Theupgradeassistantthinksyouarecurrentlyrunninga<strong>release%s</strong>(orequivalent).']="This page proposes to upgrade your database corresponding to your old version of Piwigo to the current version.
$lang['Perform a maintenance check in [Administration>Specials>Maintenance] if you encounter any problem.']="Perform a maintenance check in [Administration>Specials>Maintenance] if you encounter any problem.";
$lang['As a precaution, following plugins have been deactivated. You must check for plugins upgrade before reactiving them:']="As a precaution, following plugins have been deactivated. You must check for plugins upgrade before reactiving them:";
$lang['Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.']="Only administrator can run upgrade: please sign in below.";
$lang['You do not have access rights to run upgrade']="You do not have access rights to run upgrade";
$lang['In <i>include/</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:']="In <i>include/</i>, before <b>?></b>, insert:";
$lang['All sub-categories of private categories become private']="All sub-categories of private categories become private";
$lang['User permissions and group permissions have been erased']="User permissions and group permissions have been erased";
$lang['Only thumbnails prefix and webmaster mail address have been saved from previous configuration']="Only thumbnails prefix and webmaster mail address have been saved from previous configuration";