$lang['Image only RSS feed']='Photos only RSS feed';
$lang['The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new pictures, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.']='The RSS notification feed provides notification on news from this website : new photos, updated albums, new comments. Use a RSS feed reader.';
$lang['Maximum height of the pictures']='Maximum photo height';
$lang['Maximum width of the pictures']='Maximum photo width';
$lang['display all elements in all sub-albums']='display all photos in all sub-albums';
$lang['The number of images per row must be a not null scalar']='The number of photos per row must be a not null scalar';
$lang['Number of images per row']='Number of photos per row';
$lang['Elements posted within the last %d day.']='Photos posted within the last %d day.';
$lang['Elements posted within the last %d days.']='Photos posted within the last %d days.';
$lang['Click on the picture to see it in high definition']='Click on the photo to see it in high definition';
$lang['add new elements to caddie']='add new photos to caddie';
$lang['display maximum informations (added albums and elements, deleted albums and elements)']='display maximum informations (added albums and photos, deleted albums and photos)';
$lang['elements added in the database']='photos added in the database';
$lang['elements deleted in the database']='photos deleted from the database';
$lang['elements per page']='photos per page';
$lang['elements updated in the database']='photos updated in the database';