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#pisg.tcl v0.15 by HM2K - auto stats script for pisg (perl irc statistics generator)
#based on a script by Arganan
# If you use this script, PLEASE read the documentation about the "Silent"
# option. If you get the message "an error occured: Pisg v0.67 - perl irc
# statistics generator" in the channel, you are NOT running silent. Fix it.
set pisgver "0.15"
#Location of pisg execuitable perl script
set pisgexe "/home/eggdrop/eggdrop/pisg/pisg"
#URL of the generated stats
set pisgurl ""
#channel that the stats are generated for
set pisgchan "#mitsu_caht_runde"
#Users with these flags can operate this function
set pisgflags "nm"
#How often the stats will be updated in minutes, ie: 30 - stats will be updated every 30 minutes
set pisgtime "1440"
bind pub $pisgflags !stats pub:pisgcmd
proc pub:pisgcmd {nick host hand chan arg} {
global pisgexe pisgurl pisgchan
append out "PRIVMSG $pisgchan :" ; if {[catch {exec $pisgexe} error]} { append out "$pisgexe an error occured: [string totitle $error]" } else { append out "Stats Updated: $pisgurl" }
# puthelp $out
proc pisgcmd_timer {} {
global pisgexe pisgurl pisgchan pisgtime
append out "PRIVMSG $pisgchan :" ; if {[catch {exec $pisgexe} error]} { append out "$pisgexe an error occured: [string totitle $error]" } else { append out "Stats Updated: $pisgurl" }
# puthelp $out
timer $pisgtime pisgcmd_timer
if {![info exists {pisgset}]} {
set pisgset 1
timer 2 pisgcmd_timer
putlog "pisg.tcl $pisgver loaded"