2007-06-06 02:38:32 +02:00
# KTouch
# Keybord layout file
# Encoding: UTF-8 (save as UTF-8 from editor)
# Edit this file with tabs set to 8 characters.
# Refer to file en.keyboard for details.
2007-10-17 22:49:00 +02:00
# FingerKey: These keys are the keys where the fingers rest.
# Unicode KeyText x y
FingerKey 117 U 18 20
FingerKey 105 I 28 20
FingerKey 97 A 38 20
FingerKey 101 E 48 20
2008-04-27 08:31:28 +02:00
2007-10-17 22:49:00 +02:00
FingerKey 110 N 78 20
FingerKey 114 R 88 20
FingerKey 116 T 98 20
FingerKey 100 D 108 20
# ControlKey: These are modifier or additional (unused) keys.
# Unicode KeyText x y Width Height
ControlKey 260 Tab 0 10 15 10
ControlKey 13 Enter 138 10 12 20
2008-04-21 10:01:21 +02:00
ControlKey 257 Umschalt 123 30 27 10
2008-03-09 22:27:28 +01:00
ControlKey 264 M4 100 40 15 10
2007-10-17 22:49:00 +02:00
ControlKey 265 Strg 135 40 15 10
2008-01-31 20:56:34 +01:00
ControlKey 263 Alt 25 40 15 10
2007-10-17 22:49:00 +02:00
ControlKey 262 Strg 0 40 15 10
2008-01-31 20:56:34 +01:00
ControlKey 32 Leertaste 40 40 60 10
2008-04-21 10:01:21 +02:00
ControlKey 258 Umschalt 0 30 13 10
2007-10-17 22:49:00 +02:00
ControlKey 259 M3 0 20 18 10
2008-04-21 10:01:21 +02:00
ControlKey 8 Rück 130 0 20 10
2007-10-17 22:49:00 +02:00
# formerly (with qwertz) normal keys
ControlKey 266 M3 128 20 10 10
2008-03-09 22:27:28 +01:00
ControlKey 267 M4 13 30 10 10
2007-10-17 22:49:00 +02:00
# NormalKey: These keys are the keys that are visible on the keyboard. To
# get the character (unicod) you don't have to press anything else
# but the key. The FingerKey unicode number tells the program
# which finger has to be moved to press this key.
# Unicode KeyText x y FingerKey
NormalKey 770 ^ 0 0 117
NormalKey 49 1 10 0 117
NormalKey 50 2 20 0 117
NormalKey 51 3 30 0 105
NormalKey 52 4 40 0 97
NormalKey 53 5 50 0 101
NormalKey 54 6 60 0 101
NormalKey 55 7 70 0 110
NormalKey 56 8 80 0 110
NormalKey 57 9 90 0 114
NormalKey 48 0 100 0 116
NormalKey 45 - 110 0 100 # redundant
NormalKey 769 ´ 120 0 100
2008-04-27 08:31:28 +02:00
NormalKey 120 x 15 10 117
NormalKey 118 v 25 10 105
NormalKey 108 l 35 10 97
NormalKey 99 c 45 10 101
NormalKey 119 w 55 10 101
NormalKey 107 k 65 10 110
NormalKey 104 h 75 10 110
NormalKey 103 g 85 10 114
NormalKey 102 f 95 10 116
NormalKey 113 q 105 10 100
2007-10-17 22:49:00 +02:00
NormalKey 223 ß 115 10 100
NormalKey 771 ~ 125 10 100
2008-04-27 08:31:28 +02:00
NormalKey 111 o 58 20 101
NormalKey 115 s 68 20 110
NormalKey 121 y 118 20 100
NormalKey 252 ü 23 30 117
NormalKey 246 ö 33 30 105
NormalKey 228 ä 43 30 97
NormalKey 112 p 53 30 101
NormalKey 122 z 63 30 101
NormalKey 98 b 73 30 110
NormalKey 109 m 83 30 110
2007-10-17 22:49:00 +02:00
NormalKey 44 , 93 30 114
NormalKey 46 . 103 30 116
2008-04-27 08:31:28 +02:00
NormalKey 106 j 113 30 100
2007-10-17 22:49:00 +02:00
# HiddenKey: These are actually not "hidden" keys as such, but the characters
# that are obtained by pressing a key and a certain modifier key.
# Define the character via its unicode and then also
# the unicode for the base character on the key to be pressed.
# Also define the character/key of the finger that needs to
# press the key and the modifier key that needs to be highlighted.
# NEO-Layer 2
# Unicode Target Finger Modifier
HiddenKey 780 770 117 257 #ˇ
HiddenKey 176 49 117 257 #°
HiddenKey 8470 50 117 257 #№
HiddenKey 167 51 105 257 #§
HiddenKey 187 52 97 257 #»
HiddenKey 171 53 101 257 #«
2008-04-27 08:31:28 +02:00
HiddenKey 8364 54 101 257 #€
HiddenKey 36 55 110 258 #$ redundant
HiddenKey 8222 56 110 258 #„
2007-10-17 22:49:00 +02:00
HiddenKey 8220 57 114 258 #“
HiddenKey 8221 48 116 258 #”
HiddenKey 8211 45 100 258 #–
2008-04-27 08:31:28 +02:00
#HiddenKey 768 769 100 258 #` redundant
2007-10-17 22:49:00 +02:00
HiddenKey 88 120 117 257 #X
HiddenKey 86 118 105 257 #V
HiddenKey 76 108 97 257 #L
HiddenKey 67 99 101 257 #C
HiddenKey 87 119 101 257 #W
HiddenKey 75 107 110 258 #K
HiddenKey 72 104 110 258 #H
HiddenKey 71 103 114 258 #G
HiddenKey 70 102 116 258 #F
HiddenKey 81 113 100 258 #Q
HiddenKey 7838 223 100 258 #ẞ
HiddenKey 772 771 100 258 #¯
HiddenKey 85 117 117 257 #U
HiddenKey 73 105 105 257 #I
HiddenKey 65 97 97 257 #A
HiddenKey 69 101 101 257 #E
HiddenKey 79 111 101 257 #O
HiddenKey 83 115 110 258 #S
HiddenKey 78 110 110 258 #N
HiddenKey 82 114 114 258 #R
HiddenKey 84 116 116 258 #T
HiddenKey 68 100 100 258 #D
HiddenKey 89 121 100 258 #Y
HiddenKey 220 252 117 257 #Ü
HiddenKey 214 246 105 257 #Ö
HiddenKey 196 228 97 257 #Ä
HiddenKey 80 112 101 257 #P
HiddenKey 90 122 101 257 #Z
HiddenKey 66 98 110 258 #B
HiddenKey 77 109 110 258 #M
2008-04-27 08:31:28 +02:00
HiddenKey 8942 44 114 258 #⋮
2007-10-17 22:49:00 +02:00
HiddenKey 8230 46 116 258 #…
HiddenKey 74 106 100 258 #J
# NEO-Layer 3
# Unicode Target Finger Modifier
HiddenKey 774 770 117 266 #˘
HiddenKey 185 49 117 266 #¹
HiddenKey 178 50 117 266 #²
HiddenKey 179 51 105 266 #³
HiddenKey 8250 52 97 266 #›
HiddenKey 8249 53 101 266 #‹
2008-04-27 08:31:28 +02:00
HiddenKey 162 54 101 266 #¢
HiddenKey 165 55 110 259 #¥
2007-10-17 22:49:00 +02:00
HiddenKey 8218 56 110 259 #‚
HiddenKey 8216 57 114 259 #‘
HiddenKey 8217 48 116 259 #’
HiddenKey 8212 45 100 259 #—
HiddenKey 807 769 100 259 #¸
HiddenKey 95 118 105 266 #_
HiddenKey 91 108 97 266 #[
HiddenKey 93 99 101 266 #]
HiddenKey 94 119 101 266 #^
HiddenKey 33 107 110 259 #!
HiddenKey 60 104 110 259 #<
HiddenKey 62 103 114 259 #>
HiddenKey 61 102 116 259 #=
HiddenKey 38 113 100 259 #&
HiddenKey 383 223 100 259 #ſ
2008-04-27 08:31:28 +02:00
#HiddenKey 776 771 100 259 #¨ redundant
2007-10-17 22:49:00 +02:00
HiddenKey 92 117 117 266 #\
HiddenKey 47 105 105 266 #/
HiddenKey 123 97 97 266 #{
HiddenKey 125 101 101 266 #}
HiddenKey 42 111 101 266 #*
HiddenKey 63 115 110 259 #?
HiddenKey 40 110 110 259 #(
HiddenKey 41 114 114 259 #)
#HiddenKey 45 116 116 259 #- redundant
HiddenKey 58 100 100 259 #:
2008-04-27 08:31:28 +02:00
HiddenKey 64 121 100 259 #@
2007-10-17 22:49:00 +02:00
HiddenKey 35 252 117 266 ##
#HiddenKey 36 246 105 266 #$ redundant
HiddenKey 124 228 97 266 #|
HiddenKey 126 112 101 266 #~
2008-04-27 08:31:28 +02:00
HiddenKey 96 122 101 266 #` redundant
2007-10-17 22:49:00 +02:00
HiddenKey 43 98 110 259 #+
HiddenKey 37 109 110 259 #%
2008-04-27 08:31:28 +02:00
HiddenKey 34 44 114 259 #" redundant
HiddenKey 39 46 116 259 #'
2007-10-17 22:49:00 +02:00
HiddenKey 59 106 100 259 #;