$lang['An error has occured during extract. Please check files permissions of your piwigo installation.<br><a href="%s">Click here to show log error</a>.']='Daar was \'n fout tydens ontrekking. Gaan asseblief lêer toestemmings van jou Piwigo installasie na. <br><a href="%s">Kliek hier om die loglêer te wys</a>.';
$lang['Are you sure to install this upgrade? You must verify if this version does not need uninstallation.']='Is jy seker jy wil hierdie opgradering installeer? Jy moet verseker dat hierdie weergawe nie vooraf verwyder moet word nie.';
$lang['Are you sure you want to delete this plugin?']='Is jy seker jy wil hierdie invoegsel verwyder?';
$lang['Are you sure you want to install this plugin?']='Is jy seker jy wil hierdie invoegsel installeer?';
$lang['Associate to album']='Assosieer met album';
$lang['WARNING! This plugin does not seem to be compatible with this version of Piwigo.']='WAARSKUWING! Hierdie invoegsel is moontlik nie aanpasbaar met hierdie weergawe van Piwigo nie.';
$lang['Web Form']='Web Vorm';
$lang['Webmaster cannot be deleted']='Webmeester kan nie verwyder word nie';
$lang['Webmaster status is required.']='Webmeester status word benodig.';
$lang['Week starts on']='Week begin op';
$lang['Who can see these photos?']='Wie kan hierdie fotos sien?';
$lang['Who can see this photo?']='Wie kan hierdie foto sien?';
$lang['With blank value, gallery title will be used']='Indien leeg, sal die gallery titel gebruik word';
$lang['With no album']='Met geen album';
$lang['With no tag']='Met geen etiket';
$lang['With no virtual album']='Met geen virtuele album';
$lang['X Position']='X Posisie';
$lang['X Repeat']='X Herhaling';
$lang['Y Position']='Y Posisie';
$lang['You are running the latest version of Piwigo.']='Jy gebruik die nuutste weergawe van Piwigo.';
$lang['You are using the Browser uploader. Try the <a href="%s">Flash uploader</a> instead.']='Jy gebruik die Webleser oplaaier. Probeer die <a href="%s">Flash oplaaier</a>.';
$lang['You are using the Flash uploader. Problems? Try the <a href="%s">Browser uploader</a> instead.']='Jy gebruik die Flash oplaaier. Probleme? Probeer die <a href="%s">Webleser oplaaier</a>.';
$lang['You can activate only one mobile theme.']='Jy kan slegs een mobiele tema aktiveer.';
$lang['You can update to Piwigo %s directly, without upgrading to Piwigo %s (recommended).']='Jy kan direk na Piwigo %s opgradeer, sonder opgradering na Piwigo %s (aanbeveel).';
$lang['You cannot delete your account']='Jy kan nie jou rekenaar verwyder nie';
$lang['You cannot move an album in its own sub album']='Jy kan nie \'n album as sy eie subalbum skuif nie';
$lang['You have %d orphan tags: %s.']='Jy het %d los etikette: %s.';
$lang['Your configuration settings are saved']='Jou konfigurasie verstellings is gebêre';
$lang['add a new watermark']='voeg \'n nuwe watermerk by';
$lang['associate to group']='assosieer met groep';
$lang['automatic order']='outomatiese volgorde';
$lang['average time']='gemiddelde tyd';
$lang['bottom left corner']='onderste linker hoek';
$lang['bottom right corner']='onderste regter hoek';
$lang['clean']='maak skoon';
$lang['create a new album']='skep nuwe album';
$lang['delete photo']='verwyder foto';
$lang['delete this site and all its attached elements']='verwyder hierdie blad en alle verwante inligting';
$lang['The %d following tags were deleted']='Die volgende %d etikette is verwyder';
$lang['The anomaly will be ignored until next application version']='Die anomalie sal geignoreer word tot die volgende toepassing weergawe';
$lang['The file or directory cannot be accessed (either it does not exist or the access is denied)']='Die lêer of gids kan nie bereik word nie (dit bestaan nie of toegang is gewyer)';
$lang['The following tag was deleted']='Die volgende etiket is verwyder';
$lang['The gallery URL is not valid.']='Die gallery URL is nie geldig nie.';
$lang['The name of a group must not contain " or \' or be empty.']='Die naam van \'n groep mag nie " of \' bevat nie of leeg wees nie.';
$lang['The name of an album must not be empty']='Die naam van \'n album kan nie leeg wees nie';
$lang['The original image quality must be a number between %d and %d']='Die oorspronklike beeld kwaliteit moet \'n getal tussen %d en %d wees';
$lang['The original maximum height must be a number between %d and %d']='Die oorspronklike maksimum hoogte moet \'n getal tussen %d en %d wees';
$lang['The original maximum width must be a number between %d and %d']='Die oorspronklike maksimum wydte moet \'n getal tussen %d en %d wees';
$lang['The whole page']='Die hele blad';
$lang['The whole set']='Die hele stel';
$lang['Theme has been successfully installed']='Tema is suksesvol geinstalleer';
$lang['Themes which need upgrade']='Tema wat opgradeer moet word';
$lang['There is no available subscribers to mail.']='Daar is nie intekenaars wat per epos in kennis gestel moet word nie.';
$lang['There is no other language available.']='Daar is nie ander tale beskikbaar nie.';
$lang['There is no other plugin available.']='Daar is nie ander invoegsels beskikbaar nie.';
$lang['There is no other theme available.']='Daar is nie ander temas beskikbaar nie.';
$lang['This is a major update, with <a href="%s">new exciting features</a>.']='Hierdie is \'n groot opdatering, met <a href="%s">nuwe opwindende kenmerke</a>.';
$lang['This is a minor update, with only bug corrections.']='Hierdie is \'n klein opdatering, met slegs goggas verwyder.';
$lang['This name is already used by another group.']='Hierdie naam is reeds ingebruik deur \'n ander groep.';
$lang['This site already exists']='Hierdie blad bestaan alreeds.';
$lang['This theme was not designed to be directly activated']='Hierdie tema was nie ontwerp om direk geaktiveer te word nie.';
$lang['Thumbnails generation in progress...']='Besig met duimnael skepping...';
$lang['To send ?']='Om te stuur?';
$lang['To subscribe']='Om in te teken?';
$lang['To unsubscribe']='Om af te teken';
$lang['Two updates are available']='Twee opdaterings beskikbaar';
$lang['Type here the author name']='Tik hier die outeur se naam';
$lang['Type here the title']='Tik hier die titel';
$lang['Type in a search term']='Tik hier \'n soekterm';
$lang['Unable to check for upgrade.']='Nie in staat om vir opgradering te soek nie.';
$lang['Unable to dump database.']='Nie in staat om databasis te stort nie.';
$lang['%u users have automatic permission because they belong to a granted group.']='%u gebruikers het outomaties toegang omdat hulle aan \'n toegelate groep behoort.';
$lang['Apply watermark if height is bigger than']='Voeg \'n watermerk by as die hoogte groter is as';
$lang['Apply watermark if width is bigger than']='Voeg \'n watermerk by as die breedte groter is as';
$lang['By default, Piwigo will create a new websize from the HD (high definition) version of your photo.']='Standaard sal Piwigo \'n nuwe kleiner weergawe van die foto maak om op die web te vertoon.';
$lang['By default, the center of interest is placed in the middle of the photo.']='Standaard word die middel van die foto gekies as die gebied om op te fokus.';
$lang['Caddie management']='Bewerk mandjie';
$lang['Correction applied with error']='Fout tydens regstelling';
$lang['Correction applied with success']='Regstelling suksesvol gemaak';
$lang['Email administrators when a comment is deleted']='E-pos die administrateur as kommentaar verwyder is';
$lang['Email administrators when a comment is modified']='E-pos die administrateur as kommentaar verander is';
$lang['Email admins when a comment requires validation']='E-pos die administrateurs as kommentaar nagegaan moet word';
$lang['Email admins when a new user registers']='E-pos die administrateurs as \'n nuwe gebruiker registreer';
$lang['Email admins when a valid comment is entered']='E-pos die administrateurs as daar geldige kommentaar gelaat is';
$lang['Exif extension not available, admin should disable exif use']='Exif-aanvullings is nie beskikbaar nie. Die administrateur moet die gebruik van exif afskakel.';
$lang['Failed to write file to disk']='Fout met skryf van lêers na hardeskyf';
$lang['Features include gallery browsing, album creation and photo upload.']='Funksionaliteit sluit in gallery besigtiging, die skep van albums en die oplaai van foto\'s.';
$lang['File upload stopped by extension']='Oplaai van lêer is deur \'n uitbreiding gestop';
$lang['File/directory read error']='Fout met lees van lêer/gids';
$lang['Find a new representant by random']='Kies \'n willekeurige album voorbeeldfoto';
$lang['Following plugins may not be compatible with the new version of Piwigo:']='Hierdie uitbreidings mag onversoenbaar wees met die nuwe weergawe van Piwigo:';
$lang['Following themes may not be compatible with the new version of Piwigo:']='Hierdie temas mag onversoenbaar wees met die nuwe weergawe van Piwigo:';
$lang['For photo sizes with crop, such as "Square", Piwigo will do its best to include the center of interest.']='Piwigo sal sy bes probeer om die area van fokus in die middel te plaas wanneer die foto gesnoei word. (Soos na \'n vierkant.)';
$lang['Forbid this language to users']='Steek hierdie taal vir gebruikers weg';
$lang['Forbid this theme to users']='Steek hierdie tema vir gebruikers weg';
$lang['GD library is missing']='GD-biblioteek is nie beskikbaar nie';
$lang['If no HD is available and if the current websize is bigger than resize dimensions, Piwigo will move it as HD and create a downsized websize photo from it.']='As hoë resolusie nie beskikbaar is nie, en die huidige webgrootte-kopie groter is as die normale webgrootte, sal Piwigo die huidige kopie as hoë resolusie gebruik en \'n nuwe webgrootte-kopie maak.';
$lang['If you encounter problems or have any question, please send a message to']='Indien jy enige probleme, klagtes of kommentaar het, stuur \'n e-pos aan';
$lang['Images manual order was saved']='Stoor handmatig-gekose volgorde';
$lang['Impossible to activate this theme, the parent theme is missing: %s']='Hierdie tema kan nie geaktiveer word nie aangesien die basis-tema "%s" nie beskikbaar is nie.';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, first set another language as default.']='Kies eers \'n ander taal as standaard voor hierdie taal gedeaktiveer kan word.';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this language, you need at least one language.']='Hierdie is die enigste taal en kan dus nie gedeaktiveer word nie.';
$lang['Impossible to deactivate this theme, you need at least one theme.']='Hierdie is die enigste tema en kan dus ne gedeaktiveer word nie.';
$lang['Impossible to delete this theme. Other themes depends on it: %s']='Hierdie tema kan nie verwyder word nie aangesien ander (%s) dit as basis gebruik.';
$lang['No group is permitted to see this private album']='Geen groep mag hierdie private album sien nie';
$lang['Numeric identifier : %d']='Numeriese id : %d';
$lang['Photo sizes with crop']='Foto groottes tydens snoei.';
$lang['Piwigo export plugin for iPhoto']='Piwigo uitvoer uitbreiding vir iPhoto.';
$lang['Rated %d times, score : %.2f']='%d stemme met \'n gemiddelde telling van: %.2f';
$lang['Select a zone with your mouse to define a new center of interest.']='Kies \'n gebied met die muis om \'n area van fokus aan te dui.';
$lang['The center of interest is the most meaningful zone in the photo.']='Die area van fokus is die gebied of deel van die foto wat die meeste sê.';
$lang['To export your photos from digiKam to Piwigo, simply install digiKam and the Kipi-plugins.']='Om jou foto\'s vanaf digiKam na Piwigo te stuur, installeer die digiKam- en Kipi-uitbreidings.';
$lang['any visitor can see this album']='enige besoeker kan hierdie album sien';
$lang['digiKam is designed for photographers who want to view, manage, edit, enhance, organize, tag, and share photographs.']='digiKam is ontwerp vir fotograwe wat foto\'s wil bekyk, bestuur, bewerk, verbeter, organiseer, deel en etikette daaraan wil toevoeg.';
$lang['display maximum informations (added albums and photos, deleted albums and photos)']='vertoon alle inligting (toegevoegde albums en foto\'s, verwyderde albums en foto\'s)';
$lang['dissociate from group']='verwyder vanuit groep';
$lang['even already synchronized photos']='selfs reeds gesinkroniseerde foto\'s';
$lang['first photo added on %s']='eerste foto toegevoeg op %s';
$lang['for the file format']='vir die lêer-tipe';
$lang['for this file format']='vir die lêer-tipe';
$lang['group "%s" added']='groep "%s" is toegevoeg';
$lang['group "%s" deleted']='groep "%s" is verwyder';
$lang['group "%s" updated']='die groep "%s" is opgedateer';
$lang['hide details']='steek details weg';
$lang['include photos with lower privacy level']='sluit foto\'s met laer toegangsregte in';
$lang['visitors need to login and have the appropriate permissions to see this album']='besoekers moet aanteken en voldoende regte hê om hierdie album te kan sien';
$lang['Piwigo Publish plugin for Lightroom']='Piwigo Publiseer hegstuk vir Lightroom';
$lang['Piwigo publish plugin for Shotwell']='Piwigo Publiseer hegstuk vir Shotwell';
$lang['Piwigo publish plugin for digiKam']='Piwigo Publiseer hegstuk vir digiKam';
$lang['Released on']='Vrygestel op';
$lang['Remove all filters']='Verwyder alle filters';
$lang['Repair and optimize database']='Herstel en optimaliseer databasis';
$lang['Storage album']='Stoor album';
$lang['Subscribe %s to Piwigo Announcements Newsletter']='Teken %s in op Piwigo Aankondigings Nuusbrief';
$lang['Subscribe %s']='Inteken %s';
$lang['Subscribe to notification by mail']='Teken in op kennisgewings per epos';
$lang['Tag "%s" was added']='Etiket "%s" is bygevoeg';
$lang['Tag selection']='Kies etikette';
$lang['Templates configuration has been recorded.']='Templaat konfigurasie is aangeteken.';
$lang['The name of directories and files must be composed of letters, numbers, "-", "_" or "."']='Die name van gidse en lêers mag net bestaan uit letters, nommers, "-", "_" of "."';
$lang['The number of comments a page must be between 5 and 50 included.']='Die aantal opmerkings per bladsy moet tussen 5 en 50 ingesluit wees.';
$lang['The permalink name must be composed of a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "-", "_" or "/". It must not be numeric or start with number followed by "-"']='Die permaskakel naam moet opgemaak word van a-z, A-Z, 0-9, "-", "_" of "/". Dit mag nie numeries wees of begin met \'n nommer gevolg deur \'n "-"';
$lang['The uploaded file was only partially uploaded']='Die opgelaaide lêer is slegs gedeeltelik opgelaai';
$lang['Password confirmation is missing. Please confirm the chosen password.']='Wagwoord bevestiging nie gedoen. Bevestig asseblief die gekose wagwoord.';
$lang['Password is missing. Please enter the password.']='Wagwoord nie ingevul nie. Vul asseblief die wagwoord in.';
$lang['Permission denied']='Regte geweier';
$lang['Permission granted thanks to a group']='Regte gekoppel aan \'n groep toegeken ';
$lang['Keep in touch with Piwigo project, subscribe to Piwigo Announcement Newsletter. You will receive emails when a new release is available (sometimes including a security bug fix, it\'s important to know and upgrade) and when major events happen to the project. Only a few emails a year.']='Bly betrokke by die Piwigo-projek deur in te skryf vir die Piwigo Afkondingings-nuusbrief. Jy sal \'n e-pos ontvang as \'n nuwe weergawe uitgegee word of as daar enige ander groot nuus rakende die projek is. Dit is gewoonlik net enkele e-posse per jaar.';
$lang['Languages which need upgrade']='Tale wat opgedateer moet word';
$lang['Last hit']='Onlangste besoek';
$lang['Learn more']='Ek wil meer weet';
$lang['Lock albums']='Sluit album';
$lang['Lock gallery']='Sluit gallery';
$lang['Other plugins']='Ander uitbreidings is beskikbaar';
$lang['Parent album']='Ouer-album';
$lang['Pending Comments']='Kommentaar om nog na te gaan';
$lang['Permalink %s has been previously used by album %s. Delete from the permalink history first']='Permaskakel %s is voorheen deur die album %s gebruik. Verwyder dit eers van die permaskakel-geskiedenis.';
$lang['Permalink %s is already used by album %s']='Permaskakel %s is alreeds in gebruik deur die album %s';
$lang['Reset ignored updates']='Hou op opdaterings ignoreer';
$lang['Resize']='Verander grootte';
$lang['Restore default configuration. You will lose your plugin settings!']='Herstel standaard-opstelling. Jy sal jou uitbreidings se instellings verloor.';
$lang['Save to permalink history']='Stoor in permaskakel-geskiedenis';
$lang['Save visits in history for']='Stoor geskiedenis van besoeke vir';
$lang['Select at least two tags for merging']='Kies twee etikette om saam te smelt';
$lang['Select the destination tag']='Kies die eindbestemming-etiket';
$lang['Site manager']='Webmeester';
$lang['Start pLoader and add your photos.']='Voer pLoader uit en voeg jou fotos by.';
$lang['Tags <em>%s</em> merged into tag <em>%s</em>']='Etiket <em>%s</em> is saamgesmelt met etiket <em>%s</em>';
$lang['The version of %s [%s] installed is not compatible with the version required ']['%s']='Die weergawe van %s [%s] wat geïnstalleer is is nie aanpasbaar met die weergawe wat benodig word nie [%s].';
$lang['The webmaster has subscribed you to receiving notifications by mail.']='Die webmeester het jou ingeskryf vir kennisgewings per e-pos.';
$lang['The webmaster has unsubscribed you from receiving notifications by mail.']='Die webmeester het jou inskrywing vir kennisgewings per e-pos gekanselleer.';
$lang['You have subscribed to receiving notifications by mail.']='Jy is ingeskryf vir kennisgewings per e-pos.';
$lang['You have unsubscribed from receiving notifications by mail.']='Jou inskrywing vir kennisgewings per e-pos is gekanselleer.';
$lang['You might go to plugin list to install and activate it.']='Gaan na die uitbreidingslys om dit te installeer en te aktiveer.';
$lang['You need to upgrade your system to take full advantage of the application else the application will not work correctly, or not at all']='Jy moet verkieslik jou stelsel opdateer om die program ten volle te kan gebruik, anders kan daar nie probleme voorkom nie.';
$lang['Complementary mail content']='Ekstra e-pos inhoud';
$lang['Continue processing treatment']='Gaan voort met huidige behandeling';
$lang['Create the "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation']='Skep \'n vouer genaamd "%s" in die basis pad van jou Piwigo-installasie';
$lang['Element type']='Element tipe';
$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d second].']='Maksimum uitvoertyd is bereik, maar behandeling moet voortgaan [Tyd om te gaan: %d sekondes]';
$lang['Execution time is out, treatment must be continue [Estimated time: %d seconds].']='Maksimum uitvoertyd is verby, maar behandeling moet voortgaan [Tyd om te gaan: %d sekondes]';
$lang['Give write access (chmod 777) to "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation']='Gee skryfregte (chmod 777) aan die vouer "%s" in die basis pad van jou Piwigo-installasie';
$lang['Information data registered in database']='Inligting aangeteken in databasis';
$lang['Invert']='Keer om';
$lang['Language has been successfully installed']='Taal is suksesvol geïnstalleer';
$lang['<em>Piwigo for Android</em> application empowers you to connect your Android phone or table to your Piwigo gallery, create some albums and upload several photos at once.']='<em>Piwigo vir Android</em> toepassing stel jou in staat om met jou Android foon of tablet aan jou Piwigo gallery te verbind, albums te skep en fotos op te laai.';
$lang['<em>Piwigo for iOS</em> application empowers you to connect to your Piwigo gallery from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, create some albums and upload several photos at once.']='<em>Piwigo vir iOS</em> toepassing stel jou in staat om met jou iPhone, iPad of iPad touch aan jou Piwigo gallery te verbind, albums te skep en fotos op te laai.';
$lang['Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is a photography software designed to manage large quantities of digital images and doing post production work.']='Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is fotografie sagteware wat ontwerp is om groot hoeveelhede digitale beelde te administreer en postproduksie werk te doen.';
$lang['Aperture is a powerful tool to refine images and manage massive libraries on Mac.']='Aperture is \'n kragtige pakket om beelde te verwerk en groot biblioteke op Mac te hanteer.';
$lang['Aperture is designed for professional photographers with iPhoto simplicity.']='Aperture is ontwerk vir professionele fotograwe met iPhoto eenvoudigheid.';
$lang['Bound Theme']='Gebonde tema';
$lang['By rank']='Volgens rangorde';
$lang['Follow Orientation']='Volg oriëntasie';
$lang['In your php.ini file, the upload_max_filesize (%sB) is bigger than post_max_size (%sB), you should change this setting']='In jou php.ini lêer is die upload_max_filesize (%sB) groter as die post_max_size (%sB). Jy moet hierdie verstelling verander';
$lang['Include display of recent photos grouped by dates']='Sluit in die vertoon van onlangse fotos gegroepeer volgens datum';
$lang['Include history data (Warning: server memory limit may be exceeded)']='Sluit geskiedkundige data in (Waarskuwing: bediener geheue limiet kan oorskrei word)';
$lang['Link all album photos to a new album']='Koppel alle album fotos aan \'n nuwe album';
$lang['Link all album photos to some existing albums']='Koppel alle album fotos aan sommige bestaande albums';
$lang['Linked albums']='Gekoppelde albums';
$lang['Mail address is obligatory for all users']='Epos adres is verpligtend vir alle gebruikers';
$lang['Manage authorizations for selected albums']='Beheer regte vir gekose albums';
$lang['Manage permissions for group "%s"']='Bheer regte vir die groep "%s"';
$lang['Manage permissions for user "%s"']='Bheer regte vir die gebruiker "%s"';
$lang['Metadata synchronized from file']='Metadata sinchronisasie vanaf lêer';
$lang['Missing Plugins']='Vermiste Invoegsels';
$lang['Missing a temporary folder']='Vermis \'n tydelike gids';
$lang['No destination tag selected']='Geen bestemming etiket gekies nie';
$lang['No user to send notifications by mail.']='Geen gebruikers vir epos inkennisstelling';
$lang['Number of downloads']='Aantal aflaaie';
$lang['Number of rates']='Aantal graderings';
$lang['Number of thumbnails to create']='Aantal duimnaels om te skep';
$lang['On your Linux, simply install Shotwell with your package manager and the activate Piwigo publishing option.']='Op jou Linux, installeer eenvoudig Shotwell met jou pakketbeheerder en aktiveer die Piwigo publikasie opsie.';
$lang['Operating system']='Bedryfstelsel';
$lang['Operation in progress']='Behandeling onderweg.';
$lang['Optimizations have been completed with some errors.']='Optimalisasies is met \'n paar foute voltooi.';
$lang['Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.']='Die tyd om die lys van gebruikers vir wie epos gestuur word voor te berei, is beperk. Ander gebruikers word nie gelys nie.';
$lang['Purge never used notification feeds']='Maak ongebruikte kennisname strome skoon';
$lang['Purge sessions']='Maak sessies skoon';
$lang['Quick Local Synchronization']='Vinnige Plaaslike Sinchronisasie';
$lang['Rate date']='Gradeer datum';
$lang['Rating by guests']='Gradering deur gaste';
$lang['ReGalAndroid (RemoteGallery client for Android) is an open source (GPL v3) Piwigo client for the Android platform.']='ReGalAndroid (RemoteGallery client for Android) is \'n oopbron (GPL v3) Piwigo kliënt vir die Android dek.';
$lang['Remove from caddie']='Verwyder uit mandjie';
$lang['Replacement of original templates by customized templates from template-extension subfolder']='Vervanging van oorspronklike sjablone deur aangemete sjablone uit die sjabloon-uitbreidings subgids';
$lang['Resize after upload']='Verander grootte na oplaai';
$lang['Send an information email to group members']='Stuur \'n inligtings-epos aan groep lede';
$lang['Send connection settings by email']='Stuur verbindingsverstellings deur epos';
$lang['Set creation date']='Stel skeppingsdatum';
$lang['Shotwell is an open source digital photo organizer that runs on Linux. It is the default photo manager in Ubuntu and Fedora.']='Shotwell is \'n oopbron digitale fotobeheerder wat op Linux loop. Dit is die verstek fotobeheerder in Ubuntu en Fedora.';
$lang['Status of user "%s" updated']='Gebruiker "%s" status opdateer';
$lang['Subscribers could be listed (available) only if there is new elements to notify.']='Intekenaars kan slegs gelys word (beskikbaar) as daar nuwe elemente is om in kennis te stel.';
$lang['Sum of rates']='Totaal van graderings';
$lang['The Piwigo export plugin allows you to create albums and export photos.']='Die Piwigo uitvoer invoegsel laat jou toe om albums te skep en fotos uit te voer.';
$lang['The Piwigo publish Plug-in allows you to export and synchronize photos from Lightroom directly to your Piwigo photo gallery.']='Die Piwigo publiseer invoegsel laat jou toe om fotos direk uit Lightroom na jou Piwigo gallery op te laai en te sinchroniseer.';
$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form']='Die opgelaaide lêer is groter as die MAX_FILE_SIZE opdrag wat in die HTML vorm gespesifiseer is';
$lang['The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: %sB']='Die opgelaaide lêer is groter as die upload_max_filesize opdrag in php.ini: %sB';
$lang['The uploaded files exceed the post_max_size directive in php.ini: %sB']='Die opgelaaide lêers is groter as die upload_max_filesize opdrag in php.ini: %sB';
$lang['Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.']='Die beskikbare tyd om epos te stuur is beperk. Ander eposse is oorgeslaan.';
$lang['Warning: subscribing or unsubscribing will send mails to users']='Waarskuwing: inteken of afteken sal epos na gebruikers stuur';
$lang['You are running on development sources, no check possible.']='Jy gebruik ontwikkelaarskode, geen nasiening moontlik nie.';
$lang['You can\'t define a default photo order because you have a custom setting in your local configuration.']='Jy kan nie \'n verstek foto volgorde kies nie want jy het \'n aangemete verstelling in jou lokale konfigurasie.';
$lang['You have specified <i>$conf[\'order_by\']</i> in your local configuration file, this parameter in deprecated, please remove it or rename it into <i>$conf[\'order_by_custom\']</i> !']='Jy het <i>$conf[\'order_by\']</i> in jou lokale konfigurasie gespesifiseer. Hierdie parameter is afgekeur. Verwyder dit of vernoem dit na <i>$conf[\'order_by_custom\']</i>!';
$lang['create a new site']='skep \'n nuwe werf';
$lang['digiKam is an advanced digital photo management free software for Linux, Windows, and MacOSX.']='digiKam is \'n gevorderde gratis foto hanteringsagteware pakket vir Linux, Windows en MacOSX.';
$lang['global mode']='globale modus';
$lang['iPhoto is the default photo manager on MacOSX. The Piwigo export plugin let you create new albums and export your photos directly from iPhoto to your Piwigo photo gallery.']='iPhoto is die verstek fotohanteringsagteware op MacOSX. Die Piwigo uitvoer invoegsel laat jou nuwe albums skep en direk fotos van iPhoto na jou Piwigo gallery oplaai.';
$lang['manage album photos']='beheer album fotos';
$lang['no write access']='geen skryf regte';
$lang['on the %d selected photos']='op die %d gekose fotos';
$lang['only perform a simulation (no change in database will be made)']='doen net \'n simulasie (niks sal in die databasis verander word nie)';
$lang['pLoader stands for <em>Piwigo Uploader</em>. From your computer, pLoader prepares your photos and transfer them to your Piwigo photo gallery.']='pLoader is kort vir <em>Piwigo Uploader</em>. pLoader berei fotos voor op jou rekenaar en dra dit oor na jou Piwigo fotogallery.';
$lang['photos candidates for metadata synchronization']='foto kandidate vir metadata sinchronisasie';
$lang['photos informations synchronized with files metadata']='foto inligting gesinchroniseerd met lêer metadata';
$lang['reduce to single existing albums']='verminder na enkel bestaande albums';