<?php // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Piwigo - a PHP based photo gallery | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Copyright(C) 2008-2014 Piwigo Team http://piwigo.org | // | Copyright(C) 2003-2008 PhpWebGallery Team http://phpwebgallery.net | // | Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Pierrick LE GALL http://le-gall.net/pierrick | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify | // | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | // | the Free Software Foundation | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but | // | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU | // | General Public License for more details. | // | | // | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | // | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software | // | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, | // | USA. | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** * Management of elements set. Elements can belong to a category or to the * user caddie. * */ if (!defined('PHPWG_ROOT_PATH')) { die('Hacking attempt!'); } include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/functions.php'); include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/tabsheet.class.php'); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Check Access and exit when user status is not ok | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ check_status(ACCESS_ADMINISTRATOR); check_input_parameter('selection', $_POST, true, PATTERN_ID); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | initialize current set | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // filters from form if (isset($_POST['submitFilter'])) { // echo '<pre>'; print_r($_POST); echo '</pre>'; unset($_REQUEST['start']); // new photo set must reset the page $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter'] = array(); if (isset($_POST['filter_prefilter_use'])) { $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['prefilter'] = $_POST['filter_prefilter']; } if (isset($_POST['filter_category_use'])) { $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['category'] = $_POST['filter_category']; if (isset($_POST['filter_category_recursive'])) { $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['category_recursive'] = true; } } if (isset($_POST['filter_tags_use'])) { $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['tags'] = get_tag_ids($_POST['filter_tags'], false); if (isset($_POST['tag_mode']) and in_array($_POST['tag_mode'], array('AND', 'OR'))) { $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['tag_mode'] = $_POST['tag_mode']; } } if (isset($_POST['filter_level_use'])) { if (in_array($_POST['filter_level'], $conf['available_permission_levels'])) { $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['level'] = $_POST['filter_level']; if (isset($_POST['filter_level_include_lower'])) { $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['level_include_lower'] = true; } } } if (isset($_POST['filter_dimension_use'])) { foreach (array('min_width','max_width','min_height','max_height') as $type) { if ( preg_match('#^[0-9]+$#', $_POST['filter_dimension_'. $type ]) ) { $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['dimension'][$type] = $_POST['filter_dimension_'. $type ]; } } foreach (array('min_ratio','max_ratio') as $type) { if ( preg_match('#^[0-9\.]+$#', $_POST['filter_dimension_'. $type ]) ) { $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['dimension'][$type] = $_POST['filter_dimension_'. $type ]; } } } if (isset($_POST['filter_search_use'])) { $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['search']['q'] = $_POST['q']; } } // filters from url elseif (isset($_GET['filter'])) { if (!is_array($_GET['filter'])) { $_GET['filter'] = explode(',', $_GET['filter']); } $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter'] = array(); foreach ($_GET['filter'] as $filter) { list($type, $value) = explode('-', $filter); switch ($type) { case 'prefilter': $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['prefilter'] = $value; break; case 'album': if (is_numeric($value)) { $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['category'] = $value; } break; case 'tag': if (is_numeric($value)) { $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['tags'] = array($value); $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['tag_mode'] = 'AND'; } break; case 'level': if (is_numeric($value) && in_array($value, $conf['available_permission_levels'])) { $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['level'] = $value; } break; } } } if (empty($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter'])) { $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter'] = array( 'prefilter' => 'caddie' ); } // echo '<pre>'; print_r($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']); echo '</pre>'; // depending on the current filter (in session), we find the appropriate photos $filter_sets = array(); if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['prefilter'])) { switch ($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['prefilter']) { case 'caddie': $query = ' SELECT element_id FROM '.CADDIE_TABLE.' WHERE user_id = '.$user['id'].' ;'; $filter_sets[] = array_from_query($query, 'element_id'); break; case 'favorites': $query = ' SELECT image_id FROM '.FAVORITES_TABLE.' WHERE user_id = '.$user['id'].' ;'; $filter_sets[] = array_from_query($query, 'image_id'); break; case 'last_import': $query = ' SELECT MAX(date_available) AS date FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' ;'; $row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query)); if (!empty($row['date'])) { $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE date_available BETWEEN '.pwg_db_get_recent_period_expression(1, $row['date']).' AND \''.$row['date'].'\' ;'; $filter_sets[] = array_from_query($query, 'id'); } break; case 'no_virtual_album': // we are searching elements not linked to any virtual category $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' ;'; $all_elements = array_from_query($query, 'id'); $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.CATEGORIES_TABLE.' WHERE dir IS NULL ;'; $virtual_categories = array_from_query($query, 'id'); if (!empty($virtual_categories)) { $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT(image_id) FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' WHERE category_id IN ('.implode(',', $virtual_categories).') ;'; $linked_to_virtual = array_from_query($query, 'image_id'); } $filter_sets[] = array_diff($all_elements, $linked_to_virtual); break; case 'no_album': $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' LEFT JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' ON id = image_id WHERE category_id is null ;'; $filter_sets[] = array_from_query($query, 'id'); break; case 'no_tag': $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' LEFT JOIN '.IMAGE_TAG_TABLE.' ON id = image_id WHERE tag_id is null ;'; $filter_sets[] = array_from_query($query, 'id'); break; case 'duplicates': // we could use the group_concat MySQL function to retrieve the list of // image_ids but it would not be compatible with PostgreSQL, so let's // perform 2 queries instead. We hope there are not too many duplicates. $query = ' SELECT file FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' GROUP BY file HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ;'; $duplicate_files = array_from_query($query, 'file'); $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE file IN (\''.implode("','", array_map('pwg_db_real_escape_string', $duplicate_files)).'\') ;'; $filter_sets[] = array_from_query($query, 'id'); break; case 'all_photos': if ( count($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']) == 1 ) {// make the query only if this is the only filter $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' '.$conf['order_by']; $filter_sets[] = array_from_query($query, 'id'); } break; } $filter_sets = trigger_change('perform_batch_manager_prefilters', $filter_sets, $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['prefilter']); } if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['category'])) { $categories = array(); if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['category_recursive'])) { $categories = get_subcat_ids(array($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['category'])); } else { $categories = array($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['category']); } $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT(image_id) FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' WHERE category_id IN ('.implode(',', $categories).') ;'; $filter_sets[] = array_from_query($query, 'image_id'); } if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['level'])) { $operator = '='; if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['level_include_lower'])) { $operator = '<='; } $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE level '.$operator.' '.$_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['level'].' '.$conf['order_by']; $filter_sets[] = array_from_query($query, 'id'); } if (!empty($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['tags'])) { $filter_sets[] = get_image_ids_for_tags( $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['tags'], $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['tag_mode'], null, null, false // we don't apply permissions in administration screens ); } if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['dimension'])) { $where_clauses = array(); if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['dimension']['min_width'])) { $where_clause[] = 'width >= '.$_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['dimension']['min_width']; } if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['dimension']['max_width'])) { $where_clause[] = 'width <= '.$_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['dimension']['max_width']; } if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['dimension']['min_height'])) { $where_clause[] = 'height >= '.$_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['dimension']['min_height']; } if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['dimension']['max_height'])) { $where_clause[] = 'height <= '.$_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['dimension']['max_height']; } if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['dimension']['min_ratio'])) { $where_clause[] = 'width/height >= '.$_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['dimension']['min_ratio']; } if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['dimension']['max_ratio'])) { // max_ratio is a floor value, so must be a bit increased $where_clause[] = 'width/height < '.($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['dimension']['max_ratio']+0.01); } $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE '.implode(' AND ',$where_clause).' '.$conf['order_by']; $filter_sets[] = array_from_query($query, 'id'); } if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['search'])) { include_once( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH .'include/functions_search.inc.php' ); $res = get_quick_search_results_no_cache($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['search']['q'], array('permissions'=>false)); $filter_sets[] = $res['items']; } $current_set = array_shift($filter_sets); foreach ($filter_sets as $set) { $current_set = array_intersect($current_set, $set); } $page['cat_elements_id'] = $current_set; // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | first element to display | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // $page['start'] contains the number of the first element in its // category. For exampe, $page['start'] = 12 means we must show elements #12 // and $page['nb_images'] next elements if (!isset($_REQUEST['start']) or !is_numeric($_REQUEST['start']) or $_REQUEST['start'] < 0 or (isset($_REQUEST['display']) and 'all' == $_REQUEST['display'])) { $page['start'] = 0; } else { $page['start'] = $_REQUEST['start']; } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Tabs | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $manager_link = get_root_url().'admin.php?page=batch_manager&mode='; if (isset($_GET['mode'])) { $page['tab'] = $_GET['mode']; } else { $page['tab'] = 'global'; } $tabsheet = new tabsheet(); $tabsheet->set_id('batch_manager'); $tabsheet->select($page['tab']); $tabsheet->assign(); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | tags | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $query = ' SELECT id, name FROM '.TAGS_TABLE.' ;'; $template->assign('tags', get_taglist($query, false)); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | dimensions | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $widths = array(); $heights = array(); $ratios = array(); // get all width, height and ratios $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT width, height FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE width IS NOT NULL AND height IS NOT NULL ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (pwg_db_num_rows($result)) { while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { if ($row['width']>0 && $row['height']>0) { $widths[] = $row['width']; $heights[] = $row['height']; $ratios[] = floor($row['width'] / $row['height'] * 100) / 100; } } } if (empty($widths)) { // arbitrary values, only used when no photos on the gallery $widths = array(600, 1920, 3500); $heights = array(480, 1080, 2300); $ratios = array(1.25, 1.52, 1.78); } $widths = array_unique($widths); sort($widths); $heights = array_unique($heights); sort($heights); $ratios = array_unique($ratios); sort($ratios); $dimensions['widths'] = implode(',', $widths); $dimensions['heights'] = implode(',', $heights); $dimensions['ratios'] = implode(',', $ratios); $dimensions['bounds'] = array( 'min_width' => $widths[0], 'max_width' => $widths[count($widths)-1], 'min_height' => $heights[0], 'max_height' => $heights[count($heights)-1], 'min_ratio' => $ratios[0], 'max_ratio' => $ratios[count($ratios)-1], ); // find ratio categories $ratio_categories = array( 'portrait' => array(), 'square' => array(), 'landscape' => array(), 'panorama' => array(), ); foreach ($ratios as $ratio) { if ($ratio < 0.95) { $ratio_categories['portrait'][] = $ratio; } else if ($ratio >= 0.95 and $ratio <= 1.05) { $ratio_categories['square'][] = $ratio; } else if ($ratio > 1.05 and $ratio < 2) { $ratio_categories['landscape'][] = $ratio; } else if ($ratio >= 2) { $ratio_categories['panorama'][] = $ratio; } } foreach (array_keys($ratio_categories) as $ratio_category) { if (count($ratio_categories[$ratio_category]) > 0) { $dimensions['ratio_'.$ratio_category] = array( 'min' => $ratio_categories[$ratio_category][0], 'max' => array_pop($ratio_categories[$ratio_category]), ); } } // selected=bound if nothing selected foreach (array_keys($dimensions['bounds']) as $type) { $dimensions['selected'][$type] = isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['dimension'][$type]) ? $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['dimension'][$type] : $dimensions['bounds'][$type] ; } $template->assign('dimensions', $dimensions); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | open specific mode | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ include(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/batch_manager_'.$page['tab'].'.php'); ?>