// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Piwigo - a PHP based photo gallery                                    |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright(C) 2008-2016 Piwigo Team                  http://piwigo.org |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  |
// | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  |
// | the Free Software Foundation                                          |
// |                                                                       |
// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but   |
// | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            |
// | General Public License for more details.                              |
// |                                                                       |
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     |
// | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software           |
// | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, |
// | USA.                                                                  |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+

 * @package Derivatives

 * Formats a size name into a 2 chars identifier usable in filename.
 * @param string $t one of IMG_*
 * @return string
function derivative_to_url($t)
  return substr($t, 0, 2);

 * Formats a size array into a identifier usable in filename.
 * @param int[] $s
 * @return string
function size_to_url($s)
  if ($s[0]==$s[1])
    return $s[0];
  return $s[0].'x'.$s[1];

 * @param int[] $s1
 * @param int[] $s2
 * @return bool
function size_equals($s1, $s2)
  return ($s1[0]==$s2[0] && $s1[1]==$s2[1]);

 * Converts a char a-z into a float.
 * @param string
 * @return float
function char_to_fraction($c)
	return (ord($c) - ord('a'))/25;

 * Converts a float into a char a-z.
 * @param float
 * @return string
function fraction_to_char($f)
	return chr(ord('a') + round($f*25));

 * Small utility to manipulate a 'rectangle'.
final class ImageRect
   * @var int $l
   * @var int $t
   * @var int $r
   * @var int $b
  public $l,$t,$r,$b;

   * @param int[] $l width and height
  function __construct($l)
    $this->l = $this->t = 0;
    $this->r = $l[0];
    $this->b = $l[1];

   * @return int
  function width()
    return $this->r - $this->l;

   * @return int
  function height()
    return $this->b - $this->t;

   * Crops horizontally this rectangle by increasing left side and/or reducing the right side.
   * @param int $pixels - the amount to substract from the width
   * @param stirng $coi - a 4 character string (or null) containing the center of interest
  function crop_h($pixels, $coi)
    if ($this->width() <= $pixels)
    $tlcrop = floor($pixels/2);

    if (!empty($coi))
      $coil = floor($this->r * char_to_fraction($coi[0]));
      $coir = ceil($this->r * char_to_fraction($coi[2]));
      $availableL = $coil > $this->l ? $coil - $this->l : 0;
      $availableR = $coir < $this->r ? $this->r - $coir : 0;
      if ($availableL + $availableR >= $pixels)
        if ($availableL < $tlcrop)
          $tlcrop = $availableL;
        elseif ($availableR < $tlcrop)
          $tlcrop = $pixels - $availableR;
    $this->l += $tlcrop;
    $this->r -= $pixels - $tlcrop;

   * Crops vertically this rectangle by increasing top side and/or reducing the bottom side.
   * @param int $pixels - the amount to substract from the height
   * @param string $coi - a 4 character string (or null) containing the center of interest
  function crop_v($pixels, $coi)
    if ($this->height() <= $pixels)
    $tlcrop = floor($pixels/2);

    if (!empty($coi))
      $coit = floor($this->b * char_to_fraction($coi[1]));
      $coib = ceil($this->b * char_to_fraction($coi[3]));
      $availableT = $coit > $this->t ? $coit - $this->t : 0;
      $availableB = $coib < $this->b ? $this->b - $coib : 0;
      if ($availableT + $availableB >= $pixels)
        if ($availableT < $tlcrop)
          $tlcrop = $availableT;
        elseif ($availableB < $tlcrop)
          $tlcrop = $pixels - $availableB;
    $this->t += $tlcrop;
    $this->b -= $pixels - $tlcrop;

 * Paramaters for derivative scaling and cropping.
 * Instance of this class contained by DerivativeParams class.
final class SizingParams
  /** @var int[] */
  var $ideal_size;
  /** @var float */
  var $max_crop;
  /** @var int[] */
  var $min_size;

   * @param int[] $ideal_size - two element array of maximum output dimensions (width, height)
   * @param float $max_crop - from 0=no cropping to 1= max cropping (100% of width/height);
   *    expressed as a factor of the input width/height
   * @param int[] $min_size - (used only if _$max_crop_ !=0) two element array of output dimensions (width, height)
  function __construct($ideal_size, $max_crop=0, $min_size=null)
    $this->ideal_size = $ideal_size;
    $this->max_crop = $max_crop;
    $this->min_size = $min_size;

   * Returns a simple SizingParams object.
   * @param int $w
   * @param int $h
   * @return SizingParams
  static function classic($w, $h)
    return new SizingParams( array($w,$h) );

   * Returns a square SizingParams object.
   * @param int $x
   * @return SizingParams
  static function square($w)
    return new SizingParams( array($w,$w), 1, array($w,$w) );

   * Adds tokens depending on sizing configuration.
   * @param array &$tokens
  function add_url_tokens(&$tokens)
      if ($this->max_crop == 0)
        $tokens[] = 's'.size_to_url($this->ideal_size);
      elseif ($this->max_crop == 1 && size_equals($this->ideal_size, $this->min_size) )
        $tokens[] = 'e'.size_to_url($this->ideal_size);
        $tokens[] = size_to_url($this->ideal_size);
        $tokens[] = fraction_to_char($this->max_crop);
        $tokens[] = size_to_url($this->min_size);

   * Calculates the cropping rectangle and the scaled size for an input image size.
   * @param int[] $in_size - two element array of input dimensions (width, height)
   * @param string $coi - four character encoded string containing the center of interest (unused if max_crop=0)
   * @param ImageRect &$crop_rect - ImageRect containing the cropping rectangle or null if cropping is not required
   * @param int[] &$scale_size - two element array containing width and height of the scaled image
  function compute($in_size, $coi, &$crop_rect, &$scale_size)
    $destCrop = new ImageRect($in_size);

    if ($this->max_crop > 0)
      $ratio_w = $destCrop->width() / $this->ideal_size[0];
      $ratio_h = $destCrop->height() / $this->ideal_size[1];
      if ($ratio_w>1 || $ratio_h>1)
        if ($ratio_w > $ratio_h)
          $h = $destCrop->height() / $ratio_w;
          if ($h < $this->min_size[1])
            $idealCropPx = $destCrop->width() - floor($destCrop->height() * $this->ideal_size[0] / $this->min_size[1]);
            $maxCropPx = round($this->max_crop * $destCrop->width());
            $destCrop->crop_h( min($idealCropPx, $maxCropPx), $coi);
          $w = $destCrop->width() / $ratio_h;
          if ($w < $this->min_size[0])
            $idealCropPx = $destCrop->height() - floor($destCrop->width() * $this->ideal_size[1] / $this->min_size[0]);
            $maxCropPx = round($this->max_crop * $destCrop->height());
            $destCrop->crop_v( min($idealCropPx, $maxCropPx), $coi);

    $scale_size = array($destCrop->width(), $destCrop->height());

    $ratio_w = $destCrop->width() / $this->ideal_size[0];
    $ratio_h = $destCrop->height() / $this->ideal_size[1];
    if ($ratio_w>1 || $ratio_h>1)
      if ($ratio_w > $ratio_h)
        $scale_size[0] = $this->ideal_size[0];
        $scale_size[1] = floor(1e-6 + $scale_size[1] / $ratio_w);
        $scale_size[0] = floor(1e-6 + $scale_size[0] / $ratio_h);
        $scale_size[1] = $this->ideal_size[1];
      $scale_size = null;

    $crop_rect = null;
    if ($destCrop->width()!=$in_size[0] || $destCrop->height()!=$in_size[1] )
      $crop_rect = $destCrop;

 * All needed parameters to generate a derivative image.
final class DerivativeParams
  /** @var SizingParams */
  public $sizing;
  /** @var string among IMG_* */
  public $type = IMG_CUSTOM;
  /** @var int used for non-custom images to regenerate the cached files */
  public $last_mod_time = 0;
  /** @var bool */
  public $use_watermark = false;
  /** @var float from 0=no sharpening to 1=max sharpening */
  public $sharpen = 0;

   * @param SizingParams $sizing
  function __construct($sizing)
    $this->sizing = $sizing;

   * @return array
  public function __sleep()
    return array('last_mod_time', 'sizing', 'sharpen');

   * Adds tokens depending on sizing configuration.
   * @param array &$tokens
  function add_url_tokens(&$tokens)

   * @return int[]
  function compute_final_size($in_size)
    $this->sizing->compute( $in_size, null, $crop_rect, $scale_size );
    return $scale_size != null ? $scale_size : $in_size;

   * @return int
  function max_width()
    return $this->sizing->ideal_size[0];

   * @return int
  function max_height()
    return $this->sizing->ideal_size[1];

   * @todo : description of DerivativeParams::is_identity
   * @return bool
  function is_identity($in_size)
    if ($in_size[0] > $this->sizing->ideal_size[0] or
        $in_size[1] > $this->sizing->ideal_size[1] )
      return false;
    return true;

   * @return bool
  function will_watermark($out_size)
    if ($this->use_watermark)
      $min_size = ImageStdParams::get_watermark()->min_size;
      return $min_size[0]<=$out_size[0]
        || $min_size[1]<=$out_size[1];
    return false;
