
460 lines
13 KiB

var http = require('http')
, https = require('https')
, sio = require('socket.io')
, fs = require('fs')
//, RedisStore = sio.RedisStore;
// Load configuration file
var config = JSON.parse(
fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/config.json").toString().replace(
new RegExp("\\/\\*(.|\\r|\\n)*?\\*\\/", "g"),
"" // strip out comments
// Create server instance
var server = (config.ssl && config.ssl.enabled ?
key: fs.readFileSync(config.ssl.key)
, cert: fs.readFileSync(config.ssl.cert)
}) :
.listen(config.port, '', function() {
var addr = server.address();
console.log('Symple server listening on ' + (config.ssl && config.ssl.enabled ? 'https' : 'http') + '://' + addr.address + ':' + addr.port);
var io = sio.listen(server);
io.set('log level', 1);
// Socket.IO Configuration
io.configure(function () {
if (config.redis) {
// Initialize the redis store
var store = new sio.RedisStore({
nodeID: config.nodeId || 1,
redisPub: config.redis || {},
redisSub: config.redis || {},
redisClient: config.redis || {}
// Authenticate redis connections if required
if (config.redis && config.redis.password) {
io.set('store', store);
// Globals
function isfunc(obj) {
return !!(obj && obj.constructor && obj.call && obj.apply);
function respond(ack, status, message, data) {
if (ack && isfunc(ack)) {
res = {}
res.type = 'response';
res.status = status;
res.message = message;
if (data)
res.data = data.data ? data.data : data;
console.log('Responding: ', res);
// Parses a Symple endpoint address with the following
// format: user@group/id
function parseAddress(str) {
var addr = {}, base,
arr = str.split("/")
if (arr.length < 2) // no id
base = str;
else { // has id
addr.id = arr[1];
base = arr[0];
arr = base.split("@")
if (arr.length < 2) // group only
addr.group = base;
else { // group and user
addr.user = arr[0];
addr.group = arr[1];
return addr;
function buildAddress(peer) {
return peer.user + "@" + peer.group + "/" + peer.id;
// Socket.IO Socket extensions
sio.Socket.prototype.authorize = function(req, fn) {
var client = this;
// Authenticated Access
if (!config.anonymous) {
if (!req.user || !req.token)
return fn(400, 'Bad request');
// Retreive the session from Redis
client.token = req.token; // Remote session token
client.getSession(function(err, session) {
//console.log('Authenticating: ', req.token, ':', session);
if (err || typeof session !== 'object' || typeof session.user !== 'object') {
//console.log('Authentication error: ', req.token, ':', err);
return fn(401, 'Authentication failed');
else {
//console.log('Authentication success: ', req);
client.session = session; // Remote session object
client.group = session.user.group; // The client's parent group
client.access = session.user.access; // The client access level [1 - 10]
client.user = session.user.user; // The client login name
client.user_id = session.user.user_id;// The client login user ID
return fn(200, 'Welcome ' + client.name);
// Anonymous Access
else {
if (!req.user)
return fn(400, 'Bad request');
client.access = -1;
client.name = req.name;
client.group = req.group;
client.user = req.user;
client.user_id = req.user_id;
return fn(200, 'Welcome ' + client.name);
sio.Socket.prototype.onAuthorize = function(req) {
console.log(this.id, 'on authorize: ', req);
this.online = true;
this.name = req.name ? // The client display name
req.name : this.user;
this.type = req.type; // The client type
this.join('user-' + this.user); // join user channel
this.join('group-' + this.group); // join group channel
sio.Socket.prototype.toPresence = function(p) {
if (!p || typeof p !== 'object')
p = {};
p.type = 'presence';
p.data = this.toPeer(p.data);
if (!p.from)
p.from = this.toAddress();
//if (!p.from || typeof p.from !== 'object') {
// p.from = {};
// p.from.name = this.name;
return p;
sio.Socket.prototype.toPeer = function(p) {
if (!p || typeof p !== 'object')
p = {};
p.id = this.id; //sympleID;
p.type = this.type;
p.node = this.node;
p.user = this.user;
p.user_id = this.user_id;
p.group = this.group;
p.access = this.access;
p.online = this.online;
p.host = this.handshake.headers['x-real-ip']
|| this.handshake.headers['x-forwarded-for']
|| this.handshake.address.address; //this.handshake ? : '';
// allow client to change name
if (typeof p.name === 'string')
this.name = p.name;
p.name = this.name;
return p;
sio.Socket.prototype.toAddress = function() {
return this.user + "@" + this.group + "/" + this.id;
sio.Socket.prototype.getSessionKey = function(fn) {
// token must be set
io.store.cmd.keys("symple:*:" + this.token, function(err, keys) {
fn(err, keys.length ? keys[0] : null)
sio.Socket.prototype.getSession = function(fn) {
this.getSessionKey(function(err, key) {
if (key) {
io.store.cmd.get(key, function(err, session) {
fn(err, JSON.parse(session));
else fn("No session", null);
sio.Socket.prototype.touchSession = function(fn) {
this.getSessionKey(function(err, key) {
if (key) {
// expire in 15 mins
io.store.cmd.expire(key, 15 * 60, fn);
else fn("No session", null);
sio.Socket.prototype.getDestinationAddress = function(message) {
switch(typeof message.to) {
case 'object':
return message.to;
case 'string':
return parseAddress(message.to);
case 'undefined':
return { group: this.group };
sio.Socket.prototype.broadcastMessage = function(message) {
if (!message || typeof message !== 'object' || !message.from) {
console.error(this.id, 'dropping invalid message:', message);
// Replace from address with server-side peer data for security.
//message.from.id = this.id;
//message.from.type = this.type;
//message.from.group = this.group;
//message.from.access = this.access;
//message.from.user = this.user;
//message.from.user_id = this.user_id;
// Get an destination address object for routing
var to = this.getDestinationAddress(message);
// Make sure we have a valid destination address
if (typeof to !== 'object' || typeof to.group === 'undefined') {
console.error(this.id, 'dropping invalid message without destination:', to, ':', message);
// If a session id was given we send a directed message to that session id.
if (typeof to.id === 'string' && to.id.length) {
// If a user was given (but no session id) we broadcast a message to user scope.
// TODO: Ensure group membership
else if (to.user && typeof to.user === 'string') {
this.broadcast.to('user-' + to.user/*, this.unauthorizedIDs()*/).json.send(message);
// If a group was given (but no session id or user) we broadcast to group scope.
else if (to.group && typeof to.group === 'string') {
this.broadcast.to('group-' + to.group/*, this.unauthorizedIDs()*/).json.send(message);
else {
console.error(this.id, 'cannot route invalid message:', message);
// Socket.IO connection handler
io.sockets.on('connection', function(client) {
// 5 seconds to Announce or get booted
var interval = setInterval(function () {
console.log(client.id, 'failed to announce');
}, 5000);
// Announce
client.on('announce', function(req, ack) {
console.log(client.id, 'announcing:', req);
try {
// Authorization
client.authorize(req, function(status, message) {
// console.log(client.id, 'announce result:', status);
if (status == 200)
respond(ack, status, message, client.toPeer());
else {
respond(ack, status, message);
// Message
client.on('message', function(m, ack) {
if (m) {
if (m.type == 'presence')
respond(ack, 200, 'Message received');
// Peers
client.on('peers', function(ack) {
respond(ack, 200, '', this.peers(false));
// Timer
if (config.redis) {
// Keep sessions from expiring while connected
interval = setInterval(function () {
// Touch the client session event 10
// minutes to prevent it from expiring.
client.touchSession(function(err, res) {
console.log(client.id, 'touching session:', !!res);
}, 10 * 60000);
catch (e) {
console.log(client.id, 'internal error: ', e);
// Disconnection
client.on('disconnect', function() {
console.log(client.id, 'is disconnecting');
if (client.online) {
client.online = false;
var p = client.toPresence();
//console.log('Disconnecting', p);
client.leave('user-' + client.user); // leave user channel
client.leave('group-' + client.group); // leave group channel
// Socket.IO Manager extensions
//sio.Socket.prototype.authorizedClients = function() {
// var res = [];
// var clients = io.sockets.clients(this.group);
// for (i = 0; i < clients.length; i++) {
// if (clients[i].access >= this.access)
// res.push(clients[i]);
// }
// return res;
// Returns an array of authorized peers belonging to the currect
// client socket group.
//sio.Socket.prototype.peers = function(includeSelf) {
// res = []
// //var clients = this.authorizedClients();
// var clients = io.sockets.clients('group-' + this.group);
// for (i = 0; i < clients.length; i++) {
// if ((!includeSelf && clients[i] == this) ||
// clients[i].access > this.access)
// continue;
// res.push(clients[i].toPeer());
// }
// return res;
// Returns an array of group peer IDs that dont have permission
// to receive messages broadcast by the current peer ie. access
// is lower than the current peer.
//sio.Socket.prototype.unauthorizedIDs = function() {
// var res = [];
// var clients = io.sockets.clients('group-' + this.group);
// for (i = 0; i < clients.length; i++) {
// if (clients[i].access < this.access)
// res.push(clients[i].id);
// }
// console.log('Unauthorized IDs:', this.name, ':', this.access, ':', res);
// return res;
//function packetSender(packet) {
// var res = packet.match(/\"from\"[ :]+[ {]+[^}]*\"id\"[ :]+\"(.*?)\"/);
// return res ? io.sockets.sockets[res[1]] : null;
//onDispatchOriginal = sio.Manager.prototype.onDispatch;
//sio.Manager.prototype.onDispatch = function(room, packet, volatile, exceptions) {
// // Authorise outgoing messages via the onDispatch method so unprotected
// // data can not be published directly from Redis.
// var sender = packetSender(packet);
// if (sender) {
// if (!exceptions)
// exceptions = [sender.id]; // dont send to self
// exceptions = exceptions.concat(sender.unauthorizedIDs());
// //console.log("Sending a message excluding: ", exceptions, ': ', sender.unauthorizedIDs());
// onDispatchOriginal.call(this, room, packet, volatile, exceptions)
// }
//onClientDispatchOriginal = sio.Manager.prototype.onClientDispatch;
//sio.Manager.prototype.onClientDispatch = function (id, packet) {
// // Ensure the recipient has sufficient permission to recieve the message
// var sender = packetSender(packet);
// var recipient = io.sockets.sockets[id];
// if (sender && recipient && recipient.access >= sender) {
// onClientDispatchOriginal.call(this, id, packet);
// }