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// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Piwigo - a PHP based photo gallery |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright(C) 2008-2011 Piwigo Team http://piwigo.org |
// | Copyright(C) 2003-2008 PhpWebGallery Team http://phpwebgallery.net |
// | Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Pierrick LE GALL http://le-gall.net/pierrick |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
// | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
// | the Free Software Foundation |
// | |
// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
// | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
// | General Public License for more details. |
// | |
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
// | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software |
// | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, |
// | USA. |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
$lang['%d album including'] = '%d album vsebuje';
$lang['%d album moved'] = '%d album je bil premaknjen';
$lang['%d albums including'] = '%d albumov vsebuje';
$lang['%d albums moved'] = '%d albumov je bilo premaknjenih';
$lang['%d anomalies have been detected corrected.'] = '%d anomalij je bilo zaznanih in odpravljenih.';
$lang['%d anomalies have been detected.'] = '%d anomalij je bilo zaznanih.';
$lang['%d anomalies have been ignored.'] = '%d anomalij je bilo ignoriranih.';
$lang['%d anomalies have not been corrected.'] = '%d anomalij ni bilo odpravljenih.';
$lang['%d anomaly has been corrected.'] = '%d anomalija je bila odpravljena.';
$lang['%d anomaly has been detected.'] = '%d anomalija je bila zaznana.';
$lang['%d anomaly has been ignored.'] = '%d anomalija je bila ignorirana.';
$lang['%d anomaly has not been corrected.'] = '%d anomalija ni bila odpravljena.';
$lang['%d association'] = '%d asocijacija';
$lang['%d associations'] = '%d asocijacij';
$lang['%d group'] = '%d skupina';
$lang['%d groups'] = '%d skupine';
$lang['%d guest'] = '%d gost';
$lang['%d guests'] = '%d gostov';
$lang['%d line filtered'] = '%d vrstica filtrirana';
$lang['%d lines filtered'] = '%d vrstic filtriranih';
$lang['ACCESS_0'] = 'Prosti dostop';
$lang['ACCESS_1'] = 'Dsotop do vsega';
$lang['ACCESS_2'] = 'Dostop za registrirane uporabnike';
$lang['ACCESS_3'] = 'Dostop za administratorje';
$lang['ACCESS_4'] = 'Dostop za spletne skrbnike';
$lang['ACCESS_5'] = 'Brez dostopa';
$lang['Action'] = 'Akcija';
$lang['Actions'] = 'Akcije';
$lang['Activate field "%s"'] = 'Aktiviraj polje "%s"';
$lang['Activate icon "%s"'] = 'Aktiviraj ikono "%s"';
$lang['Activate Navigation Bar'] = 'Aktiviraj navigacijsko vrstico';
$lang['Activate Navigation Thumbnails'] = 'Aktiviraj navigacijo za predoglede';
$lang['Activate'] = 'Aktiviraj';
$lang['Activate icon "new" next to albums and pictures'] = 'Aktiviraj ikono "novo" poleg albumov in slik';
$lang['Active Languages'] = 'Aktiviraj jezike';
$lang['Active Plugins'] = 'Aktiviraj ';
$lang['Active Themes'] = 'Aktiviraj teme';
$lang['Add a criteria'] = 'Dodaj kriterij';
$lang['Add a filter'] = 'Dodaj filter';
$lang['Add a tag'] = 'Dodaj znacko';
$lang['clean'] = 'pobri<72>i';
$lang['Comments for all'] = 'Komentarji za vse';
$lang['Comments'] = 'Komentarji';
$lang['Compact'] = 'Stisnjeno';
$lang['Complete'] = 'Zakljuceno';
$lang['Complementary mail content'] = 'Komplementarna vsebina po<70>te';
$lang['Configuration'] = 'Konfiguracija';
$lang['confirm'] = 'potrdi';
$lang['Continue processing treatment'] = 'Nadaljuj z obdelavo';
$lang['Correction applied with error'] = 'Popravek name<6D>cen z napako';
$lang['Correction applied with success'] = 'Popravek uspe<70>no name<6D>cen';
$lang['Correction the anomaly will cancel the fact that it\'s ignored'] = 'Odpravljene anomalije ne bodo vec ignorirane.';
$lang['Correction'] = 'Popravek';
$lang['create a new album'] = 'ustvari nov album';
$lang['Create a new site : (give its URL to create_listing_file.php)'] = 'Ustvari novo stran : (URL naj ka<6B>e na create_listing_file.php)';
$lang['Create the "%s" directory at the root of your Piwigo installation'] = 'Ustvari imenik "%s" v korenu Piwigo in<69>talacije.';
$lang['Create this site'] = 'Ustvari stran';