
2099 lines
57 KiB

// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Piwigo - a PHP based photo gallery |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright(C) 2008-2016 Piwigo Team http://piwigo.org |
// | Copyright(C) 2003-2008 PhpWebGallery Team http://phpwebgallery.net |
// | Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Pierrick LE GALL http://le-gall.net/pierrick |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
// | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
// | the Free Software Foundation |
// | |
// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
// | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
// | General Public License for more details. |
// | |
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
// | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software |
// | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, |
// | USA. |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
* @package template
require_once( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH .'include/smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php');
/** default rank for buttons */
* This a wrapper arround Smarty classes proving various custom mechanisms for templates.
class Template
/** @var Smarty */
var $smarty;
/** @var string */
var $output = '';
/** @var string[] - Hash of filenames for each template handle. */
var $files = array();
/** @var string[] - Template extents filenames for each template handle. */
var $extents = array();
/** @var array - Templates prefilter from external sources (plugins) */
var $external_filters = array();
/** @var string - Content to add before </head> tag */
var $html_head_elements = array();
/** @var string - Runtime CSS rules */
private $html_style = '';
/** @const string */
/** @var ScriptLoader */
var $scriptLoader;
/** @const string */
/** @var CssLoader */
var $cssLoader;
/** @var array - Runtime buttons on picture page */
var $picture_buttons = array();
/** @var array - Runtime buttons on index page */
var $index_buttons = array();
* @var string $root
* @var string $theme
* @var string $path
function __construct($root=".", $theme="", $path="template")
global $conf, $lang_info;
SmartyException::$escape = false;
$this->scriptLoader = new ScriptLoader;
$this->cssLoader = new CssLoader;
$this->smarty = new Smarty;
$this->smarty->debugging = $conf['debug_template'];
if (!$this->smarty->debugging)
$this->smarty->error_reporting = error_reporting() & ~E_NOTICE;
$this->smarty->compile_check = $conf['template_compile_check'];
$this->smarty->force_compile = $conf['template_force_compile'];
if (!isset($conf['data_dir_checked']))
$dir = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$conf['data_location'];
if (!is_writable($dir))
'Give write access (chmod 777) to "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation',
l10n('an error happened'),
false // show trace
if (function_exists('pwg_query')) {
conf_update_param('data_dir_checked', 1);
$compile_dir = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$conf['data_location'].'templates_c';
mkgetdir( $compile_dir );
$this->smarty->assign( 'pwg', new PwgTemplateAdapter() );
$this->smarty->registerPlugin('modifiercompiler', 'translate', array('Template', 'modcompiler_translate') );
$this->smarty->registerPlugin('modifiercompiler', 'translate_dec', array('Template', 'modcompiler_translate_dec') );
$this->smarty->registerPlugin('modifier', 'explode', array('Template', 'mod_explode') );
$this->smarty->registerPlugin('modifier', 'ternary', array('Template', 'mod_ternary') );
$this->smarty->registerPlugin('modifier', 'get_extent', array($this, 'get_extent') );
$this->smarty->registerPlugin('block', 'html_head', array($this, 'block_html_head') );
$this->smarty->registerPlugin('block', 'html_style', array($this, 'block_html_style') );
$this->smarty->registerPlugin('function', 'combine_script', array($this, 'func_combine_script') );
$this->smarty->registerPlugin('function', 'get_combined_scripts', array($this, 'func_get_combined_scripts') );
$this->smarty->registerPlugin('function', 'combine_css', array($this, 'func_combine_css') );
$this->smarty->registerPlugin('function', 'define_derivative', array($this, 'func_define_derivative') );
$this->smarty->registerPlugin('compiler', 'get_combined_css', array($this, 'func_get_combined_css') );
$this->smarty->registerPlugin('block', 'footer_script', array($this, 'block_footer_script') );
$this->smarty->registerFilter('pre', array('Template', 'prefilter_white_space') );
if ( $conf['compiled_template_cache_language'] )
$this->smarty->registerFilter('post', array('Template', 'postfilter_language') );
if ( !empty($theme) )
$this->set_theme($root, $theme, $path);
if (!defined('IN_ADMIN'))
$this->set_prefilter( 'header', array('Template', 'prefilter_local_css') );
if (isset($lang_info['code']) and !isset($lang_info['jquery_code']))
$lang_info['jquery_code'] = $lang_info['code'];
if (isset($lang_info['jquery_code']) and !isset($lang_info['plupload_code']))
$lang_info['plupload_code'] = str_replace('-', '_', $lang_info['jquery_code']);
$this->smarty->assign('lang_info', $lang_info);
if (!defined('IN_ADMIN') and isset($conf['extents_for_templates']))
$tpl_extents = unserialize($conf['extents_for_templates']);
$this->set_extents($tpl_extents, './template-extension/', true, $theme);
* Loads theme's parameters.
* @param string $root
* @param string $theme
* @param string $path
* @param bool $load_css
* @param bool $load_local_head
function set_theme($root, $theme, $path, $load_css=true, $load_local_head=true, $colorscheme='dark')
$themeconf = $this->load_themeconf($root.'/'.$theme);
if (isset($themeconf['parent']) and $themeconf['parent'] != $theme)
isset($themeconf['load_parent_css']) ? $themeconf['load_parent_css'] : $load_css,
isset($themeconf['load_parent_local_head']) ? $themeconf['load_parent_local_head'] : $load_local_head
$tpl_var = array(
'id' => $theme,
'load_css' => $load_css,
if (!empty($themeconf['local_head']) and $load_local_head)
$tpl_var['local_head'] = realpath($root.'/'.$theme.'/'.$themeconf['local_head'] );
$themeconf['id'] = $theme;
if (!isset($themeconf['colorscheme']))
$themeconf['colorscheme'] = $colorscheme;
$this->smarty->append('themes', $tpl_var);
$this->smarty->append('themeconf', $themeconf, true);
* Adds template directory for this Template object.
* Also set compile id if not exists.
* @param string $dir
function set_template_dir($dir)
if (!isset($this->smarty->compile_id))
$compile_id = "1";
$compile_id .= ($real_dir = realpath($dir))===false ? $dir : $real_dir;
$this->smarty->compile_id = base_convert(crc32($compile_id), 10, 36 );
* Gets the template root directory for this Template object.
* @return string
function get_template_dir()
return $this->smarty->getTemplateDir();
* Deletes all compiled templates.
function delete_compiled_templates()
$save_compile_id = $this->smarty->compile_id;
$this->smarty->compile_id = null;
$this->smarty->compile_id = $save_compile_id;
file_put_contents($this->smarty->getCompileDir().'/index.htm', 'Not allowed!');
* Returns theme's parameter.
* @param string $val
* @return mixed
function get_themeconf($val)
$tc = $this->smarty->getTemplateVars('themeconf');
return isset($tc[$val]) ? $tc[$val] : '';
* Sets the template filename for handle.
* @param string $handle
* @param string $filename
* @return bool
function set_filename($handle, $filename)
return $this->set_filenames( array($handle=>$filename) );
* Sets the template filenames for handles.
* @param string[] $filename_array hashmap of handle=>filename
* @return true
function set_filenames($filename_array)
if (!is_array($filename_array))
return false;
while(list($handle, $filename) = each($filename_array))
if (is_null($filename))
$this->files[$handle] = $this->get_extent($filename, $handle);
return true;
* Sets template extention filename for handles.
* @param string $filename
* @param mixed $param
* @param string $dir
* @param bool $overwrite
* @param string $theme
* @return bool
function set_extent($filename, $param, $dir='', $overwrite=true, $theme='N/A')
return $this->set_extents(array($filename => $param), $dir, $overwrite);
* Sets template extentions filenames for handles.
* @param string[] $filename_array hashmap of handle=>filename
* @param string $dir
* @param bool $overwrite
* @param string $theme
* @return bool
function set_extents($filename_array, $dir='', $overwrite=true, $theme='N/A')
if (!is_array($filename_array))
return false;
foreach ($filename_array as $filename => $value)
if (is_array($value))
$handle = $value[0];
$param = $value[1];
$thm = $value[2];
elseif (is_string($value))
$handle = $value;
$param = 'N/A';
$thm = 'N/A';
return false;
if ((stripos(implode('',array_keys($_GET)), '/'.$param) !== false or $param == 'N/A')
and ($thm == $theme or $thm == 'N/A')
and (!isset($this->extents[$handle]) or $overwrite)
and file_exists($dir . $filename))
$this->extents[$handle] = realpath($dir . $filename);
return true;
* Returns template extension if exists.
* @param string $filename should be empty!
* @param string $handle
* @return string
function get_extent($filename='', $handle='')
if (isset($this->extents[$handle]))
$filename = $this->extents[$handle];
return $filename;
* Assigns a template variable.
* @see http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/api.assign.php
* @param string|array $tpl_var can be a var name or a hashmap of variables
* (in this case, do not use the _$value_ parameter)
* @param mixed $value
function assign($tpl_var, $value=null)
$this->smarty->assign( $tpl_var, $value );
* Defines _$varname_ as the compiled result of _$handle_.
* This can be used to effectively include a template in another template.
* This is equivalent to assign($varname, $this->parse($handle, true)).
* @param string $varname
* @param string $handle
* @return true
function assign_var_from_handle($varname, $handle)
$this->assign($varname, $this->parse($handle, true));
return true;
* Appends a new value in a template array variable, the variable is created if needed.
* @see http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/api.append.php
* @param string $tpl_var
* @param mixed $value
* @param bool $merge
function append($tpl_var, $value=null, $merge=false)
$this->smarty->append( $tpl_var, $value, $merge );
* Performs a string concatenation.
* @param string $tpl_var
* @param string $value
function concat($tpl_var, $value)
$this->smarty->getTemplateVars($tpl_var) . $value);
* Removes an assigned template variable.
* @see http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/api.clear_assign.php
* @param string $tpl_var
function clear_assign($tpl_var)
$this->smarty->clearAssign( $tpl_var );
* Returns an assigned template variable.
* @see http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/api.get_template_vars.php
* @param string $tpl_var
function get_template_vars($tpl_var=null)
return $this->smarty->getTemplateVars( $tpl_var );
* Loads the template file of the handle, compiles it and appends the result to the output
* (or returns it if _$return_ is true).
* @param string $handle
* @param bool $return
* @return null|string
function parse($handle, $return=false)
if ( !isset($this->files[$handle]) )
fatal_error("Template->parse(): Couldn't load template file for handle $handle");
$this->smarty->assign( 'ROOT_URL', get_root_url() );
$save_compile_id = $this->smarty->compile_id;
global $conf, $lang_info;
if ( $conf['compiled_template_cache_language'] and isset($lang_info['code']) )
$this->smarty->compile_id .= '_'.$lang_info['code'];
$v = $this->smarty->fetch($this->files[$handle]);
$this->smarty->compile_id = $save_compile_id;
if ($return)
return $v;
$this->output .= $v;
* Loads the template file of the handle, compiles it and appends the result to the output,
* then sends the output to the browser.
* @param string $handle
function pparse($handle)
$this->parse($handle, false);
* Load and compile JS & CSS into the template and sends the output to the browser.
function flush()
if (!$this->scriptLoader->did_head())
$pos = strpos( $this->output, self::COMBINED_SCRIPTS_TAG );
if ($pos !== false)
$scripts = $this->scriptLoader->get_head_scripts();
$content = array();
foreach ($scripts as $script)
'<script type="text/javascript" src="'
. self::make_script_src($script)
$this->output = substr_replace( $this->output, implode( "\n", $content ), $pos, strlen(self::COMBINED_SCRIPTS_TAG) );
} //else maybe error or warning ?
$css = $this->cssLoader->get_css();
$content = array();
foreach( $css as $combi )
$href = embellish_url(get_root_url().$combi->path);
if ($combi->version !== false)
$href .= '?v' . ($combi->version ? $combi->version : PHPWG_VERSION);
// trigger the event for eventual use of a cdn
$href = trigger_change('combined_css', $href, $combi);
$content[] = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$href.'">';
$this->output = str_replace(self::COMBINED_CSS_TAG,
implode( "\n", $content ),
$this->output );
if ( count($this->html_head_elements) || strlen($this->html_style) )
$search = "\n</head>";
$pos = strpos( $this->output, $search );
if ($pos !== false)
$rep = "\n".implode( "\n", $this->html_head_elements );
if (strlen($this->html_style))
$rep.='<style type="text/css">'.$this->html_style.'</style>';
$this->output = substr_replace( $this->output, $rep, $pos, 0 );
} //else maybe error or warning ?
$this->html_head_elements = array();
$this->html_style = '';
echo $this->output;
* Same as flush() but with optional debugging.
* @see Template::flush()
function p()
if ($this->smarty->debugging)
global $t2;
'AAAA_DEBUG_TOTAL_TIME__' => get_elapsed_time($t2, get_moment())
* Eval a temp string to retrieve the original PHP value.
* @param string $str
* @return mixed
static function get_php_str_val($str)
if (is_string($str) && strlen($str)>1)
if ( ($str[0]=='\'' && $str[strlen($str)-1]=='\'')
|| ($str[0]=='"' && $str[strlen($str)-1]=='"'))
return $tmp;
return null;
* "translate" variable modifier.
* Usage :
* - {'Comment'|translate}
* - {'%d comments'|translate:$count}
* @see l10n()
* @param array $params
* @return string
static function modcompiler_translate($params)
global $conf, $lang;
switch (count($params))
case 1:
if ($conf['compiled_template_cache_language']
&& ($key=self::get_php_str_val($params[0])) !== null
&& isset($lang[$key])
) {
return var_export($lang[$key], true);
return 'l10n('.$params[0].')';
if ($conf['compiled_template_cache_language'])
$ret = 'sprintf(';
$ret .= self::modcompiler_translate( array($params[0]) );
$ret .= ','. implode(',', array_slice($params, 1));
$ret .= ')';
return $ret;
return 'l10n('.$params[0].','.implode(',', array_slice($params, 1)).')';
* "translate_dec" variable modifier.
* Usage :
* - {$count|translate_dec:'%d comment':'%d comments'}
* @see l10n_dec()
* @param array $params
* @return string
static function modcompiler_translate_dec($params)
global $conf, $lang, $lang_info;
if ($conf['compiled_template_cache_language'])
$ret = 'sprintf(';
if ($lang_info['zero_plural'])
$ret .= '($tmp=('.$params[0].'))>1||$tmp==0';
$ret .= '($tmp=('.$params[0].'))>1';
$ret .= '?';
$ret .= self::modcompiler_translate( array($params[2]) );
$ret .= ':';
$ret .= self::modcompiler_translate( array($params[1]) );
$ret .= ',$tmp';
$ret .= ')';
return $ret;
return 'l10n_dec('.$params[1].','.$params[2].','.$params[0].')';
* "explode" variable modifier.
* Usage :
* - {assign var=valueExploded value=$value|explode:','}
* @param string $text
* @param string $delimiter
* @return array
static function mod_explode($text, $delimiter=',')
return explode($delimiter, $text);
* ternary variable modifier.
* Usage :
* - {$variable|ternary:'yes':'no'}
* @param mixed $param
* @param mixed $true
* @param mixed $false
* @return mixed
static function mod_ternary($param, $true, $false)
return $param ? $true : $false;
* The "html_head" block allows to add content just before
* </head> element in the output after the head has been parsed.
* @param array $params (unused)
* @param string $content
function block_html_head($params, $content)
$content = trim($content);
if ( !empty($content) )
{ // second call
$this->html_head_elements[] = $content;
* The "html_style" block allows to add CSS juste before
* </head> element in the output after the head has been parsed.
* @param array $params (unused)
* @param string $content
function block_html_style($params, $content)
$content = trim($content);
if ( !empty($content) )
{ // second call
$this->html_style .= "\n".$content;
* The "define_derivative" function allows to define derivative from tpl file.
* It assigns a DerivativeParams object to _name_ template variable.
* @param array $params
* - name (required)
* - type (optional)
* - width (required if type is empty)
* - height (required if type is empty)
* - crop (optional, used if type is empty)
* - min_height (optional, used with crop)
* - min_height (optional, used with crop)
* @param Smarty $smarty
function func_define_derivative($params, $smarty)
!empty($params['name']) or fatal_error('define_derivative missing name');
if (isset($params['type']))
$derivative = ImageStdParams::get_by_type($params['type']);
$smarty->assign( $params['name'], $derivative);
!empty($params['width']) or fatal_error('define_derivative missing width');
!empty($params['height']) or fatal_error('define_derivative missing height');
$w = intval($params['width']);
$h = intval($params['height']);
$crop = 0;
if (isset($params['crop']))
if (is_bool($params['crop']))
$crop = $params['crop'] ? 1:0;
$crop = round($params['crop']/100, 2);
if ($crop)
$minw = empty($params['min_width']) ? $w : intval($params['min_width']);
$minw <= $w or fatal_error('define_derivative invalid min_width');
$minh = empty($params['min_height']) ? $h : intval($params['min_height']);
$minh <= $h or fatal_error('define_derivative invalid min_height');
$smarty->assign( $params['name'], ImageStdParams::get_custom($w, $h, $crop, $minw, $minh) );
* The "combine_script" functions allows inclusion of a javascript file in the current page.
* The engine will combine several js files into a single one.
* @param array $params
* - id (required)
* - path (required)
* - load (optional) 'header', 'footer' or 'async'
* - require (optional) comma separated list of script ids required to be loaded
* and executed before this one
* - version (optional) used to force a browser refresh
function func_combine_script($params)
if (!isset($params['id']))
trigger_error("combine_script: missing 'id' parameter", E_USER_ERROR);
$load = 0;
if (isset($params['load']))
switch ($params['load'])
case 'header': break;
case 'footer': $load=1; break;
case 'async': $load=2; break;
default: trigger_error("combine_script: invalid 'load' parameter", E_USER_ERROR);
$this->scriptLoader->add( $params['id'], $load,
empty($params['require']) ? array() : explode( ',', $params['require'] ),
isset($params['version']) ? $params['version'] : 0,
* The "get_combined_scripts" function returns HTML tag of combined scripts.
* It can returns a placeholder for delayed JS files combination and minification.
* @param array $params
* - load (required)
function func_get_combined_scripts($params)
if (!isset($params['load']))
trigger_error("get_combined_scripts: missing 'load' parameter", E_USER_ERROR);
$load = $params['load']=='header' ? 0 : 1;
$content = array();
if ($load==0)
$scripts = $this->scriptLoader->get_footer_scripts();
foreach ($scripts[0] as $script)
'<script type="text/javascript" src="'
. self::make_script_src($script)
if (count($this->scriptLoader->inline_scripts))
$content[]= '<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
$content = array_merge($content, $this->scriptLoader->inline_scripts);
$content[]= '//]]></script>';
if (count($scripts[1]))
$content[]= '<script type="text/javascript">';
$content[]= '(function() {
var s,after = document.getElementsByTagName(\'script\')[document.getElementsByTagName(\'script\').length-1];';
foreach ($scripts[1] as $id => $script)
's=document.createElement(\'script\'); s.type=\'text/javascript\'; s.async=true; s.src=\''
. self::make_script_src($script)
$content[]= 'after = after.parentNode.insertBefore(s, after);';
$content[]= '})();';
$content[]= '</script>';
return implode("\n", $content);
* Returns clean relative URL to script file.
* @param Combinable $script
* @return string
private static function make_script_src($script)
$ret = '';
if ( $script->is_remote() )
$ret = $script->path;
$ret = get_root_url().$script->path;
if ($script->version!==false)
$ret.= '?v'. ($script->version ? $script->version : PHPWG_VERSION);
// trigger the event for eventual use of a cdn
$ret = trigger_change('combined_script', $ret, $script);
return embellish_url($ret);
* The "footer_script" block allows to add runtime script in the HTML page.
* @param array $params
* - require (optional) comma separated list of script ids
* @param string $content
function block_footer_script($params, $content)
$content = trim($content);
if ( !empty($content) )
{ // second call
empty($params['require']) ? array() : explode(',', $params['require'])
* The "combine_css" function allows inclusion of a css file in the current page.
* The engine will combine several css files into a single one.
* @param array $params
* - id (optional) used to deal with multiple inclusions from plugins
* - path (required)
* - version (optional) used to force a browser refresh
* - order (optional)
* - template (optional) set to true to allow smarty syntax in the css file
function func_combine_css($params)
if (empty($params['path']))
fatal_error('combine_css missing path');
if (!isset($params['id']))
$params['id'] = md5($params['path']);
$this->cssLoader->add($params['id'], $params['path'], isset($params['version']) ? $params['version'] : 0, (int)@$params['order'], (bool)@$params['template']);
* The "get_combined_scripts" function returns a placeholder for delayed
* CSS files combination and minification.
* @param array $params (unused)
function func_get_combined_css($params)
return self::COMBINED_CSS_TAG;
* Declares a Smarty prefilter from a plugin, allowing it to modify template
* source before compilation and without changing core files.
* They will be processed by weight ascending.
* @see http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/advanced.features.prefilters.php
* @param string $handle
* @param Callable $callback
* @param int $weight
function set_prefilter($handle, $callback, $weight=50)
$this->external_filters[$handle][$weight][] = array('pre', $callback);
* Declares a Smarty postfilter.
* They will be processed by weight ascending.
* @see http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/advanced.features.postfilters.php
* @param string $handle
* @param Callable $callback
* @param int $weight
function set_postfilter($handle, $callback, $weight=50)
$this->external_filters[$handle][$weight][] = array('post', $callback);
* Declares a Smarty outputfilter.
* They will be processed by weight ascending.
* @see http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/advanced.features.outputfilters.php
* @param string $handle
* @param Callable $callback
* @param int $weight
function set_outputfilter($handle, $callback, $weight=50)
$this->external_filters[$handle][$weight][] = array('output', $callback);
* Register the filters for the tpl file.
* @param string $handle
function load_external_filters($handle)
if (isset($this->external_filters[$handle]))
$compile_id = '';
foreach ($this->external_filters[$handle] as $filters)
foreach ($filters as $filter)
list($type, $callback) = $filter;
$compile_id .= $type.( is_array($callback) ? implode('', $callback) : $callback );
$this->smarty->registerFilter($type, $callback);
$this->smarty->compile_id .= '.'.base_convert(crc32($compile_id), 10, 36);
* Unregister the filters for the tpl file.
* @param string $handle
function unload_external_filters($handle)
if (isset($this->external_filters[$handle]))
foreach ($this->external_filters[$handle] as $filters)
foreach ($filters as $filter)
list($type, $callback) = $filter;
$this->smarty->unregisterFilter($type, $callback);
* @toto : description of Template::prefilter_white_space
* @param string $source
* @param Smarty $smarty
* @param return string
static function prefilter_white_space($source, $smarty)
$ld = $smarty->left_delimiter;
$rd = $smarty->right_delimiter;
$ldq = preg_quote($ld, '#');
$rdq = preg_quote($rd, '#');
$regex = array();
$tags = array('if','foreach','section','footer_script');
foreach($tags as $tag)
$regex[] = "#^[ \t]+($ldq$tag"."[^$ld$rd]*$rdq)\s*$#m";
$regex[] = "#^[ \t]+($ldq/$tag$rdq)\s*$#m";
$tags = array('include','else','combine_script','html_head');
foreach($tags as $tag)
$regex[] = "#^[ \t]+($ldq$tag"."[^$ld$rd]*$rdq)\s*$#m";
$source = preg_replace( $regex, "$1", $source);
return $source;
* Postfilter used when $conf['compiled_template_cache_language'] is true.
* @param string $source
* @param Smarty $smarty
* @param return string
static function postfilter_language($source, $smarty)
// replaces echo PHP_STRING_LITERAL; with the string literal value
$source = preg_replace_callback(
'/\\<\\?php echo ((?:\'(?:(?:\\\\.)|[^\'])*\')|(?:"(?:(?:\\\\.)|[^"])*"));\\?\\>\\n/',
create_function('$matches', 'eval(\'$tmp=\'.$matches[1].\';\');return $tmp;'),
return $source;
* Prefilter used to add theme local CSS files.
* @param string $source
* @param Smarty $smarty
* @param return string
static function prefilter_local_css($source, $smarty)
$css = array();
foreach ($smarty->getTemplateVars('themes') as $theme)
$f = PWG_LOCAL_DIR.'css/'.$theme['id'].'-rules.css';
if (file_exists(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$f))
$css[] = "{combine_css path='$f' order=10}";
$f = PWG_LOCAL_DIR.'css/rules.css';
if (file_exists(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$f))
$css[] = "{combine_css path='$f' order=10}";
if (!empty($css))
$source = str_replace("{get_combined_css}", implode( "\n", $css )."\n{get_combined_css}", $source);
return $source;
* Loads the configuration file from a theme directory and returns it.
* @param string $dir
* @return array
function load_themeconf($dir)
global $themeconfs, $conf;
$dir = realpath($dir);
if (!isset($themeconfs[$dir]))
$themeconf = array();
// Put themeconf in cache
$themeconfs[$dir] = $themeconf;
return $themeconfs[$dir];
* Registers a button to be displayed on picture page.
* @param string $content
* @param int $rank
function add_picture_button($content, $rank=BUTTONS_RANK_NEUTRAL)
$this->picture_buttons[$rank][] = $content;
* Registers a button to be displayed on index pages.
* @param string $content
* @param int $rank
function add_index_button($content, $rank=BUTTONS_RANK_NEUTRAL)
$this->index_buttons[$rank][] = $content;
* Assigns PLUGIN_PICTURE_BUTTONS template variable with registered picture buttons.
function parse_picture_buttons()
if (!empty($this->picture_buttons))
$buttons = array();
foreach ($this->picture_buttons as $k => $row)
$buttons = array_merge($buttons, $row);
$this->assign('PLUGIN_PICTURE_BUTTONS', $buttons);
// only for PHP 5.3
// $this->assign('PLUGIN_PICTURE_BUTTONS',
// array_reduce(
// $this->picture_buttons,
// create_function('$v,$w', 'return array_merge($v, $w);'),
// array()
// ));
* Assigns PLUGIN_INDEX_BUTTONS template variable with registered index buttons.
function parse_index_buttons()
if (!empty($this->index_buttons))
$buttons = array();
foreach ($this->index_buttons as $k => $row)
$buttons = array_merge($buttons, $row);
$this->assign('PLUGIN_INDEX_BUTTONS', $buttons);
// only for PHP 5.3
// $this->assign('PLUGIN_INDEX_BUTTONS',
// array_reduce(
// $this->index_buttons,
// create_function('$v,$w', 'return array_merge($v, $w);'),
// array()
// ));
* This class contains basic functions that can be called directly from the
* templates in the form $pwg->l10n('edit')
class PwgTemplateAdapter
* @deprecated use "translate" modifier
function l10n($text)
return l10n($text);
* @deprecated use "translate_dec" modifier
function l10n_dec($s, $p, $v)
return l10n_dec($s, $p, $v);
* @deprecated use "translate" or "sprintf" modifier
function sprintf()
$args = func_get_args();
return call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args );
* @param string $type
* @param array $img
* @return DerivativeImage
function derivative($type, $img)
return new DerivativeImage($type, $img);
* @param string $type
* @param array $img
* @return string
function derivative_url($type, $img)
return DerivativeImage::url($type, $img);
* A Combinable represents a JS or CSS file ready for cobination and minification.
class Combinable
/** @var string */
public $id;
/** @var string */
public $path;
/** @var string */
public $version;
/** @var bool */
public $is_template;
* @param string $id
* @param string $path
* @param string $version
function __construct($id, $path, $version=0)
$this->id = $id;
$this->version = $version;
$this->is_template = false;
* @param string $path
function set_path($path)
if (!empty($path))
$this->path = $path;
* @return bool
function is_remote()
return url_is_remote($this->path) || strncmp($this->path, '//', 2)==0;
* Implementation of Combinable for JS files.
final class Script extends Combinable
/** @var int 0,1,2 */
public $load_mode;
/** @var array */
public $precedents;
/** @var array */
public $extra;
* @param int 0,1,2
* @param string $id
* @param string $path
* @param string $version
* @param array $precedents
function __construct($load_mode, $id, $path, $version=0, $precedents=array())
parent::__construct($id, $path, $version);
$this->load_mode = $load_mode;
$this->precedents = $precedents;
$this->extra = array();
* Implementation of Combinable for CSS files.
final class Css extends Combinable
/** @var int */
public $order;
* @param string $id
* @param string $path
* @param string $version
* @param int $order
function __construct($id, $path, $version=0, $order=0)
parent::__construct($id, $path, $version);
$this->order = $order;
* Manages a list of CSS files and combining them in a unique file.
class CssLoader
/** @param Css[] */
private $registered_css;
/** @param int used to keep declaration order */
private $counter;
function __construct()
function clear()
$this->registered_css = array();
$this->counter = 0;
* @return Combinable[] array of combined CSS.
function get_css()
uasort($this->registered_css, array('CssLoader', 'cmp_by_order'));
$combiner = new FileCombiner('css', $this->registered_css);
return $combiner->combine();
* Callback for CSS files sorting.
private static function cmp_by_order($a, $b)
return $a->order - $b->order;
* Adds a new file, if a file with the same $id already exsists, the one with
* the higher $order or higher $version is kept.
* @param string $id
* @param string $path
* @param string $version
* @param int $order
* @param bool $is_template
function add($id, $path, $version=0, $order=0, $is_template=false)
if (!isset($this->registered_css[$id]))
// costum order as an higher impact than declaration order
$css = new Css($id, $path, $version, $order*1000+$this->counter);
$css->is_template = $is_template;
$this->registered_css[$id] = $css;
$css = $this->registered_css[$id];
if ($css->order<$order*1000 || version_compare($css->version, $version)<0)
$this->add($id, $path, $version, $order, $is_template);
* Manage a list of required scripts for a page, by optimizing their loading location (head, footer, async)
* and later on by combining them in a unique file respecting at the same time dependencies.
class ScriptLoader
/** @var Script[] */
private $registered_scripts;
/** @var string[] */
public $inline_scripts;
/** @var bool */
private $did_head;
/** @var bool */
private $head_done_scripts;
/** @var bool */
private $did_footer;
private static $known_paths = array(
'core.scripts' => 'themes/default/js/scripts.js',
'jquery' => 'themes/default/js/jquery.min.js',
'jquery.ui' => 'themes/default/js/ui/minified/jquery.ui.core.min.js',
'jquery.ui.effect' => 'themes/default/js/ui/minified/jquery.ui.effect.min.js',
private static $ui_core_dependencies = array(
'jquery.ui.widget' => array('jquery'),
'jquery.ui.position' => array('jquery'),
'jquery.ui.mouse' => array('jquery', 'jquery.ui', 'jquery.ui.widget'),
function __construct()
function clear()
$this->registered_scripts = array();
$this->inline_scripts = array();
$this->head_done_scripts = array();
$this->did_head = $this->did_footer = false;
* @return bool
function did_head()
return $this->did_head;
* @return Script[]
function get_all()
return $this->registered_scripts;
* @param string $code
* @param string[] $require
function add_inline($code, $require)
!$this->did_footer || trigger_error("Attempt to add inline script but the footer has been written", E_USER_WARNING);
foreach ($require as $id)
$this->load_known_required_script($id, 1) or fatal_error("inline script not found require $id");
$s = $this->registered_scripts[$id];
$s->load_mode=1; // until now the implementation does not allow executing inline script depending on another async script
$this->inline_scripts[] = $code;
* @param string $id
* @param int $load_mode
* @param string[] $require
* @param string $path
* @param string $version
function add($id, $load_mode, $require, $path, $version=0, $is_template=false)
if ($this->did_head && $load_mode==0)
trigger_error("Attempt to add script $id but the head has been written", E_USER_WARNING);
elseif ($this->did_footer)
trigger_error("Attempt to add script $id but the footer has been written", E_USER_WARNING);
if (! isset( $this->registered_scripts[$id] ) )
$script = new Script($load_mode, $id, $path, $version, $require);
$script->is_template = $is_template;
self::fill_well_known($id, $script);
$this->registered_scripts[$id] = $script;
// Load or modify all UI core files
if ($id == 'jquery.ui' and $script->path == self::$known_paths['jquery.ui'])
foreach (self::$ui_core_dependencies as $script_id => $required_ids)
$this->add($script_id, $load_mode, $required_ids, null, $version);
// Try to load undefined required script
foreach ($script->precedents as $script_id)
if (! isset( $this->registered_scripts[$script_id] ) )
$this->load_known_required_script($script_id, $load_mode);
$script = $this->registered_scripts[$id];
if (count($require))
$script->precedents = array_unique( array_merge($script->precedents, $require) );
if ($version && version_compare($script->version, $version)<0 )
$script->version = $version;
if ($load_mode < $script->load_mode)
$script->load_mode = $load_mode;
* Returns combined scripts loaded in header.
* @return Combinable[]
function get_head_scripts()
foreach( array_keys($this->registered_scripts) as $id )
uasort($this->registered_scripts, array('ScriptLoader', 'cmp_by_mode_and_order'));
foreach( $this->registered_scripts as $id => $script)
if ($script->load_mode > 0)
if ( !empty($script->path) )
$this->head_done_scripts[$id] = $script;
trigger_error("Script $id has an undefined path", E_USER_WARNING);
$this->did_head = true;
return self::do_combine($this->head_done_scripts, 0);
* Returns combined scripts loaded in footer.
* @return Combinable[]
function get_footer_scripts()
if (!$this->did_head)
$this->did_footer = true;
$todo = array();
foreach( $this->registered_scripts as $id => $script)
if (!isset($this->head_done_scripts[$id]))
$todo[$id] = $script;
foreach( array_keys($todo) as $id )
uasort($todo, array('ScriptLoader', 'cmp_by_mode_and_order'));
$result = array( array(), array() );
foreach( $todo as $id => $script)
$result[$script->load_mode-1][$id] = $script;
return array( self::do_combine($result[0],1), self::do_combine($result[1],2) );
* @param Script[] $scripts
* @param int $load_mode
* @return Combinable[]
private static function do_combine($scripts, $load_mode)
$combiner = new FileCombiner('js', $scripts);
return $combiner->combine();
* Checks dependencies among Scripts.
* Checks that if B depends on A, then B->load_mode >= A->load_mode in order to respect execution order.
* @param Script[] $scripts
private static function check_load_dep($scripts)
global $conf;
$changed = false;
foreach( $scripts as $id => $script)
$load = $script->load_mode;
foreach( $script->precedents as $precedent)
if ( !isset($scripts[$precedent] ) )
if ( $scripts[$precedent]->load_mode > $load )
$scripts[$precedent]->load_mode = $load;
$changed = true;
if ($load==2 && $scripts[$precedent]->load_mode==2 && ($scripts[$precedent]->is_remote() or !$conf['template_combine_files']) )
{// we are async -> a predecessor cannot be async unlesss it can be merged; otherwise script execution order is not guaranteed
$scripts[$precedent]->load_mode = 1;
$changed = true;
while ($changed);
* Fill a script dependancies with the known jQuery UI scripts.
* @param string $id in FileCombiner::$known_paths
* @param Script $script
private static function fill_well_known($id, $script)
if ( empty($script->path) && isset(self::$known_paths[$id]))
$script->path = self::$known_paths[$id];
if ( strncmp($id, 'jquery.', 7)==0 )
$required_ids = array('jquery');
if ( strncmp($id, 'jquery.ui.effect-', 17)==0 )
$required_ids = array('jquery', 'jquery.ui.effect');
if ( empty($script->path) )
$script->path = dirname(self::$known_paths['jquery.ui.effect'])."/$id.min.js";
elseif ( strncmp($id, 'jquery.ui.', 10)==0 )
if ( !isset(self::$ui_core_dependencies[$id]) )
$required_ids = array_merge(array('jquery', 'jquery.ui'), array_keys(self::$ui_core_dependencies));
if ( empty($script->path) )
$script->path = dirname(self::$known_paths['jquery.ui'])."/$id.min.js";
foreach ($required_ids as $required_id)
if ( !in_array($required_id, $script->precedents ) )
$script->precedents[] = $required_id;
* Add a known jQuery UI script to loaded scripts.
* @param string $id in FileCombiner::$known_paths
* @param int $load_mode
* @return bool
private function load_known_required_script($id, $load_mode)
if ( isset(self::$known_paths[$id]) or strncmp($id, 'jquery.ui.', 10)==0 )
$this->add($id, $load_mode, array(), null);
return true;
return false;
* Compute script order depending on dependencies.
* Assigned to $script->extra['order'].
* @param string $script_id
* @param int $recursion_limiter
* @return int
private function compute_script_topological_order($script_id, $recursion_limiter=0)
if (!isset($this->registered_scripts[$script_id]))
trigger_error("Undefined script $script_id is required by someone", E_USER_WARNING);
return 0;
$recursion_limiter<5 or fatal_error("combined script circular dependency");
$script = $this->registered_scripts[$script_id];
if (isset($script->extra['order']))
return $script->extra['order'];
if (count($script->precedents) == 0)
return ($script->extra['order'] = 0);
$max = 0;
foreach( $script->precedents as $precedent)
$max = max($max, $this->compute_script_topological_order($precedent, $recursion_limiter+1) );
return ($script->extra['order'] = $max);
* Callback for scripts sorter.
private static function cmp_by_mode_and_order($s1, $s2)
$ret = $s1->load_mode - $s2->load_mode;
if ($ret) return $ret;
$ret = $s1->extra['order'] - $s2->extra['order'];
if ($ret) return $ret;
if ($s1->extra['order']==0 and ($s1->is_remote() xor $s2->is_remote()) )
return $s1->is_remote() ? -1 : 1;
return strcmp($s1->id,$s2->id);
* Allows merging of javascript and css files into a single one.
final class FileCombiner
/** @var string 'js' or 'css' */
private $type;
/** @var bool */
private $is_css;
/** @var Combinable[] */
private $combinables;
* @param string $type 'js' or 'css'
* @param Combinable[] $combinables
function __construct($type, $combinables=array())
$this->type = $type;
$this->is_css = $type=='css';
$this->combinables = $combinables;
* Deletes all combined files from cache directory.
static function clear_combined_files()
while ($file = readdir($dir))
if ( get_extension($file)=='js' || get_extension($file)=='css')
* @param Combinable|Combinable[] $combinable
function add($combinable)
if (is_array($combinable))
$this->combinables = array_merge($this->combinables, $combinable);
$this->combinables[] = $combinable;
* @return Combinable[]
function combine()
global $conf;
$force = false;
if (is_admin() && ($this->is_css || !$conf['template_compile_check']) )
$force = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL'], 'max-age=0') !== false)
|| (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_PRAGMA']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_PRAGMA'], 'no-cache'));
$result = array();
$pending = array();
$ini_key = $this->is_css ? array(get_absolute_root_url(false)): array(); //because for css we modify bg url;
$key = $ini_key;
foreach ($this->combinables as $combinable)
if ($combinable->is_remote())
$this->flush_pending($result, $pending, $key, $force);
$key = $ini_key;
$result[] = $combinable;
elseif (!$conf['template_combine_files'])
$this->flush_pending($result, $pending, $key, $force);
$key = $ini_key;
$key[] = $combinable->path;
$key[] = $combinable->version;
if ($conf['template_compile_check'])
$key[] = filemtime( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . $combinable->path );
$pending[] = $combinable;
$this->flush_pending($result, $pending, $key, $force);
return $result;
* Process a set of pending files.
* @param array &$result
* @param array &$pending
* @param string[] $key
* @param bool $force
private function flush_pending(&$result, &$pending, $key, $force)
if (count($pending)>1)
$key = join('>', $key);
$file = PWG_COMBINED_DIR . base_convert(crc32($key),10,36) . '.' . $this->type;
if ($force || !file_exists(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$file) )
$output = '';
$header = '';
foreach ($pending as $combinable)
$output .= "/*BEGIN $combinable->path */\n";
$output .= $this->process_combinable($combinable, true, $force, $header);
$output .= "\n";
$output = "/*BEGIN header */\n" . $header . "\n" . $output;
file_put_contents( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$file, $output );
@chmod(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$file, 0644);
$result[] = new Combinable("combi", $file, false);
elseif ( count($pending)==1)
$header = '';
$this->process_combinable($pending[0], false, $force, $header);
$result[] = $pending[0];
$key = array();
$pending = array();
* Process one combinable file.
* @param Combinable $combinable
* @param bool $return_content
* @param bool $force
* @param string $header CSS directives that must appear first in
* the minified file (only used when
* $return_content===true)
* @return null|string
private function process_combinable($combinable, $return_content, $force, &$header)
global $conf;
if ($combinable->is_template)
if (!$return_content)
$key = array($combinable->path, $combinable->version);
if ($conf['template_compile_check'])
$key[] = filemtime( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . $combinable->path );
$file = PWG_COMBINED_DIR . 't' . base_convert(crc32(implode(',',$key)),10,36) . '.' . $this->type;
if (!$force && file_exists(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$file) )
$combinable->path = $file;
$combinable->version = false;
global $template;
$handle = $this->type. '.' .$combinable->id;
$template->set_filename($handle, realpath(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$combinable->path));
trigger_notify( 'combinable_preparse', $template, $combinable, $this); //allow themes and plugins to set their own vars to template ...
$content = $template->parse($handle, true);
if ($this->is_css)
$content = self::process_css($content, $combinable->path, $header );
$content = self::process_js($content, $combinable->path );
if ($return_content)
return $content;
file_put_contents( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$file, $content );
$combinable->path = $file;
elseif ($return_content)
$content = file_get_contents(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . $combinable->path);
if ($this->is_css)
$content = self::process_css($content, $combinable->path, $header );
$content = self::process_js($content, $combinable->path );
return $content;
* Process a JS file.
* @param string $js file content
* @param string $file
* @return string
private static function process_js($js, $file)
if (strpos($file, '.min')===false and strpos($file, '.packed')===false )
try { $js = JShrink_Minifier::minify($js); } catch(Exception $e) {}
return trim($js, " \t\r\n;").";\n";
* Process a CSS file.
* @param string $css file content
* @param string $file
* @param string $header CSS directives that must appear first in
* the minified file.
* @return string
private static function process_css($css, $file, &$header)
$css = self::process_css_rec($css, dirname($file), $header);
if (strpos($file, '.min')===false and version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.4', '>='))
$css = CssMin::minify($css, array('Variables'=>false));
$css = trigger_change('combined_css_postfilter', $css);
return $css;
* Resolves relative links in CSS file.
* @param string $css file content
* @param string $dir
* @param string $header CSS directives that must appear first in
* the minified file.
* @return string
private static function process_css_rec($css, $dir, &$header)
static $PATTERN_URL = "#url\(\s*['|\"]{0,1}(.*?)['|\"]{0,1}\s*\)#";
static $PATTERN_IMPORT = "#@import\s*['|\"]{0,1}(.*?)['|\"]{0,1};#";
if (preg_match_all($PATTERN_URL, $css, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER))
$search = $replace = array();
foreach ($matches as $match)
if ( !url_is_remote($match[1]) && $match[1][0] != '/' && strpos($match[1], 'data:image/')===false)
$relative = $dir . "/$match[1]";
$search[] = $match[0];
$replace[] = 'url('.embellish_url(get_absolute_root_url(false).$relative).')';
$css = str_replace($search, $replace, $css);
if (preg_match_all($PATTERN_IMPORT, $css, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER))
$search = $replace = array();
foreach ($matches as $match)
$search[] = $match[0];
if (
strpos($match[1], '..') !== false // Possible attempt to get out of Piwigo's dir
or strpos($match[1], '://') !== false // Remote URL
or !is_readable(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . $dir . '/' . $match[1])
// If anything is suspicious, don't try to process the
// @import. Since @import need to be first and we are
// concatenating several CSS files, remove it from here and return
// it through $header.
$header .= $match[0];
$replace[] = '';
$sub_css = file_get_contents(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . $dir . "/$match[1]");
$replace[] = self::process_css_rec($sub_css, dirname($dir . "/$match[1]"), $header);
$css = str_replace($search, $replace, $css);
return $css;