feature 1616: integrate Albums plugin extension:396 into trunk (with new language keys)

git-svn-id: http://piwigo.org/svn/trunk@7027 68402e56-0260-453c-a942-63ccdbb3a9ee
This commit is contained in:
plegall 2010-09-28 00:20:14 +00:00
parent 601f855ef5
commit 20d1dd214e
18 changed files with 500 additions and 500 deletions

View file

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
$lang['%d association'] = '%d Element wird insgesamt angezeigt (physisch und virtuell)';
$lang['%d associations'] = '%d Elemente werden insgesamt angezeigt (physisch und virtuell)';
$lang['%d album including'] = '%d Album enthalten';
$lang['%d albums including'] = '%d Alben enthalten ';
$lang['%d albums including'] = '%d Alben enthalten';
$lang['%d physical'] = '%d physisch';
$lang['%d physical'] = '%d physische';
$lang[' and %d virtual'] = ' und %d virtuell';
@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ $lang['Association to categories'] = 'Ist in folgende Alben verlinkt';
$lang['Batch management'] = 'Stapelverarbeitung';
$lang['Caddie management'] = 'Sammelkorb verwalten';
$lang['Caddie'] = 'Sammelkorb';
$lang['Albums authorized thanks to group associations'] = 'Für Kategorien freigeschaltet durch Gruppenzugehörigkeit';
$lang['Album manual order was saved'] = 'Albenreihenfolge gespeichert';
$lang['Album elements associated to the following albums: %s'] = 'Kategorieelemente zu folgenden Kategorien zugeordnet: %s';
$lang['Albums authorized thanks to group associations'] = 'Für Alben freigeschaltet durch Gruppenzugehörigkeit';
$lang['Album manual order was saved'] = 'Albumreihenfolgen wurde gespeichert';
$lang['Album elements associated to the following albums: %s'] = 'Albumelemente zu folgenden Alben zugeordnet: %s';
$lang['Check for upgrade failed for unknown reasons.'] = 'Suche nach einem Upgrade nicht möglich.';
$lang['Check for upgrade'] = 'Prüfe ob eine neue Version der Bildergalerie verfügbar ist.';
$lang['Comments for all'] = 'Kommentare für alle erlaubt';
@ -103,37 +103,37 @@ $lang['Guests'] = 'Gäste';
$lang['History'] = 'Statistik';
$lang['Informations'] = 'Kategorieinformation';
$lang['Install'] = 'Installiere';
$lang['Link all album elements to a new album'] = 'Verlinkte alle Kategorieelemente zu einer neuen Kategorie';
$lang['Link all album elements to some existing albums'] = 'Verlinkte alle Kategorieelemente zu einer bestehenden Kategorie';
$lang['Linked albums'] = 'Verlinkte Alben';
$lang['Link all album elements to a new album'] = 'Verlinkt alle Albumelemente zu einem neuen Album';
$lang['Link all album elements to some existing albums'] = 'Verlinkt alle Albumelemente zu einem bestehenden Album';
$lang['Linked albums'] = 'Verlinkter Album';
$lang['Lock gallery'] = 'Blockiere Schreibzugriffe auf die Datenbank für Wartungsarbeiten';
$lang['Maintenance'] = 'Wartung';
$lang['Edit album permissions'] = 'Befugnisse für Kategorien verwalten';
$lang['Edit album permissions'] = 'Befugnisse für ein Album verwalten';
$lang['Manage permissions for group "%s"'] = 'verwalte Zugriffsrechte für die Gruppe "%s"';
$lang['Manage permissions for user "%s"'] = 'verwalte Zugriffsrechte für den Benutzer "%s"';
$lang['Manage tags'] = 'Verwalte Tags';
$lang['Members'] = 'Mitglieder';
$lang['Metadata synchronized from file'] = 'Metadaten synchronisiert von Datei';
$lang['Move albums'] = 'Verschiebe Alben';
$lang['Move albums'] = 'Die Alben verschieben';
$lang['Move'] = 'Bewege';
$lang['Name'] = 'Name';
$lang['New name'] = 'Neuer Name';
$lang['New parent album'] = 'Neues übergeordnetes Album';
$lang['New parent album'] = 'Neuer Vorläuferalbum';
$lang['New tag'] = 'Neuer Tag';
$lang['Number of comments per page'] = 'Anzahl von Kommentaren pro Seite';
$lang['Number of rates'] = 'Anzahl von Bewertungen';
$lang['Number of thumbnails to create'] = 'Anzahl von zu erstellenden Vorschaubildern';
$lang['Only private albums are listed'] = 'Nur private Kategorien aufgeführt';
$lang['Only private albums are listed'] = 'Nur private Alben sind aufgelistet';
$lang['Operating system'] = 'Betriebssystem';
$lang['Options'] = 'Optionen';
$lang['Other private albums'] = 'Andere private Kategorien';
$lang['Other private albums'] = 'Weitere private Alben';
$lang['Page banner'] = 'Seitenbanner';
$lang['Parent album'] = 'übergeordnetes Album';
$lang['Parent album'] = 'Vorläuferalbum';
$lang['Path'] = 'Pfad';
$lang['Permalink'] = 'Permalink';
$lang['Permalink %s has been previously used by album %s. Delete from the permalink history first'] = 'Permalink %s wurde vorher Kategorie %s zugewiesen. Lösche ihn zuerst aus der History';
$lang['Permalink %s has been previously used by album %s. Delete from the permalink history first'] = 'Permalink %s wurde vorher dem Album %s zugewiesen. Lösche ihn zuerst aus der History';
$lang['The permalink name must be composed of a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "-", "_" or "/". It must not be numeric or start with number followed by "-"'] = 'Ein Permalink darf nur aus folgenden Zeichen bestehen: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "-" or "_". Er darf nicht nur aus Zahlen bestehen oder mit einer Zahl beginnen mit einem darauffolgenden "-"';
$lang['Permalink %s is already used by album %s'] = 'Permalink %s wird zur Zeit von Kategorie %s benutzt';
$lang['Permalink %s is already used by album %s'] = 'Permalink %s wird zurzeit vom Album %s benutzt';
$lang['Permalink history'] = 'Permalink-Historie';
$lang['Permalinks'] = 'Permalinks';
$lang['Permission denied'] = 'Zugriff verweigern';
@ -156,14 +156,14 @@ $lang['Representative'] = 'Vorschaubild';
$lang['Represents'] = 'Ist Vorschaubild für diese Kategorien';
$lang['Save order'] = 'Reihenfolge speichern';
$lang['Save to permalink history'] = 'Speichere in der Permalink-Historie';
$lang['Select at least one album'] = 'Mindestens eine Kategorie auswählen';
$lang['Select at least one album'] = 'Mindestens ein Album auswählen';
$lang['Select at least one picture'] = 'Mindestens ein Element auswählen';
$lang['Select at least one user'] = 'Mindestens einen Benutzer auswählen';
$lang['Show info'] = 'Info anzeigen';
$lang['Site manager'] = 'Seitenmanager';
$lang['Status'] = 'Status';
$lang['Statistics'] = 'Statistik';
$lang['Storage album'] = 'Speicheralbum';
$lang['Storage album'] = 'Speicherung des Albums';
$lang['Sum of rates'] = 'Summe der Bewertungen';
$lang['Tag "%s" already exists'] = 'Tag "%s" existiert bereits';
$lang['Tag "%s" was added'] = 'Tag "%s" wurde hinzugefügt';
@ -179,30 +179,30 @@ $lang['Validate All'] = 'Gebe alle frei';
$lang['Validate'] = 'Freigeben';
$lang['Validation'] = 'Freigabe der Kommentare durch den Admin';
$lang['Version'] = 'Version';
$lang['Virtual albums to move'] = 'Wähle eine oder mehrere Virtuelle Kategorien aus um sie zu verschieben';
$lang['Virtual album name'] = 'Virtueller Albenname';
$lang['Virtual albums to move'] = 'Wähle einen oder mehrere Virtuelle Alben aus um sie zu verschieben';
$lang['Virtual album name'] = 'Virtueller Albumname';
$lang['Webmaster cannot be deleted'] = 'Webmaster kann nicht gelöscht werden';
$lang['You are running on development sources, no check possible.'] = 'Sie benutzen eine Entwicklerversion von Piwigo, es kann keine Suche nach Aktualisierungen vorgenommen werden.';
$lang['You cannot delete your account'] = "Du kannst deinen eigenen Acount nicht löschen";
$lang['You cannot move an album in its own sub album'] = 'Sie können eine Kategorie nicht in ihre eigene Unterkategorie verschieben.';
$lang['You cannot move an album in its own sub album'] = 'Sie können ein Album nicht in seinem eigenen Sub-Album verschieben.';
$lang['You need to confirm deletion'] = 'Löschen bitte bestätigen';
$lang['add tags'] = 'Tags hinzufügen';
$lang['Adviser'] = 'Berater';
$lang['Associate to album'] = 'Mit Kategorie verbinden';
$lang['Associate to album'] = 'Mit einem Album verbinden';
$lang['associate to group'] = 'Mit Gruppe verbinden';
$lang['Authorized'] = 'Freigegebene Kategorien';
$lang['Add a virtual album'] = 'Virtuelles Album hinzufügen';
$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected albums'] = 'Benutzern erlauben, in ausgewählten Kategorien Kommentare zu schreiben';
$lang['The name of an album must not be empty'] = 'Name der Kategorie darf nicht leer sein.';
$lang['Lock albums'] = 'Alben sperren';
$lang['Private'] = 'Private Kategorie';
$lang['Public'] = 'öffentliche Kategorie';
$lang['Add a virtual album'] = 'Virtueller Album hinzufügen';
$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected albums'] = 'Benutzern erlauben, in ausgewählten Alben Kommentare zu schreiben';
$lang['The name of an album must not be empty'] = 'Der Name eines Albums darf nicht leer sein.';
$lang['Lock albums'] = 'Album schließen';
$lang['Private'] = 'Privater Album';
$lang['Public'] = 'Öffentlicher Album';
$lang['Find a new representant by random'] = 'Bestimme ein neues zufälliges Vorschaubild';
$lang['Public / Private'] = 'Öffentlich / Privat';
$lang['Manage authorizations for selected albums'] = 'Berechtigungen für ausgewählte Kategorien verwalten';
$lang['Select uploadable albums'] = 'gebe Kategorien für den Upload frei';
$lang['Virtual album added'] = 'Virtuelles Album hinzugefügt';
$lang['Virtual album deleted'] = 'Virtuelles Album gelöscht';
$lang['Manage authorizations for selected albums'] = 'Berechtigungen für ausgewählte Alben verwalten';
$lang['Select uploadable albums'] = 'Alben auswählen, welche für den Upload freigegeben werden sollen';
$lang['Virtual album added'] = 'Virtueller Album hinzugefügt';
$lang['Virtual album deleted'] = 'Virtueller Album entfernt';
$lang['Access type'] = 'Zugangsart';
$lang['Comments'] = 'Benutzerkommentare';
$lang['Information data registered in database'] = 'Änderungen wurden gespeichert';
@ -214,11 +214,11 @@ $lang['The number of comments a page must be between 5 and 50 included.'] = 'Anz
$lang['Configuration'] = 'Konfiguration';
$lang['confirm'] = 'bestätigen';
$lang['Date'] = 'Datum';
$lang['delete album'] = 'Lösche Kategorie';
$lang['Dissociate from album'] = 'Von Kategorie abtrennen';
$lang['delete album'] = 'Album löschen';
$lang['Dissociate from album'] = 'Vom Album abtrennen';
$lang['dissociate from group'] = 'Von Gruppe abtrennen';
$lang['edit album permissions'] = 'Berechtigungen für Kategorie ändern';
$lang['Album updated successfully'] = 'Kategorieinformationen erfolgreich aktualisiert.';
$lang['edit album permissions'] = 'Albumberechtigungen bearbeiten';
$lang['Album updated successfully'] = 'Informationen des Albums wurden erfolgreich aktualisiert.';
$lang['Authorize upload'] = 'Erlaube upload';
$lang['elements per page'] = 'Elemente pro Seite';
$lang['elements'] = 'Elemente';
@ -235,13 +235,13 @@ $lang['group'] = 'Gruppe';
$lang['The name of a group must not contain " or \' or be empty.'] = 'Der Gruppenname darf kein " oder \' enthalten oder leer bleiben.';
$lang['This name is already used by another group.'] = 'Diesen Gruppenname gibt es schon.';
$lang['High definition'] = 'High definition';
$lang['jump to album'] = 'Gehe zu Kategorie';
$lang['jump to album'] = 'gehe zum Album';
$lang['jump to image'] = 'Gehe zu Element';
$lang['leave'] = 'Beibehalten';
$lang['Lock'] = 'Schließen';
$lang['Locked'] = 'Geschlossen';
$lang['manage album elements'] = 'Kategorieelemente verwalten';
$lang['manage sub-albums'] = 'Unterkategorien verwalten';
$lang['manage album elements'] = 'Verwalten Sie die Elemente des Albums';
$lang['manage sub-albums'] = 'Verwalten Sie die Sub-Alben';
$lang['Manage'] = 'Verwalten';
$lang['maximum height'] = 'maximale Höhe';
$lang['maximum width'] = 'maximale Breite';
@ -349,15 +349,15 @@ $lang['synchronize'] = 'synchronisieren';
$lang['update the database from files'] = 'aktualisiert die Datenbank aus den Dateien';
$lang['status'] = 'Status';
$lang['Directory'] = 'Verzeichnis';
$lang['sub-albums'] = 'Unterkategorien';
$lang['sub-albums'] = 'Sub-Album';
$lang['synchronize metadata'] = 'Synchronisieren von Meta-Daten';
$lang['target'] = 'Ziel';
$lang['Thumbnail'] = 'Thumbnail';
$lang['title'] = 'Titel';
$lang['Album list management'] = 'Verwalten von Kategorien';
$lang['Album list management'] = 'Albumverwaltung';
$lang['Piwigo configuration'] = 'Konfiguration von Piwigo';
$lang['Piwigo administration'] = 'Verwaltung von Piwigo';
$lang['Edit album'] = 'Bearbeiten einer Kategorie';
$lang['Edit album'] = 'Einen Album bearbeiten';
$lang['Group management'] = 'Verwalten von Gruppen';
$lang['User list'] = 'Liste der Benutzer';
$lang['Modify informations about a picture'] = 'ändern der Informationen eines Bildes';
@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ $lang['for this file format'] = 'für dieses Dateiformat';
$lang['unit mode'] = 'Einzelmodus';
$lang['Unlocked'] = 'Entsperrt';
$lang['unset'] = 'Lösche Einstellung';
$lang['Update albums informations'] = 'Kategorieinformationen aktualisieren';
$lang['Update albums informations'] = 'Informationen der Alben aktualisieren';
$lang['Update images informations'] = 'Bildinformationen aktualisieren';
$lang['Synchronize'] = 'Synchronisieren';
$lang['reduce to single existing albums'] = 'Auf einzelne bestehende Kategorien reduzieren';
$lang['reduce to single existing albums'] = 'Auf einzelne bestehende Alben reduzieren';
$lang['Choose an option'] = 'Eine Option auswählen';
$lang['display maximum informations (added albums and elements, deleted albums and elements)'] = 'Sämtliche Informationen anzeigen (hinzugefügte Kategorien und Elemente, gelöschte Kategorien und Elemente)';
$lang['display maximum informations (added albums and elements, deleted albums and elements)'] = 'Sämtliche Informationen anzeigen (hinzugefügte Alben und Elemente, gelöschte Alben und Elemente)';
$lang['Piwigo version differs on the remote site'] = 'PhpWebGallery version unterscheidet sich von der Remote-Seite';
$lang['Version of create_listing_file.php on the remote site and Piwigo must be the same'] = 'Die Version von create_listing_file.php auf der Remote-Seite und PhpWebGallery muss die gleiche sein';
$lang['listing.xml file was not found'] = 'listing.xml Datei nicht gefunden';
@ -400,14 +400,14 @@ $lang['Errors caption'] = 'Fehlerüberschrift';
$lang['Detailed informations'] = 'Detallierte Informationen';
$lang['File/directory read error'] = 'Datei/Ordner Lesefehler';
$lang['The file or directory cannot be accessed (either it does not exist or the access is denied)'] = 'Auf diese Datei/Ordner kann nicht zugegriffen werden (Entweder es existiert nicht oder der Zugriff wurde verwehrt)';
$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory "thumbnail" of the album directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = 'Ein Bild braucht ein Vorschaubild. Das Vorschaubild muß sich im Unterverzeichnis "thumbnail" des Kategorieverzechnisses befinden. Der Dateiname des Vorschaubildes muß mit dem eingestellten Thumbnail-Vorzeichen beginnen und der Dateityp einem der folgenden entsprechen :';
$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory "thumbnail" of the album directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = 'Ein Bild braucht ein Vorschaubild. Das Vorschaubild muss sich im Unterverzeichnis "thumbnail" des Albumverzeichnisses befinden. Der Dateiname des Vorschaubildes muss mit dem eingestellten Thumbnail-Vorzeichen beginnen und der Dateityp einem der folgenden entsprechen :';
$lang['missing thumbnail'] = 'Fehlendes Thumbnail';
$lang['albums deleted in the database'] = 'Kategorien in der Datenbank gelöscht';
$lang['albums deleted in the database'] = 'Alben von der Datenbank entfernt';
$lang['elements deleted in the database'] = 'Elemente in der Datenbank gelöscht';
$lang['images candidates for metadata synchronization'] = 'Elemente , deren Metadaten vorhanden sind';
$lang['elements informations synchronized with files metadata'] = 'Elemente mit der Meta-Datenbank syncronisiert';
$lang['errors during synchronization'] = 'Fehler während der Synchronisation';
$lang['albums added in the database'] = 'Kategorien in der Datenbank hinzugefügt';
$lang['albums added in the database'] = 'Alben in der Datenbank hinzugefügt';
$lang['elements added in the database'] = 'Elemente in der Datenbank hinzugefügt';
$lang['elements updated in the database'] = 'Elemente in der Datenbank aktualisiert';
$lang['Search for new images in the directories'] = 'Suche nach neuen Elementen in den vorhandenen Ordnern';
@ -432,14 +432,14 @@ $lang['user_status_generic'] = 'Allgemein';
$lang['user_status_guest'] = 'Gast';
$lang['user_status_normal'] = 'Besucher';
$lang['user_status_webmaster'] = 'Webmaster';
$lang['Virtual album'] = 'Virtuelle Kategorie';
$lang['Virtual album'] = 'Virteller Album';
$lang['Waiting'] = 'Wartend auf Freigabe';
$lang['default'] = 'Standard';
$lang['Toggle \'default group\' property'] = 'Setze die Einstellungen der Gruppe zurück auf Voreinstellung für alle Benutzer';
$lang['Advanced features'] = 'Erweiterte Einstellungen';
$lang['Not linked elements'] = 'Nicht verlinkte Elemente';
$lang['Specials'] = 'Erweiterte Verwaltung';
$lang['Files with same name in more than one physical album'] = 'Finde Dateien mit der gleiche Beschreibung';
$lang['Files with same name in more than one physical album'] = 'Dateien mit dem selben Namen in mehrere physische Alben';
$lang['Overall'] = 'Gesamt';
$lang['Year'] = 'Jahr';
@ -458,10 +458,10 @@ $lang['Save page visits by administrators'] = 'Speichere auch Seitenaufrufe des
$lang['An information email was sent to group "%s"'] = 'Eine Info-E-Mail wurde gesendet an die Gruppe "%s"';
$lang['Send an information email to group members'] = 'Sende eine Info-E-Mail an die Mitglieder dieser Gruppe';
$lang['Group'] = 'Gruppe';
$lang['[%s] Visit album %s'] = '[%s] Es gibt Neues im Bilderordner %s';
$lang['[%s] Visit album %s'] = '[%s] Besuchen sie den Album %s';
$lang['Hello,'] = 'Hallo,';
$lang['See you soon.'] = 'Bis bald.';
$lang['Discover album:'] = 'Folge dem Link und besuche den Bilderordner:';
$lang['Discover album:'] = 'Folgen Sie den Link und entdecken Sie den Album:';
$lang['Mail content'] = 'Text der E-Mail';
$lang['none'] = 'egal';
$lang['high'] = 'hoch';
@ -588,13 +588,13 @@ $lang['Templates configuration has been recorded.'] = 'Die Konfiguration der Tem
$lang['All optimizations have been successfully completed.'] = 'Alle Optimierungen wurden erfolgreich abgeschlossen.';
$lang['Optimizations have been completed with some errors.'] = 'Einige Optimierungen endeten mit Fehlern.';
$lang['Modify information'] = 'Informationen ändern';
$lang['edit album'] = 'Kategorieeigenschaften und -beschreibung bearbeiten';
$lang['edit album'] = 'Die Albuminformation bearbeiten';
$lang['nothing'] = 'nichts';
$lang['overrides existing values with empty ones'] = 'Löscht alle Werte in der Datenbank !! (filesize, width, height, high_filesize, date_creation, keywords, date_creation, author, name, comment)';
$lang['manage image ranks'] = 'Verwaltung der Reihenfolge der Bilder';
$lang['Manage image ranks'] = 'Verwalten Sie die Reihenfolge der Bilder';
$lang['Edit ranks'] = 'Die Reihenfolge ändern';
$lang['No element in this album'] = 'Kein Element in diesem Album';
$lang['No element in this album'] = 'Es befinden sich keine Elemente in diesem Album';
$lang['Images manual order was saved'] = 'Die manuelle Reihenfolge der Bilder wurde gespeichert';
$lang['ranks'] = 'Reihenfolge';
$lang['Drag to re-order'] = 'Klicken und Ziehen um eine neue Reihenfolge festzulegen';
@ -638,18 +638,18 @@ $lang['Forbid this theme to users'] = 'Verbieten Sie dieses Thema den Benutzern'
$lang['Set as default theme for unregistered and new users'] = 'Setzte als Standartthema für unregistrierte und neue Benutzer';
$lang['unknown'] = 'unbekannt';
$lang['Upload Photos'] = 'Lade Fotos hoch';
$lang['Drop into album'] = 'Ziehe es in die Kategorie';
$lang['Drop into album'] = 'In den Album ziehen';
$lang['+ Add an upload box'] = '+ eine weitere Uploadbox';
$lang['Create the "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'Erstelle den "%s" Ordner im Hauptordner (root) deiner Piwigoinstallation';
$lang['Give write access (chmod 777) to "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'Gebe Schreibrechte (chmod 777) dem Ordner "%s" im Hauptordner (root) deiner Piwigoinstallation';
$lang['existing album'] = 'existierende Kategorie';
$lang['create a new album'] = 'erstelle eine neue Kategorie';
$lang['Album name'] = 'Kategoriename';
$lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = 'Kategorie "%s" wurde hinzugefügt';
$lang['existing album'] = 'Existierender Album';
$lang['create a new album'] = 'Ein neues Album erstellen';
$lang['Album name'] = 'Albumname';
$lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = 'Das Album \'%s\' ist hinzugefügt worden';
$lang['Uploaded Photos'] = 'Lade Fotos hoch';
$lang['%d photos uploaded'] = '%d Fotos hochgeladen';
$lang['Privacy level set to "%s"'] = 'Privacy level gesetzt auf "%s"';
$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = 'Kategorie "%s" enthält nun %d Fotos';
$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = 'Das Album \'%s\' enthält nun %d Fotos';
$lang['Manage this set of %d photos'] = 'Verwalte dieses Set von %d Fotos';
$lang['Select files'] = 'Wähle Dateien aus';
$lang['JPEG files or ZIP archives with JPEG files inside please.'] = 'JPEG Dateien oder ZIP Archive, die JPEG Dateien enthalten bitte.';
@ -676,8 +676,8 @@ $lang['Your configuration settings are saved'] = 'Die Konfigurationseinstellunge
$lang['Active Themes'] = 'Aktive Themen';
$lang['Add write access to the "%s" directory'] = 'Gebe dem Ordner "%s" Schreibrechte';
$lang['Administration Home'] = 'Startseite der Administration';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically'] = 'Kateorien alphabetisch sortiert';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically reverse'] = 'Kateorien rückwärts alphabetisch sortiert';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically'] = 'Alben alphabetisch sortiert';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically reverse'] = 'Alben rückwärts alphabetisch sortiert';
$lang['Change Admin Colors'] = 'Ändere die Administrationsfarben ';
$lang['Delete this theme'] = 'Lösche dieses Thema';
$lang['Directory does not exist'] = 'Ordner existiert nicht';

View file

@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ $lang_info['zero_plural'] = false;
$lang['%.2f (rated %d times)'] = '%.2f (beachtet %d mal)';
$lang['%d Kb'] = '%d Kb';
$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d Kategorie wurde aktualisiert';
$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d Kategorien wurden aktualisiert';
$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d Album aktualisiert';
$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d Alben aktualisiert';
$lang['%d comment to validate'] = '%d Kommentar freizuschalten';
$lang['%d comments to validate'] = '%d Kommentare freizuschalten';
$lang['%d new comment'] = '%d neuer Kommentar';
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ $lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Mindestens eine aufgelis
$lang['At least one tag must match'] = 'Mindestens ein Tag muss übereinstimmen';
$lang['Author'] = 'Autor';
$lang['Average rate'] = 'Durchschnittliche Bewertung';
$lang['Albums'] = 'Kategorien';
$lang['Album'] = 'Kategorie';
$lang['Albums'] = 'Alben';
$lang['Album'] = 'Album';
$lang['Close this window'] = 'Dieses Fenster schließen';
$lang['Complete RSS feed (images, comments)'] = 'RSS-Feeds komplett (Bilder, Kommentare)';
$lang['Confirm Password'] = 'Neues Passwort bestätigen';
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ $lang['Sort by'] = 'Sortieren nach';
$lang['Sort order'] = 'Sortierreihenfolge';
$lang['Tag'] = 'Tag';
$lang['Tags'] = 'Tags';
$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'Der RSS-Feed teilt die Ereignisse in der Galerie mit: neue Bilder, Gruppen-Updates, neue Benutzer Kommentare. Für die Verwendung mit einem RSS-Reader.';
$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'Der RSS Feed bietet Benachrichtigungen über Events dieser Website an: neue Bilder, Aktualisierungen der Alben, neue Kommentare. Verwendbar durch einen RSS-Feed-Reader.';
$lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = 'Feed-ID unbekanntem';
$lang['User comments'] = 'Benutzerkommentare';
$lang['Username'] = 'Benutzername';
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ $lang['Adviser mode enabled'] = 'Berater-Modus aktiv';
$lang['all'] = 'alle';
$lang['ascending'] = 'wachsende';
$lang['author(s) : %s'] = 'Autor(en) : %s';
$lang['Expand all albums'] = 'Kategoriebaum immer vollständig sichtbar';
$lang['Expand all albums'] = 'Alle Alben ausweiten';
$lang['posted after %s (%s)'] = 'zur Verfügung gestellt nachdem die %s (%s)';
$lang['posted before %s (%s)'] = 'zur Verfügung gestellt, bevor die %s (%s)';
$lang['posted between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'zur Verfügung gestellt von %s (%s) und das %s (%s)';
@ -189,15 +189,15 @@ $lang['Page generated in'] = 'Seite erstellt in';
$lang['guest'] = 'Besucher';
$lang['Hello'] = 'Hallo';
$lang['available for administrators only'] = 'nur für Administratoren';
$lang['shows images at the root of this album'] = 'zeigt die Bilder an der Wurzel dieser Kategorie';
$lang['shows images at the root of this album'] = 'Zeigt die Bilder am Ende dieses Albums an';
$lang['See last users comments'] = 'Zeige die letzten Kommentare Benutzer';
$lang['customize the appareance of the gallery'] = 'das Aussehen der Galerie';
$lang['search'] = 'Suche';
$lang['Home'] = 'Startseite';
$lang['Identification'] = 'Identifikation';
$lang['in this album'] = 'in dieser Kategorie';
$lang['in %d sub-album'] = 'in %d Unterkategorie';
$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = 'in %d Unterkategorien';
$lang['in this album'] = 'In diesem Album';
$lang['in %d sub-album'] = 'Im %d Sub-Album';
$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = 'In den %d Sub-Alben';
$lang['included'] = 'enthalten';
$lang['Invalid password!'] = 'Passwort ungültig!';
$lang['Language'] = 'Sprache';
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ $lang['Maximum height must be a number superior to 50'] = 'Die maximale Höhe de
$lang['Maximum width of the pictures'] = 'Maximale Breite der Bilder';
$lang['Maximum width must be a number superior to 50'] = 'Die Breite der Bilder muss mehr als 50';
$lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = 'zeige einen Kalender nach Erstellungsdatum';
$lang['display all elements in all sub-albums'] = 'Zeige alle Bilder inclusive der Unterkategorien';
$lang['display all elements in all sub-albums'] = 'Zeigt alle Elemente in allen Alben und Sub-Alben an';
$lang['return to normal view mode'] = 'Zurück zur normalen Ansicht';
$lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = 'zeige einen Kalender nach Einstellungsdatum';
$lang['month'][10] = 'Oktober';
@ -249,8 +249,8 @@ $lang['Preferences'] = 'Einstellungen';
$lang['Previous'] = 'Zurück';
$lang['Random pictures'] = 'Zufallsbilder';
$lang['display a set of random pictures'] = 'Anzeigen eines zufälligen Bilder';
$lang['Recent albums'] = 'Neue Kategorien';
$lang['display recently updated albums'] = 'Kategorien anzuzeigen, die kürzlich aktualisiert oder erstellt wurden';
$lang['Recent albums'] = 'Neueste Alben';
$lang['display recently updated albums'] = 'Zeigt kürzlich aktualisierte Alben an';
$lang['Recent period'] = 'Wieviele Tage sollen Bilder als "neu" markiert werden?';
$lang['Recent pictures'] = 'Die neuesten Bilder';
$lang['display most recent pictures'] = 'zeigt die neuesten Bilder';
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ $lang['remove this tag from the list'] = 'entfernen diesem Tag in der Liste';
$lang['representative'] = 'representativ';
$lang['return to homepage'] = 'Zurück zur Homepage';
$lang['Search for Author'] = 'Suche nach Autor';
$lang['Search in albums'] = 'Suche in Kategorien';
$lang['Search in albums'] = 'Suche in den Alben';
$lang['Search by Date'] = 'Suche nach Datum';
$lang['Date'] = 'Datum';
$lang['End-Date'] = 'Enddatum';
@ -277,10 +277,10 @@ $lang['Search for any terms'] = 'Wörter suchen';
$lang['Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'] = 'Abfrage leer. Kein Kriterium zur Verfügung.';
$lang['Search Options'] = 'Suchoptionen';
$lang['Search results'] = 'Suchergebnisse';
$lang['Search in sub-albums'] = 'Suche in Unterkategorien';
$lang['Search in sub-albums'] = 'Suche in den Sub-Alben';
$lang['searched words : %s'] = 'Suchbegriffe : %s';
$lang['Contact'] = 'Kontakt';
$lang['set as album representative'] = 'Als Vorschaubild dieser Kategorie';
$lang['set as album representative'] = 'Als repräsentativer Album setzen';
$lang['Show number of comments'] = 'Zeige die Anzahl der Kommentare';
$lang['Show number of hits'] = 'Zeige die Anzahl der Bildaufrufe';
$lang['slideshow'] = 'Diashow';
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ $lang['User: %s'] = 'Benutzer: %s';
$lang['Email: %s'] = 'E-Mail: %s';
$lang['Admin: %s'] = 'Verwaltung: %s';
$lang['Registration of %s'] = 'Registrierung von %s';
$lang['Album: %s'] = 'Kategorie: %s';
$lang['Album: %s'] = 'Album: %s';
$lang['Picture name: %s'] = 'Name des Bildes: %s';
$lang['Creation date: %s'] = 'Erstellungsdatum: %d';
$lang['Waiting page: %s'] = 'Seite warten: %s';
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ $lang['Bad status for user "guest", using default status. Please notify the webm
// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from Butterfly (2.0)
$lang['Administrator, webmaster and special user cannot use this method'] = 'Administrator, Webmaster und spezieller Benutzer können nicht diese Methode verwenden';
$lang['a user use already this mail address'] = 'Diese E-Mail-Adresse wird bereits verwendet';
$lang['Album results for'] = 'Ergebnisse der Kategorien für';
$lang['Album results for'] = 'Albumresultate für';
$lang['Tag results for'] = 'Ergebnisse der Tag für';
$lang['from %s to %s'] = 'von %s bis %s';
$lang['Play of slideshow'] = 'Start der Diashow';

View file

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ $lang['Upgrade informations'] = 'Upgrade Informationen';
$lang['Perform a maintenance check in [Administration>Tools>Maintenance] if you encounter any problem.'] = 'Führen Sie eine Datenbanküberprüfung durch in [Verwaltung>Werkzeuge>Wartung] falls ein Problem auftritt.';
$lang['Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.'] = 'Nur Administratoren dürfen ein Upgrade durchführen. Bitte loggen Sie sich ein';
$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = 'Sie haben nicht die erforderlichen Rechte ein Upgrade durchzuführen';
$lang['All sub-albums of private albums become private'] = 'Alle Unterkategorien von privaten Kategorien bekommen den Status "private Kategorie"';
$lang['All sub-albums of private albums become private'] = 'Alle Sub-Alben von privaten Alben werden auch privat eigestellt';
$lang['User permissions and group permissions have been erased'] = 'Alle Benutzer- und Gruppenberechtigungen/beschränkungen wurden entfernt';
$lang['Only thumbnails prefix and webmaster mail address have been saved from previous configuration'] = 'Es wurden nur die Thumbnail-Präfixe und die Mailadresse des Webmasters übernommen';
$lang['This page proposes to upgrade your database corresponding to your old version of Piwigo to the current version. The upgrade assistant thinks you are currently running a <strong>release %s</strong> (or equivalent).'] = 'Diese Seite hat vor, Ihre Datenbank entsprechend Ihrer alten Version von Piwigo zur gegenwärtigen Version zu aktualisieren.

View file

@ -23,14 +23,14 @@
$lang['%d association'] = '%d asociación';
$lang['%d associations'] = '%d asociaciones';
$lang['%d album including'] = '%d categoría entre las cuales ';
$lang['%d albums including'] = '%d categorías entre las cuates ';
$lang['%d album including'] = '%d àlbum dont';
$lang['%d albums including'] = '%d àlbumes dont';
$lang['%d physical'] = '%d físico';
$lang['%d physical'] = '%d físicos';
$lang[' and %d virtual'] = ' et %d virtual';
$lang[' and %d virtual'] = ' et %d virtuales';
$lang['%d album moved'] = '%d categoría trasladada';
$lang['%d albums moved'] = '%d categorías trasladadas';
$lang['%d album moved'] = '%d àlbum movido';
$lang['%d albums moved'] = '%d àlbumes movidos';
$lang['%d group'] = '%d grupo';
$lang['%d groups'] = '%d grupos';
$lang['%d member'] = '%d miembro';
@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ $lang['Add group'] = 'Añadir un grupo';
$lang['Add selected elements to caddie'] = 'Añadir los elementos seleccionados a la cesta';
$lang['Add'] = 'Añadir';
$lang['Allow user registration'] = 'Permitir el registro de los usuarios';
$lang['Apply to sub-albums'] = 'Aplicar a subcategorías';
$lang['Apply to sub-albums'] = 'Appliquer a los sub-àlbumes';
$lang['Associated'] = 'Asociada a';
$lang['Batch management'] = 'Gestión por lote';
$lang['Caddie management'] = 'Gestión de la cesta';
$lang['Caddie'] = 'Cesta';
$lang['Albums authorized thanks to group associations'] = 'Categorías accesibles gracias a la pertenencia a los grupos';
$lang['Album manual order was saved'] = 'La orden manual de las categorías ha sido salvaguardada';
$lang['Album elements associated to the following albums: %s'] = 'Los elementos de la categoría han sido asociados con las categorías siguientes : %s';
$lang['Albums authorized thanks to group associations'] = 'Albums accessibles grâce à l\'appartenance aux groupes';
$lang['Album manual order was saved'] = 'El orden manual de los albumes se guardo con exito';
$lang['Album elements associated to the following albums: %s'] = 'Les fotos del àlbum fueron asociados a los àlbumes siguientes : %s';
$lang['Check for upgrade failed for unknown reasons.'] = 'La comprobación de la última versión sobre el servidor fue suspendida por una razón desconocida.';
$lang['Check for upgrade'] = 'Última versión';
$lang['Comments for all'] = 'Comentarios para todos';
@ -102,37 +102,37 @@ $lang['Guests'] = 'Invitados';
$lang['History'] = 'histórico';
$lang['Informations'] = 'Informaciones';
$lang['Install'] = 'Instalar';
$lang['Link all album elements to a new album'] = 'Vincular todos los elementos de la categoría con una nueva categoría';
$lang['Link all album elements to some existing albums'] = 'Vincular todos los elementos de la categoría existentes';
$lang['Linked albums'] = 'Categorías asociadas';
$lang['Link all album elements to a new album'] = 'Asociar todas las fotos del àlbum a un nuevo àlbum';
$lang['Link all album elements to some existing albums'] = 'Asociar todas las fotos del àlbum a los àlbumes existantes';
$lang['Linked albums'] = 'Albums asociados';
$lang['Lock gallery'] = 'Cerrar la galería';
$lang['Maintenance'] = 'Mantenimiento';
$lang['Edit album permissions'] = 'Administrar las autorizaciones para una categoría';
$lang['Edit album permissions'] = 'Administrar los derechos de un àlbum';
$lang['Manage permissions for group "%s"'] = 'Administrar las autorizaciones para el grupo "%s"';
$lang['Manage permissions for user "%s"'] = 'Administrar las autorizaciones para el usuario "%s"';
$lang['Manage tags'] = 'Administrar las etiquetas';
$lang['Members'] = 'Miembros';
$lang['Metadata synchronized from file'] = 'Meta-datos sincronizadas a partir del fichero';
$lang['Move albums'] = 'Desplazar las categorías';
$lang['Move albums'] = 'Mover los àlbumes';
$lang['Move'] = 'Desplazar';
$lang['Name'] = 'Nombre';
$lang['New name'] = 'Nuevo nombre';
$lang['New parent album'] = 'Nueva categoría pariente';
$lang['New parent album'] = 'Nuevo àlbum parent';
$lang['New tag'] = 'Nueva etiqueta';
$lang['Number of comments per page'] = 'Número de comentarios por página';
$lang['Number of rates'] = 'Número de notas';
$lang['Number of thumbnails to create'] = 'Número de miniaturas que hay que crear';
$lang['Only private albums are listed'] = 'Sólo las categorías particulares son puestas en una lista';
$lang['Only private albums are listed'] = 'Listado de los abulmes privados';
$lang['Operating system'] = 'Systema operativo';
$lang['Options'] = 'Opciones';
$lang['Other private albums'] = 'Otras categorías particulares';
$lang['Other private albums'] = 'Otros àlbumes privados';
$lang['Page banner'] = 'Bandera de las páginas';
$lang['Parent album'] = 'Categoría pariente';
$lang['Parent album'] = 'Album parent';
$lang['Path'] = 'Camino';
$lang['Permalink'] = 'Lazo permanente';
$lang['Permalink %s has been previously used by album %s. Delete from the permalink history first'] = 'El lazo permanente %s ha sido utilizado anteriormente por la categoría %s. Por favor, bórrelo del histórico de los lazos permanentes';
$lang['Permalink %s has been previously used by album %s. Delete from the permalink history first'] = 'El enlace permanente %s se utilizo par elàlbum %s. Borrarlo del historico de los enlaces permanentes';
$lang['The permalink name must be composed of a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "-", "_" or "/". It must not be numeric or start with number followed by "-"'] = 'El lazo permanente debe contener sólo carácteres entre " - zA-Z0-9 ", "-" o "_". No debe ser numérico o comenzar con un número seguido por "-"';
$lang['Permalink %s is already used by album %s'] = 'El lazo permanente %s es ya utilizado por la categoría %s';
$lang['Permalink %s is already used by album %s'] = 'El enlace permanente %s ya se utilizo par el àlbum %s';
$lang['Permalink history'] = 'Histórico de los lazos permanentes';
$lang['Permalinks'] = 'Lazos permanentes';
$lang['Permission denied'] = 'Acceso prohibido';
@ -150,19 +150,19 @@ $lang['Rating'] = 'Notación';
$lang['Reject All'] = 'Rechazar todo';
$lang['Reject'] = 'Rechazar';
$lang['Representant'] = 'Representante';
$lang['Representation of albums'] = 'Representación de las categorías';
$lang['Representation of albums'] = 'Représentacion de los àlbumes';
$lang['Representative'] = 'Representante';
$lang['Represents'] = 'Representa';
$lang['Save order'] = 'Salvaguardar la orden';
$lang['Save to permalink history'] = 'Salvaguardar en el histórico de los lazos permanentes';
$lang['Select at least one album'] = 'Seleccionar por lo menos una categoría';
$lang['Select at least one album'] = 'seleccionar al minimo un àlbum';
$lang['Select at least one picture'] = 'Seleccionar por lo menos una imagen';
$lang['Select at least one user'] = 'Seleccionar por lo menos a un usuario';
$lang['Show info'] = 'Mostrar las informaciones';
$lang['Site manager'] = 'Gestion de sitios';
$lang['Status'] = 'Estatuto';
$lang['Statistics'] = 'Estadísticas';
$lang['Storage album'] = 'Categoría de almacenamiento';
$lang['Storage album'] = 'Album de stockage';
$lang['Sum of rates'] = 'Suma de las notas';
$lang['Tag "%s" already exists'] = 'La etiqueta "%s" ya existe';
$lang['Tag "%s" was added'] = 'La etiqueta "%s" ha sido añadida';
@ -178,30 +178,30 @@ $lang['Validate All'] = 'Validar todo';
$lang['Validate'] = 'Validar';
$lang['Validation'] = 'Validación';
$lang['Version'] = 'Versión';
$lang['Virtual albums to move'] = 'Categorías virtuales que hay que desplazar';
$lang['Virtual album name'] = 'Nombre de la categoría virtual';
$lang['Virtual albums to move'] = 'Albums virtuales para mover';
$lang['Virtual album name'] = 'Nombre del àlbum virtual';
$lang['Webmaster cannot be deleted'] = 'El webmestre no puede ser suprimido';
$lang['You are running on development sources, no check possible.'] = 'Usted trabaja con las fuentes de desarrollo, imposible verificar la última versión.';
$lang['You cannot delete your account'] = "Usted no puede suprimir su cuenta";
$lang['You cannot move an album in its own sub album'] = 'Usted no puede desplazar una categoría en su propia subcategoría';
$lang['You cannot move an album in its own sub album'] = 'No se puede mover un àlbum en su proprio sub-àlbum';
$lang['You need to confirm deletion'] = 'Usted debe confirmar la supresión';
$lang['add tags'] = 'Añadir las etiquetas';
$lang['Adviser'] = 'Consejero';
$lang['Associate to album'] = 'asociar con la categoría';
$lang['Associate to album'] = 'Asociar al àlbum';
$lang['associate to group'] = 'asociar con grupo';
$lang['Authorized'] = 'Autorizados';
$lang['Add a virtual album'] = 'Añadir una categoría virtual';
$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected albums'] = 'Autorizar a los usuarios a añadir comentarios en las categorías seleccionadas';
$lang['The name of an album must not be empty'] = 'El nombre de la categoría no debe estar vacío';
$lang['Lock albums'] = 'Cerrar las categorías';
$lang['Private'] = 'Categoría particular';
$lang['Public'] = 'Categoría pública';
$lang['Add a virtual album'] = 'Agregar un àlbum virtual';
$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected albums'] = 'Autorizar los usuarios à añadir commentarios a los àlbumes sélectionados';
$lang['The name of an album must not be empty'] = 'El nombre del àlbum no se puede quedar vacio';
$lang['Lock albums'] = 'Bloquear los àlbumes';
$lang['Private'] = 'Album privado';
$lang['Public'] = 'Album publico';
$lang['Find a new representant by random'] = 'Encontrar a un nuevo representante al azar';
$lang['Public / Private'] = 'Pública / Privada';
$lang['Manage authorizations for selected albums'] = 'Administrar el tipo de acceso para las categorías seleccionadas';
$lang['Select uploadable albums'] = 'Seleccionar las categorías autorizadas al añadido';
$lang['Virtual album added'] = 'Categoría virtual añadida';
$lang['Virtual album deleted'] = 'Categoría virtual suprimida';
$lang['Manage authorizations for selected albums'] = 'Administrar los acesos para los àlbumes selectionados';
$lang['Select uploadable albums'] = 'seleccionar los àlbumes autorizados a sumar';
$lang['Virtual album added'] = 'Album virtual añadido';
$lang['Virtual album deleted'] = 'Album virtual borrado';
$lang['Access type'] = 'Tipo de acceso';
$lang['Comments'] = 'Comentarios';
$lang['Information data registered in database'] = 'Informaciones registradas en la base de datos';
@ -213,11 +213,11 @@ $lang['The number of comments a page must be between 5 and 50 included.'] = 'El
$lang['Configuration'] = 'Configuración';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Confirmar';
$lang['Date'] = 'Fecha';
$lang['delete album'] = 'Suprimir la categoría';
$lang['Dissociate from album'] = 'Disociar de la categoría';
$lang['delete album'] = 'borrar el àlbum';
$lang['Dissociate from album'] = 'Separar del àlbum';
$lang['dissociate from group'] = 'Disociar del grupo';
$lang['edit album permissions'] = 'Modificar los permisos de la categoría';
$lang['Album updated successfully'] = 'Las informaciones de la categoría han sido actualizadas con éxito.';
$lang['edit album permissions'] = 'Modificar los permisos del àlbum';
$lang['Album updated successfully'] = 'Les informationes del àlbum se actualizaron con exito.';
$lang['Authorize upload'] = 'Autorizar el añadido de imágenes';
$lang['elements per page'] = 'Elementos por página';
$lang['elements'] = 'Elementos';
@ -235,13 +235,13 @@ $lang['The name of a group must not contain " or \' or be empty.'] = 'El nombre
$lang['This name is already used by another group.'] = 'Este nombre es ya utilizado por otro grupo.';
$lang[''] = '';
$lang['High definition'] = 'Alta definición';
$lang['jump to album'] = 'Ir en la categoría';
$lang['jump to album'] = 'Ir al àlbum';
$lang['jump to image'] = 'Ir a la imagen';
$lang['leave'] = 'dejar';
$lang['Lock'] = 'Cerrar';
$lang['Locked'] = 'Cerrado';
$lang['manage album elements'] = 'administrar los elementos de la categoría';
$lang['manage sub-albums'] = 'administrar las subcategorías';
$lang['manage album elements'] = 'Administrar los élémentos del àlbum';
$lang['manage sub-albums'] = 'Administrar los sub-àlbumes';
$lang['Manage'] = 'Administrar';
$lang['maximum height'] = 'Altura máxima';
$lang['maximum width'] = 'Anchura máxima';
@ -350,15 +350,15 @@ $lang['synchronize'] = 'Sincronizar';
$lang['update the database from files'] = 'actualizar la base de datos a partir de los ficheros';
$lang['status'] = 'Estatuto';
$lang['Directory'] = 'Repertorio';
$lang['sub-albums'] = 'subcategorías';
$lang['sub-albums'] = 'sub-àlbumes';
$lang['synchronize metadata'] = 'Sincronizar los méta-datos';
$lang['target'] = 'blanco';
$lang['Thumbnail'] = 'miniatura';
$lang['title'] = 'título';
$lang['Album list management'] = 'Gestión de las categorías';
$lang['Album list management'] = 'Gestion de los àlbumes';
$lang['Piwigo configuration'] = 'Configuración de Piwigo';
$lang['Piwigo administration'] = 'Administración de Piwigo';
$lang['Edit album'] = 'Modificar una categoría';
$lang['Edit album'] = 'Modificar un àlbum';
$lang['Group management'] = 'Gestión de los grupos';
$lang['User list'] = 'Lista usuarios';
$lang['Modify informations about a picture'] = 'Modificar las informaciones de una imagen';
@ -386,12 +386,12 @@ $lang['for this file format'] = 'para este tamaño de fichero';
$lang['unit mode'] = 'modo unitario';
$lang['Unlocked'] = 'quitado el cierre';
$lang['unset'] = 'Vaciar';
$lang['Update albums informations'] = 'Actualizar las informaciones de las categorías';
$lang['Update albums informations'] = 'Actualizar las informaciones de los àlbumes';
$lang['Update images informations'] = 'Actualizar las informaciones de las imágenes';
$lang['Synchronize'] = 'Sincronizar';
$lang['reduce to single existing albums'] = 'Únicamente tratar una categoría';
$lang['reduce to single existing albums'] = 'Traitar solo un àlbum';
$lang['Choose an option'] = 'Escoger una opción';
$lang['display maximum informations (added albums and elements, deleted albums and elements)'] = 'Visualizar un máximo de informaciones (categorías añadidas, elementos añadidos, categorías y elementos suprimidos)';
$lang['display maximum informations (added albums and elements, deleted albums and elements)'] = 'Monstrar todas las informaciones (àlbumes añadidos, fotos añadidas, àlbumes y fotos borrados)';
$lang['Piwigo version differs on the remote site'] = 'La versión Piwigo sobre el sitio distante es diferente';
$lang['Version of create_listing_file.php on the remote site and Piwigo must be the same'] = 'La versión de create_listing_file.php sobre el sitio distante y Piwigo deben ser los mismos';
$lang['listing.xml file was not found'] = 'El fichero listing.xml es imposible de encontrar';
@ -401,14 +401,14 @@ $lang['Errors caption'] = 'Leyenda de los errores';
$lang['Detailed informations'] = 'Informaciones detalladas';
$lang['File/directory read error'] = 'Error de abertura fichero / repertorio';
$lang['The file or directory cannot be accessed (either it does not exist or the access is denied)'] = 'El fichero o el repertorio no puede ser accesible (o sea no existe, o sea el acceso esta negado)';
$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory "thumbnail" of the album directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = 'Cada fichero con imágenes requiere una miniatura. La miniatura debe estar presente en el subdirectorio " thumbnail " del repertorio de la categoría. El nombre del fichero de la miniatura debe comenzar con parámetro de configuración "prefix_thumbnail" y la extensión del nombre del fichero debe estar entre la lista siguiente:';
$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory "thumbnail" of the album directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = 'Cada foto necesita une miniatura. La miniature debe estar presente en el sub-repertorio \"thumbnail\" del répertorio del àlbum. El nombre del archivo de la miniatura debe empezar con el parametro de configuration \"prefix_thumbnail\" y la extension del nombre del archivo debe aparecer en esta lista :';
$lang['missing thumbnail'] = 'falta la miniatura ';
$lang['albums deleted in the database'] = 'categorías suprimidas de la base de datos';
$lang['albums deleted in the database'] = 'àlbumes borrados de la base de datos';
$lang['elements deleted in the database'] = 'Elementos suprimidos de la base de datos';
$lang['images candidates for metadata synchronization'] = 'Imágenes candidatas a la sincronización con los méta-datos';
$lang['elements informations synchronized with files metadata'] = 'Informaciones de las imágenes sincronizadas con los méta-datos';
$lang['errors during synchronization'] = 'errores sobrevenidos durante la sincronización';
$lang['albums added in the database'] = 'categorías añadidas a la base de datos';
$lang['albums added in the database'] = 'àlbumes añadidos a la base de datos';
$lang['elements added in the database'] = 'elementos añadidos a la base de datos';
$lang['elements updated in the database'] = 'elementos actualizados en la base de datos';
$lang['Search for new images in the directories'] = 'Buscar las nuevas imágenes en los repertorios';
@ -433,14 +433,14 @@ $lang['user_status_generic'] = 'Genérico';
$lang['user_status_guest'] = 'Invitado';
$lang['user_status_normal'] = 'Visitante';
$lang['user_status_webmaster'] = 'Webmestre';
$lang['Virtual album'] = 'Categoría virtual';
$lang['Virtual album'] = 'Album virtual';
$lang['Waiting'] = 'En espera';
$lang['default'] = 'por defecto';
$lang['Toggle \'default group\' property'] = 'Invertir la propiedad \'grupo por defecto\'';
$lang['Advanced features'] = 'Funciones avanzadas';
$lang['Not linked elements'] = 'Elementos no atados';
$lang['Specials'] = 'Especiales';
$lang['Files with same name in more than one physical album'] = 'Ficheros que llevan el mismo nombre en varias categorías físicas';
$lang['Files with same name in more than one physical album'] = 'Archivos con el mismo nombre en varios àlbumes physicos';
$lang['Overall'] = 'Vista global';
$lang['Year'] = 'Año';
$lang['Month'] = 'Mes';
@ -458,10 +458,10 @@ $lang['Save page visits by administrators'] = 'Registrar las páginas visitadas
$lang['An information email was sent to group "%s"'] = 'Un mail de informacion ha sido enviado a los miembros del grupo "%s"';
$lang['Send an information email to group members'] = 'Enviar un mail de informacion a los miembros de un grupo';
$lang['Group'] = 'Groupo';
$lang['[%s] Visit album %s'] = '[%s] Venga a visitar la categoría %s';
$lang['[%s] Visit album %s'] = '[%s] Visitar el àlbum %s';
$lang['Hello,'] = 'Buenos días,';
$lang['See you soon.'] = 'Hasta pronto.';
$lang['Discover album:'] = 'Venga a descubrir la categoría:';
$lang['Discover album:'] = 'Conocer el àlbum:';
$lang['Mail content'] = 'Contenido del mail';
$lang['none'] = 'Ninguno';
$lang['high'] = 'alto';
@ -586,13 +586,13 @@ $lang['Templates configuration has been recorded.'] = 'La configuración del tem
$lang['All optimizations have been successfully completed.'] = 'Todas las optimizaciones han sido realizadas con éxito.';
$lang['Optimizations have been completed with some errors.'] = 'Ciertas optimizaciones se acabaron con errores.';
$lang['Modify information'] = 'Modificar las informaciones';
$lang['edit album'] = 'editar las informaciones de esta categoría';
$lang['edit album'] = 'editar las informationes de este àlbum';
$lang['nothing'] = 'nada';
$lang['overrides existing values with empty ones'] = 'Reemplazar los valores existentes con vacíos';
$lang['manage image ranks'] = 'Administrar el orden de las imágenes';
$lang['Manage image ranks'] = 'Administrar el orden de las imágenes';
$lang['Edit ranks'] = 'Modificar el orden';
$lang['No element in this album'] = 'Ningún elemento en esta categoría';
$lang['No element in this album'] = 'Ningún élémento en este àlbum';
$lang['Images manual order was saved'] = 'La orden manual de las imágenes ha sido salvada';
$lang['ranks'] = 'Filas';
$lang['Drag to re-order'] = 'Hacer clic deslizar para reorganizar';
@ -635,18 +635,18 @@ $lang['Forbid this theme to users'] = 'Prohibirles este tema a los usuarios';
$lang['Set as default theme for unregistered and new users'] = 'Tema por defecto para los invitados y los nuevos usuarios';
$lang['unknown'] = 'desconocido';
$lang['Upload Photos'] = 'Añada fotos';
$lang['Drop into album'] = 'Poner en una categoría';
$lang['Drop into album'] = 'Pegar en un àlbum';
$lang['+ Add an upload box'] = '+ Añadir otra caja de transferencia';
$lang['Create the "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'Cree el repertorio "%s" en la raíz de su instalación Piwigo';
$lang['Give write access (chmod 777) to "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'Dé los autorizaciones en escritura (chmod 777) al repertorio "%s" en la raíz de su instalación Piwigo';
$lang['existing album'] = 'categoría existente';
$lang['create a new album'] = 'crear una nueva categoría';
$lang['Album name'] = 'Nombre de la categoría';
$lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = 'La categoría "%s" ha sido añadida';
$lang['existing album'] = 'àlbum existante';
$lang['create a new album'] = 'crear un àlbum nuevo';
$lang['Album name'] = 'Nombre del àlbum';
$lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = 'el àlbum "%s" esta añadido';
$lang['Uploaded Photos'] = 'Fotos añadidas';
$lang['%d photos uploaded'] = '%d fotos añadidas';
$lang['Privacy level set to "%s"'] = 'Nivel de confidencialidad "%s"';
$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = 'La categoría "%s" contiene en lo sucesivo %d fotos';
$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = 'EL àlbum "%s" ahora lleva %d fotos';
$lang['Manage this set of %d photos'] = 'Administrar este lote de %d fotos';
$lang['Select files'] = 'Escoger ficheros';
$lang['JPEG files or ZIP archives with JPEG files inside please.'] = 'Ficheros JPEG o archivas ZIP que contiene ficheros JPEG por favor.';

View file

@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ $lang_info['zero_plural'] = false;
$lang['%.2f (rated %d times)'] = '%.2f (noté %d fois)';
$lang['%d Kb'] = '%d Ko';
$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d Categoría actualizada';
$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d Actualización categorías';
$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d àlbum actualizado';
$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d àlbumes actualizados';
$lang['%d comment to validate'] = '%d Comentario usuario que hay que validar';
$lang['%d comments to validate'] = '%d comentarios de usuario que hay que validar';
$lang['%d new comment'] = '%d Nuevo comentario usuario';
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ $lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Debe elegir al menos una
$lang['At least one tag must match'] = 'Debe coincidir al menos una de las etiquetas';
$lang['Author'] = 'Autor';
$lang['Average rate'] = 'Valoración promedio';
$lang['Albums'] = 'Categorías';
$lang['Album'] = 'Categoría';
$lang['Albums'] = 'Albums';
$lang['Album'] = 'Album';
$lang['Close this window'] = 'Cerrar la ventana';
$lang['Complete RSS feed (images, comments)'] = 'Flujo RSS completo (imágenes, comentarios)';
$lang['Confirm Password'] = 'Confirmar la contraseña';
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ $lang['Sort by'] = 'Clasificar según';
$lang['Sort order'] = 'Orden de Clasificación';
$lang['Tag'] = 'Etiqueta';
$lang['Tags'] = 'Etiquetas';
$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'Mediante RSS puede recibir notificación de los cambios que tienen lugar en la galería: nuevas imágenes, categorías, etc. Para registrarse, haga clic en uno de los siguientes enlaces.';
$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'El flujo RSS notifica los eventos de la galeria : fotos nuevas, àlbumes actualizados, nuevos comentarios usuario. Para utilizar con un lecteur de flujo RSS.';
$lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = 'Identificador de RSS desconocido';
$lang['User comments'] = 'Comentarios del usuario';
$lang['Username'] = 'Nombre del usuario';
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ $lang['Adviser mode enabled'] = 'Modo de consejero activo';
$lang['all'] = 'todo';
$lang['ascending'] = 'ascendiente';
$lang['author(s) : %s'] = 'autor(es) : %s';
$lang['Expand all albums'] = 'Expandir todas las categorías';
$lang['Expand all albums'] = 'Ver todos los àlbumes';
$lang['posted after %s (%s)'] = 'disponible con posterioridad al %s (%s)';
$lang['posted before %s (%s)'] = 'disponible antes del %s (%s)';
$lang['posted between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'disponible entre él %s (%s) y el %s (%s)';
@ -189,15 +189,15 @@ $lang['Page generated in'] = 'Página generada en';
$lang['guest'] = 'Visitante';
$lang['Hello'] = 'Hola';
$lang['available for administrators only'] = 'disponible sólo para los administradores';
$lang['shows images at the root of this album'] = 'muestra las imágenes en el directorio raíz de esta categoría';
$lang['shows images at the root of this album'] = 'monstrar las fotos a la raice de este àlbum';
$lang['See last users comments'] = 'Ver los últimos comentarios de los usuarios';
$lang['customize the appareance of the gallery'] = 'personalizar el aspecto de la galería';
$lang['search'] = 'Buscar';
$lang['Home'] = 'Inicio';
$lang['Identification'] = 'Identificación';
$lang['in this album'] = 'en esta categoría';
$lang['in %d sub-album'] = 'en %d subcategoría';
$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = 'en %d subcategorías';
$lang['in this album'] = 'en este àlbum';
$lang['in %d sub-album'] = 'en este %d sub-àlbum';
$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = 'en estos %d sub-àlbumes';
$lang['included'] = 'incluidos';
$lang['Invalid password!'] = 'Contraseña incorrecta !';
$lang['Language'] = 'Idioma';
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ $lang['Maximum height must be a number superior to 50'] = 'La altura máxima de
$lang['Maximum width of the pictures'] = 'Anchura máxima de las imágenes';
$lang['Maximum width must be a number superior to 50'] = 'El ancho máximo de las imágenes no debe ser superior a 50';
$lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = 'Mostrar las imágenes en un calendario por fecha de creación';
$lang['display all elements in all sub-albums'] = 'Mostrar todos los elementos de todas las categorías';
$lang['display all elements in all sub-albums'] = 'Ver todas las fotos de los abumes y sub-albumes';
$lang['return to normal view mode'] = 'Volver a la vista normal';
$lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = 'Mostrar las imágenes en un calendario por fecha de agregación';
$lang['month'][10] = 'Octubre';
@ -249,8 +249,8 @@ $lang['Preferences'] = 'Preferencias';
$lang['Previous'] = 'Página anterior';
$lang['Random pictures'] = 'Selección aleatoria';
$lang['display a set of random pictures'] = 'mostrar un grupo aleatorio de imágenes';
$lang['Recent albums'] = 'Últimas categorías';
$lang['display recently updated albums'] = 'mostrar las categorías recientement actualizadas o creadas';
$lang['Recent albums'] = 'Albums récents';
$lang['display recently updated albums'] = 'Ver los àlbumes recien creados o actualizados';
$lang['Recent period'] = 'Número de imágenes recientes';
$lang['Recent pictures'] = 'Últimas imágenes añadidas';
$lang['display most recent pictures'] = 'Mostrar las imágenes añadidas recientemente';
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ $lang['remove this tag from the list'] = 'quitar este tag de la lista';
$lang['representative'] = 'representante';
$lang['return to homepage'] = 'Volver a la página de inicio';
$lang['Search for Author'] = 'Buscar por autor';
$lang['Search in albums'] = 'Buscar por categorías';
$lang['Search in albums'] = 'Buscar en los àlbumes';
$lang['Search by Date'] = 'Buscar por fecha';
$lang['Date'] = 'Fecha';
$lang['End-Date'] = 'Hasta la fecha';
@ -277,10 +277,10 @@ $lang['Search for any terms'] = 'Buscar una de las palabras';
$lang['Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'] = 'Demanda vacía. Ningún criterio surtido..';
$lang['Search Options'] = 'Opciones de búsqueda';
$lang['Search results'] = 'Resultados de la búsqueda';
$lang['Search in sub-albums'] = 'Buscar en las subcategorías';
$lang['Search in sub-albums'] = 'Buscar en los sub-àlbumes';
$lang['searched words : %s'] = 'Palabras de búsqueda : %s';
$lang['Contact'] = 'Contactar';
$lang['set as album representative'] = 'elegir para representar esta categoría';
$lang['set as album representative'] = 'Elegir como cabeza de este àlbum';
$lang['Show number of comments'] = 'Mostrar el número de comentarios';
$lang['Show number of hits'] = 'Mostrar el número de visualizaciones';
$lang['slideshow'] = 'Diaporama';
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ $lang['User: %s'] = 'Usuario: %s';
$lang['Email: %s'] = 'Email: %s';
$lang['Admin: %s'] = 'Administración: %s';
$lang['Registration of %s'] = 'Registro de %s';
$lang['Album: %s'] = 'Categoría: %s';
$lang['Album: %s'] = 'Album : %s';
$lang['Picture name: %s'] = 'Nombre de la imagen: %s';
$lang['Creation date: %s'] = 'Fecha de creación: %d';
$lang['Waiting page: %s'] = 'Página de espera: %s';
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ $lang['Bad status for user "guest", using default status. Please notify the webm
// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from Butterfly (2.0)
$lang['Administrator, webmaster and special user cannot use this method'] = 'El Administrador, el administrador del sitio y el usuario especial no pueden utilizar este método';
$lang['a user use already this mail address'] = 'Otro usuario ya utiliza esta dirección e-mail';
$lang['Album results for'] = 'Resultados de las categorías para';
$lang['Album results for'] = 'Résultados de los àlbumes por';
$lang['Tag results for'] = 'Resultados de las etiquetas para';
$lang['from %s to %s'] = 'de %s a %s';
$lang['Play of slideshow'] = 'Lectura del diaporama';

View file

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ $lang['Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.'] = 'Sólo un a
$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = 'Usted no tiene los derechos necessaires para lanzar la actualización.';
// Upgrade informations from upgrade_1.3.1.php
$lang['All sub-albums of private albums become private'] = 'Todas las subcategorías de categorías privadas se vuelven privadas';
$lang['All sub-albums of private albums become private'] = 'Todos los sub-àlbumes de los àlbumes privados son privados';
$lang['User permissions and group permissions have been erased'] = 'Las autorizaciones de los usuarios y de los grupos han sido borradas';
$lang['Only thumbnails prefix and webmaster mail address have been saved from previous configuration'] = 'Sólo el prefijo de las miniaturas y el email del webmestre han sido salvaguardados por la configuración precedente';

View file

@ -25,14 +25,14 @@
$lang['%d association'] = "%d association";
$lang['%d associations'] = "%d associations";
$lang['%d album including'] = "%d catégorie dont";
$lang['%d albums including'] = "%d catégories dont";
$lang['%d album including'] = '%d album dont';
$lang['%d albums including'] = '%d albums dont';
$lang['%d physical'] = " %d physique";
$lang['%d physical'] = " %d physiques";
$lang[' and %d virtual'] = " et %d virtuelle";
$lang[' and %d virtual'] = " et %d virtuelles";
$lang['%d album moved'] = "%d catégorie déplacée";
$lang['%d albums moved'] = "%d catégories déplacées";
$lang['%d album moved'] = '%d album déplacé';
$lang['%d albums moved'] = '%d albums déplacés';
$lang['%d group'] = "%d groupe";
$lang['%d groups'] = "%d groupes";
$lang['%d member'] = "%d membre";
@ -59,14 +59,14 @@ $lang['Add group'] = "Ajouter un groupe";
$lang['Add selected elements to caddie'] = "Ajouter les éléments sélectionnés au panier";
$lang['Add'] = "Ajouter";
$lang['Allow user registration'] = "Permettre l'enregistrement des utilisateurs";
$lang['Apply to sub-albums'] = "Appliquer aux sous-catégories";
$lang['Apply to sub-albums'] = 'Appliquer aux sous-albums';
$lang['Associated'] = "Associée à";
$lang['Batch management'] = "Gestion par lot";
$lang['Caddie management'] = "Gestion du panier";
$lang['Caddie'] = "Panier";
$lang['Albums authorized thanks to group associations'] = "Catégories accessibles grâce à l'appartenance aux groupes";
$lang['Album manual order was saved'] = "L'ordre manuel des catégories a été sauvegardé";
$lang['Album elements associated to the following albums: %s'] = "Les éléments de la catégorie ont été associés aux catégories suivantes : %s";
$lang['Albums authorized thanks to group associations'] = 'Albums accessibles grâce à l\'appartenance aux groupes';
$lang['Album manual order was saved'] = 'L\'ordre manuel des albums a été sauvegardé';
$lang['Album elements associated to the following albums: %s'] = 'Les photos de l\'album ont été associés aux albums suivants : %s';
$lang['Check for upgrade failed for unknown reasons.'] = "La vérification de la dernière version sur le serveur a échouée pour une raison inconnue.";
$lang['Check for upgrade'] = "Dernière version ?";
$lang['Comments for all'] = "Commentaires pour tous";
@ -104,37 +104,37 @@ $lang['Guests'] = "Invités";
$lang['History'] = "Historique";
$lang['Informations'] = "Informations";
$lang['Install'] = "Installer";
$lang['Link all album elements to a new album'] = "Associer tous les éléments de la catégorie à une nouvelle catégorie";
$lang['Link all album elements to some existing albums'] = "Associer tous les éléments de la catégorie à des catégories existantes";
$lang['Linked albums'] = "Catégories associées";
$lang['Link all album elements to a new album'] = 'Associer toutes les photos de l\'album à un nouvel album';
$lang['Link all album elements to some existing albums'] = 'Associer toutes les photos de l\'album à des albums existants';
$lang['Linked albums'] = 'Albums associés';
$lang['Lock gallery'] = "Verrouiller la galerie";
$lang['Maintenance'] = "Maintenance";
$lang['Edit album permissions'] = "Gérer les permissions pour une catégorie";
$lang['Edit album permissions'] = 'Gérer les permissions pour un album';
$lang['Manage permissions for group "%s"'] = "Gérer les permissions pour le groupe \"%s\"";
$lang['Manage permissions for user "%s"'] = "Gérer les permissions pour l'utilisateur \"%s\"";
$lang['Manage tags'] = "Gérer les tags";
$lang['Members'] = "Membres";
$lang['Metadata synchronized from file'] = "Méta-données synchronisées à partir du fichier";
$lang['Move albums'] = "Déplacer les catégories";
$lang['Move albums'] = 'Déplacer les albums';
$lang['Move'] = "Déplacer";
$lang['Name'] = "Nom";
$lang['New name'] = "Nouveau nom";
$lang['New parent album'] = "Nouvelle catégorie parente";
$lang['New parent album'] = 'Nouvel album parent';
$lang['New tag'] = "Nouveau tag";
$lang['Number of comments per page'] = "Nombre de commentaires par page";
$lang['Number of rates'] = "Nombre de notes";
$lang['Number of thumbnails to create'] = "Nombre de miniatures à créer";
$lang['Only private albums are listed'] = "Seules les catégories privées sont listées";
$lang['Only private albums are listed'] = 'Seuls les albums privés sont listés';
$lang['Operating system'] = "Système d'exploitation";
$lang['Options'] = "Options";
$lang['Other private albums'] = "Autres catégories privées";
$lang['Other private albums'] = 'Autres albums privés';
$lang['Page banner'] = "Bannière des pages";
$lang['Parent album'] = "Catégorie parente";
$lang['Parent album'] = 'Album parent';
$lang['Path'] = "Chemin";
$lang['Permalink'] = "Lien permanent";
$lang['Permalink %s has been previously used by album %s. Delete from the permalink history first'] = "Le lien permanent %s a été précédemment utilisé par la catégorie %s. Veuillez l'effacer de l'historique des liens permanents";
$lang['Permalink %s has been previously used by album %s. Delete from the permalink history first'] = 'Le lien permanent %s a été précédemment utilisé par l\'album %s. Veuillez l\'effacer de l\'historique des liens permanents';
$lang['The permalink name must be composed of a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "-", "_" or "/". It must not be numeric or start with number followed by "-"'] = "Le lien permanent ne doit contenir des caractères que parmi \"a-zA-Z0-9\", \"-\", \"_\" ou \"/\". Il ne doit pas être numérique ou commencer par un nombre suivi par \"-\"";
$lang['Permalink %s is already used by album %s'] = "Le lien permanent %s est déja utilisé par la catégorie %s";
$lang['Permalink %s is already used by album %s'] = 'Le lien permanent %s est déja utilisé par l\'album %s';
$lang['Permalink history'] = "Historique des liens permanents";
$lang['Permalinks'] = "Liens permanents";
$lang['Permission denied'] = "Accès interdit";
@ -152,19 +152,19 @@ $lang['Rating'] = "Notation";
$lang['Reject All'] = "Tout rejeter";
$lang['Reject'] = "Rejeter";
$lang['Representant'] = "Représentant";
$lang['Representation of albums'] = "Représentation des catégories";
$lang['Representation of albums'] = 'Représentation des albums';
$lang['Representative'] = "Représentant";
$lang['Represents'] = "Représente";
$lang['Save order'] = "Sauvegarder l'ordre";
$lang['Save to permalink history'] = "Sauvegarder dans l'historique des liens permanents";
$lang['Select at least one album'] = "Sélectionner au moins une catégorie";
$lang['Select at least one album'] = 'Sélectionner au moins un album';
$lang['Select at least one picture'] = "Sélectionner au moins une image";
$lang['Select at least one user'] = "Sélectionner au moins un utilisateur";
$lang['Show info'] = "Montrer les informations";
$lang['Site manager'] = "Gestionnaire des sites";
$lang['Status'] = "Statut";
$lang['Statistics'] = "Statistiques";
$lang['Storage album'] = "Catégorie de stockage";
$lang['Storage album'] = 'Album de stockage';
$lang['Sum of rates'] = "Somme des notes";
$lang['Tag "%s" already exists'] = "Le tag \"%s\" existe déjà";
$lang['Tag "%s" was added'] = "Le tag \"%s\" a été ajouté";
@ -180,30 +180,30 @@ $lang['Validate All'] = "Tout valider";
$lang['Validate'] = "Valider";
$lang['Validation'] = "Validation";
$lang['Version'] = "Version";
$lang['Virtual albums to move'] = "Catégories virtuelles à déplacer";
$lang['Virtual album name'] = "Nom de la catégorie virtuelle";
$lang['Virtual albums to move'] = 'Albums virtuels à déplacer';
$lang['Virtual album name'] = 'Nom de l\'album virtuel';
$lang['Webmaster cannot be deleted'] = "Le webmestre ne peut pas être supprimé";
$lang['You are running on development sources, no check possible.'] = "Vous travaillez avec les sources de développement, impossible de vérifier la dernière version.";
$lang['You cannot delete your account'] = "Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer votre compte";
$lang['You cannot move an album in its own sub album'] = "Vous ne pouvez pas déplacer une catégorie dans sa propre sous-catégorie";
$lang['You cannot move an album in its own sub album'] = 'Vous ne pouvez pas déplacer un album dans son propre sous-album';
$lang['You need to confirm deletion'] = "Vous devez confirmer la suppression";
$lang['add tags'] = "Ajouter les tags";
$lang['Adviser'] = "Conseiller";
$lang['Associate to album'] = "Associer à la catégorie";
$lang['Associate to album'] = 'Associer à l\'album';
$lang['associate to group'] = "Associer au groupe";
$lang['Authorized'] = "Autorisés";
$lang['Add a virtual album'] = "Ajouter une catégorie virtuelle";
$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected albums'] = "Autoriser les utilisateurs à ajouter des commentaires dans les catégories sélectionnées";
$lang['The name of an album must not be empty'] = "Le nom de la catégorie ne doit pas être vide";
$lang['Lock albums'] = "Verrouiller les catégories";
$lang['Private'] = "Catégorie privée";
$lang['Public'] = "Catégorie publique";
$lang['Add a virtual album'] = 'Ajouter un album virtuel';
$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected albums'] = 'Autoriser les utilisateurs à ajouter des commentaires dans les albums sélectionnés';
$lang['The name of an album must not be empty'] = 'Le nom de l\'album ne doit pas être vide';
$lang['Lock albums'] = 'Verrouiller les albums';
$lang['Private'] = 'Album privé';
$lang['Public'] = 'Album public';
$lang['Find a new representant by random'] = "Trouver un nouveau représentant au hasard";
$lang['Public / Private'] = "Publique / Privée";
$lang['Manage authorizations for selected albums'] = "Gérer le type d'accès pour les catégories sélectionnées";
$lang['Select uploadable albums'] = "Sélectionner les catégories autorisées à l'ajout";
$lang['Virtual album added'] = "Catégorie virtuelle ajoutée";
$lang['Virtual album deleted'] = "Catégorie virtuelle supprimée";
$lang['Manage authorizations for selected albums'] = 'Gérer le type d\'accès pour les albums sélectionnés';
$lang['Select uploadable albums'] = 'Sélectionner les albums autorisés à l\'ajout';
$lang['Virtual album added'] = 'Album virtuel ajouté';
$lang['Virtual album deleted'] = 'Album virtuel supprimé';
$lang['Access type'] = "Type d'accès";
$lang['Comments'] = "Commentaires";
$lang['Information data registered in database'] = "Informations enregistrées dans la base de données";
@ -215,11 +215,11 @@ $lang['The number of comments a page must be between 5 and 50 included.'] = "Le
$lang['Configuration'] = "Configuration";
$lang['confirm'] = "Confirmer";
$lang['Date'] = "Date";
$lang['delete album'] = "supprimer la catégorie";
$lang['Dissociate from album'] = "Dissocier de la catégorie";
$lang['delete album'] = 'supprimer l\'album';
$lang['Dissociate from album'] = 'Dissocier de l\'album';
$lang['dissociate from group'] = "Dissocier du groupe";
$lang['edit album permissions'] = "Modifier les permissions de la catégorie";
$lang['Album updated successfully'] = "Les informations de la catégorie ont été mises à jour avec succès.";
$lang['edit album permissions'] = 'Modifier les permissions de l\'album';
$lang['Album updated successfully'] = 'Les informations de l\'album ont été mises à jour avec succès.';
$lang['Authorize upload'] = "Autoriser l'ajout d'images";
$lang['elements per page'] = "Nombre d'éléments par page à afficher";
$lang['elements'] = "éléments";
@ -237,13 +237,13 @@ $lang['The name of a group must not contain " or \' or be empty.'] = "Le nom du
$lang['This name is already used by another group.'] = "Ce nom est déjà utilisé par un autre groupe.";
$lang[''] = "";
$lang['High definition'] = "Haute définition";
$lang['jump to album'] = "Se rendre dans la catégorie";
$lang['jump to album'] = 'Se rendre dans l\'album';
$lang['jump to image'] = "Se rendre à l'image";
$lang['leave'] = "laisser";
$lang['Lock'] = "Verrouiller";
$lang['Locked'] = "Verrouillées";
$lang['manage album elements'] = "Gérer les éléments de la catégorie";
$lang['manage sub-albums'] = "Gérer les sous-catégories";
$lang['manage album elements'] = 'Gérer les éléments de l\'album';
$lang['manage sub-albums'] = 'Gérer les sous-albums';
$lang['Manage'] = "Gérer";
$lang['maximum height'] = "Hauteur maximum";
$lang['maximum width'] = "Largeur maximum";
@ -355,15 +355,15 @@ $lang['synchronize'] = "synchroniser";
$lang['update the database from files'] = "met à jour la base de données à partir des fichiers";
$lang['status'] = "Statut";
$lang['Directory'] = "Répertoire";
$lang['sub-albums'] = "sous-catégories";
$lang['sub-albums'] = 'sous-albums';
$lang['synchronize metadata'] = "Synchroniser les méta-données";
$lang['target'] = "Cible";
$lang['Thumbnail'] = "Miniature";
$lang['title'] = "Titre";
$lang['Album list management'] = "Gestion des catégories";
$lang['Album list management'] = 'Gestion des albums';
$lang['Piwigo configuration'] = "Configuration de Piwigo";
$lang['Piwigo administration'] = "Administration de Piwigo";
$lang['Edit album'] = "Modifier une catégorie";
$lang['Edit album'] = 'Modifier un album';
$lang['Group management'] = "Gestion des groupes";
$lang['User list'] = "Liste des utilisateurs";
$lang['Modify informations about a picture'] = "Modifier les informations d'une image";
@ -391,12 +391,12 @@ $lang['for this file format'] = "pour ce format de fichier";
$lang['unit mode'] = "Mode unitaire";
$lang['Unlocked'] = "Déverrouillées";
$lang['unset'] = "vider";
$lang['Update albums informations'] = "Mettre à jour les informations des catégories";
$lang['Update albums informations'] = 'Mettre à jour les informations des albums';
$lang['Update images informations'] = "Mettre à jour les informations des images";
$lang['Synchronize'] = "Synchroniser";
$lang['reduce to single existing albums'] = "Traiter uniquement une catégorie";
$lang['reduce to single existing albums'] = 'Traiter uniquement un album';
$lang['Choose an option'] = "Choisir une option";
$lang['display maximum informations (added albums and elements, deleted albums and elements)'] = "Afficher un maximum d'informations (catégories ajoutées, éléments ajoutés, catégories et éléments supprimés)";
$lang['display maximum informations (added albums and elements, deleted albums and elements)'] = 'Afficher un maximum d\'informations (albums ajoutés, photos ajoutées, albums et photos supprimées)';
$lang['Piwigo version differs on the remote site'] = "La version Piwigo sur le site distant est différente";
$lang['Version of create_listing_file.php on the remote site and Piwigo must be the same'] = "Les version de create_listing_file.php sur le site distant et Piwigo doivent être les mêmes";
$lang['listing.xml file was not found'] = "le fichier listing.xml est introuvable";
@ -406,14 +406,14 @@ $lang['Errors caption'] = "Légende des erreurs";
$lang['Detailed informations'] = "Informations détaillées";
$lang['File/directory read error'] = "Erreur d'ouverture fichier/répertoire";
$lang['The file or directory cannot be accessed (either it does not exist or the access is denied)'] = "Le fichier ou répertoire ne peut pas être accessible (soit il n'existe pas, soit l'accès est refusé)";
$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory "thumbnail" of the album directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = "Chaque fichier image requiert une miniature. La miniature doit être présente dans le sous-répertoire \"thumbnail\" du répertoire de la catégorie. Le nom du fichier de la miniature doit commencer avec le paramètre de configuration \"prefix_thumbnail\" et l'extension du nom du fichier doit être parmi la liste suivante :";
$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory "thumbnail" of the album directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = 'Chaque photo requiert une miniature. La miniature doit être présente dans le sous-répertoire \"thumbnail\" du répertoire de l\'album. Le nom du fichier de la miniature doit commencer avec le paramètre de configuration \"prefix_thumbnail\" et l\'extension du nom du fichier doit être parmi la liste suivante :';
$lang['missing thumbnail'] = "miniature manquante";
$lang['albums deleted in the database'] = "catégories supprimées de la base de données";
$lang['albums deleted in the database'] = 'albums supprimés de la base de données';
$lang['elements deleted in the database'] = "éléments supprimés de la base de données";
$lang['images candidates for metadata synchronization'] = "images candidates à la synchronisation avec les méta-données";
$lang['elements informations synchronized with files metadata'] = "informations des images synchronisées avec les méta-données";
$lang['errors during synchronization'] = "erreurs survenues durant la synchronisation";
$lang['albums added in the database'] = "catégories ajoutées dans la base de données";
$lang['albums added in the database'] = 'albums ajoutés dans la base de données';
$lang['elements added in the database'] = "éléments ajoutés dans la base de données";
$lang['elements updated in the database'] = "éléments mis à jour dans la base de données";
$lang['Search for new images in the directories'] = "Chercher les nouvelles images dans les répertoires";
@ -438,14 +438,14 @@ $lang['user_status_generic'] = "Générique";
$lang['user_status_guest'] = "Invité";
$lang['user_status_normal'] = "Visiteur";
$lang['user_status_webmaster'] = "Webmestre";
$lang['Virtual album'] = "Catégorie virtuelle";
$lang['Virtual album'] = 'Album virtuel';
$lang['Waiting'] = "En attente";
$lang['default'] = "par défaut";
$lang['Toggle \'default group\' property'] = "Inverser la propriété 'groupe par défaut'";
$lang['Advanced features'] = "Fonctions avancées";
$lang['Not linked elements'] = "Eléments non liés";
$lang['Specials'] = "Spéciales";
$lang['Files with same name in more than one physical album'] = "Fichiers portant le même nom dans plusieurs catégories physiques";
$lang['Files with same name in more than one physical album'] = 'Fichiers portant le même nom dans plusieurs albums physiques';
$lang['Overall'] = "Vue globale";
$lang['Year'] = "Année";
$lang['Month'] = "Mois";
@ -463,10 +463,10 @@ $lang['Save page visits by administrators'] = "Enregistrer les pages visitées p
$lang['An information email was sent to group "%s"'] = "Un mail d'informations a été envoyé aux membres du groupe \"%s\"";
$lang['Send an information email to group members'] = "Envoyer un mail d'informations aux membres d'un groupe";
$lang['Group'] = "Groupe";
$lang['[%s] Visit album %s'] = "[%s] Venez visiter la catégorie %s";
$lang['[%s] Visit album %s'] = '[%s] Venez visiter l\'album %s';
$lang['Hello,'] = "Bonjour,";
$lang['See you soon.'] = "A bientôt.";
$lang['Discover album:'] = "Venez découvrir la catégorie:";
$lang['Discover album:'] = 'Venez découvrir l\'album:';
$lang['Mail content'] = "Contenu du mail";
$lang['none'] = "aucun";
$lang['high'] = "high";
@ -590,13 +590,13 @@ $lang['Templates configuration has been recorded.'] = "La configuration des temp
$lang['All optimizations have been successfully completed.'] = "Toutes les optimisations ont été réalisées avec succès.";
$lang['Optimizations have been completed with some errors.'] = "Les optimisations réalisées comportent certaines erreurs.";
$lang['Modify information'] = "Modifier les informations";
$lang['edit album'] = "éditer les informations de cette catégorie";
$lang['edit album'] = 'éditer les informations de cet album';
$lang['nothing'] = "Rien";
$lang['overrides existing values with empty ones'] = "Ecraser les données existantes avec des données vides";
$lang['manage image ranks'] = "gérer l'ordre des images";
$lang['Manage image ranks'] = "Gérer l'ordre des images";
$lang['Edit ranks'] = "Modifier l'ordre";
$lang['No element in this album'] = "Aucun élément dans cette catégorie";
$lang['No element in this album'] = 'Aucun élément dans cet album';
$lang['Images manual order was saved'] = "L'ordre manuel des images a été sauvegardé";
$lang['ranks'] = "rangs";
$lang['By rank'] = "Par le rang";
@ -637,18 +637,18 @@ $lang['Set as default theme for unregistered and new users'] = "Thème par défa
$lang['unknown'] = 'inconnu';
$lang['Upload Photos'] = 'Ajoutez des photos';
$lang['Drop into album'] = 'Déposer dans une catégorie';
$lang['Drop into album'] = 'Mettre dans un album';
$lang['+ Add an upload box'] = '+ Ajouter une autre boîte de transfert';
$lang['Create the "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'Créez le répertoire "%s" à la racine de votre installation Piwigo';
$lang['Give write access (chmod 777) to "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'Donnez les droits en écriture (chmod 777) sur le répertoire "%s" à la racine de votre installation Piwigo';
$lang['existing album'] = 'catégorie existante';
$lang['create a new album'] = 'créer une nouvelle catégorie';
$lang['Album name'] = 'Nom de la catégorie';
$lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = 'La catégorie "%s" a été ajoutée';
$lang['existing album'] = 'album existant';
$lang['create a new album'] = 'créer un nouvel album';
$lang['Album name'] = 'Nom de l\'album';
$lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = 'l\'album "%s" a été ajouté';
$lang['Uploaded Photos'] = 'Photos ajoutées ';
$lang['%d photos uploaded'] = '%d photos ajoutées';
$lang['Privacy level set to "%s"'] = 'Niveau de confidentialité "%s"';
$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = 'La catégorie "%s" contient désormais %d photos';
$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = 'l\'album "%s" contient désormais %d photos';
$lang['Manage this set of %d photos'] = 'Gérer ce lot de %d photos';
$lang['Select files'] = 'Choisir des fichiers';
$lang['JPEG files or ZIP archives with JPEG files inside please.'] = 'Fichiers JPEG ou archives ZIP contenant des fichiers JPEG s\'il vous plaît.';

View file

@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ $lang_info['zero_plural'] = false;
$lang['%.2f (rated %d times)'] = '%.2f (notée %d fois)';
$lang['%d Kb'] = '%d Ko';
$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d catégorie mise à jour';
$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d catégories mises à jour';
$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d album mis à jour';
$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d albums mis à jour';
$lang['%d comment to validate'] = '%d commentaire utilisateur à valider';
$lang['%d comments to validate'] = '%d commentaires utilisateurs à valider';
$lang['%d new comment'] = '%d nouveau commentaire utilisateur';
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ $lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Au moins un des critère
$lang['At least one tag must match'] = 'Au moins un tag doit correspondre';
$lang['Author'] = 'Auteur';
$lang['Average rate'] = 'Note moyenne';
$lang['Albums'] = 'Catégories';
$lang['Album'] = 'Catégorie';
$lang['Albums'] = 'Albums';
$lang['Album'] = 'Album';
$lang['Close this window'] = 'Fermer cette fenêtre';
$lang['Complete RSS feed (images, comments)'] = 'Flux RSS complet (images, commentaires)';
$lang['Confirm Password'] = 'Confirmer le mot de passe';
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ $lang['Sort by'] = 'Trier selon';
$lang['Sort order'] = 'Ordre de tri';
$lang['Tag'] = 'Tag';
$lang['Tags'] = 'Tags';
$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'Le flux RSS notifie les événements de la galerie : nouvelles images, catégories mises à jour, nouveaux commentaires utilisateurs. À utiliser avec un lecteur de flux RSS.';
$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'Le flux RSS notifie les événements de la galerie : nouvelles photos, albums mis à jour, nouveaux commentaires utilisateur. À utiliser avec un lecteur de flux RSS.';
$lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = 'Identifiant de flux inconnu';
$lang['User comments'] = 'Commentaires utilisateur';
$lang['Username'] = 'Nom d\'utilisateur';
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ $lang['Adviser mode enabled'] = 'Mode conseiller actif';
$lang['all'] = 'tout';
$lang['ascending'] = 'croissant';
$lang['author(s) : %s'] = 'auteur(s) : %s';
$lang['Expand all albums'] = 'Développer toutes les catégories';
$lang['Expand all albums'] = 'Développer tous les albums';
$lang['posted after %s (%s)'] = 'mis en ligne après le %s (%s)';
$lang['posted before %s (%s)'] = 'mis en ligne avant le %s (%s)';
$lang['posted between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'mis en ligne entre le %s (%s) et le %s (%s)';
@ -188,15 +188,15 @@ $lang['Page generated in'] = 'Page fabriquée en';
$lang['guest'] = 'visiteur';
$lang['Hello'] = 'Bonjour';
$lang['available for administrators only'] = 'disponible uniquement pour les administrateurs';
$lang['shows images at the root of this album'] = 'montre les images à la racine de cette catégorie';
$lang['shows images at the root of this album'] = 'montre les photos à la racine de cet album';
$lang['See last users comments'] = 'Voir les derniers commentaires utilisateurs';
$lang['customize the appareance of the gallery'] = 'personnaliser l\'apparence de la galerie';
$lang['search'] = 'recherche';
$lang['Home'] = 'Accueil';
$lang['Identification'] = 'Identification';
$lang['in this album'] = 'dans cette catégorie';
$lang['in %d sub-album'] = 'dans %d sous-catégorie';
$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = 'dans %d sous-catégories';
$lang['in this album'] = 'dans cet album';
$lang['in %d sub-album'] = 'dans %d sous-album';
$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = 'dans %d sous-albums';
$lang['included'] = 'inclus';
$lang['Invalid password!'] = 'Mot de passe invalide !';
$lang['Language'] = 'Langue';
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ $lang['Maximum height must be a number superior to 50'] = 'La hauteur maximum de
$lang['Maximum width of the pictures'] = 'Largeur maximum des images';
$lang['Maximum width must be a number superior to 50'] = 'La largeur des images doit être supérieure à 50';
$lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = 'afficher un calendrier par date de création';
$lang['display all elements in all sub-albums'] = 'afficher à plat les éléments des catégories et des sous-catégories';
$lang['display all elements in all sub-albums'] = 'afficher à plat les photos des albums et des sous-albums';
$lang['return to normal view mode'] = 'retourner à la vue normale';
$lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = 'afficher un calendrier par date d\'ajout';
$lang['month'][10] = 'Octobre';
@ -248,8 +248,8 @@ $lang['Preferences'] = 'Préférences';
$lang['Previous'] = 'Précédente';
$lang['Random pictures'] = 'Images au hasard';
$lang['display a set of random pictures'] = 'afficher un ensemble d\'images prises au hasard';
$lang['Recent albums'] = 'Catégories récentes';
$lang['display recently updated albums'] = 'afficher les catégories récemment mises à jour ou créées';
$lang['Recent albums'] = 'Albums récents';
$lang['display recently updated albums'] = 'afficher les albums récemment mis à jour ou créés';
$lang['Recent period'] = 'Période récente';
$lang['Recent pictures'] = 'Images récentes';
$lang['display most recent pictures'] = 'afficher les images les plus récentes';
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ $lang['remove this tag from the list'] = 'retirer ce tag de la liste';
$lang['representative'] = 'représentante';
$lang['return to homepage'] = 'retour à la page d\'accueil';
$lang['Search for Author'] = 'Rechercher un auteur';
$lang['Search in albums'] = 'Rechercher dans les catégories';
$lang['Search in albums'] = 'Rechercher dans les albums';
$lang['Search by Date'] = 'Recherche par date';
$lang['Date'] = 'Date';
$lang['End-Date'] = 'Date de fin';
@ -276,10 +276,10 @@ $lang['Search for any terms'] = 'Rechercher un des mots';
$lang['Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'] = 'Requête vide. Aucun critère saisi.';
$lang['Search Options'] = 'Options de recherche';
$lang['Search results'] = 'Résultats de recherche';
$lang['Search in sub-albums'] = 'Rechercher dans les sous-catégories';
$lang['Search in sub-albums'] = 'Rechercher dans les sous-albums';
$lang['searched words : %s'] = 'mots recherchés : %s';
$lang['Contact'] = 'Contacter';
$lang['set as album representative'] = 'Choisir comme représentante de cette catégorie';
$lang['set as album representative'] = 'Choisir comme représentante de cet album';
$lang['Show number of comments'] = 'Montrer le nombre de commentaires';
$lang['Show number of hits'] = 'Montrer le nombre de visualisations';
$lang['slideshow'] = 'diaporama';
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ $lang['User: %s'] = 'Utilisateur: %s';
$lang['Email: %s'] = 'Email : %s';
$lang['Admin: %s'] = 'Administration : %s';
$lang['Registration of %s'] = 'Enregistrement de %s';
$lang['Album: %s'] = 'Catégorie : %s';
$lang['Album: %s'] = 'Album : %s';
$lang['Picture name: %s'] = 'Nom de l\'image : %s';
$lang['Creation date: %s'] = 'Date de création : %d';
$lang['Waiting page: %s'] = 'Page en attente : %s';
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ $lang['Bad status for user "guest", using default status. Please notify the webm
// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from Butterfly (2.0)
$lang['Administrator, webmaster and special user cannot use this method'] = 'Administrateur, webmestre et utilisateur spécial ne peuvent pas utiliser cette méthode';
$lang['a user use already this mail address'] = 'un autre utilisateur utilise déjà cette adresse e-mail';
$lang['Album results for'] = 'Résultats des catégories pour';
$lang['Album results for'] = 'Résultats des albums pour';
$lang['Tag results for'] = 'Résultats des tags pour';
$lang['from %s to %s'] = 'du %s au %s';
$lang['Play of slideshow'] = 'Lecture du diaporama';

View file

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ $lang['Perform a maintenance check in [Administration>Tools>Maintenance] if you
$lang['As a precaution, following plugins have been deactivated. You must check for plugins upgrade before reactiving them:'] = "Par précaution, les plugins suivants ont été désactivés. Vérifiez s'il existe des mises à jour avant de les réactiver:";
$lang['Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.'] = "Seul un administrateur peut lancer la mise à jour: veuillez vous identifier ci-dessous.";
$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = "Vous n'avez pas les droits nécessaires pour lancer la mise à jour.";
$lang['All sub-albums of private albums become private'] = "Toutes les sous-catégories de catégories privées deviennent privées";
$lang['All sub-albums of private albums become private'] = 'Toutes les sous-albums des albums privés deviennent privés';
$lang['User permissions and group permissions have been erased'] = "Les permissions des utilisateurs et des groupes ont été effacées";
$lang['Only thumbnails prefix and webmaster mail address have been saved from previous configuration'] = "Seuls le préfixe des miniatures et l'adresse email du webmestre ont étés conservés de la précédente configuration";
$lang['In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = 'Dans le fichier <i>%s</i>, avant <b>?></b>, insérez:';

View file

@ -23,14 +23,14 @@
$lang['%d association'] = '%d hozzárendelés (fizikai és virtuális)';
$lang['%d associations'] = '%d hozzárendelés (fizikai és virtuális)';
$lang['%d album including'] = '%d kategória ';
$lang['%d albums including'] = '%d kategória ';
$lang['%d album including'] = '%d album ';
$lang['%d albums including'] = '%d album ';
$lang['%d physical'] = '%d fizikai';
$lang['%d physical'] = '%d fizikai';
$lang[' and %d virtual'] = ' és %d virtuális';
$lang[' and %d virtual'] = ' és %d virtuális';
$lang['%d album moved'] = '%d Kategória áthelyezése';
$lang['%d albums moved'] = '%d Kategória áthelyezése';
$lang['%d album moved'] = '%d Album áthelyezése';
$lang['%d albums moved'] = '%d Album áthelyezése';
$lang['%d group'] = '%d csoport';
$lang['%d groups'] = '%d csoport';
$lang['%d member'] = '%d tag';
@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ $lang['Add group'] = 'Csoport hozzáadása';
$lang['Add selected elements to caddie'] = 'A kiválasztott elemeket a kosárba';
$lang['Add'] = 'Hozzáadás';
$lang['Allow user registration'] = 'Regisztráció engedélyezése';
$lang['Apply to sub-albums'] = 'Alkategóriákra is';
$lang['Apply to sub-albums'] = 'Belső albumokra is';
$lang['Associated'] = 'Hozzárendelve';
$lang['Batch management'] = 'Csoportos kezelés';
$lang['Caddie management'] = 'Kosár kezelése';
$lang['Caddie'] = 'Kosár';
$lang['Albums authorized thanks to group associations'] = 'A kategóriák csoport tagsága';
$lang['Album manual order was saved'] = 'Kategóriák sorrendjének mentése megtörtént';
$lang['Album elements associated to the following albums: %s'] = 'A kategória elemeinek a következő kategóriához rendelése: %s';
$lang['Albums authorized thanks to group associations'] = 'Az albumok csoport tagsága';
$lang['Album manual order was saved'] = 'Albumok sorrendjének mentése megtörtént';
$lang['Album elements associated to the following albums: %s'] = 'Az album elemeinek a következő albumhoz rendelése: %s';
$lang['Check for upgrade failed for unknown reasons.'] = 'A program frissítése ismeretlen okból nem sikerült.';
$lang['Check for upgrade'] = 'Frissítés keresése';
$lang['Comments for all'] = 'Bárki hozzászólhat';
@ -102,37 +102,37 @@ $lang['Guests'] = 'Vendégek';
$lang['History'] = 'Statisztikák';
$lang['Informations'] = 'Információk';
$lang['Install'] = 'Telepítés';
$lang['Link all album elements to a new album'] = 'A kategória összes elemének új kategóriához rendelése';
$lang['Link all album elements to some existing albums'] = 'A kategória összes elemének már meglévő kategóriához rendelése';
$lang['Linked albums'] = 'Linkelt kategóriák';
$lang['Link all album elements to a new album'] = 'Az album összes elemének új albumhoz rendelése';
$lang['Link all album elements to some existing albums'] = 'Az album összes elemének már meglévő albumhoz rendelése';
$lang['Linked albums'] = 'Linkelt albumok';
$lang['Lock gallery'] = 'Galéria lezárása';
$lang['Maintenance'] = 'Karbantartás';
$lang['Edit album permissions'] = 'Kategória jogosultságainak kezelése';
$lang['Edit album permissions'] = 'Album jogosultságainak kezelése';
$lang['Manage permissions for group "%s"'] = '"%s" csoport jogosultságainak kezelése';
$lang['Manage permissions for user "%s"'] = '"%s" felhasználó jogosultságainak kezelése';
$lang['Manage tags'] = 'Címkék kezelése';
$lang['Members'] = 'Tagok';
$lang['Metadata synchronized from file'] = 'Meta adatok fájlból történő szinkronizálása';
$lang['Move albums'] = 'Kategóriák áthelyezése';
$lang['Move albums'] = 'Albumok áthelyezése';
$lang['Move'] = 'Áthelyezés';
$lang['Name'] = 'Név';
$lang['New name'] = 'Új név';
$lang['New parent album'] = 'Új szülő kategória';
$lang['New parent album'] = 'Új szülő album';
$lang['New tag'] = 'Új címke';
$lang['Number of comments per page'] = 'Hozzászólások száma oldalanként';
$lang['Number of rates'] = 'Értékelések száma';
$lang['Number of thumbnails to create'] = 'Elkészítendő bélyegképek száma';
$lang['Only private albums are listed'] = 'Csak privát kategóriák megjelenítése';
$lang['Only private albums are listed'] = 'Csak privát albumok megjelenítése';
$lang['Operating system'] = 'Operációs rendszer';
$lang['Options'] = 'Beállítások';
$lang['Other private albums'] = 'Más privát kategóriák';
$lang['Other private albums'] = 'Más privát albumok';
$lang['Page banner'] = 'Oldal fejléc';
$lang['Parent album'] = 'Szülő kategória';
$lang['Parent album'] = 'Szülő album';
$lang['Path'] = 'Elérési út';
$lang['Permalink'] = 'Közvetlen link';
$lang['Permalink %s has been previously used by album %s. Delete from the permalink history first'] = 'A(z) %s közvetlen link név korábban létrehozva a(z) %s kategória számára. Törölni kell a közvetlen link előzményekből.';
$lang['Permalink %s has been previously used by album %s. Delete from the permalink history first'] = 'A(z) %s közvetlen link név korábban létrehozva a(z) %s album számára. Törölni kell a közvetlen link előzményekből.';
$lang['The permalink name must be composed of a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "-", "_" or "/". It must not be numeric or start with number followed by "-"'] = 'A közvetlen linkek a következő karakterekből állhatnak: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "-" vagy "_". Nem kezdődhetnek számmal vagy "-" karakterrel';
$lang['Permalink %s is already used by album %s'] = 'A(z) %s közvetlen link név a(z) %s kategória számára lefoglalva. Válasszon másikat!';
$lang['Permalink %s is already used by album %s'] = 'A(z) %s közvetlen link név a(z) %s album számára lefoglalva. Válasszon másikat!';
$lang['Permalink history'] = 'Közvetlen link előzmények';
$lang['Permalinks'] = 'Közvetlen linkek';
$lang['Permission denied'] = 'Hozzáférés megtagadva';
@ -150,19 +150,19 @@ $lang['Rating'] = 'Értékelés';
$lang['Reject All'] = 'Mind elvetése';
$lang['Reject'] = 'Elvetés';
$lang['Representant'] = 'Reprezentál';
$lang['Representation of albums'] = 'Kategóriák reprezentálása';
$lang['Representation of albums'] = 'Albumok reprezentálása';
$lang['Representative'] = 'Reprezentatív';
$lang['Represents'] = 'Reprezentál';
$lang['Save order'] = 'Sorrend mentése';
$lang['Save to permalink history'] = 'Közvetlen link előzmények mentése';
$lang['Select at least one album'] = 'Legalább egy kategóriát ki kell választani';
$lang['Select at least one album'] = 'Legalább egy albumot ki kell választani';
$lang['Select at least one picture'] = 'Legalább egy képet ki kell választani';
$lang['Select at least one user'] = 'Legalább egy felhasználót ki kell választani';
$lang['Show info'] = 'Információ megjelenítése';
$lang['Site manager'] = 'Oldalak';
$lang['Status'] = 'Státusz';
$lang['Statistics'] = 'Statisztika';
$lang['Storage album'] = 'Tárolt kategória';
$lang['Storage album'] = 'Tárolt album';
$lang['Sum of rates'] = 'Pontszámok összege';
$lang['Tag "%s" already exists'] = '"%s" címke már létezik!';
$lang['Tag "%s" was added'] = '"%s" címke hozzáadva';
@ -177,30 +177,30 @@ $lang['Validate All'] = 'Összes engedélyezése';
$lang['Validate'] = 'Engedélyezés';
$lang['Validation'] = 'Engedélyezés szükséges';
$lang['Version'] = 'Verzió';
$lang['Virtual albums to move'] = 'Virtuális kategóriák kijelölése áthelyezésre';
$lang['Virtual album name'] = 'Virtuális kategória neve';
$lang['Virtual albums to move'] = 'Virtuális albumok kijelölése áthelyezésre';
$lang['Virtual album name'] = 'Virtuális album neve';
$lang['Webmaster cannot be deleted'] = 'Na jó...azért a webmestert ne töröljük...';
$lang['You are running on development sources, no check possible.'] = 'Ez egy fejlesztői változat, keresés lehetetlen.';
$lang['You cannot delete your account'] = "Nem törölheti a fiókját";
$lang['You cannot move an album in its own sub album'] = 'A kategóriát lehetetlen az alkategóriájába helyezni';
$lang['You cannot move an album in its own sub album'] = 'Az albumot lehetetlen a belső albumjába helyezni';
$lang['You need to confirm deletion'] = 'A törléshez megerősítés szükséges';
$lang['add tags'] = 'Címke hozzáadása';
$lang['Adviser'] = 'Tanácsadó';
$lang['Associate to album'] = 'Hozzárendelés kategóriához';
$lang['Associate to album'] = 'Hozzárendelés albumhoz';
$lang['associate to group'] = 'Hozzárendelés csoporthoz';
$lang['Authorized'] = 'Engedélyezve';
$lang['Add a virtual album'] = 'Virtuális kategória hozzáadása';
$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected albums'] = 'Hozzászólás engedélyezése a kiválasztott kategóriákhoz';
$lang['The name of an album must not be empty'] = 'A kategória nevét meg kell adni';
$lang['Lock albums'] = 'Kategória lezárása';
$lang['Private'] = 'Privát kategória';
$lang['Public'] = 'Nyilvános kategória';
$lang['Add a virtual album'] = 'Virtuális album hozzáadása';
$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected albums'] = 'Hozzászólás engedélyezése a kiválasztott albumokhoz';
$lang['The name of an album must not be empty'] = 'Az album nevét meg kell adni';
$lang['Lock albums'] = 'Album lezárása';
$lang['Private'] = 'Privát album';
$lang['Public'] = 'Nyilvános album';
$lang['Find a new representant by random'] = 'Új kategória-képviselő véletlenszerű kiválasztása';
$lang['Public / Private'] = 'Nyilvános / Privát';
$lang['Manage authorizations for selected albums'] = 'A kiválasztott kategóriák engedélyeinek kezelése';
$lang['Select uploadable albums'] = 'Feltöltés engedélyezése a kiválasztott kategóriákba';
$lang['Virtual album added'] = 'Virtuális kategória hozzáadva';
$lang['Virtual album deleted'] = 'Virtuális kategória törölve';
$lang['Manage authorizations for selected albums'] = 'A kiválasztott albumok engedélyeinek kezelése';
$lang['Select uploadable albums'] = 'Feltöltés engedélyezése a kiválasztott albumokba';
$lang['Virtual album added'] = 'Virtuális album hozzáadva';
$lang['Virtual album deleted'] = 'Virtuális album törölve';
$lang['Access type'] = 'Hozzáférés típusa';
$lang['Comments'] = 'Hozzászólások';
$lang['Information data registered in database'] = 'Az információk bekerültek az adatbázisba';
@ -211,11 +211,11 @@ $lang['The number of comments a page must be between 5 and 50 included.'] = 'A f
$lang['Configuration'] = 'Beállítások';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Megerősítés';
$lang['Date'] = 'Dátum';
$lang['delete album'] = 'Kategória törlése';
$lang['Dissociate from album'] = 'Eltávolítás a kategóriából';
$lang['delete album'] = 'Album törlése';
$lang['Dissociate from album'] = 'Eltávolítás az albumból';
$lang['dissociate from group'] = 'Eltávolítás a csoportból';
$lang['edit album permissions'] = 'Kategóriák hozzáféréseinek módosítása';
$lang['Album updated successfully'] = 'A kategória információinak módosítása megtörtént.';
$lang['edit album permissions'] = 'Albumok hozzáféréseinek módosítása';
$lang['Album updated successfully'] = 'Az album információinak módosítása megtörtént.';
$lang['Authorize upload'] = 'Feltöltés engedélyezése';
$lang['elements per page'] = 'Képek száma oldalanként';
$lang['elements'] = 'Kép';
@ -232,13 +232,13 @@ $lang['group'] = 'Csoport';
$lang['The name of a group must not contain " or \' or be empty.'] = 'A csoportnév nem tartalmazhat " vagy \' karaktert, vagy nem lehet üres.';
$lang['This name is already used by another group.'] = 'Ez a név már használatban van a másik csoportban.';
$lang['High definition'] = 'Kiemelt hozzáférés';
$lang['jump to album'] = 'Kategóriához ugrás';
$lang['jump to album'] = 'Albumhoz ugrás';
$lang['jump to image'] = 'Képhez ugrás';
$lang['leave'] = 'Nem változtat';
$lang['Lock'] = 'Lezárás';
$lang['Locked'] = 'Lezárt';
$lang['manage album elements'] = 'Kategória elemeinek kezelése';
$lang['manage sub-albums'] = 'Alkategóriák kezelése';
$lang['manage album elements'] = 'Album elemeinek kezelése';
$lang['manage sub-albums'] = 'Belső albumok kezelése';
$lang['Manage'] = 'Kezelés';
$lang['maximum height'] = 'Maximális magasság';
$lang['maximum width'] = 'Maximális szélesség';
@ -348,15 +348,15 @@ $lang['synchronize'] = 'Szinkronizálás';
$lang['update the database from files'] = 'adatbázis frissítése fájlokból';
$lang['status'] = 'Státusz';
$lang['Directory'] = 'Könyvtár';
$lang['sub-albums'] = 'Alkategóriák';
$lang['sub-albums'] = 'Belső albumok';
$lang['synchronize metadata'] = 'Meta adatok szinkronizálása';
$lang['target'] = 'Cél';
$lang['Thumbnail'] = 'Bélyegkép';
$lang['title'] = 'Cím';
$lang['Album list management'] = 'Kategóriák kezelése';
$lang['Album list management'] = 'Albumok kezelése';
$lang['Piwigo configuration'] = 'Piwigo konfiguráció';
$lang['Piwigo administration'] = 'Piwigo adminisztráció';
$lang['Edit album'] = 'Kategória javítása';
$lang['Edit album'] = 'Album javítása';
$lang['Group management'] = 'Csoportok kezelése';
$lang['User list'] = 'Felhasználók listája';
$lang['Modify informations about a picture'] = 'Képinformációk módosítása';
@ -384,12 +384,12 @@ $lang['for this file format'] = 'formátum';
$lang['unit mode'] = 'Képenként';
$lang['Unlocked'] = 'Zárolatlan';
$lang['unset'] = 'Eltávolítás';
$lang['Update albums informations'] = 'Kategóriák információinak frissítése';
$lang['Update albums informations'] = 'Albumok információinak frissítése';
$lang['Update images informations'] = 'Képek információinak frissítése';
$lang['Synchronize'] = 'Szinkronizálás';
$lang['reduce to single existing albums'] = 'Szűkítés egy már meglévő kategóriára';
$lang['reduce to single existing albums'] = 'Szűkítés egy már meglévő albumra';
$lang['Choose an option'] = 'Válasszon az alábbi lehetőségek közül';
$lang['display maximum informations (added albums and elements, deleted albums and elements)'] = 'Összes információ megjelenítése (hozzáadott kategóriák és elemek, törölt kategóriák és elemek)';
$lang['display maximum informations (added albums and elements, deleted albums and elements)'] = 'Összes információ megjelenítése (hozzáadott albumok és elemek, törölt albumok és elemek)';
$lang['Piwigo version differs on the remote site'] = 'Piwigo verzió eltér a távoli oldalon';
$lang['Version of create_listing_file.php on the remote site and Piwigo must be the same'] = 'A create_listing_file.php verziójának azonosnak kell lenni a távoli oldalon lévővel';
$lang['listing.xml file was not found'] = 'listing.xml fájl nem található';
@ -399,14 +399,14 @@ $lang['Errors caption'] = 'Címsor hiba';
$lang['Detailed informations'] = 'Részletes információk';
$lang['File/directory read error'] = 'Fájl/Mappa olvasási hiba';
$lang['The file or directory cannot be accessed (either it does not exist or the access is denied)'] = 'A fájl vagy mappa hozzáférhetetlen (vagy nem létezik, vagy hozzáférés megtagadva)';
$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory "thumbnail" of the album directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = 'A képeknek rendelkezniük kell bélyegképpel. A bélyegképnek a kép mappájának "thumbnail" almappájában kell lennie. A bélyegkép nevének a meghatározott előtaggal kell kezdődnie, és a következő kiterjesztése lehet:';
$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory "thumbnail" of the album directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = 'A képeknek rendelkezniük kell bélyegképpel. A bélyegképnek a kép mappájának \'thumbnail\' almappájában kell lennie. A bélyegkép nevének a meghatározott előtaggal kell kezdődnie, és a következő kiterjesztése lehet:';
$lang['missing thumbnail'] = 'bélyegkép hiányzik';
$lang['albums deleted in the database'] = 'adatbázisból törölt kategória';
$lang['albums deleted in the database'] = 'album törölve az adatbázisból';
$lang['elements deleted in the database'] = 'adatbázisból törölt elem';
$lang['images candidates for metadata synchronization'] = 'kép meta adatainak szinkronizálása';
$lang['elements informations synchronized with files metadata'] = 'elem meta adatainak szinkronizálása';
$lang['errors during synchronization'] = 'hiba történt a szinkronizálás során';
$lang['albums added in the database'] = 'kategória hozzáadva az adatbázishoz';
$lang['albums added in the database'] = 'album hozzáadva az adatbázishoz';
$lang['elements added in the database'] = 'elem hozzáadva az adatbázishoz';
$lang['elements updated in the database'] = 'elem frissítve az adatbázisban';
$lang['Search for new images in the directories'] = 'Új képek keresése a mappákban';
@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ $lang['user_status_generic'] = 'Átlagos';
$lang['user_status_guest'] = 'Vendég';
$lang['user_status_normal'] = 'Felhasználó';
$lang['user_status_webmaster'] = 'Webmester';
$lang['Virtual album'] = 'Virtuális kategória';
$lang['Virtual album'] = 'Virtuális album';
$lang['Waiting'] = 'Várakozó elemek';
$lang['default'] = 'Alapértelmezett';
$lang['Toggle \'default group\' property'] = '\'Alapértelmezett csoport\' tulajdonság megfordítása';
@ -457,10 +457,10 @@ $lang['Save page visits by administrators'] = 'Adminisztrátorok általi oldall
$lang['An information email was sent to group "%s"'] = 'Tájékoztató e-mailt küldtünk a következő csoportnak: "%s';
$lang['Send an information email to group members'] = 'Küldjön egy információs e-mailt a csoport tagjainak';
$lang['Group'] = 'Csoport';
$lang['[%s] Visit album %s'] = '[%s] Új képek vannak a mappában %s';
$lang['[%s] Visit album %s'] = '[%s] Új képek vannak az albumban %s';
$lang['Hello,'] = 'Helló,';
$lang['See you soon.'] = 'A mielőbbi viszont látásra.';
$lang['Discover album:'] = 'Kövesse a linket és nézze meg a képeket mappában:';
$lang['Discover album:'] = 'Kövesse a linket és nézze meg a képeket az albumban:';
$lang['Mail content'] = 'E-mail tartalma';
$lang['none'] = 'nincs';
$lang['high'] = 'magas';
@ -586,13 +586,13 @@ $lang['Templates configuration has been recorded.'] = 'Sablon konfiguráció rö
$lang['All optimizations have been successfully completed.'] = 'Minden optimalizálás sikeres.';
$lang['Optimizations have been completed with some errors.'] = 'Néhány hiba fordult elő az optimalizáláskor.';
$lang['Modify information'] = 'Információk módosítása';
$lang['edit album'] = 'Kategória információk szerkesztése';
$lang['edit album'] = 'Album információk szerkesztése';
$lang['nothing'] = 'Nem';
$lang['overrides existing values with empty ones'] = 'Felülírja a meglévő üres értékeket';
$lang['manage image ranks'] = 'Kép rangok kezelése';
$lang['Manage image ranks'] = 'Kép rangok kezelése';
$lang['Edit ranks'] = 'Rangok módosítása';
$lang['No element in this album'] = 'Nincs elem ebben a kategóriában';
$lang['No element in this album'] = 'Nincs elem ebben az albumban';
$lang['Images manual order was saved'] = 'Kép információk mentve';
$lang['ranks'] = 'Rangok';
$lang['Drag to re-order'] = 'Húzással átrendezheti';
@ -623,18 +623,18 @@ $lang['Allow users to delete theirs owns comments'] = 'A felhasználók törölh
$lang['Email administrators when a comment is modified'] = 'Email az adminisztrátornak, ha egy hozzászólást módosítottak';
$lang['Email administrators when a comment is deleted'] = 'Email az adminisztrátornak, ha egy hozzászólást töröltek';
$lang['Upload Photos'] = 'Képek feltöltése';
$lang['Drop into album'] = 'Kategória választás:';
$lang['Drop into album'] = 'Album választás:';
$lang['+ Add an upload box'] = '+ További képek feltöltése...';
$lang['Create the "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = '"%s" könyvtár létrehozása a telepített Piwigo galériában.';
$lang['Give write access (chmod 777) to "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'Adjon írási jogot (chmod 777) a(z) "%s" gyökerének a telepített Piwigo galériában';
$lang['existing album'] = 'létező kategória';
$lang['create a new album'] = 'új kategória létrehozása';
$lang['Album name'] = 'Kategória neve';
$lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = '"%s" kategória hozzáadva';
$lang['existing album'] = 'létező album';
$lang['create a new album'] = 'új album létrehozása';
$lang['Album name'] = 'Album neve';
$lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = '\'%s\' album hozzáadva';
$lang['Uploaded Photos'] = 'Feltöltött képek';
$lang['%d photos uploaded'] = '%d kép feltöltve';
$lang['Privacy level set to "%s"'] = 'Minimum hozzáférési szint itt: "%s"';
$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = '"%s" kategóriában már %d kép található';
$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = '\'%s\' albumban már %d kép található';
$lang['Manage this set of %d photos'] = 'Szerkessze a készlet (%d elem) képeit';
$lang['Select files'] = 'Képek kiválasztása';
$lang['JPEG files or ZIP archives with JPEG files inside please.'] = 'JPEG kiterjesztésű képeket, vagy JPEG képeket tartalmazó ZIP archivumot kérek.';
@ -677,8 +677,8 @@ $lang['unknown'] = 'ismeretlen';
$lang['Active Themes'] = 'Aktív Téma';
$lang['Add write access to the "%s" directory'] = 'Adjon írási jogot a(z) "%s" könyvtárnak';
$lang['Administration Home'] = 'Adminisztrációs oldal';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically'] = 'A kategóriák ABC sorrendbe rendezve';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically reverse'] = 'A kategóriák fordított ABC sorrendbe rendezve';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically'] = 'Az albumok ABC sorrendbe rendezve';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically reverse'] = 'Az albumok fordított ABC sorrendbe rendezve';
$lang['Change Admin Colors'] = 'Adminisztrációs oldal színe';
$lang['Delete this theme'] = 'Téma törlése';
$lang['Directory does not exist'] = 'Könyvtár nem található';

View file

@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ $lang_info['zero_plural'] = false;
$lang['%.2f (rated %d times)'] = '%.2f (értékelve %d alkalommal)';
$lang['%d Kb'] = '%d Kbájt';
$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d kategória frissítés';
$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d kategória frissítve';
$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d album frissítés';
$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d album frissítve';
$lang['%d comment to validate'] = '%d hozzászólás engedélyezve';
$lang['%d comments to validate'] = '%d hozzászólás vár engedélyezésre';
$lang['%d new comment'] = '%d új hozzászólás';
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ $lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Az alábbiakból legalá
$lang['At least one tag must match'] = 'Legalább egy címkének egyeznie kell';
$lang['Author'] = 'Szerző';
$lang['Average rate'] = 'Átlagos pontszám';
$lang['Albums'] = 'Kategóriák';
$lang['Album'] = 'Kategória';
$lang['Albums'] = 'Albumok';
$lang['Album'] = 'Album';
$lang['Close this window'] = 'Ablak bezárása';
$lang['Complete RSS feed (images, comments)'] = 'Teljes RSS (képek, hozzászólások)';
$lang['Confirm Password'] = 'Jelszó megerősítése';
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ $lang['Sort by'] = 'Rendezés';
$lang['Sort order'] = 'Rendezési sorrend';
$lang['Tag'] = 'Címke';
$lang['Tags'] = 'Címkék';
$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'Az RSS értesítő a következő -az oldallal kapcsolatos- információkat tartalmazza: új fotók, új kategóriák, új kommentek.';
$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'Az RSS értesítő a következő -az oldallal kapcsolatos- információkat tartalmazza: új fotók, új albumok, új kommentek.';
$lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = 'Ismeretlen RSS azonosító';
$lang['User comments'] = 'Felhasználói hozzászólások';
$lang['Username'] = 'Felhasználónév';
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ $lang['Adviser mode enabled'] = 'Tanácsadói mód engedélyezve';
$lang['all'] = 'összes';
$lang['ascending'] = 'növekvő';
$lang['author(s) : %s'] = 'Szerző(k) : %s';
$lang['Expand all albums'] = 'Összes kategória kibontása';
$lang['Expand all albums'] = 'Összes album kibontása';
$lang['posted after %s (%s)'] = 'feltöltve %s (%s) után';
$lang['posted before %s (%s)'] = 'feltöltve %s (%s) előtt';
$lang['posted between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'feltöltve %s (%s) és %s (%s) között';
@ -189,15 +189,15 @@ $lang['Page generated in'] = 'Oldal készült';
$lang['guest'] = 'Vendég';
$lang['Hello'] = 'Szia';
$lang['available for administrators only'] = 'csak adminisztrátoroknak';
$lang['shows images at the root of this album'] = 'képek mutatása a kategória gyökeréből';
$lang['shows images at the root of this album'] = 'képek mutatása az album gyökeréből';
$lang['See last users comments'] = 'Utolsó hozzászólások megjelenítése';
$lang['customize the appareance of the gallery'] = 'a galéria megjelenésének testreszabása';
$lang['search'] = 'Keresés';
$lang['Home'] = 'Főoldal';
$lang['Identification'] = 'Azonosító';
$lang['in this album'] = 'ebben a kategóriában';
$lang['in %d sub-album'] = ' %d kategóriában';
$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = ' %d kategóriában';
$lang['in this album'] = 'ebben az albumban';
$lang['in %d sub-album'] = '%d belső albumban';
$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = '%d belső albumban';
$lang['included'] = 'beleértve';
$lang['Invalid password!'] = 'Hibás jelszó!';
$lang['Language'] = 'Nyelv';
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ $lang['Maximum height must be a number superior to 50'] = 'A képmagasságnak 50
$lang['Maximum width of the pictures'] = 'Maximális képszélesség';
$lang['Maximum width must be a number superior to 50'] = 'A maximális képszélességnek 50-nél nagyobbnak kell lennie!';
$lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = 'Naptár megjelenítése a készítés dátuma szerint';
$lang['display all elements in all sub-albums'] = 'Megjelenik az összes elem (alkategóriák is).';
$lang['display all elements in all sub-albums'] = 'Megjelenik az összes elem (belső albumok is)';
$lang['return to normal view mode'] = 'Visszatérés a normál kinézethez';
$lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = 'Naptár megjelenítése a feltöltés dátuma szerint';
$lang['month'][10] = 'Október';
@ -249,8 +249,8 @@ $lang['Preferences'] = 'Beállítások';
$lang['Previous'] = 'Előző';
$lang['Random pictures'] = 'Véletlenszerű képek';
$lang['display a set of random pictures'] = 'Véletlenszerű képek megjelenítése';
$lang['Recent albums'] = 'Legfrissebb kategória';
$lang['display recently updated albums'] = 'Utoljára feltöltött kategóriák megjelenítése';
$lang['Recent albums'] = 'Legfrissebb album';
$lang['display recently updated albums'] = 'Utoljára feltöltött albumok megjelenítése';
$lang['Recent period'] = 'Elmúlt napban';
$lang['Recent pictures'] = 'Legfrissebb képek';
$lang['display most recent pictures'] = 'Legfrissebb képek megjelenítése';
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ $lang['remove this tag from the list'] = 'Ezt a címkét távolítsa el a listá
$lang['representative'] = 'képviselő';
$lang['return to homepage'] = 'Kezdőlap';
$lang['Search for Author'] = 'Szerző keresése';
$lang['Search in albums'] = 'Kategória keresése';
$lang['Search in albums'] = 'Album keresése';
$lang['Search by Date'] = 'Keresés dátum alapján';
$lang['Date'] = 'Dátum';
$lang['End-Date'] = 'Befejező dátum';
@ -277,10 +277,10 @@ $lang['Search for any terms'] = 'Keresés bármely kifejezésre';
$lang['Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'] = 'Üres keresés. Nem lett megadva semmilyen keresési szempont.';
$lang['Search Options'] = 'Keresés beállításai';
$lang['Search results'] = 'Keresés eredménye';
$lang['Search in sub-albums'] = 'Keresés az alkategóriákban is';
$lang['Search in sub-albums'] = 'Keresés a belső albumokban is';
$lang['searched words : %s'] = 'Keresett kifejezések: %s';
$lang['Contact'] = 'Kapcsolat:';
$lang['set as album representative'] = 'Beállítás kategória-képviselőként';
$lang['set as album representative'] = 'Beállítás album-képviselőként';
$lang['Show number of comments'] = 'Hozzászólások számának mutatása';
$lang['Show number of hits'] = 'Találatok száma';
$lang['slideshow'] = 'Diavetítés';
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ $lang['User: %s'] = 'Felhasználó: %s';
$lang['Email: %s'] = 'E-Mail: %s';
$lang['Admin: %s'] = 'Adminisztrátor: %s';
$lang['Registration of %s'] = 'Bejegyezte: %s';
$lang['Album: %s'] = 'Kategória: %s';
$lang['Album: %s'] = 'Album: %s';
$lang['Picture name: %s'] = 'Kép neve: %s';
$lang['Creation date: %s'] = 'Létrehozás dátuma: %d';
$lang['Waiting page: %s'] = 'Tovább a jóváhagyásra váró képek oldalra: %s';
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ $lang['Bad status for user "guest", using default status. Please notify the webm
// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from Butterfly (2.0)
$lang['Administrator, webmaster and special user cannot use this method'] = 'Adminisztrátor, webmester és különleges felhasználó nem használja ezt a módszert';
$lang['a user use already this mail address'] = 'Ezt az e-mail címet már egy másik felhasználó használja.';
$lang['Album results for'] = 'Kategória eredményei';
$lang['Album results for'] = 'Album eredményei';
$lang['Tag results for'] = 'Címke eredményei';
$lang['from %s to %s'] = '%s-tól %s-ig';
$lang['Play of slideshow'] = 'Diavetítés indítása';

View file

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ $lang['Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.'] = 'A frissít
$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = 'Önnek nincs jogosultsága a frissítés elvégzéséhez';
// Upgrade informations from upgrade_1.3.1.php
$lang['All sub-albums of private albums become private'] = 'A magán kategóriák valamennyi alkategóriája magánkategóriává válik.';
$lang['All sub-albums of private albums become private'] = 'Az összes belső album privát albummá válik';
$lang['User permissions and group permissions have been erased'] = 'A felhasználói és csoport jogosultságok törlésre kerültek';
$lang['Only thumbnails prefix and webmaster mail address have been saved from previous configuration'] = 'Csak a bélyegképek prefixe és a webmester email címe került mentésre az előző konfigurációból.';
// missing translations 2.1.0 RC1

View file

@ -25,14 +25,14 @@
$lang['%d association'] = '%d associazione';
$lang['%d associations'] = '%d associazioni';
$lang['%d album including'] = '%d categoria compresa';
$lang['%d albums including'] = '%d categorie comprese ';
$lang['%d album including'] = '%d album incluso';
$lang['%d albums including'] = '%d album inclusi';
$lang['%d physical'] = '%d fisica';
$lang['%d physical'] = '%d fisiche';
$lang[' and %d virtual'] = ' e %d virtuale';
$lang[' and %d virtual'] = ' e %d virtuali';
$lang['%d album moved'] = '%d categoria spostata';
$lang['%d albums moved'] = '%d categorie spostate';
$lang['%d album moved'] = '%d album spostato';
$lang['%d albums moved'] = '%d album spostati';
$lang['%d group'] = '%d gruppo';
$lang['%d groups'] = '%d gruppi';
$lang['%d member'] = '%d utente';
@ -59,14 +59,14 @@ $lang['Add group'] = 'Aggiungere un gruppo';
$lang['Add selected elements to caddie'] = 'Aggiungere gli elementi selezionati al cestino';
$lang['Add'] = 'Aggiungere';
$lang['Allow user registration'] = 'Consentire l\'iscrizione degli \'ospiti\'';
$lang['Apply to sub-albums'] = 'Applicare alle sottocategorie';
$lang['Apply to sub-albums'] = 'Applicare sul sub album';
$lang['Associated'] = 'Associato a';
$lang['Batch management'] = 'Gestione per lotti';
$lang['Caddie management'] = 'Gestione del cestino';
$lang['Caddie'] = 'Cestino';
$lang['Albums authorized thanks to group associations'] = 'Categorie accessibili grazie all\'appartenenza ai gruppi';
$lang['Album manual order was saved'] = 'L\'ordinamento manuale delle categorie è stato salvato';
$lang['Album elements associated to the following albums: %s'] = 'Gli elementi della categoria sono stati associati alle categorie seguenti : %s';
$lang['Albums authorized thanks to group associations'] = 'Album accessibili grazie all\'appartenenza ai gruppi';
$lang['Album manual order was saved'] = 'L\'ordinamento manuale degli album è stato salvato';
$lang['Album elements associated to the following albums: %s'] = 'Gli elementi degli album sono stati associati alle categorie seguenti : %s';
$lang['Check for upgrade failed for unknown reasons.'] = 'La verifica dell\'ultima versione sul server è fallita per le ragioni sconosciute.';
$lang['Check for upgrade'] = 'Controllo aggiornamenti';
$lang['Comments for all'] = 'Commenti per tutti';
@ -104,37 +104,37 @@ $lang['Guests'] = 'Ospiti';
$lang['History'] = 'Cronologia';
$lang['Informations'] = 'Informazioni';
$lang['Install'] = 'Installare';
$lang['Link all album elements to a new album'] = 'Associare tutti gli elementi della categoria ad una nuova categoria';
$lang['Link all album elements to some existing albums'] = 'Associare tutti gli elementi della categoria a delle categorie esistenti';
$lang['Linked albums'] = 'Categorie associate';
$lang['Link all album elements to a new album'] = 'Associare tutti gli elementi dell\'album ad un nuovo album';
$lang['Link all album elements to some existing albums'] = 'Associare tutti gli elementi dell\'album a dei album esistenti';
$lang['Linked albums'] = 'Album associati';
$lang['Lock gallery'] = 'Blocco della galleria';
$lang['Maintenance'] = 'Manutenzione';
$lang['Edit album permissions'] = 'Gestire i permessi per una categoria';
$lang['Edit album permissions'] = 'Gestire i permessi di un album';
$lang['Manage permissions for group "%s"'] = 'Gestire i permessi per il gruppo "%s"';
$lang['Manage permissions for user "%s"'] = 'Gestire i permessi per l\'utente "%s"';
$lang['Manage tags'] = 'Gestire i tags';
$lang['Members'] = 'Membri';
$lang['Metadata synchronized from file'] = 'Metadati sincronizzati dal file';
$lang['Move albums'] = 'Spostare le categorie';
$lang['Move albums'] = 'Spostare gli album';
$lang['Move'] = 'Spostare';
$lang['Name'] = 'Nome';
$lang['New name'] = 'Nuovo nome';
$lang['New parent album'] = 'Nuova categoria principale';
$lang['New parent album'] = 'Nuovo album principale';
$lang['New tag'] = 'Nuovo tag';
$lang['Number of comments per page'] = 'Numero di commenti per pagina';
$lang['Number of rates'] = 'Numero di voti';
$lang['Number of thumbnails to create'] = 'Numero di miniature da creare';
$lang['Only private albums are listed'] = 'Solo le categorie private sono elencate';
$lang['Only private albums are listed'] = 'Solo gli album privati sono elencati';
$lang['Operating system'] = 'Sistema operativo';
$lang['Options'] = 'Opzioni';
$lang['Other private albums'] = 'Altre categorie private';
$lang['Other private albums'] = 'Altri album privati';
$lang['Page banner'] = 'Banner di pagina';
$lang['Parent album'] = 'Categoria principale';
$lang['Parent album'] = 'Album Principale';
$lang['Path'] = 'Percorso';
$lang['Permalink'] = 'Permalink';
$lang['Permalink %s has been previously used by album %s. Delete from the permalink history first'] = 'Il permalink %s è stato usato precedentemente per la categoria %s. Cancellarlo prima dalla cronologia';
$lang['Permalink %s has been previously used by album %s. Delete from the permalink history first'] = 'Il permalink %s è stato usato precedentemente dall\'album %s. Cancellarlo prima dallo storico';
$lang['The permalink name must be composed of a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "-", "_" or "/". It must not be numeric or start with number followed by "-"'] = 'Il permalink deve essere composto unicamente dai caratteri seguenti : "a-zA-Z0-9", "-" o "_". Non deve essere numerico o iniziare con un numero seguito da "-"';
$lang['Permalink %s is already used by album %s'] = 'Il permalink %s è già  usato nella galleria %s';
$lang['Permalink %s is already used by album %s'] = 'Il permalink %s è già in uso nell\album %s';
$lang['Permalink history'] = 'Cronologia dei permalinks';
$lang['Permalinks'] = 'Permalinks';
$lang['Permission denied'] = 'Accesso non autorizzato';
@ -152,19 +152,19 @@ $lang['Rating'] = 'Voto';
$lang['Reject All'] = 'Rifiutare tutto';
$lang['Reject'] = 'Rifiutare';
$lang['Representant'] = 'Copertina';
$lang['Representation of albums'] = 'Copertine delle categorie';
$lang['Representation of albums'] = 'Rappresentazione degli album';
$lang['Representative'] = 'Rappresentativa';
$lang['Represents'] = 'Rappresenta';
$lang['Save order'] = 'Salvare l\'ordine';
$lang['Save to permalink history'] = 'Salvare nella cronologia dei permalinks';
$lang['Select at least one album'] = 'Scegliere almeno una categoria';
$lang['Select at least one album'] = 'Selezionare almeno un album';
$lang['Select at least one picture'] = 'Scegliere almeno un\'immagine';
$lang['Select at least one user'] = 'Scegliere almeno un\'utente';
$lang['Show info'] = 'Mostra le informazioni';
$lang['Site manager'] = 'Gestione dei siti';
$lang['Status'] = 'Stato';
$lang['Statistics'] = 'Statistiche';
$lang['Storage album'] = 'Categoria di memorizzazione';
$lang['Storage album'] = 'Album in memorizzazione';
$lang['Sum of rates'] = 'Somma dei voti';
$lang['Tag "%s" already exists'] = 'Il tag "%s" esiste già ';
$lang['Tag "%s" was added'] = 'Il tag "%s" è stato aggiunto';
@ -180,30 +180,30 @@ $lang['Validate All'] = 'Approvare tutto';
$lang['Validate'] = 'Approvare';
$lang['Validation'] = 'Richiedere l\'approvazione';
$lang['Version'] = 'Versione';
$lang['Virtual albums to move'] = 'Categorie virtuali da spostare';
$lang['Virtual album name'] = 'Nome della categoria virtuale';
$lang['Virtual albums to move'] = 'Album virtuali da spostare';
$lang['Virtual album name'] = 'Nome dell\'album virtuale';
$lang['Webmaster cannot be deleted'] = 'Il Webmaster non può essere cancellato';
$lang['You are running on development sources, no check possible.'] = 'State lavorando con una versione di sviluppo, impossibile verificare l\'ultima versione.';
$lang['You cannot delete your account'] = 'Non potete cancellare il vostro account utente';
$lang['You cannot move an album in its own sub album'] = 'Non potete spostare una categoria in una sua sottocategoria.';
$lang['You cannot move an album in its own sub album'] = 'Non si può spostare un album nel proprio sub album';
$lang['You need to confirm deletion'] = 'Dovete confermare la cancellazione';
$lang['add tags'] = 'Aggiungere i tags';
$lang['Adviser'] = 'Consigliere';
$lang['Associate to album'] = 'Associare alla categoria';
$lang['Associate to album'] = 'associare al\'album';
$lang['associate to group'] = 'Associare al gruppo';
$lang['Authorized'] = 'Autorizzate';
$lang['Add a virtual album'] = 'Aggiungere una categoria virtuale';
$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected albums'] = 'Autorizzare gli utenti ad aggiungere commenti nelle categorie selezionate';
$lang['The name of an album must not be empty'] = 'Il nome della categoria non deve essere vuoto';
$lang['Lock albums'] = 'Blocco delle categorie';
$lang['Private'] = 'Categoria privata';
$lang['Public'] = 'Categoria pubblica';
$lang['Add a virtual album'] = 'Aggiungere un album virtuale';
$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected albums'] = 'Autorizzare gli utenti ad aggiungere dei commenti sull\'album selezionato';
$lang['The name of an album must not be empty'] = 'Il nome dell\'album non può rimanere vuoto';
$lang['Lock albums'] = 'Bloccare gli album';
$lang['Private'] = 'Album privato';
$lang['Public'] = 'Album pubblico';
$lang['Find a new representant by random'] = 'Scegliere una nuova copertina a caso';
$lang['Public / Private'] = 'Pubblica / Privata';
$lang['Manage authorizations for selected albums'] = 'Gestire le autorizzazione per le categorie selezionate';
$lang['Select uploadable albums'] = 'Selezionare le categorie su cui è possibile caricare nuove immagini';
$lang['Virtual album added'] = 'Categoria virtuale aggiunta';
$lang['Virtual album deleted'] = 'Categoria virtuale cancellata';
$lang['Manage authorizations for selected albums'] = 'Gestire le autorizzazioni per l\'album selezionato';
$lang['Select uploadable albums'] = 'Selezionare gli album sulle quali sia possibile caricare nuove immagini';
$lang['Virtual album added'] = 'Album virtuale aggiunto';
$lang['Virtual album deleted'] = 'Album virtuale cancellato';
$lang['Access type'] = 'Tipo di accesso';
$lang['Comments'] = 'Commenti utente';
$lang['Information data registered in database'] = 'Informazioni registrate nel database';
@ -214,11 +214,11 @@ $lang['The number of comments a page must be between 5 and 50 included.'] = 'Il
$lang['Configuration'] = 'Configurazione';
$lang['confirm'] = 'Confermare';
$lang['Date'] = 'Data';
$lang['delete album'] = 'Cancellare la categoria';
$lang['Dissociate from album'] = 'Dissociare dalla categoria';
$lang['delete album'] = 'Cancellare l\'album';
$lang['Dissociate from album'] = 'dissociare dall\'album';
$lang['dissociate from group'] = 'Dissociare dal gruppo';
$lang['edit album permissions'] = 'Modificare i permessi della categoria';
$lang['Album updated successfully'] = 'Le informazioni della categoria sono state aggiornate con successo.';
$lang['edit album permissions'] = 'modificare i permessi dell\'album';
$lang['Album updated successfully'] = 'Le informazioni dell\'album sono state aggiornate con successo';
$lang['Authorize upload'] = 'Autorizzare l\'aggiunta d\'immagini';
$lang['elements per page'] = 'Numero di elementi da visualizzare per pagina';
$lang['elements'] = 'Elementi';
@ -236,13 +236,13 @@ $lang['The name of a group must not contain " or \' or be empty.'] = 'Il nome de
$lang['This name is already used by another group.'] = 'Questo nome è già  usato per un altro gruppo.';
$lang[''] = "";
$lang['High definition'] = 'Alta definizione';
$lang['jump to album'] = 'Andare alla categoria';
$lang['jump to album'] = 'andare all\'album';
$lang['jump to image'] = 'Andare al\'immagine';
$lang['leave'] = 'Abbandonare';
$lang['Lock'] = 'Bloccare';
$lang['Locked'] = 'Bloccate';
$lang['manage album elements'] = 'Gestire gli elementi della categoria';
$lang['manage sub-albums'] = 'Gestire le sottocategorie';
$lang['manage album elements'] = 'Gestire le foto dell\'album';
$lang['manage sub-albums'] = 'Gestire i sub album';
$lang['Manage'] = 'Gestire';
$lang['maximum height'] = 'Altezza massima';
$lang['maximum width'] = 'Larghezza massima';
@ -354,15 +354,15 @@ $lang['synchronize'] = 'Sincronizzare';
$lang['update the database from files'] = 'Aggiornare il database dai files';
$lang['status'] = 'Stato';
$lang['Directory'] = 'Directory';
$lang['sub-albums'] = 'Sottocategorie';
$lang['sub-albums'] = 'sub album';
$lang['synchronize metadata'] = 'Sincronizzare i metadati';
$lang['target'] = 'Target';
$lang['Thumbnail'] = 'Miniatura';
$lang['title'] = 'Titolo';
$lang['Album list management'] = 'Gestione delle categorie';
$lang['Album list management'] = 'Gestione degli album';
$lang['Piwigo configuration'] = 'Configurazione di Piwigo';
$lang['Piwigo administration'] = 'Amministrazione di Piwigo';
$lang['Edit album'] = 'Modificare una categoria';
$lang['Edit album'] = 'modifica un album';
$lang['Group management'] = 'Gestione gruppi';
$lang['User list'] = 'Elenco utenti';
$lang['Modify informations about a picture'] = 'Modificare le informazioni dell\'immagine';
@ -390,12 +390,12 @@ $lang['for this file format'] = 'per questo formato di file';
$lang['unit mode'] = 'Modalità singolo';
$lang['Unlocked'] = 'Sbloccate';
$lang['unset'] = 'Svuotare';
$lang['Update albums informations'] = 'Aggiorna le informazioni delle categorie';
$lang['Update albums informations'] = 'Aggiornare le informazioni degli album';
$lang['Update images informations'] = 'Aggiorna le informazioni delle immagini';
$lang['Synchronize'] = 'Sincronizzare';
$lang['reduce to single existing albums'] = 'Eseguire unicamente sulle categorie selezionate';
$lang['reduce to single existing albums'] = 'ridurre a un solo esistente album';
$lang['Choose an option'] = 'Scegli un\'opzione';
$lang['display maximum informations (added albums and elements, deleted albums and elements)'] = 'Mostra tutte le informazioni possibili (categorie ed elementi aggiunti o eliminati)';
$lang['display maximum informations (added albums and elements, deleted albums and elements)'] = 'Mostrare tutte le informazioni possibili (album ed elementi aggiunti o eliminati)';
$lang['Piwigo version differs on the remote site'] = 'La versione di Piwigo differisce da quella sul server remoto';
$lang['Version of create_listing_file.php on the remote site and Piwigo must be the same'] = 'La versione del file "create_listing_file.php" sul server remoto deve essere la stessa di Piwigo';
$lang['listing.xml file was not found'] = 'Il file "listing.xml" non è stato trovato';
@ -405,14 +405,14 @@ $lang['Errors caption'] = 'Significato degli errori';
$lang['Detailed informations'] = 'Informazioni dettagliate';
$lang['File/directory read error'] = 'Errore in letture del file/directory';
$lang['The file or directory cannot be accessed (either it does not exist or the access is denied)'] = 'Non è possibile accedere al file o alla directory (probabilmente non esiste o l\'accesso è stato negato)';
$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory "thumbnail" of the album directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = 'Ogni file immagine richiede una miniatura. La miniatura deve essere presente nella sottodirectory "thumbnail" della directory. Il nome del file della miniatura deve iniziare con il parametro di configurazione "prefix_thumbnail" e l\'estensione deve essere uno di valori dell\'elenco seguente:';
$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory "thumbnail" of the album directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = 'Ogni file immagine richiede una miniatura. La miniatura deve essere presente nella sottodirectory "thumbnail" della directory. Il nome del file della miniatura deve iniziare con il parametro di configurazione "prefix_thumbnail" e l\'estensione deve essere presente nell\elenco seguente:';
$lang['missing thumbnail'] = 'miniature mancanti';
$lang['albums deleted in the database'] = 'categorie eliminate dal database';
$lang['albums deleted in the database'] = 'Gli album sono stati eliminati nella database';
$lang['elements deleted in the database'] = 'elementi eliminati dal database';
$lang['images candidates for metadata synchronization'] = 'immagini in coda per la sincronizzazione dei metadati';
$lang['elements informations synchronized with files metadata'] = 'informazioni sugli elementi sincronizzate con i metadati';
$lang['errors during synchronization'] = 'Si sono verificati errori durante la sincronizzazione';
$lang['albums added in the database'] = 'categorie aggiunte nel database';
$lang['albums added in the database'] = 'Gli album sono stati aggiunti nella database';
$lang['elements added in the database'] = 'elementi aggiunti nel database';
$lang['elements updated in the database'] = 'elementi aggiornati nel database';
$lang['Search for new images in the directories'] = 'Cercare nuove immagini nelle directory';
@ -437,14 +437,14 @@ $lang['user_status_generic'] = 'Generico';
$lang['user_status_guest'] = 'Ospite';
$lang['user_status_normal'] = 'Utente';
$lang['user_status_webmaster'] = 'Webmaster';
$lang['Virtual album'] = 'Categoria virtuale';
$lang['Virtual album'] = 'Album virtuale';
$lang['Waiting'] = 'In attesa';
$lang['default'] = 'di default';
$lang['Toggle \'default group\' property'] = 'Invertire la proprietà  "gruppo di default"';
$lang['Advanced features'] = 'Funzioni avanzate';
$lang['Not linked elements'] = 'Elementi non collegati';
$lang['Specials'] = 'Speciale';
$lang['Files with same name in more than one physical album'] = 'File con stesso nome in più di una categoria fisica';
$lang['Files with same name in more than one physical album'] = 'File con stesso nome in più di un album fisico';
$lang['Overall'] = 'Vista globale';
$lang['Year'] = 'Anno';
$lang['Month'] = 'Mese';
@ -462,10 +462,10 @@ $lang['Save page visits by administrators'] = 'Registrare le pagine visitate dag
$lang['An information email was sent to group "%s"'] = 'Un\'email informativa è stata inviata agli utenti del gruppo "%s"';
$lang['Send an information email to group members'] = 'Inviare un\'email informativa agli utenti di un gruppo';
$lang['Group'] = 'Gruppo';
$lang['[%s] Visit album %s'] = '[%s] Venite a visitare la categoria %s';
$lang['[%s] Visit album %s'] = '[%s] Visita l\'album %s';
$lang['Hello,'] = 'Ciao,';
$lang['See you soon.'] = 'A presto.';
$lang['Discover album:'] = 'Venite a scoprire la categoria:';
$lang['Discover album:'] = 'Scoprite l\'album:';
$lang['Mail content'] = 'Contenuto dell\'email';
$lang['none'] = 'nessuno';
$lang['high'] = 'high';
@ -589,13 +589,13 @@ $lang['Templates configuration has been recorded.'] = 'La configurazione dei tem
$lang['All optimizations have been successfully completed.'] = 'Tutte le ottimizzazioni sono state completate con successo.';
$lang['Optimizations have been completed with some errors.'] = 'Le ottimizzazioni sono state completate con alcuni errori.';
$lang['Modify information'] = 'Modifica le informazioni';
$lang['edit album'] = 'Modificare le informazioni della categoria';
$lang['edit album'] = 'modificare l\'informazione dell\'album';
$lang['nothing'] = 'Niente';
$lang['overrides existing values with empty ones'] = 'Sovrascrivere i valori esistenti con quelli vuoti';
$lang['manage image ranks'] = 'Gestire l\'ordinamento delle immagini';
$lang['Manage image ranks'] = 'Gestire l\'ordinamento delle immagini';
$lang['Edit ranks'] = 'Modificare l\'ordine';
$lang['No element in this album'] = 'Nessun elemento in questa categoria';
$lang['No element in this album'] = 'Nessun elemento in quest\'album';
$lang['Images manual order was saved'] = 'L\'ordinamento manuale delle immagini è stato salvato';
$lang['ranks'] = 'posizioni';
$lang['By rank'] = 'Per posizione';
@ -638,18 +638,18 @@ $lang['Set as default theme for unregistered and new users'] = 'Tema di default
$lang['unknown'] = 'sconosciuto';
$lang['Upload Photos'] = 'Aggiungere foto';
$lang['Drop into album'] = 'Scegliere una categoria';
$lang['Drop into album'] = 'Spostare nell\'album';
$lang['+ Add an upload box'] = '+ Aggiungere un altro campo di upload';
$lang['Create the "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'Creare la directory "% s" nella radice della vostra installazione Piwigo';
$lang['Give write access (chmod 777) to "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'Dare i permessi in scrittura (chmod 777) alla directory "% s" nella radice della vostra installazione Piwigo';
$lang['existing album'] = 'categoria esistente';
$lang['create a new album'] = 'creare una nuova categoria';
$lang['Album name'] = 'Nome della categoria';
$lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = 'La categoria "%s" è stata aggiunta';
$lang['existing album'] = 'album esistente';
$lang['create a new album'] = 'creare un nuovo album';
$lang['Album name'] = 'Nome dell\'album';
$lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = 'L\'Album \'%s\' è stato aggiunto';
$lang['Uploaded Photos'] = 'Foto aggiunte ';
$lang['%d photos uploaded'] = '%d foto aggiunte';
$lang['Privacy level set to "%s"'] = 'Livello di confidenzialità t "%s"';
$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = 'La categoria "%s" adesso contiene %d foto';
$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = 'L\'Album \'%s\' contiene adesso %d foto';
$lang['Manage this set of %d photos'] = 'Gestire questo set di %d foto';
$lang['Select files'] = 'Scegliere i file';
$lang['JPEG files or ZIP archives with JPEG files inside please.'] = 'File JPEG o archivi ZIP con dentro dei file JPEG per cortesia.';
@ -680,8 +680,8 @@ $lang['Your configuration settings are saved'] = 'La vostra configurazione è st
$lang['Active Themes'] = 'Temi attivati';
$lang['Add write access to the "%s" directory'] = 'Aggiungere l\'accesso in scrittura per la directory "%s"';
$lang['Administration Home'] = 'Home Amministrazione';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically'] = 'Categorie ordinate in modo alfanumerico';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically reverse'] = 'Categorie ordinate in modo alfanumerico inverso';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically'] = 'Gli album sono stati elencati in ordine alfanumerico';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically reverse'] = 'Gli album sono stati elencati in ordine alfanumerico inverso';
$lang['Change Admin Colors'] = 'Modificare i colori dell\'amministrazione';
$lang['Delete this theme'] = 'Cancellare questo tema';
$lang['Directory does not exist'] = 'La directory non esiste';

View file

@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ $lang_info['zero_plural'] = false;
$lang['%.2f (rated %d times)'] = '%.2f (votata %d volte)';
$lang['%d Kb'] = '%d Ko';
$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d categoria aggiornata';
$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d categorie aggiornate';
$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d album aggiornato';
$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d album aggiornati';
$lang['%d comment to validate'] = '%d commento utente da approvare';
$lang['%d comments to validate'] = '%d commenti utente da approvare';
$lang['%d new comment'] = '%d nuovo commento utente';
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ $lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = 'Almeno una delle regole
$lang['At least one tag must match'] = 'Almeno un tag deve corrispondere';
$lang['Author'] = 'Autore';
$lang['Average rate'] = 'Voto medio';
$lang['Albums'] = 'Categorie';
$lang['Album'] = 'Categoria';
$lang['Albums'] = 'Album';
$lang['Album'] = 'Album';
$lang['Close this window'] = 'Chiudi questa finestra';
$lang['Complete RSS feed (images, comments)'] = 'Feed RSS completo (immagini, commenti)';
$lang['Confirm Password'] = 'Conferma la Password';
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ $lang['Sort by'] = 'Ordina per';
$lang['Sort order'] = 'Tipo di ordinamento';
$lang['Tag'] = 'Tag';
$lang['Tags'] = 'Tags';
$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'I flussi (Feed) RSS informano sulle novità della galleria: nuove immagini, aggiornamento delle categorie, nuovi commenti. Da usarsi con un lettore di Feed RSS.';
$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'L\'RSS Feed provvede notificazioni su nuovi eventi di questa pagina internet: nuove immagini, nuovi album, nuovi commenti. Da usare con un lettore RSS Feed.';
$lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = 'Identificatore di flusso sconosciuto';
$lang['User comments'] = 'Commenti utenti';
$lang['Username'] = 'Nome utente';
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ $lang['Adviser mode enabled'] = 'Modo consigliere attivo';
$lang['all'] = 'tutto';
$lang['ascending'] = 'ascendente';
$lang['author(s) : %s'] = 'autore(i) : %s';
$lang['Expand all albums'] = 'Espandi tutte le categorie';
$lang['Expand all albums'] = 'Espandere tutti gli album';
$lang['posted after %s (%s)'] = 'disponibile dopo il %s (%s)';
$lang['posted before %s (%s)'] = 'disponibile prima del %s (%s)';
$lang['posted between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = 'disponibile tra %s (%s) e il %s (%s)';
@ -189,15 +189,15 @@ $lang['Page generated in'] = 'Pagina generata in';
$lang['guest'] = 'ospite';
$lang['Hello'] = 'Ciao';
$lang['available for administrators only'] = 'Disponibile solo per gli amministratori';
$lang['shows images at the root of this album'] = 'Mostra le foto alla base di questa categoria';
$lang['shows images at the root of this album'] = 'Mostra le immagini alle radici dell\'album';
$lang['See last users comments'] = 'Mostra gli ultimi commenti degli utenti';
$lang['customize the appareance of the gallery'] = 'Personalizza l\'aspetto della galleria';
$lang['search'] = 'Cerca nella galleria';
$lang['Home'] = 'Home';
$lang['Identification'] = 'Identificazione';
$lang['in this album'] = 'in questa categoria';
$lang['in %d sub-album'] = 'in %d sottocategoria';
$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = 'in %d sottocategorie';
$lang['in this album'] = 'In questo album';
$lang['in %d sub-album'] = 'in %d sub album';
$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = 'in %d sub album';
$lang['included'] = 'incluso';
$lang['Invalid password!'] = 'Password non valida !';
$lang['Language'] = 'Lingua';
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ $lang['Maximum height must be a number superior to 50'] = 'L\'altezza massima de
$lang['Maximum width of the pictures'] = 'Larghezza massima delle immagini';
$lang['Maximum width must be a number superior to 50'] = 'La larghezza massima deve essere un numero superiore a 50';
$lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = 'Mostra il calendario per data di creazione';
$lang['display all elements in all sub-albums'] = 'Mostra tutti gli elementi in tutte le sottocategorie';
$lang['display all elements in all sub-albums'] = 'Mostrare tutti gli elementi in tutti gli album e sub album';
$lang['return to normal view mode'] = 'Ritorna alla visualizzazione normale';
$lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = 'Mostra il calendario per data d\'inserimento nella galleria';
$lang['month'][10] = 'Ottobre';
@ -249,8 +249,8 @@ $lang['Preferences'] = 'Preferenze';
$lang['Previous'] = 'Precendente';
$lang['Random pictures'] = 'Immagini a caso';
$lang['display a set of random pictures'] = 'Mostra un set d\'immagini in modo casuale';
$lang['Recent albums'] = 'Ultime categorie';
$lang['display recently updated albums'] = 'Mostra le categorie recentemente create o aggiornate';
$lang['Recent albums'] = 'Recenti album';
$lang['display recently updated albums'] = 'Mostrare gli album caricati recentemente';
$lang['Recent period'] = 'Periodo recente';
$lang['Recent pictures'] = 'Ultime immagini';
$lang['display most recent pictures'] = 'Mostra le immagini più recenti';
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ $lang['remove this tag from the list'] = 'Eliminare questo tag dall\'elenco';
$lang['representative'] = 'rappresentative';
$lang['return to homepage'] = 'Torna alla homepage';
$lang['Search for Author'] = 'Cercare un Autore';
$lang['Search in albums'] = 'Cercare nelle categorie';
$lang['Search in albums'] = 'Cercare negli album';
$lang['Search by Date'] = 'Cercare per data';
$lang['Date'] = 'data';
$lang['End-Date'] = 'Data di fine';
@ -277,10 +277,10 @@ $lang['Search for any terms'] = 'Cercare una qualsiasi delle parole';
$lang['Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'] = 'Ricerca incompleta. Nessun criterio di ricerca inserito.';
$lang['Search Options'] = 'Opzioni di ricerca';
$lang['Search results'] = 'Risultato della ricerca';
$lang['Search in sub-albums'] = 'Cercare nelle sottocategorie';
$lang['Search in sub-albums'] = 'Cercare negli sub album';
$lang['searched words : %s'] = 'parole cercate : %s';
$lang['Contact'] = 'Contattare';
$lang['set as album representative'] = 'Usare questa immagine come copertina della categoria';
$lang['set as album representative'] = 'impostare come album rappresentativo';
$lang['Show number of comments'] = 'Mostrare il numero dei commenti';
$lang['Show number of hits'] = 'Mostrare il numero di visualizzazioni';
$lang['slideshow'] = 'Avviare la proiezione di diapositive';
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ $lang['User: %s'] = 'Utente: %s';
$lang['Email: %s'] = 'Email: %s';
$lang['Admin: %s'] = 'Amministrazione: %s';
$lang['Registration of %s'] = 'Registrazione di %s';
$lang['Album: %s'] = 'Categoria: %s';
$lang['Album: %s'] = 'Album: %s';
$lang['Picture name: %s'] = 'Nome dell\'immagine: %s';
$lang['Creation date: %s'] = 'Data di creazione: %d';
$lang['Waiting page: %s'] = 'Pagina in attesa: %s';
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ $lang['Bad status for user "guest", using default status. Please notify the webm
// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from Butterfly (2.0)
$lang['Administrator, webmaster and special user cannot use this method'] = 'Amministratore, webmaster e utente speciale non possono utilizzare questo metodo';
$lang['a user use already this mail address'] = 'un utente usa già questo indirizzo mail';
$lang['Album results for'] = 'Risultato delle categorie per';
$lang['Album results for'] = 'Risultati dell\'album per';
$lang['Tag results for'] = 'Risultato dei tag per';
$lang['from %s to %s'] = 'da %s a %s';
$lang['Play of slideshow'] = 'Avvia proiezione';

View file

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ $lang['Perform a maintenance check in [Administration>Tools>Maintenance] if you
$lang['As a precaution, following plugins have been deactivated. You must check for plugins upgrade before reactiving them:'] = 'Per precauzione, i plugins seguenti sono stati disattivati. E\' necessario verificare l\'aggiornamento dei plugins prima di riattivarli:';
$lang['Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.'] = 'Solo l\'amministratore può eseguire l\'aggiornamento: fate login.';
$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = 'Non avete le autorizzazioni necessarie per effettuare l\'aggiornamento';
$lang['All sub-albums of private albums become private'] = 'Tutte le sottocategorie delle categorie private diventano private';
$lang['All sub-albums of private albums become private'] = 'Tutti i sub album degli album privati diventano privati';
$lang['User permissions and group permissions have been erased'] = 'I permessi degli utenti e dei gruppi sono stati cancellati';
$lang['Only thumbnails prefix and webmaster mail address have been saved from previous configuration'] = 'Solo il prefisso delle miniature e l\'indirizzo email del webmaster sono stati recuperati dalla precedente configurazione';
$lang['In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = 'Nel file <i>%s</i>, prima di <b>?></b>, inserite:';

View file

@ -23,14 +23,14 @@
$lang['%d association'] = '%d 相关';
$lang['%d associations'] = '%d 相关';
$lang['%d album including'] = '包含 %d 类';
$lang['%d albums including'] = '包含 %d 等类';
$lang['%d album including'] = '%d 相册包含中';
$lang['%d albums including'] = '%d 相册包含中';
$lang['%d physical'] = '物理 %d';
$lang['%d physical'] = '物理 %d ';
$lang[' and %d virtual'] = ' 和 虚拟 %d ';
$lang[' and %d virtual'] = ' 和 虚拟 %d ';
$lang['%d album moved'] = '%d 类已迁移';
$lang['%d albums moved'] = '%d 等类已迁移';
$lang['%d album moved'] = '%d 相册已移动';
$lang['%d albums moved'] = '%d 相册已移动';
$lang['%d group'] = '%d 组';
$lang['%d groups'] = '%d 组';
$lang['%d member'] = '%d 成员';
@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ $lang['Add group'] = '增加组';
$lang['Add selected elements to caddie'] = '把所选的图片放到购物篮';
$lang['Add'] = '增加';
$lang['Allow user registration'] = '允许用户注册';
$lang['Apply to sub-albums'] = '应用于子类中';
$lang['Apply to sub-albums'] = '应用到子相册';
$lang['Associated'] = '关联于';
$lang['Batch management'] = '分批管理';
$lang['Caddie management'] = '购物篮管理';
$lang['Caddie'] = '购物篮';
$lang['Albums authorized thanks to group associations'] = '同组成员可以访问授权类';
$lang['Album manual order was saved'] = '类手动排序已保存';
$lang['Album elements associated to the following albums: %s'] = '本类成员与如下类产生关联: %s';
$lang['Albums authorized thanks to group associations'] = '相册组织授权感谢协会';
$lang['Album manual order was saved'] = '相册手工排序已保存';
$lang['Album elements associated to the following albums: %s'] = '相册里的相片已联合到以下相册: %s';
$lang['Check for upgrade failed for unknown reasons.'] = '因未知原因导致更新检测失败.';
$lang['Check for upgrade'] = '检测更新';
$lang['Comments for all'] = '对所有成员进行评论';
@ -102,37 +102,37 @@ $lang['Guests'] = '游客';
$lang['History'] = '历史';
$lang['Informations'] = '信息';
$lang['Install'] = '安装';
$lang['Link all album elements to a new album'] = '把所有本类中的成员关联到一个新类';
$lang['Link all album elements to some existing albums'] = '把所有本类中的成员关联到已存在类中';
$lang['Linked albums'] = '关联类';
$lang['Link all album elements to a new album'] = '链接所有相册的相片到新的相册';
$lang['Link all album elements to some existing albums'] = '链接所有相册的相片到现有的相册';
$lang['Linked albums'] = '已链接相册';
$lang['Lock gallery'] = '冻结图库';
$lang['Maintenance'] = '维护';
$lang['Edit album permissions'] = '对类进行权限管理';
$lang['Edit album permissions'] = '管理相册的权限';
$lang['Manage permissions for group "%s"'] = '对组 "%s" 进行权限管理';
$lang['Manage permissions for user "%s"'] = '对用户 "%s" 进行权限管理';
$lang['Manage tags'] = '标签管理';
$lang['Members'] = '成员';
$lang['Metadata synchronized from file'] = '对文件进行元数据同步';
$lang['Move albums'] = '移动';
$lang['Move albums'] = '移动相册';
$lang['Move'] = '移动';
$lang['Name'] = '名字';
$lang['New name'] = '新名';
$lang['New parent album'] = '新父类';
$lang['New parent album'] = '新的父相册';
$lang['New tag'] = '新标签';
$lang['Number of comments per page'] = '每页评论数';
$lang['Number of rates'] = '投票数';
$lang['Number of thumbnails to create'] = '缩略图数';
$lang['Only private albums are listed'] = '只列表显示私类';
$lang['Only private albums are listed'] = '只列出私有相册';
$lang['Operating system'] = '操作系统';
$lang['Options'] = '选项';
$lang['Other private albums'] = '另外私类';
$lang['Other private albums'] = '其他私有相册';
$lang['Page banner'] = '页标语';
$lang['Parent album'] = '父';
$lang['Parent album'] = '父相册';
$lang['Path'] = '路径';
$lang['Permalink'] = '固定链接';
$lang['Permalink %s has been previously used by album %s. Delete from the permalink history first'] = '链接 %s 先前已经被类 %s 使用. 请删除固定链接历史记录';
$lang['Permalink %s has been previously used by album %s. Delete from the permalink history first'] = '固定链接 %s 已被 %s 相册使用了。请先从固定链接历史记录删除。';
$lang['The permalink name must be composed of a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "-", "_" or "/". It must not be numeric or start with number followed by "-"'] = '固定链接中包含了非法字符("a-zA-Z0-9", "-", "_" ou "/". 禁止使用数字和以"-"开头后面紧跟数字';
$lang['Permalink %s is already used by album %s'] = '链接 %s 已经被类 %s 使用.';
$lang['Permalink %s is already used by album %s'] = '固定链接 %s 已被 %s 相册使用了';
$lang['Permalink history'] = '固定链接历史记录';
$lang['Permalinks'] = '固定链接';
$lang['Permission denied'] = '禁止访问';
@ -150,19 +150,19 @@ $lang['Rating'] = '投票';
$lang['Reject All'] = '取消所有修改';
$lang['Reject'] = '取消';
$lang['Representant'] = '代理人';
$lang['Representation of albums'] = '类表现';
$lang['Representation of albums'] = '相册代表';
$lang['Representative'] = '代理人';
$lang['Represents'] = '代理';
$lang['Save order'] = '保存排序';
$lang['Save to permalink history'] = '保存到固定链接的历史记录中';
$lang['Select at least one album'] = '至少选中一个类';
$lang['Select at least one album'] = '选择最后一个相册';
$lang['Select at least one picture'] = '至少选中一张图片';
$lang['Select at least one user'] = '至少选中一个用户';
$lang['Show info'] = '显示所有信息';
$lang['Site manager'] = '网管';
$lang['Status'] = '状态';
$lang['Statistics'] = '统计';
$lang['Storage album'] = '保存类';
$lang['Storage album'] = '存储相册';
$lang['Sum of rates'] = '总投票分';
$lang['Tag "%s" already exists'] = '标签 "%s" 已存在';
$lang['Tag "%s" was added'] = '标签 "%s" 已加入';
@ -178,30 +178,30 @@ $lang['Validate All'] = '确认所有评论';
$lang['Validate'] = '确认';
$lang['Validation'] = '确认';
$lang['Version'] = '版本';
$lang['Virtual albums to move'] = '将要移动的虚拟类';
$lang['Virtual album name'] = '虚拟类名';
$lang['Virtual albums to move'] = '移动虚拟相册';
$lang['Virtual album name'] = '虚拟相册名称';
$lang['Webmaster cannot be deleted'] = '不能删除网管帐户';
$lang['You are running on development sources, no check possible.'] = '你运行的是源码开发版本, 不能检测最新版.';
$lang['You cannot delete your account'] = "你不能删除自己本身帐号";
$lang['You cannot move an album in its own sub album'] = '你不能把类移到它本身子类中';
$lang['You cannot move an album in its own sub album'] = '您不能将一个相册移动到其子相册里';
$lang['You need to confirm deletion'] = '你必须确认删除操作';
$lang['add tags'] = '增加标签';
$lang['Adviser'] = '顾问';
$lang['Associate to album'] = '关联到类';
$lang['Associate to album'] = '联合到相册';
$lang['associate to group'] = '关联到组';
$lang['Authorized'] = '授权';
$lang['Add a virtual album'] = '增加虚拟类';
$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected albums'] = '允许用户对所选类发表评论';
$lang['The name of an album must not be empty'] = '类名不能为空';
$lang['Lock albums'] = '冻结类';
$lang['Private'] = '私';
$lang['Public'] = '公';
$lang['Add a virtual album'] = '添加一个虚拟相册';
$lang['Authorize users to add comments on selected albums'] = '让用户可在所选相册里发表评论';
$lang['The name of an album must not be empty'] = '相册名称不能为空';
$lang['Lock albums'] = '锁定相册';
$lang['Private'] = '私有相册';
$lang['Public'] = '公共相册';
$lang['Find a new representant by random'] = '随机寻找代理人';
$lang['Public / Private'] = '公有 / 私有';
$lang['Manage authorizations for selected albums'] = '管理所选类权限';
$lang['Select uploadable albums'] = '选择上传类';
$lang['Virtual album added'] = '虚拟类已加入';
$lang['Virtual album deleted'] = '虚拟已删除';
$lang['Manage authorizations for selected albums'] = '管理所选相册的授权';
$lang['Select uploadable albums'] = '选择可上传的相册';
$lang['Virtual album added'] = '虚拟相册已添加';
$lang['Virtual album deleted'] = '虚拟相册已删除';
$lang['Access type'] = '权限类型';
$lang['Comments'] = '评论';
$lang['Information data registered in database'] = '信息已保存到数据库中';
@ -212,11 +212,11 @@ $lang['The number of comments a page must be between 5 and 50 included.'] = '每
$lang['Configuration'] = '设置';
$lang['confirm'] = '设置';
$lang['Date'] = '日期';
$lang['delete album'] = '删除';
$lang['Dissociate from album'] = '取消类关联';
$lang['delete album'] = '删除相册';
$lang['Dissociate from album'] = '从相册里分离';
$lang['dissociate from group'] = '取消组关联';
$lang['edit album permissions'] = '修改权限';
$lang['Album updated successfully'] = '类信息成功更新.';
$lang['edit album permissions'] = '修改相册权限';
$lang['Album updated successfully'] = '相册信息已上传成功.';
$lang['Authorize upload'] = '允许上传图片';
$lang['elements per page'] = '每页图片';
$lang['elements'] = '图';
@ -233,13 +233,13 @@ $lang['group'] = '组';
$lang['The name of a group must not contain " or \' or be empty.'] = '组名不能包含 " 或 \' 并不能为空.';
$lang['This name is already used by another group.'] = '组名已存在.';
$lang['High definition'] = '高清';
$lang['jump to album'] = '跳转到类';
$lang['jump to album'] = '跳到相册';
$lang['jump to image'] = '跳转到图';
$lang['leave'] = '开锁';
$lang['Lock'] = '上锁';
$lang['Locked'] = '锁定';
$lang['manage album elements'] = '管理类成员';
$lang['manage sub-albums'] = '管理子';
$lang['manage album elements'] = '管理相册里的相片';
$lang['manage sub-albums'] = '管理子相册';
$lang['Manage'] = '管理';
$lang['maximum height'] = '最高高度';
$lang['maximum width'] = '最长长度';
@ -349,15 +349,15 @@ $lang['synchronize'] = '同步';
$lang['update the database from files'] = '根据文件对数据库进行更新';
$lang['status'] = '状态';
$lang['Directory'] = '文件夹';
$lang['sub-albums'] = '子';
$lang['sub-albums'] = '子相册';
$lang['synchronize metadata'] = '同步元数据';
$lang['target'] = '目标';
$lang['Thumbnail'] = '缩略图';
$lang['title'] = '标题';
$lang['Album list management'] = '管理';
$lang['Album list management'] = '相册管理';
$lang['Piwigo configuration'] = '配置Piwigo';
$lang['Piwigo administration'] = 'Piwigo管理员';
$lang['Edit album'] = '修改';
$lang['Edit album'] = '修改一个相册';
$lang['Group management'] = '组管理';
$lang['User list'] = '用户名单';
$lang['Modify informations about a picture'] = '修改图片信息';
@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ $lang['for this file format'] = '对于此文件格式';
$lang['unit mode'] = '单一模式';
$lang['Unlocked'] = '解锁';
$lang['unset'] = '清空';
$lang['Update albums informations'] = '更新类信息';
$lang['Update albums informations'] = '上传相册信息';
$lang['Update images informations'] = '更新图信息';
$lang['Synchronize'] = '同步';
$lang['reduce to single existing albums'] = '只能处理一个类';
$lang['reduce to single existing albums'] = '减少现有的单独相册';
$lang['Choose an option'] = '选择一个选项';
$lang['display maximum informations (added albums and elements, deleted albums and elements)'] = '显示全部信息 (增加类, 增加图片, 删除类和图片)';
$lang['display maximum informations (added albums and elements, deleted albums and elements)'] = '显示最全的信息 (添加相册和相片,删除相册和相片)';
$lang['Piwigo version differs on the remote site'] = '与远端站点的Piwigo版本不相同';
$lang['Version of create_listing_file.php on the remote site and Piwigo must be the same'] = '与远端站点文件create_listing_file.php版本和Piwigo版本必须相同';
$lang['listing.xml file was not found'] = '没有发现listing.xml文件';
@ -400,14 +400,14 @@ $lang['Errors caption'] = '错误说明';
$lang['Detailed informations'] = '详细信息';
$lang['File/directory read error'] = '文件/文件夹打开错误';
$lang['The file or directory cannot be accessed (either it does not exist or the access is denied)'] = '无法打开文件或文件夹(要么根本不存在,要么拒绝访问)';
$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory "thumbnail" of the album directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = '每个图片文件需要一个缩略图.缩略图应该存在于类文件夹下的子文件夹"thumbnail"中. 缩略图文件名应该以设置参数"prefix_thumbnail"开始, 扩展名为:';
$lang['a picture filetype requires a thumbnail. The thumbnail must be present in the sub-directory "thumbnail" of the album directory. The thumbnail filename must start with the configured thumbnail prefix and the extension must be among the following list :'] = '图片文件需要一个缩略图。缩略图必须放在相册的 \'thumbnail\' 子目录. 缩略图文件名必须与配置相同,其前缀和扩展必须在以下列表:';
$lang['missing thumbnail'] = '缺少缩略图';
$lang['albums deleted in the database'] = '类已从数据库中删除';
$lang['albums deleted in the database'] = '相册已从数据库删除';
$lang['elements deleted in the database'] = '图片已从数据库中删除';
$lang['images candidates for metadata synchronization'] = '对应同步元数据的候选图片';
$lang['elements informations synchronized with files metadata'] = '附有元数据的同步图片信息informations des images synchronisées avec les méta-données';
$lang['errors during synchronization'] = '同步期间发生错误';
$lang['albums added in the database'] = '增加类到数据库';
$lang['albums added in the database'] = '相册已添加到数据库';
$lang['elements added in the database'] = '增加图片到数据库';
$lang['elements updated in the database'] = '更新数据库中的图片';
$lang['Search for new images in the directories'] = '查询文件中的新图片';
@ -432,14 +432,14 @@ $lang['user_status_generic'] = '一般用户';
$lang['user_status_guest'] = '来宾';
$lang['user_status_normal'] = '游客';
$lang['user_status_webmaster'] = '网管';
$lang['Virtual album'] = '虚拟';
$lang['Virtual album'] = '虚拟相册';
$lang['Waiting'] = '等待';
$lang['default'] = '默认';
$lang['Toggle \'default group\' property'] = '赋予\'groupe par défaut\'默认组属性';
$lang['Advanced features'] = '高级功能';
$lang['Not linked elements'] = '无链接图片';
$lang['Specials'] = '特殊';
$lang['Files with same name in more than one physical album'] = '在好几个物理类中存在同名文件';
$lang['Files with same name in more than one physical album'] = '同一个文件名存在于多个物理相册中';
$lang['Overall'] = '全局视图';
$lang['Year'] = '年';
@ -458,10 +458,10 @@ $lang['Save page visits by administrators'] = '根据管理员来保存访问页
$lang['An information email was sent to group "%s"'] = '已向组 "%s" 的所有成员发送了信息邮件';
$lang['Send an information email to group members'] = '向组成员发送一份信息邮件';
$lang['Group'] = '组';
$lang['[%s] Visit album %s'] = '[%s] 访问了类 %s';
$lang['[%s] Visit album %s'] = '[%s] 参观相册 %s';
$lang['Hello,'] = '你好,';
$lang['See you soon.'] = '再见.';
$lang['Discover album:'] = '挖掘类:';
$lang['Discover album:'] = '探索相册:';
$lang['Mail content'] = '邮件内容';
$lang['none'] = '没有任何人';
$lang['high'] = '高';
@ -587,13 +587,13 @@ $lang['Templates configuration has been recorded.'] = '模板设置已保存.';
$lang['All optimizations have been successfully completed.'] = '优化成功.';
$lang['Optimizations have been completed with some errors.'] = '有些优化发生错误.';
$lang['Modify information'] = '修改信息';
$lang['edit album'] = '编辑类信息';
$lang['edit album'] = '修改此相册的信息';
$lang['nothing'] = '没有内容';
$lang['overrides existing values with empty ones'] = '用空数据来删除已存在的数据';
$lang['manage image ranks'] = '管理图片排序';
$lang['Manage image ranks'] = '管理图片排序';
$lang['Edit ranks'] = '修改排序方式';
$lang['No element in this album'] = '该类中没有图片';
$lang['No element in this album'] = '没有相片在此相册里';
$lang['Images manual order was saved'] = '图片手动排序已保存';
$lang['ranks'] = '顺序';
$lang['Drag to re-order'] = '拖放进行排序';
@ -629,18 +629,18 @@ $lang['Forbid this theme to users'] = '禁用此主题';
$lang['Set as default theme for unregistered and new users'] = '设置为未注册者和新用户的默认主题';
$lang['unknown'] = '未知';
$lang['Upload Photos'] = '上传相片';
$lang['Drop into album'] = '拖进类别';
$lang['Drop into album'] = '拖进相册';
$lang['+ Add an upload box'] = '+ 添加一个上传框';
$lang['Create the "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = '在您的根目录下创建 "%s" 目录以完成 Piwigo 的安装';
$lang['Give write access (chmod 777) to "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = '给予根目录下的 "%s" 目录写权限 (chmod 777) 以完成 Piwigo 的安装';
$lang['existing album'] = '已存在类别';
$lang['create a new album'] = '创建一个新类别';
$lang['Album name'] = '类别名称';
$lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = '类别 "%s" 已添加';
$lang['existing album'] = '现有的相册';
$lang['create a new album'] = '创建一个新相册';
$lang['Album name'] = '相册名称';
$lang['Album "%s" has been added'] = '相册 \'%s\' 已添加';
$lang['Uploaded Photos'] = '相片已上传';
$lang['%d photos uploaded'] = '%d 相片已上传';
$lang['Privacy level set to "%s"'] = '私有级别设置为 "%s"';
$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = '类别 "%s" 现已包含了 %d 相片';
$lang['Album "%s" now contains %d photos'] = '相册 \'%s\' 现已包含了 %d 相片';
$lang['Manage this set of %d photos'] = '管理此设置的 %d 张照片 ';
$lang['Select files'] = '选择文件';
$lang['JPEG files or ZIP archives with JPEG files inside please.'] = 'JPEG 文件或者将 JPEG 文件放到一个 ZIP 档案里';
@ -666,8 +666,8 @@ $lang['Your configuration settings are saved'] = '你的设置已保存';
$lang['Active Themes'] = '已激活的主题';
$lang['Add write access to the "%s" directory'] = '为 "%s" 目录添加写权限';
$lang['Administration Home'] = '管理员首页';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically'] = '类别按字母排序';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically reverse'] = '类别按字母降序排序';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically'] = '相册已按字母排序';
$lang['Categories ordered alphanumerically reverse'] = '相册已按字母倒序排序';
$lang['Change Admin Colors'] = '更改管理员后台颜色';
$lang['Delete this theme'] = '删除此主题';
$lang['Directory does not exist'] = '目录不存在';

View file

@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ $lang_info['zero_plural'] = false;
$lang['%.2f (rated %d times)'] = '%.2f (标注 %d 次)';
$lang['%d Kb'] = '%d KB';
$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d 已更新';
$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d 等多类已更新';
$lang['%d album updated'] = '%d 相册已更新';
$lang['%d albums updated'] = '%d 相册已更新';
$lang['%d comment to validate'] = '%d 条用户评论被确认';
$lang['%d comments to validate'] = '%d 条用户评论被确认';
$lang['%d new comment'] = '%d 新评论';
@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ $lang['At least one listed rule must be satisfied.'] = '至少符合一项标准
$lang['At least one tag must match'] = '至少匹配一个标签';
$lang['Author'] = '拥有者';
$lang['Average rate'] = '评分';
$lang['Albums'] = '';
$lang['Album'] = '';
$lang['Albums'] = '相册';
$lang['Album'] = '相册';
$lang['Close this window'] = '关闭窗口';
$lang['Complete RSS feed (images, comments)'] = '完整RSS回馈(图片, 评论等)';
$lang['Confirm Password'] = '重复输入密码';
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ $lang['Sort by'] = '排序';
$lang['Sort order'] = '排序规则';
$lang['Tag'] = '标签';
$lang['Tags'] = '标签簇';
$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'RSS提供通知更新事件功能 : 加入新图片, 更新图类, 新的用户评论. 请使用相关软件来获得RSS.';
$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.'] = 'RSS提要,从这个网站上提供新事件的通知:新相片,更新相册,新评论。要使用 RSS 阅读器查看new pictures, updated albums, new comments. To be used with a RSS feed reader.';
$lang['Unknown feed identifier'] = '未知流标识';
$lang['User comments'] = '用户评论';
$lang['Username'] = '用户名';
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ $lang['Adviser mode enabled'] = '激活建议模式';
$lang['all'] = '所有';
$lang['ascending'] = '升序';
$lang['author(s) : %s'] = '拥有者 : %s';
$lang['Expand all albums'] = '展开所有';
$lang['Expand all albums'] = '展开所有相册';
$lang['posted after %s (%s)'] = '插入到 %s (%s) 之后';
$lang['posted before %s (%s)'] = '插入到 %s (%s) 之前';
$lang['posted between %s (%s) and %s (%s)'] = '插入到 %s (%s) 和 le %s (%s) 之间';
@ -189,15 +189,15 @@ $lang['Page generated in'] = '页面创建时间';
$lang['guest'] = '游客';
$lang['Hello'] = '你好';
$lang['available for administrators only'] = '只限于管理者';
$lang['shows images at the root of this album'] = '显示所有此类图片';
$lang['shows images at the root of this album'] = '显示此相册根目录下的相片';
$lang['See last users comments'] = '查看最新用户评论';
$lang['customize the appareance of the gallery'] = '个性化设置';
$lang['search'] = '搜索';
$lang['Home'] = '主页';
$lang['Identification'] = '身份鉴别';
$lang['in this album'] = '在此类中';
$lang['in %d sub-album'] = '在 %d 子类中';
$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = '在 %d 等子类中';
$lang['in this album'] = '在此相册里';
$lang['in %d sub-album'] = '在 %d 子相册里';
$lang['in %d sub-albums'] = '在n %d 子相册里';
$lang['included'] = '包括';
$lang['Invalid password!'] = '密码不正确!';
$lang['Language'] = '语言';
@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ $lang['Maximum height must be a number superior to 50'] = '图片最大长度必
$lang['Maximum width of the pictures'] = '图片的最大宽度';
$lang['Maximum width must be a number superior to 50'] = '图片最大宽度必须大于50';
$lang['display a calendar by creation date'] = '通过创建时间显示日历';
$lang['display all elements in all sub-albums'] = '平铺显示所有类及其子类图片';
$lang['display all elements in all sub-albums'] = '显示所有相册和子相册的相片';
$lang['return to normal view mode'] = '返回到普通模式显示';
$lang['display a calendar by posted date'] = '通过发送时间来显示日历';
$lang['month'][10] = '十月';
@ -249,8 +249,8 @@ $lang['Preferences'] = '使用偏好';
$lang['Previous'] = '前页';
$lang['Random pictures'] = '随机图片';
$lang['display a set of random pictures'] = '随机显示图片';
$lang['Recent albums'] = '最近更新的类';
$lang['display recently updated albums'] = '显示最近更新或创建的类';
$lang['Recent albums'] = '最新的相册';
$lang['display recently updated albums'] = '显示最近更新的相册';
$lang['Recent period'] = '最近阶段';
$lang['Recent pictures'] = '最新图片';
$lang['display most recent pictures'] = '显示最新图片';
@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ $lang['remove this tag from the list'] = '删除此标签';
$lang['representative'] = '代理人';
$lang['return to homepage'] = '返回首页';
$lang['Search for Author'] = '搜索上传者';
$lang['Search in albums'] = '在这些类中查询';
$lang['Search in albums'] = '在相册里搜索';
$lang['Search by Date'] = '通过日期查询';
$lang['Date'] = '开始日期';
$lang['End-Date'] = '最终日期';
@ -277,10 +277,10 @@ $lang['Search for any terms'] = '以或模式查询';
$lang['Empty query. No criteria has been entered.'] = '查询语句不能为空';
$lang['Search Options'] = '查询选项';
$lang['Search results'] = '搜索结果';
$lang['Search in sub-albums'] = '在子类中搜索';
$lang['Search in sub-albums'] = '在子相册里搜索';
$lang['searched words : %s'] = '搜索词 : %s';
$lang['Contact'] = '联系';
$lang['set as album representative'] = '选择此类代理';
$lang['set as album representative'] = '设置一个相册代表';
$lang['Show number of comments'] = '显示评论总数';
$lang['Show number of hits'] = '显示查看次数';
$lang['slideshow'] = '幻灯片放映';
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ $lang['User: %s'] = '用户: %s';
$lang['Email: %s'] = '电子邮件: %s';
$lang['Admin: %s'] = '管理员: %s';
$lang['Registration of %s'] = '注册 %s';
$lang['Album: %s'] = '类别: %s';
$lang['Album: %s'] = '相册: %s';
$lang['Picture name: %s'] = '图片名: %s';
$lang['Creation date: %s'] = '创建日期: %d';
$lang['Waiting page: %s'] = '等待页面: %s';
@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ $lang['Bad status for user "guest", using default status. Please notify the webm
// --------- Starting below: New or revised $lang ---- from Butterfly (2.0)
$lang['Administrator, webmaster and special user cannot use this method'] = '管理员, 网管和特定用户不能使用此方法功能';
$lang['a user use already this mail address'] = '邮箱地址已存在';
$lang['Album results for'] = '符合查询类结果';
$lang['Album results for'] = '相册的结果';
$lang['Tag results for'] = '符合查询标签结果';
$lang['from %s to %s'] = '从 %s 到 %s';
$lang['Play of slideshow'] = '播放';

View file

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ $lang['Perform a maintenance check in [Administration>Tools>Maintenance] if you
$lang['As a precaution, following plugins have been deactivated. You must check for plugins upgrade before reactiving them:'] = "为了预防万一,以下插件已被停用。在您重新启用它们之前,必须先检查这些插件的更新:";
$lang['Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.'] = "只有管理员能运行升级操作:请先登录。";
$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade'] = "您没有执行升级程序的权限";
$lang['All sub-albums of private albums become private'] = "所有私有类别下的子类别都将成为私有。";
$lang['All sub-albums of private albums become private'] = '相册里的所有子相册都成为私有';
$lang['User permissions and group permissions have been erased'] = "用户和组的权限已被清除";
$lang['Only thumbnails prefix and webmaster mail address have been saved from previous configuration'] = "在前一个配置操作中,只有缩略图的前缀和网站管理员的邮件地址被保存了。";
$lang['In <i>%s</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:'] = '在 <i>%s</i>, 之前 <b>?></b>, 插入:';