bug:2947 rewrite format_date() and time_since() with DateTime class + new parameters

git-svn-id: http://piwigo.org/svn/trunk@24099 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
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mistic100 2013-08-01 17:03:57 +00:00
parent a78d48af8a
commit e9e8d495ef

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@ -457,122 +457,181 @@ INSERT INTO '.HISTORY_TABLE.'
return true;
// format_date returns a formatted date for display. The date given in
// argument must be an american format (2003-09-15). By option, you can show the time.
// The output is internationalized.
// format_date( "2003-09-15", true ) -> "Monday 15 September 2003 21:52"
function format_date($date, $show_time = false, $show_day_name = true)
* converts a string into a DateTime object
* @param: mixed, datetime string or timestamp int
* @param: string, input format
* @return: DateTime or false
function str2DateTime($original, $format=null)
if (!empty($format))// from known date format
return DateTime::createFromFormat('!'.$format, $original); // ! char to reset fields to UNIX epoch
$date = new DateTime();
$t = trim($original, '0123456789');
if (empty($t)) // from timestamp
else // from unknown date format (assuming something like Y-m-d H:i:s)
$ymdhms = array();
$tok = strtok($original, '- :/');
while ($tok !== false)
$ymdhms[] = $tok;
$tok = strtok('- :/');
if (count($ymdhms)<3) return false;
if (!isset($ymdhms[3])) $ymdhms[3] = 0;
if (!isset($ymdhms[4])) $ymdhms[4] = 0;
if (!isset($ymdhms[5])) $ymdhms[5] = 0;
$date->setDate($ymdhms[0], $ymdhms[1], $ymdhms[2]);
$date->setTime($ymdhms[3], $ymdhms[4], $ymdhms[5]);
return $date;
* returns a formatted date for display
* @param: mixed, datetime string or timestamp int
* @param: bool, show time
* @param: bool, show day name
* @param: string, input format
* @return: string
function format_date($original, $show_time=false, $show_day_name=true, $format=null)
global $lang;
$date = str2DateTime($original, $format);
if (strpos($date, '0') == 0)
if (!$date)
return l10n('N/A');
$ymdhms = array();
$tok = strtok( $date, '- :');
while ($tok !== false)
$print = '';
if ($show_day_name)
$ymdhms[] = $tok;
$tok = strtok('- :');
$print.= $lang['day'][ $date->format('w') ];
$print.= ' '.$date->format('d');
$print.= ' '.$lang['month'][ $date->format('n') ];
$print.= ' '.$date->format('Y');
if ($show_time)
$temp = $date->format('H:i');
if ($temp != '00:00')
$print.= ' '.$temp;
if ( count($ymdhms)<3 )
return false;
$formated_date = '';
// before 1970, Microsoft Windows can't mktime
if ($ymdhms[0] >= 1970 and $ymdhms[1] != 0 and $ymdhms[2] != 0)
// we ask midday because Windows think it's prior to midnight with a
// zero and refuse to work
$formated_date.= $lang['day'][date('w', mktime(12,0,0,$ymdhms[1],$ymdhms[2],$ymdhms[0]))];
if ($ymdhms[2] != 0)
$formated_date.= ' '.$ymdhms[2];
if ($ymdhms[1] != 0)
$formated_date.= ' '.$lang['month'][(int)$ymdhms[1]];
$formated_date.= ' '.$ymdhms[0];
if ($show_time and count($ymdhms)>=5 )
$formated_date.= ' '.$ymdhms[3].':'.$ymdhms[4];
return $formated_date;
return trim($print);
* Works out the time since the entry post, takes a an argument in unix time or datetime
* Works out the time since the given date
* @param: mixed, datetime string or timestamp int
* @param: string, stop (year,month,week,day,hour,minute,second)
* @param: string, input format
* @param: bool, append text ("ago" or "in the future")
* @param: bool, display weeks
* @return: string
function time_since($original, $stop = 'minute')
function time_since($original, $stop='minute', $format=null, $with_text=true, $with_week=true)
if (!is_int($original))
$ymdhms = array();
$tok = strtok($original, '- :');
while ($tok !== false)
$ymdhms[] = $tok;
$tok = strtok('- :');
$date = str2DateTime($original, $format);
if ($ymdhms[0] < 1970) return false;
if (!isset($ymdhms[3])) $ymdhms[3] = 12;
if (!isset($ymdhms[4])) $ymdhms[4] = 0;
if (!isset($ymdhms[5])) $ymdhms[5] = 0;
$original = mktime($ymdhms[3],$ymdhms[4],$ymdhms[5],$ymdhms[1],$ymdhms[2],$ymdhms[0]);
if (!$date)
return l10n('N/A');
// array of time period chunks
$chunks = array(
'year' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 365,
'month' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 30,
'week' => 60 * 60 * 24 * 7,
'day' => 60 * 60 * 24,
'hour' => 60 * 60,
'minute' => 60,
'second' => 1,
$today = time(); /* Current unix time */
$since = abs($today - $original);
$print = null;
foreach ($chunks as $name => $seconds)
$now = new DateTime();
$diff = $now->diff($date);
if ($with_week)
if (($count = floor($since / $seconds)) != 0)
$print.= l10n_dec('%d '.$name, '%d '.$name.'s', $count);
$since-= $count*$seconds;
if (!empty($print) and $chunks[$name] <= $chunks[$stop])
if ($today > $original)
$print = sprintf(l10n('%s ago'), $print);
// DateInterval does not compute the number of weeks
$diff->w = (int)floor($diff->d/7);
$diff->d = $diff->d - $diff->w*7;
$print = sprintf(l10n('%s in the future'), $print);
$diff->w = 0;
$chunks = array(
'year' => 'y',
'month' => 'm',
'week' => 'w',
'day' => 'd',
'hour' => 'h',
'minute' => 'i',
'second' => 's',
$j = array_search($stop, array_keys($chunks));
$print = ''; $i=0;
foreach ($chunks as $name => $var)
if ($diff->{$var} != 0)
$print.= ' '.l10n_dec('%d '.$name, '%d '.$name.'s', $diff->{$var});
if (!empty($print) && $i >= $j)
$print = trim($print);
if ($with_text)
if ($diff->invert)
$print = sprintf(l10n('%s ago'), $print);
$print = sprintf(l10n('%s in the future'), $print);
return $print;
* transform a date string from a format to another (MySQL to d/M/Y for instance)
* @param: string, date
* @param: string, input format
* @param: string, output format
* @param: string, default value if inout is empty
* @return: string
function transform_date($original, $format_in, $format_out, $default=null)
if (empty($original)) return $default;
$date = str2DateTime($original, $format_in);
return $date->format($format_out);
function pwg_debug( $string )
global $debug,$t2,$page;