2008-06-17 00:23:01 +00:00
src Move Tuscany from Incubator to top level. 2008-06-17 00:23:01 +00:00
build.xml Move Tuscany from Incubator to top level. 2008-06-17 00:23:01 +00:00
pom.xml Move Tuscany from Incubator to top level. 2008-06-17 00:23:01 +00:00
README Move Tuscany from Incubator to top level. 2008-06-17 00:23:01 +00:00
simple-bigbank.png Move Tuscany from Incubator to top level. 2008-06-17 00:23:01 +00:00
simple-bigbank.svg Move Tuscany from Incubator to top level. 2008-06-17 00:23:01 +00:00

Calculator Sample
This sample implements a simple a version of the BigBank scenrio used in 
various places in the SCA specification documents. 

The README in the samples directory (the directory above this) provides 
general instructions about building and running samples. Take a look there 

If you just want to run it to see what happens open a command prompt, navigate
to this sample directory and do:

ant run

OR if you don't have ant, on Windows do

java -cp ..\..\lib\tuscany-sca-manifest.jar;target\sample-simple-bigbank.jar bigbank.client.BigBankClient

and on *nix do

java -cp ../../lib/tuscany-sca-manifest.jar:target/sample-simple-bigbank.jar bigbank.client.BigBankClient

Sample Overview
This sample demonstrates a simple bank summary transaction while using Java components wired together.
SCA default binding is used.
A request to the AccountComponent results in a request to the AccountDataComponent to get account data
which is based on a random stock quote price. Therefore result for this sample will vary on each run.

          account/                - AccountComponent implementation
          accountdata/            - AccountDataComponent implementation
          stockquote/             - generates random stock prices
          client/                 - starts the SCA Runtime and 
                                    deploys the BigBank.composite. 
                                    It then calls the deployed AccountService 
        Account.composite         - SCA assembly for this sample
        BigBank.composite         - SCA assembly for this sample
        StockQuote.composite      - SCA assembly for this sample
          BigBankTestCase.java    - JUnit test case 
  simple-bigbank.png              - a pictorial representation of the sample 
                                    .composite file
  build.xml                       - the Ant build file
  pom.xml                         - the Maven build file        

Building And Running The Sample Using Ant
With the binary distribution the sample can be built and run using Ant as 

cd simple-bigbank
ant compile
ant run

You should see the following output from the run target. 
** Please note that the balance amount is dependent on the random sotck quote price and the 
numbers may vary on each run.

     [java] Getting stock quote for: IBM, value: 104.06
     [java] Account summary: currency: USD, [ID:Foo_CHA12345, balance:1500.0, ID
:Foo_SAA12345, balance:1500.0, ID:Foo_STA12345, symbol:IBM, quantity:100, balanc

Building And Running The Sample Using Maven 
With either the binary or source distributions the sample can be built and run 
using Maven as follows. 

cd simple-bigbank

You should see the following output from the test phase.
** Please note that the balance amount is dependent on the random sotck quote price and the numbers may vary on each run.

 T E S T S
Running bigbank.BigBankTestCase
Getting stock quote for: IBM, value: 104.02
Account summary: currency: USD, [ID:Foo_CHA12345, balance:1500.0, ID:Foo_SAA1234
5, balance:1500.0, ID:Foo_STA12345, symbol:IBM, quantity:100, balance:10402.0]
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 1.502 sec

Results :

Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

This shows that the Junit test cases have run successfully.