done by a plugin
- create a "standard" way to define PHP functions that we use but might not be
available in the current php version
- when a comment is rejected (spam, anti-flood etc), put the content back to the
browser in case there is a real user behind it
- now a comment can be entered only if the page was retrieved between 2 seconds
ago and 1 hour ago
git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
It's a finalized version.
Obsolete code of draft are removed.
You can filter categories and images with recent date period on your screen selection.
In the future, filter could be easy done on other type data (plugin?)
You can flat categories and sub-categories with a recent date period of your choice.
Next, perhaps, a panel to choice recent date for the 2 features.
On draft, there have problem with MySql 5, be careful!
Css problem not resolved:
- Menu "Categories" is bad centered
- Icon on dark too on the top
git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
Redirect it's only done by the html method but must be done too with http method.
Creation of two functions redirect_http and redirect_html.
Function redirect calls one or other functions follow $conf or parameters.
$conf value are true on BSF, in order to check modifications.
Must be set to false on RC.
git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
o Add (new) icon of parent category with children categories including new images
o Improved display text for images count
o Improved (a little) mass_* functions
More explications on the forum.
You must call directly upgrade_feep.php ( for example)
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Removed calls to htmlentities()
improvement : charset added in HTTP header so browser's automatic encoding works even if httpd
is not netto latin1
revert to original l10n() : use of htmlentities() didn't solve bug in IE tooltips
git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
bug 349: Nicer display messages instead of "die" when urls cannot be
solved (also set 404 status code for bots)
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improvement: urls for category can be now id and category names (instead
of only id)
improvement: added 2 indexes (#image_tag.tag_id and #tags.url_name)
improvement: identification, register, search pages automatically set focus
on first form input
improvement: focus, nofocus css class now valid for all forms
fix: category comment is tag stripped in
(otherwise issues with html/scripts inside category comment)
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limitations. Each image can be associated to as many tag as needed. Tags can
contain non ASCII characters. Oriented navigation with tags by association.
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improve: add function access_denied called when check_status or
check_restrictions fail
fix: french language correction
fix: remove php warnings in clean_iptc_value
split search functions into include/
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URL rewriting: works with image file instead of image id (change
make_picture_url to generate urls with file name instead of image id)
URL rewriting: completely works with category/best_rated and
picture/best_rated/534 (change 'category.php?' to 'category' in make_index_url
and 'picture.php?' to 'picture' in make_picture_url to see it)
fix: picture category display in upper bar
fix: function rate_picture variables and use of the new user type
fix: caddie icon appears now on category page
fix: admin element_set sql query was using storage_category_id column
(column has moved to #image_categories)
fix: replaced some old $_GET[xxx] with $page[xxx]
fix: pictures have metadata url (use ? parameter - might change later)
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deletion: argument link_class (HTML class of links) in function
create_navigation_bar was removed, useless since branch 1.5.
bug fixed: rate_items are now a configuration parameter (set in config file)
modification: new functions library to reduce
picture.php length.
bug fixed: categories were never expanded in the menu since clean URLs.
bug fixed: changing pictures sorting order in main page was always
rederecting to root category.
git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
you now have category.php?/search/123/start-42. Functions make_index_url and
make_picture_url build these new URLs. Functions duplicate_picture_url and
duplicate_index_url provide shortcuts to URL creation. The current main page
page is still category.php but this can be modified easily in make_index_url
function. In this first version, no backward compatibility. Calendar
definition in URL must be discussed with rvelices.
improvement: picture.php redesigned. First actions like "set as
representative" or "delete a comment" which all lead to a redirection. Then
the page (the big mess) and includes of new sub pages to manage specific
parts of the page (metadata, user comments, rates).
new: with the cleaner URL comes a new terminology. $page['cat'] doesn't
exist anymore. $page['section'] is among 'categories', 'tags' (TODO),
'list', 'most_seen'... And sub parameters are set : $page['category'] if
$page['section'] is "categories". See URL analyse in
include/ for details.
git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
improvement: use a cache on get_icon function since it's often used with the
same argument on a page generation.
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$page['where'] was an SQL clause used to retrieve pictures in #images
table. $page['items'] is the list of picture ids of the current section.
improvement: function initialize_category replaced by dedicated included PHP
script include/ Code was refactored to improve
readibility and maintenability. $page['navigation_bar'] is now build in
category.php instead of initialize_category function. Function check_cat_id
was also replaced by a piece of code in the new file. The file to include to
display thumbnails from category.php is now set in
instead of calculated in category.php.
bug fix: the test for rel="up" link for standard HTML navigation links in
category menu was not working with non numeric categories, such as
improvement: function check_login_authorization removed because useless but
in profile.php.
git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
3 small fixes: simplified code (unnecessary $page['tab_expand']),
urls in comments (at end of line nl2br issue+regex+html 4 validated) and
$page['where'] correction for most_visited
git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
that links to category for search engines are the same as in category
feature 77: standard navigation link : HTML Link types
improvement: add go to first and last image buttons in picture page
improvement: do not increase image hit in picture.php when rating, adding to
favorites, caddie, ...
improvement: show number of hits in most_visited (as best_rated shows the rate)
git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
- use only cookies to store session id on client side
- use default php session system with database handler to store sessions on server side
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rest of the job : template (yoga), themes (clear dark), and php to handle them
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- feature 195 : add an "Admin" link under "Home" in the menu bar of the admin page
git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
- bug 161 fixed: guest_id not taken into account for history table insert.
- bug 164 fixed: category inserted in history table becomes too long if HTML
tags are kept.
git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
array. This is the case of admin/help and about pages.
- deletion: of unused functions (ts_to_mysqldt, is_image, TN_exists,
check_date_format, date_convert, get_category_directories,
get_used_metadata_list, array_remove, pwg_write_debug,
get_group_restrictions, get_all_group_restrictions, is_group_allowed,
style_select, deprecated_getAttribute).
- new: many new contextual help pages to replace descriptions previously
included in pages.
- modification: reorganisation of language files. Deletion of unused
language keys, alphabetical sort. No faq.lang.php anymore (replaced by
help.html). Only done for en_UK.iso-8859-1.
git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
- deletion : admin/search useless
- improvement : in admin/user_list, special behaviour for true/false fields
(expand, show_comments)
- new : gallery_title and gallery_description are displayed at the top of
each page.
- improvement : simplification in HTML for categories menu.
- improvement : standardization of presentation in all public pages
(identification, registration, search, profile, notification, comments,
(not in ChangeLog, below this line)
- add forgotten notification.php (should have been added in a previous
- [template cclear] deletion of useless class .bouton
- [template cclear] for test purpose, new presentation of register page
(using FORM.filter)
- [template cclear] adaptation of admin/group_list from template default
- [template cclear] deletion of obsolete admin/infos_images
- [template cclear] deletion of obsolete admin/search_username
- [template cclear] new icon register.png
git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
from admin/cat_modify : fieldsets regroup fields. Ability to synchronize
metadata for the displayed item.
- bug 110 fixed : "return to element view from element edition fails
depending on permissions". If a reachable (for the connected admin)
category is available, a "jump to" link is displayed, by default, using
the category given in URL.
- bug fixed : in mass_updates function, the first item of $fields['update']
has not always 0 for id (as in any array).
- modification : get_keywords function understands spaces as separator,
allow less than 3 chars keywords, allow quotes.
- new : ability to allow HTML in picture or category description (false by
git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
included page, localized items are managed directly in the template.
- new : sub template admin/double_select is included in templates
admin/cat_options, admin/user_perm and admin/group_perm. I haven't been
able to use it in admin/picture_modify because it seems impossible to have
two instance of the same sub-template without interfering.
- modification : bug 99, in profile manager, no auto submit when changing
language (useless and generate accessibility problem).
- improvement : HTML semantically correct for administration menu, simpler
syntax, less tags, correct tags (dl/dt/dd instead of div/div).
- modification : number of waiting elements and unvalidated comments are
displayed in admin/intro instead of administration menu (with a link to
the dedicated pages).
- deletion : no link to profile from admin/user_list anymore (no need).
git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
count sub-categories per sub-categories became false if no sub-categories
- virtual association come back in admin/infos_images (not only in
- check_favorites function in admin section becomes check_user_favorites in
public section : favorites are checked when user tries to display his
favorites. Function was optimized.
- in function update_category, wrap of long queries due to many categories
to update at the same time
- typo fixed in description of paginate_pages_around configuration parameter
- bug fixed in new navigation bar : no separation pipe was displayed between
next and last when the page displayed was the last
- sessions.expiration changed of type from int to datetime (a lot easier to
- sessions.ip removed : IP address is no longer used to verify session
- $lang['cat_options'] was missing in en_UK.iso-8859-1
- typo fixed in language/en_UK.iso-8859-1/admin.lang.php on
editcat_lock_info language item
git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
Previous and Next even if non applicable (but no link), displays only page
umbers around the current page (if a category contains hundreds of
elements, no more long list of pages)
git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
"private or public" choice = different language item
- get_cat_display_name changed : use $conf['level_separator'] to unify
- default values for category properties commentable, uploadable, status and
visible (set in include/ used for category creation
(admin/update, admin/remote_site, admin/cat_list)
- use mass_inserts in admin/update for inserting new categories
- only one query for counting the number of sub categories in admin/cat_list
git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
page, N options in the left menu (but the same backend)
- categories.global_rank : new calculated field. It gives a global rank of
the category among all others (updated during ordering)
- category.php page : menu is generated faster thanks to
categories.global_rank, recursivity becomes useless :-)
- new function to display select box with a set of categories :
- cat_options : instead of using 1 multiselect for true/false items, using 1
multiselect for true, and another one for false. The form provides buttons
with arrows to switch categories from one multiselect to another
- deletion of obsolete function display_categories (working with the old
template system)
- deletion of obsolete functions get_user_plain_structure,
create_user_structure, get_user_subcat_ids, update_structure, count_images
: useless thanks to global_rank
git-svn-id: 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee