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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
/* $Rev$ $Date$ */
* SMTP client component implementation.
#define WANT_HTTPD_LOG 1
#include "string.hpp"
#include "function.hpp"
#include "list.hpp"
#include "value.hpp"
#include "monad.hpp"
#include "parallel.hpp"
#include "../../modules/http/http.hpp"
namespace tuscany {
namespace smtppost {
* Post/send an email message using SMTP.
const failable<value> post(const string& url, const string& user, const string& pass, const string& from, const string& to, const string& subject, const value& val, const http::CURLSession& cs) {
// Convert value to a content request
const failable<list<list<string> > > freq = http::contentRequest(val, url);
if (!hasContent(freq))
return mkfailure<value>(freq);
const list<list<string> > req = content(freq);
debug(req, "smtp::post::input");
// Setup the CURL session
const failable<CURL*> fch = http::setup(url, cs);
if (!hasContent(fch)) {
return mkfailure<value>(fch);
CURL* const ch = content(fch);
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_USE_SSL, (long)CURLUSESSL_ALL);
// Convert message to a string
ostringstream os;
os << "From: " << from << "\n";
os << "To: " << to << "\n";
os << "Subject: " << subject << "\n";
os << car(car(req)) << "\n\n";
write(cadr(req), os);
// Setup the read callbacks
http::CURLReadContext rcx(mklist(str(os)));
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, (size_t (*)(void*, size_t, size_t, void*))http::readCallback);
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_READDATA, &rcx);
// Setup the message properties
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_USERNAME, c_str(user));
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_PASSWORD, c_str(pass));
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_MAIL_FROM, c_str(from));
struct curl_slist* rcpt = curl_slist_append(NULL, c_str(to));
curl_easy_setopt(ch, CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT, rcpt);
// Perform the SMTP send
const CURLcode rc = curl_easy_perform(ch);
// Free the recipients
// Return the CURL return code or true
if (rc) {
return mkfailure<value>(string(curl_easy_strerror(rc)));
return trueValue;
* Evaluate an SMTP post/send.
const failable<value> get(const lvvlambda& url,
const lvvlambda& user, const lvvlambda& pass,
const lvvlambda& from, const lvvlambda& to,
const lvvlambda& subject, const lvvlambda& val,
const http::CURLSession& ch) {
const value u = url(mklist<value>("get", nilListValue));
const value i = user(mklist<value>("get", nilListValue));
const value p = pass(mklist<value>("get", nilListValue));
const value f = from(mklist<value>("get", nilListValue));
const value t = to(mklist<value>("get", nilListValue));
const value s = subject(mklist<value>("get", nilListValue));
const value v = val(mklist<value>("get", nilListValue));
debug(u, "smtppost::get::url");
debug(i, "smtppost::get::user");
debug(p, "smtppost::get::pass");
debug(f, "smtppost::get::from");
debug(t, "smtppost::get::to");
debug(s, "smtppost::get::subject");
debug(v, "smtppost::get::val");
return post(u, i, p, f, t, s, v, ch);
* Start the component.
const failable<value> start(const list<value>& params) {
// Create a CURL session
const gc_pool cp(gc_current_pool());
const lambda<const gc_ptr<http::CURLSession>()> newsession = [cp]() -> const gc_ptr<http::CURLSession> {
const gc_scoped_pool sp(pool(cp));
return new (gc_new<http::CURLSession>()) http::CURLSession(emptyString, emptyString, emptyString, emptyString, 0);
const perthread_ptr<http::CURLSession> ch = *(new (gc_new<perthread_ptr<http::CURLSession> >()) perthread_ptr<http::CURLSession>(newsession));
// Return the component implementation lambda function
const lvvlambda url = car(params);
const lvvlambda user = cadr(params);
const lvvlambda pass = caddr(params);
const lvvlambda from = cadddr(params);
const lvvlambda to = caddddr(params);
const lvvlambda subject = cadddddr(params);
const lvvlambda val = caddddddr(params);
const lvvlambda applysmtp = [url, user, pass, from, to, subject, val, ch](const list<value>& params) -> const value {
debug(params, "smtppost::applysmtp::params");
const value func(car(params));
if (func == "get")
return get(url, user, pass, from, to, subject, val, *ch);
return mkfailure<value>();
return value(applysmtp);
extern "C" {
const tuscany::value apply(const tuscany::list<tuscany::value>& params) {
const tuscany::value func(car(params));
if (func == "start")
return tuscany::smtppost::start(cdr(params));
return tuscany::mkfailure<tuscany::value>();