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// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Piwigo - a PHP based photo gallery |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Copyright(C) 2008-2011 Piwigo Team http://piwigo.org |
// | Copyright(C) 2003-2008 PhpWebGallery Team http://phpwebgallery.net |
// | Copyright(C) 2002-2003 Pierrick LE GALL http://le-gall.net/pierrick |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
// | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
// | the Free Software Foundation |
// | |
// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but |
// | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
// | General Public License for more details. |
// | |
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License |
// | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software |
// | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, |
// | USA. |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
* returns the list of categories as a HTML string
* categories string returned contains categories as given in the input
* array $cat_informations. $cat_informations array must be an array
* of array( id=>?, name=>?, permalink=>?). If url input parameter is null,
* returns only the categories name without links.
* @param array cat_informations
* @param string url
* @param boolean replace_space
* @return string
function get_cat_display_name($cat_informations,
$url = '',
$replace_space = true)
global $conf;
//$output = '<a href="'.get_absolute_root_url().$conf['home_page'].'">'.l10n('Home').'</a>';
$output = '';
foreach ($cat_informations as $cat)
is_array($cat) or trigger_error(
'get_cat_display_name wrong type for category ', E_USER_WARNING
$cat['name'] = trigger_event(
if ($is_first)
$output.= $conf['level_separator'];
if ( !isset($url) )
$output.= $cat['name'];
elseif ($url == '')
$output.= '<a href="'
'category' => $cat,
$output.= $cat['name'].'</a>';
$output.= '<a href="'.PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$url.$cat['id'].'">';
$output.= $cat['name'].'</a>';
if ($replace_space)
return replace_space($output);
return $output;
* returns the list of categories as a HTML string, with cache of names
* categories string returned contains categories as given in the input
* array $cat_informations. $uppercats is the list of category ids to
* display in the right order. If url input parameter is empty, returns only
* the categories name without links.
* @param string uppercats
* @param string url
* @param boolean replace_space
* @return string
function get_cat_display_name_cache($uppercats,
$url = '',
$replace_space = true,
$single_link = false,
$link_class = null)
global $cache, $conf;
if (!isset($cache['cat_names']))
$query = '
SELECT id, name, permalink
$cache['cat_names'] = hash_from_query($query, 'id');
$output = '';
if ($single_link)
$single_url = get_root_url().$url.array_pop(explode(',', $uppercats));
$output.= '<a href="'.$single_url.'"';
if (isset($link_class))
$output.= ' class="'.$link_class.'"';
$output.= '>';
$is_first = true;
foreach (explode(',', $uppercats) as $category_id)
$cat = $cache['cat_names'][$category_id];
$cat['name'] = trigger_event(
if ($is_first)
$is_first = false;
$output.= $conf['level_separator'];
if ( !isset($url) or $single_link )
$output.= $cat['name'];
elseif ($url == '')
$output.= '
<a href="'
'category' => $cat,
$output.= '
<a href="'.PHPWG_ROOT_PATH.$url.$category_id.'">'.$cat['name'].'</a>';
if ($single_link and isset($single_url))
$output.= '</a>';
if ($replace_space)
return replace_space($output);
return $output;
* returns HTMLized comment contents retrieved from database
* newlines becomes br tags, _word_ becomes underline, /word/ becomes
* italic, *word* becomes bolded
* @param string content
* @return string
function render_comment_content($content)
$content = htmlspecialchars($content);
$pattern = '/(https?:\/\/\S*)/';
$replacement = '<a href="$1" rel="nofollow">$1</a>';
$content = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $content);
$content = nl2br($content);
// replace _word_ by an underlined word
$pattern = '/\b_(\S*)_\b/';
$replacement = '<span style="text-decoration:underline;">$1</span>';
$content = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $content);
// replace *word* by a bolded word
$pattern = '/\b\*(\S*)\*\b/';
$replacement = '<span style="font-weight:bold;">$1</span>';
$content = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $content);
// replace /word/ by an italic word
$pattern = "/\/(\S*)\/(\s)/";
$replacement = '<span style="font-style:italic;">$1$2</span>';
$content = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $content);
return $content;
function get_cat_display_name_from_id($cat_id,
$url = '',
$replace_space = true)
$cat_info = get_cat_info($cat_id);
return get_cat_display_name($cat_info['upper_names'], $url, $replace_space);
* Returns an HTML list of tags. It can be a multi select field or a list of
* checkboxes.
* @param string HTML field name
* @param array selected tag ids
* @return array
function get_html_tag_selection(
$selecteds = array(),
$forbidden_categories = null
global $conf;
if (count ($tags) == 0 )
return '';
$output = '<ul class="tagSelection">';
foreach ($tags as $tag)
.'<input type="checkbox" name="'.$fieldname.'[]"'
.' value="'.$tag['id'].'"'
if (in_array($tag['id'], $selecteds))
$output.= ' checked="checked"';
'> '
$output.= '</ul>';
return $output;
function name_compare($a, $b)
return strcmp(strtolower($a['name']), strtolower($b['name']));
function tag_alpha_compare($a, $b)
return strcmp(strtolower($a['url_name']), strtolower($b['url_name']));
* exits the current script (either exit or redirect)
function access_denied()
global $user;
$login_url =
if ( isset($user) and !is_a_guest() )
echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">';
echo '<div style="text-align:center;">'.l10n('You are not authorized to access the requested page').'<br>';
echo '<a href="'.get_root_url().'identification.php">'.l10n('Identification').'</a>&nbsp;';
echo '<a href="'.make_index_url().'">'.l10n('Home').'</a></div>';
echo str_repeat( ' ', 512); //IE6 doesn't error output if below a size
* exits the current script with 403 code
* @param string msg a message to display
* @param string alternate_url redirect to this url
function page_forbidden($msg, $alternate_url=null)
if ($alternate_url==null)
$alternate_url = make_index_url();
redirect_html( $alternate_url,
'<div style="text-align:left; margin-left:5em;margin-bottom:5em;">
<h1 style="text-align:left; font-size:36px;">Forbidden</h1><br>'
5 );
* exits the current script with 400 code
* @param string msg a message to display
* @param string alternate_url redirect to this url
function bad_request($msg, $alternate_url=null)
if ($alternate_url==null)
$alternate_url = make_index_url();
redirect_html( $alternate_url,
'<div style="text-align:left; margin-left:5em;margin-bottom:5em;">
<h1 style="text-align:left; font-size:36px;">Bad request</h1><br>'
5 );
* exits the current script with 404 code when a page cannot be found
* @param string msg a message to display
* @param string alternate_url redirect to this url
function page_not_found($msg, $alternate_url=null)
if ($alternate_url==null)
$alternate_url = make_index_url();
redirect_html( $alternate_url,
'<div style="text-align:left; margin-left:5em;margin-bottom:5em;">
<h1 style="text-align:left; font-size:36px;">Page not found</h1><br>'
5 );
* exits the current script with 500 http code
* this method can be called at any time (does not use template/language/user etc...)
* @param string msg a message to display
function fatal_error($msg, $title=null, $show_trace=true)
if (empty($title))
$title = 'Piwigo encountered a non recoverable error';
$btrace_msg = '';
if ($show_trace and function_exists('debug_backtrace'))
$bt = debug_backtrace();
for ($i=1; $i<count($bt); $i++)
$class = isset($bt[$i]['class']) ? (@$bt[$i]['class'].'::') : '';
$btrace_msg .= "#$i\t".$class.@$bt[$i]['function'].' '.@$bt[$i]['file']."(".@$bt[$i]['line'].")\n";
$btrace_msg = trim($btrace_msg);
$msg .= "\n";
$display = "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
<pre style='font-size:larger;background:white;color:red;padding:1em;margin:0;clear:both;display:block;width:auto;height:auto;overflow:auto'>
echo $display.str_repeat( ' ', 300); //IE6 doesn't error output if below a size
if ( function_exists('ini_set') )
{// if possible turn off error display (we display it)
ini_set('display_errors', false);
error_reporting( E_ALL );
trigger_error( strip_tags($msg).$btrace_msg, E_USER_ERROR );
die(0); // just in case
/* returns the title to be displayed above thumbnails on tag page
function get_tags_content_title()
global $page;
$title = count($page['tags']) > 1 ? l10n('Tag') : l10n('Tag');
$title.= ' ';
for ($i=0; $i<count($page['tags']); $i++)
$title.= $i>0 ? ' + ' : '';
'<a href="'
'tags' => array( $page['tags'][$i] )
.'" title="'
.l10n('display photos linked to this tag')
.trigger_event('render_tag_name', $page['tags'][$i]['name'])
$remove_url = null;
if (count($page['tags']) == 1)
$remove_url = get_root_url().'tags.php';
$other_tags = $page['tags'];
$remove_url = make_index_url(
'tags' => $other_tags
'<a href="'.$remove_url.'" style="border:none;" title="'
.l10n('remove this tag from the list')
.'"><img src="'
.'" alt="x" style="vertical-align:bottom;" class="button">'
return $title;
Sets the http status header (200,401,...)
function set_status_header($code, $text='')
if (empty($text))
switch ($code)
case 200: $text='OK';break;
case 301: $text='Moved permanently';break;
case 302: $text='Moved temporarily';break;
case 304: $text='Not modified';break;
case 400: $text='Bad request';break;
case 401: $text='Authorization required';break;
case 403: $text='Forbidden';break;
case 404: $text='Not found';break;
case 500: $text='Server error';break;
case 501: $text='Not implemented';break;
case 503: $text='Service unavailable';break;
$protocol = $_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"];
if ( ('HTTP/1.1' != $protocol) && ('HTTP/1.0' != $protocol) )
$protocol = 'HTTP/1.0';
header( "$protocol $code $text", true, $code );
trigger_action('set_status_header', $code, $text);
/** returns the category comment for rendering in html textual mode (subcatify)
* this is an event handler. don't call directly
function render_category_literal_description($desc)
return strip_tags($desc, '<span><p><a><br><b><i><small><big><strong><em>');
/*event handler for menu*/
function register_default_menubar_blocks( $menu_ref_arr )
$menu = & $menu_ref_arr[0];
if ($menu->get_id() != 'menubar')
$menu->register_block( new RegisteredBlock( 'mbLinks', 'Links', 'piwigo'));
$menu->register_block( new RegisteredBlock( 'mbCategories', 'Albums', 'piwigo'));
$menu->register_block( new RegisteredBlock( 'mbTags', 'Related tags', 'piwigo'));
$menu->register_block( new RegisteredBlock( 'mbSpecials', 'Specials', 'piwigo'));
$menu->register_block( new RegisteredBlock( 'mbMenu', 'Menu', 'piwigo'));
$menu->register_block( new RegisteredBlock( 'mbIdentification', 'Identification', 'piwigo') );