<?php // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Piwigo - a PHP based picture gallery | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Copyright(C) 2008 Piwigo Team http://piwigo.org | // | Copyright(C) 2003-2008 PhpWebGallery Team http://phpwebgallery.net | // | Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Pierrick LE GALL http://le-gall.net/pierrick | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify | // | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | // | the Free Software Foundation | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but | // | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU | // | General Public License for more details. | // | | // | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | // | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software | // | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, | // | USA. | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** * Provides functions to handle categories. * * */ /** * Is the category accessible to the connected user ? * * Note : if the user is not authorized to see this category, page creation * ends (exit command in this function) * * @param int category id to verify * @return void */ function check_restrictions($category_id) { global $user; // $filter['visible_categories'] and $filter['visible_images'] // are not used because it's not necessary (filter <> restriction) if (in_array($category_id, explode(',', $user['forbidden_categories']))) { access_denied(); } } function get_categories_menu() { global $page, $user, $filter; $query = ' SELECT '; // From CATEGORIES_TABLE $query.= ' id, name, permalink, nb_images, global_rank,'; // From USER_CACHE_CATEGORIES_TABLE $query.= ' date_last, max_date_last, count_images, count_categories'; // $user['forbidden_categories'] including with USER_CACHE_CATEGORIES_TABLE $query.= ' FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.USER_CACHE_CATEGORIES_TABLE.' ON id = cat_id and user_id = '.$user['id']; // Always expand when filter is activated if (!$user['expand'] and !$filter['enabled']) { $where = ' (id_uppercat is NULL'; if (isset($page['category'])) { $where .= ' OR id_uppercat IN ('.$page['category']['uppercats'].')'; } $where .= ')'; } else { $where = ' '.get_sql_condition_FandF ( array ( 'visible_categories' => 'id', ), null, true ); } $where = trigger_event('get_categories_menu_sql_where', $where, $user['expand'], $filter['enabled'] ); $query.= ' WHERE '.$where.' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); $cats = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($cats, $row); } usort($cats, 'global_rank_compare'); // Update filtered data if (function_exists('update_cats_with_filtered_data')) { update_cats_with_filtered_data($cats); } return get_html_menu_category($cats, @$page['category'] ); } /** * Retrieve informations about a category in the database * * Returns an array with following keys : * * - comment * - dir : directory, might be empty for virtual categories * - name : an array with indexes from 0 (lowest cat name) to n (most * uppercat name findable) * - nb_images * - id_uppercat * - site_id * - * * @param int category id * @return array */ function get_cat_info( $id ) { $query = ' SELECT * FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE id = '.$id.' ;'; $cat = mysql_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); if (empty($cat)) return null; foreach ($cat as $k => $v) { // If the field is true or false, the variable is transformed into a // boolean value. if ($cat[$k] == 'true' or $cat[$k] == 'false') { $cat[$k] = get_boolean( $cat[$k] ); } } $upper_ids = explode(',', $cat['uppercats']); if ( count($upper_ids)==1 ) {// no need to make a query for level 1 $cat['upper_names'] = array( array( 'id' => $cat['id'], 'name' => $cat['name'], 'permalink' => $cat['permalink'], ) ); } else { $names = array(); $query = ' SELECT id, name, permalink FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE id IN ('.$cat['uppercats'].') ;'; $names = hash_from_query($query, 'id'); // category names must be in the same order than uppercats list $cat['upper_names'] = array(); foreach ($upper_ids as $cat_id) { array_push( $cat['upper_names'], $names[$cat_id]); } } return $cat; } // get_complete_dir returns the concatenation of get_site_url and // get_local_dir // Example : "pets > rex > 1_year_old" is on the the same site as the // PhpWebGallery files and this category has 22 for identifier // get_complete_dir(22) returns "./galleries/pets/rex/1_year_old/" function get_complete_dir( $category_id ) { return get_site_url($category_id).get_local_dir($category_id); } // get_local_dir returns an array with complete path without the site url // Example : "pets > rex > 1_year_old" is on the the same site as the // PhpWebGallery files and this category has 22 for identifier // get_local_dir(22) returns "pets/rex/1_year_old/" function get_local_dir( $category_id ) { global $page; $uppercats = ''; $local_dir = ''; if ( isset( $page['plain_structure'][$category_id]['uppercats'] ) ) { $uppercats = $page['plain_structure'][$category_id]['uppercats']; } else { $query = 'SELECT uppercats'; $query.= ' FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE id = '.$category_id; $query.= ';'; $row = mysql_fetch_array( pwg_query( $query ) ); $uppercats = $row['uppercats']; } $upper_array = explode( ',', $uppercats ); $database_dirs = array(); $query = 'SELECT id,dir'; $query.= ' FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE id IN ('.$uppercats.')'; $query.= ';'; $result = pwg_query( $query ); while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) ) { $database_dirs[$row['id']] = $row['dir']; } foreach ($upper_array as $id) { $local_dir.= $database_dirs[$id].'/'; } return $local_dir; } // retrieving the site url : "http://domain.com/gallery/" or // simply "./galleries/" function get_site_url($category_id) { global $page; $query = ' SELECT galleries_url FROM '.SITES_TABLE.' AS s,'.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' AS c WHERE s.id = c.site_id AND c.id = '.$category_id.' ;'; $row = mysql_fetch_array(pwg_query($query)); return $row['galleries_url']; } // returns an array of image orders available for users/visitors function get_category_preferred_image_orders() { global $conf; return array( array(l10n('default_sort'), '', true), array(l10n('Average rate'), 'average_rate DESC', $conf['rate']), array(l10n('most_visited_cat'), 'hit DESC', true), array(l10n('Creation date'), 'date_creation DESC', true), array(l10n('Post date'), 'date_available DESC', true), array(l10n('File name'), 'file ASC', true) ); } function display_select_categories($categories, $selecteds, $blockname, $fullname = true) { global $template; $tpl_cats = array(); foreach ($categories as $category) { if ($fullname) { $option = get_cat_display_name_cache($category['uppercats'], null, false); } else { $option = str_repeat(' ', (3 * substr_count($category['global_rank'], '.'))); $option.= '- '.$category['name']; } $tpl_cats[ $category['id'] ] = $option; } $template->assign( $blockname, $tpl_cats); $template->assign( $blockname.'_selected', $selecteds); } function display_select_cat_wrapper($query, $selecteds, $blockname, $fullname = true) { $result = pwg_query($query); $categories = array(); if (!empty($result)) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { array_push($categories, $row); } } usort($categories, 'global_rank_compare'); display_select_categories($categories, $selecteds, $blockname, $fullname); } /** * returns all subcategory identifiers of given category ids * * @param array ids * @return array */ function get_subcat_ids($ids) { $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT(id) FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE '; foreach ($ids as $num => $category_id) { is_numeric($category_id) or trigger_error( 'get_subcat_ids expecting numeric, not '.gettype($category_id), E_USER_WARNING ); if ($num > 0) { $query.= ' OR '; } $query.= 'uppercats REGEXP \'(^|,)'.$category_id.'(,|$)\''; } $query.= ' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); $subcats = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($subcats, $row['id']); } return $subcats; } /** finds a matching category id from a potential list of permalinks * @param array permalinks example: holiday holiday/france holiday/france/paris * @param int idx - output of the index in $permalinks that matches * return category id or null if no match */ function get_cat_id_from_permalinks( $permalinks, &$idx ) { $in = ''; foreach($permalinks as $permalink) { if ( !empty($in) ) $in.=', '; $in .= '"'.$permalink.'"'; } $query =' SELECT c.id, op.permalink, 1 AS is_old FROM '.OLD_PERMALINKS_TABLE.' op INNER JOIN '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' c ON op.cat_id=c.id WHERE op.permalink IN ('.$in.') UNION SELECT id, permalink, 0 AS is_old FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE permalink IN ('.$in.') ;'; $perma_hash = hash_from_query($query, 'permalink'); if ( empty($perma_hash) ) return null; for ($i=count($permalinks)-1; $i>=0; $i--) { if ( isset( $perma_hash[ $permalinks[$i] ] ) ) { $idx = $i; $cat_id = $perma_hash[ $permalinks[$i] ]['id']; if ($perma_hash[ $permalinks[$i] ]['is_old']) { $query=' UPDATE '.OLD_PERMALINKS_TABLE.' SET last_hit=NOW(), hit=hit+1 WHERE permalink="'.$permalinks[$i].'" AND cat_id='.$cat_id.' LIMIT 1'; pwg_query($query); } return $cat_id; } } return null; } function global_rank_compare($a, $b) { return strnatcasecmp($a['global_rank'], $b['global_rank']); } function rank_compare($a, $b) { if ($a['rank'] == $b['rank']) { return 0; } return ($a['rank'] < $b['rank']) ? -1 : 1; } /** * returns display text for information images of category * * @param array categories * @return string */ function get_display_images_count($cat_nb_images, $cat_count_images, $cat_count_categories, $short_message = true, $Separator = '\n') { $display_text = ''; if ($cat_count_images > 0) { if ($cat_nb_images > 0 and $cat_nb_images < $cat_count_images) { $display_text.= get_display_images_count($cat_nb_images, $cat_nb_images, 0, $short_message, $Separator).$Separator; $cat_count_images-= $cat_nb_images; $cat_nb_images = 0; } //at least one image direct or indirect $display_text.= l10n_dec('%d element', '%d elements', $cat_count_images); if ($cat_count_categories == 0 or $cat_nb_images == $cat_count_images) { //no descendant categories or descendants do not contain images if (! $short_message) { $display_text.= ' '.l10n('images_available_cpl'); } } else { $display_text.= ' '.l10n_dec('images_available_cat', 'images_available_cats', $cat_count_categories); } } return $display_text; } ?>