- Admin Control Panel migration - Category management git-svn-id: http://piwigo.org/svn/trunk@394 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
619 lines
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619 lines
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// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | functions_category.inc.php |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | application : PhpWebGallery <http://phpwebgallery.net> |
// | branch : BSF (Best So Far) |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | file : $RCSfile$
// | last update : $Date$
// | last modifier : $Author$
// | revision : $Revision$
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
// | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
// | the Free Software Foundation |
// | |
// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
// | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
// | General Public License for more details. |
// | |
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
// | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software |
// | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, |
// | USA. |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
function check_restrictions( $category_id )
global $user,$lang;
if ( in_array( $category_id, $user['restrictions'] ) )
echo '<div style="text-align:center;">'.$lang['access_forbiden'].'<br />';
echo '<a href="'.add_session_id( './category.php' ).'">';
echo $lang['thumbnails'].'</a></div>';
// the check_cat_id function check whether the $cat is a right parameter :
// - $cat is numeric and corresponds to a category in the database
// - $cat equals 'fav' (for favorites)
// - $cat equals 'search' (when the result of a search is displayed)
function check_cat_id( $cat )
global $page;
unset( $page['cat'] );
if ( isset( $cat ) )
if ( isset( $page['plain_structure'][$cat] ) )
$page['cat'] = $cat;
else if ( is_numeric( $cat ) )
$query = 'SELECT id';
$query.= ' FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE id = '.$cat.';';
$result = mysql_query( $query );
if ( mysql_num_rows( $result ) != 0 )
$page['cat'] = $cat;
if ( $cat == 'fav'
or $cat == 'search'
or $cat == 'most_visited'
or $cat == 'best_rated'
or $cat == 'recent' )
$page['cat'] = $cat;
function get_user_plain_structure()
global $page,$user;
$infos = array( 'name','id','uc.date_last','nb_images','dir','id_uppercat',
$query = 'SELECT '.implode( ',', $infos );
$query.= ' FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' AS c';
// $query.= ' ,'.PREFIX_TABLE.'user_category AS uc';
$query.= ' ON c.id = uc.category_id';
$query.= ' WHERE user_id = '.$user['id'];
if ( !$user['expand'] )
$query.= ' AND (id_uppercat is NULL';
if ( count( $page['tab_expand'] ) > 0 )
$query.= ' OR id_uppercat IN ('.implode(',',$page['tab_expand']).')';
$query.= ')';
if ( $user['forbidden_categories'] != '' )
$query.= ' AND id NOT IN ';
$query.= '('.$user['forbidden_categories'].')';
// $query.= ' AND c.id = uc.category_id';
$query.= ' ORDER BY id_uppercat ASC, rank ASC';
$query.= ';';
$plain_structure = array();
$result = mysql_query( $query );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
$category = array();
foreach ( $infos as $info ) {
if ( $info == 'uc.date_last')
if (empty($row['date_last']))
$category['date_last']= 0;
list($year,$month,$day) = explode( '-', $row['date_last'] );
$category['date_last'] = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year);
else if ( isset( $row[$info] ) ) $category[$info] = $row[$info];
else $category[$info] = '';
$plain_structure[$row['id']] = $category;
return $plain_structure;
function create_user_structure( $id_uppercat )
global $page;
if ( !isset( $page['plain_structure'] ) )
$page['plain_structure'] = get_user_plain_structure();
$structure = array();
$ids = get_user_subcat_ids( $id_uppercat );
foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
$category = $page['plain_structure'][$id];
$category['subcats'] = create_user_structure( $id );
array_push( $structure, $category );
return $structure;
function get_user_subcat_ids( $id_uppercat )
global $page;
$ids = array();
foreach ( $page['plain_structure'] as $id => $category ) {
if ( $category['id_uppercat'] == $id_uppercat ) array_push( $ids, $id );
else if ( count( $ids ) > 0 ) return $ids;
return $ids;
// update_structure updates or add informations about each node of the
// structure :
// 1. should the category be expanded in the menu ?
// If the category has to be expanded (ie its id is in the
// $page['tab_expand'] or all the categories must be expanded by default),
// $category['expanded'] is set to true.
// 2. associated expand string
// in the menu, there is a expand string (used in the URL) to tell which
// categories must be expanded in the menu if this category is chosen
function update_structure( $categories )
global $page, $user;
$updated_categories = array();
foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
// update the "expanded" key
if ( $user['expand']
or in_array( $category['id'], $page['tab_expand'] ) )
$category['expanded'] = true;
$category['expanded'] = false;
// recursive call
$category['subcats'] = update_structure( $category['subcats'] );
// adding the updated category
array_push( $updated_categories, $category );
return $updated_categories;
// count_images returns the number of pictures contained in the given
// category represented by an array, in this array, we have (among other
// things) :
// $category['nb_images'] -> number of pictures in this category
// $category['subcats'] -> array of sub-categories
// count_images goes to the deepest sub-category to find the total number of
// pictures contained in the given given category
function count_images( $categories )
return count_user_total_images();
$total = 0;
foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
$total+= $category['nb_images'];
$total+= count_images( $category['subcats'] );
return $total;
function count_user_total_images()
global $user;
$query = 'SELECT SUM(nb_images) AS total';
if ( count( $user['restrictions'] ) > 0 )
$query.= ' WHERE id NOT IN ('.$user['forbidden_categories'].')';
$query.= ';';
$row = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) );
if ( !isset( $row['total'] ) ) $row['total'] = 0;
return $row['total'];
// variables :
// $cat['comment']
// $cat['dir']
// $cat['dir']
// $cat['name'] is an array :
// - $cat['name'][0] is the lowest cat name
// and
// - $cat['name'][n] is the most uppercat name findable
// $cat['nb_images']
// $cat['id_uppercat']
// $cat['site_id']
function get_cat_info( $id )
$infos = array( 'nb_images','id_uppercat','comment','site_id','galleries_url'
,'representative_picture_id','uppercats' );
$query = 'SELECT '.implode( ',', $infos );
$query.= ' FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' AS a';
$query.= ', '.SITES_TABLE.' AS b';
$query.= ' WHERE a.id = '.$id;
$query.= ' AND a.site_id = b.id';
$query.= ';';
$row = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) );
$cat = array();
// affectation of each field of the table "config" to an information of the
// array $cat.
foreach ( $infos as $info ) {
if ( isset( $row[$info] ) ) $cat[$info] = $row[$info];
else $cat[$info] = '';
// If the field is true or false, the variable is transformed into a
// boolean value.
if ( $cat[$info] == 'true' or $cat[$info] == 'false' )
$cat[$info] = get_boolean( $cat[$info] );
$cat['comment'] = nl2br( $cat['comment'] );
$cat['name'] = array();
$query.= ' WHERE id IN ('.$cat['uppercats'].')';
$query.= ' ORDER BY id ASC';
$query.= ';';
$result = mysql_query( $query );
while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
$cat['name'][$row['id']] = $row['name'];
return $cat;
// get_complete_dir returns the concatenation of get_site_url and
// get_local_dir
// Example : "pets > rex > 1_year_old" is on the the same site as the
// PhpWebGallery files and this category has 22 for identifier
// get_complete_dir(22) returns "./galleries/pets/rex/1_year_old/"
function get_complete_dir( $category_id )
return get_site_url( $category_id ).get_local_dir( $category_id );
// get_local_dir returns an array with complete path without the site url
// Example : "pets > rex > 1_year_old" is on the the same site as the
// PhpWebGallery files and this category has 22 for identifier
// get_local_dir(22) returns "pets/rex/1_year_old/"
function get_local_dir( $category_id )
global $page;
$uppercats = '';
$local_dir = '';
if ( isset( $page['plain_structure'][$category_id]['uppercats'] ) )
$uppercats = $page['plain_structure'][$category_id]['uppercats'];
$query = 'SELECT uppercats';
$query.= ' FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE id = '.$category_id;
$query.= ';';
$row = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) );
$uppercats = $row['uppercats'];
$upper_array = explode( ',', $uppercats );
$database_dirs = array();
$query = 'SELECT id,dir';
$query.= ' FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE id IN ('.$uppercats.')';
$query.= ';';
$result = mysql_query( $query );
while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
$database_dirs[$row['id']] = $row['dir'];
foreach ( $upper_array as $id ) {
$local_dir.= $database_dirs[$id].'/';
return $local_dir;
// retrieving the site url : "http://domain.com/gallery/" or
// simply "./galleries/"
function get_site_url( $category_id )
global $page;
$query = 'SELECT galleries_url';
$query.= ' WHERE s.id = c.site_id';
$query.= ' AND c.id = '.$category_id;
$query.= ';';
$row = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) );
return $row['galleries_url'];
// initialize_category initializes ;-) the variables in relation
// with category :
// 1. calculation of the number of pictures in the category
// 2. determination of the SQL query part to ask to find the right category
// $page['where'] is not the same if we are in
// - simple category
// - search result
// - favorites displaying
// - most visited pictures
// - best rated pictures
// - recent pictures
// 3. determination of the title of the page
// 4. creation of the navigation bar
function initialize_category( $calling_page = 'category' )
pwg_debug( 'start initialize_category' );
global $page,$lang,$user,$conf;
if ( isset( $page['cat'] ) )
// $page['nb_image_page'] is the number of picture to display on this page
// By default, it is the same as the $user['nb_image_page']
$page['nb_image_page'] = $user['nb_image_page'];
// $url is used to create the navigation bar
$url = './category.php?cat='.$page['cat'];
if ( isset($page['expand']) ) $url.= '&expand='.$page['expand'];
// simple category
if ( is_numeric( $page['cat'] ) )
$result = get_cat_info( $page['cat'] );
$page['comment'] = $result['comment'];
$page['cat_dir'] = $result['dir'];
$page['cat_name'] = $result['name'];
$page['cat_nb_images'] = $result['nb_images'];
$page['cat_site_id'] = $result['site_id'];
$page['cat_uploadable'] = $result['uploadable'];
$page['uppercats'] = $result['uppercats'];
$page['title'] = get_cat_display_name( $page['cat_name'],' - ','',false);
$page['where'] = ' WHERE category_id = '.$page['cat'];
if ( $page['cat'] == 'search' or $page['cat'] == 'most_visited'
or $page['cat'] == 'recent' or $page['cat'] == 'best_rated' )
// we must not show pictures of a forbidden category
if ( $user['forbidden_categories'] != '' )
$forbidden = ' category_id NOT IN ';
$forbidden.= '('.$user['forbidden_categories'].')';
// search result
if ( $page['cat'] == 'search' )
$page['title'] = $lang['search_result'];
if ( $calling_page == 'picture' )
$page['title'].= ' : <span style="font-style:italic;">';
$page['title'].= $_GET['search']."</span>";
$page['where'] = ' WHERE (';
$fields = array( 'file', 'name', 'comment', 'keywords' );
$words = explode( ',', $_GET['search'] );
$sql_search = array();
foreach ( $words as $i => $word ) {
// if the user searchs any of the words, the where statement must
// be :
// field1 LIKE '%$word1%' OR field2 LIKE '%$word1%' ...
// OR field1 LIKE '%$word2%' OR field2 LIKE '%$word2%' ...
if ( $_GET['mode'] == 'OR' )
if ( $i != 0 ) $page['where'].= ' OR';
foreach ( $fields as $j => $field ) {
if ( $j != 0 ) $page['where'].= ' OR';
$page['where'].= ' '.$field." LIKE '%".$word."%'";
// if the user searchs all the words :
// ( field1 LIKE '%$word1%' OR field2 LIKE '%$word1%' )
// AND ( field1 LIKE '%$word2%' OR field2 LIKE '%$word2%' )
else if ( $_GET['mode'] == 'AND' )
if ( $i != 0 ) $page['where'].= ' AND';
$page['where'].= ' (';
foreach ( $fields as $j => $field ) {
if ( $j != 0 ) $page['where'].= ' OR';
$page['where'].= ' '.$field." LIKE '%".$word."%'";
$page['where'].= ' )';
$page['where'].= ' )';
if ( isset( $forbidden ) ) $page['where'].= ' AND '.$forbidden;
$query = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id)) AS nb_total_images';
$query.= ' FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE;
$query.= ' ON id = ic.image_id';
$query.= $page['where'];
$query.= ';';
$url.= '&search='.$_GET['search'].'&mode='.$_GET['mode'];
// favorites displaying
else if ( $page['cat'] == 'fav' )
$page['title'] = $lang['favorites'];
$page['where'] = ', '.FAVORITES_TABLE.' AS fav';
$page['where'].= ' WHERE user_id = '.$user['id'];
$page['where'].= ' AND fav.image_id = id';
$query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS nb_total_images';
$query.= ' WHERE user_id = '.$user['id'];
$query.= ';';
// pictures within the short period
else if ( $page['cat'] == 'recent' )
$page['title'] = $lang['recent_cat_title'];
// We must find the date corresponding to :
// today - $conf['periode_courte']
$date = time() - 60*60*24*$user['short_period'];
$page['where'] = " WHERE date_available > '";
$page['where'].= date( 'Y-m-d', $date )."'";
if ( isset( $forbidden ) ) $page['where'].= ' AND '.$forbidden;
$query = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(id)) AS nb_total_images';
$query.= ' FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE;
$query.= ' INNER JOIN '.PREFIX_TABLE.'image_category AS ic';
$query.= ' ON id = ic.image_id';
$query.= $page['where'];
$query.= ';';
// most visited pictures
else if ( $page['cat'] == 'most_visited' )
$page['title'] = $conf['top_number'].' '.$lang['most_visited_cat'];
if ( isset( $forbidden ) ) $page['where'] = ' WHERE '.$forbidden;
else $page['where'] = '';
$conf['order_by'] = ' ORDER BY hit DESC, file ASC';
$page['cat_nb_images'] = $conf['top_number'];
if ( isset( $page['start'] )
and ($page['start']+$user['nb_image_page']>=$conf['top_number']))
$page['nb_image_page'] = $conf['top_number'] - $page['start'];
if ( isset($query))
$result = mysql_query( $query );
$row = mysql_fetch_array( $result );
$page['cat_nb_images'] = $row['nb_total_images'];
if ( $calling_page == 'category' )
$page['navigation_bar'] =
create_navigation_bar( $url, $page['cat_nb_images'], $page['start'],
$user['nb_image_page'], 'back' );
$page['title'] = $lang['diapo_default_page_title'];
pwg_debug( 'end initialize_category' );
// get_non_empty_subcat_ids returns an array with sub-categories id
// associated with their first non empty category id.
// example :
// - catname [cat_id]
// - cat1 [1] -> given uppercat
// - cat1.1 [12] (empty)
// - cat1.1.1 [5] (empty)
// - cat1.1.2 [6]
// - cat1.2 [3]
// - cat1.3 [4]
// get_non_empty_sub_cat_ids will return :
// $ids[12] = 6;
// $ids[3] = 3;
// $ids[4] = 4;
function get_non_empty_subcat_ids( $id_uppercat )
global $user;
$ids = array();
$query = 'SELECT id,nb_images';
$query.= ' WHERE id_uppercat ';
if ( !is_numeric( $id_uppercat ) ) $query.= 'is NULL';
else $query.= '= '.$id_uppercat;
// we must not show pictures of a forbidden category
if ( $user['forbidden_categories'] != '' )
$query.= ' AND id NOT IN ('.$user['forbidden_categories'].')';
$query.= ' ORDER BY rank';
$query.= ';';
$result = mysql_query( $query );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
// only categories with findable picture in any of its subcats is
// represented.
if ( ( $row['nb_images'] != 0 and $non_empty_cat = $row['id'] )
or $non_empty_cat = get_first_non_empty_cat_id( $row['id'] ) )
$ids[$row['id']] = $non_empty_cat;
return $ids;
// get_first_non_empty_cat_id returns the id of the first non empty
// sub-category to the given uppercat. If no picture is found in any
// subcategory, false is returned.
function get_first_non_empty_cat_id( $id_uppercat )
global $user;
$query = 'SELECT id,nb_images';
$query.= ' WHERE id_uppercat = '.$id_uppercat;
// we must not show pictures of a forbidden category
if ( $user['forbidden_categories'] != '' )
$query.= ' AND id NOT IN ('.$user['forbidden_categories'].')';
$query.= ' ORDER BY RAND()';
$query.= ';';
$result = mysql_query( $query );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
if ( $row['nb_images'] > 0 )
return $row['id'];
$result = mysql_query( $query );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
// recursive call
if ( $subcat = get_first_non_empty_cat_id( $row['id'] ) )
return $subcat;
return false;