- when deleting a user, deletes rows in user_category

- when deleting a group, first synchronize_group

 - add functions
                 . get_plain_structure
                 . create_structure
                 . get_subcats_ids
                 . get_all_subcats_ids
                 . update_user_category
                 . update_uppercats
                 . get_user_restrictions
                 . synchronize
                 . synchronize_all_users
                 . synchronize_user
                 . synchronize_group
                 . update_user_restrictions
                 . get_user_all_restrictions
                 . is_user_allowed

git-svn-id: http://piwigo.org/svn/branches/release-1_3@262 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
This commit is contained in:
z0rglub 2004-01-03 21:46:16 +00:00
parent 179be31976
commit 61f40a7eb4

View file

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ function is_image( $filename, $create_thumbnail = false )
return false;
function TN_exists( $dir, $file )
global $conf;
@ -67,8 +68,9 @@ function TN_exists( $dir, $file )
return false;
// The function delete_site deletes a site
// and call the function delete_category for each primary category of the site
function delete_site( $id )
@ -91,6 +93,7 @@ function delete_site( $id )
mysql_query( $query );
// The function delete_category deletes the category identified by the $id
// It also deletes (in the database) :
// - all the images of the images (thanks to delete_image, see further)
@ -144,6 +147,7 @@ function delete_category( $id )
mysql_query( $query );
// The function delete_image deletes the image identified by the $id
// It also deletes (in the database) :
// - all the comments related to the image
@ -178,13 +182,14 @@ function delete_image( $id )
mysql_query( $query );
// The delete_user function delete a user identified by the $user_id
// It also deletes :
// - all the access linked to this user
// - all the links to any group
// - all the favorites linked to this user
// - all sessions linked to this user
// - all categories informations linked to this user
function delete_user( $user_id )
// destruction of the access linked to the user
@ -210,7 +215,13 @@ function delete_user( $user_id )
$query.= ' WHERE user_id = '.$user_id;
$query.= ';';
mysql_query( $query );
// destruction of the categories informations linked with the user
$query = 'DELETE FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'user_category';
$query.= ' WHERE user_id = '.$user_id;
$query.= ';';
mysql_query( $query );
// destruction of the user
$query = 'DELETE FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'users';
$query.= ' WHERE id = '.$user_id;
@ -230,7 +241,10 @@ function delete_group( $group_id )
$query.= ';';
mysql_query( $query );
// destruction of the group links for this group
// synchronize all users linked to the group
synchronize_group( $group_id );
// destruction of the users links for this group
$query = 'DELETE FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'user_group';
$query.= ' WHERE group_id = '.$group_id;
$query.= ';';
@ -432,4 +446,485 @@ function display_categories( $categories, $indent,
* Complete plain structure of the gallery
* Returns the plain structure (one level array) of the gallery. In the
* returned array, each element is an array with jeys 'id' and
* 'id_uppercat'. The function also fills the array $page['subcats'] which
* associate (category_id => array of sub-categories id).
* @param bool $use_name
* @return array
function get_plain_structure( $use_name = false )
global $page;
$plain_structure = array();
$query = 'SELECT id,id_uppercat';
if ( $use_name ) $query.= ',name';
$query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'categories';
$query.= ' ORDER BY id_uppercat ASC, rank ASC';
$query.= ';';
$subcats = array();
$id_uppercat = 'NULL';
$result = mysql_query( $query );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
$plain_structure[$row['id']]['id'] = $row['id'];
$plain_structure[$row['id']]['id_uppercat'] = $row['id_uppercat'];
if ( $use_name ) $plain_structure[$row['id']]['name'] = $row['name'];
// subcats list
if ( $row['id_uppercat'] == '' ) $row['id_uppercat'] = 'NULL';
if ( $row['id_uppercat'] != $id_uppercat )
$page['subcats'][$id_uppercat] = $subcats;
$subcats = array();
$id_uppercat = $row['id_uppercat'];
array_push( $subcats, $row['id'] );
mysql_free_result( $result );
$page['subcats'][$id_uppercat] = $subcats;
return $plain_structure;
* get N levels array representing structure under the given category
* create_structure returns the N levels array representing structure under
* the given gategory id. It also updates the
* $page['plain_structure'][id]['all_subcats_id'] and
* $page['plain_structure'][id]['direct_subcats_ids'] for each sub category.
* @param int $id_uppercat
* @return array
function create_structure( $id_uppercat )
global $page;
$structure = array();
$ids = get_subcats_ids( $id_uppercat );
foreach ( $ids as $id ) {
$category = $page['plain_structure'][$id];
$category['subcats'] = create_structure( $id );
$page['plain_structure'][$id]['all_subcats_ids'] =
get_all_subcats_ids( $id );
$page['plain_structure'][$id]['direct_subcats_ids'] =
get_subcats_ids( $id );
array_push( $structure, $category );
return $structure;
* returns direct sub-categories ids
* Returns an array containing all the direct sub-categories ids of the
* given category. It uses the $page['subcats'] global array.
* @param int $id_uppercat
* @return array
function get_subcats_ids( $id_uppercat )
global $page;
if ( $id_uppercat == '' ) $id_uppercat = 'NULL';
if ( isset( $page['subcats'][$id_uppercat] ) )
return $page['subcats'][$id_uppercat];
return array();
* returns all sub-categories ids, not only direct ones
* Returns an array containing all the sub-categories ids of the given
* category, not only direct ones. This function is recursive.
* @param int $category_id
* @return array
function get_all_subcats_ids( $category_id )
$ids = array();
$subcats = get_subcats_ids( $category_id );
$ids = array_merge( $ids, $subcats );
foreach ( $subcats as $subcat ) {
// recursive call
$sub_subcats = get_all_subcats_ids( $subcat );
$ids = array_merge( $ids, $sub_subcats );
return array_unique( $ids );
* prepares the query to update the table user_category
* Prepares the query (global variable $values) to update table
* user_category : for a couple (user,category) the number of sub-categories
* and the last date of the category (all sub-categories taken into
* account). It also calls function update_uppercats for each category. The
* function is recursive.
* @param array $categories
* @return void
function update_user_category( $categories )
global $page,$user_restrictions,$value_num,$values;
foreach ( $categories as $category ) {
// recursive call
update_user_category( $category['subcats'] );
// 1. update the table user_category
foreach ( $user_restrictions as $user_id => $restrictions ) {
// if the category is forbidden to this user, go to next user
if ( in_array( $category['id'], $restrictions ) ) continue;
// how many sub_categories for this user ?
$user_subcats = array_diff(
$restrictions );
$user_nb_subcats = count( array_unique( $user_subcats ) );
// last date of the category
$user_all_subcats = array_unique( array_diff(
$restrictions ) );
$query = 'SELECT MAX(date_last) AS last_date';
$query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'categories';
$query.= ' WHERE id IN ('.$category['id'];
if ( count( $user_all_subcats ) > 0 )
$query.= ','.implode( ',', $user_all_subcats );
$query.= ')';
$query.= ';';
$row = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) );
$last_date = $row['last_date'];
// insert a new line in database
if ( $value_num++ > 0 ) $values.= ', ';
else $values.= ' ';
$values.= '('.$user_id.",".$category['id'].",'".$last_date."'";
$values.= ','.$user_nb_subcats.')';
update_uppercats( $category['id'] );
* updates the column categories.uppercats
* @param int $category_id
* @return void
function update_uppercats( $category_id )
global $page;
$final_id = $category_id;
$uppercats = array();
array_push( $uppercats, $category_id );
$uppercat = $page['plain_structure'][$category_id]['id_uppercat'];
while ( $uppercat != '' )
array_push( $uppercats, $uppercat );
$category_id = $page['plain_structure'][$category_id]['id_uppercat'];
$uppercat = $page['plain_structure'][$category_id]['id_uppercat'];
$string_uppercats = implode( ',', array_reverse( $uppercats ) );
$query = 'UPDATE '.PREFIX_TABLE.'categories';
$query.= ' SET uppercats = '."'".$string_uppercats."'";
$query.= ' WHERE id = '.$final_id;
$query.= ';';
mysql_query( $query );
* returns an array with the ids of the restricted categories for the user
* Returns an array with the ids of the restricted categories for the
* user. If the $check_invisible parameter is set to true, invisible
* categorie are added to the restricted one in the array.
* @param int $user_id
* @param string $user_status
* @param bool $check_invisible
* @param bool $use_groups
* @return array
function get_user_restrictions( $user_id, $user_status,
$check_invisible, $use_groups = true )
// 1. retrieving ids of private categories
$query = 'SELECT id';
$query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'categories';
$query.= " WHERE status = 'private'";
$query.= ';';
$result = mysql_query( $query );
$privates = array();
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
array_push( $privates, $row['id'] );
// 2. retrieving all authorized categories for the user
$authorized = array();
// 2.1. retrieving authorized categories thanks to personnal user
// authorization
$query = 'SELECT cat_id';
$query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'user_access';
$query.= ' WHERE user_id = '.$user_id;
$query.= ';';
$result = mysql_query( $query );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
array_push( $authorized, $row['cat_id'] );
// 2.2. retrieving authorized categories thanks to group authorization to
// which the user is a member
if ( $use_groups )
$query = 'SELECT ga.cat_id';
$query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'user_group as ug';
$query.= ', '.PREFIX_TABLE.'group_access as ga';
$query.= ' WHERE ug.group_id = ga.group_id';
$query.= ' AND ug.user_id = '.$user_id;
$query.= ';';
$result = mysql_query( $query );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
array_push( $authorized, $row['cat_id'] );
$authorized = array_unique( $authorized );
$forbidden = array();
foreach ( $privates as $private ) {
if ( !in_array( $private, $authorized ) )
array_push( $forbidden, $private );
if ( $check_invisible )
// 3. adding to the restricted categories, the invisible ones
if ( $user_status != 'admin' )
$query = 'SELECT id';
$query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'categories';
$query.= " WHERE visible = 'false';";
$result = mysql_query( $query );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
array_push( $forbidden, $row['id'] );
return array_unique( $forbidden );
* finalizes operation for user_category table update
* This function is called by synchronization_*. It creates the
* $page['plain_structure'] and $page['structure'], get the SQL query to
* update user_category, clean user_category, and finally update the
* table. The users updates depends on the global array $user_restrictions.
* @return void
function synchronize()
global $user_restrictions,$page,$values;
if ( !isset( $page['plain_structure'] ) )
$page['plain_structure'] = get_plain_structure();
if ( !isset( $page['structure'] ) )
$page['structure'] = create_structure( '' );
update_user_category( $page['structure'] );
// cleaning user_category table for users to update
foreach( $user_restrictions as $user_id => $restrictions ) {
$query = 'DELETE';
$query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'user_category';
$query.= ' WHERE user_id = '.$user_id;
$query.= ';';
mysql_query( $query );
$query = 'INSERT INTO '.PREFIX_TABLE.'user_category';
$query.= ' (user_id,category_id,date_last,nb_sub_categories) VALUES ';
$query.= $values;
$query.= ';';
mysql_query( $query );
* synchronizes all users calculated informations
* fills global array $user_restrictions with all users and related
* restrictions before calling synchronize.
* @return void
function synchronize_all_users()
global $user_restrictions;
$user_restrictions = array();
$query = 'SELECT id';
$query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'users';
$query.= ';';
$result = mysql_query( $query );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
$user_restrictions[$row['id']] = update_user_restrictions( $row['id'] );
* synchronizes 1 user calculated informations
* fills global array $user_restrictions with the user id and its related
* restrictions before calling synchronize.
* @param int $user_id
* @return void
function synchronize_user( $user_id )
global $user_restrictions;
$user_restrictions = array();
$user_restrictions[$user_id] = update_user_restrictions( $user_id );
* synchronizes all users (belonging to the group) calculated informations
* fills global array $user_restrictions with all users and related
* restrictions before calling synchronize.
* @return void
function synchronize_group( $group_id )
global $user_restrictions;
$user_restrictions = array();
$query = 'SELECT id';
$query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'users';
$query.= ', '.PREFIX_TABLE.'user_group';
$query.= ' WHERE group_id = '.$group_id;
$query.= ' AND id = user_id';
$query.= ';';
$result = mysql_query( $query );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $result ) )
$user_restrictions[$row['id']] = update_user_restrictions( $row['id'] );
* updates the calculated data users.forbidden_categories, it includes
* sub-categories of the direct forbidden categories
* @param nt $user_id
* @return array
function update_user_restrictions( $user_id )
$restrictions = get_user_all_restrictions( $user_id );
// update the users.forbidden_categories in database
$query = 'UPDATE '.PREFIX_TABLE.'users';
$query.= ' SET forbidden_categories = ';
if ( count( $restrictions ) > 0 )
$query.= "'".implode( ',', $restrictions )."'";
$query.= 'NULL';
$queries .= ' WHERE id = '.$row['id'];
$query.= ';';
mysql_query( $query );
return $restrictions;
* returns all the restricted categories ids including sub-categories
* @param int $user_id
* @return array
function get_user_all_restrictions( $user_id )
global $page;
$query = 'SELECT status';
$query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'users';
$query.= ' WHERE id = '.$user_id;
$query.= ';';
$row = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) );
$restrictions = array();
foreach ( $base_restrictions as $category_id ) {
$restrictions =
array_merge( $restrictions,
$page['plain_structure'][$category_id]['all_subcats_ids'] );
return array_unique( $restrictions );
// The function is_user_allowed returns :
// - 0 : if the category is allowed with this $restrictions array
// - 1 : if this category is not allowed
// - 2 : if an uppercat category is not allowed
// Note : the restrictions array must represent ONLY direct forbidden
// categories, not all forbidden categories
function is_user_allowed( $category_id, $restrictions )
if ( in_array( $category_id, $restrictions ) ) return 1;
$query = 'SELECT uppercats';
$query.= ' FROM '.PREFIX_TABLE.'categories';
$query.= ' WHERE id = '.$category_id;
$query.= ';';
$row = mysql_fetch_array( mysql_query( $query ) );
$uppercats = explode( ',', $row['uppercats'] );
foreach ( $uppercats as $category_id ) {
if ( in_array( $category_id, $restrictions ) ) return 2;
// no restriction found : the user is allowed to access this category
return 0;