2013-11-05 19:23:29 +00:00
< ? php
2008 - 08 - 10 Fixed CSS comment stripping regex to add PCRE_DOTALL ( changed from '/\/\*.*\*\//U' to '/\/\*.*\*\//sU' )
2008 - 08 - 18 Added lines instructing DOMDocument to attempt to normalize HTML before processing
2008 - 10 - 20 Fixed bug with bad variable name ... Thanks Thomas !
2008 - 03 - 02 Added licensing terms under the MIT License
Only remove unprocessable HTML tags if they exist in the array
2009 - 06 - 03 Normalize existing CSS ( style ) attributes in the HTML before we process the CSS .
Made it so that the display : none stripper doesn ' t require a trailing semi - colon .
2009 - 08 - 13 Added support for subset class values ( e . g . " p.class1.class2 " ) .
Added better protection for bad css attributes .
Fixed support for HTML entities .
2009 - 08 - 17 Fixed CSS selector processing so that selectors are processed by precedence / specificity , and not just in order .
2009 - 10 - 29 Fixed so that selectors appearing later in the CSS will have precedence over identical selectors appearing earlier .
2009 - 11 - 04 Explicitly declared static functions static to get rid of E_STRICT notices .
2010 - 05 - 18 Fixed bug where full url filenames with protocols wouldn 't get split improperly when we explode on ' : ' ... Thanks Mark !
Added two new attribute selectors
2010 - 06 - 16 Added static caching for less processing overhead in situations where multiple emogrification takes place
2010 - 07 - 26 Fixed bug where '0' values were getting discarded because of php ' s empty () function ... Thanks Scott !
2010 - 09 - 03 Added checks to invisible node removal to ensure that we don ' t try to remove non - existent child nodes of parents that have already been deleted
2011 - 04 - 08 Fixed errors in CSS -> XPath conversion for adjacent sibling selectors and id / class combinations ... Thanks Bob V .!
2011 - 06 - 08 Fixed an error where CSS @ media types weren ' t being parsed correctly ... Thanks Will W .!
2011 - 08 - 03 Fixed an error where an empty selector at the beginning of the CSS would cause a parse error on the next selector ... Thanks Alexei T .!
2011 - 10 - 13 Fully fixed a bug introduced in 2011 - 06 - 08 where selectors at the beginning of the CSS would be parsed incorrectly ... Thanks Thomas A .!
2011 - 10 - 26 Added an option to allow you to output emogrified code without extended characters being turned into HTML entities .
Moved static references to class attributes so they can be manipulated .
Added the ability to clear out the ( formerly ) static cache when CSS is reloaded .
2011 - 12 - 22 Fixed a bug that was overwriting existing inline styles from the original HTML ... Thanks Sagi L .!
2012 - 01 - 31 Fixed a bug that was introduced with the 2011 - 12 - 22 revision ... Thanks Sagi L . and M . Bąkowski !
Added extraction of < style > blocks within the HTML due to popular demand .
Added several new pseudo - selectors ( first - child , last - child , nth - child , and nth - of - type ) .
2012 - 02 - 07 Fixed some recent code introductions to use class constants rather than global constants .
Fixed some recent code introductions to make it cleaner to read .
2012 - 05 - 01 Made removal of invisible nodes operate in a case - insensitive manner ... Thanks Juha P .!
2013 - 10 - 10 Add preserveStyleTag option
2014-01-27 18:05:04 +00:00
2014 - 01 - 26 PHP 5.5 compatibility ( / e modifier is deprecated in preg_replace )
2013-11-05 19:23:29 +00:00
define ( 'CACHE_CSS' , 0 );
define ( 'CACHE_SELECTOR' , 1 );
define ( 'CACHE_XPATH' , 2 );
class Emogrifier {
// for calculating nth-of-type and nth-child selectors
const INDEX = 0 ;
const MULTIPLIER = 1 ;
private $html = '' ;
private $css = '' ;
private $unprocessableHTMLTags = array ( 'wbr' );
private $caches = array ();
// this attribute applies to the case where you want to preserve your original text encoding.
// by default, emogrifier translates your text into HTML entities for two reasons:
// 1. because of client incompatibilities, it is better practice to send out HTML entities rather than unicode over email
// 2. it translates any illegal XML characters that DOMDocument cannot work with
// if you would like to preserve your original encoding, set this attribute to true.
public $preserveEncoding = false ;
// by default, emogrifier removes <style> tags, set preserveStyleTag to true to keep them
public $preserveStyleTag = false ;
public function __construct ( $html = '' , $css = '' ) {
$this -> html = $html ;
$this -> css = $css ;
$this -> clearCache ();
public function setHTML ( $html = '' ) { $this -> html = $html ; }
public function setCSS ( $css = '' ) {
$this -> css = $css ;
$this -> clearCache ( CACHE_CSS );
public function clearCache ( $key = null ) {
if ( ! is_null ( $key )) {
if ( isset ( $this -> caches [ $key ])) $this -> caches [ $key ] = array ();
} else {
$this -> caches = array (
CACHE_CSS => array (),
CACHE_SELECTOR => array (),
CACHE_XPATH => array (),
// there are some HTML tags that DOMDocument cannot process, and will throw an error if it encounters them.
// in particular, DOMDocument will complain if you try to use HTML5 tags in an XHTML document.
// these functions allow you to add/remove them if necessary.
// it only strips them from the code (does not remove actual nodes).
public function addUnprocessableHTMLTag ( $tag ) { $this -> unprocessableHTMLTags [] = $tag ; }
public function removeUnprocessableHTMLTag ( $tag ) {
if (( $key = array_search ( $tag , $this -> unprocessableHTMLTags )) !== false )
unset ( $this -> unprocessableHTMLTags [ $key ]);
// applies the CSS you submit to the html you submit. places the css inline
public function emogrify () {
$body = $this -> html ;
// remove any unprocessable HTML tags (tags that DOMDocument cannot parse; this includes wbr and many new HTML5 tags)
if ( count ( $this -> unprocessableHTMLTags )) {
$unprocessableHTMLTags = implode ( '|' , $this -> unprocessableHTMLTags );
$body = preg_replace ( " /< \ /?( $unprocessableHTMLTags )[^>]*>/i " , '' , $body );
$encoding = mb_detect_encoding ( $body );
$body = mb_convert_encoding ( $body , 'HTML-ENTITIES' , $encoding );
$xmldoc = new DOMDocument ;
$xmldoc -> encoding = $encoding ;
$xmldoc -> strictErrorChecking = false ;
$xmldoc -> formatOutput = true ;
$xmldoc -> loadHTML ( $body );
$xmldoc -> normalizeDocument ();
$xpath = new DOMXPath ( $xmldoc );
// before be begin processing the CSS file, parse the document and normalize all existing CSS attributes (changes 'DISPLAY: none' to 'display: none');
// we wouldn't have to do this if DOMXPath supported XPath 2.0.
// also store a reference of nodes with existing inline styles so we don't overwrite them
$vistedNodes = $vistedNodeRef = array ();
$nodes = @ $xpath -> query ( '//*[@style]' );
foreach ( $nodes as $node ) {
2014-01-27 18:05:04 +00:00
$normalizedOrigStyle = preg_replace_callback ( '/[A-z\-]+(?=\:)/S' , create_function ( '$m' , 'return strtolower($m[0]);' ), $node -> getAttribute ( 'style' ));
2013-11-05 19:23:29 +00:00
// in order to not overwrite existing style attributes in the HTML, we have to save the original HTML styles
$nodeKey = md5 ( $node -> getNodePath ());
if ( ! isset ( $vistedNodeRef [ $nodeKey ])) {
$vistedNodeRef [ $nodeKey ] = $this -> cssStyleDefinitionToArray ( $normalizedOrigStyle );
$vistedNodes [ $nodeKey ] = $node ;
$node -> setAttribute ( 'style' , $normalizedOrigStyle );
// grab any existing style blocks from the html and append them to the existing CSS
// (these blocks should be appended so as to have precedence over conflicting styles in the existing CSS)
$css = $this -> css ;
$nodes = @ $xpath -> query ( '//style' );
foreach ( $nodes as $node ) {
// append the css
$css .= " \n \n { $node -> nodeValue } " ;
// remove the <style> node
if ( ! $this -> preserveStyleTag ) {
$node -> parentNode -> removeChild ( $node );
// filter the CSS
$search = array (
'/\/\*.*\*\//sU' , // get rid of css comment code
'/^\s*@import\s[^;]+;/misU' , // strip out any import directives
'/^\s*@media\s[^{]+{\s*}/misU' , // strip any empty media enclosures
'/^\s*@media\s+((aural|braille|embossed|handheld|print|projection|speech|tty|tv)\s*,*\s*)+{.*}\s*}/misU' , // strip out all media types that are not 'screen' or 'all' (these don't apply to email)
'/^\s*@media\s[^{]+{(.*})\s*}/misU' , // get rid of remaining media type enclosures
$replace = array (
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'' ,
'\\1' ,
$css = preg_replace ( $search , $replace , $css );
$csskey = md5 ( $css );
if ( ! isset ( $this -> caches [ CACHE_CSS ][ $csskey ])) {
// process the CSS file for selectors and definitions
preg_match_all ( '/(^|[^{}])\s*([^{]+){([^}]*)}/mis' , $css , $matches , PREG_SET_ORDER );
$all_selectors = array ();
foreach ( $matches as $key => $selectorString ) {
// if there is a blank definition, skip
if ( ! strlen ( trim ( $selectorString [ 3 ]))) continue ;
// else split by commas and duplicate attributes so we can sort by selector precedence
$selectors = explode ( ',' , $selectorString [ 2 ]);
foreach ( $selectors as $selector ) {
// don't process pseudo-elements and behavioral (dynamic) pseudo-classes; ONLY allow structural pseudo-classes
if ( strpos ( $selector , ':' ) !== false && ! preg_match ( '/:\S+\-(child|type)\(/i' , $selector )) continue ;
$all_selectors [] = array ( 'selector' => trim ( $selector ),
'attributes' => trim ( $selectorString [ 3 ]),
'line' => $key , // keep track of where it appears in the file, since order is important
// now sort the selectors by precedence
usort ( $all_selectors , array ( $this , 'sortBySelectorPrecedence' ));
$this -> caches [ CACHE_CSS ][ $csskey ] = $all_selectors ;
foreach ( $this -> caches [ CACHE_CSS ][ $csskey ] as $value ) {
// query the body for the xpath selector
$nodes = $xpath -> query ( $this -> translateCSStoXpath ( trim ( $value [ 'selector' ])));
foreach ( $nodes as $node ) {
// if it has a style attribute, get it, process it, and append (overwrite) new stuff
if ( $node -> hasAttribute ( 'style' )) {
// break it up into an associative array
$oldStyleArr = $this -> cssStyleDefinitionToArray ( $node -> getAttribute ( 'style' ));
$newStyleArr = $this -> cssStyleDefinitionToArray ( $value [ 'attributes' ]);
// new styles overwrite the old styles (not technically accurate, but close enough)
$combinedArr = array_merge ( $oldStyleArr , $newStyleArr );
$style = '' ;
foreach ( $combinedArr as $k => $v ) $style .= ( strtolower ( $k ) . ':' . $v . ';' );
} else {
// otherwise create a new style
$style = trim ( $value [ 'attributes' ]);
$node -> setAttribute ( 'style' , $style );
// now iterate through the nodes that contained inline styles in the original HTML
foreach ( $vistedNodeRef as $nodeKey => $origStyleArr ) {
$node = $vistedNodes [ $nodeKey ];
$currStyleArr = $this -> cssStyleDefinitionToArray ( $node -> getAttribute ( 'style' ));
$combinedArr = array_merge ( $currStyleArr , $origStyleArr );
$style = '' ;
foreach ( $combinedArr as $k => $v ) $style .= ( strtolower ( $k ) . ':' . $v . ';' );
$node -> setAttribute ( 'style' , $style );
// This removes styles from your email that contain display:none.
// We need to look for display:none, but we need to do a case-insensitive search. Since DOMDocument only supports XPath 1.0,
// lower-case() isn't available to us. We've thus far only set attributes to lowercase, not attribute values. Consequently, we need
// to translate() the letters that would be in 'NONE' ("NOE") to lowercase.
$nodes = $xpath -> query ( '//*[contains(translate(translate(@style," ",""),"NOE","noe"),"display:none")]' );
// The checks on parentNode and is_callable below ensure that if we've deleted the parent node,
// we don't try to call removeChild on a nonexistent child node
if ( $nodes -> length > 0 )
foreach ( $nodes as $node )
if ( $node -> parentNode && is_callable ( array ( $node -> parentNode , 'removeChild' )))
$node -> parentNode -> removeChild ( $node );
if ( $this -> preserveEncoding ) {
return mb_convert_encoding ( $xmldoc -> saveHTML (), $encoding , 'HTML-ENTITIES' );
} else {
return $xmldoc -> saveHTML ();
private function sortBySelectorPrecedence ( $a , $b ) {
$precedenceA = $this -> getCSSSelectorPrecedence ( $a [ 'selector' ]);
$precedenceB = $this -> getCSSSelectorPrecedence ( $b [ 'selector' ]);
// we want these sorted ascendingly so selectors with lesser precedence get processed first and
// selectors with greater precedence get sorted last
return ( $precedenceA == $precedenceB ) ? ( $a [ 'line' ] < $b [ 'line' ] ? - 1 : 1 ) : ( $precedenceA < $precedenceB ? - 1 : 1 );
private function getCSSSelectorPrecedence ( $selector ) {
$selectorkey = md5 ( $selector );
if ( ! isset ( $this -> caches [ CACHE_SELECTOR ][ $selectorkey ])) {
$precedence = 0 ;
$value = 100 ;
$search = array ( '\#' , '\.' , '' ); // ids: worth 100, classes: worth 10, elements: worth 1
foreach ( $search as $s ) {
if ( trim ( $selector == '' )) break ;
$num = 0 ;
$selector = preg_replace ( '/' . $s . '\w+/' , '' , $selector , - 1 , $num );
$precedence += ( $value * $num );
$value /= 10 ;
$this -> caches [ CACHE_SELECTOR ][ $selectorkey ] = $precedence ;
return $this -> caches [ CACHE_SELECTOR ][ $selectorkey ];
// right now we support all CSS 1 selectors and most CSS2/3 selectors.
// http://plasmasturm.org/log/444/
private function translateCSStoXpath ( $css_selector ) {
$css_selector = trim ( $css_selector );
$xpathkey = md5 ( $css_selector );
if ( ! isset ( $this -> caches [ CACHE_XPATH ][ $xpathkey ])) {
// returns an Xpath selector
$search = array (
'/\s+>\s+/' , // Matches any element that is a child of parent.
'/\s+\+\s+/' , // Matches any element that is an adjacent sibling.
'/\s+/' , // Matches any element that is a descendant of an parent element element.
'/([^\/]+):first-child/i' , // first-child pseudo-selector
'/([^\/]+):last-child/i' , // last-child pseudo-selector
'/(\w)\[(\w+)\]/' , // Matches element with attribute
'/(\w)\[(\w+)\=[\'"]?(\w+)[\'"]?\]/' , // Matches element with EXACT attribute
$replace = array (
'/' ,
'/following-sibling::*[1]/self::' ,
'//' ,
'*[1]/self::\\1' ,
'*[last()]/self::\\1' ,
'\\1[@\\2]' ,
'\\1[@\\2="\\3"]' ,
$css_selector = '//' . preg_replace ( $search , $replace , $css_selector );
2014-01-27 18:05:04 +00:00
// matches ids and classes
$css_selector = preg_replace_callback ( '/(\w+)?\#([\w\-]+)/' , array ( $this , 'matchIdAttributes' ), $css_selector );
$css_selector = preg_replace_callback ( '/(\w+|[\*\]])?((\.[\w\-]+)+)/' , array ( $this , 'matchClassAttributes' ), $css_selector );
2013-11-05 19:23:29 +00:00
// advanced selectors are going to require a bit more advanced emogrification
// if we required PHP 5.3 we could do this with closures
$css_selector = preg_replace_callback ( '/([^\/]+):nth-child\(\s*(odd|even|[+\-]?\d|[+\-]?\d?n(\s*[+\-]\s*\d)?)\s*\)/i' , array ( $this , 'translateNthChild' ), $css_selector );
$css_selector = preg_replace_callback ( '/([^\/]+):nth-of-type\(\s*(odd|even|[+\-]?\d|[+\-]?\d?n(\s*[+\-]\s*\d)?)\s*\)/i' , array ( $this , 'translateNthOfType' ), $css_selector );
$this -> caches [ CACHE_SELECTOR ][ $xpathkey ] = $css_selector ;
return $this -> caches [ CACHE_SELECTOR ][ $xpathkey ];
2014-01-27 18:05:04 +00:00
private function matchIdAttributes ( $m ) {
return ( strlen ( $m [ 1 ]) ? $m [ 1 ] : '*' ) . '[@id="' . $m [ 2 ] . '"]' ;
private function matchClassAttributes ( $m ) {
return ( strlen ( $m [ 1 ]) ? $m [ 1 ] : '*' ) . '[contains(concat(" ",@class," "),concat(" ","' . implode ( '"," "))][contains(concat(" ",@class," "),concat(" ","' , explode ( '.' , substr ( $m [ 2 ], 1 ))) . '"," "))]' ;
2013-11-05 19:23:29 +00:00
private function translateNthChild ( $match ) {
$result = $this -> parseNth ( $match );
if ( isset ( $result [ self :: MULTIPLIER ])) {
if ( $result [ self :: MULTIPLIER ] < 0 ) {
$result [ self :: MULTIPLIER ] = abs ( $result [ self :: MULTIPLIER ]);
return sprintf ( " *[(last() - position()) mod %u = %u]/self::%s " , $result [ self :: MULTIPLIER ], $result [ self :: INDEX ], $match [ 1 ]);
} else {
return sprintf ( " *[position() mod %u = %u]/self::%s " , $result [ self :: MULTIPLIER ], $result [ self :: INDEX ], $match [ 1 ]);
} else {
return sprintf ( " *[%u]/self::%s " , $result [ self :: INDEX ], $match [ 1 ]);
private function translateNthOfType ( $match ) {
$result = $this -> parseNth ( $match );
if ( isset ( $result [ self :: MULTIPLIER ])) {
if ( $result [ self :: MULTIPLIER ] < 0 ) {
$result [ self :: MULTIPLIER ] = abs ( $result [ self :: MULTIPLIER ]);
return sprintf ( " %s[(last() - position()) mod %u = %u] " , $match [ 1 ], $result [ self :: MULTIPLIER ], $result [ self :: INDEX ]);
} else {
return sprintf ( " %s[position() mod %u = %u] " , $match [ 1 ], $result [ self :: MULTIPLIER ], $result [ self :: INDEX ]);
} else {
return sprintf ( " %s[%u] " , $match [ 1 ], $result [ self :: INDEX ]);
private function parseNth ( $match ) {
if ( in_array ( strtolower ( $match [ 2 ]), array ( 'even' , 'odd' ))) {
$index = strtolower ( $match [ 2 ]) == 'even' ? 0 : 1 ;
return array ( self :: MULTIPLIER => 2 , self :: INDEX => $index );
// if there is a multiplier
} else if ( stripos ( $match [ 2 ], 'n' ) === false ) {
$index = intval ( str_replace ( ' ' , '' , $match [ 2 ]));
return array ( self :: INDEX => $index );
} else {
if ( isset ( $match [ 3 ])) {
$multiple_term = str_replace ( $match [ 3 ], '' , $match [ 2 ]);
$index = intval ( str_replace ( ' ' , '' , $match [ 3 ]));
} else {
$multiple_term = $match [ 2 ];
$index = 0 ;
$multiplier = str_ireplace ( 'n' , '' , $multiple_term );
if ( ! strlen ( $multiplier )) $multiplier = 1 ;
elseif ( $multiplier == 0 ) return array ( self :: INDEX => $index );
else $multiplier = intval ( $multiplier );
while ( $index < 0 ) $index += abs ( $multiplier );
return array ( self :: MULTIPLIER => $multiplier , self :: INDEX => $index );
private function cssStyleDefinitionToArray ( $style ) {
$definitions = explode ( ';' , $style );
$retArr = array ();
foreach ( $definitions as $def ) {
if ( empty ( $def ) || strpos ( $def , ':' ) === false ) continue ;
list ( $key , $value ) = explode ( ':' , $def , 2 );
if ( empty ( $key ) || strlen ( trim ( $value )) === 0 ) continue ;
$retArr [ trim ( $key )] = trim ( $value );
return $retArr ;