README for Tuscany/Geronimo Integration Demo
The demo application is built on top of the code from geronimo sandbox: (By Vamsi and Manu from Geronimo community, Thank you!).
The pre-built binary images can be found at:
1) Check out the Geronimo 2.0.0 branch from and run a top-down maven build
from the root.
a. The Geronimo 2.0 M6 is not good enough.
b. I was trying to build modules and assembilies but it failed.
2) Unzip the assemblies/target/geronimo-tomcat6-jee5-2.0-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz to a local folder (<geronimo-home> will be used below to
represent the home directory for geronimo).
3) Copy tuscany-binding-ejb-0.91-incubating.jar to overwrite
3.2) Copy tuscany-host-geronimo-1.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT.jar to overwrite
4) Start the Geronimo server (<geronimo-home>\bin\startup.bat)
5) Install the geronimo-tuscany-plugin:
deploy.bat install-plugin
6) Start the admin console (http://localhost:8080/console) or use deploy tool to:
a) Make sure org.apache.geronimo.configs/openejb-corba-deployer/2.0-SNAPSHOT/car is started. Look under System Modules in Admin Console.
b) Deploy sample-geronimo-bigbank.jar
c) Deploy sample-geronimo-ejbs.jar
d) Deploy sample-geronimo-webs.war
* If Geronimo complains that <geronimo-home>\var\catalina\work\bigbank folder is read only, change the attribute.
* If you want to use a different port other than 8080 for the web service, you need to a Tomcat HTTP connector for the new port.
7) Load the samples into your WTP(Eclipse)
Check out the three modules from
8) Run the demo
From the browser: http://localhost:8080/sample-geronimo-webs
Start the Web Service Explorer from inside WTP(Eclipse) to work with http://localhost:8080/bigbank/AccountService