<?php // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Piwigo - a PHP based photo gallery | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Copyright(C) 2008-2011 Piwigo Team http://piwigo.org | // | Copyright(C) 2003-2008 PhpWebGallery Team http://phpwebgallery.net | // | Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Pierrick LE GALL http://le-gall.net/pierrick | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify | // | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | // | the Free Software Foundation | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but | // | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU | // | General Public License for more details. | // | | // | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | // | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software | // | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, | // | USA. | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ //returns string action to perform on a new comment: validate, moderate, reject function user_comment_check($action, $comment) { global $conf,$user; if ($action=='reject') return $action; $my_action = $conf['comment_spam_reject'] ? 'reject':'moderate'; if ($action==$my_action) return $action; // we do here only BASIC spam check (plugins can do more) if ( !is_a_guest() ) return $action; $link_count = preg_match_all( '/https?:\/\//', $comment['content'], $matches); if ( strpos($comment['author'], 'http://')!==false ) { $link_count++; } if ( $link_count>$conf['comment_spam_max_links'] ) return $my_action; return $action; } add_event_handler('user_comment_check', 'user_comment_check', EVENT_HANDLER_PRIORITY_NEUTRAL, 2); /** * Tries to insert a user comment in the database and returns one of : * validate, moderate, reject * @param array comm contains author, content, image_id * @param string key secret key sent back to the browser * @param array infos out array of messages */ function insert_user_comment( &$comm, $key, &$infos ) { global $conf, $user; $comm = array_merge( $comm, array( 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ); $infos = array(); if (!$conf['comments_validation'] or is_admin()) { $comment_action='validate'; //one of validate, moderate, reject } else { $comment_action='moderate'; //one of validate, moderate, reject } // display author field if the user status is guest or generic if (!is_classic_user()) { if ( empty($comm['author']) ) { $comm['author'] = 'guest'; } $comm['author_id'] = $conf['guest_id']; // if a guest try to use the name of an already existing user, he must be // rejected if ( $comm['author'] != 'guest' ) { $query = ' SELECT COUNT(*) AS user_exists FROM '.USERS_TABLE.' WHERE '.$conf['user_fields']['username']." = '".addslashes($comm['author'])."'"; $row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc( pwg_query( $query ) ); if ( $row['user_exists'] == 1 ) { array_push($infos, l10n('This login is already used by another user') ); $comment_action='reject'; } } } else { $comm['author'] = addslashes($user['username']); $comm['author_id'] = $user['id']; } if ( empty($comm['content']) ) { // empty comment content $comment_action='reject'; } if ( !verify_ephemeral_key(@$key, $comm['image_id']) ) { $comment_action='reject'; } if ($comment_action!='reject' and $conf['anti-flood_time']>0 and !is_admin()) { // anti-flood system $reference_date = pwg_db_get_flood_period_expression($conf['anti-flood_time']); $query = ' SELECT count(1) FROM '.COMMENTS_TABLE.' WHERE date > '.$reference_date.' AND author_id = '.$comm['author_id']; list($counter) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query)); if ( $counter > 0 ) { array_push( $infos, l10n('Anti-flood system : please wait for a moment before trying to post another comment') ); $comment_action='reject'; } } // perform more spam check $comment_action = trigger_event('user_comment_check', $comment_action, $comm ); if ( $comment_action!='reject' ) { $query = ' INSERT INTO '.COMMENTS_TABLE.' (author, author_id, content, date, validated, validation_date, image_id) VALUES ( \''.$comm['author'].'\', '.$comm['author_id'].', \''.$comm['content'].'\', NOW(), \''.($comment_action=='validate' ? 'true':'false').'\', '.($comment_action=='validate' ? 'NOW()':'NULL').', '.$comm['image_id'].' ) '; pwg_query($query); $comm['id'] = pwg_db_insert_id(COMMENTS_TABLE); if ($conf['email_admin_on_comment'] or ($conf['email_admin_on_comment_validation'] and 'moderate' == $comment_action)) { include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/functions_mail.inc.php'); $comment_url = get_absolute_root_url().'comments.php?comment_id='.$comm['id']; $keyargs_content = array ( get_l10n_args('Author: %s', stripslashes($comm['author']) ), get_l10n_args('Comment: %s', stripslashes($comm['content']) ), get_l10n_args('', ''), get_l10n_args('Manage this user comment: %s', $comment_url) ); if ('moderate' == $comment_action) { $keyargs_content[] = get_l10n_args('', ''); $keyargs_content[] = get_l10n_args('(!) This comment requires validation', ''); } pwg_mail_notification_admins ( get_l10n_args('Comment by %s', stripslashes($comm['author']) ), $keyargs_content ); } } return $comment_action; } /** * Tries to delete a user comment in the database * only admin can delete all comments * other users can delete their own comments * so to avoid a new sql request we add author in where clause * * @param comment_id */ function delete_user_comment($comment_id) { $user_where_clause = ''; if (!is_admin()) { $user_where_clause = ' AND author_id = \''.$GLOBALS['user']['id'].'\''; } $query = ' DELETE FROM '.COMMENTS_TABLE.' WHERE id = '.$comment_id. $user_where_clause.' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if ($result) { email_admin('delete', array('author' => $GLOBALS['user']['username'], 'comment_id' => $comment_id )); } } /** * Tries to update a user comment in the database * only admin can update all comments * users can edit their own comments if admin allow them * so to avoid a new sql request we add author in where clause * * @param comment_id * @param post_key * @param content */ function update_user_comment($comment, $post_key) { global $conf; $comment_action = 'validate'; if ( !verify_ephemeral_key($post_key, $comment['image_id']) ) { $comment_action='reject'; } elseif (!$conf['comments_validation'] or is_admin()) // should the updated comment must be validated { $comment_action='validate'; //one of validate, moderate, reject } else { $comment_action='moderate'; //one of validate, moderate, reject } // perform more spam check $comment_action = trigger_event('user_comment_check', $comment_action, array_merge($comment, array('author' => $GLOBALS['user']['username']) ) ); if ( $comment_action!='reject' ) { $user_where_clause = ''; if (!is_admin()) { $user_where_clause = ' AND author_id = \''. $GLOBALS['user']['id'].'\''; } $query = ' UPDATE '.COMMENTS_TABLE.' SET content = \''.$comment['content'].'\', validated = \''.($comment_action=='validate' ? 'true':'false').'\', validation_date = '.($comment_action=='validate' ? 'NOW()':'NULL').' WHERE id = '.$comment['comment_id']. $user_where_clause.' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); // mail admin and ask to validate the comment if ($result and $conf['email_admin_on_comment_validation'] and 'moderate' == $comment_action) { include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/functions_mail.inc.php'); $comment_url = get_absolute_root_url().'comments.php?comment_id='.$comment['comment_id']; $keyargs_content = array ( get_l10n_args('Author: %s', stripslashes($GLOBALS['user']['username']) ), get_l10n_args('Comment: %s', stripslashes($comment['content']) ), get_l10n_args('', ''), get_l10n_args('Manage this user comment: %s', $comment_url), get_l10n_args('', ''), get_l10n_args('(!) This comment requires validation', ''), ); pwg_mail_notification_admins ( get_l10n_args('Comment by %s', stripslashes($GLOBALS['user']['username']) ), $keyargs_content ); } // just mail admin else if ($result) { email_admin('edit', array('author' => $GLOBALS['user']['username'], 'content' => stripslashes($comment['content'])) ); } } return $comment_action; } function email_admin($action, $comment) { global $conf; if (!in_array($action, array('edit', 'delete')) or (($action=='edit') and !$conf['email_admin_on_comment_edition']) or (($action=='delete') and !$conf['email_admin_on_comment_deletion'])) { return; } include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'include/functions_mail.inc.php'); $keyargs_content = array(); $keyargs_content[] = get_l10n_args('Author: %s', $comment['author']); if ($action=='delete') { $keyargs_content[] = get_l10n_args('This author removed the comment with id %d', $comment['comment_id'] ); } else { $keyargs_content[] = get_l10n_args('This author modified following comment:', ''); $keyargs_content[] = get_l10n_args('Comment: %s', $comment['content']); } pwg_mail_notification_admins(get_l10n_args('Comment by %s', $comment['author']), $keyargs_content ); } function get_comment_author_id($comment_id, $die_on_error=true) { $query = ' SELECT author_id FROM '.COMMENTS_TABLE.' WHERE id = '.$comment_id.' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (pwg_db_num_rows($result) == 0) { if ($die_on_error) { fatal_error('Unknown comment identifier'); } else { return false; } } list($author_id) = pwg_db_fetch_row($result); return $author_id; } function validate_user_comment($comment_id) { $query = ' UPDATE '.COMMENTS_TABLE.' SET validated = \'true\' , validation_date = NOW() WHERE id = '.$comment_id.' ;'; pwg_query($query); } ?>