGP, status);
- } else {
- String body = message.findChild("body").getContent();
- finishedMessage = new Message(conversation, body,
- Message.ENCRYPTION_NONE, status);
- }
- extractChatState(conversation,message);
- finishedMessage.setTime(getTimestamp(message));
- finishedMessage.setRemoteMsgId(message.getAttribute("id"));
- finishedMessage.markable = isMarkable(message);
- finishedMessage.setCounterpart(fullJid);
- if (conversation.getMode() == Conversation.MODE_MULTI
- && !fullJid.isBareJid()) {
- finishedMessage.setType(Message.TYPE_PRIVATE);
- finishedMessage.setTrueCounterpart(conversation.getMucOptions()
- .getTrueCounterpart(fullJid.getResourcepart()));
- if (conversation.hasDuplicateMessage(finishedMessage)) {
- return null;
- }
- }
- return finishedMessage;
- }
- private Message parseMamMessage(MessagePacket packet, final Account account) {
- final Element result = packet.findChild("result","urn:xmpp:mam:0");
- if (result == null ) {
- return null;
- }
- final MessageArchiveService.Query query = this.mXmppConnectionService.getMessageArchiveService().findQuery(result.getAttribute("queryid"));
- if (query!=null) {
- query.incrementTotalCount();
- }
- final Element forwarded = result.findChild("forwarded","urn:xmpp:forward:0");
- if (forwarded == null) {
- return null;
- }
- final Element message = forwarded.findChild("message");
- if (message == null) {
- return null;
- }
- final Element body = message.findChild("body");
- if (body == null || message.hasChild("private","urn:xmpp:carbons:2") || message.hasChild("no-copy","urn:xmpp:hints")) {
- return null;
- }
- int encryption;
- String content = getPgpBody(message);
- if (content != null) {
- encryption = Message.ENCRYPTION_PGP;
- } else {
- encryption = Message.ENCRYPTION_NONE;
- content = body.getContent();
- }
- if (content == null) {
- return null;
- }
- final long timestamp = getTimestamp(forwarded);
- final Jid to = message.getAttributeAsJid("to");
- final Jid from = message.getAttributeAsJid("from");
- Jid counterpart;
- int status;
- Conversation conversation;
- if (from!=null && to != null && from.toBareJid().equals(account.getJid().toBareJid())) {
- status = Message.STATUS_SEND;
- conversation = this.mXmppConnectionService.findOrCreateConversation(account,to.toBareJid(),false,query);
- counterpart = to;
- } else if (from !=null && to != null) {
- status = Message.STATUS_RECEIVED;
- conversation = this.mXmppConnectionService.findOrCreateConversation(account,from.toBareJid(),false,query);
- counterpart = from;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- Message finishedMessage = new Message(conversation,content,encryption,status);
- finishedMessage.setTime(timestamp);
- finishedMessage.setCounterpart(counterpart);
- finishedMessage.setRemoteMsgId(message.getAttribute("id"));
- finishedMessage.setServerMsgId(result.getAttribute("id"));
- if (conversation.hasDuplicateMessage(finishedMessage)) {
- return null;
- }
- if (query!=null) {
- query.incrementMessageCount();
- }
- return finishedMessage;
- }
- private void parseError(final MessagePacket packet, final Account account) {
- final Jid from = packet.getFrom();
- mXmppConnectionService.markMessage(account, from.toBareJid(),
- packet.getId(), Message.STATUS_SEND_FAILED);
- }
- private void parseNonMessage(Element packet, Account account) {
- final Jid from = packet.getAttributeAsJid("from");
- if (extractChatState(from == null ? null : mXmppConnectionService.find(account,from), packet)) {
- mXmppConnectionService.updateConversationUi();
- }
- Element invite = extractInvite(packet);
- if (invite != null) {
- Conversation conversation = mXmppConnectionService.findOrCreateConversation(account, from, true);
- if (!conversation.getMucOptions().online()) {
- Element password = invite.findChild("password");
- conversation.getMucOptions().setPassword(password == null ? null : password.getContent());
- mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.updateConversation(conversation);
- mXmppConnectionService.joinMuc(conversation);
- mXmppConnectionService.updateConversationUi();
- }
- }
- if (packet.hasChild("event", "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event")) {
- Element event = packet.findChild("event",
- "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event");
- parseEvent(event, from, account);
- } else if (from != null && packet.hasChild("displayed", "urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0")) {
- String id = packet
- .findChild("displayed", "urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0")
- .getAttribute("id");
- updateLastseen(packet, account, true);
- final Message displayedMessage = mXmppConnectionService.markMessage(account, from.toBareJid(), id, Message.STATUS_SEND_DISPLAYED);
- Message message = displayedMessage == null ? null :displayedMessage.prev();
- while (message != null
- && message.getStatus() == Message.STATUS_SEND_RECEIVED
- && message.getTimeSent() < displayedMessage.getTimeSent()) {
- mXmppConnectionService.markMessage(message, Message.STATUS_SEND_DISPLAYED);
- message = message.prev();
- }
- } else if (from != null
- && packet.hasChild("received", "urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0")) {
- String id = packet.findChild("received", "urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0")
- .getAttribute("id");
- updateLastseen(packet, account, false);
- mXmppConnectionService.markMessage(account, from.toBareJid(),
- } else if (from != null
- && packet.hasChild("received", "urn:xmpp:receipts")) {
- String id = packet.findChild("received", "urn:xmpp:receipts")
- .getAttribute("id");
- updateLastseen(packet, account, false);
- mXmppConnectionService.markMessage(account, from.toBareJid(),
- }
- }
- private Element extractInvite(Element message) {
- Element x = message.findChild("x","http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user");
- if (x == null) {
- x = message.findChild("x","jabber:x:conference");
- }
- if (x != null && x.hasChild("invite")) {
- return x;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- private void parseEvent(final Element event, final Jid from, final Account account) {
- Element items = event.findChild("items");
- if (items == null) {
- return;
- }
- String node = items.getAttribute("node");
- if (node == null) {
- return;
- }
- if (node.equals("urn:xmpp:avatar:metadata")) {
- Avatar avatar = Avatar.parseMetadata(items);
- if (avatar != null) {
- avatar.owner = from;
- if (mXmppConnectionService.getFileBackend().isAvatarCached(
- avatar)) {
- if (account.getJid().toBareJid().equals(from)) {
- if (account.setAvatar(avatar.getFilename())) {
- mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend
- .updateAccount(account);
- }
- mXmppConnectionService.getAvatarService().clear(
- account);
- mXmppConnectionService.updateConversationUi();
- mXmppConnectionService.updateAccountUi();
- } else {
- Contact contact = account.getRoster().getContact(
- from);
- contact.setAvatar(avatar.getFilename());
- mXmppConnectionService.getAvatarService().clear(
- contact);
- mXmppConnectionService.updateConversationUi();
- mXmppConnectionService.updateRosterUi();
- }
- } else {
- mXmppConnectionService.fetchAvatar(account, avatar);
- }
- }
- } else if (node.equals("http://jabber.org/protocol/nick")) {
- Element item = items.findChild("item");
- if (item != null) {
- Element nick = item.findChild("nick",
- "http://jabber.org/protocol/nick");
- if (nick != null) {
- if (from != null) {
- Contact contact = account.getRoster().getContact(
- from);
- contact.setPresenceName(nick.getContent());
- mXmppConnectionService.getAvatarService().clear(account);
- mXmppConnectionService.updateConversationUi();
- mXmppConnectionService.updateAccountUi();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private String getPgpBody(Element message) {
- Element child = message.findChild("x", "jabber:x:encrypted");
- if (child == null) {
- return null;
- } else {
- return child.getContent();
- }
- }
- private boolean isMarkable(Element message) {
- return message.hasChild("markable", "urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0");
- }
- @Override
- public void onMessagePacketReceived(Account account, MessagePacket packet) {
- Message message = null;
- this.parseNick(packet, account);
- if ((packet.getType() == MessagePacket.TYPE_CHAT || packet.getType() == MessagePacket.TYPE_NORMAL)) {
- if ((packet.getBody() != null)
- && (packet.getBody().startsWith("?OTR"))) {
- message = this.parseOtrChat(packet, account);
- if (message != null) {
- message.markUnread();
- }
- } else if (packet.hasChild("body") && extractInvite(packet) == null) {
- message = this.parseChat(packet, account);
- if (message != null) {
- message.markUnread();
- }
- } else if (packet.hasChild("received", "urn:xmpp:carbons:2")
- || (packet.hasChild("sent", "urn:xmpp:carbons:2"))) {
- message = this.parseCarbonMessage(packet, account);
- if (message != null) {
- if (message.getStatus() == Message.STATUS_SEND) {
- account.activateGracePeriod();
- mXmppConnectionService.markRead(message.getConversation());
- } else {
- message.markUnread();
- }
- }
- } else if (packet.hasChild("result","urn:xmpp:mam:0")) {
- message = parseMamMessage(packet, account);
- if (message != null) {
- Conversation conversation = message.getConversation();
- conversation.add(message);
- mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.createMessage(message);
- }
- return;
- } else if (packet.hasChild("fin","urn:xmpp:mam:0")) {
- Element fin = packet.findChild("fin","urn:xmpp:mam:0");
- mXmppConnectionService.getMessageArchiveService().processFin(fin);
- } else {
- parseNonMessage(packet, account);
- }
- } else if (packet.getType() == MessagePacket.TYPE_GROUPCHAT) {
- message = this.parseGroupchat(packet, account);
- if (message != null) {
- if (message.getStatus() == Message.STATUS_RECEIVED) {
- message.markUnread();
- } else {
- mXmppConnectionService.markRead(message.getConversation());
- account.activateGracePeriod();
- }
- }
- } else if (packet.getType() == MessagePacket.TYPE_ERROR) {
- this.parseError(packet, account);
- return;
- } else if (packet.getType() == MessagePacket.TYPE_HEADLINE) {
- this.parseHeadline(packet, account);
- return;
- }
- if ((message == null) || (message.getBody() == null)) {
- return;
- }
- && ((packet.getId() != null))) {
- if (packet.hasChild("markable", "urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0")) {
- MessagePacket receipt = mXmppConnectionService
- .getMessageGenerator().received(account, packet,
- "urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0");
- mXmppConnectionService.sendMessagePacket(account, receipt);
- }
- if (packet.hasChild("request", "urn:xmpp:receipts")) {
- MessagePacket receipt = mXmppConnectionService
- .getMessageGenerator().received(account, packet,
- "urn:xmpp:receipts");
- mXmppConnectionService.sendMessagePacket(account, receipt);
- }
- }
- Conversation conversation = message.getConversation();
- conversation.add(message);
- if (account.getXmppConnection() != null && account.getXmppConnection().getFeatures().advancedStreamFeaturesLoaded()) {
- if (conversation.setLastMessageTransmitted(System.currentTimeMillis())) {
- mXmppConnectionService.updateConversation(conversation);
- }
- }
- if (message.getStatus() == Message.STATUS_RECEIVED
- && conversation.getOtrSession() != null
- && !conversation.getOtrSession().getSessionID().getUserID()
- .equals(message.getCounterpart().getResourcepart())) {
- conversation.endOtrIfNeeded();
- }
- if (packet.getType() != MessagePacket.TYPE_ERROR) {
- if (message.getEncryption() == Message.ENCRYPTION_NONE
- || mXmppConnectionService.saveEncryptedMessages()) {
- mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.createMessage(message);
- }
- }
- final HttpConnectionManager manager = this.mXmppConnectionService.getHttpConnectionManager();
- if (message.trusted()
- && mXmppConnectionService.isDownloadAllowedInConnection()
- && message.bodyContainsDownloadable()
- && manager.getAutoAcceptFileSize() > 0) {
- manager.createNewConnection(message);
- } else if (!message.isRead()) {
- mXmppConnectionService.getNotificationService().push(message);
- }
- mXmppConnectionService.updateConversationUi();
- }
- private void parseHeadline(MessagePacket packet, Account account) {
- if (packet.hasChild("event", "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event")) {
- Element event = packet.findChild("event",
- "http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#event");
- parseEvent(event, packet.getFrom(), account);
- }
- }
- private void parseNick(MessagePacket packet, Account account) {
- Element nick = packet.findChild("nick",
- "http://jabber.org/protocol/nick");
- if (nick != null) {
- if (packet.getFrom() != null) {
- Contact contact = account.getRoster().getContact(
- packet.getFrom());
- contact.setPresenceName(nick.getContent());
- }
- }
- }