<?php // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Piwigo - a PHP based photo gallery | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Copyright(C) 2008-2014 Piwigo Team http://piwigo.org | // | Copyright(C) 2003-2008 PhpWebGallery Team http://phpwebgallery.net | // | Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Pierrick LE GALL http://le-gall.net/pierrick | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify | // | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | // | the Free Software Foundation | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but | // | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU | // | General Public License for more details. | // | | // | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | // | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software | // | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, | // | USA. | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** * @package functions\search */ /** * Returns search rules stored into a serialized array in "search" * table. Each search rules set is numericaly identified. * * @param int $search_id * @return array */ function get_search_array($search_id) { if (!is_numeric($search_id)) { die('Search id must be an integer'); } $query = ' SELECT rules FROM '.SEARCH_TABLE.' WHERE id = '.$search_id.' ;'; list($serialized_rules) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); return unserialize($serialized_rules); } /** * Returns the SQL clause for a search. * Transforms the array returned by get_search_array() into SQL sub-query. * * @param array $search * @return string */ function get_sql_search_clause($search) { // SQL where clauses are stored in $clauses array during query // construction $clauses = array(); foreach (array('file','name','comment','author') as $textfield) { if (isset($search['fields'][$textfield])) { $local_clauses = array(); foreach ($search['fields'][$textfield]['words'] as $word) { if ('author' == $textfield) { $local_clauses[] = $textfield."='".$word."'"; } else { $local_clauses[] = $textfield." LIKE '%".$word."%'"; } } // adds brackets around where clauses $local_clauses = prepend_append_array_items($local_clauses, '(', ')'); $clauses[] = implode( ' '.$search['fields'][$textfield]['mode'].' ', $local_clauses ); } } if (isset($search['fields']['allwords'])) { $fields = array('file', 'name', 'comment'); if (isset($search['fields']['allwords']['fields']) and count($search['fields']['allwords']['fields']) > 0) { $fields = array_intersect($fields, $search['fields']['allwords']['fields']); } // in the OR mode, request bust be : // ((field1 LIKE '%word1%' OR field2 LIKE '%word1%') // OR (field1 LIKE '%word2%' OR field2 LIKE '%word2%')) // // in the AND mode : // ((field1 LIKE '%word1%' OR field2 LIKE '%word1%') // AND (field1 LIKE '%word2%' OR field2 LIKE '%word2%')) $word_clauses = array(); foreach ($search['fields']['allwords']['words'] as $word) { $field_clauses = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { $field_clauses[] = $field." LIKE '%".$word."%'"; } // adds brackets around where clauses $word_clauses[] = implode( "\n OR ", $field_clauses ); } array_walk( $word_clauses, create_function('&$s','$s="(".$s.")";') ); // make sure the "mode" is either OR or AND if ($search['fields']['allwords']['mode'] != 'AND' and $search['fields']['allwords']['mode'] != 'OR') { $search['fields']['allwords']['mode'] = 'AND'; } $clauses[] = "\n ". implode( "\n ". $search['fields']['allwords']['mode']. "\n ", $word_clauses ); } foreach (array('date_available', 'date_creation') as $datefield) { if (isset($search['fields'][$datefield])) { $clauses[] = $datefield." = '".$search['fields'][$datefield]['date']."'"; } foreach (array('after','before') as $suffix) { $key = $datefield.'-'.$suffix; if (isset($search['fields'][$key])) { $clauses[] = $datefield. ($suffix == 'after' ? ' >' : ' <'). ($search['fields'][$key]['inc'] ? '=' : ''). " '".$search['fields'][$key]['date']."'"; } } } if (isset($search['fields']['cat'])) { if ($search['fields']['cat']['sub_inc']) { // searching all the categories id of sub-categories $cat_ids = get_subcat_ids($search['fields']['cat']['words']); } else { $cat_ids = $search['fields']['cat']['words']; } $local_clause = 'category_id IN ('.implode(',', $cat_ids).')'; $clauses[] = $local_clause; } // adds brackets around where clauses $clauses = prepend_append_array_items($clauses, '(', ')'); $where_separator = implode( "\n ".$search['mode'].' ', $clauses ); $search_clause = $where_separator; return $search_clause; } /** * Returns the list of items corresponding to the advanced search array. * * @param array $search * @param string $images_where optional additional restriction on images table * @return array */ function get_regular_search_results($search, $images_where='') { global $conf; $forbidden = get_sql_condition_FandF( array ( 'forbidden_categories' => 'category_id', 'visible_categories' => 'category_id', 'visible_images' => 'id' ), "\n AND" ); $items = array(); $tag_items = array(); if (isset($search['fields']['tags'])) { $tag_items = get_image_ids_for_tags( $search['fields']['tags']['words'], $search['fields']['tags']['mode'] ); } $search_clause = get_sql_search_clause($search); if (!empty($search_clause)) { $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' i INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON id = ic.image_id WHERE '.$search_clause; if (!empty($images_where)) { $query .= "\n AND ".$images_where; } $query .= $forbidden.' '.$conf['order_by']; $items = array_from_query($query, 'id'); } if ( !empty($tag_items) ) { switch ($search['mode']) { case 'AND': if (empty($search_clause)) { $items = $tag_items; } else { $items = array_values( array_intersect($items, $tag_items) ); } break; case 'OR': $before_count = count($items); $items = array_unique( array_merge( $items, $tag_items ) ); break; } } return $items; } define('QST_QUOTED', 0x01); define('QST_NOT', 0x02); define('QST_OR', 0x04); define('QST_WILDCARD_BEGIN', 0x08); define('QST_WILDCARD_END', 0x10); define('QST_WILDCARD', QST_WILDCARD_BEGIN|QST_WILDCARD_END); define('QST_BREAK', 0x20); /** * A search scope applies to a single token and restricts the search to a subset of searchable fields. */ class QSearchScope { var $id; var $aliases; var $is_text; var $nullable; function __construct($id, $aliases, $nullable=false, $is_text=true) { $this->id = $id; $this->aliases = $aliases; $this->is_text = $is_text; $this->nullable =$nullable; } function parse($token) { if (!$this->nullable && 0==strlen($token->term)) return false; return true; } function process_char(&$ch, &$crt_token) { return false; } } class QNumericRangeScope extends QSearchScope { private $epsilon; function __construct($id, $aliases, $nullable=false, $epsilon=0) { parent::__construct($id, $aliases, $nullable, false); $this->epsilon = $epsilon; } function parse($token) { $str = $token->term; $strict = array(0,0); if ( ($pos = strpos($str, '..')) !== false) $range = array( substr($str,0,$pos), substr($str, $pos+2)); elseif ('>' == @$str[0])// ratio:>1 { $range = array( substr($str,1), ''); $strict[0] = 1; } elseif ('<' == @$str[0]) // size:<5mp { $range = array('', substr($str,1)); $strict[1] = 1; } elseif( ($token->modifier & QST_WILDCARD_BEGIN) ) $range = array('', $str); elseif( ($token->modifier & QST_WILDCARD_END) ) $range = array($str, ''); else $range = array($str, $str); foreach ($range as $i =>&$val) { if (preg_match('#^(-?[0-9.]+)/([0-9.]+)$#i', $val, $matches)) { $val = floatval($matches[1]/$matches[2]); } elseif (preg_match('/^(-?[0-9.]+)([km])?/i', $val, $matches)) { $val = floatval($matches[1]); if (isset($matches[2])) { if ($matches[2]=='k' || $matches[2]=='K') { $val *= 1000; if ($i) $val += 999; } if ($matches[2]=='m' || $matches[2]=='M') { $val *= 1000000; if ($i) $val += 999999; } } } else $val = ''; if (is_numeric($val)) { if ($i ^ $strict[$i]) $val += $this->epsilon; else $val -= $this->epsilon; } } if (!$this->nullable && $range[0]=='' && $range[1] == '') return false; $token->scope_data = array( 'range'=>$range, 'strict'=>$strict ); return true; } function get_sql($field, $token) { $clauses = array(); if ($token->scope_data['range'][0]!=='') $clauses[] = $field.' >'.($token->scope_data['strict'][0]?'':'=').$token->scope_data['range'][0].' '; if ($token->scope_data['range'][1]!=='') $clauses[] = $field.' <'.($token->scope_data['strict'][1]?'':'=').$token->scope_data['range'][1].' '; if (empty($clauses)) { if ($token->modifier & QST_WILDCARD) return $field.' IS NOT NULL'; else return $field.' IS NULL'; } return '('.implode(' AND ', $clauses).')'; } } class QDateRangeScope extends QSearchScope { function __construct($id, $aliases, $nullable=false) { parent::__construct($id, $aliases, $nullable, false); } function parse($token) { $str = $token->term; $strict = array(0,0); if ( ($pos = strpos($str, '..')) !== false) $range = array( substr($str,0,$pos), substr($str, $pos+2)); elseif ('>' == @$str[0]) { $range = array( substr($str,1), ''); $strict[0] = 1; } elseif ('<' == @$str[0]) { $range = array('', substr($str,1)); $strict[1] = 1; } elseif( ($token->modifier & QST_WILDCARD_BEGIN) ) $range = array('', $str); elseif( ($token->modifier & QST_WILDCARD_END) ) $range = array($str, ''); else $range = array($str, $str); foreach ($range as $i =>&$val) { if (preg_match('/([0-9]{4})-?((?:1[0-2])|(?:0?[1-9]))?-?((?:(?:[1-3][0-9])|(?:0?[1-9])))?/', $val, $matches)) { array_shift($matches); if (!isset($matches[1])) $matches[1] = ($i ^ $strict[$i]) ? 12 : 1; if (!isset($matches[2])) $matches[2] = ($i ^ $strict[$i]) ? 31 : 1; $val = implode('-', $matches); if ($i ^ $strict[$i]) $val .= ' 23:59:59'; } elseif (strlen($val)) return false; } if (!$this->nullable && $range[0]=='' && $range[1] == '') return false; $token->scope_data = $range; return true; } function get_sql($field, $token) { $clauses = array(); if ($token->scope_data[0]!=='') $clauses[] = $field.' >= \'' . $token->scope_data[0].'\''; if ($token->scope_data[1]!=='') $clauses[] = $field.' <= \'' . $token->scope_data[1].'\''; if (empty($clauses)) { if ($token->modifier & QST_WILDCARD) return $field.' IS NOT NULL'; else return $field.' IS NULL'; } return '('.implode(' AND ', $clauses).')'; } } /** * Analyzes and splits the quick/query search query $q into tokens. * q='john bill' => 2 tokens 'john' 'bill' * Special characters for MySql full text search (+,<,>,~) appear in the token modifiers. * The query can contain a phrase: 'Pierre "New York"' will return 'pierre' qnd 'new york'. * * @param string $q */ /** Represents a single word or quoted phrase to be searched.*/ class QSingleToken { var $is_single = true; var $modifier; var $term; /* the actual word/phrase string*/ var $variants = array(); var $scope; var $scope_data; var $idx; function __construct($term, $modifier, $scope) { $this->term = $term; $this->modifier = $modifier; $this->scope = $scope; } function __toString() { $s = ''; if (isset($this->scope)) $s .= $this->scope->id .':'; if ($this->modifier & QST_WILDCARD_BEGIN) $s .= '*'; if ($this->modifier & QST_QUOTED) $s .= '"'; $s .= $this->term; if ($this->modifier & QST_QUOTED) $s .= '"'; if ($this->modifier & QST_WILDCARD_END) $s .= '*'; return $s; } } /** Represents an expression of several words or sub expressions to be searched.*/ class QMultiToken { var $is_single = false; var $modifier; var $tokens = array(); // the actual array of QSingleToken or QMultiToken function __toString() { $s = ''; for ($i=0; $i<count($this->tokens); $i++) { $modifier = $this->tokens[$i]->modifier; if ($i) $s .= ' '; if ($modifier & QST_OR) $s .= 'OR '; if ($modifier & QST_NOT) $s .= 'NOT '; if (! ($this->tokens[$i]->is_single) ) { $s .= '('; $s .= $this->tokens[$i]; $s .= ')'; } else { $s .= $this->tokens[$i]; } } return $s; } private function push(&$token, &$modifier, &$scope) { if (strlen($token) || (isset($scope) && $scope->nullable)) { if (isset($scope)) $modifier |= QST_BREAK; $this->tokens[] = new QSingleToken($token, $modifier, $scope); } $token = ""; $modifier = 0; $scope = null; } /** * Parses the input query string by tokenizing the input, generating the modifiers (and/or/not/quotation/wildcards...). * Recursivity occurs when parsing () * @param string $q the actual query to be parsed * @param int $qi the character index in $q where to start parsing * @param int $level the depth from root in the tree (number of opened and unclosed opening brackets) */ protected function parse_expression($q, &$qi, $level, $root) { $crt_token = ""; $crt_modifier = 0; $crt_scope = null; for ($stop=false; !$stop && $qi<strlen($q); $qi++) { $ch = $q[$qi]; if ( ($crt_modifier&QST_QUOTED)==0) { switch ($ch) { case '(': if (strlen($crt_token)) $this->push($crt_token, $crt_modifier, $crt_scope); $sub = new QMultiToken; $qi++; $sub->parse_expression($q, $qi, $level+1, $root); $sub->modifier = $crt_modifier; if (isset($crt_scope) && $crt_scope->is_text) { $sub->apply_scope($crt_scope); // eg. 'tag:(John OR Bill)' } $this->tokens[] = $sub; $crt_modifier = 0; $crt_scope = null; break; case ')': if ($level>0) $stop = true; break; case ':': $scope = @$root->scopes[strtolower($crt_token)]; if (!isset($scope) || isset($crt_scope)) { // white space $this->push($crt_token, $crt_modifier, $crt_scope); } else { $crt_token = ""; $crt_scope = $scope; } break; case '"': if (strlen($crt_token)) $this->push($crt_token, $crt_modifier, $crt_scope); $crt_modifier |= QST_QUOTED; break; case '-': if (strlen($crt_token) || isset($crt_scope)) $crt_token .= $ch; else $crt_modifier |= QST_NOT; break; case '*': if (strlen($crt_token)) $crt_token .= $ch; // wildcard end later else $crt_modifier |= QST_WILDCARD_BEGIN; break; case '.': if (isset($crt_scope) && !$crt_scope->is_text) { $crt_token .= $ch; break; } if (strlen($crt_token) && preg_match('/[0-9]/', substr($crt_token,-1)) && $qi+1<strlen($q) && preg_match('/[0-9]/', $q[$qi+1])) {// dot between digits is not a separator e.g. F2.8 $crt_token .= $ch; break; } // else white space go on.. default: if (!$crt_scope || !$crt_scope->process_char($ch, $crt_token)) { if (strpos(' ,.;!?', $ch)!==false) { // white space $this->push($crt_token, $crt_modifier, $crt_scope); } else $crt_token .= $ch; } break; } } else {// quoted if ($ch=='"') { if ($qi+1 < strlen($q) && $q[$qi+1]=='*') { $crt_modifier |= QST_WILDCARD_END; $qi++; } $this->push($crt_token, $crt_modifier, $crt_scope); } else $crt_token .= $ch; } } $this->push($crt_token, $crt_modifier, $crt_scope); for ($i=0; $i<count($this->tokens); $i++) { $token = $this->tokens[$i]; $remove = false; if ($token->is_single) { if ( ($token->modifier & QST_QUOTED)==0 && substr($token->term, -1)=='*' ) { $token->term = rtrim($token->term, '*'); $token->modifier |= QST_WILDCARD_END; } if ( !isset($token->scope) && ($token->modifier & (QST_QUOTED|QST_WILDCARD))==0 ) { if ('not' == strtolower($token->term)) { if ($i+1 < count($this->tokens)) $this->tokens[$i+1]->modifier |= QST_NOT; $token->term = ""; } if ('or' == strtolower($token->term)) { if ($i+1 < count($this->tokens)) $this->tokens[$i+1]->modifier |= QST_OR; $token->term = ""; } if ('and' == strtolower($token->term)) { $token->term = ""; } } if (!strlen($token->term) && (!isset($token->scope) || !$token->scope->nullable) ) { $remove = true; } if ( isset($token->scope) && !$token->scope->parse($token)) $remove = true; } elseif (!count($token->tokens)) { $remove = true; } if ($remove) { array_splice($this->tokens, $i, 1); if ($i<count($this->tokens) && $this->tokens[$i]->is_single) { $this->tokens[$i]->modifier |= QST_BREAK; } $i--; } } if ($level>0 && count($this->tokens) && $this->tokens[0]->is_single) { $this->tokens[0]->modifier |= QST_BREAK; } } /** * Applies recursively a search scope to all sub single tokens. We allow 'tag:(John Bill)' but we cannot evaluate * scopes on expressions so we rewrite as '(tag:John tag:Bill)' */ private function apply_scope(QSearchScope $scope) { for ($i=0; $i<count($this->tokens); $i++) { if ($this->tokens[$i]->is_single) { if (!isset($this->tokens[$i]->scope)) $this->tokens[$i]->scope = $scope; } else $this->tokens[$i]->apply_scope($scope); } } private static function priority($modifier) { return $modifier & QST_OR ? 0 :1; } /* because evaluations occur left to right, we ensure that 'a OR b c d' is interpreted as 'a OR (b c d)'*/ protected function check_operator_priority() { for ($i=0; $i<count($this->tokens); $i++) { if (!$this->tokens[$i]->is_single) $this->tokens[$i]->check_operator_priority(); if ($i==1) $crt_prio = self::priority($this->tokens[$i]->modifier); if ($i<=1) continue; $prio = self::priority($this->tokens[$i]->modifier); if ($prio > $crt_prio) {// e.g. 'a OR b c d' i=2, operator(c)=AND -> prio(AND) > prio(OR) = operator(b) $term_count = 2; // at least b and c to be regrouped for ($j=$i+1; $j<count($this->tokens); $j++) { if (self::priority($this->tokens[$j]->modifier) >= $prio) $term_count++; // also take d else break; } $i--; // move pointer to b // crate sub expression (b c d) $sub = new QMultiToken; $sub->tokens = array_splice($this->tokens, $i, $term_count); // rewrite ourseleves as a (b c d) array_splice($this->tokens, $i, 0, array($sub)); $sub->modifier = $sub->tokens[0]->modifier & QST_OR; $sub->tokens[0]->modifier &= ~QST_OR; $sub->check_operator_priority(); } else $crt_prio = $prio; } } } class QExpression extends QMultiToken { var $scopes = array(); var $stokens = array(); var $stoken_modifiers = array(); function __construct($q, $scopes) { foreach ($scopes as $scope) { $this->scopes[$scope->id] = $scope; foreach ($scope->aliases as $alias) $this->scopes[strtolower($alias)] = $scope; } $i = 0; $this->parse_expression($q, $i, 0, $this); //manipulate the tree so that 'a OR b c' is the same as 'b c OR a' $this->check_operator_priority(); $this->build_single_tokens($this, 0); } private function build_single_tokens(QMultiToken $expr, $this_is_not) { for ($i=0; $i<count($expr->tokens); $i++) { $token = $expr->tokens[$i]; $crt_is_not = ($token->modifier ^ $this_is_not) & QST_NOT; // no negation OR double negation -> no negation; if ($token->is_single) { $token->idx = count($this->stokens); $this->stokens[] = $token; $modifier = $token->modifier; if ($crt_is_not) $modifier |= QST_NOT; else $modifier &= ~QST_NOT; $this->stoken_modifiers[] = $modifier; } else $this->build_single_tokens($token, $crt_is_not); } } } /** Structure of results being filled from different tables */ class QResults { var $all_tags; var $tag_ids; var $tag_iids; var $images_iids; var $iids; } function qsearch_get_text_token_search_sql($token, $fields) { $clauses = array(); $variants = array_merge(array($token->term), $token->variants); $fts = array(); foreach ($variants as $variant) { $use_ft = mb_strlen($variant)>3; if ($token->modifier & QST_WILDCARD_BEGIN) $use_ft = false; if ($token->modifier & (QST_QUOTED|QST_WILDCARD_END) == (QST_QUOTED|QST_WILDCARD_END)) $use_ft = false; if ($use_ft) { $max = max( array_map( 'mb_strlen', preg_split('/['.preg_quote('-\'!"#$%&()*+,./:;<=>?@[\]^`{|}~','/').']+/', $variant) ) ); if ($max<4) $use_ft = false; } if (!$use_ft) {// odd term or too short for full text search; fallback to regex but unfortunately this is diacritic/accent sensitive $pre = ($token->modifier & QST_WILDCARD_BEGIN) ? '' : '[[:<:]]'; $post = ($token->modifier & QST_WILDCARD_END) ? '' : '[[:>:]]'; foreach( $fields as $field) $clauses[] = $field.' REGEXP \''.$pre.addslashes(preg_quote($variant)).$post.'\''; } else { $ft = $variant; if ($token->modifier & QST_QUOTED) $ft = '"'.$ft.'"'; if ($token->modifier & QST_WILDCARD_END) $ft .= '*'; $fts[] = $ft; } } if (count($fts)) { $clauses[] = 'MATCH('.implode(', ',$fields).') AGAINST( \''.addslashes(implode(' ',$fts)).'\' IN BOOLEAN MODE)'; } return $clauses; } function qsearch_get_images(QExpression $expr, QResults $qsr) { $qsr->images_iids = array_fill(0, count($expr->stokens), array()); $query_base = 'SELECT id from '.IMAGES_TABLE.' i WHERE '; for ($i=0; $i<count($expr->stokens); $i++) { $token = $expr->stokens[$i]; $scope_id = isset($token->scope) ? $token->scope->id : 'photo'; $clauses = array(); $like = addslashes($token->term); $like = str_replace( array('%','_'), array('\\%','\\_'), $like); // escape LIKE specials %_ $file_like = 'CONVERT(file, CHAR) LIKE \'%'.$like.'%\''; switch ($scope_id) { case 'photo': $clauses[] = $file_like; $clauses = array_merge($clauses, qsearch_get_text_token_search_sql($token, array('name','comment'))); break; case 'file': $clauses[] = $file_like; break; case 'width': case 'height': $clauses[] = $token->scope->get_sql($scope_id, $token); break; case 'ratio': $clauses[] = $token->scope->get_sql('width/height', $token); break; case 'size': $clauses[] = $token->scope->get_sql('width*height', $token); break; case 'hits': $clauses[] = $token->scope->get_sql('hit', $token); break; case 'score': $clauses[] = $token->scope->get_sql('rating_score', $token); break; case 'filesize': $clauses[] = $token->scope->get_sql('1024*filesize', $token); break; case 'created': $clauses[] = $token->scope->get_sql('date_creation', $token); break; case 'posted': $clauses[] = $token->scope->get_sql('date_available', $token); break; case 'id': $clauses[] = $token->scope->get_sql($scope_id, $token); break; default: // allow plugins to have their own scope with columns added in db by themselves $clauses = trigger_change('qsearch_get_images_sql_scopes', $clauses, $token, $expr); break; } if (!empty($clauses)) { $query = $query_base.'('.implode("\n OR ", $clauses).')'; $qsr->images_iids[$i] = query2array($query,null,'id'); } } } function qsearch_get_tags(QExpression $expr, QResults $qsr) { $token_tag_ids = $qsr->tag_iids = array_fill(0, count($expr->stokens), array() ); $all_tags = array(); for ($i=0; $i<count($expr->stokens); $i++) { $token = $expr->stokens[$i]; if (isset($token->scope) && 'tag' != $token->scope->id) continue; if (empty($token->term)) continue; $clauses = qsearch_get_text_token_search_sql( $token, array('name')); $query = 'SELECT * FROM '.TAGS_TABLE.' WHERE ('. implode("\n OR ",$clauses) .')'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($tag = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $token_tag_ids[$i][] = $tag['id']; $all_tags[$tag['id']] = $tag; } } // check adjacent short words for ($i=0; $i<count($expr->stokens)-1; $i++) { if ( (strlen($expr->stokens[$i]->term)<=3 || strlen($expr->stokens[$i+1]->term)<=3) && (($expr->stoken_modifiers[$i] & (QST_QUOTED|QST_WILDCARD)) == 0) && (($expr->stoken_modifiers[$i+1] & (QST_BREAK|QST_QUOTED|QST_WILDCARD)) == 0) ) { $common = array_intersect( $token_tag_ids[$i], $token_tag_ids[$i+1] ); if (count($common)) { $token_tag_ids[$i] = $token_tag_ids[$i+1] = $common; } } } // get images $positive_ids = $not_ids = array(); for ($i=0; $i<count($expr->stokens); $i++) { $tag_ids = $token_tag_ids[$i]; $token = $expr->stokens[$i]; if (!empty($tag_ids)) { $query = ' SELECT image_id FROM '.IMAGE_TAG_TABLE.' WHERE tag_id IN ('.implode(',',$tag_ids).') GROUP BY image_id'; $qsr->tag_iids[$i] = query2array($query, null, 'image_id'); if ($expr->stoken_modifiers[$i]&QST_NOT) $not_ids = array_merge($not_ids, $tag_ids); else { if (strlen($token->term)>2 || count($expr->stokens)==1 || isset($token->scope) || ($token->modifier&(QST_WILDCARD|QST_QUOTED)) ) {// add tag ids to list only if the word is not too short (such as de / la /les ...) $positive_ids = array_merge($positive_ids, $tag_ids); } } } elseif (isset($token->scope) && 'tag' == $token->scope->id && strlen($token->term)==0) { if ($token->modifier & QST_WILDCARD) {// eg. 'tag:*' returns all tagged images $qsr->tag_iids[$i] = query2array('SELECT DISTINCT image_id FROM '.IMAGE_TAG_TABLE, null, 'image_id'); } else {// eg. 'tag:' returns all untagged images $qsr->tag_iids[$i] = query2array('SELECT id FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' LEFT JOIN '.IMAGE_TAG_TABLE.' ON id=image_id WHERE image_id IS NULL', null, 'id'); } } } $all_tags = array_intersect_key($all_tags, array_flip( array_diff($positive_ids, $not_ids) ) ); usort($all_tags, 'tag_alpha_compare'); foreach ( $all_tags as &$tag ) { $tag['name'] = trigger_change('render_tag_name', $tag['name'], $tag); } $qsr->all_tags = $all_tags; $qsr->tag_ids = $token_tag_ids; } function qsearch_eval(QMultiToken $expr, QResults $qsr, &$qualifies, &$ignored_terms) { $qualifies = false; // until we find at least one positive term $ignored_terms = array(); $ids = $not_ids = array(); for ($i=0; $i<count($expr->tokens); $i++) { $crt = $expr->tokens[$i]; if ($crt->is_single) { $crt_ids = $qsr->iids[$crt->idx] = array_unique( array_merge($qsr->images_iids[$crt->idx], $qsr->tag_iids[$crt->idx]) ); $crt_qualifies = count($crt_ids)>0 || count($qsr->tag_ids[$crt->idx])>0; $crt_ignored_terms = $crt_qualifies ? array() : array($crt->term); } else $crt_ids = qsearch_eval($crt, $qsr, $crt_qualifies, $crt_ignored_terms); $modifier = $crt->modifier; if ($modifier & QST_NOT) $not_ids = array_unique( array_merge($not_ids, $crt_ids)); else { $ignored_terms = array_merge($ignored_terms, $crt_ignored_terms); if ($modifier & QST_OR) { $ids = array_unique( array_merge($ids, $crt_ids) ); $qualifies |= $crt_qualifies; } elseif ($crt_qualifies) { if ($qualifies) $ids = array_intersect($ids, $crt_ids); else $ids = $crt_ids; $qualifies = true; } } } if (count($not_ids)) $ids = array_diff($ids, $not_ids); return $ids; } /** * Returns the search results corresponding to a quick/query search. * A quick/query search returns many items (search is not strict), but results * are sorted by relevance unless $super_order_by is true. Returns: * array ( * 'items' => array of matching images * 'qs' => array( * 'unmatched_terms' => array of terms from the input string that were not matched * 'matching_tags' => array of matching tags * 'matching_cats' => array of matching categories * 'matching_cats_no_images' =>array(99) - matching categories without images * ) * ) * * @param string $q * @param bool $super_order_by * @param string $images_where optional additional restriction on images table * @return array */ function get_quick_search_results($q, $options) { global $persistent_cache, $conf, $user; $cache_key = $persistent_cache->make_key( array( strtolower($q), $conf['order_by'], $user['id'],$user['cache_update_time'], isset($options['permissions']) ? (boolean)$options['permissions'] : true, isset($options['images_where']) ? $options['images_where'] : '', ) ); if ($persistent_cache->get($cache_key, $res)) { return $res; } $res = get_quick_search_results_no_cache($q, $options); if ( count($res['items']) ) {// cache the results only if not empty - otherwise it is useless $persistent_cache->set($cache_key, $res, 300); } return $res; } /** * @see get_quick_search_results but without result caching */ function get_quick_search_results_no_cache($q, $options) { global $conf; $q = trim(stripslashes($q)); $search_results = array( 'items' => array(), 'qs' => array('q'=>$q), ); $scopes = array(); $scopes[] = new QSearchScope('tag', array('tags')); $scopes[] = new QSearchScope('photo', array('photos')); $scopes[] = new QSearchScope('file', array('filename')); $scopes[] = new QNumericRangeScope('width', array()); $scopes[] = new QNumericRangeScope('height', array()); $scopes[] = new QNumericRangeScope('ratio', array(), false, 0.001); $scopes[] = new QNumericRangeScope('size', array()); $scopes[] = new QNumericRangeScope('filesize', array()); $scopes[] = new QNumericRangeScope('hits', array('hit', 'visit', 'visits')); $scopes[] = new QNumericRangeScope('score', array('rating'), true); $scopes[] = new QNumericRangeScope('id', array()); $createdDateAliases = array('taken', 'shot'); $postedDateAliases = array('added'); if ($conf['calendar_datefield'] == 'date_creation') $createdDateAliases[] = 'date'; else $postedDateAliases[] = 'date'; $scopes[] = new QDateRangeScope('created', $createdDateAliases, true); $scopes[] = new QDateRangeScope('posted', $postedDateAliases); // allow plugins to add their own scopes $scopes = trigger_change('qsearch_get_scopes', $scopes); $expression = new QExpression($q, $scopes); // get inflections for terms $inflector = null; $lang_code = substr(get_default_language(),0,2); @include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/inflectors/'.$lang_code.'.php'); $class_name = 'Inflector_'.$lang_code; if (class_exists($class_name)) { $inflector = new $class_name; foreach( $expression->stokens as $token) { if (isset($token->scope) && !$token->scope->is_text) continue; if (strlen($token->term)>2 && ($token->modifier & (QST_QUOTED|QST_WILDCARD))==0 && strcspn($token->term, '\'0123456789') == strlen($token->term) ) { $token->variants = array_unique( array_diff( $inflector->get_variants($token->term), array($token->term) ) ); } } } trigger_notify('qsearch_expression_parsed', $expression); //var_export($expression); if (count($expression->stokens)==0) { return $search_results; } $qsr = new QResults; qsearch_get_tags($expression, $qsr); qsearch_get_images($expression, $qsr); // allow plugins to evaluate their own scopes trigger_notify('qsearch_before_eval', $expression, $qsr); $ids = qsearch_eval($expression, $qsr, $tmp, $search_results['qs']['unmatched_terms']); $debug[] = "<!--\nparsed: ".$expression; $debug[] = count($expression->stokens).' tokens'; for ($i=0; $i<count($expression->stokens); $i++) { $debug[] = $expression->stokens[$i].': '.count($qsr->tag_ids[$i]).' tags, '.count($qsr->tag_iids[$i]).' tiids, '.count($qsr->images_iids[$i]).' iiids, '.count($qsr->iids[$i]).' iids' .' modifier:'.dechex($expression->stoken_modifiers[$i]) .( !empty($expression->stokens[$i]->variants) ? ' variants: '.implode(', ',$expression->stokens[$i]->variants): ''); } $debug[] = 'before perms '.count($ids); $search_results['qs']['matching_tags'] = $qsr->all_tags; global $template; if (empty($ids)) { $debug[] = '-->'; $template->append('footer_elements', implode("\n", $debug) ); return $search_results; } $permissions = !isset($options['permissions']) ? true : $options['permissions']; $where_clauses = array(); $where_clauses[]='i.id IN ('. implode(',', $ids) . ')'; if (!empty($options['images_where'])) { $where_clauses[]='('.$options['images_where'].')'; } if ($permissions) { $where_clauses[] = get_sql_condition_FandF( array ( 'forbidden_categories' => 'category_id', 'forbidden_images' => 'i.id' ), null,true ); } $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' i'; if ($permissions) { $query .= ' INNER JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic ON id = ic.image_id'; } $query .= ' WHERE '.implode("\n AND ", $where_clauses)."\n". $conf['order_by']; $ids = query2array($query, null, 'id'); $debug[] = count($ids).' final photo count -->'; $template->append('footer_elements', implode("\n", $debug) ); $search_results['items'] = $ids; return $search_results; } /** * Returns an array of 'items' corresponding to the search id. * It can be either a quick search or a regular search. * * @param int $search_id * @param bool $super_order_by * @param string $images_where optional aditional restriction on images table * @return array */ function get_search_results($search_id, $super_order_by, $images_where='') { $search = get_search_array($search_id); if ( !isset($search['q']) ) { $result['items'] = get_regular_search_results($search, $images_where); return $result; } else { return get_quick_search_results($search['q'], array('super_order_by'=>$super_order_by, 'images_where'=>$images_where) ); } } ?>