2005-09-03 Pierrick LE GALL

	* new : template yoga, made by yoDan, helped by chrisaga for
	integration becomes the official template.

2005-09-03 Pierrick LE GALL

	* modification : less configuration parameters in administration
	screen. These parameters are move to

	* new : ability to add a single picture to caddie from picture.php

	* new : contextual help, only a few pages are available.

	* new : ability to delete users from admin/user_list

	* modification : reorganization of configuration file

	* new : configuration parameter use_exif_mapping

	* improvement : MOD hidemail added to standard

2005-08-26 Pierrick LE GALL

	* new : HTML BODY identifier to let CSS stylesheets manage
	specific behaviour.

	* deletion : admin/search useless

	* improvement : in admin/user_list, special behaviour for
	true/false fields (expand, show_comments)

	* new : gallery_title and gallery_description are displayed at the
	top of each page.

	* improvement : simplification in HTML for categories menu.

	* improvement : standardization of presentation in all public
	pages (identification, registration, search, profile,
	notification, comments, etc.)

2005-08-25 Pierrick LE GALL

	* deletion : no mail notification anymore. Feature replaced by RSS
	feed notification.

	* improvement : on waiting pictures management. Ability to
	validate all or reject all in one clic.

2005-08-21 Pierrick LE GALL

	* modification : adaptation of template variables and blocks in
	comments page to display comment by comment instead of picture by

2005-08-20 Pierrick LE GALL

	* improvement : dedicated page for user comments validation/reject
	in administration. (screen is not shared with public part of the
	gallery). Ability to validate all or reject all in one clic.

2005-08-19 Pierrick LE GALL

	* improvement : less compact presentation of screen

2005-08-19 Pierrick LE GALL

	* improvement : standardization of categories navigation bar on
	top of administration screen element_set_(global|unit),
	cat_modify, cat_list, cat_perm.

	* new : direct link to admin/cat_modify from category.php.

2005-08-19 Pierrick LE GALL

	* modification : RSS feed work only with a given feed
	identifier. Thus we can avoid fixed frequency notification to
	concentrate on variable frequency notification, which is much more
	interesting. To do this, feeds have moved to a dedicated table
	allowing each user (including guest user) to have more than on
2005-08-18 Pierrick LE GALL

	* bug 133 fixed : (report from branch 1.4) Deleting user favorites
	is too restrictive. Instead of deleting a favorite because it
	belongs to at least one forbidden category, a favorite is deleted
	if it belongs to no authorized category (which was the expected

2005-08-18 Pierrick LE GALL

	* bug 134 fixed : "Nb of images incorectly rendered in "tool tip"
	near category in category menu". Correction reported (and
	improved) from branch 1.4

2005-08-18 Pierrick LE GALL

	* improvement : screen admin/picture_modify
	rewritten. Presentation copied from admin/cat_modify : fieldsets
	regroup fields. Ability to synchronize metadata for the displayed

	* bug 110 fixed : "return to element view from element edition
	fails depending on permissions". If a reachable (for the connected
	admin) category is available, a "jump to" link is displayed, by
	default, using the category given in URL.

	* bug fixed : in mass_updates function, the first item of
	$fields['update'] has not always 0 for id (as in any array).

	* modification : get_keywords function understands spaces as
	separator, allow less than 3 chars keywords, allow quotes.

	* new : ability to allow HTML in picture or category description
	(false by default)

2005-08-17 Pierrick LE GALL

	* improvement : in admin/user_perm, already authorized categories
	thanks to group associations are displayed and not taken into
	account for user specific permissions.

2005-08-17 Pierrick LE GALL

	* modification : major simplification of admin.php. Titles are
	managed by included page, localized items are managed directly in
	the template.

	* new : sub template admin/double_select is included in templates
	admin/cat_options, admin/user_perm and admin/group_perm. I haven't
	been able to use it in admin/picture_modify because it seems
	impossible to have two instance of the same sub-template without

	* modification : bug 99, in profile manager, no auto submit when
	changing language (useless and generate accessibility problem).

	* improvement : HTML semantically correct for administration menu,
	simpler syntax, less tags, correct tags (dl/dt/dd instead of

	* modification : number of waiting elements and unvalidated
	comments are displayed in admin/intro instead of administration
	menu (with a link to the dedicated pages).

	* deletion : no link to profile from admin/user_list anymore (no

2005-08-16 Pierrick LE GALL

	* modification : admin/group_list screen completely rewrite to
	present the list of existing groups and a form to add a new
	group. Here you can delete a group, go to permissions management
	for a group, go to member list of a group (on admin/user_list with
	a filter on group).
	* modification : admin/user_perm and admin/group_perm are not
	directly reachable by the admin menu anymore. Only the user/group
	list lets you reach user/group permissions management screen.

2005-08-15 Pierrick LE GALL

	* new : introduction page to administration section. This page
	gives informations about PhpWebGallery version, PHP version, MySQL
	version, gallery database informations (number of categories,
	elements, users, comments). Ability to request phpwebgallery.net
	for upgrade.

	* deletion : of obsolete admin/admin_phpinfo.php page replaced by
	a link in introduction page.

2005-08-14 Pierrick LE GALL

	* modification : simplification of HTML/CSS code for double select
	screen to manage categories properties (admin/cat_options)

2005-08-14 Pierrick LE GALL

	* new : ability to set an element as representant of its category
	directly from picture.php screen.

	* improvement : dedicated icon to add elements into caddie. Ths
	icon is displayed in the category title bar.
2005-08-14 Pierrick LE GALL

	* new : maintenance screen in administration. There you can update
	categories informations (number of images, date of the last added
	element), update images informations (path, average rate), purge
	obsolete sessions, purge history.

	* new : ability to have random representative for categories. This
	configuration parameter is set to false by default.

	* new : ability to set an element as representative of a category
	without belonging to the category. Thus, administrator can choose
	representative even for empty categories.

	* improvement : semantically superior design for category edition
	screen by regrouping fields in fieldsets. The improved screen
	contains action buttons as in category list screen.

	* new : ability to move a virtual category (ie change its parent

	* bug fixed : the sync_users function checks all user children
	tables (access, cache, group association).

2005-08-08 Pierrick LE GALL

	* new : external authentication in another users table. Previous
	users table is divided between users (common properties with any
	web application) and user_infos (phpwebgallery specific
	informations). External table and fields can be configured.
	* modification : profile.php is not reachable through
	administration anymore (not useful).

	* modification : in profile.php, current password is mandatory
	only if user tries to change his password. Username can't be

	* deletion : of obsolete functions get_user_restrictions,
	update_user_restrictions, get_user_all_restrictions,
	is_user_allowed, update_user

	* modification : $user['forbidden_categories'] equals at least
	"-1" so that category_id NOT IN ($user['forbidden_categories'])
	can always be used.

	* modification : user_forbidden table becomes user_cache so that
	not only restriction informations can be stored in this table.
2005-07-17 Pierrick LE GALL

	* improvement : in admin/element_set_global, javascript is not
	used anymore to select an item with its thumbnail

2005-07-17 Pierrick LE GALL

	* bug fixed : in admin/user_list, if target is "selection" and
	that no user is selected, an error occurs

2005-07-17 Pierrick LE GALL

	* new feature : use Apache authentication. If
	$conf['apache_authentication'] is set true : if no user matches
	$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] in "users" table, PWG automatically
	creates one. This way, users can customize the behaviour of the

	* template : new organisation of identification menu
	(category.php). Simplification is required for Apache
	authentication (no logout link even if user is externally logged

	* new : usernames can contain quotes (required because Apache
	authentication authorized quotes in usernames)

2005-07-17 Pierrick LE GALL

	* new configuration parameter : hide thumbnail captions on main
	page with $conf['show_thumbnail_caption']

	* new configuration parameter : hide picture name in title on
	picture presentation page with $conf['show_picture_name_on_title']

	* template : new CSS classes to manage picture.php title
2005-07-16 Pierrick LE GALL

	* new feature : RSS notification feed. Feed generator is an
	external tool (FeedCreator class v1.7.2). New file feed.php

	* new database field : comments.validation_date (datetime). This
	field is required for notification feed.

	* new database field : users.feed_id (varchar(50)). users.feed_id
	is an alias of users.id but is much more complicated to find (50
	characters, figures or letters, case sensitive) : the purpose is
	to keep it secret (as far as possible).

	* new database field : users.last_feed_check (datetime)

	* new database field : users.registration_date (datetime)

	* bug fixed : no need to add the (unavailable) session id to
	install.php in the installation form.

	* modified database field : images.date_available become more
	precise (date to datetime). This precision is needed for
	notification feed.

	* new index : comments_i1 (validation_date). Might be useful for
	feed queries.

	* new index : comments_i2 (image_id). Useful each time you want to
	have informations about an element and its associated comments.

	* version 9.11 of mysqldump outputs database field names and table
	names with backquote "`" (didn't find how to take them off)
2005-06-30 Pierrick LE GALL
	* category permissions management comes back! (it disappeared in
	branch 1.4) This time, it is designed to support better long users
	list. On this screen, for a particular category, admin can say
	which groups and users are permitted.
2005-06-30 Pierrick LE GALL

	* users managment : change display of filter (according to filter
	on user comments)

2005-06-30 Pierrick LE GALL

	* categories management : new display with icon for actions
	(delete, sub-categories, elements, edit, jump to, permissions)

	* categories management : semantic HTML layout (using common

	* categories management : new way to order categories of the same
	level : a text field let the admin reorder all categories at once.
2005-06-25 Pierrick LE GALL

	* new feature : ability to add links on the main page (see
2005-06-21 Pierrick LE GALL

	* comments page rewritten : comments are displayed one by one,
	with filters and display options available. The list of comments
	is paginated.
2005-06-21 Pierrick LE GALL

	* direct communication between templates and language items,
	without needing a mapping in the PHP code.

2005-06-21 Pierrick LE GALL

	* new function get_name_from_file to centralize the construction
	of displayed name from the filename

	* new function l10n which returns the corresponding value from
	$lang if existing. Else, the key is returned. This means that if a
	language item is not translated, the key is displayed instead
	(better than nothing).

2005-06-11 Pierrick LE GALL

	* errors and informations boxes : management centralized in
	admin.php, $errors and $infos arrays replaced by $page['errors']
	and $page['infos'], special management for admin/update.php (more
	complex management)

2005-06-11 Pierrick LE GALL

	* bug 96 (informations given by uploaders are lost) correction
	reported from branch 1.4

2005-05-10 Pierrick LE GALL

	* user list : links to profile page and permissions page are
	represented by icons (more compact)

	* user list : ability to associate to a group or to dissociate
	from a group a list of selected users

	* user list : ability to set user properties in "batch" mode (a
	selection of users at once)

	* user list : alternate background color for each line
2005-04-30 Pierrick LE GALL

	* user list updated : ability to filter list on status. Function
	get_enums comes back to retrieve the list of possible status in
	the database.
2005-04-28 Pierrick LE GALL

	* user list updated : ability to filter list on group

2005-04-25 Pierrick LE GALL

	* include/config.inc.php becomes include/config_default.inc.php :
	this file should not be modified. A new file
	include/config_local.inc.php can be used for overwriting
	configuration parameters
2005-04-25 Pierrick LE GALL

	* come back to previous version of include/constants.php :
	%PWGVERSION% was not a mistake

2005-04-25 Pierrick LE GALL

	* profile.php is no longer used for listing users :
	admin/user_list.php comes back (as in 1.3 branch)

	* user list updated : ability to filter list on username

2005-04-25 Gweltas

	* ability to install even if file include/mysql.inc.php doesn't

	* monthly statistics

	* installation labels updated (english only)

2005-04-16 Pierrick LE GALL <pierrick /at/ phpwebgallery {dot} net>

	* elements batch management : element_set page becomes the
	frontend to element_set_global and element_set_unit, infos_images
	(after a long time of use) become deprecated : the more powerful
	element_set is used instead. Consequently, batch management
	concerns caddie but also "normal categories".
	* refactoring code in admin.php to include the sub-file (clearer)

	* caddie : function fill_caddie replaces the code in category.php
	and can be used in admin/element_set.php

	* caddie : caddie table is added in delete_elements function

2005-04-16 Pierrick LE GALL <pierrick /at/ phpwebgallery {dot} net>

	* elements batch management : in addition to global mode, a unit
	mode is added : ability to manage a set of elements, element by
	element. This screen is very close to the existing "infos_images"
	(which will soon disappear).

	* elements batch management : in screen element_set_global, the
	display options are displayed at the top as in element_set_unit
2005-04-11 Pierrick LE GALL <pierrick /at/ phpwebgallery {dot} net>

	* functions get_day_list and get_month_list moved from search.php
	to include/functions.inc.php : these functions are now also used
	in admin/element_set_global.php

	* elements batch management improved : ability to set the number
	of elements to display per line, ability to set {author, name,
	creation date} fields, ability to add and remove keywords, ability
	to take selected elements out of caddie

2005-03-31 Pierrick LE GALL <pierrick at phpwebgallery dot net>

	* apply category name and element name separation in calendar
	special category

	* change method of counting total number of viewable pictures :
	pictures linked to more than one category are not counted twice.
2005-03-26 Pierrick LE GALL <pierrick at phpwebgallery dot net>

	* "add to caddie" link is visible only when categories contains
	elements. Only admin users can see this link

	* elements batch management : impossible to create a link between
	category and element that already exists

	* logical separation of category name under thumbnail and element

2005-03-25 Pierrick LE GALL <pierrick at phpwebgallery dot net>

	* application version is defined at build or release
	creation. This way, include/constants.php won't change at each

2005-03-25 Pierrick LE GALL <pierrick at phpwebgallery dot net>

	* typo fixed : wrong block name closed in template

2005-03-25 Pierrick LE GALL <pierrick at phpwebgallery dot net>
	* new feature : caddie. The purpose is batch management,
	especially concerning elements to categories associations.This is
	the very first release, needs many improvements.