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Using ant to build TuscanySDO Native
This guide shows how to build TuscanySDO Native with apache ant.
Traditionally TuscanySDO was compiled with automake, but we decided
it would be easier to maintain and more flexible if we switched to
ant. Above all, using ant will standardize the build system across
all platforms, obviating the need to support both automake and
microsoft VC projects. The ant build process is still in its beta
and will be formalized for Release M4. Currently the only item
remaining is to write an ant build file for the samples.
Required Software to build TuscanySDO Native with ant
Most Linux, Mac, and Windows systems come with Java
Java 1.4.2 or later
Ant comes installed with almost all Linux distributions
version 1.6 or later
Download: http://ant.apache.org/
version 1.0b3 or later
Download: http://ant-contrib.sourceforge.net/
antcontrib cpptasks.jar
version 1.0b4 or later
Download: http://ant-contrib.sourceforge.net/
Information: http://ant-contrib.sourceforge.net/cc.html
Installation Instructions
Make sure JAVA_HOME is set before starting.
Install ant according to http://ant.apache.org/manual/index.html.
Set the ANT_HOME variable to the directory where you install ant.
export ANT_HOME="/home/your/ant"
Add $ANT_HOME/bin to your path.
export PATH="${PATH}:${ANT_HOME}/bin"
The optional ant tasks included in antcontrib and cpptasks are needed to
compile Tuscany Native with ant. Additional ant tasks (antcontrib and cpptasks)
should be installed in $ANT_HOME/lib
So place the antcontrib and cpptasks jars there.
If you dont have write access to $ANT_HOME/lib, do the following:
- create ${user.home}/.ant/lib
- place the jars here
Typically its a good idea to avoid adding optional ant tasks to your classpath,
this can be problematic.
Since the antcontrib compiler adaptor for microsoft msvc 8 has several bugs, we've
written our own. Even though this compiler is for Windows, it is referenced in the
ant build scripts and thus needs to be added to the classpath even for Linux/Mac.
Add the TuscanyMSVC8DevStudioCCompiler jar to your classpath.
export CLASSPATH="${CLASSPATH}:/TuscanySourceDir/antscripts/TuscanyMSVC8DevStudioCCompiler.jar"
Make sure JAVA_HOME is set before starting.
Install ant according to http://ant.apache.org/manual/index.html.
Set the ANT_HOME variable to the directory where you install ant.
set ANT_HOME=c:\ant
Add %ANT_HOME%\bin to your path.
set PATH=%PATH%;%ANT_HOME%\bin
The optional ant tasks included in antcontrib and cpptasks are needed to
compile Tuscany Native with ant. Additional ant tasks (antcontrib and cpptasks)
should be installed in %ANT_HOME%\lib
So place the antcontrib and cpptasks jars there.
If you dont have write access to %ANT_HOME%\lib, do the following:
- create %user.home%\.ant\lib
- place the jars here
Typically its a good idea to avoid adding optional ant tasks to your classpath,
this can be problematic.
Since the antcontrib compiler adaptor for microsoft msvc 8 has several bugs, we've
written our own, namely TuscanyMSVC8DevStudioCCompiler. The Tuscany MSVC8 adaptor
just makes sure that the correct parameters are passed to the compiler.
Add the TuscanyMSVC8DevStudioCCompiler jar to your classpath.
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%:c:\TuscanySourceDir\antscripts\TuscanyMSVC8DevStudioCCompiler.jar
From the TuscanySDO Native root source directory, the entire application can be
compiled, linked, and installed by simply executing ant with no targets. This will
execute the default "all" target.
# ant
The ant build system will scan your environment variables and ant configuration file
and try to autoconfigure everything needed to build. The environment variables can be
overridden by the ant configuration file: antscripts/platform.properties. The only
configuration that is mandatory to build TuscanySDO Native is the location of libxml2.
To configure the location of libxml2, do one of the following:
export LIBXML2_LIB=/libxml2/lib/dir
export LIBXML2_INCLUDE=/libxml2/include/dir
-- OR --
edit antscripts/platform.properties
The platform.properties configuration always overrides environment variables.
See the CONFIGURATION section below for more information.
To compile in debug mode, add the following define to the ant command line or
edit the platform.properties file as seen in the CONFIGURATION section below.
# ant -Ddebug=true
The TuscanySDO Native ant build process is hierarchical. Currently there are
build scripts in the following locations, which can all be invoked from the
root TuscanySDO directory:
For a listing of public targets for any build.xml file, execute the following:
(display shown for the root src directory)
# ant -p
Buildfile: build.xml
Main targets:
all build and install all TuscanySdoNative source code and documentation
build Build all TuscanySdoNative source code and documentation
clean Clean all TuscanySdoNative compiled source code
install Install TuscanySdoNative libraries and headers
test Run SDO tests, not implemented yet
distribution Create a source and bin distribution structure
pack.distribution Pack the bin and source distribution into .zip and .tar.gz files. Also generates the .asc and .md5 files
Default target: all
Public targets are those that have descriptions and are usually the only ones needed for
compiling, installing and cleaning. For more avanced use, the private targets can be seen
by looking at the actual build.xml file.
To create a src and bin distribution of Tuscany SDO subproject, there must be set some properties on platform.properties files:
Property Required Example Description
-------- -------- ------- -----------
platform.public.key.path Yes "E:/gnupg/trustdb.gpg" The public key ring file path
platform.secret.key.path Yes "E:/gnupg/secring.gpg" The secret key ring file path
platform.key.id Yes "148CAFB2" The key id used to sign the distribution files
platform.tuscanySDO.distribution.dir NO "C:\distribution\" The folder where the distribution files will be generated, default=tuscanySDO.root.dir/distribution
platform.tuscanySDO.release.file.name NO "tuscany_das_native-1.0-incubator-M4-" The beginning of src and bin packed distribution file name, default="tuscany_cpp_das".
TUSCANY_DASCPP_RELEASE_NAME env var may be used as an alternative
Also is required the bcpg-jdk<latest_version>-<latest_version>.jar and
jce-jdk<latest_version>-<latest_version>.jar files defines on classpath.
Both can be found at http://www.bouncycastle.org/latest_releases.html
Use the "distribution" target to generate the src and bin distribution
file structure under platform.tuscanySDO.distribution.dir folder. Then
use the "pack.distribution" target to pack the bin and src distribution
folders as .zip and .tar.gz and generate their .asc and .md5 files. A
password must be set on the command line when using pack.distribution
target, this password is used to sign the packed distribution files with
the secret key defined on platform.secret.key.path
Make sure an 1.6 JRE version is set in your JAVA_HOME when signing the
ant distribution
// do whatever you want on the generated distribution files
ant pack.distribution -Dpassword="123456"
The following explains how to configure the TuscanySDO Native ant build system.
The build system is configured either by environment variables and/or by the
antscripts/platform.properties file. Some options can only be configured via the
platform.properties file. If an option can be configured in both places, the option
specified in the platform.properties file overrides the environment variable.
The TuscanySDO Native ant build system is capable of automatically configuring
everything except the location of the libxml2 library. All other configuration
options can be determined. (except of course the location of the optional 3rd-party
packages: axis2c)
From anywhere there is a TuscanySDO Native build.xml file, the current system
configuration can be displayed by executing the display.system ant target as
# ant display.system
Buildfile: build.xml
[echo] TuscanySDO paths
[echo] tuscanySDO.root.dir= /amd/homes/bjohnson/tuscany_svn_head/sdo
[echo] tuscanySDO.root.src.dir= /amd/homes/bjohnson/tuscany_svn_head/sdo/runtime
[echo] tuscanySDO.install.dir= /nfs/homes/bjohnson/tuscany_svn_head/sdo/deploy
[echo] sdo.impl.library.name= tuscany_sdo
[echo] sdo.impl.library.path= /nfs/homes/bjohnson/tuscany_svn_head/sdo/deploy/lib
[echo] sdo.impl.include.path= /amd/homes/bjohnson/tuscany_svn_head/sdo/runtime/core/src
[echo] tuscanySDO.library.version= '.0.0.0'
[echo] TuscanySDO compiler configuration
[echo] compiler.name= 'g++'
[echo] debug.compile= 'false'
[echo] lib.ext= '.so'
[echo] dll.ext= ''
[echo] lib.prefix= 'lib'
[echo] object.ext= '.o'
[echo] exe.ext= ''
[echo] script.ext= '.sh'
[echo] external.definitions.file= ''
[echo] libxml2 location
[echo] libxml2.lib.dir= /usr/lib
[echo] libxml2.include.dir= /usr/include/libxml2
[echo] axis2c location
[echo] axis2c.home.dir= /nfs/homes/bjohnson/3rdparty/axis2c-src-0.96/deploy
Total time: 0 seconds
Compilation configuration
The compilation options can all be determined by the ant build system by
examining the platform. The values can only be overriden by editing the
platform.properties file. Following is a list of the options and their
default values:
platform.lib.ext= (Defaults to ".so" for Unix and ".lib" for Windows)
platform.dll.ext= (Defaults to "" for Unix and ".dll" for Windows. Not used for Unix)
platform.exe.ext= (Defaults to "" for Unix and ".exe" for Windows)
platform.object.ext= (Defaults to ".o" for Unix and ".obj" for Windows)
platform.script.ext= (Defaults to ".sh" for Unix and ".bat" for Windows)
platform.compiler.name= (Defaults to "g++" for Unix and "msvc8" for Windows)
platform.debug.compile= (Defaults to "false" for both Unix and Windows)
To configure ant to use a compiler other than g++ or msvc, or to add your own
ant tasks/definitions, specify a path for the platform.external.definitions.file
and platform.compiler.name in the platform.properties configuration file. This
is especially useful for compiling on other platforms like AIX or Solaris.
Tuscany SDO installation path
The Tuscany SDO installation directory can be configured as follows:
export TUSCANY_SDOCPP=/tuscany/sdo/native/install/dir
-- OR --
edit antscripts/platform.properties
The Tuscany SDO installation directory defaults to:
3rd Party configuration
If not specified, then the values are left empty and the sdo_axiom library will not be compiled.
export AXIS2C_HOME=/axis2c/home/dir
-- OR --
edit antscripts/platform.properties
If not specified, then the the build will fail.
export LIBXML2_LIB=/libxml2/library/directory
export LIBXML2_INCLUDE=/libxml2/include/directory
-- OR --
edit antscripts/platform.properties