Hello World JMS Service Sample
This sample demonstrates an SCA service that uses a JMS binding
The README in the samples directory (the directory above this) provides
general instructions about building and running samples. Take a look there
If you just want to run it to see what happens open a command prompt, navigate
to this sample directory and do:
ant run
OR if you don't have ant, on Windows do
java -cp ..\..\lib\tuscany-sca-manifest.jar;target\sample-helloworld-service-jms.jar helloworld.HelloWorldServer
and on *nix do
java -cp ../../lib/tuscany-sca-manifest.jar:target/sample-helloworld-service-jms.jar helloworld.HelloWorldServer
Now the server is started you can use the helloworld-reference-jms sample to
exercise it.
Sample Overview
The sample provides a single component that is wired to a service with a
JMS binding.
HelloWorldService.java - interface description for
HelloWorldImpl.java - component implementation
HelloWorldServer.java - starts the SCA Runtime and
deploys the helloworldjmsservice
.composite and then waits for the
service to be called via JMS
helloworldjmsservice.composite - the SCA assembly for this sample
HelloWorldJMSServerTestCase.java- JUnit test case
helloworld-service.png - a pictorial representation of the
sample .composite file
build.xml - the Ant build file
pom.xml - the Maven build file
Building And Running The Sample Using Ant
With the binary distribution the sample can be built and run using Ant using the
following commands
cd helloworld-service-jms
ant compile
ant run
You should see the following output from the run target.
[java] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.axiom.
[java] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
[java] HelloWorld server started (press enter to shutdown)
As this point the SCA service is exposed as a JMS service via ActiveMQ which is
started automatically by the SCA runtime. To stop the server just press
To exercise the service run up the helloworld-reference-jms sample. Take a look at
the README in that sample and you will see you need the following commands
cd helloworld-reference-jms
ant run
Building Sample Using Maven
With either the binary or source distributions the sample can be built
using Maven as follows.
cd helloworld-service-jms
You should see the following output
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 15 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Wed Jul 02 12:50:24 BST 2008
[INFO] Final Memory: 13M/51M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
This shows that the module has compiled successfully.