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<title>Piwigo web API (web-services) explorer</title>
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<a name="top"></a>
<div id="the_header">
<h1>Piwigo web API (web-services) explorer</h1>
</div> <!-- the_header -->
<div id="the_methods">
<h2>Available methods</h2>
<ul id="methodsList">
</div> <!-- the_methods -->
<div id="the_page">
<h2 id="methodName" style="display:none;"></h2>
<h2 id="errorWrapper" style="display:none;"></h2>
<div id="the_content">
<form id="urlForm" style="display:none;">
<input type="text" name="ws_url" size="60">
<input type="submit" value="Go!">
<blockquote id="introMessage">
<b>API = Application Programming Interface.</b><br>
This is the way other applications can communicate with Piwigo. This feature is also know as Web Services.
<li>Wordpress (web blog software) can display random photos from a Piwigo gallery in its sidebar</li>
<li>Lightroom (photo management software for desktop) can create albums and upload photos to Piwigo</li>
This page lists all API methods available on your Piwigo installation, part of the Piwigo core or added by third-party plugins.
For each method you can consult required and optional parameters, and even test them in direct live!
For more information you can consult our Wiki <a href="http://piwigo.org/doc/doku.php?id=dev:webapi:start" target="_blank">Piwigo Web API</a> and <a href="http://piwigo.org/forum" target="_blank">our forums</a>.
</blockquote> <!-- introMessage -->
<form id="methodWrapper" style="display:none;">
<div id="methodDescription" style="display:none;">
</div> <!-- methodDescription -->
<div id="testForm">
<td>Request format :</td>
<select id="requestFormat">
<option value="get" selected>GET</option>
<option value="post">POST</option>
<td>Response format :</td>
<select id="responseFormat">
<option value="rest" selected>REST (xml)</option>
<option value="json">JSON</option>
<option value="php">PHP serial</option>
<option value="xmlrpc">XML RPC</option>
<td colspan="2">
<a href="#" class="button" id="invokeMethod">INVOKE</a>
<a href="#" class="button" id="invokeMethodBlank">INVOKE (new window)</a>
</div> <!-- testForm -->
<div id="methodParams">
<h3>Method parameters</h3>
<td style="width:150px;">Name</td>
<td class="mini">Extra</td>
<td class="mini">Type</td>
<td style="width:300px;">Value</td>
<td class="mini">Send</td>
<td colspan="5">
<b>*</b>: required, <b>?</b>: optional, <b>[]</b>: can be an array (use a pipe | to split values)<br>
<b>B</b>: boolean, <b>I</b>: integer, <b>F</b>: float, <b>+</b>: positive, <b>ø</b>: not null
</div> <!-- methodParams -->
<div id="requestDisplay" style="display:none;">
<pre class="url"></pre>
<pre class="params"></pre>
</div> <!-- requestDisplay -->
<div id="iframeWrapper">
<iframe src="" id="invokeFrame" name="invokeFrame"></iframe>
<a href="#iframe-bottom" id="increaseIframe"><b>↓</b> increase height</a> •
<a href="#iframe-bottom" id="decreaseIframe"><b>↑</b> decrease height</a>
<a name="iframe-bottom"></a>
</form> <!-- iframeWrapper -->
<!-- hidden form for POST submition -->
<form method="post" action="" target="" id="invokeForm" style="display:none;"></form>
</div> <!-- the_content -->
</div> <!-- the_page -->
<div id="the_footer">
Copyright © 2002-2013 <a href="http://piwigo.org">Piwigo Team</a>
</div> <!-- the_footer -->
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
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// global vars
var cachedMethods = new Array;
var ws_url = "http://";
// automatic detection of ws_url
match = document.location.toString().match(/^(https?.*\/)tools\/ws\.html?/);
if (match==null) {
else {
ws_url = match[1]+'ws.php';
// manual set of ws_url
$("#urlForm").submit(function() {
ws_url = $(this).children("input[name='ws_url']").val();
return false;
// invoke buttons
$("#invokeMethod").click(function() {
invokeMethod($("#methodName").html(), false);
return false;
$("#invokeMethodBlank").click(function() {
invokeMethod($("#methodName").html(), true);
return false;
// resizable iframe
$("#increaseIframe").click(function() {
$("#iframeWrapper").css('height', $("#iframeWrapper").height()+100);
$("#decreaseIframe").click(function() {
if ($("#iframeWrapper").height() > 200) {
$("#iframeWrapper").css('height', $("#iframeWrapper").height()-100);
// mask all wrappers
function resetDisplay() {
$("#methodDescription blockquote").empty();
// give the same size to methods list and main page
function adaptHeight() {
$("#the_page").css('height', 'auto');
$("#the_methods").css('height', 'auto');
min_h = $(window).height()-$("#the_header").outerHeight()-$("#the_footer").outerHeight()-3;
h = Math.max(min_h, Math.max($("#the_methods").height(), $("#the_page").height()));
$("#the_page").css('height', h);
$("#the_methods").css('height', h);
// display error wrapper
function displayError(error) {
$("#errorWrapper").html("<b>Error:</b> "+ error).show();
// display ws_url form
function askForUrl() {
displayError("can't contact web-services, please give absolute url to 'ws.php'");
if ($("#urlForm input[name='ws_url']").val() == "") {
$("#urlForm input[name='ws_url']").val(ws_url);
// parse Piwigo JSON
function parsePwgJSON(json) {
try {
resp = jQuery.parseJSON(json);
if (resp==null | resp.result==null | resp.stat==null | resp.stat!='ok') {
throw new Error();
catch(e) {
displayError("unable to parse JSON string");
resp = {"stat": "ko", "result": "null"};
return resp.result;
// fetch methods list
function getMethodList() {
type: "GET",
url: ws_url,
data: { format: "json", method: "reflection.getMethodList" }
}).done(function(result) {
result = parsePwgJSON(result);
if (result!=null) {
methods = result.methods;
var ml = '';
for (var i=0; i<methods.length; i++)
ml += '<li><a href="#top">'+ methods[i]+'</a></li>';
// trigger method selection
$("#methodsList li a").click(function() {
}).error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
// select method
function selectMethod(methodName) {
if (cachedMethods[ methodName ]) {
else {
type: "GET",
url: ws_url,
data: { format: "json", method: "reflection.getMethodDetails", methodName: methodName }
}).done(function(result) {
result = parsePwgJSON(result);
if (result!=null) {
if (result.options.post_only || result.options.admin_only) {
var onlys = '<div class="onlys">';
if (result.options.post_only) {
onlys+= 'POST only. ';
if (result.options.admin_only) {
onlys+= 'Admin only. ';
onlys+= '</div>';
result.description = onlys + result.description;
cachedMethods[ methodName ] = result;
}).error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
displayError("unknown error");
// display method details
function fillNewMethod(methodName) {
method = cachedMethods[ methodName ];
if (method.description != "") {
$("#methodDescription blockquote").html(method.description);
$("#requestFormat").val(method.options.post_only ? 'post' : 'get');
var methodParams = '';
if (method.params && method.params.length>0) {
for (var i=0; i<method.params.length; i++) {
var param = method.params[i],
isOptional = param.optional,
acceptArray = param.acceptArray,
defaultValue = param.defaultValue == null ? '' : param.defaultValue,
info = param.info == null ? '' : '<a class="methodInfo" title="'+ param.info.replace(/"/g, '"') + '">i</a>',
type = '';
if (param.type.match(/bool/)) type+= '<span class=type>B</span>';
if (param.type.match(/int/)) type+= '<span class=type>I</span>';
if (param.type.match(/float/)) type+= '<span class=type>F</span>';
if (param.type.match(/positive/)) type+= '<span class=subtype>+</span>';
if (param.type.match(/notnull/)) type+= '<span class=subtype>ø</span>';
// if an array is direclty printed, the delimiter is a comma where we use a pipe
if (typeof defaultValue == 'object') {
defaultValue = defaultValue.join('|');
methodParams+= '<tr>'+
'<td>'+ param.name + info +'</td>'+
'<td class="mini">'+ (isOptional ? '?':'*') + (acceptArray ? ' []':'') +'</td>'+
'<td class="mini">'+ type +'</td>'+
'<td class="input"><input type="text" class="methodParameterValue" data-id="'+ i +'" value="'+ defaultValue +'"></td>'+
'<td class="mini"><input type="checkbox" class="methodParameterSend" data-id="'+ i +'" '+ (isOptional ? '':'checked="checked"') +'></td>'+
else {
methodParams = '<tr><td colspan="4">This method takes no parameters</td></tr>';
$("#methodParams tbody").html(methodParams);
// trigger field modification
$("input.methodParameterValue").change(function() {
$("input.methodParameterSend[data-id='"+ $(this).data('id') +"']").attr('checked', 'checked');
// tiptip
// invoke method
function invokeMethod(methodName, newWindow) {
var method = cachedMethods[ methodName ];
var reqUrl = ws_url +"?format="+ $("#responseFormat").val();
// GET
if ($("#requestFormat").val() == 'get') {
reqUrl+= "&method="+ methodName;
for (var i=0; i<method.params.length; i++) {
if (! $("input.methodParameterSend[data-id='"+ i +"']").is(":checked")) {
var paramValue = $("input.methodParameterValue[data-id='"+ i +"']").val();
var paramSplitted = paramValue.split('|');
if (method.params[i].acceptArray && paramSplitted.length > 1) {
$.each(paramSplitted, function(v) {
reqUrl+= '&'+ method.params[i].name +'[]='+ paramSplitted[v];
else {
reqUrl+= '&'+ method.params[i].name +'='+ paramValue;
if (newWindow) {
else {
$("#invokeFrame").attr('src', reqUrl);
else {
var params = {};
var form = $("#invokeForm");
form.attr('action', reqUrl);
var t = '<input type="hidden" name="method" value="'+ methodName +'">';
for (var i=0; i<method.params.length; i++) {
if (! $("input.methodParameterSend[data-id='"+ i +"']").is(":checked")) {
var paramValue = $("input.methodParameterValue[data-id='"+ i +"']").val(),
paramName = method.params[i].name,
paramSplitted = paramValue.split('|');
if (method.params[i].acceptArray && paramSplitted.length > 1) {
params[paramName] = [];
$.each(paramSplitted, function(i, value) {
t+= '<input type="hidden" name="'+ paramName +'[]" value="'+ value +'">';
else {
params[paramName] = paramValue;
t+= '<input type="hidden" name="'+ paramName +'" value="'+ paramValue +'">';
form.attr('target', newWindow ? "_blank" : "invokeFrame");
.find('.params').show().html(JSON.stringify(params, null, 4));
return false;
</html> |