<?php // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Piwigo - a PHP based photo gallery | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Copyright(C) 2008-2016 Piwigo Team http://piwigo.org | // | Copyright(C) 2003-2008 PhpWebGallery Team http://phpwebgallery.net | // | Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Pierrick LE GALL http://le-gall.net/pierrick | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify | // | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | // | the Free Software Foundation | // | | // | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but | // | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | // | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU | // | General Public License for more details. | // | | // | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | // | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software | // | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, | // | USA. | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ /** * Management of elements set. Elements can belong to a category or to the * user caddie. * */ if (!defined('PHPWG_ROOT_PATH')) { die('Hacking attempt!'); } include_once(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/include/functions.php'); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Check Access and exit when user status is not ok | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ check_status(ACCESS_ADMINISTRATOR); trigger_notify('loc_begin_element_set_global'); check_input_parameter('del_tags', $_POST, true, PATTERN_ID); check_input_parameter('associate', $_POST, false, PATTERN_ID); check_input_parameter('dissociate', $_POST, false, PATTERN_ID); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | current selection | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $collection = array(); if (isset($_POST['setSelected'])) { $collection = $page['cat_elements_id']; } else if (isset($_POST['selection'])) { $collection = $_POST['selection']; } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | global mode form submission | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // $page['prefilter'] is a shortcut to test if the current filter contains a // given prefilter. The idea is to make conditions simpler to write in the // code. $page['prefilter'] = 'none'; if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['prefilter'])) { $page['prefilter'] = $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['prefilter']; } $redirect_url = get_root_url().'admin.php?page='.$_GET['page']; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { // if the user tries to apply an action, it means that there is at least 1 // photo in the selection if (count($collection) == 0) { $page['errors'][] = l10n('Select at least one photo'); } $action = $_POST['selectAction']; $redirect = false; if ('remove_from_caddie' == $action) { $query = ' DELETE FROM '.CADDIE_TABLE.' WHERE element_id IN ('.implode(',', $collection).') AND user_id = '.$user['id'].' ;'; pwg_query($query); // remove from caddie action available only in caddie so reload content $redirect = true; } else if ('add_tags' == $action) { if (empty($_POST['add_tags'])) { $page['errors'][] = l10n('Select at least one tag'); } else { $tag_ids = get_tag_ids($_POST['add_tags']); add_tags($tag_ids, $collection); if ('no_tag' == $page['prefilter']) { $redirect = true; } } } else if ('del_tags' == $action) { if (isset($_POST['del_tags']) and count($_POST['del_tags']) > 0) { $taglist_before = get_image_tag_ids($collection); $query = ' DELETE FROM '.IMAGE_TAG_TABLE.' WHERE image_id IN ('.implode(',', $collection).') AND tag_id IN ('.implode(',', $_POST['del_tags']).') ;'; pwg_query($query); $taglist_after = get_image_tag_ids($collection); $images_to_update = compare_image_tag_lists($taglist_before, $taglist_after); update_images_lastmodified($images_to_update); if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['tags']) && count(array_intersect($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['tags'], $_POST['del_tags']))) { $redirect = true; } } else { $page['errors'][] = l10n('Select at least one tag'); } } if ('associate' == $action) { associate_images_to_categories( $collection, array($_POST['associate']) ); $_SESSION['page_infos'] = array( l10n('Information data registered in database') ); // let's refresh the page because we the current set might be modified if ('no_album' == $page['prefilter']) { $redirect = true; } else if ('no_virtual_album' == $page['prefilter']) { $category_info = get_cat_info($_POST['associate']); if (empty($category_info['dir'])) { $redirect = true; } } } else if ('move' == $action) { move_images_to_categories($collection, array($_POST['associate'])); $_SESSION['page_infos'] = array( l10n('Information data registered in database') ); // let's refresh the page because we the current set might be modified if ('no_album' == $page['prefilter']) { $redirect = true; } else if ('no_virtual_album' == $page['prefilter']) { $category_info = get_cat_info($_POST['associate']); if (empty($category_info['dir'])) { $redirect = true; } } else if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['category']) and $_POST['move'] != $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['category']) { $redirect = true; } } else if ('dissociate' == $action) { // physical links must not be broken, so we must first retrieve image_id // which create virtual links with the category to "dissociate from". $query = ' SELECT id FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' INNER JOIN '.IMAGES_TABLE.' ON image_id = id WHERE category_id = '.$_POST['dissociate'].' AND id IN ('.implode(',', $collection).') AND ( category_id != storage_category_id OR storage_category_id IS NULL ) ;'; $dissociables = array_from_query($query, 'id'); if (!empty($dissociables)) { $query = ' DELETE FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' WHERE category_id = '.$_POST['dissociate'].' AND image_id IN ('.implode(',', $dissociables).') '; pwg_query($query); $_SESSION['page_infos'] = array( l10n('Information data registered in database') ); // let's refresh the page because the current set might be modified $redirect = true; } } // author else if ('author' == $action) { if (isset($_POST['remove_author'])) { $_POST['author'] = null; } $datas = array(); foreach ($collection as $image_id) { $datas[] = array( 'id' => $image_id, 'author' => $_POST['author'] ); } mass_updates( IMAGES_TABLE, array('primary' => array('id'), 'update' => array('author')), $datas ); } // title else if ('title' == $action) { if (isset($_POST['remove_title'])) { $_POST['title'] = null; } $datas = array(); foreach ($collection as $image_id) { $datas[] = array( 'id' => $image_id, 'name' => $_POST['title'] ); } mass_updates( IMAGES_TABLE, array('primary' => array('id'), 'update' => array('name')), $datas ); } // date_creation else if ('date_creation' == $action) { if (isset($_POST['remove_date_creation']) || empty($_POST['date_creation'])) { $date_creation = null; } else { $date_creation = $_POST['date_creation']; } $datas = array(); foreach ($collection as $image_id) { $datas[] = array( 'id' => $image_id, 'date_creation' => $date_creation ); } mass_updates( IMAGES_TABLE, array('primary' => array('id'), 'update' => array('date_creation')), $datas ); } // privacy_level else if ('level' == $action) { $datas = array(); foreach ($collection as $image_id) { $datas[] = array( 'id' => $image_id, 'level' => $_POST['level'] ); } mass_updates( IMAGES_TABLE, array('primary' => array('id'), 'update' => array('level')), $datas ); if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['level'])) { if ($_POST['level'] < $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['level']) { $redirect = true; } } } // add_to_caddie else if ('add_to_caddie' == $action) { fill_caddie($collection); } // delete else if ('delete' == $action) { if (isset($_POST['confirm_deletion']) and 1 == $_POST['confirm_deletion']) { $deleted_count = delete_elements($collection, true); if ($deleted_count > 0) { $_SESSION['page_infos'][] = l10n_dec( '%d photo was deleted', '%d photos were deleted', $deleted_count ); $redirect_url = get_root_url().'admin.php?page='.$_GET['page']; $redirect = true; } else { $page['errors'][] = l10n('No photo can be deleted'); } } else { $page['errors'][] = l10n('You need to confirm deletion'); } } // synchronize metadata else if ('metadata' == $action) { sync_metadata($collection); $page['infos'][] = l10n('Metadata synchronized from file'); } else if ('delete_derivatives' == $action && !empty($_POST['del_derivatives_type'])) { $query='SELECT path,representative_ext FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE.' WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', $collection).')'; $result = pwg_query($query); while ($info = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { foreach( $_POST['del_derivatives_type'] as $type) { delete_element_derivatives($info, $type); } } } else if ('generate_derivatives' == $action) { if ($_POST['regenerateSuccess'] != '0') { $page['infos'][] = l10n('%s photos have been regenerated', $_POST['regenerateSuccess']); } if ($_POST['regenerateError'] != '0') { $page['warnings'][] = l10n('%s photos can not be regenerated', $_POST['regenerateError']); } } if (!in_array($action, array('remove_from_caddie','add_to_caddie','delete_derivatives','generate_derivatives'))) { invalidate_user_cache(); } trigger_notify('element_set_global_action', $action, $collection); if ($redirect) { redirect($redirect_url); } } // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | template init | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $template->set_filenames(array('batch_manager_global' => 'batch_manager_global.tpl')); $base_url = get_root_url().'admin.php'; $prefilters = array( array('ID' => 'caddie', 'NAME' => l10n('Caddie')), array('ID' => 'favorites', 'NAME' => l10n('Your favorites')), array('ID' => 'last_import', 'NAME' => l10n('Last import')), array('ID' => 'no_album', 'NAME' => l10n('With no album').' ('.l10n('Orphans').')'), array('ID' => 'no_tag', 'NAME' => l10n('With no tag')), array('ID' => 'duplicates', 'NAME' => l10n('Duplicates')), array('ID' => 'all_photos', 'NAME' => l10n('All')) ); if ($conf['enable_synchronization']) { $prefilters[] = array('ID' => 'no_virtual_album', 'NAME' => l10n('With no virtual album')); } $prefilters = trigger_change('get_batch_manager_prefilters', $prefilters); usort($prefilters, 'UC_name_compare'); $template->assign( array( 'prefilters' => $prefilters, 'filter' => $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter'], 'selection' => $collection, 'all_elements' => $page['cat_elements_id'], 'START' => $page['start'], 'U_DISPLAY'=>$base_url.get_query_string_diff(array('display')), 'F_ACTION'=>$base_url.get_query_string_diff(array('cat','start','tag','filter')), ) ); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | caddie options | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ $template->assign('IN_CADDIE', 'caddie' == $page['prefilter']); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | global mode form | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // privacy level foreach ($conf['available_permission_levels'] as $level) { $level_options[$level] = l10n(sprintf('Level %d', $level)); if (0 == $level) { $level_options[$level] = l10n('Everybody'); } } $template->assign( array( 'filter_level_options'=> $level_options, 'filter_level_options_selected' => isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['level']) ? $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['level'] : 0, ) ); // tags $filter_tags = array(); if (!empty($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['tags'])) { $query = ' SELECT id, name FROM '.TAGS_TABLE.' WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['tags']).') ;'; $filter_tags = get_taglist($query); } $template->assign('filter_tags', $filter_tags); // in the filter box, which category to select by default $selected_category = array(); if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['category'])) { $selected_category = array($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['category']); } else { // we need to know the category in which the last photo was added $query = ' SELECT category_id FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' ORDER BY image_id DESC LIMIT 1 ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); if (pwg_db_num_rows($result) > 0) { $row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result); $selected_category[] = $row['category_id']; } } $template->assign('filter_category_selected', $selected_category); // Dissociate from a category : categories listed for dissociation can only // represent virtual links. We can't create orphans. Links to physical // categories can't be broken. if (count($page['cat_elements_id']) > 0) { $query = ' SELECT DISTINCT(category_id) AS id FROM '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' AS ic JOIN '.IMAGES_TABLE.' AS i ON i.id = ic.image_id WHERE ic.image_id IN ('.implode(',', $page['cat_elements_id']).') AND ( ic.category_id != i.storage_category_id OR i.storage_category_id IS NULL ) ;'; $template->assign('associated_categories', query2array($query, 'id', 'id')); } if (count($page['cat_elements_id']) > 0) { // remove tags $template->assign('associated_tags', get_common_tags($page['cat_elements_id'], -1)); } // creation date $template->assign('DATE_CREATION', empty($_POST['date_creation']) ? date('Y-m-d').' 00:00:00' : $_POST['date_creation'] ); // image level options $template->assign( array( 'level_options'=> get_privacy_level_options(), 'level_options_selected' => 0, ) ); // metadata include_once( PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.'admin/site_reader_local.php'); $site_reader = new LocalSiteReader('./'); $used_metadata = implode( ', ', $site_reader->get_metadata_attributes()); $template->assign( array( 'used_metadata' => $used_metadata, ) ); //derivatives $del_deriv_map = array(); foreach(ImageStdParams::get_defined_type_map() as $params) { $del_deriv_map[$params->type] = l10n($params->type); } $gen_deriv_map = $del_deriv_map; $del_deriv_map[IMG_CUSTOM] = l10n(IMG_CUSTOM); $template->assign( array( 'del_derivatives_types' => $del_deriv_map, 'generate_derivatives_types' => $gen_deriv_map, ) ); // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | global mode thumbnails | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // how many items to display on this page if (!empty($_GET['display'])) { if ('all' == $_GET['display']) { $page['nb_images'] = count($page['cat_elements_id']); } else { $page['nb_images'] = intval($_GET['display']); } } else { $page['nb_images'] = 20; } $nb_thumbs_page = 0; if (count($page['cat_elements_id']) > 0) { $nav_bar = create_navigation_bar( $base_url.get_query_string_diff(array('start')), count($page['cat_elements_id']), $page['start'], $page['nb_images'] ); $template->assign('navbar', $nav_bar); $is_category = false; if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['category']) and !isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['category_recursive'])) { $is_category = true; } if (isset($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['prefilter']) and 'duplicates' == $_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['prefilter']) { $conf['order_by'] = ' ORDER BY file, id'; } $query = ' SELECT id,path,representative_ext,file,filesize,level,name,width,height,rotation FROM '.IMAGES_TABLE; if ($is_category) { $category_info = get_cat_info($_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['category']); $conf['order_by'] = $conf['order_by_inside_category']; if (!empty($category_info['image_order'])) { $conf['order_by'] = ' ORDER BY '.$category_info['image_order']; } $query.= ' JOIN '.IMAGE_CATEGORY_TABLE.' ON id = image_id'; } $query.= ' WHERE id IN ('.implode(',', $page['cat_elements_id']).')'; if ($is_category) { $query.= ' AND category_id = '.$_SESSION['bulk_manager_filter']['category']; } $query.= ' '.$conf['order_by'].' LIMIT '.$page['nb_images'].' OFFSET '.$page['start'].' ;'; $result = pwg_query($query); $thumb_params = ImageStdParams::get_by_type(IMG_THUMB); // template thumbnail initialization while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) { $nb_thumbs_page++; $src_image = new SrcImage($row); $ttitle = render_element_name($row); if ($ttitle != get_name_from_file($row['file'])) { $ttitle.= ' ('.$row['file'].')'; } $template->append( 'thumbnails', array_merge($row, array( 'thumb' => new DerivativeImage($thumb_params, $src_image), 'TITLE' => $ttitle, 'FILE_SRC' => DerivativeImage::url(IMG_LARGE, $src_image), 'U_EDIT' => get_root_url().'admin.php?page=photo-'.$row['id'], ) )); } $template->assign('thumb_params', $thumb_params); } $template->assign(array( 'nb_thumbs_page' => $nb_thumbs_page, 'nb_thumbs_set' => count($page['cat_elements_id']), 'CACHE_KEYS' => get_admin_client_cache_keys(array('tags', 'categories')), )); trigger_notify('loc_end_element_set_global'); //----------------------------------------------------------- sending html code $template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'batch_manager_global'); ?>