2013-01-03 07:41:02 +00:00

199 lines
6.3 KiB

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
/* $Rev$ $Date$ */
#ifndef tuscany_webservice_hpp
#define tuscany_webservice_hpp
* Web service invocation functions using Axis2.
#include "config.hpp"
// Ignore redundant declarations in Axiom headers
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wredundant-decls"
#include <axiom.h>
#include <axis2_client.h>
#include <axis2_module.h>
#include <axis2_addr_mod.h>
#include <axis2_conf_ctx.h>
#include <axis2_disp.h>
#include <axis2_http_out_transport_info.h>
#pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wredundant-decls"
#include "string.hpp"
#include "sstream.hpp"
#include "list.hpp"
#include "value.hpp"
#include "monad.hpp"
#include "../../modules/xml/xml.hpp"
namespace tuscany {
namespace webservice {
* Represents an Axis2 runtime context.
class Axis2Context {
Axis2Context() : env(axutil_env_create_all("axis2.log", AXIS2_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING)), owner(true) {
Axis2Context(const Axis2Context& ax) : env(ax.env), owner(false) {
Axis2Context& operator=(const Axis2Context& ax) = delete;
Axis2Context(const axutil_env_t* const env) : env(const_cast<axutil_env_t*>(env)), owner(false) {
~Axis2Context() {
if (!owner || env == NULL)
axutil_env_t* const env;
const bool owner;
friend const axutil_env_t* const env(const Axis2Context& ax);
const axutil_env_t* const env(const Axis2Context& ax) {
return ax.env;
* Return the latest Axis2 error in an Axis2 context.
const string axis2Error(const Axis2Context& ax) {
ostringstream os;
os << env(ax)->error->error_number << " : " << AXIS2_ERROR_GET_MESSAGE(env(ax)->error);
return str(os);
* Convert a string to an Axiom node.
const failable<axiom_node_t*> stringToAxiomNode(const string& s, const Axis2Context& ax) {
axiom_node_t* const node = axiom_node_create_from_buffer(env(ax), const_cast<axis2_char_t*>(c_str(s)));
if (node == NULL)
return mkfailure<axiom_node_t*>(string("Couldn't convert XML to Axiom node: ") + axis2Error(ax));
return node;
* Convert a list of values representing XML elements to an Axiom node.
const failable<axiom_node_t*> valuesToAxiomNode(const list<value>& l, const Axis2Context& ax) {
const failable<list<string> > xml = xml::writeElements(valuesToElements(l), false);
if (!hasContent(xml))
return mkfailure<axiom_node_t*>(xml);
ostringstream os;
write(content(xml), os);
return stringToAxiomNode(str(os), ax);
* Convert an axiom node to a string.
const failable<const string> axiomNodeToString(axiom_node_t* const node, const Axis2Context& ax) {
const char* const c = axiom_node_to_string(node, env(ax));
if (c == NULL)
return mkfailure<const string>(string("Couldn't convert Axiom node to XML: ") + axis2Error(ax));
const string s(c);
AXIS2_FREE(env(ax)->allocator, const_cast<char*>(c));
return s;
* Convert an axiom node to a list of values representing XML elements.
const failable<const list<value> > axiomNodeToValues(axiom_node_t* const node, const Axis2Context& ax) {
const failable<const string> s = axiomNodeToString(node, ax);
if (!hasContent(s))
return mkfailure<const list<value> >(s);
istringstream is(content(s));
const failable<const list<value> > l = content(xml::readElements(streamList(is)));
if (!hasContent(l))
return l;
return elementsToValues(content(l));
* Evaluate an expression in the form (soap-action-string, document, uri). Send the
* SOAP action and document to the Web Service at the given URI using Axis2.
const failable<value> evalExpr(const value& expr, const Axis2Context& ax) {
debug(expr, "webservice::evalExpr::input");
// Extract func name and single argument
const value func(car<value>(expr));
const list<value> param(cadr<value>(expr));
const value uri(caddr<value>(expr));
// Create Axis2 client
axis2_svc_client_t* const client = axis2_svc_client_create(env(ax), getenv("AXIS2C_HOME"));
if (client == NULL)
return mkfailure<value>("Couldn't create Axis2 client: " + axis2Error(ax));
axis2_endpoint_ref_t* const epr = axis2_endpoint_ref_create(env(ax), c_str(uri));
axis2_options_t* const opt = axis2_options_create(env(ax));
axis2_options_set_to(opt, env(ax), epr);
axis2_options_set_action(opt, env(ax), (const axis2_char_t*)c_str(func));
axis2_svc_client_set_options(client, env(ax), opt);
axis2_svc_client_engage_module(client, env(ax), AXIS2_MODULE_ADDRESSING);
// Construct request Axiom node
const failable<axiom_node_t*> req = valuesToAxiomNode(param, ax);
if (!hasContent(req))
return mkfailure<value>(req);
// Call the Web service
axiom_node_t* const res = axis2_svc_client_send_receive(client, env(ax), content(req));
if (res == NULL) {
axis2_svc_client_free(client, env(ax));
return mkfailure<value>("Couldn't invoke Axis2 service: " + axis2Error(ax));
// Parse result Axiom node
const failable<const list<value> > lval = axiomNodeToValues(res, ax);
if (!hasContent(lval))
return mkfailure<value>(lval);
const value rval = content(lval);
debug(rval, "webservice::evalExpr::result");
// Cleanup
axis2_svc_client_free(client, env(ax));
return rval;
#endif /* tuscany_webservice_hpp */