2008-10-19 21:02:47 +00:00
{ if isset ( $errors ) }
<div class="errors">
{ foreach from = $errors item = error }
<li> { $error } </li>
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $infos ) }
<div class="infos">
{ foreach from = $infos item = info }
<li> { $info } </li>
{ /foreach }
{ /if }
2008-07-14 21:42:40 +00:00
<div id="imageHeaderBar">
<div class="browsePath">
2010-03-02 14:54:22 +00:00
<a href=" { $U_HOME } " rel="Home"> { 'Home' | @ translate } </a>
2008-10-19 21:02:47 +00:00
{ if ! $IS_HOME } { $LEVEL_SEPARATOR } { $SECTION_TITLE } { /if }
2008-07-14 21:42:40 +00:00
{ $LEVEL_SEPARATOR } { $current.TITLE }
2008-10-19 21:02:47 +00:00
<div class="imageNumber"> { $PHOTO } </div>
<h2> { $current.TITLE } </h2>
2008-07-14 21:42:40 +00:00
{ if ! empty ( $PLUGIN_PICTURE_BEFORE ) } { $PLUGIN_PICTURE_BEFORE } { /if }
<div id="imageToolBar">
2010-12-14 06:45:52 +00:00
<div class="actionButtons">
{ if isset ( $U_SLIDESHOW_START ) }
<a href=" { $U_SLIDESHOW_START } " title=" { 'slideshow' | @ translate } " class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow">
<span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-slideshow"> </span><span class="pwg-button-text"> { 'slideshow' | @ translate } </span>
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $U_SLIDESHOW_STOP ) }
<a href=" { $U_SLIDESHOW_STOP } " title=" { 'stop the slideshow' | @ translate } " class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow">
<span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-slideshow"> </span><span class="pwg-button-text"> { 'stop the slideshow' | @ translate } </span>
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $U_METADATA ) }
<a href=" { $U_METADATA } " title=" { 'Show file metadata' | @ translate } " class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow">
<span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-camera-info"> </span><span class="pwg-button-text"> { 'Show file metadata' | @ translate } </span>
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $current.U_DOWNLOAD ) }
2011-12-01 21:02:52 +00:00
<a href=" { $current.U_DOWNLOAD } " title=" { 'Download this file' | @ translate } " class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow">
<span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-save"> </span><span class="pwg-button-text"> { 'Download' | @ translate } </span>
2010-12-14 06:45:52 +00:00
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $favorite ) }
2011-01-14 21:19:15 +00:00
<a href=" { $favorite.U_FAVORITE } " title=" { if $favorite.IS_FAVORITE } { 'delete this photo from your favorites' | @ translate } { else } { 'add this photo to your favorites' | @ translate } { /if } " class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow">
2010-12-14 06:45:52 +00:00
<span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-favorite- { if $favorite.IS_FAVORITE } del { else } add { /if } "> </span><span class="pwg-button-text"> { 'Favorites' | @ translate } </span>
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $U_SET_AS_REPRESENTATIVE ) }
<a href=" { $U_SET_AS_REPRESENTATIVE } " title=" { 'set as category representative' | @ translate } " class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow">
<span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-representative"> </span><span class="pwg-button-text"> { 'representative' | @ translate } </span>
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $U_ADMIN ) }
<a href=" { $U_ADMIN } " title=" { 'Modify information' | @ translate } " class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow">
2011-12-01 04:51:13 +00:00
<span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-edit"> </span><span class="pwg-button-text"> { 'Edit' | @ translate } </span>
2010-12-14 06:45:52 +00:00
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $U_CADDIE ) } { *caddie management BEGIN* }
2008-10-19 21:02:47 +00:00
<script type="text/javascript">
{ literal } function addToCadie(aElement, rootUrl, id)
if (aElement.disabled) return;
2010-12-14 06:45:52 +00:00
2008-10-19 21:02:47 +00:00
var y = new PwgWS(rootUrl);
2010-12-14 06:45:52 +00:00
"pwg.caddie.add", { image_id : id } ,
onFailure: function(num, text) { alert ( num + " " + text ) ; document . location = aElement . href ; } ,
onSuccess: function(result) { aElement . disabled = false ; }
2008-10-19 21:02:47 +00:00
} { /literal }
2011-12-01 04:51:13 +00:00
<a href=" { $U_CADDIE } " onclick="addToCadie(this, ' { $ROOT_URL | @ escape : 'javascript' } ', { $current.id } ); return false;" title=" { 'Add to caddie' | @ translate } " class="pwg-state-default pwg-button" rel="nofollow">
<span class="pwg-icon pwg-icon-caddie-add"> </span><span class="pwg-button-text"> { 'Caddie' | @ translate } </span>
2010-12-14 06:45:52 +00:00
{ /if } { *caddie management END* }
2008-10-19 21:02:47 +00:00
{ include file = 'picture_nav_buttons.tpl' | @ get_extent : 'picture_nav_buttons' }
2008-07-14 21:42:40 +00:00
</div> <!-- imageToolBar -->
2012-01-14 10:21:10 +00:00
<div id="theImage">
2008-07-14 21:42:40 +00:00
2008-10-19 21:02:47 +00:00
{ if isset ( $COMMENT_IMG ) }
<p> { $COMMENT_IMG } </p>
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $U_SLIDESHOW_STOP ) }
2010-03-02 14:54:22 +00:00
[ <a href=" { $U_SLIDESHOW_STOP } "> { 'stop the slideshow' | @ translate } </a> ]
2008-10-19 21:02:47 +00:00
{ /if }
2008-07-14 21:42:40 +00:00
{ if isset ( $previous ) }
2010-03-02 14:54:22 +00:00
<a class="navThumb" id="linkPrev" href=" { $previous.U_IMG } " title=" { 'Previous' | @ translate } : { $previous.TITLE } " rel="prev">
2008-08-20 00:35:22 +00:00
<img src=" { $previous.THUMB_SRC } " alt=" { $previous.TITLE } ">
2008-07-14 21:42:40 +00:00
{ /if }
{ if isset ( $next ) }
2010-03-02 14:54:22 +00:00
<a class="navThumb" id="linkNext" href=" { $next.U_IMG } " title=" { 'Next' | @ translate } : { $next.TITLE } " rel="next">
2008-08-20 00:35:22 +00:00
<img src=" { $next.THUMB_SRC } " alt=" { $next.TITLE } ">
2008-07-14 21:42:40 +00:00
{ /if }
2009-03-09 19:41:45 +00:00
{ if ! empty ( $PLUGIN_PICTURE_AFTER ) } { $PLUGIN_PICTURE_AFTER } { /if }