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# Getops 2.3b
# $Id: getops.tcl,v 1.18 2003/03/26 00:19:30 wcc Exp $
# This script is used for bots to request and give ops to each other.
# For this to work, you'll need:
# - Bots must be linked in a botnet
# - Every bot that should be ops on your channels must load this script
# - Add all bots you wanna op with this one using the .+bot nick address
# command. The "nick" should be exactly the botnet-nick of the other bot
# - Add the hostmasks that uniquely identify this bot on IRC
# - Add a global or channel +o flag on all bots to be opped
# - Do exactly the same on all other bots
# The security of this relies on the fact that the bot which wants to have
# ops must be 1) linked to the current botnet (which requires a password),
# 2) have an entry with +o on the bot that he wants ops from and 3) must match
# the hostmask that is stored on each bots userfile (so it is good to keep the
# hostmasks up-to-date).
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 2.3c by PPSlim <ppslim@ntlworld.com>
# - Small fix on timer hanlding.
# Not list formatted, allowing command parsing of channel name
# 2.3b by gregul <unknown>
# - small fix in getbot
# 2.3a by guppy <guppy@eggheads.org>
# - fix for bind need
# 2.3 by guppy <guppy@eggheads.org>
# - minor cleanup to use some 1.6 tcl functions
# - use bind need over need-op, need-invite, etc ...
# 2.2g by poptix <poptix@poptix.net>
# - Fabian's 2.2e broke the script, fixed.
# 2.2f by Eule <eule@berlin.snafu.de>
# - removed key work-around added in 2.2d as eggdrop now handles this
# correctly.
# 2.2e by Fabian <fknittel@gmx.de>
# - added support for !channels (so-called ID-channels), using chandname2name
# functions. This makes it eggdrop 1.5+ specific.
# 2.2d by brainsick <brnsck@mail.earthlink.net>
# - Undernet now handles keys differently. It no longer gives the key on a
# join, but instead gives it on an op, but eggdrop doesn't check for this.
# getops-2.2d should now handle this correctly. (This should be the final
# fix to the key problems.)
# 2.2c by Progfou (Jean Christophe ANDRE <progfou@rumiko.info.unicaen.fr>)
# - changed "Requested" to "Requesting" as it was a little confusing
# - corrected the "I am not on chan..." problem with key request
# (thanks to Kram |FL| and Gael for reporting it)
# - removed more unnecessary check
# 2.2b by Progfou (Jean Christophe ANDRE <progfou@rumiko.info.unicaen.fr>)
# - removed global +o in unknown bot test
# - removed unnecessary checks due to previous unknown bot test
# 2.2a by Progfou (Jean Christophe ANDRE <progfou@rumiko.info.unicaen.fr>)
# - removed Polish language!
# 2.2 by Cron (Arkadiusz Miskiewicz <misiek@zsz2.starachowice.pl>)
# - works good (tested on eggdrop 1.3.11)
# - asks from unknown (and bots without +bo) are ignored
# - all messages in Polish language
# - better response from script to users
# - fixed several bugs
# 2.1 by Ernst
# - asks for ops right after joining the channel: no wait anymore
# - sets "need-op/need-invite/etc" config right after joining dynamic channels
# - fixed "You aren't +o" being replied when other bot isn't even on channel
# - better response from bots, in case something went wrong
# (for example if bot is not recognized (hostmask) when asking for ops)
# - removed several no-more-used variables
# - added the information and description above
# 2.0.1 by beldin (1.3.x ONLY version)
# - actually, iso needed to be modded for 1.3 :P, and validchan is builtin
# and I'll tidy a couple of functions up to
# 2.0 by DarkDruid
# - It'll work with dynamic channels(dan is a dork for making it not..)
# - It will also only ask one bot at a time for ops so there won't be any more
# annoying mode floods, and it's more secure that way
# - I also took that annoying wallop and resynch stuff out :P
# - And I guess this will with with 1.3.x too
# Previously by The_O, dtM.
# Original incarnation by poptix (poptix@poptix.net)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# [0/1] do you want GetOps to notice when some unknown (unauthorized) bot
# sends request to your bot
set go_bot_unknown 1
# [0/1] do you want your bot to request to be unbanned if it becomes banned?
set go_bot_unban 1
# [0/1] do you want GetOps to notice the channel if there are no ops?
set go_cycle 0
# set this to the notice txt for the above (go_cycle)
set go_cycle_msg "Please part the channel so the bots can cycle!"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
set bns ""
proc gain_entrance {what chan} {
global botnick botname go_bot_unban go_cycle go_cycle_msg bns
switch -exact $what {
"limit" {
foreach bs [lbots] {
putbot $bs "gop limit $chan $botnick"
putlog "GetOps: Requesting limit raise from $bs on $chan."
"invite" {
foreach bs [lbots] {
putbot $bs "gop invite $chan $botnick"
putlog "GetOps: Requesting invite from $bs for $chan."
"unban" {
if {$go_bot_unban} {
foreach bs [lbots] {
putbot $bs "gop unban $chan $botname"
putlog "GetOps: Requesting unban on $chan from $bs."
"key" {
foreach bs [lbots] {
putbot $bs "gop key $chan $botnick"
putlog "GetOps: Requesting key on $chan from $bs."
"op" {
if {[hasops $chan]} {
set bot [getbot $chan]
if {$bot == ""} {
set bns ""
set bot [getbot $chan]
lappend bns "$bot"
if {$bot != ""} {
putbot $bot "gop op $chan $botnick"
putlog "GetOps: Requesting ops from $bot on $chan"
} {
if {$go_cycle} {
putserv "NOTICE [chandname2name $chan] :$go_cycle_msg"
proc hasops {chan} {
foreach user [chanlist $chan] {
if {[isop $user $chan]} {
return 1
return 0
proc getbot {chan} {
global bns
foreach bn [bots] {
if {[lsearch $bns $bn] < 0} {
if {[matchattr $bn o|o $chan]} {
set nick [hand2nick $bn $chan]
if {[onchan $nick $chan] && [isop $nick $chan]} {
return $bn
proc botnet_request {bot com args} {
global go_bot_unban go_bot_unknown
set args [lindex $args 0]
set subcom [lindex $args 0]
set chan [string tolower [lindex $args 1]]
if {![validchan $chan]} {
putbot $bot "gop_resp I don't monitor $chan."
return 0
# Please note, 'chandname2name' will cause an error if it is not a valid channel
# Thus, we make sure $chan is a valid channel -before- using it. -poptix
set idchan [chandname2name $chan]
set nick [lindex $args 2]
if {$subcom != "takekey" && ![botonchan $chan]} {
putbot $bot "gop_resp I am not on $chan."
return 0
if {![matchattr $bot b]} {
if { $go_bot_unknown == 1} {
putlog "GetOps: Request ($subcom) from $bot - unknown bot (IGNORED)"
return 0
switch -exact $subcom {
"op" {
if {![onchan $nick $chan]} {
putbot $bot "gop_resp You are not on $chan for me."
return 1
set bothand [finduser $nick![getchanhost $nick $chan]]
if {$bothand == "*"} {
putlog "GetOps: $bot requested ops on $chan. Ident not recognized: $nick![getchanhost $nick $chan]."
putbot $bot "gop_resp I don't recognize you on IRC (your ident: $nick![getchanhost $nick $chan])"
return 1
if {[string tolower $bothand] == [string tolower $nick]} {
putlog "GetOps: $bot requested ops on $chan."
} {
putlog "GetOps: $bot requested ops as $nick on $chan."
if {[iso $nick $chan] && [matchattr $bothand b]} {
if {[botisop $chan]} {
if {![isop $nick $chan]} {
putlog "GetOps: $nick asked for op on $chan."
putbot $bot "gop_resp Opped $nick on $chan."
pushmode $chan +o $nick
} {
putbot $bot "gop_resp I am not +o on $chan."
} {
putbot $bot "gop_resp You aren't +o in my userlist for $chan, sorry."
return 1
"unban" {
if {$go_bot_unban} {
putlog "GetOps: $bot requested that I unban him on $chan."
foreach ban [chanbans $chan] {
if {[string compare $nick $ban]} {
set bug_1 [lindex $ban 0]
pushmode $chan -b $bug_1
return 1
} {
putlog "GetOps: Refused request to unban $bot ($nick) on $chan."
putbot $bot "gop_resp Sorry, not accepting unban requests."
"invite" {
putlog "GetOps: $bot asked for an invite to $chan."
putserv "invite $nick $idchan"
return 1
"limit" {
putlog "GetOps: $bot asked for a limit raise on $chan."
pushmode $chan +l [expr [llength [chanlist $chan]] + 1]
return 1
"key" {
putlog "GetOps: $bot requested the key on $chan."
if {[string match *k* [lindex [getchanmode $chan] 0]]} {
putbot $bot "gop takekey $chan [lindex [getchanmode $chan] 1]"
} {
putbot $bot "gop_resp There isn't a key on $chan!"
return 1
"takekey" {
putlog "GetOps: $bot gave me the key to $chan! ($nick)"
foreach channel [string tolower [channels]] {
if {$chan == $channel} {
if {$idchan != ""} {
putserv "JOIN $idchan $nick"
} else {
putserv "JOIN $channel $nick"
return 1
default {
putlog "GetOps: ALERT! $bot sent fake 'gop' message! ($subcom)"
proc gop_resp {bot com msg} {
putlog "GetOps: MSG from $bot: $msg"
return 1
proc lbots {} {
set unf ""
foreach users [userlist b] {
foreach bs [bots] {
if {$users == $bs} {
lappend unf $users
return $unf
# Returns list of bots in the botnet and +o in my userfile on that channel
proc lobots { channel } {
set unf ""
foreach users [userlist b] {
if {![matchattr $users o|o $channel]} { continue }
foreach bs [bots] {
if {$users == $bs} { lappend unf $users }
return $unf
proc iso {nick chan} {
return [matchattr [nick2hand $nick $chan] o|o $chan]
proc gop_need {chan type} {
# Use bind need over setting need-op, need-invite, etc ...
gain_entrance $type $chan
bind need - * gop_need
bind bot - gop botnet_request
bind bot - gop_resp gop_resp
bind join - * gop_join
proc requestop { chan } {
global botnick
set chan [string tolower $chan]
foreach thisbot [lobots $chan] {
# Send request to all, because the bot does not have the channel info yet
putbot $thisbot "gop op $chan $botnick"
lappend askedbot $thisbot
if {[info exist askedbot]} {
regsub -all " " $askedbot ", " askedbot
putlog "GetOps: Requested Ops from $askedbot on $chan."
} {
putlog "GetOps: No bots to ask for ops on $chan."
return 0
proc gop_join { nick uhost hand chan } {
if {[isbotnick $nick]} {
utimer 3 [list requestop $chan]
return 0
set getops_loaded 1
putlog "GetOps v2.3c loaded."