Apache Tuscany SCA Native M3 build (March, 2007)
Tuscany is an effort undergoing incubation at the Apache Software Foundation
(ASF), sponsored by the Web Services PMC.
Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review
indicates that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process
have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects.
While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or
stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully
endorsed by the ASF.
Getting Started
Documentation describing the system requirements and the steps to install
Tuscany SCA C++ and run the samples can be found in the GettingStarted.html
About Tuscany SCA C++
Tuscany SCA C++ provides a runtime implementation for the for the Service
Component Architecture 0.96 Assembly specification and the 0.95 C++ Client
& Implementation Model specification, written in C++ and will currently
support C++, Python and Ruby component implementation types.
The specifications can be found at
It is possible to interoperate with Tuscany SCA Java via the Web Service
bindings for services and references but restrictions apply. This is not yet a
complete implementation and known restrictions are described below.
Supported SCA Assembly Model features
* All features are supported unless listed under the known restrictions
below. See SCA Assembly Model specification.
Supported language bindings
* Component implementations written in C++. See the SCA C++ Client and
Implementation Model specification.
* Component implementations written in Python. See the
doc/PythonExtension.html documentation.
* Component implementations written in Ruby. See the doc/RubyExtension.html
* Component interfaces described by C++ classes. See SCA Client and
Implementation Model specification.
Supported service and reference bindings
* The web service binding is supported. This implementation will support
web services which using document literal SOAP bindings conforming to the
WS-I basic profile (rpc/encoded is not yet supported).
* A REST binding is supported. This implementation supports HTTP calls using
a resource or RPC pattern depending on the use of a REST interface. See the
doc/RESTExtension.html documentation.
* A SCA binding is supported. This implementation uses the web services
binding to provide the "default" binding.
Known restrictions
* Local service interfaces cannot use overloaded operations (the SCA
specification limits remote service interfaces to not using overloaded
* Each WSDL definition for a web service binding must be in a single WSDL
* No load time validation of the deployed SCA application (run time
validation only).
* No metadata API.
* Components implemented in Python and Ruby are restricted to passing
simple types and language-specific XML objects as parameters and return
* Composites that use the Web Services, REST and SCA bindings are restricted
to transporting simple types and XML.
Thank you for using Tuscany!
The Tuscany Team.